#but no real time is spent resolving it which is dumb
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"I know we've had our difficulties lately, navigating the treacherous shoals of our mother-daughter relationship. But I'm always here for you, Wednesday. Always."
I really enjoyed their interactions! Juicy Mother/daughter tension is always a yes from me 
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akane-kurokawa · 5 months
Chapter 147 thoughts!
Ruby not recognizing Kamiki is weird and disappointing tbh. The man looks literally just like Aqua, Akane spotted it at a glance. She’s been acting against Aqua pretending to be this man for months, it feels so contrived that she doesn’t recognize him.
Speaking of contrived, this entire conversation feels so out of no where? No one’s been talking about any of their thoughts this entire arc, but once Ruby steps out with (from her perspective) some stranger, she unloads everything on her mind.
Some of his responses are a bit interesting, I’m curious to learn more about his perspective, and how he feels about his children (especially since the writing keeps baiting the idea of Ruby being a future target) but I can’t get over how forced and out of place this whole scene is.
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This isn’t confirmation that he’s attempting on her life to me, solely because I REFUSE to think Kamiki is that dumb. In broad daylight, in public??? On a whim??? If Kamiki is the 5d chess player the story is trying to make him out to be he can’t be doing goofy shit like this.
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Oh hey Akane, we thought you were dead.
Seriously I’m glad to see her again, and I’m even more glad that she was actually doing something while in off screen purgatory. I’d like to get more information next chapter on what she’s been up to and what (if fucking anything) she’s managed to learn from her backslide from Private Investigator into stalker.
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Also Nino! She was just like… hiding away in the rain during the earlier scene ig, but I’m glad she’s here. If she, Kamiki, and Kaburagi have some evil alliance or whatever I’ll be so thrilled, that’s hilarious.
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Confirmation of Aqua’s plan! If this had been said near the beginning of the movie I would’ve said that I called it, but honestly, this contradicts Aqua’s actions this entire arc in my eyes. Aqua goes out of his way in both the writing and acting to portray Kamiki as sympathetically as humanly possible, to the point where even the real world audience of Oshi no ko feels for him. He’s been humanized even more than Ai, who was the one this movie was SUPPOSED to humanize.
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And wow, there goes the rest of filming I guess. We ended up not going in order after all, which makes that line about chronological filming only more confusing. There goes the big “forgive or not forgive” moment that had been built up since the beginning of the arc. Whatever.
With the filming arc over, I wanted to give me thoughts on it in specific, at least my current thoughts. Many in the server are planning a reread and I’ll probably do one as well.
First, the good. I think the artwork in this arc has been some of the best in the series, especially during the filming itself. Ruby’s breakdown as Ai and Frill’s performances as Airi are my biggest highlights.
I think there’s a lot of compelling setup in this arc, Nino is a fantastic character and im thrilled that her chapter we got before won’t be the end of her relevance. I also enjoyed meeting Ai’s mother, even if it was briefer than I would’ve liked.
I have two main problems with this arc that I think mostly come down to its structure. While a lot of it was strong setup for later arc things, despite being the longest arc in the series, it hardly had substance of its own. We set up the incest arc, set up Kana getting marketed differently, set up Akane’s big stalker adventure, set up for Aqua’s entire plan, set up for Kamiki’s entire plan.
What did we resolve this arc? Kana’s jealousy? Not really, she just lashed out about it and Ruby said “Nuh uh” and it was done. It feels like we spent all this time doing nothing, in an arc that had so much worthwhile material to cover that it chose to skip instead.
That said, I believe the FILMING is over, but we’ll probably have to do test screenings and marketing and so on. I’m hoping that we’ll be expanding on those skipped scenes and lack of character thoughts on them in the future, but this arc has just been a series of me going “oh they skipped that? That sucks, I hope they do it later” and while I suppose they can with some of those things, I doubt it’ll be getting closure on EVERYTHING I’ve said that about.
Either the next arc will be another really good one, paying off all the setup from this wet blanket of an arc, or it’s the beginning of the end and the conclusions won’t live up to the mysteries that have been dangling in front of us all series.
Regardless of which it is, I plan on sticking it out until the end. I may have to start lowering my expectations I think, I was expecting more from this series than an arc like this. I wouldn’t be so harsh on it if it didn’t have as much potential as it does.
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aldings-stash · 1 year
Mass Effect 3 Thoughts
This post has been in my drafts for almost a year! After doing the other games, here’s my thoughts on the 3rd. It’s hard to approach this without tackling the ending so be warned.
By 2012 Mass Effect was a huge franchise. It’s hard to believe now but there were comics, mobile games, books and even a anime film out in preparation for the final game of the trilogy.
There was a lot to live up to and the hype was real!
When it released it was well received at first, with great gameplay, a high-stakes narrative and fun time-killer of a multiplayer. But as time progressed things turned sour as people approached the ending. Originally, after your 3 flavours of explosion, the Normandy crashed and it cut to credits. Given the time spent with the series it was an abrupt and unsatisfying resolution and made you think you’d nuked the Galaxy by the detonations from the Mass Relays. People also had issue with the final reveal being dumb or illogical. It’s difficult to say the proportion that was annoyed but there was enough backlash that BioWare were compelled to add an Extended Cut to put a more positive spin on things and grant closure to some of the decisions made.
These days people have mellowed out but it remains a bit of a dent on an otherwise decent track record. It’s possible new players will not even wonder what the fuss was about, but that’s how it was at the time. As always, a simple story told well is better than something that tries to be clever and falls short. No one likes to have their hero’s self agency taken away, or to feel lectured by the writers. Don’t get me wrong, despite all this bashing it really is a lot of fun and should be played to get the full experience.
Graphics: 9/10 - The best looking of the games. Lots of new animations and everything is very well put together. Pre-rendered cutscenes have improved a considerable amount and conversations flow a lot better.
Soundtrack: 6/10 - Many missions have no music at all! Many tracks just aren’t memorable or capture the energy of ME2, or are too forced: [this is the sad music, feel sad].
Squad: 7/10 - Feels a bit of a step back after ME2′s huge roster but everyone gets a bit of closure, which is nice. No combat chatter anymore. They have a lot of comments mid-mission but once they’re done they’re silent. 
Story: 7/10 - Poor, rushed opening and shaky final mission. Could be better in middle places, like the Geth are suddenly whitewashed to be suspiciously innocent and harmless despite their past. And why would you pick the option to not cure the Krogan? However, the bulk of it was good and gathering forces and resolving major plot points feels satisfying.
The ending still feels off but if you talk as little as possible to the holo-kid and go to Destroy it felt ok. Leviathan DLC is excellent and essential for added context but doesn’t effect the ending in the way it needed to. Frustrating because it otherwise lays down the perfect groundwork to both explain and deal with the Reapers. All it needs is a Shepard who knows the full story to shout down the kid who is obviously a rogue AI with a God complex and self-replicating fleet. You shouldn’t trust it one bit.
If you could point this out, and re-frame it so that it doesn’t feel like the Reapers are giving permission for Shepard to win, it would be much more palatable. So skip the dialogue, don’t ask for details and go blow those feckers up!
Gameplay: 8/10 - Super fun shooting mechanics, with improved movement, gun modding and excellent weapon variety. Would be the best in the trilogy except the enemy variety is poor. Most of the game you’ll fight Reapers or Cerberus, and they won’t get all their roster to face you until halfway in.
Overall: Generally good but more inconsistent than the other games. This is where you see the cracks in what was old BioWare, though they were definitely rushed by EA. Manage expectations and it is still a very fun game for the most part.
ME1 Thoughts
ME2 Thoughts
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audio-luddite · 2 years
The Sound of Amplifiers.
A perfect amplifier has no sound. It has no character or voice and just lets the signal through. And no amplifier is perfect.
I tripped over an article or thread or whatever they call it when a person writes about what someone else wrote about. Actually what I am doing right now.
It was a person commenting on another person trying to resolve the differences between the test instrument people and the "it sounds like" people. Effectively they claimed that if you hear a difference it should be reflected in something that can be measured. Logic says it should be.
I followed the first read with a YouTube of that PS Audio guy explaining tubes versus solid state sound with the old clipping thing. So it is not one thing, but a subject from several viewpoints. I think clipping is a false target as if you overdrive an amplifier it is never a good thing. (unless you are an electric guitar player)
Skipping over the controversy of objective versus subjective the stream went why any amplifier would sound different as they do you know.
Any amplifier has three signals to deal with. One is the input from whatever is providing the low level signal. A second is the wall socket and what should be pure 60 hz AC power (50hz in many places). The last is the reflected signal from the wires and the speaker at the business end.
Just limiting to those things a host of issues can and do occur. The wires and what is at the other end is usually a highly reactive thing. The preamp has impedance and the wires have capacitive and inductive characteristics and they may even pick up RF interference or ground loops. A preamp will have an optimum load it wants to see. Is the amplifier in the right range? Same thing with the speakers only worse.
The wall current is a rich hunting ground for all sorts of conditioners and filters and surge protectors and things to spend money on. You don't have to look far to see very expensive things up to and including custom wiring in your house to deal with that. And much of those do make a difference.
I am going to extend that to the part inside the box that makes DC for the circuit rails from the wall current. My favorite tweak is to do dual mono in the box. Two channels can share a transformer, but give me separate rectifiers and filter capacitors for each side, or do not talk to me.
The speakers and the wires to them are what I think are the biggest factor. Amplifiers are tested with resistive loads. Easy peasy. Just dumb heat generators with no weird phase or bounce back. Speakers are very reactive. A woofer is a motor and it pushes back against what the amp wants it to do. Literally it generates a current from the voice coils when it overshoots or undershoots the ideal signal demands. That bounces back to the amp which should just shrug it off. Some amps can't do that.
And then you have to deal with phase shifting. A driver will demand peak current not at the same time as peak voltage. Worst in the bass near the resonance point. That can be bad, or not depending on the amp.
Amplifiers will have a different frequency response depending on the impedance and reactance of the speaker. Tube amps are worse for that than solid state. Some small tube amps with high output impedance will have huge non-linear responses with a particular speaker which makes then sound awful, but to the person who just spent a few grand on it. That is why damping factor and big wires actually make an audible difference to a system.
Big amps are best as far as I am concerned. Less likely to clip and to shrug off that recalcitrance of the speaker driver.
The differences are real. But I do not think they are necessarily a fault in a particular piece. An incompatibility is more usual. If you have an unfortunate combination of impedance and the phase of the moon a good amp will sound "bad".
If you take reviews seriously you have to be aware that everything attached to the device under review has a part to play. These are systems and everything depends on everything.
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gabenvrhappened · 1 year
TvShowsOr... Red Oaks
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A couple of months ago, I was scrolling through Instagram, and found a post with TV show recommendations, and it had Red Oaks on it. I made a note-to-self (in the form of a screenshot) to watch it but never came back to that promise. Until one night when I realized I had to stay days locked up at home, so it was important to find something to spend my time with. That's when I found the show again, while scrolling on Amazon Prime. “What harm can a show of only three seasons do?” I pondered.
This innovative coming-of-age summer-show tells the story of David Mayers (played by Craig Roberts): a boy from the suburbs who works at a country club. He has a simple life, but he wants to be more. He wants to become a movie director. He doesn't want a trophy wife, a beautiful baby or to stay forever teaching tennis or to become a tax person like his dad (someone who doesn’t support his dreams in the slightest). Craig must have been the name to watch when the show premiered back in 2014. I remember him being kind of a Tumblr actor with his movie choices. Here he looks adorable and funny (and kind of a Tom Holland look-alike from certain angles). Seeing him in tight small pants was a vision for the eyes (specially when butt naked). He probably liked the whole camera thing because, in real life, he became a director and now he's focused on taking pictures with a 35mm camera. I'm happy he found his passion but sad not to see him on the screen.
Alongside David, we have a lot of charming characters. Skye, portrayed by Alexandra Socha, even though an irritating, spoiled, and entitled little brat, is, undeniably, the female heart of the show. Her absence in the third season is deeply felt, but, hopefully, when she appears to conclude her arc, she does it satisfactorily. Another girl who also steals the show is — oh my, another Alexandra — Alexandra Turshen, who plays Misty. The hot girl who dates the hot (but dumb) guy. Her role grows more during the episodes, leaving that teenage rom-com stereotype behind, and I’m sure the audience feels pleasure with that. It's interesting to see the development of the romance she has with Wheeler, brilliantly funny played by Oliver Cooper. Yes, he's just another cliche of the show, as the fat (and smart) guy who likes the hot girl, smokes marijuana and makes bad decisions, but he does it so well that I only remembered how cliche he was while writing this.
From the adult characters, Herb is the perfect one. I spent my watchings hoping to see Freddie Roman again and again, since he was very old when the show was shot. Well, he died last year, but good to see that he gave us this warm character on his 85 well-lived years. But, even though we get great characters played by veterans actors, one was the baddest of the baddest. I'm in love with Paul Reiser and his Douglas Getty. That's the guy I want to be when I'm old: ruthless, smart, and a relentless business-driven man, while also being (somewhat) generous. Of course not the bad parts of being a criminal and having offshore money, but that this made him a sweet badass, it did.
I have nothing bad to say about any of the seasons, which is funny to think about because I always some remark. Since I've watched them all in a few months, things are fresh in my mind. But that's not something that can prevent me from wondering about some writing decisions. In the first season, for instance, the cocaine situation was so quickly resolved for something so harmful. It could've been used to set the tone for the second season, and it would've been extra nice if Nash had used it for his advantage (since he was needing one at that time). Speaking of Nash, it can't be just me who saw a spark between him and Skip. I really thought they would have an enemies-to-lovers plot somewhere. Maybe if the show were recent, they would have a chance. Skip could be an asshole, but he's the finest looking one. In the third season, he even has a threesome with Nash, and they also move in together… Well… I guess the script indeed had that subtone after all.
Talking about settings, the change of scene to Paris in the second season, and, more prominently, New York in the third, was pleasant to see. I mean, who says no to shows in Paris and New York, right? But that made the magic of the country club disappear, especially in that smoky third season and even with arcs of the story happening there. Still, this change of scene had to happen to give the show a better flow and it also had a positive balance on the storylines, because allowed the writers to make the characters grow and evolve further in teenagers territories.
The struggle David lives, for example, became more intense, and I could relate to it so damn well. Money or happiness. A career or your passion? The girl or the dream? The growth of his character and his dilemmas caught me more and more as the episodes went by. At least, until the very last seconds of the last one, where he showed a snobbish side of him I wasn't pleased to see. If that's a side of the real David (the director), it makes it easy to understand why his movies aren't so well-received. Fun fact: only when I finished the series did I make the connection between this character's name and the creator of the show: David Gordon Green. And the surname Mayers? Well, let's just say Green has a thing for horror movies.
If, once, I first started watching Red Oaks for its short duration, I finished the final season damning that first relief, because the third is the shortest of them all. So short that, for a moment, I thought the show wouldn't be competently wrapped, but thankfully it was. Even so, that's how I like my shows to end: in their glory. Brooklyn Nine-Nine and Younger are good examples of this (even though they lasted longer). The good thing is that I can always come back to this project and finish it just as fast as tennis courtyard swing. A show that caught my interest from the very first moment, when David's father had a heart attack at a tenis filed, and, scared to die, confessed he was still in love with an old fling, and that his wife was secretly a lesbian. Ah… the 80s.
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journalofsorts2 · 2 years
tmi, talk about genitals (and dysphoria surrounding them)
i wish i was born with a penis. i find myself sitting awake every other night wondering what life would be like had i been born male. i find myself wondering how happy i would be with a penis, a real, natural, honest to god, penis. and i know there's options out there for trans men who want bottom surgery. trust me, i've spent too much time looking into that. but the problem is the two big options (phalloplasty & metoidioplasty) are both just replicates, there as close to the real thing as you can get but they're not good enough for me. the downsides are too big for me for both of them. and also the problem with bottom surgery is i just want a penis now. i don't want to wait years and years before i'm actually an age where my insurance will cover it, where i can take the time off to heal from it, where i can spend the money to get electrolysis (phalloplasty). i don't want to wait until i meet all this different criteria to just have what i should've been given at birth. i just want to feel like myself now. i want to be a real boy. i just want to be a boy, please why is this so hard? why couldn't i be born a boy? why couldn't i have an actual penis? and i feel dumb crying about this because it's so stupid. i feel stupid for having any emotions or thoughts attached to my genitalia and i hate it. because rationally i know it's not stupid, gender dysphoria is a real issue, but i can't help feeling stupid about it all. i can't help feeling like an idiot for being born in the wrong body. i just, i hate feeling like this. i just want to be a boy so badly. maybe if i kms i could be born again but as a boy. maybe if i go to sleep one day i'll realize this whole life was a dream and i'm actually a real boy with a happy life. and i haven't told my dad how i feel about this, but i have told him how i feel about my chest. i'm very vocal about that because i don't feel as disgusted with myself talking about it. but i've told my dad how much i want top surgery and i've mentioned a few times that i want to go on t and all he says is "one medical thing at a time" and i get it, he's basically a single parent raising two kids while having a full time job and going back to school for his masters, i understand the level of stress he's under and i don't mean to make it worse but every time i take a shower or every time i change my shirt or every time i look in the mirror i can't get over the fact that i have boobs. i hate my body so much because i have boobs. so to be told basically 'you have to wait till your medical problem that you have absolutely zero control over is resolved' really fucking stinks. it sucks so bad. and it makes me feel like he doesn't care that much about my gender issues, or like he knows how bad it is but just doesn't give a shit. and that isn't fair, it's not fair to think of him like that, i know he's trying his best, but yet again, i can't help it, i can't help feeling like this. idk man, i really need to talk about this shit with my therapist. i really need to talk about a lot of stuff with my therapist, i feel like all we've been focusing on is my issues with school which make up like 10% of my current problems. but it's genuinely my fault we haven't been talking about the stuff i want to talk about because i'm shit when it comes to advocating for myself and especially when it comes to therapy. idk man, rant over, i hate existence.
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allthebleus · 3 years
Our Beloved Summer.
Episode 10. (Rant and my halfass attempt at analysis).
Before I start crying about today's episode, I have a genuine question for everyone saying the episode was a "filler" or coming at Woong;
Do you guys really think he's stupid? Or that oblivious? Or do you think all of his actions are driven from misguided moral righteousness?
I don't intend to be mean, but after sitting through the admittedly, "slow" plot progression by general kdrama standards, we ought not to expect the show to do a 180 and suddenly fall into line with traditional tropes.
Yeonsu went to his home, 5-6 days after their trip, in a fit of anger and desperation to demand to know what he was doing. She did not say, 'Why did you kiss me?' She said, "Why did you kiss me and not call?". The dialogue writing is very important, because these characters will not spell out everything every time, and the subtle details give away their real emotions.
Now, she has confronted Woong and has told him she doesn't understand why he's doing what he's doing. She called him "trash" for playing with her emotions, she might not have said those words, but she implied it. Heavily.
Woong isn't dumb and oblivious. Not to the extent both the audience and characters assume. He knows what she said, and though he isn't sure how much, I'm sure he feels at some level that she loves him still. Just like he loves her.
Woong is now doing what Yeonsu did years ago. He's putting up walls to protect himself. Like I thought, the show is now egging on the emotional side of Yeonsu and the logical side of Woong. His story has transitioned from just centered around their breakup to the deeper realities of his life. His reasoning for being friends isn't delusion, it is helplessness. He loves her, so much that despite knowing the reality of both their feelings, and his fear of abandonment, he is willing to keep her in his life. As friends, if that is all they can be. But his first priority now, is his heart and his emotions.
Woong isn't oblivious, not even to NJ. He might not have caught on to the underlying ploy she has in regards to bringing them into public like that. He is aware she is pursuing him, which is why he immediately puts a stop to it. Every time she suggests smth beyond a general public standard interaction for friends, Woong shuts it down. He refuses to call their spent time a "date" and he refuses to go up to her apartment, regardless of what NJ says she meant. He is firm in saying no.
It's important the audience has patience. The show will not thrust the main characters back into a relationship. I had thought that was obvious. In normal romcoms and romance dramas, characters who have conflict are often forced together almost immediately once the audience is aware of their feelings. But the issue with that is that the conflict never gets resolved. The end result of such a relationship will be the same as the previous one, and we don't want that.
Now, moving on to the episode.
The storytelling??? Is so brilliant. I can't keep repeating this but holy hell is this amazing.
The way the narrative shift in terms of emotional portrayal has caused a fit of support for Yeonsu is honestly a little amusing. A lot of the audience has gone from trying to protect Woong to disagreeing with his actions. Y'all traitors istg.
I like how the show doesn't force the romance as an isolated thing. I'll get into this later, but everyone who thinks there is little to no progression ought to rewatch the show.
As audience, I think its important we go into each episode without the frustration regarding the main lead rs. Otherwise we'll miss everything the production is doing to bring them back together.
For one, Yeonsu is now clearly missing the cues. Woong never actually asking her to leave properly, his jealousy from the previous episode, him reminding her to take the bus, him turning on the lights for her. Him going to her house to give her back that pouch, sitting through the grandmother's harshness and taking it all in without bursting. And still, the pain in his eyes, as he tells himself more so than her, that yes, they can be friends. Yeonsu is so caught up in the pain of the possibility that she will lose him forever, that she isn't seeing how hard he's trying to hold himself together.
I do think the best thing for these two, is a heartfelt talk. But not yet. They are not ready for it. Woong is still apprehensive of letting her in again. I think only recently, has he realized how much power she still holds over him, now that the resentment is dissolving. And it terrifies him. He got sick, not because of the rain, but the fear that he'd lose her all over again. Woong refuses to put himself back in that position, where Yeonsu can abandon him. He, again, like Yeonsu, makes the choice for both of them.
It's not fair, but its normal. He is aware how much he loves her, but he's fighting this battle with himself. Like she did. And its a good thing. Both of them deserve to have closure, but before they can, they need to let go of their resentment and pain and learn what went wrong in the first place.
Woong got his ass handed to him at Yeonsu's house, and where I do think she'd been a bit too harsh. I'm glad he heard what he did about Yeonsu. "How can I be nice to someone who made you cry?" is again very clever writing. It is never specified if Yeonsu being hurt is about their breakup solely or their rs too. This, backed with Yeonsu's, "I want to hear something you never said while we were together", is setting the grounds for accountability for him. He needs to accept his faults, and correct them, before he decides finally what he wants for his rs with Yeonsu.
Yeonsu's emotions are now stripped bare. Now that she is no longer defensive, or resentful about the past. She's finally realizing her mistakes. Where all her reasons had been valid, in sense, she is now realizing that she was wrong too. That Woong was collateral damage in her personal struggle. And that brings pain along with shit ton of emotions. Her realizing that she loves him still, and always has, is so bittersweet because in her perspective, she may be watching him slip from between her fingers. And just now, is she truly feeling the fear of losing him, forever.
The character growth is so subtle but so important regarding both of them. I'm very happy with the way they're bettering themselves but apart. Immediate confrontation would leave the problem lingering just beneath the surface. Instead, in this episode and the previous one. We see the characters grow slowly. Yeonssu has begun to express her emotions. She is now lowering the walls of nonchalance she's built on account of her pride. And Woong has begun to be expressive in what he thinks is best.
Yeonsu going to Soli for advice, admitting her defeat and confusion and then admitting to herself and her grandmother her emotions is important. Instead of holding a strong, nonchalant front, Yeonsu expresses her pain for the first time. And now she is on the path of proving that she did care, that she always did. And this is important because Woong's forever dilemma was about how she was so nonchalant. "How can you pretend nothing happened?" From him, and the parallel now in her is baby steps in the right direction.
Woong choosing to express clearly that he wishes to be friends with her, and then with NJ, his verbal affirmation for her emotions is important. He's also shown to us, in a more mature light, emotionally.
I don't like NJ particularly, not because she is pursuing Woong, because she has every right to. But because of the way she goes about it. Like I said, he's her distraction, an amusement. She treats him like a toy, and her attitude toward him, pulling and pushing as she pleases is hurtful to him. She does see him in a more mature light than Yeonsu had, she doesn't chalk him up to just childish. And perhaps had she gone about this differently, and he had been interested, they'd been better for each other.
Jiung too, is obviously caught up in his pain, and Yeonsu is an escape from it. I do feel bad for him, and the scene with peaches is truly heartbreaking. But he needs to snap out of it quick, and realize that he hasn't gone too far. He can still choose to see Yeonsu for all she is, and not a mere escape from reality or finally something attainable.
A lot of people are asking what the purpose of NJ is, and what the point of Jiung's crush is. Yes, a lot of it is about dramatics of it all. But notice the subtler things. Like how these relationships give the main leads a break from each other. It is obvious that neither Woong nor Yeonsu dated again, on account of their heartbreak. And now, this is a way of them seeing what life would or could be like with someone but each other. Today's title was, "Hello, My Soulmate" but its clear that Yeonsu and Woong do not fit typical soulmates definition. They are not perfect for each other. They are soulmates because they will choose each other, over and over again and for that to happen, they must be given a choice.
I like how both of them, are able to be there in emotional capacity for their new friends. I also like how Woong is very perceptive of Jiung, he knows something is up even if he's not sure what it is. I like how the reveal of Jiung's feelings was not some sort of cliché confrontation but rather, Woong seeing the way Jiung sees Yeonsu from his eyes. I'm not sure if Woong will confront him or not, or how he will proceed. But I'm really glad there are no theatrics just for the sake of it between these two friends.
Jiung and Woong's friendship time lapse over the years was a very nice detail, I'm glad we got to see them sharing the same room for sleepovers and then the subtle ways Woong makes sure the dynamic never puts him with an 'upper hand'. He switches between the sleeping bag and the bed, and then chooses in present time to sleep on the sofa instead of his bed. I think that explains how deeply Woong cares and how the "debt" Jiung feels is hanging over his head when he thinks of his feelings for Yeonsu is nonexistent to Woong.
(Also cannot wait to learn where Woong's abandonment issues originate from, whether he's adopted or not is not a given but if he is then boy are some of these characters in for a whooping for speaking about Woong without thinking.)
Also, I do think its important to note that Woong had always been underestimated and sidelined, even by his very loving parents. Them not having time for him, not recognizing his emotional maturity and his pain and loneliness and then the other characters doing the same is also a part of his personal struggle irrespective of whether or not he's adopted. He is never given the opportunity to prove himself in those terms, so he never learns how to with words. I also wonder why he has a hard time expressing vulnerability verbally, I do hope we revisit this soon.
One more thing I adore is how this show portrayed artists, Woong saying he does not want to draw for NJ instead of them making him conjure a drawing for her to further complicate their relationship for the sake of dramatics is very important. Other than this, as a very amateur writer myself, I understand his reasoning for not wanting to seriously pursue drawing in the first place, and then after finding refuge in it, his refusal for showing himself. It isn't dramatic, it's just what he prefers. Its perfect.
It'll be interesting to see the progression of the plot now. I don't think that conflict will be resolved before the last two episodes, because there is still room for the main leads to grow and the second leads to realize what they're fucking up. But regardless, next week's episodes are going to be even more devastating and I honestly cannot wait.
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I Make My Own HotS Content: Garrosh
It’s been a while since the last one of these, and that’s largely because I spent a long time waiting for the next patch. I don’t want to go through the debacle again where I write up one of these and then the hero immediately recieves a major rework and all my work is for nothing.
And then I was in mourning.
But now I’m back! From outer space! You just walk in to find me here with this dumb orc up in your face! You should have kept to your side of lane, you should have saved your escape CD, if you’d known for just one second that this guy was protecting me!
Anyhow, Garrosh is a tank hero, and has probably the most interesting tank kit in the game. He is both easy to understand and yet deeply layered. It doesn’t take a lot of effort to understand how the hero works from the outside. But it can be a real challenge to figure out how to pilot him appropriately when you’re at the helm.
The easy part, the hard part, and the connection between the two beneath the cut.
Garrosh’s game plan is brutally simple. It’s really fitting for the archetypical orc. He just wants to walk up to a dude and make that guy in particular have a really bad day. His E lets him throw an enemy dumb enough to let him waddle into range, displacing them pretty severely. Its range is also just right to set him up to land a Q as they land, applying a stun and a slow to make them be where he wants them to be for even longer. Effectively, if you are playing against a Garrosh, your effective position is always that much farther away from where you’re actually standing. Alternately, if you get past him to his squishy high-nutrient backline, he has the capacity to simply declare a do-over and chuck you back to whence you came.
He is what is called a “Gate” tank. He decides which side of the line you are allowed to stand on, and he has the capacity - nay, the duty - to put you on the side that benefits his team the most, and your team the least. And at the same time, he represents an immense threat. His simple presence on the field of battle demands your constant attention and respect. Because if you let it slip for even just a second, you’ll find yourself standing where he wants you to stand, with often tragic results.
So if that’s so simple, why does it always feel so challenging - when you’re playing as or with Garrosh on your team - to actually execute on it? Quite often, when trying to displace an enemy hero, more inexperienced Garrosh players will find that the enemy just doesn’t seem to go as far, or they lose their entire health bar chasing someone who is never in reach, or - most painfully - they throw a minion instead of the hero they wanted to throw.
The key is something that is critical to his home universe. A critical component to the way that Warcraft characters interact with their world - of Warcraft (nailed it) - is in elements. The damage types are valuable representations of how characters use their powers to approach and resolve their problems. Especially orcs, whose connection to the elements manifests very strongly in Shaman powers. Just as Rehgar channels the healing and protective powers of water and lightning and earth to heal and shield his allies, and just as Thrall channels the explosive power of water and lightning and earth to attack his enemies, Garrosh has an element he channels to achieve his goals.
The element... Of surprise!
Just as every Warrior in PvP battlegrounds in WoW, Garrosh is entirely reliant on getting the first word in in order to get the last word in. If the enemy sees him coming, and has time to react appropriately, they can prevent him from doing what he wants. They can simply run away, and when he actually catches them, they are not quite so far out of position when he throws them. They can hit him with a slow, stun, or root so that he can’t reach them. Or they can retreat towards the nearest minions, mercenaries, or summons so that there’s a chance that a less experienced Garrosh might misjudge and throw one of them instead of his actual target.
So the trick - the way to take the simple tool and get around the difficult application - is the element of surprise. Like most tanks, Garrosh is the most powerful when the enemy doesn’t have the time to react. To paraphrase the greatest tank of the HGC era who never played in the HGC: Your job as tank is best done standing in a bush, mounted, waiting for the enemy to make a mistake. And when they make that mistake, you amplify it until it fucking kills them.
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donutloverxo · 4 years
Festive movies w/ August Walker
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This is my first fic for Auggie! And second submission to happy hoelidays challenge cohosted with @navybrat817 @stargazingfangirl18 . I used the prompt 'I know a wy to warm you up'.
Warnings - 18+ only please, Smut(m/f), daddy kink, slight ddlg, cockwarming, soft!August.
Word count - 1k
7 days of ficmas
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“But, daddy!” you whined, clinging to his huge bicep, putting on those princess eyes that always worked on him and an exaggerated pout.
“That’s not going to work, honey,” he seethed, trying to shaking you off of him. His heart swelled when you fell against the armrest of your couch, your eyes misty as you whimpered, calling him a ‘meanie’.
“I said I’m sorry,” you sniffled, knowing exactly what you were doing to him when you caught his face softening, and although your tears were real, so heartbroken about being rejected so cruelly, you wanted to milk his guilt and make him feel bad as much as you could. “And you’re still being mean!”
“Saying sorry doesn’t make everything okay, princess,” he shook his head.
August had told you to stay home, especially when he was gone, making you quit your job at the café where he had met you. You didn’t need it anymore anyway, he was going to take good care of you now. He needed to keep you safe, he had too many enemies, who would be happy to get their hands on something so precious to him.
He explained it all to you as nicely as he could, promising you as many stuffies as you could ever wish for when he gets back from his mission, and a nice Christmas spent together. Buying you a diamond ring, planning a proposal and a speech to go along with it to officially make you his.
Although he wasn’t much for the holidays he wanted to make it special for you as it was your first Christmas together.
But you decided it would be more fun to go out to your friends Christmas party, and then get drunk on eggnog, so naively thinking that you could trick him.
“You’re such a dumb baby,” he shook his head. “Since it’s Christmas, you get to decide your punishment.”
“Um...” you tried to think, something that seems like a punishment but actually isn’t, “You could maybe fuck me stupid with your big scary cock?” you blinked, your eyes wide and innocent as if you’d ask for something as wholesome like another scope of ice cream.
“No, that’s not a punishment. You would enjoy it far too much. I got you something from tiffanys,” although he didn’ttell you what exactly he had gotten you, he pointed to the gifts under the tree, “Maybe I should take that away? Return it?”
“NO!” you screeched, your heart hammering at such an outrageous prospect, you climbed on his lap, slobbering his face with kisses, apologising over and over again to try to make him less mad. “Please! I’ve never had any real diamonds, please,” you spoke against his moustache before kissing his lips.
“Alright, alright...” his resolve crumbled as he smiled, blowing a raspberry in the crook of your neck, “Since it’s Christmas, I can let it go for now, I’ll just have to punish you next year.”
“Okie, good! Now it’s time for the grinch,” you smiled proudly at your accomplishment, at being able to have fun with your friends and get away with it too as you put on the movie. Sure daddy would ‘punish' you, but you would just have to convince him to let you off with a few spankings.
“Ugh, I’ll forget about your punishment if you don’t subject me to this,” he threw his head back and groaned.
“Daddy, you promised. Are you going to break a promise to me and go back on your word?” He had promised to do all Christmasy things with you when he had left for his mission and you fully intended on holding him to his word.
“You’re too clever for your own good,” he said, pulling you onto his lap.
You almost wanted to tell him to pick whether he thinks you’re dumb or clever instead of going back and forth on it, but then thought better of it.
Half an hour or so into the movie August was too bored, he watched your cartoons with you sometimes to indulge you, but right now he wanted something more.
“Time to take this off, Y/N,” he said, unzipping your onesie.
“But I’ll get cold...” you looked back to him over your shoulder, not quite catching onto what he wanted to do with you just yet, his perfect innocent doll.
“Don’t worry, princess, I know a good way to warm you up,” his smirk almost predatory as he rid you of your pesky clothes, leaving you in just your socks as he took his hard cock out of his pants.
Nudging your intimate lips apart, he teased you with his leaking tip, kissing your temple to sooth the whines and whimpers you gave him.
“Daddy, it hurts...” you cried as he pushed into you, your legs spread wide on sides of his thighs, his fingers digging into the meat of your hips to keep you from running away.
Since your cunt hadn’t had any type of attention for over a month, it had grown unaccustomed to his long and thick length. It was always a struggle to fit him, but even more so now since you weren’t as prepared as you usually are, where it felt as if he was splitting you apart. You weren’t allowed to touch yourself when he was gone, or ever since you were his. That was one rule you were way too scared to break.
“Shh,” he hushed you, sitting back against the cushion once he was fully impaled inside your heat, “It’ll get better in a bit. Stay still for daddy will you? Don’t you want to be good for me?”
You whimpered, tears streaming down your face as you fought to seek more friction to your aching, swollen clit and sit still. Your pussy quivering around him and then clenching around his length, which earned you a slap to your behind.
“You better behave, princess. Be quiet and sit there like a good slut if you want your diamonds.”
You wiped your tears away, determined to be good for him, not really paying attention to the movie anymore.
“I’ll suck your cock after, daddy.” You said after some time, he hummed in response, drawing random patterns on your hips, “and maybe... you can fuck my ass? As my Christmas present to you?”
Which made him perk up and sit up straight, you hissed as his tip hit your spongy spot, “Are you serious, princess?”
It was something he had always wanted. But you were too scared to try, on account of just how fucking huge he was. And while you had gotten him a nice watch and cuffs, you wanted to make up for being a bad girl.
“Yes, daddy,” you murmured.
Laying your head against his shoulder and closing your eyes as you vaguely heard him say ‘Merry Christmas'.
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Dividers by @firefly-graphics
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writcraft · 3 years
Hello! How would compare and contrast Snarry vs Drarry? Since you have (beautifully!) written both, I’d love to hear your thoughts on the dynamics of these two ships. Thank you!
Hello Anon, thank you for this lovely message and what a topic!
I have set out below the cut why I think the dynamics differ but also some of the similarities and it got very, very long. Yikes.
Draco is privileged, from a wealthy, pureblood, old wizarding family and immersed in magic from childhood. He's the kind of popular where he has his crew and doesn't really care if the Gryffindors don't like him, he is athletic and bright and he is described in a way that suggests he is attractive. Up until the point things really start to go wrong for Draco, he leads a relatively charmed life. He is a product of his upbringing, of his upper class status, he experiences a childhood where he is spoiled, loved and doted on, albeit he appears to be subject to high expectations of academic excellence and sporting prowess. With his friends he appears to be something of the ringleader and generally liked. He gravitates towards Voldemort because it's really all he's known, he's born into it. At first it seems Draco's views are driven by his desire to protect the things he values (wealth, status, power) and the privilege he has become accustomed to and, in the end, he sticks around primarily out of fear and self preservation. Draco exhibits moments of cowardice.
Severus has an entirely different upbringing. He is working class, has a tense relationship with his parents, he is disliked and bullied at school which leaves him isolated, he gravitates towards solitary intellectual pursuits and he is described in a way that suggests he is supposed to be unattractive (although this reader would argue he has a certain magnetic charge). Lily aside, his relationships as a child seem to be shaped by a fascination with the power that comes with wealth and elitism, something he has never experienced. Sirius describes him as Lucius Malfoy's 'lap dog' and it is telling that Lucius is much older, a Prefect when Severus starts Hogwarts. He is radicalised in a way and gravitates towards Voldemort through a greedy hunger for power, a desire for revenge and a desperate desire to change his lot in life. He stays because, well, we all know why he stays. Severus is brave but grudgingly, acerbically so. The deepest insult he confronts is being called a coward by Harry.
Aside from the differences in their characters, the way Harry encounters Severus and Draco is completely different. When we meet Severus in canon, he is bitter, angry, jealous, grieving and indebted to Dumbledore. He is also in a position of power as Harry's professor. When we meet Draco, he is Harry's peer but he is also full of himself, an arrogant little shit who thinks the world is his for the taking and he thinks very little of Dumbledore, because father says...
This shapes Harry's encounters with them both. Severus approaches Harry with animosity, venom and a legacy of hurt that Harry doesn't yet understand. Severus places no weight on Harry's celebrity, he actively resents and despises it. Draco, by contrast, values Harry's celebrity initially. He wants to be friends with the wizarding world's brightest star and the animosity that follows between them flows directly from the sting of Harry's initial rejection.
Severus wilfully misunderstands Harry. He draws connections between Harry and James based solely on their striking physical similarities and (incorrectly) ascribes the characteristics of James to Harry. He is tasked with protecting Harry but he does so always through gritted teeth. The curse of Severus Snape is to spend his life protecting someone who represents everything he despised as a child and yet the only person who can give a dying man that last connection to his one true friend.
Draco sees Harry more clearly but his perspective is shaped by jealousy and the sting of that first encounter, which leads him to make fun of Harry's circumstances and the people he associates himself with. He doesn't misunderstand Harry in the way Severus does, but he also doesn't know him fully.
The magic that connects Harry, Draco and Severus is fascinating. Harry famously uses Sectumsempra on Draco without knowing what impact it will have. He then intentionally uses the same spell on Severus (unsuccessfully) knowing exactly the damage it will do. Not only does the use of the spell in both instances show us a darker side to Harry, but the spell was also created by Severus and he is the one that helps Draco after the spell has been cast. I could write an essay on the links this spell creates between those three characters.
Expelliarmus is another one. Severus teaches Harry this spell and in doing so, equips him with his most powerful tool in the fight against Voldemort. Harry disarms Draco of his wand and the implications of that in terms of the final battle are intrinsically connected to the 'signature move' of Harry's in battle, which is all about gaining possession of the wand of the attacker as opposed to trying to target the attacker themselves.
Avada Kedavra is also something that binds the three of them. Harry witnesses Draco failing to cast the Killing Curse, and simultaneously witnesses Severus easily casting it. This also is part of the broader relationship Harry, Draco and Severus have to Dumbledore. Harry and Severus are willing pawns in the master plan but neither are fully equipped with all the information they need. Draco ends up unwittingly being part of the plan but he is never a soldier of Dumbledore's Army in the way Harry explicitly is and Severus, with a gnashing of his teeth, also is.
Finally, one of the important similarities between Severus and Draco is they are both skilled Occlumens, something Harry is notoriously rubbish at. This skill suggests both are better able to bury and compartmentalise their emotions whereas Harry is unable to do so with any success and this plays into the fact that in both ships, Harry is likely to be the more demonstrative, wearing his heart on his sleeve in a way both Draco and Severus can better disguise/suppress.
With all of the above the dynamics between Drarry and Snarry will always have a different slant, even if Harry himself is essentially the same. By way of sweeping overstatement, Snarry tends to skew darker and heavier because there is much more to overcome, but by contrast Severus has also spent his 'canon' years protecting Harry which creates this bitter 'Guardian Angel' type dynamic that, if you ship it, can be intensely romantic when they encounter one another again as adults.
The age difference lends itself to different dynamics too. Harry and Draco have that potential for young, dumb and in love, working things out, exploring, eighth year and spin the bottle sort of stuff that Snarry doesn't really have in the same way. It feels more natural that Harry and Draco would encounter one another as peers from the same year group, so part of the battle with Snarry is working out how Harry and Severus end up in the same spaces together in adulthood (Snape's canon death being a pesky inconvenience). The age difference raises another important difference in dynamic too, when it comes to the experience of Severus and Draco as gay or bisexual men, if you apply Muggle attitudes to same-sex relationships that have shifted over time.
The age difference is also relevant because there is a capacity for Draco to change his ways as he grows up, but Severus has already long changed his political beliefs and we know Severus as an adult in canon. That's not to say adults can't change their beliefs of course, but because his adult character exhibits moments of real cruelty you have a challenge around how this irascible, often mean, sharp-tongued character can give Harry what he yearns for when it comes to affection, love, family, security and so on.
There are hurdles to overcome with both ships and although the core 'enemies to lovers' starting point may create a similar overarching dynamic, the roots of those hurdles, the scale of them and the ways and ease with which they get resolved will differ because ultimately Draco and Severus are very different characters with quite polarised life experiences. They have some similarities, Occlumency aside, such as fostering beliefs during childhood they reject around the same time in their lives, albeit for very different reasons. Both are Slytherins who, their magical skills would suggest, are capable of pushing their emotions down in a way Harry can't, when everything for him is raw, on the surface, now, even though they both also unleash their emotions at various points. They are both prone to dramatics, to anger, to pettiness, to humour and in many respects, Harry is prone to those things too. In general though, I believe Draco and Severus would approach a relationship with Harry quite differently.
I don't think there's any one easy way to pinpoint the different dynamics in general because there is a huge variety of ways these three can be presented in fanfic, with its own plot, worldbuilding, external factors and so on. There are so many different directions you could go in with Snarry and Drarry so I'm only speaking from some of the things that strike me not only about the Severus/Harry and Draco/Harry connections/potential hurdles but also about the links between the three of them. Ultimately I think there is opportunity for deep connection, discovery, levity, passion and of course, delicious angst and UST with both ships, but they tend to manifest a little differently for all the reasons outlines about.
There's so much more I can say, but I'll leave it there. Thank you, Anon!
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fanficimagery · 4 years
Misery Business pt. II
Imagine moving in with the Molina's after an incident back home. Instead of being angry, you realize this is your second chance to be truly happy and you really hope it goes better than your first attempt.
You can find PART ONE right HERE.
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Words: 5.3K Author’s Note: Requested by anonymous who asked for a sequel where Jerry finds out that Y/N met her soulmate. So here ‘ya go! I tried writing angst, but I just.. don’t know how? I hope you still enjoy this though. Also there might be some slight violence in case that’s triggering for anyone.
You've spent months with Luke now and every day with him so far has been absolutely mind blowing. Being with him is exactly like every textbook out there said what having a soulmate is like and you couldn't be happier. But of course not every day was a good day. Fortunately for you though, you and Luke were two people who didn't like being at odds with one another, so more often than not your issues were resolved within hours.
Everything in your and Luke's life seemed to be going smoothly, but after the novelty of finding his soulmate wore off it seemed like Luke's parents were pressuring him to do something with his life other than music. They thought it was a great hobby for him to have, but not something worth pursuing as his main source of income. You could see every little argument wearing on him, and you and your family did your best to cheer him up.
Eventually one of the arguments was bound to take things too far, so you weren't surprised when Luke showed up one night with tears in his eyes and his hands gripping tight to his backpack straps. Tía Rose and tío Ray were kind enough to let Luke stay the night, and you even persuaded them to let him share your bed with promises that there'd be no funny business- you just wanted to be there for him. You weren't surprised that he fell asleep so soon after showering and changing into pajamas, but you were surprised to receive a call just passed one in the morning from his mother.
Having crept out of bed, you walk downstairs to the kitchen to take the call. Mrs. Patterson is very apologetic for calling so late, but she's extremely worried about Luke's whereabouts. You ease her fears by admitting that Luke is with you and then mention that since Spring Break was about to start, that maybe it was best for Luke to stay with you for a little bit. When she remains quiet, you apologize for overstepping but go on to explain that seeing Luke so torn up after every argument with her was very disheartening. You just wanted your soulmate to be carefree again, even if it was only for a week. And then after hearing her sniffle, you feel like you really messed up, but Mrs. Patterson calls you a good soulmate and that she'd drop off a bag of Luke's clothes in the morning.
Then going back up to your room, you crawl back into bed and chuckle when Luke rolls over to pull you in so your back is against his chest. Inhaling and exhaling deeply, you allow yourself to relax and fall asleep in your soulmate's arms.
You're not one to keep secrets from Luke, so come morning you tell him about the phone call you had with his mom. He seemed a little apprehensive when he heard she had called, but quickly relaxed when you went on to tell him that you got her to agree to let him stay there in the Molina household.
"You think Rose and Ray will go for it?"
"Yes." You smile at him, swiping his hair out of his eyes. "They adore you like you're one of their own. Plus it helps they know you've been having issues with your parents, so they'll think it's a good idea you take a breather from them as well."
"Okay. But only if they're good with it."
"They will be."
And sure enough, when the two of you head down to breakfast, tía Rose and tío Ray are all for Luke staying after the latest blowout.
In fact, with the start of Spring Break, you find it hilarious that Alex and Reggie spend as little time as possible at their own homes. Carlos is ecstatic to have the boys to roughhouse with, tía Rose loves having extra hands around the house to help with the yard work, and Julie adores having her band with her so they have all the time in the world to write and have jam sessions.
It's during one of those jam sessions Julie gets you to sing, but you only agreed to it because Luke was determined to duet with you. You picked All Time Low's Remembering Sunday where Luke sang about ninety-nine percent of the song and you came in at the end for about twenty seconds worth of singing, but you put your all into it and stunned your friends. You hadn't known your cousin was recording videos of the session, so you were a little surprised when she told you.
"So remember the other day we were vibing out in the studio, and you and Luke killed it singing Remembering Sunday?"
"Um, yeah."
"Well I might have posted a video or two-"
"-and it's gone viral."
"I'm sorry! I posted it on my page, Flynn reposted it on the band's page, and well it kind of took off from there." Julie cringes. "Apparently the fans really liked it."
"Ugh." You groan. She chuckles nervously and you eventually sigh when you see she feels really bad about your reaction. "Well I guess it's fine," you say and she starts to slowly relax. You don't know exactly what to say, so you say the first thing that pops into your mind. "So how many think I'm trying to break up the band?"
Julie snorts. "Only a handful. No more than twenty people that we've seen so far. We've told the fans you weren't breaking up the band or joining it, but that you and Luke were soulmates and you were just having fun with us. Some don't believe it."
You shake your head, grinning softly. "People are dumb, but whatevs. Everyone who matters knows the truth and that's enough for me."
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With Spring Break coming to a close, it's decided you're going to have a bonfire on the beach the Saturday before returning back to school. You know it's going to be a long night, so you and few others head to the store to stock up on snacks and drinks.
You, Alex, Julie, and tía Rose were the only ones mature enough to tackle the task of shopping, so the four of you piled into the car and left before Reggie could crawl his way into the very back without anyone knowing.
Between the four of you, loading the car with the groceries after shopping was an easy task, but apparently one individual didn't get that memo and figured you needed some help.
A bag that tía Rose picks up unfortunately tears and the cans inside go rolling. She curses in Spanish, which makes you and Julie giggle, but then an all too familiar voice freezes the blood in veins. "Oh no worries, ma'am. I got this."
Julie snorts as her mom giggles, Alex swears softly under his breath, and you're too terrified to look and see one of your fears come to life. But the second your tía starts making small talk, you can't help but look up. You immediately pale. It's Jerry. The same Jerry whose dark hair was tied into a small bun at the back of his head, who wore a distressed band tee, ripped jeans, and dark boots. The same Jerry whose smug little grin once made your heart flutter, but now only makes you feel sick to your stomach.
"Y/N," Alex steps in your line of sight when you can't seem to stop staring. "Hey, are you okay?"
"I-I'm fine." You can feel yourself sway on your feet and the moment all the groceries are in the back, you start towards Julie and her mom. "Tía, it's time to go." You grab at her wrist and start pulling her towards the driver's seat.
"Mija, don't be rude." You spare her a brief glance and she frowns at your expression. "What's wrong?
"Nothing. I just- I don't feel so well. Can we please go?"
"Y/N?" His voice makes your skin crawl and you jerk out of reach when you feel a hand touch your shoulder. "Is that really you? Wow! It's been too long."
His smarmy smile makes your stomach churn, but you have to keep it together. "Not long enough," you retort.
You know your family and Alex are looking at you like you've grown a second head, but tía Rose's expression hardens the moment Jerry chuckles. "I like the feistiness. It suits you."
"I'm sure it does."
Once Rose realizes the tension between you, she calls out for everyone to get in the car so you can head on home. Everyone opens up their respective door, but they're still standing outside the car when Jerry says, "It was nice to see you again, Y/N. I'm sure we'll see one another again real soon."
You scoff. "Don't count on it."
Marching over to your door, you open it up and drop into your seat. The others follow quickly after. You buckle up, your right knee bouncing anxiously as you continuously glance out the window. The car rides are usually loud and filled with off-key singing, but now the music can barely be heard and no one knows how to break the silence.
Finally, not able to take the silence or the stares you can practically feel burning into the side and back of your head any longer, you say, "That guy back there? That was Jerry."
A beat passes and then Julie sharply inhales. "Your ex? The one who pretended-"
"Yep!" You cut her off, breath stuttering as you try to inhale. "Ever since I moved he's been trying to contact me, but I blocked him on everything I could. Why did he- how did he find me?" You ask, voice shaky.
"Oh mija," Rose softly exhales. You turn your head to look at her and she shakes her head. "This isn't okay."
"I know."
"I think you need to talk to the police, especially since he followed you across states."
"Y-Yeah. Okay."
You feel a hand grab your shoulder and you flinch, but you quickly reach up to grab ahold of it. The small, too smooth hand lets you know it's Julie. "I'll call dad and tell him to meet us there."
Rose tells her that's a good idea and then Alex is saying, "Should I tell Luke? This feels like something he'll get pissed at me for, for not telling him."
"Of course," you say, "but tell him I'll call him after. He doesn't need to come down to the police department as well."
It doesn't take Ray long to get to the police department, and when he does he and Rose escort you inside while Julie and Alex stay outside. The female officer who takes your statement is quite appalled to hear that someone would fake soulmate words and is clearly upset to learn that he followed you across state lines, even after you did everything to conceal your location. She completely understands why you're so unsettled, but unfortunately there's not much they can do unless Jerry were to physically harm you or your family. She does, however, file the statement for future reference in case anything involving Jerry were to pop up in the future and it makes you feel a little bit better to know it's all on file.
Once you're free to go, Julie immediately throws herself into your arms when you're back outside. She's sobbing and it takes you a moment to understand what she's saying. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry! I was just thinking while you were gone and I think he found you because of me- because of the video I posted of you and Luke."
"Jules, no. It's not your fault."
"But it is! If that mega creep stalked my page, some of my posts have the locations tagged."
Oh. So yeah, maybe that is how he found you. You can see everyone else realize the sudden realization you came to as well, but you don't want to make your cousin feel any worse. "Don't even worry about it. You are not responsible for his actions. Okay? This is all on him."
"I don't want to hear it," you cut her off, squeezing her just a little bit tighter. "I just want to put this day behind me, go home and put the groceries away, and cuddle with Luke while we brainstorm for our bonfire tomorrow night."
Julie pulls free from the hug, frowning. "You still want to go through with the bonfire after what happened today?"
"Duh." You smile gently at her. "We've been planning this for weeks. I'm not going to let Jerry's sudden appearance ruin our fun."
Julie looks like she's going to argue, but Ray is immediately by her side and wrapping an arm around her shoulders. "Mija, it's going to be okay. Y/N has all of you on her side and should anything happen we've got the card of the very nice officer who took our statement. It's going to be fine."
When Julie's calmed down, it's time to head home. Alex goes with Ray so he can be dropped off, but Julie goes with you and her mom. The drive is once again silent, but you don't mind it this time around. Though when you pull up to the house, you can't help but sigh at the sight of Luke pacing back and forth on the front porch.
Tía Rose chuckles as she parks. "Go," she tells you. "Julie and I can get the groceries. Go calm your soulmate."
You smile thankfully at her and do as you're told. Then as you're walking up the sidewalk, Luke hops off the porch and makes a beeline for you. He immediately wraps you up in his arms and you don't mind how tight he squeezes you.
"Lets go to the studio," you tell him.
Luke doesn't even bother arguing, he grabbing your hand as soon as he frees you from the hug to pull you towards the studio out back. Then upon entering the studio, Luke shuts the door behind you and drags you over to the couch. "What happened?"
You shrug. "Jerry found me. I don't know how he came across any video I was in, but we think he saw the video of me and you singing. Julie thinks he went through her page and took a chance by going to the location that was tagged in some of her posts."
"Bro, that's so messed up."
"You're telling me," you huff. "Julie feels terrible, but I don't blame her so.."
"Nah. It's not her fault. This dude is seriously screwed in the head." You nod, quietly agreeing. Sighing, you pull your legs up and curl them beside you, and lean into Luke's side. "So what did the police do?"
"Nothing. They can file a report about him following me, but they can't actually do anything unless he physically harms someone." Luke softly swears. "I'm actually kind of scared," you then admit. "I don't know why he's obsessed with me, but he knows I found my real soulmate. What if he does try to do something?"
"I'll kick his goddamn ass if I have to." You quietly chuckle, but Luke presses on. "I'm serious, Y/N. You are my soulmate. I will protect you until my dying breath. That jackass ain't gonna lay a finger on you."
"Have I ever told you how hot I find you when you get angry?"
He chuckles softly. "What?"
"Yeah. So hot," you muse. You glance up at him, lips twitching as you can clearly see how he's torn between finding amusement in your words and reprimanding you to be serious. "I can handle Jerry. Somewhat," you then softly admit. "Please don't do anything that will put you in handcuffs."
He sighs. "No promises."
"Whatever. I'll take what I can get."
Luke finally smiles and he quickly presses a kiss to your forehead. "Have I ever told you how adorable it is to see you going soft for me?"
"Fuck off, Patterson. Now lets go help sort the groceries so we can go pick out our spot on the beach for tomorrow night."
Luke laughs as you stand and tug him up so he can follow you out.
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Rose and Ray are a little hesitant to let you leave the following night, but after many reassurances they seem to realize that they're worrying for nothing. Willie shows up in a van and everyone cheers as they readily load up the back, Luke adding in two acoustic guitars for himself and Reggie. Alex automatically claims a seat in the front with Willie and Reggie beats everyone else in rock, paper, scissors to claim the other seat. So you, Luke, Julie, and Flynn sit in the back and try not to fall into each other with Willie's not so excellent driving skills.
You and Alex take on the responsibility of getting the fire going while everyone else situates the coolers of your food and drinks, and rearranges the chairs and blankets. It seems other kids had the same idea as you all because further down there are several other bonfires ready to be lit and every other face seems to be someone from Los Feliz High.
Once the fire is going and the music is just loud enough to be heard by everyone around your fire, Alex and Willie claim the blanket in the sand. You and Luke obviously sit next to one another, and Julie, Flynn, and Reggie stick together to mock the soulmates should anyone get a little too into displaying their affections.
It's a little too cool to take a dip in the water, so everyone makes do by burying Reggie in the sand or dancing around for some laughs. In between food and drinks, there are lip sync battles and originals sung by Julie, Luke, Reggie, and Alex, and it's the most perfect night. Pictures and video are taken, and everyone second guesses posting them, but you wave them off with the excuse that the damage has already been done.
A little after ten, Carrie saunters over and her appearance is enough to make the laughs taper off. You and Luke had stolen the blanket from Alex and Willie, and you were laying down with your head in Luke's lap so you were too comfortable to greet her by sitting up. Flipping her hair over her shoulder, Carrie says, "I knew every girl was just getting their hopes up. You and Luke are obviously still infatuated with one another."
As her words sink in, everyone immediately glances at you and Luke, and you frown at her. "What?"
She rolls her eyes. "There's some guy looking around for you. He's been telling everyone that you're his girl and he was supposed to meet you here."
There's a moment of silence and then, "Carrie, did this guy tell you what his name was?" Your heart stops and you immediately sit up in preparation for her answer.
"He probably did, but I didn't hear it over Alicia and Kaitlin squealing about Luke being single again."
Reggie snorts and you can hear Alex quietly reprimand his friend. "Did he have a man-bun, lots of bracelets on one wrist, skinny jeans, and combat boots?"
Whatever your expression is currently showing as you ask her, it throws Carrie off and you see her own haughty attitude diminish just the slightest. "Yeah. What's going on, Y/N?"
You sharply inhale and then Luke is immediately on his feet, draping an arm around your shoulders. "Come on. We should leave."
"No." Your tone startles him, and even Carrie, but then you look at Luke while softening your voice. "No. I'm not going to run away. He doesn't get to ruin my time with the people I love." A moment passes and then Luke nods, pressing a quick kiss to your forehead. You smile softly up at him before turning to look back at Carrie. "Be honest with me, Wilson. How much does everyone know about why I moved here?"
She shrugs. "By your second day here everyone knew you left your home because some asshole pretended to be your soulmate and like totally stalked you or something." No one says anything and you raise your eyebrows at her, willing her to connect the dots. Her eyes slightly widen as she realizes what you're silently telling her. "It's him, isn't it? The guy asking around about you."
You gulp. "His name is Jerry. I know we're not exactly friends, but do me a favor?" At her silence, you take it as a yes. "Spread the word. No one is to answer his questions and no girl goes off on their own. He's not a good person."
"Of course." She takes out her phone, ready to start sending off text after text. You sigh a little in relief, knowing that everyone will soon know a creep is hanging around. When Carrie glances back up at you, she frowns a little. "For what it's worth, I'm sorry. I didn't know it was him."
"Don't even worry about it. I didn't exactly tell anyone his name or showed a picture."
Carrie gives you a terse nod before she's straightening up, haughty expression back in place. As soon she takes her leave, everyone is suddenly on their feet surrounding you and Luke.
"What the hell?" Alex mutters. "This is so messed up."
"Am I gonna have to fight?" Flynn asks. "Because I am prepared to go to jail. Someone's just gonna have to bail me out."
Julie frowns. "I don't know about this, guys. I don't have a good feeling. Maybe we should go home."
"Are you kidding me?" Reggie scoffs. "There's one of him and seven of us. We'll be fine."
Willie glances between everyone, shrugging. "I'm down with whatever. If you guys wanna leave, we'll leave. If not, we'll stay."
Luke glances down at you. "What do you say, babe? Stay or go?"
"We stay. Now will everyone lighten up? We only got a couple of hours before beach patrol shuts us down."
Reggie whoops and you can't help but chuckle at his enthusiasm. Julie walks up to you then, still looking uneasy. "Are you sure about this? No one will think less of you for wanting to leave."
You flash her a small smile. "I'm not going to let him scare me off. And besides, it's like Reggie said. There's more of us than him. We'll be fine."
Only it wasn't fine. Not really. Because not even half an hour later the ex in question finally finds you.
Alex is the first to notice him, his laughter ceasing immediately as his expression hardens. Willie asks him what's wrong and upon following his line of sight he realizes what's going on. Then slowly but surely, everyone's fun nature disappears as they stand.
Jerry chuckles when you finally meet his gaze. "Told you see we'd see each other again real soon."
You sigh, your hand slipping into Luke's as you see him take a step forward out of the corner of your eye. "What do you want?"
"To catch up," Jerry muses. "You left so quickly and didn't tell me where you were going."
"For obvious reasons, you moron."
"Yeah. Read the room, dude. You're not wanted here," Flynn huffs as she steps up on your other side.
Jerry glances at her and his stare leaves you feeling uncomfortable. So to grab his attention once more, you say, "Go home. I have nothing to say to you."
"Aw," he coos, "but I miss you."
"Well she doesn't miss you." Luke's words draw Jerry's attention and you can see his jaw clench in the firelight.
"Ah, yes. The soulmate," he muses. "Tell me, soulmate, does she purr for you like she did for me?"
Your eyes widen just as there are several sharp inhales behind you and you immediately cling onto Luke's arm. "Luke, no!" Alex is on the other side of Luke, pushing his friend back and when it seems like he's got it under control you let go of his arm and step between him and Jerry. Glaring at his smug expression, you say, "No, Jerry, I don't purr with him like I did with you." He chuckles lowly. "Because unlike you, Luke knows how to get me off which is something you never knew how to do. Not even once."
"Oh fuck. She just murdered him," Flynn giggles.
Jerry's smug expression vanishes the moment everyone starts to giggle and before anyone can blink he's swinging his arm so the back of his hand connects with your cheek.
"You motherfucker!"
You go stumbling and it's only because of Julie and Flynn that you don't fall. When you manage to regain your footing, you locate the boys only to find that Willie and Luke are doing their best to whale on Jerry while Alex and Reggie look on, unsure about stopping the fight or not. Willie lets Luke throw most of the punches, though when Jerry lands one on Luke he's quick to reach in and make sure Jerry doesn't overcome his friend.
"Flynn, call the police department. Ask for Officer Diaz and tell her my name. Tell her Jerry's found me and he attacked me."
"Julie," you then turn towards your little cousin. "Call your mom and dad. They need to be here."
Stumbling towards the boys, you shout, "Stop. Guys, stop!" Alex is quick to come to your side, tucking you under his arm. "Luke!" You then yell.
With his hand fisted in a completely dazed Jerry's shirt, he stops mid-swing and glances at you. "Please stop. Flynn is calling the cops. You can stop now."
He's got a split lip and his body is still taut with anger, but upon seeing your expression he's quick to let Jerry go. Jerry stumbles as he regains his stability, but then Willie is there to make sure he goes nowhere.
As Luke stops right in front of you, he gently cups your face in his hands and his anguished expression makes your heart break. "He hit you."
"I know," you frown, "and he's going to pay for it."
You close your eyes as Luke presses his lips to your forehead, his lips lingering there as he mumbles apology after apology.
"How cute," Jerry chuckles darkly.
"Laugh it up now, asshole," Flynn says. "The cops are on the way."
You and Luke separate just as Jerry spits out a glob of blood, sneering at Luke. "You might have her now, Lukie boy, but how does it feel to know I had her first?"
Luke tries to lunge, but Alex is quick to catch him. Instead you stumble forward, gaze never leaving Jerry's. "Don't look so smug, Jer. You're the pretend soulmate who only had me for not even a fraction of your lifetime. But Luke? Luke gets me over and over and over for the rest of his life." Jerry's expression falters, but before he can think to hit you again it's you who forms a fist and hits him square between the eyes.
"Fuck," he grits out, stumbling into Willie.
"FUCK!" You shout, pain instantly blossoming in your hand. Not even shaking it out helps.
"Hey. Hey, let me see."
"Don't touch it!" You scream at Luke.
He chuckles as he gently grabs a hold of your wrist, running his fingers softly over your knuckles. "I think you might have broken it."
"Worth it."
Jerry tries to struggle some more in order to get away, but Willie and Reggie do a good job of keeping him in place. And if they had failed, he wouldn't have gotten far because Nick and his band of jocks had appeared out of the dark after being led over by Carrie.
Rose and Ray appear first, Ray immediately getting the story from the boys while Rose fusses over you and your bruised face. Then the second red and blue lights start flashing, the crowd disperses and leaves your original group alone with Jerry.
Immediately Jerry tries to spin the tale that your boys jumped him, but fortunately for you Officer Diaz and her partner are the ones taking your statement. They grab yours first and upon seeing your face they take a picture of it to put on file. You ask them about what's going to happen to Luke and Willie for defending you when Jerry attacked, and they unfortunately tell you that they might actually be taken in since they threw the first punch against him.
After a few more statements are taken, Luke and Willie are surprisingly let go with a warning. Turns out Luke hadn't thrown the first punch, he just pushed Jerry away from you, and Jerry went on the attack first. Luke's assault was categorized as self defense and Willie smartly kept his knuckles hidden while mentioning he was only standing by trying to separate the brawling boys. Officiate Diaz and her partner obviously knew it was a load of shit, but they wanted to get Jerry off the streets more than they wanted to arrest Willie for defending his friend.
Then once Jerry is taken away, Ray suggests you all call it a night. He helps put the fire out while Rose helps everyone else load up Willie's van, and then they mention they'll meet you at home. On the way there, Luke calls his parents to let them know what happened and that he'd be back home the following evening in time for school. You can hear his mom express her concern for you and her hopes that you feel better soon, and then she goes on to tell him that she loves him and that she's sorry for their argument. Luke chokes up while he's on the phone, but thankfully everyone else attempts to make small talk to give him a semblance of privacy.
Willie drops off you, Luke, and Julie first, and you apologize for ruining the night.
"Are you kidding me?" Reggie scoffs. "Tonight was wicked fun! You're lucky you already found your soulmate because that punch was hot."
Luke chuckles. "You're an idiot, Reg."
You glance at Willie and he beams at you. "Don't even sweat it. Tonight was totally fun, brawl included. I just hope the charges stick and that jerk doesn't bother you anymore."
"You and me both," you muse. "Now go on. Get out of here and let Alex kiss your knuckles all better."
Alex groans as his soulmate laughs, and the three of you wave at the van as it disappears down the road.
Then as you're walking up the sidewalk leading to the porch, Julie says, "I love you guys, but can we please never get into a public altercation ever again?"
You laugh as you swat at her, only to hiss in pain when you hit her with your injured hand. "Goddamn it that hurt. I think the adrenaline finally faded," you say as you cradle your hand to your chest.
Luke wraps his arm around your shoulders, tucking you into his side. "We'll have Rose check it out and if she thinks you need a doctor, we'll head down to the ER."
"I'm gonna need a cast, I just know it," you mumble.
As the three of you come to a stop on the porch, Julie turns towards you and says, "Maybe next time you'll think about throwing a punch before you actually know how to throw a punch. You're not supposed to tuck your thumb in."
"Yeah? Well maybe you should let me practice on your face!"
"Okay!" Luke laughs, pulling you a step back from a now laughing Julie. "A Y/N in pain is a mean Y/N. Duly noted."
You glare at Julie a little longer before your façade cracks and then you whine as you lean into Luke once more. "Will you hold my hand in the ER?"
"Sure thing, babe. Ready to have Ray and Rose yell at us before they realize your hand might be broken and need medical attention?"
"Nope, but we gotta go inside sometime."
"Ugh," Julie scoffs. "You guys are too adorable for your own good."
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tinyjeanmarco · 4 years
Your display name literally defines my week mood, Porco is the best boy🥺 i was wondering if you could write some hc about him?? I didn’t have any specific in mind, maybe something cute but ofc it’s up to you and you can even not write anything, that’s alright too!! Im just happy seeing more people warming up to him☺️ i hope you have a great February and that you stay safe and happy💖
eee! porco really is best boy, i love him to pieces. and of course i’ll write some hc’s about him (*°ヮ° *) these will be super soft, i promise. and thank you! my february has been going well so far, so i wish the same upon you! this is also my first request i’m doing, so i’m really excited. i hope you enjoy!  ♡
summary: some hc’s about domestic life with porco. canon divergence because in this he’s not a warrior, that way reader doesn’t have to worry about having a time limit w/ him or worry about anything happening to him (∩_∩). (i think this ended up like some sort of canon-ish au with some modern setting mixed in, whoops!)
porco x gn!reader
warnings: none
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you’ve known porco since you two were kids. you essentially grew up together and you had always had a tiny crush on him growing up.
it wasn’t until you guys were teens that he confessed to liking you as well. this totally took you by surprise, but in a good way!
a few days after he confessed to you, he told you that he did so because he knew reiner also liked you, and he was afraid that reiner would admit his feelings for you and that you’d date him instead.
he didn’t want to become the pathetic childhood friend who was too afraid to say something and then be doomed to watch you be in love with someone else for the rest of his life.
when he told you this, you found it quite funny (and also felt bad for reiner since porco just outted him and now he would never get a chance cuz you’re dating porco), since you had always liked porco, not reiner, so he wouldn’t have had to worry, anyways.
you two had been together for years, not really having many issues. that isn’t to say you would never fight or disagree, but you two always made an effort to resolve any tensions that arose.
porco seems to me the type who holds grudges and doesn’t really care to talk things out, but he knows that if he does that with you, he will most likely end up losing you.
whenever you get into a disagreement/fight with him, he needs space and time alone before he can come back and confront the situation. if you try to make him talk right away, he will lose his cool and say something he doesn’t mean.
you sort of learned this the hard way with him when you started dating. he’s long since made up for those times, but in the back of his head, he still feels bad about them (although he would never tell you this).
after dating for like six years, porco finally decided to wife you up and make you his officially.
he would definitely want it to be really special for you because he absolutely adores you and wants to make it something that you’ll remember forever.
he would have a whole plan put together. he has the ring, he just needs to take you out, have a nice night, eating really well, and then as you two gaze up at the stars on the roof of the building you live in, he would whip out the ring and propose. bam! foolproof.
probably not as foolproof as he hoped because he actually ended up accidentally proposing to you while you guys were just cuddling one night.
you would be all cuddled up to him, both of you almost asleep, and he mumbles out, not thinking, “marry me.”
and you’re instantly awake at that, turning your head to glance at him, and just say yes.
boy do his eyes shoot wide open. he’s stumbling over words, trying to correct himself before you just kiss him to get him to shut the hell up.
he tells you that he had a whole plan to make it special for you and spend the whole day together before popping the question.
you respond, saying that he can still do that, you’ll just pretend you never heard anything, but any way that it happened was special enough to you because you love him with your whole heart and you just want to be with him.
he bonks you on your nose and just calls you cheesy, but his heart is beating fast with the pure love he holds for you.
you both end up going through with his plans and having a wonderful day, him proposing again at the end of it all.
okay, so, porco loves kissing you. his favorite activity. you want a smooch? you don’t even have to ask, he’s one step ahead of you.
he is a clingy baby that wants to always have you near him. he will constantly have his hand on you, whether it’s in your hand, on your thigh, around your waist.
he loves kissing the top of your head. if you are shorter than him, it’s a win and easy peasy. if you’re taller than him, he will make you bend down so he can still kiss the top of your head.
he also will love kisses on the top of his head if you’re taller than him, or if you two are cuddling and he has his head laid on your chest.
he also loves it when he’s just showered, and his hair isn’t slicked back, if you play with his hair, running your fingers through the soft blond locks. it really relaxes him and helps him fall asleep.
this clingy boy also loves to cuddle with you.
he will look for any opportunity to wiggle into your arms and tangle his limbs in yours.
he loves to be both the big spoon and little spoon, all depending on his mood. sometimes he just enjoys the comfort of being held close to you, and other times he wants to hold you in his arms to remind him that you’re really there with him.
he will have an iron grip on you, refusing to let you go ever.
“porco, please, i have to pee.”
“noooo. stay here, pee later.”
“porco, i will pee on you.”
i also totally hc porco to love cooking or baking. he definitely loves to eat and it’s more fun when he gets to eat it with you. better yet, cooking with you.
when you’re making cookies or something, you’ll have to yell at him to stop eating the raw batter. it’s not good for you. (if you’re vegan, you wont really have that exact issue, but him still eating it means there will be less output, so stop eating it, porco!)
he first started cooking when you guys moved in together which means he was pretty bad at it. you kind of had to help him and were brutally honest if he burnt something or did something wrong.
i don’t think he would really be a disaster in the kitchen because he would always follow the recipes down to a T.
i mentioned above you two moving in together. let me tell you, that was one chaotic day. so many boxes, so few hands. you legit spent all day moving things in.
porco would constantly be like “ow, ow, babe, i hurt myself!” to make you fret over him and then when you ask him what’s wrong he’ll say something along the lines of “i hurt my hand carrying this box. can you kiss it better?” or he would straight up be like “my heart hurts because you’re not kissing me right now.”
cue rolling your eyes and giving this dumb baby a kiss nearly every fifteen minutes.
you end move in day with all the boxes piled up around your apartment, and you two fall asleep on just a plain mattress with a few pillows, too tired to unpack anything else. maybe a blanket too so that way you guys don’t get too cold.
i’m hopping around a lot for these hc’s, but the wedding you two have is a nice small one with just your closest friends and family.
he doesn’t even care (that much) when you invite reiner, he’s just excited to marry you and be yours.
seeing you all dressed up for the wedding makes his heart leap into his throat, and he just starts crying. he never thought this day would come and that he would be lucky enough to spend his forever with you.
after you two say your vows and the officiator says you may kiss, he leaps to you and gives you the slowest, most gentle kiss ever. he pours his soul out into the kiss, making sure you know this is the happiest day of his life.
the whole part at the after party where you feed each other cake? he’s the one to smash it all over your face. yep. he’s that kind of husband.
calling him your husband is also your new favorite thing. it just makes it feel so real.  
“hey, can you get me a glass of water, husband?” and he melts because he loves hearing that come out of your mouth. it reminds him that you actually married him. (he still can’t believe that.)
porco will try his hardest to be the best husband ever and always make you happy. he just loves you to the moon and back and is never afraid to show it.
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grayintogreen · 3 years
[gently pushes pause on “this is a Critical Role blog” except bold of anyone to assume that I won’t change gears once a week, depending on what’s airing.]
Okay, so DAMN this episode had everything and I’ve usually been waiting for the dub and just reading summaries and watching clips for Yashahime but I plan on writing a few fics in this fandom for Februwhump (whaaaat), so I need to catch up and what better way to do so than watching the latest because BOY DID IT HAVE EVERYTHING.
What’s that, Chris? You like your stoic badass characters who care for like five people total who spent an entire series being the most selfish fuck known to god and man and then came into the sequel swinging that character development to get FUCKED UP because they were PROTECTING their loved ones?? Oh okay, here you go. Like GODDAMN.
(Also I love how Kirinmaru called back to that Inu-Papa “women and children shouldn’t be on a battlefield” thing while Sesshoumaru is literally standing behind him, taking a fucking breather and not yelling at the girls for tagging in, like damn way to drink the respect women and children juice there, Sess. He was like “oh my GOD Moroha why didn’t you RUN it’s like dealing with Mini-Inuyasha over here” but still let her do her shit and only stepped in when Kirinmaru was about to nuke his family and called them brats.
Points were deducted from this episode because while my mama-loving heart did break down into sobbing bitch baby tears about Moroha and Kagome, I am still tapping my GODDAMN WATCH over Rin not getting to see her daughters, like come on man. The girl just got out of a tree and now her babies are in the Netherworld and her husband is literally engaged in a callback to the Night They Met what with the unconscious sprawl in the woods thing.
(I don’t know what a haku is in this context, but can it be solved by dumping water on his head? Because Rin can do that. She can do that good.)
Incidentally, loving Rin in the preview just standing in her shift and bare feet in front of Jaken, Takechiyo (who she has NEVER MET), and probably Sesshoumaru’s creepily glowing comatose body so Kirinmaru can’t get past her like this girl. THIS ABSOLUTE FIVE FOOT NOTHING OF A QUEEN.
I feel like given the opening, we’re about to head into a “pretend to be the villain of the piece, get a corruption arc” thing with Sesshoumaru, which... YES. YES, I AM EXCITED ABOUT. As long as he doesn’t die. If Sess dies of this and the end result is not every member of the Doggo Clan tackling his dumb ass into the ground and loving him back into whatever his definition of sense is, then what was the point. He’s the only member of the Sesshomaru Clan besides Towa that still has a Get Out of Death Card Free card, and I STAND by my “Sess is gonna get revived by the Tenseiga” theory and you can pry it from my cold fingers. I wrote the fic. I spoke it into existence, which, uh, given how fucking bad I am at theorizing (like seriously I am the opposite of Apollo’s gift of prophecy- no matter how well thought out my theories are THEY ARE NEVER TRUE, BUT GIVE ME THIS ONE.)
Anyway. LOVE THAT SHIPPO IS FINALLY GONNA SHOW AT LONG LAST... and has not aged a day. I mean it’s been 18 years, but Teen Shippo was everyone’s theory for awhile. But I mean the HUMANS have barely aged in 18 years, even the ones NOT stuck in time displacement, so keeping Shippo still Baby makes sense.
Also BOY did this season (mostly the new opening though let’s be real) come for my entire life with the Riku/Towa. I was pretty content to just ship the Old Hotness and leave the kiddos to being cute and sibling-y and GOD way to hit a dozen of my tropes. I’m hoping “Riku dies if Kirinmaru dies” (which oh my god YASHAHIME THAT TROPE IS GETTIN REAL OLD) is gonna be the new Kohaku Will Die Without the Jewel Shard and that’ll get resolved somehow. Like come on, let Towa and Riku be the GNC as fuck ship of dreams.
Anyway, looking forward to at least ONE adorable family reunion next week... and also finding out why the fuck Sesshoumaru is how he is right now and what’s that gonna do.
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bakugohoex · 4 years
“we could always burn the door down”
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pairing: hajime iwaizumi x female reader
cw: language, mild nsfw and fluff
word count: 2200+
a/n: thank you guys so much for 200 followers it means so much to me, double posting today and i hope you guys like this little one shot for our fave athletic trainer
summary: in which you and iwaizumi get locked inside of the volleyball storage cupboard, with no service and limited warmth, there’s only one option and for two people who aren’t even friends it is the last thing they thought would happen on a friday night
↞ back to haikyu!! masterlist
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“Oikawa, I swear to god if there’s a rat in the storage room I’m not going in.” Oikawa had ran to you after practice dragging you into the gym with a frustrated face.
“Y/n, stop being a bitch, we have to find Iwa-chan.” He mocked but went back to worrying.
“How is that my problem?” You had come back from the library and just wanted to go home.
“This place is gonna get locked up for tonight and I do care about it, we have to walk home.”
“Aww can little Oikawa not walk home by himself.” It’s not like you didn’t like Iwaizumi it’s just looking at him made you an entire mess and he barely even glanced at you to realise your prominent feelings.
You did your best to ignore the boy hoping your feelings would settle and whenever you were around him. You’d torment him with an attitude to make it seem like you disliked him when you cared more than anybody would know.
But what made you stay further away from the ace was his girlfriend, she was something you’d never be pretty, smart and nice. She wasn’t someone you could hate so easily, and she had the ace wrapped around her finger.
You followed Oikawa around relentlessly, he finally signed before looking at your bored figure. “He probably went home.”
“I said that to you a gazillion times Shittykawa.” He rolled his eyes at your comment.
“Yeah, yeah i can’t believe he left without me.” He saw you about to walk away grabbing your wrist. “You can’t walk home by yourself.”
“Aww Oikawa it’s okay, I’ll call my parents to come pick me up.” He nods before waving a goodbye.
You had left your bag in the gym going back to retrieve it before hearing noises coming from the storage cupboard. You slowly walked towards the door that looked barely open.
You peeked through the gap seeing an angry Iwaizumi. You heard his punch one of the boxes leading it to break. He was pissed and you were vary to even question why he was.
You were worried and that got to you, you opened the door slowly, his eyebrows raised, and fists clenched.
“Iwaizumi” You softly spoke it got him out of the trance of his anger as he saw you come in.
“Y/n, I’m not in the mood for you, go away.” you ignored him closing the door as you heard it click. “Did you just fucking close the door?”
“Ugh yeah.” You became timid, silent even out of fear that he was getting even more pissed.
“Gosh you fucking dumbass, the door locks on its own if closed and now we’re stuck in here.” He paces towards the door pulling at the handle just in case.
He was angry and you had made him even angrier. “Iwa-.”
“Don’t speak.” He goes back to the box that he’d broken trying to salvage any practice pieces.
You were getting frustrated yourself he didn’t need to be a dick just because of an accident. “We can just call someone.”
He takes his phone out showing the lack of cell service. “Why the fuck do you think I came in here, i wanted to be alone without Oikawa annoying me.”
You walk up to him, standing right in front of him. His eyes went soft as he looked down at you. “What happened?”
Those simple words and a single tear falling down his face. You knew it was something more than an annoyance with Oikawa. He fell to the ground leaning against the athletic equipment.
You sat beside him your school skirt riding up as he cried. You didn’t make him speak, only putting an arm around him. He was vulnerable and you would be there for him. His head rested on your shoulder as you stroked his back gently.
After a couple minutes he looked up at you, you wiped away the stray tears waiting for him to speak. “She cheated.”
It was something you hadn’t expected to hear, his perfect now ex-girlfriend had cheated. You knew he loved her but now you could feel hatred.
“She cheated.” He repeated. “With the captain of the football team.”
You knew who it was, he was all right, but nothing compared to Iwaizumi. He was a star player hoping to go professional, girls fawned over him like they did with Oikawa but most of all he had been getting close with Iwaizumi’s ex.
“I’m sorry.” You whisper your hand wrapping his hair as he leant against you again.
You massaged his scalp bringing him comfort that you thought you could bring him. “I’m being stupid, crying over a girl that I barely even liked.”
This had caught you off guard, whenever you would see the two of them, they looked in love. Was it all a facade or was it never real to begin with, he carried on speaking, “I found them making out in an empty classroom, she really was dense to think I wouldn’t see.”
You never imagined someone as perfect as her would be the one to cheat so carelessly, “and now I’m locked in this stupid storage room with you.”
The comment was unnecessary, but he said it more as a joke then to be rude. You laughed leaning your head backwards, still feeling his head on your upper shoulder. “Iwaizumi, she proved to you that you deserve better, she’s full of shit.”
Iwaizumi admired your honesty, of course once he had seen the scene he had ran. He didn’t want to confront her and needed to be alone instead, finding the quietest place possible. He knew someone was coming to fix the door early morning but was worried about spending the night with you.
The windows were small and if you even did try to jump out you were too high to survive without injury. He watched you thinking over the comforting feeling your hand brought to his hair.
“I deserve better.” He whispers.
“Yeah, you do, it’s good you know that some idiots stay with cheaters, they don’t deserve second chances and you’re so much better than she ever will be. You’re smart, athletic and you have your head screwed on.” You pause looking at how his face went into a small smile. “Anybody would be lucky to be with you.”
“Anybody? What even you?” He hadn’t meant to say it in the flirty way he had. But your hand fell from his hair looking down, he was making you dumb inside. You were trying to help but god was he making it hard with those sweet eyes of him.
“I’d be lucky to have you.” You whisper softly.
His ears grow red as he smirked at you, “you know I thought you hated me, but really you just liked me, didn’t you?”
He was taunting you and as your face became redder, you refused to meet his eyes. The tears no longer coming out from his eyes, he knew why he had really been crying. He had spent months wasted on a girl who meant nothing when all he really wanted was you.
He was upset he hadn’t taken you out on dates, sad that he hadn’t kissed you or even held your hands. Most of all he was frustrated with the lack of communication from the two of you to even mention the chances of a relationship.
You were still looking down, scared to meet his eyes. He grabbed your face with both his hands, before smashing his lips onto your own. Your brain hadn’t processed what was going on, but you enjoyed it, your own hands going into his hair.
The kiss deepening as one of his hands moved to your exposed thighs, brushing up and down. It was everything you had imagined and dreamt about, your mouths moving in sync with it being passionate and lustful. It was long overdue; the longing looks you had given each other without looking finally being resolved.
His other hand encased your face, his thumb brushing up and down your cheek. It was silent the sound of spit and saliva being exchanged through the kiss; it was hungry and something you missed as soon as he let go. You breathing was heavy, but you remained looking at him, his face happier and so in love.
“Come ‘ere” You obeyed as he gestured to his lap.
You sat yourself onto of his lap, his hands around your waist bringing you closer. You had been hesitant, but his gesture made you rest your head on his chest whilst your own arms wrapped around him. You both stayed like this in silence, he was kissing the top of your head occasionally, but you were both listening, hearing your heart beats in sync craving each other’s touch again.
His hands moved to under your skirt, grabbing the back of your thighs. He had been wearing his school shirt and trousers and you wanted more contact with him. You glided your fingers across the buttons, his eyes widening before smirking. He nodded to allow you to unbutton a couple of the buttons, you kissed his neck moving down to his collar and chest, sucking on the exposed skin to feel even more of the boy, his grip on your thighs tightened, knowing a bruise was forming.
He moaned lowly in your ear, the sign making you suck even harder even biting a few spots. You admired your work it was like ruining a masterpiece. He loved the dishevelled look you had, you both admired each other, staring into each other’s eyes before you broke the silence.
“I really like you.” He smiles bringing one of his fingers to your chin to make you look up.
“Lucky I really like you too.” His lips captured yours again, your hand resting on his bare chest. It was soft and filled with love, the way he let go making your heart warm and the feeling of his teeth biting into your bottom lip. Engulfed you with love. “You should get some sleep.”
He knew it was late and that both of you weren’t getting out any time soon. “We could always burn the door down.” 
You joked easily hearing his low laugh that brought you comfort before you stayed in each other’s arms, your cheek resting against his bare chest, as he brought you even closer, hoping to provide you with the heat and warmth you needed before he fell asleep himself.
Hours passed and as daylight broke out the sound of the volleyball team running through the gym could be heard from within the storage cupboard, you remained on Iwaizumi’s legs as he held you closer, his soft breathing being heard as he snored peacefully.
“Where is Iwaizumi?” Kindaichi asked the setter who was as lost as always.
“Wait isn’t that Y/n’s bag?” They saw the distressed school bag outside the cupboard they recognised it due to the keyring on it that you had won at a fair years ago.
They went to open the cupboard, Oikawa’s face in shock as he saw the two of you encased in each other’s arms. “Oh, my fucking god.”
His scream startled you waking up, you yawned as you saw the team and the door wide open. “Wake up the doors open.” You stretched your arms as Iwaizumi started to stir, his arms wrapped around your waist. The first one to notice the marks on Iwaizumi was Matsukawa whose eyes widened pointing them out to Hanamaki who raised an eyebrow.
“Iwa-chan you were hiding in the store cupboard.” Oikawa pouted before he noticed the marks, “you two were fucking in the storage what about…”
Iwaizumi interrupted him, “we broke up.”
Oikawa didn’t question it happy that two of his friends were happy, you buttoned up Iwaizumi’s shirt before smiling at the boy. “I’ll leave you boys to practice.”
You grabbed your bag smiling at the team. “Wait Y/n.” Before you could go Iwaizumi grabbed your wrist.
“I’m going to text her and tell her its over and I want us to go out tonight.”
You smiled at how the boy was embarrassed, he scratched the back of his head as you came up to him kissing him softly on the lips, it was sweet and simple. “I’ll see you at 7 for our date.”
“Okay, get home safe.” You nod about to leave again but he brings you in for another smaller kiss. Your heart warms, as he finally let’s go, you heavily breathe a thrill of excitement running through you about the date tonight.
You walked away a smile on your face, you saw Iwaizumi take his phone out quickly typing something out and sending it before doing the same movement. One probably to his now ex and the other to who knows who.
You heard the ding of your phone going off, opening it you see a message from Iwaizumi, “I’m glad you found me.”
You smile walking outside, typing a response of how happy you were and how you couldn’t wait for tonight. You didn’t expect a reply as practice was occurring but now you realised you had him. And maybe Oikawa was right to drag you around the school. Without the cheating and Oikawa’s neediness the relationship between Iwaizumi would’ve never bloomed and now you had what you had always wanted. A relationship with your favourite ace. 
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internalsealpanic · 4 years
Of Midnight Smoothies and Murder Mysteries
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Summary:  Sneaking out for a movie turns out to be a bad idea. 
A/n: So... this was supposed to com out on Halloween then I confessed about thirst then my priorities shifted. Well, since I don’t celebrate Thanksgiving this is just extended Halloween. It would be funny to do a Thanksgiving thing with the Batfam.  Thanks to @littleredwing89 and @lucy-roo for proof reading this crack. Thanks for @ereawrites for the encouragement. And thanks to @littleredwing89​ for the mood board. (I love you my dear enabler.) Also “[ ]” will indicate characters speaking in a different language. I sadly could not find grammar stuff for the language so you will have to bear with me.  This is still part of the Merc! Reader series. 
Warnings: Gore, a lot of blood, dumb bickering, Dick being a cute dork, and snake bleps.
Main Masterlist 
Series Masterlist
"Aliens don't exist," You huff around your thoroughly chewed straw, swirling the radioactive green smoothie Dick insisted that you try. You debate on whether to take out the bag of confectioners sugar you bought and pour it in. Dick makes a noise, indiscernible with his own straw in his mouth. You cast a glance at him only to see his neon blue smoothie spurting out of his nose. Your snort quietly, the noise hidden by the rustling of grocery bags against your bouncing leg but based on the way he’s pouting at you, Dick clearly sees your lack of sympathy and takes offense. You shrug at him. 
 Brushing the liquid away with the sleeve of his denim jacket, Dick levels you his best batglare. You give him an impassive half-asleep response of ‘hnnn’ which just gave him flashbacks about talking to Bruce. You’re entirely too focused on the fact that the blue of the smoothie is still alarmingly stark even against the blue of the denim.  “You’ve met Superman, right?”
 You roll your eyes at his piss poor attempt at intimidating you and pinch your straw between your thumb and index finger, trying to break apart the clumps of ice preventing you from getting more smoothie. “-Met is a strong word-” You drawled causing him to sneer.  “Just say he kicked your ass six ways to Sunday like a normal person.”
 “I fought him.”
 “You got your ass beat-” You glare at him sticking your green tongue out at him and in return he sticks his blue tongue out at you. It was true but he didn’t have to say it. This is always how your long-held arguments start. 
 “Besides, aren’t you and Slade metas?” He breaks in after a long moment, instantly cutting off the possibility of weeks of not talking to each other. You smile balefully at him. “Precisely.”
 “What? How does you being a weirdo disprove aliens?” 
 You make an affronted sound through your nose but launch into your explanation in your professorial voice. “The guy’s gotta be some kind of meta and he probably just came up with the Krypton thing afterwards. It sounds cooler, yanno?” 
 Dick looks up to the smog covered Gotham sky, leaning back against the solid brick pillar behind him. “Well, why can’t he be an alien?” He says dreamily tracing unseen constellations with his right hand. You briefly remember him mentioning stargazing with his parents when he was younger. There is something warm in the memory even if it wasn’t yours.  You look down at him, eyebrow ticking. “Ok genius, tell me why there would be aliens that look exactly like us?”
 “Why not?” He says grinning at you. The sterile lighting of the grocery store light filtering through smudgy windows highlighting his features. The shadows highlighting the shape of his cheekbones and the dimples forming at the edges of his cheeks.  When had Dick gone from cute to handsome? You shake your head, avoiding his smiling corscian blue eyes. 
 “Becaaauuuuuse, dipshit, that’s not how evolution works” You bite out. 
 “What about convergent evolution?” He offers casually and your tongue freezes. A light flickers in his eyes and his pretty mouth twitch up into a laugh when you fail to respond. “You forgot about that, didn’t you? HA”
 “I regret this conversation.”
 “Superman fanboy” you accuse, jabbing a finger into his chest. Dick giggles either from your weak deflection or the fact he’s ticklish, either way, your stomach does somersaults.  
 “Just say you’re wrong.” He says grinning, the divots formed by his dimples becoming more apparent.  You feel Yasiri’s tail flick across your collarbone, her body coiling up in response to your irritation. Your mouth curls too but the irritation doesn’t quite boil over as you expected it to, not when  Dick smiles at you like that. There’s a strange twisting in your stomach. You aren’t sure what it is but you’re pretty sure that you don’t like it. You blow out a breath, sound caught between a tired laugh and a long-suffering sigh, and pick your grocery bags before getting up. 
 Not even 5 seconds after you resolve to abandon him, Dick’s already by your side, falling into step with you bumping his shoulder against yours in a placating gesture. Yasiri slithers from the skin on the base of your neck to hiss at him. Dick smiles at her unfazed despite the clear and present danger. He pets her without much fuss from your usually ferocious snake. You make an amused noise at her compliance. 
 The walk is spent in easy companionable silence. The kind you two settle into when Dick knows you need to settle down. You were a sore loser when it comes to arguments but so was he, so you tend to let the other work through it. You grimace at your lightly scuffed shoes. They weren’t expensive or flashy or even one of a kind but they were comfortable, reliable, and most importantly they were from Mr. Wintergreen- Uncle Wintergreen, he insisted. The fact that he’d taken the time at all made your stomach flip-
 Your stomach dropped. Your throat and mouth felt dry. The scent of copper permeating the air as you stared at the red puddle beneath your white shoes, a severed finger poking at you. 
 You must have stopped abruptly. You turn to Dick mechanically and see his face crumple into worry. Before you can rush out words of dismissal, your ears tune in to the sounds of a haunting melody. Yasiri rattles around your neck once again leaving the safety of your collar bone. Your head swivels mechanically towards the old theatre. Dick looks at you curiously, concern flashing in his eyes when another scream erupts from the theater. You both stiffen, spines straightening. Eyes blown wide, your feet take you toward the theater. 
Dick falls into step with you.”You’re not seriously going, are you? You’ve- Didn’t we just watch a horror movie?”
 “You seem to be going the same way.” You point out, side-eyeing him sharply, the sour look on your face not betraying the anxiety cloying at your spine. In the corner of your eye, you can see Dick huffing and crossing his arms over his chest. 
 “I’m Robin.” 
 “And I kicked your ass just 2 days ago and served it on a silver platter while quoting the one and only Arnold Schwarzenegger,” You grin absolutely, unequivocally unapologetic. 
 “I was protecting civilians!” He protests, throwing up his hands theatrically. 
 Dick opens his mouth to contest your point but there really was convincing you on that. His face screws up and being the gracious loser that he is, he sticks his still neon blue tongue out at you. You, being the graceful winner that you were, stick your radioactively neon green tongue at him in answer. 
 You continue to bicker about the merits of his heroism on the battlefield 'til you reach the front of the theater. You tuck your grocery bags behind debris by the entrance making sure to keep them well hidden. Dick wants to point out that they’ll probably be gone by the time you two are done but Yasiri was staring at him like she was about to strike at him for real this time. 
  It- It wasn’t hard to get into the building. Dick held out his hand to you as you climbed over another set of debris. You take it. You thank him clumsily. He bows to you a gremlin smile spreading across his face. You sneer but give him a sharp smile in return. 
 It’s dark. The absence of light is thick. It makes the sounds of your heartbeats uncomfortably loud. You swallow. You trace your finger along your skin, the hilt of your knife falls easily into your hand. You trace your finger on your other arm and hand the knife to Dick who shakes his head.  You shrug and let it melt back into your skin. 
 “You have a tracker on you, right?”
 “No-” You eye him, cutting him a look of disbelief. “I-”
 “Relax, I have one too.” You deadpan. 
 Dick sighs. “You’re dad’s paranoid too?”
 “So is yours” You snip, hackles drawn. 
“Bruce isn’t my dad.”
 “Slade isn’t mine either.”
 “Mentors?” Dick offers placatingly.
 “Polite way of saying bossy prick, I guess.” You roll your eyes but concede. 
 “I mean I don’t know about Wintergreen but Alfred taught me some manners.” Dick shrugs, folding his arms behind his head somehow relaxed despite the thick scent of blood in the air or maybe this was how Dick was when he was nervous. 
 The truth was Wintergreen had attempted to teach you manners but he’d run into quite a few problems. The first being that you were a terrible student. Sure, you caught on quickly when you could but anything you didn’t gravitate towards didn’t hold your limited attention long enough to make an actual impact on you. Now that in of itself was fixable with the right kind of bribery. The other problem was less so. Your mentor, if you could really call him that, was a rude bastard. Long story short, you’ve never seen the point, much to Wintergreen’s chagrin and Slade’s amusement. You were, however, a master of mouthing off. 
 “Shouldn’t we call back up?”
 You flick your eyes to him, uselessly, but based on the shifting of the body beside you he somehow got the message. “Go ahead, if you wanna explain to big daddy bats why you’re hanging out with me, sure.”
 Yeah. That wasn’t an option. There was, of course, a silent understanding that bats probably knew about your little hangouts but still. 
You pad the walls with your left hand while your right was gripping Dick’s sleeve, white-knuckled. You cringe every now and again feeling the walls slick with what you weren’t eager to investigate. You strain your ear to listen for odd sounds but mostly to see if Dick, as you suspect, is echolocating. 
 “How are you doing that?”
 “Doing what?”
 “Silently echolocating?”
 Dick snickers. “I am not. You do know B isn’t an actual bat, right?”
 “Oh yeah, I forgot he was just a furry.” You sneer. Dick snorts a sound caught between amusement and offense. He clearly respected Bruce. Not the same way you respected Slade, maybe, but you understood how larger than life the Batman was even if he was the biggest pain in your ass by far. 
 “Do you really have any room to make fun of my mentor when yours has ‘Stroke’ in his name?”
 “I have plenty of room, probably. Why not  echolocate to check just how much room I have?”
 “Listen here-”
 The opera music floods the silent hall, sharp and clear. You feel the air around you catch fire and your fraying nerves. You turn your head to Dick. Despite not being able to see him, you know his mouth flattens and his brow wrinkles the way they do when you two agree to do something incomprehensibly stupid. This time you do not argue or question or even complain. You simply go forward.
A scream, messy and jagged, tangles with the smooth crispness of the opera music. It makes your stomach turn almost as much as the idea of who or, more appropriately, whatever was behind it. You were familiar with the cruelties Gotham’s monsters were capable of. You have, after all, worked for quite a few. 
 But this? 
 This pure, uncut agony in that scream? That was just something you could not stomach. You feel Dick flinch at the sound, almost jumping out of his skin. You squeeze his arm once, then twice, then twice once more. You feel his hand on your wrist, reciprocating the gesture. You smile at him reassuringly not knowing whether it would make things better or whether he can actually see it. 
 Neither of you is particularly good at dealing with people’s pain. That might not be the right word for it. Neither of you coped well. You absorbed too much of it. You were, however, much better at hiding it. Not that you could fault Dick on that. You didn’t even attempt. For Dick, humanity was a part of the job. Compassion? Kindness? That was to be expected of a hero not derided. To uphold that in the face of Gotham’s worst, that took strength. 
 Strength, in your case, was directed elsewhere. Something bone-breaking, more visceral. You suppose that was the problem with keeping company with survivors. Perpetually dancing on the brink of death robbed you of something but you haven’t exactly known any other life besides this. 
 The end of the hall is light by bright lights, sterile white, the kind you only saw in clinics. Your head runs through the catalog of Gotham’s rogues, possibilities of which utter psychopath could possibly be doing this. 
 “We should call the cops.”
 Not really really paying attention, you nod. You should probably. You grip the handle of your knife, flexing your fingers nervously, as another scream cuts through the air. Dick’s body curls, recoiling at the sound. The sound, this close, was enough to make you twitch. 
 “Can’t we just text them?”
 “What do you think this is? Canada?”
 “Ok, fair but make sure to tell them you’re Dickle Grayson.” You tease, smiling way too easily considering the creepy atmosphere. 
 Dick crosses his arms over his chest.“And summon a media storm?”
 “It would get the police here faster.”  
 “I hate it when you’re right,” Dick wishes he could wipe the absolutely smug grin off your face. “We need to back up. You know, in case, he can hear us.”
 “I mean you are the one unarmed here.” You say, waving your arms at him. 
 “No, I’m not. I have my bird-a-rangs.” Dick preens, taking them out from some pocket hidden in his jacket. 
 “Bird-a-rangs.” You echo, raising a brow. 
 “Yup. Bird-a-rangs.”
 “You are officially- no, you are legally not allowed to name things.”
 Dick makes an offended squawking noise.“Oh, come on! Still not as bad as Sharknado.”
 “Take. That. Back. Heathen.”
 “Make me.”
 Both of you still. Yasiri unfurls from your collarbone, her tail rattling. You spin on your heel. Your knife swings out in a wide crescent of light.  Thick crimson splashes across your face. At the end of your knife was a person- no, it was a person in the past tense. It makes a small cry when you wiggle the blade planted in its throat a fraction. Otherwise, it ignores the fact that it is, in fact, bleeding out from its jugular. It’s thick, clumsy limbs reach for you. Your stomach rolls. The thing in front of you, the mangled approximation of what was once a person, is lurching towards you. You think you sneer in disgust but your face is far too numb to tell. 
 “Dick! Just call the cops!” You snarl, panic rising audibly as more bodies emerge from God knows where. You kick the one to your front off to the side, shredding its neck. It takes everything in you not to vomit. In the corner of your eye, you see Dick type as he kicks another one away.   You two back into each other as the bodies close around you, cutting off all the exits. You roll up your sleeve tracing a blood-soaked finger over the lines of your tattoo and producing another knife. Dick pulls out his bird-a-rangs. 
 Dick landed blows but they weren’t hard enough to maim or be fatal. Even if he was to hit them with the sharp bird-a-rangs, he would still aim non fatally. Slade would kill you if you fought so inefficiently or maybe he would just taunt you. Either way, you didn’t care much for Dick’s squeamishness right now as the bodies kept getting back up. As far as you can tell, you’re doing them a favor. 
 The first wave of bodies rushes towards you. Their limbs jutting towards you clumsily. You swing your blade, vicious and precise. You feel metal clash against flesh, against bone. Blood coats every available surface on you.  You hear Dick squawk and you don’t really need to turn around to check that he’s also covered in it too. The spray of blood makes the air thick with the scent of copper. The blood on your skin burns. 
 “Goose!” You shout, ducking and slashing down at a row of bodies and legs. You hear his bird-a-rangs slice through the air cleanly and land on one of the creature's shoulders. You let out a huff of air thinking of all the more permanent places it could have landed. He throws a few more hitting them in the face. 
 Dick launches over you, using you as a springboard. You grunt and he winks at you like a showman. His foot predictably lands an impressive blow on one of the creature's faces. You two regroup back to back immediately after he lands. 
 Your eyes widen a fraction when a hand from out of nowhere grabs at your face catching you off guard. Your breath catches when you feel a hand at your shoulder pushing you down. A fist makes contact with the creature’s swollen face and it takes a moment for your mind to realize that it’s Dick’s hand on your shoulder and Dick’s fist making contact with the creature. 
 “Thanks,” You mumble, straightening yourself out. “I had it.”
 “You’re welcome, Pookie.” You flush as Dick winks at you. “You know I literally have your back.” He teases. You groan bending back into a fighting stance.
 “When we get out of here alive, we are working on your sense of humor.” Dick chuckles at that, making your muscles ease. “Says the person who shouted ‘Goose!’.” 
 You land every blow with every intent to make it fatal. Dick is still sticking to his nonfatal method. Normally, it was pure joy to watch Dick as he fights. The sheer control he commands over his muscles was awe-inspiring. Despite his size, he’s able to land blows just as powerful as yours. He would truly be terrifying if he were to be anything but himself. 
 These bodies. They’re too alive, too much. The next wave comes at you more fervently with more bodies. Another wave of nausea hits you when hands grasp at your arms. Your stomach tries to twist out of your abdomen. You try to wrench yourself free. You pull and twist and thrash, only succeeding in getting yourself pulled in deeper. 
 “Dick!” You cry reflexively. The coarseness in your voice lets the fear spill all over your vowels. 
 Dick’s corscian eyes widen with a flash of panic. To Dick, you and death were two separate lines running on parallel tracks next to each other, never quite crossing and never belonging to the same headspace. Completely mutually exclusive as far as he knew.  But right at this moment, right as you’re about to be swallowed whole by the crowd of misshapen bodies, he watches those lines slowly intersect. Dick doesn’t know where his heart has leaped to. 
The world resurfaces in a surge of bright white light. Some small part of you is really hoping that Dick is, for once, right about the alien thing. Quietly you draw in a calming breath. It’s shallow not wanting your chest to rise too much to give away your consciousness. 
 The opera music is blaring in your still ringing head which isn’t helped by the wannabe opera singer belting his lungs out. Thankfully, that means he’s distracted. You move your limbs checking. Everything seems to be intact AND you seem to be tied up to someone instead of something which was either good or bad depending on who it is. 
 “Mornin’ sleepy head” Dick mumbles quietly, sounding relieved. You click your teeth in irritation. 
 “Morning, Disco Stick. Any chance you magically woke up with a plan or were you just taking a beauty nap?”
 “I don’t need one and sort of.”
 “Well shit, we’re screwed then.” 
 “You’re being dramatic.”
 “I’m sorry which of us is running around doing somersaults when they’re assaulting criminals?”
 “In my defense, flipping makes my kicks land harder.” Which was true but you were feeling snippy. “It also gives them much more time to dodge or counter.”
 “Killjoy.” You roll your eyes, smiling. You know he’s being cute and pouting. Given this is really not the time considering there is a man butchering another man a few feet away from you while singing bad opera. You really did stumble into a horror movie. “Please tell me you called Batman or the police.”
 “Some of us are good at multitasking.” Dick chirps proudly leaning against you. You scoff judging just how tightly the ropes are bound around you. 
 “Well, you are good at being insufferable while still breathing.”
 “Isn’t that part of my charm?”
 You snicker accidentally tugging at the binds around you. You hear Dick wince likely from what is a bruised rib or, heaven help you, a broken one. “Sorry.” You whisper low and small.
  Shit. What if he had a broken rib. Shit. Shit. 
 “I’m ok, Hon.” Dick laughs making sure to lay the Delaware accent thick. It makes your chest feel warm even though everything else in you was freezing from dread. You snort. “Fine, bleed out for all I care.”
 “Awwww don’t be like that.” You sigh. You hate how weak you are to his puppy dog eyes. You can’t even see it. You decide to change the subject instead. “So what are the odds that we’re escaping if we break out of their bonds now?”
 “Not high.”
 “Even if I get Yasiri to gently inject him with poison?”
 “Please tell me you didn’t bring poison to our hangout.”
 “I mean. Do twinkies count?”
 “Ok, fine. So we’re stalling then.”
 “Pretty much.”
 “I hate this.”
 “You were the one who started heading in.”
 “Why didn’t you stop me then?”
 The man at the surgical table turns to you with a whimsical flourish as the body on the table goes limp. No, not limp. Docile. You have just witnessed a person become a body, you think numbly. The way the fight so easily left its limbs made you shudder, feeling the fight in your own limbs fleeting out. This isn’t how you want to die, not by the hand of a madman. At least, not until you’ve put your own demons to rest. 
 “Look who’s awake,” He drawls, his voice slimy and all the vowels coming out at the wrong pitches. Dick shifts the two of you so that he’s angled slightly in front of you. He squares his shoulder trying to make his lean form look far bigger than it actually is. You smile at his attempt to be protective because deep down you both know you’re the more intimidating one and you’re the one who can take more punishment. Your power and training have those pleasant side effects. 
 You see him draw closer making you snarl. “Come any closer and I swear I will rip your throat out.” You are surprised at how even the threat came out but the distilled ferocity you had put into it didn’t quite show, likely blunted by the fear pooling in your stomach.  
 “Don’t worry I’ll make you perfect too. I promise.” He reaches past Dick, grabbing you by the back of your neck. The grip on you is bruising and callous. He forces you to bow your head and look down at the bloodstains on your clothes. The browning blots of red stain your white Wonder Woman shirt. You swallow.  You felt like a lamb being dragged to slaughter. Dick, likely without thinking, bites down on the man’s wrist.
 The man pulls away with a cry, cradling his bleeding wrist. “Are you ok?” Dick asks, spitting blood out, eyes shiny with concern. You gulp down air before nodding. Dick presses closer to you reassuring you. Shaken, you press back, careful not to press hard enough to hurt him. 
 Your floundering mind comes to one conclusion. You can’t let him touch Dick. You use your strength to shift your positions so that Dick is completely behind you.  Dick tries to move you back but you plant your heels preventing him from even inching. 
 The man grabs you by the collar of your shirt, pulling you off the ground. You hear Dick’s breath hitch. His heart rate kicks up and so does yours. Fury burning in the man’s eyes. “WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO ME?” He screams, shaking you. “NO. NO. NO. MY- I’M- NO! PERFECT. I NEED- I NEED TO BE PERFECT.” Somehow the spit flying in your face grosses you out more than the blood probably drying on your face. It’s only winning by a small margin though. 
 Bile is rising in your throat. Still, you grin, sneering and taunting. “Trust me you didn’t need help in the department,” You jeer. Dick squirms behind you. Urging you to stop. You don’t. “You think those pisspoor excuses for creatures you sicced on us were perfect. HA!” You can feel Dick shaking his head behind you.  You nudge him assuring him you’ve got a plan. You did. Sort of. It’s more of a goal really. Take his attention off of Dick. 
 “[Y/n, please no. Don’t do this. I know what you’re doing. But I can take it. Moon, please.]” Dick pleads, voice hoarse and desperate. ‘Shion’. Moon. The endearment glances of your ribs like a well placed kick to the chest. You don’t let your eyes flick to him. “[Which us is meta here?]” You whisper back in broken Romani. You cringe a little knowing just how badly you butchered the sentence.  Dick makes an affronted noise.  “Cham.” You whisper quietly, trying to shape your vowels and consonants correctly. Dick’s breath catches. Sun. Sure, the endearment seemed inadequate, too succinct, when compared to how much you care for him but as of right now it will have to do. 
 The man shakes you again dragging your attention away from Dick. Your smarmy grin cuts across your face as if you’re not pissing yourself from fear. A large hand grabs your face. Your entire body braces itself for your neck to be twisted but it does not come. He tilts your head back side to side. “You’re going to need a lot of work.”
 Your heart stops. Dick thrashes behind you. You want to elbow him. You want to scream at him to stop fucking moving but you’re entire body is numb. Your eyes flick to the man, no, the body on the table. It is breathing and writhing in agony. Your breaths pick up. You- you don’t- you can’t-
 You hear a crash and the fall of debris on a dozen bodies. 
 “B!” Dick shouts distantly. The grip on your collar disappears. A black clad fist hangs in front of you. Your eyes trace up the arm in front of you only to be met with the scowling face of the Batman. You swallow nervously while Dick lets out another enthusiastic ‘B’. Batman makes quick work of your ropes, all the while glaring at you for what you don’t know. Maybe somehow he knows this whole situation was your fault. 
 Once released, the first order of business, at least for Dick, is to throw his arms around Batman’s shoulders. Awkwardly, he reciprocates your friend’s affection. The hold he has on Dick cannot be mistaken as anything but protective. You find humor in the fact at how obvious their familial connection is yet they deny it. A teasing remark rises up your throat but is abruptly shoved back down by Batman’s unrelenting glare. Was he born glaring? 
 “What are you doing here?” Less of a question and more of a growled accusation. 
 “Careful, his rib might be broken.” You stumble out dumbly.  Dick glares at you but compared to Batman’s it looks more like a pout which is, again, hilarious. Batman loosens his grip on Dick and apparently, this is now the time Dick chooses to realize that his mentor (read: dad) is trying to turn you into ash with a scowl.     
 Dick peels away from him stepping in front of you. He widens his stance to shield you from the larger man. Dick feels an odd surge of protectiveness and he’s not about to let B attack you, especially not after what just happened. 
 They stare each other down. They seem to be having a silent argument. You want to cut in but you’re afraid you might actually turn into ash with the intensity of Batman’s gaze. 
 The loud blaring of sirens mingle with the still playing opera music in the background as a tidal wave of police officers and paramedics rush in.  
You pestered the medic to let you stay with Dick. 
 “So, what do you plan on doing?” Dick asks, leaning against you pointedly ignoring the paramedic's instruction to be careful. You let him lean into you. You know he needs all the comfort he can get.  You rest your head against his hair, placing a kiss on his scalp. Dick doesn’t comment afraid that you might withdraw if he teases you too much. 
 “Maybe grow out my hair,” You joke, pinching a lock of hair between your fingers. “Might as well considering how grounded I’ll be. Well, if uncle Wintergreen has anything to say about it.”
 Dick extricates himself from your shoulder and turns to you with a pensive look. Tilting his head, he looks at you appraisingly, wrinkling his brow. You can’t blame him. He’s never seen you with long hair mainly because you’ve never let it get too long. Too much of a hassle, too much of a health hazard. 
 Dick places his jacket over your head, draping it over you like a wedding veil. You chuckle at him, barely able to keep the smile off of your face. 
 “How do I look?” You joke twining your fingers around the cloth. You think you see Dick blush but it was probably just the cold. Dick coughs poorly disguising his laughter. He covers his mouth, depriving you of his dimples. “ Like you’re going to get married in a jean pants suit. I have dibs on walking you down the aisle.” 
 You tilt your head. Your smile tilts along with it.  “Nah uncle Wintergreen has dibs on that.”
 Dick huffs, his shoulders sag in disappointment. It’s the closest he was gonna get to being your groom, he thinks. 
 I want you waiting for me at the end of the aisle. The thought makes your heart twist. You swallow it along with the huge lump in your throat.  “You can be my last dance though.”
 You concede. Dick brightens a little at this but not by much. 
 “You sure Deathstroke wouldn’t mind?” 
 “This implies he’ll show up. He’s a busy man.” Dick laughs at that. Genuine and very Dick. This time you don’t fight the smile off of your face.  
 You smile at each other and laugh. A million unspoken sentences hang between the two of you. 
 This love of yours is reckless.
a/n: Thanks for reading. Also yes I did have to include good dad Bruce and bastard mentor Slade. I only have one braincell and it is dumber than shit. 
tag list:  @batarella , @anothertimdrakestan , @lucy-roo , @multifandomgirl-us , @idkmanicantenglish ,@birdy-bat-writes ,  @boosyboo9206 , @americasmarauders , @l-inkage @arestorationofbalance , @cloudie-skay , @wunderstell @hyp-oh-critical, @ereawrites​
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songsformonkeys · 4 years
All the things he missed (ezra x f!reader)
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summary: Five times you meet Ezra. Five things he’s missed while he was gone.
word count: 2900
rating: explicit
warnings: none
notes: This story is for @yespolkadotkitty​ as thanks for all the beautiful beautiful banners she has made for me and my stories, this one included. She asked for Ezra smut and here we are *shrugs*
All the things he missed
The first time Ezra sees you, it's like time slows down and his field of vision narrows down so that there is only you. At least that's how he tells the story. You later joke and question whether it was really you that had captured his attention or the pot roast you had been carrying at the time.
Because the first time you see Ezra, as he walks into the small restaurant near the flight hangars on Darwash where you work, he's as thin as a baby bird. He's just gotten home from an ill-managed gig where supplies ran out earlier than the transport home was scheduled to arrive. Luckily, he and his crew noticed before it was too late and managed to ration the food, allowing for all of them to come home alive, if a lot thinner than when they left.
Ezra buys the entire pot roast straight out of your arms that day and actually manages, much to your amazement, to eat the whole thing. He pays a ridiculous amount of money for it, and when you tell the chef, he doesn't believe you. Not until the two of you hide behind the door to the kitchen and watch how the thin man in the too-big suit devours the entire roast in one sitting.
Whatever drink Ezra wanted was on the house for him that day.
”Can I get you anything else?” you ask him and he smiles in a way that brings life back to his hollowed-out face.
”You've already proven yourself to be more of a blessing than I had expected, when finally clocking out from that shitstorm of a gig. I am content for the time being.” He leans back in his seat and rubs a hand over his belly.
”I sure have missed food like this!”
The second time you meet Ezra, you almost wouldn't have recognized him if it weren't for the suit and that blonde tuft of hair. He's gained a considerable amount of weight and now he looks healthy and less like he's on the brink of starvation.
He shows up on a slow day and takes a seat by the counter. When he smiles at you, you notice a dimple in his cheek.
”Well, ain't this a pleasant surprise. It's the gentle one from last time I was here. The lady with the roast.”
He orders food this time too, although a less ridiculous amount this time around. He chats happily with you both while he waits for his food and in between chewing, once the food arrives. Ezra talks a mile a minute, mixing the twang and dialect commonly associated with the working-class space travelers with long and overly complicated words that you don't always know the meaning of.
You enjoy listening to him, which only seems to spur him on when he notices. He tells you about places he's been and places he would love to go. He paints vivid pictures of the different planets and people he's met. You're grateful that there aren't any other guests in the restaurant because you don't want to stop listening to this charismatic man talk. You tell Ezra that you have spent your whole life on Darwash and that you wouldn't even know where to begin if you were to travel. He immediately rattles off five different suggestions, which you try to commit to memory before he begins his next tale. You can't help but be drawn in by this man.
He stays with you almost to the end of your shift, asking you questions and answering yours, before he checks his chronometer and realizes that he's late to pick up the keys to his temporary apartment. He pays for everything and, despite your protests, gives you a sizeable tip.
”It's not often I find myself with financial resources to spare. Allow me the pretense of acting like a wealthy man.”
You grudgingly agree and Ezra gives you a wink before he heads for the door. He stops and turns as he reaches it.
”Thank you! I've missed talks like these.”
The third time Ezra shows up, he's covered in...something. It's purple and slimy and looks like it will stain whatever he touches.
”No,” you say, as soon as he walks through the door, ignoring the way your heart skips at the sight of him. You quickly round the counter, ready to push him outside if you have to. The other guests closest to Ezra have already begun turning their heads and, as you come closer, you can tell why. The purple goo has a sickly sweet smell that feels like it clogs your nose and makes it feel like you're breathing syrup.
”Ezra, you can not come in here, wearing that!”
”But this is all I've got,” he says, looking a little crestfallen, but there's a twitch to the corner of his mouth that makes you suspect it's all an act. You wave your hands in front of you, motioning for him to step back outside, which he does.
”I am sorry. But I am not spending the whole night scrubbing...whatever this is off whatever you touch in there.”
”Oh gentle one, what happened to your soft demeanor while I was gone?” he says and yes, he is definitely teasing you.
”It wilted away in your absence,” you toss back and Ezra looks positively delighted.
”I'll have to make sure it's not so long until next time then.”
His eyes are big and brown and earnest and you feel your resolve crumble.
”If you want to eat, I can lend you a set of our staff clothes. The suit stays outside, though.”
Ezra agrees and follows you around back to the staff entrance. You make him wait outside while you fetch him some clean clothes. When you come back, he's already halfway out of his suit. He pulls his undershirt over his head and uses it to wipe some goo from his hair. You're struck dumb by the sudden display of his bare back and only manages to clear your throat to get his attention. He turns, and you walk over to hand him the clothes. His hand brushes yours as he accepts them from you, and you feel like one of the maidens from the old romance novels you have at home because your cheeks burn from just that small touch.
Ezra notices and, of course, can't help but comment.
”What lovely color. To bring a flush to those cheeks is challenge I wouldn't mind having a second go at.”
You hear Ezra chuckle when you flee into the restaurant again.
When he shows up inside a couple of minutes later, he's dialed back the flirting slightly, and takes a seat at the counter. He picks some invisible lint off the shirt.
”Thank you, gentle one! These are comfortable. I have missed wearing clothes like these.”
The fourth time Ezra shows up, it's late in the evening right before your shift ends. He just orders a drink and later, once his glass is empty, he offers to walk you home. You both know what he's really offering and you decide to take him up on that offer. He kisses you outside your front door. It's soft and sweet, and you can tell that he's holding back. You nip at his lower lip and the sound he makes at the back of his throat goes straight to your gut.
You invite him in and Ezra barely let's you close and lock the door behind you before his hands are on you, pulling you close.
That night you find out just how skilled that mouth is at other things besides talking. He falls asleep in your arms afterwards. You stay awake for as long as you can, reveling in the feeling of his stubbled face against your shoulder and his arm across your waist.
The next morning you wake up to find Ezra already awake and watching you. He tells you that he has to leave again this afternoon for another gig. Logically you knew that you wouldn't get to keep Ezra in your bed forever, but there's still a foolish part of you that's disappointed.
”It's just one gig, gentle one,” Ezra says, having noticed the expression on your face, ”Pays quite the fortune too. I'll be back before you have time to miss me. And when I return, I should like to treat you to a proper date. Take you somewhere real fine.”
He tucks a lock of your hair behind your ear and you lean into the touch.
”Thank you for tonight, gentle one. I have missed sleeping next to someone this way.”
Ezra promises to be back before spring ends, but Ezra doesn't show up. More and more time passes, spring turns to summer, which in turn turns to fall, and still there's no sign of Ezra. You begin to feel foolish, to question what it was you two had shared. It had been stupid to fall for a man you hardly knew, a prospector at that. Of course Ezra wouldn't be back. He probably has a girl like you in every port. The disappointment tastes bitter on your tongue.
But despite the realization that your encounter had probably meant more to you than it had to Ezra, you can't stop thinking about him, and there is still that tiny part of your brain that still hopes...
Which was why, when you open your door almost a year later, and find Ezra standing outside, you don't slam it in his face.
Ezra isn't wearing his suit but a knitted gray sweater and a pair of beige pants that both look new and expensive. One of the sleeves is pinned up, making it clear that Ezra's right arm is no more. His face looks worn and tired.
”I apologize for being late, gentle one,” he says and you can't stop yourself from stepping out in the cold to wrap your arms around his neck. You feel the tension melt away from his shoulders and when you press your lips to his, he makes a relieved sigh.
”Oh I am a blessed man,” he mumbles against your lips and you pull back as he continues speaking. ”I thought myself a fool to think that you would wait for me, but I told myself: I have to try. Gentle one, I truly am sorry!”
”It's okay,” you assure him, as if your last year hasn't been filled with longing and doubt about this man that's currently in your arms. ”Would you like to come inside?”
”I would like that very much.”
You take his hand and lead him inside and up the stairs. Ezra continues rattling off excuses mixed with compliments on your appearance. He has a debate with himself about the pattern of your blue dress and precisely what it's supposed to be.
You silence him with your mouth when you reach the bedroom.
Ezra won't let you undress him, and you suspect that he wants to show you that he can still do it himself. Once he's pulled his shirt off, he catches you looking at what remains of his right arm with a worried look.
”That is quite a story,” he says, ”And I should like to do it justice so I beg that we can save it for later. Right now there are more pressing matters and every fiber of my being longs to touch you and I implore that you have mercy and don't make me wait any longer.”
You would roll your eyes at his dramatics, if it weren't for the fact that the same longing that he describes claws in your own chest. You rid yourselves of the rest of your clothes in a matter of seconds. Ezra lays you out on the bed, naked, and takes a few moments just to observe. His gaze is heavy enough that it feels like a physical touch when he runs it across your body. You squeeze your thighs together and when his fingers finally caress your collarbone, you almost arch off the bed just in anticipation of what comes next.
Ezra's hand trails lower pausing to cup one of your breasts and feel the weight of it in his hand, running the pad of his thumb over your nipple a few times, before continuing down across your stomach.
Ezra is touching you like he's committing every inch of you to memory. Out loud, he compares various parts of your body to things he's seen on his travels, and the wonder in his voice makes you want to wrap him up in your arms and keep him there forever. To him, your body is a collection of hills, valleys and planes, gemstones and monuments. Every part of you is likened to a different place or kind of terrain and when he runs his fingers over the hairs between your legs and murmurs: ”So soft. Like...” you cut him off by leveling him with a warning glare.
”Careful how you finish that sentence, Ezra,” you say and he laughs before leaning down to kiss you. As his mouth covers yours, his finger slips between your folds and you moan against his lips.
He dips his finger inside, just enough to gather some of your slick on his finger, before he pulls it out to gently massage your clit. You have done this to yourself hundreds of times but the sensation of his fingers is entirely different.
He apologizes for his lack of finesse and inexperienced left hand but the only response you can give him is a moan and a whimper. You suppose that contradicts his claimed lack of finesse just fine.
”Look at you,” he whispers and there's that tone of wonder again. He continues to shower you with praise as his fingers and voice bring you closer and closer to an orgasm. You grip his thigh hard enough that you're sure you're leaving marks and your thighs shake as he speeds up his movements. You don't stand a chance and you cry out his name as pleasure washes over you.
Ezra continues to move his fingers through your orgasm and as you sink back against the mattress like a boneless mess, he leans down to kiss your forehead. You tilt your head up instead and capture his mouth in a sloppy kiss that only half hits its mark.
Your lower body is still tingling when you reach for the contraceptives in the drawer of your nightstand. As you lean over, Ezra slots himself against your back and kisses your shoulder and your neck. His hand is still between your legs, gently cupping you.
You take out one of the small soft squares and move Ezra's hand out of the way so you can carefully push the small square inside yourself. Still sensitive from Ezra's touch, the action makes you moan softly. You let it absorb for a moment as Ezra strokes your thigh and tells you how beautiful you are.
When he pulls your hand out, he holds it up to his mouth to suck your fingers clean. As those sinful lips close around your index finger, he lifts your leg and shifts his hips closer. You reach down and help guide him inside. He moans in your ear and the sound vibrates all the way through your body and is almost enough to make you come a second time.
”I feel I must warn you,” Ezra whispers a little tensely, as if he's holding back another moan, ”In surroundings as exquisite as these, I fear I won't last long.”
”I don't care,” you assure him and that's all the reassurance Ezra needs before he starts to move.
He sets a slow pace fucking you, like he's relishing in each slow thrust. He keeps a running commentary of the way you feel around him. Lost in your own pleasure, you hear maybe half of it.
His hand alternate between gently holding your hips in place as he thrusts into you and running up your torso to caress your chest and neck. When he's not talking, and sometimes while he's talking, he places kisses along your shoulder and up the side of your neck and face. Your spine feels taught as a bowstring as he repeatedly hits a spot inside you that sends sparks of pleasure through your body.
True to his warning, Ezra doesn't last very long. His voice gets more and more breathless the closer he gets to his orgasm, but he doesn't stop talking. It's only in the moment that he finally comes that he falls silent, pressing his mouth against the nape of your neck and letting out a soft whimper. You hold his hand tightly through his orgasm.
Later, he is lying with his head on your chest and your fingers play with the blonde lock of hair at his temple. He's in the middle of telling you about this final gig on the green moon, when he suddenly stops and looks up at you. You smile and raise your eyebrow slightly in a silent question.
”Gentle one...before I continue, I have to tell you something.”
”And what's that?”
”I really really missed you.”
Taglist: @yespolkadotkitty​ @agirllovespasta​ @synystersilenceinblacknwhite​ @larakasser​ @ahopelessromanticwritersworld​ @beccaplaying​ @ohpedromypedro​ @knittingqueen13​ @pedropascallion​ @scarlettvonsass​ @softskywalkcr​ @phoenixhalliwell​ @holographic-carmen​ @mrschiltoncat​ ( I have tagged people who’ve asked to be on the taglist and people who I think might like this based on previous reblogs and comments. If you want to be added or released from the taglist, just let me know)
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