#although my head is going to be so cold 😥
wokebutsleepy · 11 months
I think it may be time for a haircut 😅😅
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peachiipark · 3 years
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im ashamed of this being so late 😭 this might be a bit ooc since i can't imagine illumi finding someone defenseless in the forest and not walking away. i must've misread since i ended up making the setting a forest?? i have no idea why i did that.. anyways, i hope you enjoy! my requests will be going back up since by the time this is posted, ill only have one more exam 😥
cw: gore
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illumi zoldyck!
"Y-You're crazy!" A man yelled, his throat sore from screaming his lungs out due to his wounds. "You're absolutely insane! When the guards find you, they'll dance around town with your li-"
With one swift movement, Illumi sent his victim's head flying across the room. He think they deserved a chance to hear him say anything, nor did he think it was necessary.
Just as he finished the job, loud crashes of thunder attacked the sky. Seeing as Illumi was quite fond of this weather, he decided to make his way back home through the forest. The rain drops wiped the blood off of his thin frame as if the murder never occurred.
There was a low noise. Whimpering. Although his instincts told him to ignore it, Illumi decided to investigate. The whimpering amplified as he got closer, a silhouette lying on the ground.
Blood. It was a bloody, beaten up dragon. He had never seen one in person before, so he decided to reach out for it's wings. The small creature scurried back and squinted a bit, a bright light surrounding it's tiny scaled body.
Upon further inspection, Illumi noticed that it had turned into a woman! She appeared to be a young albino girl with animalistic features; strong claws and fangs peaking out of her mouth as her short breaths quickened. She even had a feathered tail and twitched a bit every time her injured body attempted to move.
"Plea-.." As Illumi got closer, her tired eyes begged with the little air she had left. The woman winced mid-sentence as her wounds seemed to get worse and worse. "A-All I need i-is something to clean myself u-"
He continued walking away, unbothered by the situation at hand. Before Illumi could leave her sight, the girl mustered up all of her strength to call out to him. "Please! I-I can do something in return!"
"What could someone as pathetic as you do for me?" Illumi's cold, empty eyes scanned the girl. "Tell me your name."
"Okiku! It's Okiku! M-My ability can.. Tired.." Okiku's soft voice faded out as she fell unconscious. Illumi was mildly intrigued by her. Could dragons have more powers than he thought? He threw the woman over his shoulder and continued walking back home. Father was surely going to be interested in this new addition to their power sources.
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chrollo lucilfer!
"Oh, how unfortunate for me," Chrollo chuckled a bit, watching as the heavy rain poured down onto his leather coat. The Phantom Troupe was intercepted by the authorized during a heist and forced to split up. Choosing the lay low, Chrollo ducked into the nearest forest, hoping that the other members made it out safely.
The stormy weather worked perfectly for an escape plan. Not only would their scents be covered up, but it would be harder to navigate though the poring rain. As the criminal continued to make his way back to his base, he nearly stepped on a small creature. "Huh? Well, would you look at that."
"The poor thing's injured.." He had read hundreds of books before, but he never imagined actually encountering a dragon in person. Chrollo carefully lifted up the creature into his arms and debated on whether he would take it home or not. "Maybe I'll bring you with me, hm?"
Suddenly, the dragon began to weigh down his arms more every passing second. With a bright flash, the creature turned into a beautiful albino woman, small hints of her previous form remaining. Despite gaining a (still injured) human form, the girl nodded in agreement with Chrollo's request.
"Do you have a name?" He lightened his grip after accidentally squeezing the girl's leg wound.
"My name.." she trembled, shaking from the cold rain entering her cuts. "Okiku. My name's Okiku.."
"Hm.. Interesting."
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hisoka morrow!
"Well, well, well," Hisoka kneeled down, eyeing an injured dragon that trembled quietly on the ground. Grazing his finger against it's wings, he smiled at the adorable creature. "Aren't you an interesting little animal?"
Intimidating by his aura, the dragon began to back away from the magician, whimpering a bit. A white light began to slightly illuminate it's body as the dragon transformed into a young albino girl. Her eyes begged at Hisoka to nurse her back to health.
"Now isn't that a surprise.." The pink haired man mumbled in disbelief, a smirk forming on his lips. Once he realized that she had no more strength to back away, he moved in closer. "Tell me, do you have a name?"
"It's.." She hesitated, his fingers cold to the touch.
"Don't be shy."
"O-Okiku.." Okiku spoke out, her lip quivering. "Are you.. going to hurt me more?"
"Unless you want me to, no. I'd rather battle someone who isn't a waste of time. In this shape, I could defeat you with all of my limbs cut off, Miss Okiku." Hisoka chuckled, her silence amusing him even more.
"Why don't you come with me? I'm sure that I can treat you if you make sure to show me what you can do later. I admit, I'm truly curious about you."
Okiku's gut told her that this wouldn't be a good idea, however, she hummed in response and allowed the Hunter to take her. It was either die in the forest or be stuck with the clown guy.
accompany on: to the masterlist!
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perlen-gold · 2 years
Let\s continue the WIP game! I choose The Cave and The Last Goodbye (the title alone makes me sad! 😥)
💗 @kourvo thank you so much for your interest (you really don't have to just because I was so curious about your WIPs 😊). Although I usually don't name my chapters I might use names for them in my folders so I might not get confused, especially when they're WIPs.
So, here's an excerpt from 'The Cave' which is actually part of one of my two longfics, Ablaze.
He never knew how long he stumbled like this, blind and tripping occasionally, through the never-ending, impenetrable pressure-blackness.
Hawke stopped when a new sound scraped at his hears.
A continual sough, soft and incessant.
Hawke’s heart leapt.
After a while it swelled and rose, flowing and scampering at once, flooding the jet-black cave with each of his wary, suspicious steps.
The louder it grew the slower Hawke’s feet dragged on. When he couldn’t bear it anymore, he stopped right where he was.
He had thought the word without real intention; it simply sprang to his mind.
Hawke’s relentless pace had stopped.
Before he could even consider one single reasonable thought, his muscles stiffened. Rigid. Tensing.
He felt his limbs go heavy, unwilling, the veins around his quickening blood turning to lead.
He could not think straight.
This time Hawke did not even think about what he was doing but suddenly there the large blue-green flame, greater and brighter than ever, was. The darkness forthwith began to writhe. Howling and blaring the wind greedily gushed forward, but something else, something like anger suddenly clawed the black air.
This time, however, the green fire did not extinguish though it flared and quivered violently.
Hawke did not pay any attention, neither to the virid flame nor the angry wind tossing about his hair, even the immediate fury almost palpable in the darkness around him was completely lost on him.
But amidst the writhing, seething blackness the blue-green flame emitted an eerie, greenish glow like a paris-green halo. It illuminated the impenetrable gloom around the tongue of veil fire. It was not much, far too little to illume the cavernous tunnel but enough to show what lay before him when Hawke reached out his arm.
The blackness about churned and gnashed.
Then, all of a sudden, there was a blue-green reflection of light in a hastening current of water.
Its swiftly running surface was an impeccable onyx black, as darksome as anything but for a haphazard glittering as of myriad chips of raven glass. Like a crystal-studded dark serpent, as wide as twelve feet, the stream cut through the cave, appearing out of nowhere from the cave wall and avidly eating into the other side of the tunnel.
The darkness spread in all direction here, too, fringed by the sighing wind, embellished by the noise-squelching gurgling of the water. It now definitely felt strangely alive.
Every nerve in Hawke’s limbs was tingling unpleasantly.
A few more steps and he would have plunged right into it.
When he looked to the left tunnel side he could watch the swift stream hide eagerly in the gleaming stone from him. But upon turning his head to the right  the shimmering rocks sent the waters racing out from under, sparkling serpent that it was, to assail him.
His throat very dry, Hawke slowly approached.
He noticed the river bank was very slippery, wet with sprinkling water and smoothness. Rocks and boulders underneath the dark surface battled the water into small eddies and whirls at some places.
From the opposite shore the darkness slithered towards him, hovering above the dark stream. Lying in wait, stalking the greenish flame.
As he was standing there, watching the tireless water, Hawke absentmindedly raked his fingers through the hair above his forehead. They came away cold with sweat.
Out of the obscure, biding darkness Fenris’ emerald eyes seemed to be looking at him.
Without consideration, the freezing charm streamed from his staff before Hawke could think of it, bid it forward, but as soon as it touched the glittering water surface, the unrivaled darkness ravenously awoke. Tendrils of blackest gloom swirling, it coursed, raced across the water and hungrily devoured the spell up to the last tiny ice crystal.
Hawke was staring hard at the untouched rive. Albeit pulsating for a brief moment with an icy crystal blue his magic evaporated time and again, ravaged, swallowed by the immeasurable blackness. An almost relishing shudder seemed to pass through the darkness now, an almost sensual furor and excited greed throbbing in unseen, dark streaks.
Hawke’s mouth felt parched.
His breath rose and fell in sharp, hallow tidings now.
The sighing wind had not died. His skin seemed to leach moisture into the cold, seeking air.
No, Hawke, in spite of himself, thought dully.
Fenris gaze seemed to be falling upon him in the dark.
No, Hawke thought again, the word expanding his mind, invading his thoughts.
With an enormous effort, he edged closer to the stone-cut river bank. Then he was standing there, fretting, staring down at the black amass of running, soughing, swirling water.
Judging by its width, the dark river could not be very deep. Even a man of his stature though might be forced to swim across it, a mere few strokes, in order to reach the opposite stone bank. He could not be sure, however.
His heart hammered. It pounded in his ears.
From the far shore – not so far,a rational voice in his head told his dry tongue – a stray rock, as though frozen in time, was slumping into the gurgling water. Hawke’s stomach lurched at the sound.
His mind racing and moving from thought to thought fast, his eyes darted around in the darkness.
He peered across the chasm. The opposite shore.
Too far. No jumping.
His eyes raked the ceiling, lost in utter blackness.
No climbing.
He stared into the darkness in front of him.
No magic.
Sweat pooled under his armpits, a cool sheath cooling the back of his neck, the ruffles of his coat sticking to his skin.
His breath came in short, ragged gasps now. He was glad no one was there after all now.
“Well, aren’t we championing today?” he breathed through clenched teeth.
From the charcoal gloom Fenris’ gaze lingered on his back, on his shoulders, the cold back of his neck, out from the smoldering, conflagrating, blazing darkness.
The dome of greenish light barely reaching the amber in Hawke’s eyes, a look of defiance crept into them. The muscles in his legs and arms tautened, almost painfully so. A darkened glow in his eyes turned grim.
“Alright, alright.” he told the quietly observing darkness.
He fixed his gaze on the murky stream. Any second now he would have to do it.
And still there Hawke stood, nearly overcome with nerves.
Hawke sighed inwardly, his chest heaving with it. Delaying that which he must do would not help, he knew that much for sure. Still he stone-stood at the rock-bank of the swift stream, his blood pooling beneath his collarbone, the knuckles of his hands whitening.
A sudden anger, mostly directed at himself, then frustration and resignation in quick succession rose in Hawke.
Move, he urged himself furiously, move it!
He could feel Fenris’ look at him, almost sense his warm fingers touch between his shoulder blades. As silly, even childish as it seemed – and in the early years of his youth he would have furtively been ashamed of it – he wished he could simply reach out and feel his large hand safely resting in those bronze fingers. At this a tremendous, ineffable wave of loneliness came over him, almost overbearing, such as Hawke had only felt thrice before, thrice, for the fourth time there had been nothing left in him to feel it, such as he could not, would not, must not bear another, last time.
And with that thought he slid down the slippery stone into the pitch-black cave river.
Hawke gasped with a painful intake of breath as the freezing water engulfed him. He had never felt so icy in his life! Immediately, the current almost carried him away.
Hawke swam for the opposite bank, his left arm circling in laborious, wide strokes, his breath tearing in his throat, his right hand held aloft for the blazing blue-green fire to battle the inky water. Miraculously, the jet-black stream was neither as deep nor as torrential as he had anticipated and his boots touched the rocky ground easily, stones and small boulders coming lose. His garments, however, weighed him down until his movements felt slurred and clumsy. Eagerly the icy water rushed past him, pressing against the right side of his body, his ribs, hip and thigh, shank. In the very center of the river the gelid water licked right up to his neck.
But then again it was only twelve feet and Hawke, still stroking hard with a grim resolution while struggling to maintain his only precious source of light, saw the onyx black bank draw closer.
Finally, Hawke’s trembling hand touched the slippery rocky shore, an agonizing eternity close on his heels, his chest heaving with strenuous gasps. The tips of his fingers tingled with rushing relief as hi gripped the nearest boulder jutting out from under the dirt-covered cave ground.
“Well done,” Hawke half-muttered, half-panted with mocking wryness into the inky darkness as he attempted to climb onto the shore, “I waded through a ditch. Isabella will be so proud of me.”
Just then, when he fumbled for the slick rock and thus was eventually compelled to abandon his valorous greenish flame so as to get a good grip with both his hands on the rocky bank, the ground, a large-tumbling boulder on which Hawke’s weight was currently balanced shifted under his foot. The instant the tunnel was plunged into complete darkness Hawke felt his legs snatched from under him and before he knew what had happened, black, icy masses of water collapsed upon him, yanking him under.
(Excerpt from Ablaze)
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cythoughtsnmemories · 2 years
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It's my used to be BFF b'day. Wished her on IG n as usual. Polite and short convo. I'm not sure if I'm supposed to expect sth or how should I react ever since d last chat we had, initiate by her.
Last Thu, took PCL n brought parents to try new dim sum place. Decent but we still love Yum Cha at Chinatown. Have been disturbing my family members w d sad face filter. Mum kept rewatching n she laughed till she cried. Decided to cook peach gum dessert before heading out and lucky I did that. Reached home quite late and had to head out not long to meet bf to go iLight festival.
Work is still manageable. Sat, 难得 I stayed home, cos bf has bestman duty. Poor bf got to tahan all his brothers weight during gatecrash game. Hmm, why bf always over friendly n nice 😥 Had simple lunch, cold soba n baby abalone, which mum ask me to clear. Dad treat sushi dinner, although it's supposed to be us treating for Father's day 😂 Sis n I both unintentionally bought bacha coffee for dad.
Met bf to try obba jjajang express. Not bad if I don't have to travel all d way to Tanjong pagar, else I still think there's room for improvement. Watched topgun at Yishun GV, before we went for early dinner at Waffletown. Some old school western that price is still reasonable and decent food.
Happily bought salted popcorn chicken for dinner on Tue and regret the next day when I woke up. I could feel sore throat coming, then I recall I had curry veg ytd for lunch and did I say I finished a packet of prawn crackers during movie. I decided to wfh cos I'm afraid I might tested covid positive. Did d test at clinic, and I'm safe! It's negative~ Nap abt 30mins while I wfh. Now I don't have sore throat feeling, but my nose is blocked. 😅
Finally hit the gym today for this week. Feeling less guilty now. Had fusion cuisine during dinner w colleagues. So glad, I suggested this coffee shop!
Weee~ bf staying over this wkend!
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