#although i would love to see morticia in more than 2 episodes next season
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"I know we've had our difficulties lately, navigating the treacherous shoals of our mother-daughter relationship. But I'm always here for you, Wednesday. Always."
I really enjoyed their interactions! Juicy Mother/daughter tension is always a yes from me 
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fizzingwizard · 2 years
I stayed up till 5:30 am... and finished Wednesday. hey I'm on vacation i can do what i want lol
thoughts thoughts thoughts (spoilers of course)
I really, really liked the show... I liked it SO much... right up until the last episode.
Which, I gotta be honest, was a total let down. Shouldn't start with the negative first, but sorry, the wound is too fresh xD
The last episode was VERY Harry Potter. Not just because of the whole "her blood is the key" thing, or the Dead Principal thing, or the resurrection of the racist icon thing. All of a sudden, all the students in the school were so buddy-buddy, and so On Task. Everyone got a glib one-liner. Everyone got a chance to be "Cool" and have their "moment."
It was cliche. It went too fast. And then the thing with the necklace! I had completely forgotten about it - had we even seen it once since Morticia gave it to her? But conveniently it can also channel spirits and let them use magic healing powers. Not so farfetched when we consider Morticia is familiar with spirits, and as a powerful witch Goody Addams probably did have lots of healing magic. So I would totally let all that slide if the rest of the episode hadn't been such a bummer.
The boys, for instance. I went back and forth wondering if the monster was Xavier or Tyler (seemed pretty clear it'd be one of them). Each time I started liking one, the show gave me a reason to like the other - and if I liked him, he was probably the monster xP But what that means is, I LIKED BOTH OF THEM. Which means I really did NOT like Tyler ending up just some goon who was, I guess, faking everything he felt for Wednesday? I'm going to guess that that's not the case - that if we get a season 2, we'll find out more, that he and the monster are separate personalities for instance, as it seemed when he threatened Wednesday in the police station. So I hope we haven't seen the end of Tyler and he's redeemed, because he seems like a kid who really needs a break and it just sucks for him to end as some murderous monster. That's such a Marvel thing to do, treat characters like cannon fodder.
And speaking of cannon fodder, although I did enjoy episodes 1-7, I got to a point where the number of characters dying just seemed ridiculous. Game of Thrones gets away with it because it primes you to Love No One. But Wednesday was insisting that relationships are valuable. A story which values interpersonal relationships can't callously kill characters. The mayor dying was such a twist but it didn't really have much impact, even though his son is one of the characters. The therapist dying was messed up. The only way it made sense was if it made a serious impression on Wednesday. It didn't, despite the fact that the therapist seemed like a really good kind of person. I get that the angle was "Wednesday's blinded by her own dislike of the therapist and over-eager to crack the case." That's fine, it just wasn't felt enough, because Wednesday cared much more about being wrong than that the therapist was dead.
That's exactly why Thing being stabbed worked. The attacks which mattered the most happened to Thing and Eugene, as well as the failed attack on Tyler and Enid. Why, because Wednesday gives a damn about them, even if she won't admit it. And with Thing of course she did. So those other character killings were unnecessary.
I'm sure I've missed some things, or some things haven't been fully explained because they're set ups for the next seasons. But that's another issue: throughout the show they dropped so. many. clues. So many subplots and hints and connections. I honestly thought, by episode 7, that Goody Addams wouldn't show up again till the next season, because she'd been so underused that I didn't understand how they could fit her in with everything else. And I do think she'll continue to be relevant, even if Wednesday can no longer see her... she might have used the necklace as an opportunity to "possess" Wednesday in the future or something. But anyway, the point is there was so much going on in just seven episodes that it was just impossible for the eighth to be fulfilling. Like Gomez being accused of killing Gates, then it turning out to be Morticia, and then it turned out he was already dying of poison so the fact that he was also stabbed suddenly doesn't matter...? And a love triangle over Morticia, while totally believable, just felt weird when it was so serious instead of comedic...
Thornhill being the master sucks. It felt shoehorned in to make the Gates plot work - which itself felt like a frantic attempt to force a connection between the Gates family and Crackstone (or whatever). I did suspect her pretty much every time she showed up. Her being the Hyde's master isn't the problem - the fact that she went through a total personality change and because Stereotypical Evil Mastermind is.
And of course, Crackstone was just an awful villain. Typical evil baddie who just hates because he can. Don't even have much to say about him, it's just boring to think of.
And Weems! From the start, I liked her so much. I was interested to see whether she was on Wednesday's side because she was Morticia's friend, or despite being Morticia's enemy - or if she was in fact Wednesday's enemy as well. In the end, none of it matters! She's just dead. It's a magic world, so maybe the death won't stick. But they set her up as an interesting player early on with her mysterious shape-shifting into Rowan. At one point I thought she was the monster, and playing multiple roles, including that of the Mayor! Obviously I was way over-thinking it. She's just a principal. Like come on, she's a shape-shifter, use that!!
I expected the Addams family to show up again in the last episode. I expected the mother-daughter drama between Morticia and Wednesday to be a bigger deal. Also stuff that I'm sure will come up again in future seasons. The reason I'm bitter about it is because that stuff coming up NOW might have actually been interesting. I really am so disappointed that the final episode was just Battle of Hogwarts.
All that negativity aside - the reason I feel so strongly is because I loved the show so much until the end! I liked all the characters. I liked that they were building background and complexities for characters like Bianca. Some things did feel forced or confused, but that's okay because there's more time to iron out the details. The best episodes for me were the ones with Addams Family characters: the parents' weekend one, and Uncle Fester showing up. They brought the spooky and the kooky into the show which really helped because without a sympathetic person around, sometimes Wednesday felt less kooky and more just messed up. That's literally why Thing is involved from the beginning.
(Also, I fully expected Thing to be a piece of the mystery. The villain was collecting body parts. What is Thing? A body part. I was initially expecting that when Wednesday solved the murders, it would turn out that Thing was a remnant of someone who was killed decades earlier or even longer by a similar monster or some such. It's not my story so I don't get to call the shots but... felt like a missed opportunity lol)
I loved the dance episode. I loved Wednesday's Wednesday-ness. I didn't feel there was too much romance, so that's something. I loved Enid and wish we got more of her, especially with her cool Werewolf vs Hyde battle, which was the highlight of the last episode. It should have been way more important, imo. Enid should have been more important. The writers clearly knew that, that's why they made her decide to be Wednesday's roommate again without Wednesday even bothering to reach out first. That annoyed me. As much as I support independent Wednesday, she really needed to be the one to make the first move there.
Honestly I could go on and on about all the stuff I liked, if only there wasn't such a bad taste in my mouth after episode eight. XP Sorry to harp on this but it felt like it was written by completely different people who hadn't even seen the show.
What it reminded me of a little was Stranger Things. I was so hooked on the first season. I loved everything about it. Then season two came and the tone was a total departure. It went from horror to sci-fi. I like sci-fi, but I was expecting more horror. So I actually stopped watching. I've been told it's gotten good again, and I keep meaning to watch the rest. But that's what happens when you switch up the tone out of nowhere: people who were watching for that tone disappear.
Wednesday was great because it was quirky with a murder mystery vibe. I didn't expect the action and magic to become so incredibly important in the final episode. It's like the show up and switched genres on me.
I'll end with a few more positives: Wednesday herself is great. (My one issue: torturing Tyler. Yes, he was the monster. But before she figured out it was him, she thought it was Xavier. Would we give her a pass if she'd tied Xavier up and tortured him?? On the one hand, Wednesday is a girl who throws piranhas in the pool for vengeance, so I guess it isn't out of character! On the other hand, that bit was played for laughs. This time, the torture of Tyler, was serious. So it comes off differently. Wait a min, Fizz, you said you were gonna talk positives. *cough) Yeah, anyway, I loved Wednesday and am happy she didn't lose her Wednesday-ness because of falling in love and making friends. Her finale hug with Enid WAS a wonderful part of episode eight. I could forgive the ending a lot of issues because of that hug.
And the Addams family cast were great. Gomez in particular was a hit. Morticia was a little more iffy, but I think it's more due to her and Wednesday having more of a plot to deal with than getting to just be herself. Thing, Pugsley and Fester, loved them.
And like I said earlier, the rest of the characters were fun and promising. I was so happy Bianca didn't turn out a typical mean girl - I just wish she'd had more of a growing friendship story with Wednesday before suddenly becoming all nice with her. And I liked Eugene a lot.
The show just took on soooo much for just eight episodes. Despite that, it was fun almost the entire time. If only it hadn't tripped up so badly in the end. I really wanted to say I loved everything about it.
In sum, I'm not sure if Wednesday Addams deserved this, but... I'm still glad the show exists. xP If there's another season, I'm going to hope the victory of the first season makes the writing staff calm down a little lol and maybe season two's finale will be better balanced.
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