vesperknight · 2 years
Time to unload some art
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I know i never shared these on here, these characters both belong to @chelry-v
I got Arachni in trade for them
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This is also an art I did in trade for a character, Queen
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I also have done a few more icons as well!
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okay!!! let's do this!
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hey!! i'm evandalist, you can call me vandalist! i'm transmasc, he/they and i do graffiti art sometimes + you may know me from the posts i made about shitty d.i.y fear gas that had weed in it
i have the chronic condition that is called always getting mugged the minute i step into literally any shady place ever
ooc: alright hi!!! this is an rp blog based off others i've seen :D basically just random gothamites living -- keep in mind this WILL be roleplayed like an actual gothamit having a tumblr, so roleplay posts might be in their tags and also that i have READ VERY FEW DC FICS AND I AM A MOSTLY FANDOM PERSON SO IF I GET SOMETHING WRONG DO NOT HUNT ME DOWN thank hou
this is all an rp and nothing here is real these are just my characters :) feel free to interact with me!! very rarely will i be ooc -im hoping to not make ooc posts- so everything written here is just how vandalist would act
posts tagged as Arcs are continous story bits and lore of vandalist's life
D.I.Y Fear Gas Arc [FINISHED]: Vandal makes new friends who are self-proclaimed chemists, they turn out to be scarecrow fans and release their own form of fear toxin
AltRun Arc [FINISHED]: Vandal gets grounded for making fear gas on a dare and his friend runs the account
MetaHuman Arc [FINISHED]: Evan gets jumped and infected with fear gas, leading him to find out he has a meta ability.
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maskwoodsart · 4 months
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King Eduard Santum of Altrune, friend of the Gods of Veil, man who has been stabbed wayyyy more times than necessary.
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punkitt-is-here · 1 year
Had a great time with Susan Taxpayer's demo! We've already seen the charming art, but the music was definitely amazing to hear for the first time (outside of short snippets). Got 5/6 achievements, including that nice cameo.
Outside of the physics wonkiness you've noted, if I have one complaint, though, it's that I don't see the need for two run buttons, especially when the run takes a while to become notably faster than the walk. I think you could have that run be Susan's default movement, and make the current run button just for interaction. Fewer buttons to hold could also reduce hand pain over the course of a longer game.
Thank you so much for the kind words!! :D I'll say that currently the two run buttons is just a quirk of the engine, much like the two jump buttons. As of now it doesn't serve much purpose, but I plan to port over Wario Land 4's charging run thing to Susan Taxpayer and that will use the ALTRUN button, so the two buttons will make more sense to use so the player can decide when they want to break into a full charging sprint rather than just a run.
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grimoiredream · 4 months
This is a separate post on the topic of which dragons from my clan will be in the sketches. Here's their appearance, then all of them will participate in subsequent sketches
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Then they will appear again, but until that moment, here you can look at everyone.
everyone else's name from left to right, top to bottom:
1. Altrune
2. Dark
3. Warfalamay
4. Snow
5. Omnic
6. FufunTrua
7. ArcisAltrune
8. Sting
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hdsc-ace · 2 years
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Rest of my work.
Warnings: none.
Context: This is apart of a WIP story I have been working on for about a year. I'm well aware it's a terrible write but here it is.
Altrune is the area of land that this story is based within however it consists of 5 regions which are dubbed 'Sectors'. This is a prophecy that they all shared
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With the introduction of the God's legacy came a prophecy, one that has yet to come true. A prophecy that once was believed to be true but never did. A prophecy that was like a children's tale, something that was simply just a fantasy.
It was of a flame that could be spread through the God's of Altrune's minds. The rumour spread across the plain just like the alleged fire did. It was spread across by word of mouth, twisting as it spread for people to believe. But there was one thing people said it explained and that was the purpose of the Gods. No one was able to find that purpose no matter how hard they looked for.
The prophecy itself spoke of a young boy, a remanent of the God's gift, who gained the flame. It not only affected him but everyone around him. But that only touched the surface of the prophecy's affects.
It read as such: The flames reflected against his eyes as shimmers of light danced before him. Their orange hue tinted his face while their orange blades continued to grow amongst the young cottage's interior. Each blade sprung off into another, creating new life with each new branch.
Screams echoed in the distance. Each scream turned to background noise to him no matter what was called. All he could hear was the crackling of flames that engulfed his surroundings and now his thoughts. Nothing could be louder, not even the sound of his own name being called out by a young girl.
The fire was brutal against anything that got in its way. It viciously tore and destroyed each item. From family photos from years ago to handwritten letters addressed to people from Vallonde that will never get sent. Memories that were collected over the years are now gone due to a small set of flames that will not be seen again. Lasting evidence of it all was shredded.
The voice's sound increased. Not only the calls from the concerned people treading into the burning cottage, but the noise of the people inside his head. With each crackle and pop from the fire sent them into chaos.
"More!" "Less!" "More!" "Less!"
They both argued together, only one grew louder with each spit from the glame opposite the young boy.
"More!" "Less!" "More!" "More!"
Each order affected the fire, the infinite flames in front of the boy flickered in the light.
He didn't more an inch as the door opposite him was slammed open to reveal a young girl, who was holding her shawl over her mouth and nose to block the fire's smoke from entering her lungs. Fear was shot into her eyes as she spotted the boy opposite her staring blankly into the fire. Her hair was not black, and her pale skin presented dark marks from her route through the blazing building.
An extensive line of fire separated the two stretched across each surface as it began to cage the boy in. There was no way in for the girl and there was no way out for the boy. The young girl was stumped on ideas, so instead she called out to the boy again in hopes of coaching him out of his daze and back to the situation before them. She painfully screamed the boy's name.
No answer came. He didn't even move a muscle. The girl let out a series of coughs before she mustered the breath to call his name again.
This time he moved, well more like twitched slightly. His head shifted so he was no longer looking at the fire. "Please!" The young girl called out again before erupting into a fit of coughs. This time the boy's head shifted from its gaze upon the fire.
He no longer had the flame's reflection shimmering against his eyes and the shadow of flames against his skin. His eyes now because the pure colour of the fire before the two. His skin darkened and his hands were now tightly shut as he stared at the girl.
They opened ever so lightly before being snapped together again.
But that was all it was: a prophecy.
It never happened nor did it explain what the inhabitants missed.
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kingpink · 4 years
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A treacherous beast has been discovered hiding out in the forests of Altrun! Reports from those brave enough to venture out lead to advanced search efforts. AUCTION ENDS 24 HRS AFTER LAST BID. Auction rules are in effect, do not back out of bids or you will face punishment. Krampus - Mammalian, See Through Skin (Limited Mutation), Begemmed (Limited Mutation), Fume (Limited Mutation), Underworld Fire (Unique Mutation)
Underworld fire gives this Amourim a particularly hot to touch feeling. Embers burn up at the tip of the hairs on his neck.
In bad situations, he can warm up his smoke enough to burn.
He can use his tail as a whip to cause lethal damage to opponents. SB: $10
MI: $1
AB: $75 Bid status: closed Amourim are a closed species by @kiingpink on dA. Please look here for more info:
https://www.deviantart.com/amourim Posted using PostyBirb
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shizukatw-arts · 5 years
"Illusion" facts and lore #4
The currency now in all countries is considered to be kael, pe'rin and altrun. The aliens may call them as copper, silver and gold. In 1 pe'rin (silver) 100 kaels (copper), and in altrun (gold) 50 pe'rins.
Even though it's an international currency, in many countries their own is still preserved. For example, on La'Harras they pay with haa'mepheles, on Astoriel - undwains, coins with stones that distinguish the value of each coin (from cheap to expensive - amber, amethyst, emerald, sapphire, ruby).
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jeanyjanez · 7 years
Guten Morgen,
endlich komme ich dazu meinen Lesemonat mit euch zu teilen 😉
*Werbung gemäß Paragraph 2 Nr 5 TMG*
Es sieht mehr aus, als es im Grunde ist. Denn ich habe zum Beispiel ‘Die Säulen der Erde’ von Ken Follett als Hörbuch größtenteils gehört.
Vicki Baum – Leben ohne Geheimnis
Dieses Buch ist so schlimm geschrieben und gar nicht spannend. Hollywood in den 20ern ist eigentlich toll, aber hier einfach nur stupide und öde.
1/5 Sterne
2. Die Bestimmung – Hörbuch – Veronica Roth * (Bloggerportal)
Die Geschichte über Tris und Four hat mich schon beim Lesen vor einigen Jahren sehr gefesselt und ich bin immer noch hin und weg.
Eine dystopische Trilogie über eine Welt, in der junge Leute erfahren, zu welcher Fraktion sie gehören könnten, dürfen aber schließlich doch wählen. Tris geht von Altrun, den eher langweiligen und sehr regeltreue Bürger, zu den Ferox und dort lernt sie Four kennen. Das sie mehr verbindet, als es den Anschein macht, erfährt man nach und nach. Super Reihe, mit vielen traurigen und wundervollen Momenten.
4.5/5 (nur die Hörbücher, nicht die Reihe selbst)
3. Nicholas Sparks – Seit du bei mir bist
Russell macht sich selbstständig und seine Frau fängt an zu arbeiten und verschweigt ihrem Mann einiges. Sie scheint von Anfang an eher unglücklich und gibt jede Menge Geld aus und als Russell keins mehr verdient, verändert sie sich. Doch Russell weiß, wie er mit jeder Situation umzugehen hat und wird einfach der beste Dad, den man sich vorstellen kann.
Eine wundervolle Geschichte, die sehr ans Herz geht und rührend bis zur letzten Zeile ist. Viel Tragik ist dabei. Doch auch wenn es ein nicht so ganz typischer Sparks ist, ist er auf seine Weise sehr sehr wundervoll.
4. My Chemical Romance – Tom Bryant
Wie ist diese Band zusammengekommen und wie konnte es passieren, dass sie sich trennen. Dieses und mehr erfährt man hier. Ein tolles Buch mit vielen Fakten, die ich so noch nicht kannte.
5. Die letzten Tage von Rabbit Hayes – Anna McPartlin
Ein sehr emotionales Buch über die letzten Tage von Rabbit. Man liest über ihre Familie und Freunde. Es war teilweise zu viel und ich musste ein anderes Buch dazwischen schieben. Doch ist es einfach wundervoll und rührend.
6. Die Säulen der Erde – Ken Follett
Ich hab das Buch größtenteils als Hörbuch gehört.
  Es geht um Tom Builder, der den Traum hat, die größte und schönste Kathedrale zu errichten, die es zu diesem Zeitpunkt gegeben hat. Es ist sehr eindrucksvoll geschrieben und erzählt, aber auch wahnsinnig erdrückend. Zu viel manchmal, zu derbe.
7. Sind drei einer zu viel? – Helen Marie Rosinits **
Eine Frau mit über 50 wagt einen Neuanfang. Nach ihrem Herzinfarkt beschließt Hanna ein Buch über ihr Leben zu schreiben und findet auch einen Verlag. An sich ist die Geschichte ganz schön, aber etwas zu mitleidig, was mich oft etwas genervt hat. Da es sehr offentlich war.
8. To kill a Mockingbird – Harper Lee
Dieses Buch ist so umwerfend und einzigartig, dass ich es sehr fest in mein Herz geschlossen habe. Zusammen mit ihrem Bruder, Jem und ihrem besten Freund, Dylan, erlebt Scout (Jean Louise) ihre Kindheit zu einer Zeit, in der die Rassentrennung noch eine große Rolle in Amerika gespielt hat. Doch sind diese drei Kinder so herzlich und offen, lieb und doch auch wild, dass man sie einfach nur gern haben will. Auch der Vater von Scout und Jem ist wunderbar und unglaublich tolerant und lieb.
9. Träume, die ich uns stehle – Lily Oliver * (von der Autorin bzw vom Verlag)
Eine wirklich schöne Geschichte über Lara, die ihr Gedächtnis verloren hat (zumindest die letzten zwei Jahre) und Tom, der im Koma liegt. Beide verbindet etwas, was einzigartig ist. Eine sehr sehr schöne Geschichte, die ich definitiv als Highlight betrachte.
10. Percy Jackson im Bann des Zyklopen – Rick Riordan
Das erste Mal das ich Percy Jackson gelesen habe und es hat mir wirklich sehr gut gefallen. Ich mag die Geschichte und werde sie definitiv weiterlesen. Das ist der zweite Teil, den ersten kenne ich nur als Film, aber ich bin trotzdem gut in die Reihe gekommen.
‘Träume, die ich uns stehle’ – Lily Oliver
‘Leben ohne Geheimnis’ – Vicki Baum
Im Rahmen meiner #autmntbrchallenge:
Vicki Baum – ein unbekanntes Buch
Nicholas Sparks – trauriges Buch
My Chemical Romance – ein Jahr auf dem Sub
Anna McPartlin – gehyptes Buch
Ken Follett – über 650 Seiten
Helen Marie Rosinits – herbstliches Cover
Harper Lee – Rainy Days
Rick Riordan – Götter
*Werbung gemäß Paragraph 2 Nr 5 TMG*
**gewonnenes Buch
  Lesemonat Oktober Guten Morgen, endlich komme ich dazu meinen Lesemonat mit euch zu teilen 😉 *Werbung gemäß Paragraph 2 Nr 5 TMG*
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grimcourse-blog · 7 years
/seriously? youre such a child/ /also, they keep reposting the stolen sprites. i understand they credit, but these sprites include parts that were NOT from bases and were from personal things./ /also apparently they didnt even make the credit list themselves. an anon made it and sent it to them./
https://grimdaves.tumblr.com/post/159575705627/hey-if-someone-were-to-make-a-credits-list-for-u /THIS WASN’T BECAUSE YOU DIDN’T CREDIT. THIS IS BECAUSE YOU KEEP STEALING PEOPLE’S PERSONAL ART./ --- https://grimdaves.tumblr.com/post/159585498682/dammekspriteblagh-dane-y-boy
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djo you guysd wanna la4rn something funny
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kagemi-blog · 8 years
Quick analysis of PUG's in WoW Legion (#3)
Saturday, ~22:10 server time.
89 groups (including 1 for mythic and 2 for boosting)
40 mentions of curve
23 with a strict requirement for 900+
23 groups where players with no curve and gear lower than 900 ilvl may have a chance to join. At a cost however of fail = kick, in some groups.
Overall, no group at are oriented on learning and practicing.
Below is the detailed list of groups. 
Get Guldy down @bota description: - ilvl: -
Fresh chill run link curve description: know tactics link curve ilvl: 890
Gul'Dan HC curve or 9/10 HEAL description: 895+ / 2/4/14 BE PATIENT WHILE GROUP FORMS / failers will be laid out quickly ilvl: 894
Star Augur - Waitlist description: 2/3/9 - 900+ Link Curve/progress along with tactics. Checking Armory . Augur-Bota-Eli-Gul'dan Leave frowns at the door, smiles welcome ilvl: 900
3/10 dead 5/10 M lead WL description: Waitlist will update bosses ilvl: -
NH Heroic Fresh Run CURVE!! description: Link Curve,, I will be checking. NO WISPER NO INVITE. ilvl: -
Clear run description: Pst av for invite ilvl: 890
NH HC 900+ @Ticho DPS description: Will check wowprogress and armory ilvl: 900
4 bosses left :) From Botanist description: Link curve :) I'll check armory! :) 2/3/9 ilvl: 890
Tichondriu 2-3-9 Waitlist description: Doing the last bosses, Link me something impressive ilvl: 890
1/10 Full Run 985+ WAITLIST ON description: Bring flasks & pot with you. Link your achiev or at least tell me your progress ( i will also check at armory). RG is 2-4-14. People with low dps get kicks ilvl: 895
2/4/14 or 2/3/9 890++ FLASK description: - ilvl: -
NH HC @ KROSUS 905+ description: 2 - 3 - 9 . . . CURVE PEOPLE ONLY! . . . AotC link for invite and Armory! . . . Tichondrius - Krosus - Botanist - Elisande - Gul'dan. . . ilvl: 905
[WTS] NIGHTHOLD 10/10 description: <skipped text> ilvl: -
Weekly NH - Fresh, full description: 2-3-15 / full clear - please link curve and I'll see if I can slot you in! Just need DPS ONLY, no healers/tanks. ilvl: 900
NH HC full run 2-3-9 description: Waitlist!We are on botanist . We are checking armory for progress . Bring food, flask and brain. repeated failers will be kicked ilvl: 890
NH HC @Star Augur 895+ link cu description: 2-4-12 Checking armory ilvl: 895
gul'dan @ WAITLIST description: I check the armory! ilvl: 895
Free Guldan HC BOOST description: <skipped text> is giving away for free today 20 spots for tomorrow's Gul'Dan Heroic . In order to enter for the draw you will need to go @ <skipped text> ... Next 5 spots will be drawn in 2 hours ilvl: -
NH HC / dps only description: going for 10/10. be aware of tactics or bb ilvl: -
Meow's run #7 HC @Starboy TANK! description: Running Nighthold weekly, done normal , running HC. I'm 7/10M on my main. i'm not interested in your mythic kills, geared alts welcome whisper me curve and ur fav color to prove u read this. ilvl: 880
NH HC Fresh run description: 875 ilvl or 350k DPS. If you can't do 350k you will be removed. ilvl: 875
HC Guldan Overgeared description: 900+ eq and 450k dps minimum ilvl: 900
885+  at spellblade description: w/me achi for inv...if ur going to leave after one wipe do not sign up! looking for good tanks and healer.. ilvl: 885
guldan curve only description: bring food flask and brain must know tact low dps =kick checking armory ilvl: 900
Gul'Dan HC description: Link curve- 900+ ilvl: -
Gul'Dan HC Link curve-WL description: Failers will be kicked 2/4/12 ilvl: 900
+900 HC @TICHOND description: - ilvl: -
NH MYTHIC OUTLAND read desc description: Mythic run on OUTLAND server. Be 900+ equip and have exp in myth. I armory everyone so don't link fake shit. ilvl: 900
Eli & Gul'dan - 1SHOT RAID description: I'll check armory. Have multiple-kills on HC Gul'dan. (3+ minimum) People who leave while group is forming get blacklisted ilvl: 900
Guldan HC 2Heals! @Waitlist description: We will go 2-4-14, link curve and wait for inv. We will check armory on each player before inviting. So be patient while forming a oneshot group. Have at least 3 guldan kills. ilvl: 900
NH Heroic @Tichon Oneshot description: link curve ilvl: 900
NH-HC - @StarAugur description: 7/10 M raid lead! Nighthold Heroic - Looking for competent players with patience, flask, food and pots! Link relevant achievements! "We're checking armory!" ilvl: 890
Guldan only HC +900 description: 2-3-9 ilvl: 900
NH hc fresh! 2/4/14 description: Link curve achi, no exceptions, no bullshit. Going for a very fast and clean run. +905ilvl! I will check armory! ilvl: -
Gul'dan 905+ multikill description: 2-5-14 need 5 kills ilvl: 905
The Nighthold HC LINK CURVE description: - ilvl: 880
NH Heroic - Need tank last spot description: Guild run. 3/10 ilvl: 890
NH HC Curved - ticho rdps description: /w me curve. bring food and flas ilvl: 900
NH HC fresh run fast grping-0 description: We are going to skil aluriel and we kill her only before eli ilvl: 885
@Guldan only 900+ WL description: quick oneshot guldan. link curve - checking armory. Bring food, flask... 2/4/14 ilvl: 900
Elissande +Guldan HC description: link curve for insta invite and most important know ur shit and bring brain , food and flask ilvl: 890
krosus hc run WAITLIST description: link achi, be good, know tacts, dont shit the bed ilvl: -
NH HC @ trilliax description: Link curve or no invite. ilvl: 890
@Elisande Heroic - Waiting list description: Bring 500k dps + flask and food ilvl: 894
starting Aluriel, 890+waitlist description: I will armory check for at least 8/10 kills so pls be patient... will go 2-4 like if a healer ilvl: 890
Guldan only 895 whats a bond? description: link curve,oneshot group, food flasks etc. ilvl: -
900+ @Bota-Eli-Gul description: Flasks, Food, Brain, Link Curve ilvl: 900
Guldan HC. Have Curve. description: I am a 900+eq tank. /w me curve or wait for me to look you up. Please be patient while forming for the best outcome. I am doing it for logs. ilvl: 905
900+ Gul Dan description: - ilvl: -
NH HC Fresh ID // FAt dps description: Come for a smooth clean on your main/alt with geared group 900+ // Link curve for invite // Know tactics and bring flask and food // Going for a full clean so be patient while group is forming ilvl: 890
Trilliax + DPS 2/4/14 description: - ilvl: -
Guldan. Be Awesome. TANKS description: 895+ awesome group, so be geared and have 9/10+ exp, will armory. ilvl: 890
NH HC Gul'dan /w Curve WL description: - ilvl: 900
NH HC SPEED CLEAR 895+ description: /w Ahead of Curve ilvl: 895
The Nighthold (Heroic) description: 890+ (2-4-14)  rdy for summon CURVE ilvl: -
killing first boss description: Know tactics for the first boss and bring big dps ilvl: 880
NH HC @Trilliax need 1 DPS description: 895+ ilvl: -
@Guldan 2/3/9 description: Failers getting insta kicked ilvl: 890
Krosus EXP Peeps description: - ilvl: -
Nighthold HC Star Augur description: no whispers pls armory check /w == no invite ilvl: -
KROSUS LINK CURVE FOR INV FAST description: - ilvl: 895
RDPS 1h NH HC Krosus -> Spell/ description: Know tacs. Bring big shit. ilvl: 890
WAITLIST GULDAN HC 890Equipped description: 2/4/14-Guldan. Do +350kHps&500Dps. Have knowledge about mechanics. ilvl: 895
Trilliax 2-4-14 description: know what to do fail=kick ilvl: 890
Nighthold HC FRESH RUN 900+ ILV description: - ilvl: 900
NH HC Full Fresh Waitlist description: 9/10 M Guild doing an altrun, doing N > HC, go rek it ilvl: 880
NH HC Fresh. Link curve for inv description: - ilvl: 900
Spellblade - Curve - Waitlist description: Going to 2/4/14 ilvl: 880
Fresh run 2/4/14 description: - ilvl: 890
spell ///// tich ////// star description: Link acheeeeev ilvl: -
NH HC, @tich NEED DPSSSS description: Be geared. Have experience. checking everyone on armory. dont be bad... ilvl: -
link achive description: bring food and flask ilvl: -
Fast Clear - @ Spellblade description: legendary - Titanforge run ilvl: 900
Mythic SILVERMOON ONLY description: CA MYTHIC ilvl: 890
trilliax 2/3/9 waitlist Description: 7/10 aim, raids ongoing till 24:00 ilvl: 880
Fresh run, link curve TANK description: Don't be poo ilvl: 880
NH HC Full run /w curve! description: failers will be replaced ilvl: -
Guild Clear - NH HC, /w Curve description: - ilvl: 880
880+ FAST RUN 2-3-9 NH HC description: - ilvl: 880
@Guldan 900+ description: We are going 2/4/14. /w with curve and be patient while group forms ilvl: 900
At Eli - waitlist 2/4/14 description: Tank and dps. Have curve or exp with bosses. It's important to have fun. Assholes, do not bother to join. Bring flask and food ilvl: 895
Krosus description: 2/4/14. Link Achieve ilvl: 890
GULDAN / 2/5/15 HEALLER description: CURVE/FLASK/FOOD REQ ilvl: 908
At bot 890+ Bring brain RDPS description: Fail = insta kick 2/3/9 WAIT LIST ilvl: -
@Gul'dan 2/3/9 description: Going Bot-Elisande-Gul'dan. Checking armory for curve. Don't link the achievement - far too many using fake addons these days. We can summ! ilvl: 895
NH Full Run - Zerk ALL description: - ilvl: 880
Gul'dan --guild run waitlist description: 2-3-10 /w achiv , must be on DISCORD ilvl: 895
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