#still yet tbd i guess
wokebutsleepy · 8 months
I think it may be time for a haircut 😅😅
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quick-drawn · 7 months
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despite what the most recent posts on my blog will tell you, i did actually get some things done around here these past few days. mainly working on drafts. but i didn't manage to finish anything. head's been all over the place and i've been drowning that out with video games. mandatory overtime is supposed to start this week, but i got a message from the boss yesterday that demand isn't as high as they were expecting it to be, so we're working our normal 8 hour shifts. except for me. because i already had appointments booked for my 12 hour shifts. including monday ( which i don't normally work, but we were required to since we're getting thanksgiving off ). so i only got 1 day off to recoup from that horrid week i had last week. so here i am at 12am, fighting off a headache so i can get some sleep for this 12 hour shift i shouldn't be working, while everyone else either gets to stay home because they didn't book any work or gets to go home early. and, oh yeah, let's not forget that i STILL DON'T HAVE A HELPER —
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chiratsuku · 8 months
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bahrmp3 · 1 month
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Can't for the life of me find my post about a Griddlehark Hallmark au. Anyway potential title is "Chilled to the Bone"
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chanrizard · 2 years
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lmfao you mean to tell me after they were roasted to hell and back because (among other things) the majority of the fans are 18-25+ and they weren't so happy to be reduced to teens and tweens feverishly brandishing their glow sticks they decided that editing that disaster of an article with "some teens and tweens" was perfectly acceptable? PLEASE.
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lovinggreeniehours · 2 months
wait that last poll really made me think,,,, man if my gen.shin s/is were canon i already know in my heart who's going to get the popular character treatment
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shinrci · 4 months
I have also been thinking... Time who cannot STAND time-travelers because of the way time-travel breaks everything, but also. Possibly. Is the reason Ying ended up in time-travel anyway. Because they saw what was happening and had a moment of "oh, wait, I can't watch this kid die like this" and summoned up a sort of time rift to toss her into as an impulsive decision to save her
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empyreanparadisaea · 8 months
ooc. *in the Eggman sonic fandub voice* I miss Sumeru. I miss Sumeru a lot. I'll be back.
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saintslaughter-a · 2 years
ive cleaned my bedroom and showered (:
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sunkissed-zegras · 9 months
✮ 𝐜𝐨𝐰𝐛𝐨𝐲 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐦𝐞, quinn hughes
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♡ ─ word count | 3.2k
♡ ─ summary | you and quinn were destined to fail from the beginning.
♡ ─ warnings | unedited LOL, so much angst (are we surprised), drinking, mentions of a stupid bet (pls don't come for me ik it's a cliche but it works), asshole!quinn (so sorry for this), break-up's, lots of fighting and just overall asshole-ry, unloyalty (not exactly cheating but idk), lmk if i missed anything LMAOOO
♡ ─ taglist | tbd (check out link in navigation!)
♡ ─ ev's notes | whoo, finally i wrote something for my celly!!! i'm not very proud of it .... idk why i lowkey hate it but i hope i did this song justice, i love this song and evermore in general. this is also very out of character quinn, LOLOL because he would never (in my head, at least...). ANYWAY!!! please let me know your thoughts and i would love to hear some respectful critiques for my general writing/plotting, i would appreciate it! anyways, enjoy this angsty ass story lol
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As you stared into Quinn's eyes, under the flurolenst lights of the parking lot, you knew that it was over. The distant hum of traffic and the occasional flicker of the overhead lights were the only sounds breaking the stillness of the night.
Quinn's expression mirrored your own; a mixture of sadness, resignation, and regret etched across his features. His lips parted as if he wanted to say something, but the words remained trapped, unspoken, as if even he couldn't find the right ones to mend what had been broken.
In the quiet of that desolate parking lot, you prayed, as you hadn't in a long time, for Quinn to say something, anything, that could mend the gaping rift between you. The silence between you two was deafening, heavy with the weight of unspoken words, unfulfilled promises, and a shared recognition of the inevitable.
As you stared into his eyes, his beautiful eyes, the eyes that still somehow showed admiration, you knew that this was the end. And in the depth of that painful realization, you also knew that, somehow, it was for the better. The love that had once bound you both was still there, but it had transformed into something unrecognizable, something that no longer served the happiness you both deserved.
"You come here often?" were the first words that came from the unknown beautiful man's lips. The beautiful stranger's confidence and charming smile were hard to ignore, and his well-worn pick-up line had almost made you laugh.
You had experienced countless encounters with men using the same old pick-up line, wearing that familiar confident grin, and creating a typical atmosphere. Yet, there was something about this particular interaction that stood out.
You responded with a gentle smile, shaking your head in acknowledgement. "No, I just moved here." Well, that wasn't exactly true ─ you had lived here almost a year now but you were still new.
The corners of the beautiful stranger's lips curled up even further as he chuckled at your response. "Well, that explains why I haven't seen you around," he said, his voice carrying a playful undertone.
He kept turning around with a smirk and you noticed his group of friends and you suddenly understood what exactly what was happening ─ he was trying to prove something to his friends or win some kind of bet.
Sure, you first found his charming approach somewhat appealing, the growing suspicion that this might be part of a playful dare or a friendly challenge from his friends left you feeling intrigued and slightly amused. Nevertheless, you decided to go along with it, maintaining a friendly smile, eager to see where this interaction was headed.
He glanced over at his friends once more, who were now watching the two of you with amused expressions. It was becoming increasingly clear that this was more than just a chance encounter.
You decided to keep the conversation fun, playing along with his playful undertone. "I guess I've been flying under the radar," you replied with a grin. "But now that you've found me, what's your next move, mystery man?"
He laughed at the nickname before he leaned in closer, lowering his voice as if sharing a secret, playfully. "Well, I could offer you a drink and continue this intriguing conversation, or I could simply disappear back into the crowd, leaving you with the mystery."
"I like mysteries," you replied with a flirty undertone. Now this was something new ─ he was actually engaging which made you even more interested. "I'm Y/N."
"Quinn," he responded and extended his hand with the same smirk he's had on the entire night. "Quinn Hughes," he repeated, emphasizing his name in a way that made it clear he wanted you to know it.
"Good to meet you, Quinn Hughes." You replied playfully. "Now, where's my drink?"
Quinn's grin widened as he held onto your hand for an extra second, making sure you knew he appreciated the introduction. "The pleasure's all mine, Y/N," he said with a wink before releasing your hand. "What are you like feeling tonight?"
"Bellini, please."
He looked at the bartender who was cleaning the glasses and nodded his head, "Two Bellini's, please."
The bartender soon returned with two frosty Bellinis, each garnished with a sweet slices of peach. You took a sip and savored the fruity and bubbly flavors.
"Cheers," you said, raising your glass to Quinn. "To unexpected encounters and intriguing mysteries."
Quinn clinked his glass against yours, his eyes locked onto yours. "To new beginnings and unforgettable nights," he added, his tone suggestive.
What started as a one-night stand quickly became something more. Nights spent together soon became a weekly thing that excited the both of you. Quinn found himself smiling at mere thought of your presence, and that was when he knew it was over for him.
Sweet words exchanged as you fell asleep together, talking about your dreams and hopes, your worst fears and nightmares, building something that could only be described as perfect. Everything that you had ever wanted was Quinn.
He was a gentlemen, he opened doors and made sure you got home safe. He gave you forehead kisses, treated you like a princess, paid for everything and respected your boundaries.
But nothing is meant to last forever.
"You told me you blocked her!" You yelled in frustration as you threw the phone on the bed.
Quinn's face flushed with anger, his eyes narrowing as he retorted, "Well, what about you, Y/N? You promised me you'd stop bringing up the past every time we argue!"
Your anger flared in response as you threw your head back in anger. "This isn't about the past, Quinn. This is about you lying to me!"
He clenched his fists, his voice rising with fury. "And what about your constant need to control everything, to question every little thing I do? It's suffocating!"
The room seemed to crackle with tension as the argument escalated. Voices raised, accusations flying, both of you venting the pent-up frustration that had been building over time. It was a clash of emotions, a heated exchange that left no room for compromise.
Quinn's face was red with anger as his usual calm demeanor broke, his voice laced with frustration. "You never trust me, Y/N! It's like you're always waiting for me to mess up, to prove that I'm not good enough for you."
Your own anger burned hotly, and you shot back, "Maybe if you didn't lie to me, I wouldn't have reason to doubt you!"
"Lie to you? Y/N, come on, I never said-"
"Don't you try and twist your words, Quinn!" you interrupted him, your voice sharp and accusing. The hurt and anger in your eyes were unmistakable as you continued, "I saw the messages, Quinn. Don't insult my intelligence by denying it."
Quinn's jaw clenched as he realized there was no way out of this argument. His own anger surged, and he retorted, "Fine, I lied about blocking her, but it's not what you think."
Your heart broke truly for the first time that night as he said those words. Your lip trembled as you continued, "Then what is it, Quinn? Why couldn't you just be honest with me?"
He let out a frustrated sigh, running a hand through his hair. "I didn't want to upset you, okay? I knew how much it bothered you, and I thought I could handle it on my own."
Your anger began to mix with a sense of betrayal. "So, you thought it was better to lie to my face instead of talking to me about it? Is that how you see our relationship?"
Quinn's shoulders slumped, realizing the gravity of his mistake. "No, Y/N, that's not what I meant. I messed up, and I'm sorry."
Silence enveloped the room, heavy and suffocating, as you sat back down on the bed. The tears you had been holding back finally began to flow, tracing a path down your cheeks. The pain and betrayal in your heart were almost too much to bear.
You felt Quinn's presence beside you on the bed, his touch warm on your shoulder. His voice was filled with regret, and you could sense the genuine concern in his words.
"Wait, baby, please don't cry," he implored, his voice soft and tender. He moved closer, his arms encircling you in a gentle embrace. You laced your arms around his waist as you let the tears freely fall.
Despite the anger and hurt that still lingered, you couldn't help but feel safe in his comforting touch. His embrace offered a sense of solace, a reminder of the love you share.
"I'll block her, okay?" He hummed softly as your cries paused and you nodded in his arms. "I'll block her," he kissed your head as he mumbled those words.
Those weren't the last lies you both would ever mutter. More lies would follow, weaving a tangled web of deceit between you both.
You had never been one to care, before Quinn. It was always one after the other, leaving no room to heal. No one had ever taken you like Quinn, no ever felt Quinn. He was one in a million, he was your equal.
Maybe that was the problem, he was too much like you. You should've known it was a bad idea once you realized how similar you two were. You were both fiercely independent, with strong-willed personalities and a desire for control over your lives. While these traits had drawn you together in the beginning, also fueled moments of conflict and clashes of wills.
Perhaps it was the old adage of "too much of a good thing." The intense passion and stubbornness that had drawn you together now threatened to tear you apart.
Arguments that once seemed passionate now felt exhausting, and you found yourselves butting heads more often than not. Quinn's stubbornness mirrored your own, and instead of compromising, you often clashed fiercely over minor disagreements.
Amidst the commotion, you couldn't deny the depth of your feelings for Quinn. He was, and would always be, the love of your life. You realized that love was not about finding someone without flaws, but rather finding someone whose flaws you could accept and embrace. Quinn was not perfect, and neither were you, but together, you were something good, something worth fighting for. Something good was something that was hard to find nowadays, and something you had never experienced, something that you now relished in.
So, you made a choice. You chose to ignore the problems, at least for the time being. It wasn't the healthiest decision, and deep down, you knew it. But the love you felt for Quinn was powerful, and you were willing to overlook the cracks in your relationship, hoping they would somehow heal on their own.
Now, in hindsight, you realized it wasn't the best choice.
"Jesus, Y/N! Give me some room, I just won the best game of my life and the only you wanna talk about is something you heard from someone you know is a shit-talker, Y/N." Quinn shouted as he walked away from you, into the kitchen. It was obvious he was avoiding the topic, you'd try to bring it up multiple times but now you just wanted answered.
Your frustration boiled over as you followed him, your voice sharper now. "Quinn," you snapped, "this is important, and you can't keep brushing it aside like it doesn't matter. We can't keep avoiding our issues."
"There aren't any issues, you're making them out of thin air Y/N." He replied sharply as he opened the fridge. "Fuck, I lost my appetite. Thanks, baby." The sweet pet-name sounded like an insult now as he glared at you.
His dismissive attitude only fueled your anger further. You couldn't let him brush this off any longer. "Quinn," you said firmly, "I'm not making this up, okay, this is just something that has bothered me from the beginning and I can't keep trying to ignore it. I want you to be honest with me."
Quinn let out an angry groan as he slammed the fridge making you jump as you leaned back from him. He noticed the change in atmosphere and he sighed. Tonight was supposed to be about celebrating his win and now it just felt like another night where you two fought.
He slammed the fridge door shut, his frustration boiling over. "You want honesty? Fine. I'm tired of you constantly questioning me, doubting my every move. It's suffocating, Y/N!"
"Quinn, what happened the first night we met?"
That statement made his face pale. Quinn shifted uncomfortably, his eyes darting around the room as if searching for an escape from the conversation. The air grew heavy with the weight of unspoken words, and for a moment, it seemed like he might try to evade the question.
But then, with a resigned sigh, he finally relented. "Fine, let's talk about it." He ran a hand through his hair, a gesture of nervousness that you had come to recognize. "It was a stupid bet, okay? My friends dared me to approach a beautiful girl like you and get your number."
Your heart sank as the truth spilled out. It confirmed your suspicions, but hearing it from him still stung. "No, but there's more. What about her?"
He knew who was "her" was, as he swallowed.
Quinn's discomfort was palpable as he reluctantly began to share more about that fateful night. "It wasn't just the bet," he admitted, his voice filled with regret. "There was this girl, one of my friends' exes. She was there that night, and she dared me to take things a step further."
Your heart sank even further, a mix of anger and hurt bubbling up. "You slept with me because she told me to?"
He nodded, unable to meet your gaze. "Yeah, I did. I'm so sorry, Y/N. I should've been honest from the beginning, but I was stupid, and I wanted to impress her."
The room seemed to close in around you as Quinn's confession hung in the air. It was a heavy blow, and your emotions swirled in turmoil. The pain of betrayal and humiliation washed over you, making it hard to find words.
"You used me," you finally choked out, your voice trembling with a mix of anger and sadness. He tried to touch your hand but you moved it, "Don't touch me."
And now it all made sense, the texting, him insisting she was blocked (when you knew she wasn't), the glances back from his friends on the night you met. It all clicked, like a switch.
But as you looked back at him, it hit you like a truck. Your sweet boyfriend, the whole foundation of your relationship had been because of a bet and an ex. "You still talk to her?"
The silence answered your question and you felt your stomach turn in disgust. The room felt suffocating, and you couldn't bear to stay there any longer. Pushing past Quinn, you rushed out of the kitchen, the weight of the revelation heavy on your shoulders.
You and Quinn faced each other as you both laid in bed, smiles hanging on your lips as you exchanged sweet whispers of "forever."
The room was bathed in the soft glow of the moonlight streaming through the curtains. It felt like a moment suspended in time, where the worries of the past and the uncertainties of the future faded away.
Quinn gently brushed a strand of hair from your face, his soft eyes filled with tenderness. "I love you, Y/N."
Your heart swelled with affection, and you caressed his cheek with your fingertips. "I love you too, Quinn."
As you lay there, wrapped in each other's arms, you both knew that the path ahead wasn't easy. But for now, in that moment, you held onto the hope that love would prevail, and your story would continue, marked by its ups and downs, but bound together by a love that refused to fade.
Forever was the sweetest con. Promises of the best future were mere phrases, no literal meaning behind them.
As you stared into his eyes, his beautiful eyes, the eyes that still somehow showed admiration, you knew that this was the end. And in the depth of that painful realization, you also knew that, somehow, it was for the better. The love that had once bound you both was still there, but it had transformed into something unrecognizable, something that no longer served the happiness you both deserved.
In the midst of that silence, you could almost hear the echoes of all the beautiful moments you had shared with Quinn. The laughter, the whispered promises, the warmth of his embrace – they all seemed like distant memories now, fading into the abyss of what could have been.
Finally, Quinn's lips moved, and he let out a heavy sigh. "Y/N," he began, his voice tinged with sadness, "I wish things could have been different. I never wanted to hurt you like this."
Your throat tightened, and you fought to keep your composure. "I know, Quinn," you whispered, your voice trembling. "It's just too late to fix what's broken."
The words hung heavily in the air, a painful acknowledgment of the damage that had been done. You both knew that there was no turning back, no magic words that could erase the pain and mistrust that now defined your relationship.
The pain of parting was excruciating as you took a step back from each other, the unspoken love still lingered in the space between you. It was a love that would forever remain a bittersweet memory, a chapter in your lives that had come to an end.
With one final, longing look, you turned away from Quinn and walked towards your separate futures, leaving behind the shattered remnants of a love that had once felt like forever.
You would never love again, not like you did with Quinn. No would ever make you laugh like he did, or touch you like he did, or make you cry like he did. And maybe in some way, that was a good thing.
Maybe, in time, you would discover new forms of love, different from what you had known before. You didn't know if you even wanted that, you just wanted what you once had with Quinn, before any of the shit hit the fan. At the same time you knew you were destined for failure the moment he had come up to you at that shitty bar, the foundation was destined to break into a million pieces for you to pick up.
Maybe, in some other universe, it would've worked out. Quinn would've come up to you willingly and bought you a bellini and maybe, he wouldn't have been so hung up on his ex. And then, your promises would've been fulfilled; the big house in Michigan, with two dogs and a big family and an even bigger heart. Two boys and two girls, like he'd promised. So that the son had a brother, and the daughter had a sister, just like the both of you had.
It was a beautiful vision of what could have been, a dream woven with the threads of love and real commitment. And maybe, in this reality or another, there were still beautiful moments and dreams waiting to unfold and that brought you some kind of peace.
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-> make sure to check out my navigation or masterlist if you enjoyed! any interaction is greatly appreciated! <-
thank you for reading all the way through, as always ♡
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ckret2 · 1 year
The most unpleasant breakfast.
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I feel like this picture is a perfect summary of the fic so far.
Chapter 6 of The Pines Capture Human Bill Cipher But Can't Tell Anybody Because They Don't Know Whether Killing Him Will Restart Weirdmageddon (title TBD). Chapters one, two, three, four, and five, and I've gotta get a masterpost or something.
The group asking for a seat at the truck stop diner was an odd sight: three adult men; two children; and one disheveled barefoot lunatic in a cartoon pony toga, handcuffs, a chain restricting one arm, and the dirt-smeared remains of a butterfly marker mask. But truckers and odd sights were the only things you saw at a truck stop on the outskirts of Gravity Falls at three a.m., and the handcuffed guest wasn't blinking SOS in Morse code, so the weary party was escorted to the round corner booth without question. They sandwiched Bill between Soos and Stan and silently awaited their menus.
"Hey, I'm Dani, I'll be taking care of you tonight." A waitress passed out menus to the group, hesitated uncertainly with a couple of paper kids' menus in front of Dipper and Mabel, and handed them over when Mabel made grabby hands for the accompanying four-pack of crayons. "Can I start you off with some coffee, or...?" Dani's gaze fell on Bill, and she beamed. "Oh, hey! Toga Lady! Hi!"
Bill gave her a puzzled smile and raised brows. "Hello?"
"Oh, yeah dude!" Soos laughed. "Wendy got a picture of you the last time you came by. You're totally a local meme now."
"Okay, I've gotta know." The waitress gestured at Bill's ensemble with her pen. "What's your story?"
"Well—" Bill opened his mouth, and froze; and the whole table went still as they simultaneously had the same realization.
If anybody revealed Bill's identity, in Gravity Falls, the epicenter of Weirdmageddon, they'd have a mob on their hands. At worst the town would rip Bill to shreds, and at best they'd throw him in a cell so they could schedule his shredding for a pleasant Saturday afternoon when more people could watch. Bill couldn't risk the possibility that he'd die for good, and the humans couldn't risk the possibility that he'd be re-released as a triangle.
None of them could reveal anything.
And all of them knew it.
"Party," Bill said. And then, warming to the cover story, he went on: "This is my party uniform. A little anachronistic, but what can I say? There's nothing I like better than being the center of attention at a wild party!" He cast a sideways glance toward the Stan twins. "Until the fun police break it up."
Ford grumbled, "Partying wasn't the problem. You were going to burn down the town."
"You get so worked up over a little bonfire, sheesh." Bill rolled his eyes, leaned toward the waitress, and said, "These geek types, I tell you. Some people wouldn't recognize a good time if it appeared to them in a divine vision."
"Maybe if I ever had a divine vision..."
Bill shot Ford a dirty look. They quickly broke off their mutual glare, conscious of Dani curiously watching, and Bill breezily explained, "He had a bad trip and still blames me for it."
Dani laughed. "You're crazy! What's your real name, Toga Lady?"
Bill hesitated. "Guess!"
"Guess! It's a game. You guess mine, I'll guess yours."
She looked down at her name tag. "I already told you my name's Dani."
"But did you tell me it's Danielle Miranda?"
Her eyebrows shot up.
Bill beamed. "I'll give you three guesses! While you're thinking about that, could we get a round of coffee, and... do you serve anything more toxic than mildly spoiled apple juice? No? Just coffee."
"And a chocolate shake," Mabel threw in.
Bill's eyes lit up. "Make that two."
Stan snapped, "I am not paying for you to get a chocolate shake." Bill sighed.
Once the waitress was gone, Bill said, "Trauma still disrupts humans' long-term memories, right? Have the locals forgotten my name yet?"
"Yeah, no, everyone remembers," Soos said. "I know two different Williams that got their names legally changed."
Bill groaned. "Great. Terrific! Fine. My last pseudonym was getting stale anyway, it's about time I find a new one. All right, what have we got, toss out some ideas." At the others' blank looks, he said, "I've spent the last couple of days getting starved, beaten, and literally killed. All I'm coming up with is 'Not-Bill' and 'the letter A.' Somebody else think of something."
Stan let out a loud sigh. "Who cares? Bob."
"No, and you're stupid."
Ignoring Stan's irritation, Bill looked around the table. "Anyone else?"
The others at the table considered the question. Soos said, "Ferdinand. I think Ferdinand is way cool."
"Coming out of you, that's not the high recommendation you think it is, Questiony."
Soos winced. "Ouch."
"C'mon, give me something that sounds a little bit like me."
Dipper said, "Troy Angle?" Mabel laughed.
Bill didn't. "Troy again."
Ford ventured, "Xanthe?"
"Ha. Sure, just call me 'yellow hair,' why not. I like the direction you're thinking—"
Stan—whose barely-suppressed rage at this whole situation had been steadily building back up since Bill called him stupid—snapped, "Why are we looking for a name he'll like? Why does he get any say in this! I say we call him whatever he can pronounce through a mouthful of broken teeth! Because when I'm through with this sonovab—"
Bill blocked his view of Stan's threatening fist by holding up his menu. "But Stanley's got a point, I need a simple name. How many Americans know how to spell Ξανθή?"
"Get this stupid thing out of my—"
Mabel stood and slammed her hands on the table, interrupting the brewing argument. "GOLDILOCKS!"
Bill erupted into a peal of laughter that made the rest of the table flinch. His handcuffs clattered as he smacked his hands on the table and he leaned toward Mabel. "Yes yes yes YES! You've got it! That's perfect!" It was like a light switch had flipped on in Bill, suddenly re-energizing him. Eyes crinkling in genuine amusement, Bill said, "You know, I like you, kid. You're the one with the fun ideas!"
Mabel blinked in surprise, any pleasure at the unexpected compliment dampened by the knowledge that being liked by Bill was never a good thing. Miffed, Dipper said, "Hey, I made a pun."
"I don't like puns."
Ford said, "If you'd please stop trying to win over my grand-niece with flattery..." but fell silent as Dani came back with drinks.
She passed coffee around, set a chocolate shake down for Mabel, set a second one down for Bill—"On the house"—and winked. "Is it Rumpelstiltskin?"
Bill cracked up again. "No, but give me three hours and a particle accelerator and I could teach you to spin straw into gold!"
"Worth a shot." Dani laughed. "Okay, is everyone ready to order?"
There was an awkward pause. Soos finally said, "Oh man, we all got to talking and completely forgot to look at the menu. Can you give us like five minutes?"
"Sure. Just wave when you're ready." 
The group steeled themselves to the task of picking a meal, which felt far too mundane for such a bizarre night. Dipper frowned at the paper kids' menu he'd been handed. "Hey, Soos. Can I look at your menu when you're done...?"
Wordlessly, Bill stole Dipper's menu and crayon box and slid over his adult menu.
"... Thanks."
Bill had already dumped out the crayons and started drawing triangles on the menu. "Don't mention it!"
By the time Dani returned, Bill had covered a quarter of the menu in tiny doodles of his own triangular face, reluctantly scratched them out after Soos pointed out he could get arrested for those, and covered half the rest in countless eyes. Soos ordered a burger, Stan ordered bacon and eggs, Ford ordered an omelet, Dipper ordered an omelet too not because Ford did but because it sounded good and maybe he wanted to try one okay that's all, Mabel ordered rainbow sprinkle chocolate pancakes, and Bill ordered a banana octopus pancake and a side of bacon "as floppy as you can make it" over Stan's objections to letting Bill get a side item.
"And raw bacon. Got it." Dani closed her notebook, gave Bill a considering look, and said, "Is it Blondie?"
"Ha! No! But you've been a good sport so I'll give you a hint! It's something in between your first two guesses."
"Huh..." Dani considered that a moment; then noticed Bill trying to pick up his shake with handcuffs on. "Do you... need help with those? I think our gas station next door's got bolt cutters."
Firmly, Ford said, "We've got bolt cutters at home." Bill gave Dani an apologetic shrug.
As soon as Dani was gone again, Ford leaned forward. "All right, Bill. If you're going to be in our house for who-knows-how-long, we need to establish some ground rules."
"Boy, do we ever," Bill said, with the confidence of somebody who assumed he'd have an equal say in deciding what the rules were.
Ford went on without acknowledging Bill. "For now, we can lock you back in the cellar—"
"Cellar's right under the gift shop," Stan pointed out. "I was thinking a storage closet. Just stuff him in there and pile a bunch of furniture in front of the door."
"You know, Stanley, I think that would be safer," Ford said, like he was trying to pretend he liked the idea based on safety rather than based on how satisfying it would be to make Bill as uncomfortable as possible. "Although I'm sure Bill knows he'll just be putting himself in danger if he makes enough noise to catch anyone's attention—so there's rule number one, no sounds. And once I've done some repairs, we can move him to the bunker..."
"No, I don't think so," Bill said. "I don't like that at all."
Coolly, Ford said, "Well, Bill, you're our prisoner, so we can do what we want, you don't get a say in it, and you don't have to like it. In fact, the more you dislike it, the more I think I do like it."
Stan laughed, elbowing Ford. "Took the words right out of my mouth."
"But that's just the thing—I do get a say in it," Bill said. "I'm as worried as anyone else about what might happen if this body is killed—but there are fates worse than death, aren't there? Like boredom, for instance. You know what I'm talking about, right?" He gave Mabel an appealing look.
She doggedly avoided making eye contact, slurping her shake.
Bill shrugged and returned his attention to Ford. "You know and I know that you're only keeping me alive until you can think of a better way to kill me—and that gives me an advantage. It means I've got nothing to lose. If I'm not living a life that's at least barely tolerable, then your only way to stop me from choosing death on my terms instead of your terms is by sticking me in an artificial coma." His smile stretched wider. "And are you really, really sure I don't know a way to kill myself in my sleep?"
Ford and Stan's scowls deepened the longer Bill spoke. Stan muttered, "If he's gonna be like that, it's not too late to just kill him and get it over with."
Ford shook his head. "What do you consider intolerable conditions."
"Being locked in one little room with nowhere to stretch my legs, no entertainment, and no company. Abandon me in your bunker? Once I get tired of the scenery, I'm bashing my skull in."
"And if we lock you in the cellar?"
"Then I'm screaming for help until someone calls the cops, and we all get to learn what they find more convincing: 'You've gotta believe me, this lady is secretly Bill Cipher in disguise,' or 'Help me, officer, these lunatics think I'm some kind of demon pyramid!'" Bill rolled his eyes. "I'm not asking for much. Just a little mobility. A few rooms I can move freely in, the occasional conversation, a window or two I can look out of..."
"In other words," Ford said, "if we don't want you to do anything drastic, we need to give you a slight chance to escape."
"See, this is why you're the smart one!" Bill graced Ford with a brilliant smile. "And in return, you've bought yourselves time to look for a guaranteed way to finish me off. It'll be like a game: can you figure out how to get rid of me before I find a way out?"
"I stopped playing games with you a long time ago, Cipher."
"We never stopped playing. You just stopped having fun."
Their negotiations were interrupted by Dani's return. She distributed their meals, then said, "Okay, I've got two guesses. They're dumb, though."
"I'll allow it!"
"Rapunzel or Goldilocks."
"Hey, guess number four! Smart girl! Give her a nice tip, Stanley."
"Stop trying to spend my money."
Dani laughed. "You're joking!"
"No, really! Goldilocks!"
"No, no way. You're totally lying."
Studying her face to gauge how much of her skepticism was sincere, Bill amended himself, "Okay, okay—first name Goldie, last name Locke. Funny though, right?"
"I didn't think I'd get it. Goldilocks the Toga Lady. Ha! You guys enjoy your meals."
Once she was out of hearing range, Ford said, "Here's your situation. You're trapped in a small geographic bubble and surrounded by enemies. You have no money, no identification, no connections, and if you still have any powers at all, they're clearly dampened or we'd be dead by now. Your options are limited even if you do escape—so before you try, think how much less latitude we'll give you once we catch you."
"Sounds like somebody's about to agree to my terms."
Ford glanced at Stan, to see if he wanted to voice any objections; then Soos, as the current owner of the shack; then the kids, with a silent apology for what this would mean for their summer; and when no one protested, Ford said, "You'll stay in the main shack. You can go anywhere that isn't closed behind a door—that means the kitchen, the living room, the R&D room, and the attic. You don't get to enter any room behind a door without supervision. You don't get access to tools, poisons, or anything you could potentially use as a weapon. No phone, no computer, no borrowing anybody's cellular phones, but you can use the TV."
"How will disputes over what to watch on TV be resolved."
"Everybody in the house gets priority over you."
"Now you're just being petty. You won't even say we could vote on TV selections?"
"Fine, let's vote. Who's in favor of being petty and never letting Bill choose what to watch?"
Everyone but Bill raised a hand.
Bill laughed. "Okay, I walked into that! But I want books."
"Fine. You can have books."
"And writing materials."
"Under supervision only."
"Sheesh, paranoid. Okay. And a radio."
Ford considered that.
"Come on, you don't think I could get into trouble with a radio."
"You can use the record player."
"Nobody uses records anymore. I want a CD player."
"Fine." Satisfied, Bill picked up the maple syrup bottle and poured way too much on his pancakes.
Mabel cast a quick, envious glance at Bill's banana octopus. It had chocolate chip eyes and was way cuter than she'd expected.
Bill caught her glance, gave her sugary pile of sprinkles and chocolate an equally covetous look, and said, "Want to go half and half?"
She shoved her plate over. "Like you wouldn't believe!"
Dipper hissed, "Mabel," and Mabel flinched, guiltily glancing toward Ford to see if the Head Bill Cipher Expert had any objections to the pancake swap. Ford grimaced, but said nothing. Mabel had already agreed and Ford couldn't think of anything Bill could have done to an untampered-with plate of pancakes, and if Ford objected on principle he'd just end up making himself look like the bad guy—which he had a sneaking suspicion Bill would immediately pounce on.
Meanwhile, Bill certainly hadn't waited to see if Ford approved. He mercilessly sawed his mushy cephalopod in half, the swap was made before anyone could protest Mabel sharing her bounty of sugar with the worst person in the universe, and Bill gleefully added more maple syrup to his new source of sweet sensory overload. He scooped up a forkful of pancakes, stuck it in his eye, then jerked his head back and stared in confusion when it just hurt. He tried the other eye before he remembered his mouth.
Mabel played with the banana peel tentacles on her half-octopus. At Dipper's grimace, she said, "It's fine, he'll be fine! Octopuses grow back if you cut them in half."
Soos had worked through his burger like popcorn at a movie while he watched Ford and Bill's hostage negotiations. Now that the important decisions had been made and Soos was down to fries, he said, "So, how are we gonna keep Bill out of all the other rooms? Am I gonna have to put locks on every door tomorrow? Because if we just say 'don't go there,' Bill will be like, 'okay,' and then do it anyway, you know?"
"Yeah, Stanford, how are you gonna keep me out of your rooms?" Bill was twirling a piece of bacon around his fork like spaghetti. "I hear I'm pretty sneaky." He stuck the fork in his eye again, winced, and gave it a disappointed look.
"Well—" Ford glanced around to ensure no one was nearby, leaned closer to Bill, and lowered his voice. "I've actually got a clever idea about that."
Instantly intrigued, Bill leaned in closer. "Oh, do you?"
Like he was inviting Bill in to hear a secret, Ford reached past Stan to put a hand on Bill's shoulder—and said, "Amnesia Limina—"
"You—!" Bill tried to jerk out of Ford's grip, but was blocked by a wall of Soos. Soos caught on and grabbed Bill's wrists before he could shove Ford's hand away.
"—Stupidi Digiti—"
"I hate you."
"—Occultus Locus."
A bright red light flashed between Ford's fingers. Bill's eye twitched. He jerked out of Soos's grip and shrugged off Ford's hand. "When did you learn how to play dirty?"
Dipper had watched with such fascination that he hadn't even noticed a chunk of omelet fall off his fork into his lap. "Whoa, what was that?"
"A curse," Ford said. "Cast it on a door, and no one who interacts with it will know how to open it. Cast it on a person, however—and they'll forget how to open any door. We don't have to worry about locking Bill in if he doesn't know how to use a doorknob, do we?"
Bill asked, "What's a doorknob?"
Stan cracked up. Ford grinned at Dipper and gestured at Bill. See?
"Seriously, what's a doorknob? I know every word in the English language, I'd know if 'doorknob' was a word. Is it a wart? A kind of fungus?" Bill sighed irritably. "I taught you that spell. This is how you pay me back for teaching you?"
"No, this is how I pay you back for torturing my family."
"I never tortured your family! Just you."
Mabel raised a hand. "You stuck me in a bubble."
"That wasn't torture. You had a great time."
Dipper said, "You threw me down the stairs and stabbed my arm."
"That was self-torture, and I had a great time."
Ford said, "Well, then—this is payback for myself."
Bill scowled, lips pursed, expression sour; and then spat a thick, milky wad of phlegm onto Ford's omelet.
Stan rounded on Bill so fast he kneed the table.
Ford put a hand on Stan's shoulder to stop him from making a scene. Calmly, he cut around the chunk of soiled omelet, scooped it up, and dropped it in Bill's milkshake.
Everyone tried to ignore how a crooked smile threatened to break through Bill's scowl. As if he was almost having fun.
When they left, in lieu of the extra tip Bill had wanted Stan to give the waitress, he turned over his paper menu and drew a map to an eighty-year-old buried cache of stolen jewelry just a fifteen minute walk from the diner.
He'd finished his milkshake, egg and all.
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kimsohn · 8 months
how to (not) get away with murder | teaser
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pairing . ceo! eric sohn x assassin! gn reader about . wc tbd (20k+), angst + fluff (will include themes of suicide, murder, death, and the characters are stupid and unrealistic) release date . tbd tagging: @mosviqu
synopsis . you think it's a sick twist of fate when you're tasked to kill your childhood crush, but you take the job anyway in desperate need of money. too bad you happen to be the sole witness of his resurrection and the only person he trusts to help him find his supposed murderer (aka you). note . this was supposed to be a fic for a valentines day collab but i think i forgot about the cute sappy romance aspect LOLL. loosely inspired by the kdrama abyss (and not by the show how to get away with murder) 🤞 also this fic includes heavy themes so fair warning! send an ask / dm to be tagged (if you aren't already on my taglist)
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“I have a question…” Eric trails off, suddenly shying away from your gaze as he curls into the back of the couch.
You raise your eyebrow, curiosity clouding your gaze as he turns off the hair dryer to place it beside him. Without the fan sound, the atmosphere feels more intimate, but you’re not exactly sure if that’s a good thing with the predicament you’ve gotten yourself into. A simple question could make or break your relationship with the boy shifting next to you, and you're praying for the former.
Eric has just come back into your life, and you don’t want him gone just yet.
“If you were my fiancé, would you have liked me? Or would you have faked it?”
You don’t know what question you were expecting, but it certainly isn’t that. For the first time since you’ve met Eric, you find yourself scrambling as you try to formulate a response.
“Why are you even asking me this question? I’m probably the most unlikely person to date you.”
You notice that Eric sports the injured puppy expression, the one that always makes you cave in. Unfortunately, this time is no different.
“Okay, fine. I guess by now you know I’m not the type of person to care about physical appearance. You have a good personality too, a great one even—"
"But would you have liked me?" he asks again, thumbing at the strands of your hair that are still dripping water.
He’s so painfully oblivious that your heart aches. You hate the mere implications of this question, and you hate that you’re torturing him this way because his expectant gaze only reminds you of how much it’ll hurt when you let him down.
"Yeah," you whisper finally, seeing him light up after your prolonged silence. "I would've liked you."
Your resolve breaks into pieces when he leans in the press a soft kiss to your cheek. The butterflies in your stomach have now turned into moths, but even the uneasiness settling in your stomach can’t prevent your flustered feelings as his lips pull away. Your thoughts wander off to how you would’ve felt if his lips had caressed yours instead, but as you stare at the dazed expression on his face, you remind yourself that he’ll probably never look at you the same way again.
“Sweet dreams, Y/N,” he whispers, flicking away a droplet gathered at one of your hair strands as he pushes himself off the couch.
You know the emotions you feel towards Eric are simply dangerous. He wouldn’t even spare a second glance toward you once he found out the truth, and you know that you’re only hurting him by keeping your identity a secret. It’s dangerous being around him, extremely, but as you fall into a restless sleep, you allow yourself one moment of lenience to fall for him completely and wholeheartedly, heart and soul alike.
Little did you know it would be the last time Eric would ever allow you that chance again.
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gallavichthings · 10 months
Gallavich Things Events Calendar
Hello, lovelies!
The poll I made last week isn't closed yet, but it's clear to see where it's heading. Therefore, and to ease everyone's anxiety, here's the calendar with the events this blog will be hosting FOR THE NEXT YEAR (with more details about each event after the cut):
1st or 2nd week: guidelines and prompts for the Kinktober will be posted.
1st or 2nd week: guidelines for the Masquerade posted/sign-ups open
1st week: sign-ups for the Masquerade close
2nd week (exact day TBD): Masquerade
also 2nd week: guidelines for the gift exchange posted and sign-ups open
2nd week: Deadline to send guesses about the Masquerade (possibly extended if there's a large number of fics);
also 2nd week: Sign-ups close for the gift exchange and prompts are posted
14th: gift exchange (possibly taking over more days, depending on the number of participants)
My birthday lol; jk, we rest. We rest, ok? And you can participate on other events posted by other blogs. But if you want to send me birthday gifts, I'll accept. XD
Spring cleaning again??? Or we rest some more, idk.
Gallavich Week themes revealed
2nd or 3rd week: Gallavich Week
We rest again? Go outside? Enjoy the summer?
A.U.gust again? Rinse & repeat?
And now for more details:
About the Kinktober, I probably won't be doing a theme per day because I feel like that might be tiring. Also, we just did that for A.U.gust and I saw another Gallavich blog posting something like that for September, so I figured we give people a bit more freedom this time around. I'm thinking of either just a list of prompts that you can post whenever, or a bingo, or one ample/general theme per week... But I'm open to suggestions.
About the Masquerade: Yes, I know most people voted to have it along the Kinktober, but there was also a quite significant amount of people who said they'd rather have it after it. I figured the people who voted to have it alongside Kinktober would still participate it if I had it later, but the opposite was likely not true, so I figured this was better. Also, I will be requesting sign-ups, but they're just so I can organize everything, so the deadline will be quite close to the posting day. Posting will likely be on an AO3 anonymous collection (I'll have to test that first), and the guesses will be made through a Google Form. One more thing: I think it would be nice to have fanart/videos/gifsets as the prizes (preferably about the Masquerade fics themselves), both for the person (or people) who manage to guess the most authors correctly and for the author who manages to "deceive" more people (still deciding on that, but anyway...), so if you make any of this and would like to volunteer, let me know.
About the gift exchange: it was postponed for next year for three reasons: 1) there was no set event in February, so I figured this would be cute and fit the theme of Valentine's Day - instead of secret Santas, you'll have secret admirers ;) ; 2) it gives people more time to participate, since most other fandoms have their gift exchange events at the end of the year; 3) it leaves the Masquerade at the end of the year, which is an event with lower stakes (no one is expecting people to produce anything, so it's easier to cancel their participation if something happens). I reserved actual Valentine's Day for it, but I believe it'll actually happen throughout the week. The format will be the same as in the last couple of years, with participants picking the prompts they'd like to fulfill.
I assumed we'll be doing A.U.gust again next year, but that's not set in stone. Spring Cleaning is also a possible event, but we'll see. Gallavich Week will be happening, as always.
I hope this has helped! If you have any questions,suggestions or comments at all, feel free to send me an ask.
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beelsfridge · 11 months
Goodbye (For Now)
Nightbringer Spoilers Ahead (maybe a little ooc)
(I’ll adjust everything in the morning)
(Pt 1/2)
You knew you weren’t suppose to stay in the past for that long. You knew you didn’t belong there. You had to get back to your time eventually.
And even if the brothers were warming up to you again, you had to say goodbye. The worst part was that they would never know why you really left.
“You can finally go back home MC.” Solomon tells you with a smile as he holds your hands with joy,”Back to your time. You did it.”
“Yeah!” You say with relief,”I can go back, back home where the people I love are waiting for me.” You can’t help but feel your heart flutter at the warmth and comfort of the brothers and everyone else you longed for.
“There’s no time to lose! It’ll happen just as quickly, Just as before-“ Solomon says ready to perform the ritual before you find yourself hesitating.
“Wait-“ You say,”Shouldn’t I say goodbye?” You ask conflicted.
“Say goodbye? MC they can’t know where you’re from. We talked about this already-“ Solomon said,”You need not to worry about these versions of themselves anymore.
“Yeah but…” You say as you look to the House of Lamentation,”But even if they don’t know it’s me yet…this version of myself..I’m still their friend. They deserve to know, that I won’t be coming back ” You tell him.
“Oh MC…”Solomon looks at with with what you feel is pity,”These are not the brothers you know…chances are they probably won’t even care or notice you’re gone..”
You look down at the floor, a saddened expression taken place,”Yeah..you’re probably right..they probably didn’t really even care..”
Solomon sighs deeply as he contemplates your words. After a few moments he squeezes your hand reassuringly,”I think…you should do what you desire… if you believe Lucifer and his brothers deserve sort closure then I suppose I can’t stop you. Just hurry back…for my sake.”
Your eyes light up with joy as you hug Solomon lovingly,”You’re the best!”
“Obviously.” He says patting your back before you break away.
“Alright! I’ll be back real quick alright!” You say as you hurry to the House of Lamentation.
“I’ll be waiting.” Solomon says watching you scurry off.
Normally, at least in this timeline, you wouldn’t really go to the house of lamentation without proper reason and permission.
So you hope Lucifer or someone would at least let you in.
Does the house look a lot bigger or have you just not seen it in a while?
You look back at the door, hesitantly you knock three times. You wait anxiously for any sort of response and when time passed and nobody answered you felt quite defeated.
“I guess…Solomon..was right..” You mumble to yourself a bit disappointedly. Just as you were about to walk away the door cracked open.
You hesitantly reach for it and peek inside.
“H-hello?” You say not wanting to intrude more than you have to.
Nonetheless you step into the house fully. Despite it looking just slightly different, it still felt like home to you.
You take a breath of relief before a voice startles you.
“Ah? - Oh! It’s you, ya weirdo what are you doing here?!” Mammon stares at you confusingly,”Who let ya in?”
“I well- I knocked and the door opened so I wasn’t really sure if I could come in or not or if someone let me in by mistake so I walk in here to see if there was anyone but I didn’t see anyone so I was gonna leave but then -“You begin to ramble before Mammon cuts you off.
“Oi, quit ya yappin. I don’t care.” Mammon tells you.
“Right.” You say,”Sorry.”
“You’re so weird.” Mammon says shaking his head disapprovingly,”But I guess you’re here for a reason eh? What can the great Mammon do for you? Ya need to see Luci or sum?”
“Well yeah- but also I came to see you! Also everyone else.” You tell him.
“M-me?!” Mammon says with utter confusion. It seems he decided to skip over the part you said everyone else as well.
“Yeah, there was something I needed to tell you-“ You tell him.
“T-tell me ? “ Mammons head begins to swirl,”Me? Why me?
“Well Mammon, it’s just that I’ve came ti say go-“You tell him before getting caught off by another voice.
“MAMMON!” Leviathan screams out as he approaches,”Where’s my damn money!”
“Jeez Levi, could you be any louder?!” Mammon scolds,”I’m in the middle of something here!”
“I don’t care - gimme my money!” Levi says before realizing it’s you.
“Huh?? MC?! You’re here?!” Levi seems surprised by your visit,.
“Oh! Levi! This is great- I needed to tell you both that-“ You say before yet another voice cuts you off.
“Ah~ what’s with all the yelling~ you’re all bound to get wrinkles like that- oh- MC?” Asmo says coming into view as he looks at you curiously,” What are you doing here?”
“Ah you’re here! Perfect ! - I came to -“ You say before Mammon cuts you off.
“Cant y’all see MC is trying to have a proper conversation with ME? Butt out.” Mammon says
“Mammon, you’re so full of yourself.” Levi says bitterly.
“Ay! Watch what you say!” Mammon says.
“Ugh you guys, MC is trying to say something. “ Asmo says
“Right..thanks Asmo..I was going to say that-“
“Can you all kindly shut the hell up?” Satan says marching into the room,”You’re all irritating me! I can hear shouting from halfway across the house.”
“Everything was fine until Levi and Asmo came in tryna be nosey!” Mammon tells Satan.
“I don’t care! Just shut up already-“Satan says before looking at you and his anger briefly replaced by confusion,”It’s you?”
Before you can say anything another voice pops in “Oh would you look at that Beel. I told you they were arguing. “ Belphie says yawning tiredly,”Could recognize Mammons annoying voice far that much of a distance.”
Beel Hums in agreement as his stomach growls,”Mm yeah, it sure does seem that way. I suppose since MC is here that’s why they’re arguing.”
“Oh- you’re right. I didn’t even see MC til you said it.” Belphie says with a chuckle,”What brings you here? Normally Lucifer would’ve thrown a huge fuss anytime someone came over about being on our best behavior. So I assume he doesn’t know you’re here.”
“R-right-“ You say as they all look at you curiously. Suddenly it feels a little harder to say what you have to.
“I don’t see why the rest of ya need to be here. MC said she wanted to speak to me and-“Mammon starts off but gets cut off
“She did not say that you liar!” Levi says,”She clearly said me.”
“That’s not what I heard!” Asmo says as they all start arguing once more.
“I’m hungry.” Beel says.
“Is that really the only thing you’re concerned about right now?” Belphie asks.
Why does feel…so familiar to you?…it almost ..feels like when-
“So why are you here MC?” Satan asks (demands) gathering the attention of the others and knocking you out of your thoughts.
“Oh that’s…..right…” You says.
“Well spit it out, we don’t got all day now.” Mammon says growing increasingly impatient.
You look at all of them as they stare at you with such a familiar twinkle in their eyes. One that you thought you’d never really see again.
“I’ve…”You say bowing your head down,”I’ve come to say goodbye.”
It’s grows eerily quiet.
“Uh…okay?” Mammon says shrugging his shoulders,”You going on vacation or sum?”
You shake your head,”No, I’m leaving Mammon.”
“For how long?” Mammon asks again not quite grasping your words.
“I ..well-“ You say unsure of what to tell them as you twiddle your fingers together.
“Like a couple months or ?” Mammon waits for your answer.
You could feel everyone’s stare bore into your skin as they await your answer.
You hear Satan sigh,
“They mean forever Mammon. It means they’re never coming back.”
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wrenreid · 1 year
Off Limits
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contains: mentions of sex, oral (F receiving)
Part Twenty- Two
The night I left her crying at the party, guilt gnawing on my stomach seems like it was ages ago now.
It’s only been two weeks since we officially made up and decided to cut the bullshit, but it’s been a pretty great two weeks. Unfortunately, work drug me across the country from her for a good fraction of the fourteen days, but we’re trying to make up for it now.
We’re laying on my couch, watching reruns of one of Jade’s favorite shows. I’m not much of a fan, but she likes it, so I watch it.
Taking our relationship at a slower level has its moments of difficulty, but it’s been pretty healthy. Of course, when we’re kissing and her lips trail down to my neck, I want to lay her down and kiss every inch of her body and a lot more that I shouldn’t speak of. But I know this is what’s best. Or at least I’m pretty damn sure it’s what’s best.
I’m not one to sleep with people quickly after starting a relationship anyway. I’ve only been in two relationships, and one of them hardly lasted long enough to develop a super intimate sexual connection.
But ever since I’ve realized my attraction to Jade, and I don’t just mean physically, I’ve been craving her. Craving to see her in a way nobody else has. Craving to touch her in a way nobody else has. Craving to be touched by her. To be seen by her. Really seen.
That takes vulnerability, though, and if I’ve been taught anything by what I’ve been through and seen in my 28 years of living, it’s that vulnerability is not something to just wear on your sleeve. It’s taken advantage of. It’s used. It’s thrown in your face. It’s not that I don’t trust Jade. I just can’t be that vulnerable with her yet.
She sits up from her position with her head on my shoulder. She looks at me.
“What?” I ask, a smile on my face.
“I’m bored.”
“Sorry I’m not entertaining?”
She rolls her eyes playfully. “I want to do something.”
“Like what?” I ask her.
“You could teach me more about chess?”
I chuckle softly. “You must be really bored.”
She smiles and leads me to my room. I hold her hand as we walk.
I grab the box I keep my chess set in and set it on the bed, the two of us sitting on either side. I set it up since she’s still not exactly certain on how the game works.
I feel her eyes on me, and a faint blush creeps up onto my cheeks.
“You remember what to do?” I ask her, glancing up to look at her.
“Sort of,” she admits as she makes her first move. Jade looks up at me for approval, and I nod my head with a smile. Her cheeks flush.
It’s moments like these where I want to keep her protected, sealed away where no one can’t taint her. She’s perfectly beautiful. On the other hand, her shy blushes and sweet grins make me want to rip all her clothes off and touch every inch of her.
I hate having these thoughts, but she seems to make me crazy.
“I think you’re pretending to not know what to do because you like when I teach you,” Spencer says, a sly grin on his face.
“You’ve caught me, Dr. Reid,” I laugh softly, tossing my hands up in the air like I’ve been caught by the police. In a way, I guess I have.
He smiles, rolling his eyes.
“You’re hot when you’re focused and all authoritative. It’s hard to remember which pieces move where when you’re across from me,” I tell him with a sigh.
Spencer’s cheeks flush red, and he tries to contain his smile. His efforts are useless. “Do you not want to keep playing?”
“You might as well hurry up and beat me,” I chuckle.
“Hey, you could have a chance.”
“Don’t lie to me, doc.”
“Let’s make a deal to get you more motivated, huh? How about if you win, I’ll take you out to lunch anywhere you want.”
“And if you win?” My eyebrow raises as I question him.
“We’ll keep that TBD.”
“Alright then,” I shrug, making my next move.
The fortunate side of Spencer’s impeccable skills are that even though I lost, he put me out of my misery pretty quickly.
“Name your prize, Dr. Reid.”
Spencer looks at me with a change of expression. His gloating smile shifts into a look of desire. It makes my stomach flutter.
He pulls me into him, kissing me slowly. He tastes like coffee. The way-too-sugary coffee that he drinks every morning.
I smile against his lips, holding his arms as his hands hold mine too.
“The knight is being lodged into my stomach, Spence,” I laugh softly, pulling away from our kiss.
“Oh right. Sorry,” he laughs awkwardly and pushes the chess board and pieces off the bed, making sure nothing breaks before returning to kissing me.
Hands begin to roam, and kisses become deeper and sloppier. I moan against his lips softly as his hand cups my clothed chest.
“Spencer,” I pull away, our lips not even an inch away.
“I know, baby,” he says.
He knows I crave him. My body feels like it’s on fire every time we touch, especially since it knows it can’t feel him like that yet.
I pull him back down, lips attaching to his. The tension between us heats up again quickly. I’m laying down with my back against the pillows now, Spencer hovering above me. His lips find their way to my jaw then to my neck, sucking softly on the skin. I can tell his hands want to roam further. But they stay on my hips for now.
A soft moan releases from me as he continues to leave little marks on my neck.
Abruptly, he pulls away, honey eyes staring down at mine. “I want to touch you,” he says, a hint of a restrained whine in his voice.
“Touch me,” I say in almost a whisper.
“Jade,” he sighs.
“I know we’re not having sex yet. But you said that we could other stuff. And that stuff entails?”
He knows my question is rhetorical. He thinks for a second, biting his lip. “You’re sure?”
“I want to do whatever you want,” I tell him.
His lips find their way back to mine, his hunger evident on his tongue. It feels like hours until his hand is slipping under the waistband of my underwear.
“Is this okay?” He asks.
“Yes,” I nod, slightly nervous but turned on.
“No one’s fingers have ever been down here before?” Spencer asks this question in a way that makes me sure he’s not teasing me or making fun.
“Only my own,” I answer.
He smiles faintly before kissing me again. My mouth hangs open against his as I feel his fingers brush against my clit.
“You’re already so wet,” he observes, a proud grin on his face.
He circles his fingers around my bundle of nerves once before pulling his hand away.
I whine, looking up at him with a frown.
“Be patient,” Spencer says softly, kissing my forehead.
His hands work at the button of my jeans before slipping them down and off of my legs. His fingers loop underneath the waistband of my underwear before he looks up at me for permission.
I nod. “You can take them off.” I’m feeling incredibly nervous right now because he’s the first person to have seen me like this. But he makes me feel safe too. I just don’t exactly know what to expect.
“What do I have permission to do?” Spencer asks, looking up at me from his spot close to my now bare center.
“Uh- anything. I guess.”
“You guess?” He furrows his eyebrows.
“Whatever you want.”
“I want to taste you,” he says.
Wow. Just his words alone sent a wave of pleasure-filled shock through my body. “Okay.”
“You’re sure you’re ready?” He asks, patting my thigh comfortingly. “I don’t want to do anything you’re not comfortable with.”
“I’m ready. I want this.”
With my words giving him assurance, his lips find their way to my core. He looks up at me, his honey eyes dark with lust. His gaze flicks back to my cunt, then back to my eyes. I nod, swallowing down my nerves.
The sensation of the contact between his tongue and my clit make me gasp. The movements he makes are slow, gentle. He’s easing me into it. Spencer’s tongue licks up me again, drawing a small noise from my throat. After a moment, the flicking of his tongue against my clit quicken.
Holy fuck.
I’m squirming. I can’t help it. It’s a lot. I squeeze my eyes shut as my heart slams against my chest.
“Stop,” I breathe out.
I don’t have time to even get another inhale of oxygen before his mouth is away from me. He’s looking up at my face, worry stitched into his eyebrows.
“Are you okay? I did I hurt you?” Spencer asks, almost shameful.
“N-no,” I assure him. “No, it’s just too much. I need a minute.”
He sits up, his hand on my knee gently. He’s looking down at his hand, looking like he feels guilty. “Yeah, of course. We’ll stop, we could-“
I’m shaking my head when his eyes meet mine again. “I want to do this. Can we just-“
“Are you sure? I can take you home or we could watch a movie.” His words are gentle.
“I want to do this,” I repeat. “I’m good now, I just needed a second, a short break.” I laugh softly, nervously.
“You’re sure?”
“Positive,” I say with a slight smile.
His hands squeeze my thighs gently as he gets back into his previous, pre-intervention position. “Just relax, okay? I’ve got you.”
I take a deep breath, letting his words soothe me. The gentle licks across my center return, and I close my eyes, letting myself enjoy it.
It feels good. Really good. Especially when his tongue does that quick flicking across the bundle of nerves between my legs.
A whine releases from my lips. I keep my eyes closed, trying to relax, just like he said.
“Fuck,” I moan. The sucking. Holy shit.
It’s a lot. Too much. How am I supposed to relax when he’s making my legs shake with his mouth on me?
Whines are drawn from my lips as he continues. He’s sucking on my clit, occasionally swirling his tongue across it.
I open my eyes to see his staring up at mine. He looks pleased. I draw my lip between my teeth, biting down in attempt to quiet myself. My efforts are useless.
Spencer’s hands grip my thighs, and something changes in his demeanor. He’s devouring me now, like he’s been starving his whole life, and I’m the only fuel he needs.
My moans have grown desperate and loud. He has to force my hips down just so I can stay still for him.
“Spencer,” I whine. “Fuck, Spence.”
“Relax,” he says gently before returning to his mission.
The sight of him going down on me makes me dizzy, and, god, I never knew the sounds of this could be so sexy. The knot in my stomach tightens with each movement of his lips; it’s begging for release.
“You’re doing so well, sweetheart,” Spencer tells me, his breath making contact with my sensitive clit before his mouth returns to it.
It doesn’t take much longer for the world around me to blur. My entire body, every little muscle tenses up. I feel like I’m practically yelling his name as I finally let go. The tension in my stomach releases, my heart slams against my rib cage.
I just lie there for a moment, staring up at the ceiling, my chest rising and falling quickly.
“Jade,” Spencer’s voice says, but it’s distant. “Are you okay?” His face appears above mine.
“Holy fuck,” I breathe out.
He laughs softly, a blush on his cheeks. His lips are wet. He wipes off the drool. “I’m taking that as a yes…?”
“Oh my god, Spencer,” I say, sitting up. “All that rambling on about interesting facts really paid off. You’re good with your mouth.”
Spencer shakes his head. He leans in and plants a kiss to my lips. I deepen it, taking his bottom lip inside my mouth. I taste myself on him.
“Can I confess something?” He asks, his hand cupping my cheek.
I nod, my eyes getting lost in his. A pool of honey, holding me hostage like a fly.
“I’ve never done that before either,” he whispers.
“Really?” I ask, shocked. Spencer nods.
“You couldn’t tell. It was amazing, but then again I don’t have anyone else to compare it to, so your performance could’ve been mediocre,” I tease.
“I don’t think mediocre has ever made someone moan like that,” he retorts.
I face palm, cheeks turning scarlet.
“C’mon, I was just teasing,” he grins. “Don’t be embarrassed.” Spencer removes my palm from my face, revealing my blush.
He reaches up to brush a stray piece of hair out of my face. “You’re so beautiful like this.”
“Stop,” I laugh softly.
“I’m serious,” he says, and his tone of voice backs up his words. “Let’s go get lunch.”
“But-?” I start, looking down at his lap. I should return the favor, right?
“I did just have a pretty good meal, but I’m hungry. I’m sure you’re hungry too,” Spencer laughs softly.
I shake my head, the crimson creeping back up onto my cheeks.
part 23
tags: @pauline5525mgg @theintimatewriter @lilibet261 @greysviolets @jazzymariexoxoc @one-sweet-gubler @thatsonezesty13 @necromaniackat @awhoreforspencerreid @sebs-oxygen @scarredelirium @bts-sugaplum @awesomeness1679 @preciousbabypeter @yazzyu @cynbx @r3idsp3ncer @1010lizz @tiredbut-here @skulzombiw @lena-1895 @eevee0722 @shakespear-picaso-lovechild @daydreamingqueen1 @regulus-black-223048 @virginmusicloverr36 @jazzerbelle14 @kylakins88 @f-me-reid @lovejules888 @marimorena06 @daph-421 @idkusername8787
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