#although tbh ru can totally pull it off
snarkspawn · 7 years
swtordestielshipper replied to your photo “I was going for a mock screenshot kind of thing...”
I like how the screen behind him says "I want to break free"
hahaha I was wondering if anyone would notice this :’D well done, you! I just thought it’d be fitting for agents, what with all those keywords being thrown around, lol 
plus, there’s that music video
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abhordelano · 7 years
AS3 Hot Takes Episode 1
Spoilers down below, not gonna talk about everything just going to serve some hot takes (also its super long, so, you're welcome)
Morgan had me sold the minute she walked in and said “I look good for a dead bitch!” I think it takes fucking balls to come in and reference something so specific, especially when you know that it was so recent at the time of filming! For those that dont know, Morgan & Tyra Sanchez had some drama after S9 which ended with Tyra pronouncing Morgan as dead & holding a joke funeral for Morgan at one of her shows. 
Anyway I’m totally #TeamMorgan now because the bitch gives no fucks and her coming into the competition ready to be cut-throat and play the game is something I respect. Yes I know she totally just got eliminated on the first episode but I feel like she’s gonna pull a Tatiana and re-enter the competition. The binch can PERFORM!
I saw the spoilers months ago so I was already expecting to see Bebe come back for this season. I think that if Ru wants to have a previous winner compete again with non-winners then thats totally fine, its his show. Also lots of other reality shows do this shiz so honestly i dont think its that big of a deal. 
Having said that, I have mixed reviews about Bebe’s first impressions on the show. On one hand, I find her to be the most regal and poised of all the queens this season (probably the most regal queen of ANY season), and I really appreciate that she is proud of her Cameroon heritage & presents it so flawlessly in her drag. On the other hand, I’m worried that her energy is too muted for all of these big personalities and that I’m not entirely sure what she is capable of, so I really dont know what to expect from her. However, I’m certain that miss Zahara-Benet will surprise me and the world with her talent!
Was anyone else really annoyed by Milk this episode? He comes in saying “Zaddy’s Home!” (tbh any man who calls himself zaddy is automatically annoying to me) and then acts like he’s breaking boundaries with all of his high fashion photoshoots, which were mostly of him as a dude. This is Drag Race, not Conventionally-Attractive-White-Boy-Out-of-Drag Race. While I actually did think his reads in the Reading Challenge were pretty good, I thought his ‘talent’ portion was really....pretentious and try-hard? I know what he was going for with the Moschino S/S 2017 referencing in the routine, but honestly the track felt like a knock-off of Anna Dello Russo’s Fashion Shower (which is iconic, look it up!)
I feel like I’m gonna be so sick of Trixie halfway through this season. Although, I think that he could actually get the bitch edit, and I’m honestly so here for that. But like, I think its a smart move for the producers to give Trixie this edit because they can totally make Trixie come off as a total bitch and get away with it because 1) people have been clamoring for more drama on Drag Race since season 7, and 2) Trixie’s huge & rabid fanbase will totally defend him till the cows come home so there probably won't be as much backlash as there was last season when Alaska’s popularity whiplashed at the last minute.
I’m seeing so many people hate on Shangela for being here but, like, I’m so fucking excited to see her again! One of Shangela’s biggest flaws on season 3 was that she wasn't polished, but now I see that she has stepped her game up immensely, she has become a real tour de force in the competition. Her dancing skills, acting skills, and now her stepped-up fashion will definitely make her a queen to not be fucked with (actually, I would definitely place her in the top 4).
Lets talk about the lip sync: First of all, I will always be bitter when anyone plays the clean version of Anaconda (i know that drag race is apparently “A ‘FAMILY’ Picture” now but like.....its Anaconda, the clean version may as well be the Kidz Bop version). Regardless, I’m glad that Ru went with comedy over stunts in the final decision. Dont get me wrong, Aja was absolutely amazing this whole episode including the lip sync but...Anaconda is just meant to be a joke at this point. Also I appreciate that DeLa really knows her strengths as a comedy/campy queen and can distinguish herself amongst a season full of super talented lip synch assassins. 
Prediction: I think the runway next week is gonna involve replications of looks that they were read to filth on in past seasons. Based on the previews, Aja looks like a better version of Princess Disasta/Princess You-Look-Like-Linda-Evangelista, Shangela’s look is either a better Christmas look or a better Space look (she got read a LOT on s3 for her looks lmao). Milk’s is the only one I'm not sure of but Im assuming he’s just trying to do glamor because Michelle told him he wasn’t glamor on S6. I’m thinking that Kennedy will do a better Death Becomes Her look, though I honestly dont think she can top perfection--her crystalized fried chicken look is legendary!
So far, my top 4 prediction is: Shangela, Trixie, Bebe, and DeLa
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