jacefck-sh-blog · 7 years
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Jace’s blonde hair fell in his face as he walked down the street, his lip slightly swollen and split on one side. He’d spent the last few hours at the gym, boxing with some of the other guys there. Boxing, along with running, was his way of staying in shape and continuing to train while they were stuck in Seattle. He’d been going for almost a week, and until today, he’d avoided any physical damage. Back home, he’d use an iratze to heal him almost instantly, but he wanted to avoid the mundanes questioning him when he went back with a perfectly healed lip in less than 24 hours. It was weird to train with mundanes, but without an Institute, his options on sparring partners was limited, and everyone had a lot going on. He didn’t mind though, it was good experience to train without any help from the runes they typically used. 
“Hey, do you know where I can find these ice pack things? Apparently they’re instant and less messy than using actual ice.” Jace asked the first person he saw walking by. He’d heard of people using ice when they got hurt, but he’d never dealt with it, so he had no idea where to go about looking for them. One of the other guys from the gym had suggested it, but he couldn’t exactly ask them where to get one without them thinking something was off about him.
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thehannahbakcr-blog · 7 years
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Walking down the streets in a panic, Hannah couldn’t seem to get the attention of any passerby's. “Hey! Excuse me!” She called out, repeating the same 3 words over and over - she just needed answers. How did she get here? How was she alive? And why? None of it made any sense and the young girl was in a bit of a panic. Finally losing it after many failed attempts at human interaction, she reached for the next person to walk by, grabbing them by the shoulder. “Hey,” she spoke loudly, not waiting for them to turn around. “Where am I? What is this place?” 
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techgcm-blog · 7 years
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“stupid earth, with no rules pertaining to permanent location. would have been a terrible colony. you find one nice barn and want to stay there but no...” she was muttering to herself. it was nothing new really. if anything it was a surprise the gem wasn’t recording her thoughts. spotting someone nearby peridot moved immediately, stumbling on short legs to catch up to them. “woah woah, wait up, stop so i can talk to you.” feeling like she was being heard peridot slowed down. “so, i’m kinda new to this whole.....city thing, and while it’s clearly not ideal i need things. i need your video stories, specifically the well crafted masterpiece that is camp pining hearts, as well as those physical color modifiers, i believe it’s been named paint, yes definitely paint. so paint and camp pining hearts, that’s what i need.” she folded her arms and looked at the stranger, expecting them to immediately do something now that she’d explained her needs.
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greatestking · 7 years
After everything, Kieren had finally accepted the fact he was a PDS sufferer, or more commonly known as a ‘zombie’. He had stopped wearing the cover up mouse and lenses and just felt peace about himself. Although now, that he woke up in a city he didn’t know with people he didn’t know he wished he hadn’t done that. He had faced a lot of backlash back in Roarton because he did not wear the mouse or lenses and although he had heard there were places that accepted PDS sufferers more than others, he couldn’t quit figure out where he was. Thus he wasn’t even sure if he would be able to just walk around without anyone trying to kill him or yell at him. 
However he had to try. He had to figure out what this place was, so he put on his hoodie and pulled the hood over his head. He kept his hands in the hoodies pocket as he walked around. When he found a place that was generally calm with not too much people around he decided he would try talking to someone. He approached the first person he saw, head down as to not confront them with his white eyes or dead looking skin. “Ex-excuse me.” the Brit started. “Could you tell me where I am?” 
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shutvpmurphy-blog · 7 years
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        OKAY,  so it would’ve been nice if someone could’ve told murphy he was gonna end up in some weird alternate universe. just a little heads up,  nothing crazy.  something that would’ve prevented him from walking around looking like a moron in head-to-toe radiation gear.  “ WHAT  you never seen a guy in a radiation suit before? ”  god, he felt like he’d already said that like fifty times in the past few hours.  “ --- i think you’ll find it’s called being prepared and  looking fine.”
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omegaethans-blog · 7 years
“I like the way most days like the same.” Val stated, taking a sip of his coffee. He wasn’t talking to anybody in particular, though he had to admit he was hoping someone would respond, he started to feel the need for friends which was a weird and pretty new feeling for him.
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ratherdclightful · 7 years
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perhaps she ought to be more SCARED than she is. but wendy is used to adventure, and this certainly seems like one, though wendy thought she was done with those. perhaps this -- sudden appearance, strange land, stranger people -- is the universe’s way of saying that ADVENTURE is not done with her.
there is so much to absorb, which she does, first wide-eyed & curious; then brows furrowed, calculating. then comes the point that wendy decides she can’t work this out on her own; she must ask for assistance. “forgive me if this seems a foolish question . . . but we are not in london, are we? --- in fact, we are not in great britain at all?”
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sclflcsss · 7 years
“So like…one second I’m proposing to my boyfriend in bed and then the next…I’m waking up in Seattle. Oh god. It’s official. I’ve lost my mind. Nice going, Hampton.”
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nickmillcrs-blog · 7 years
"not to be that guy, but i wrote a book." nick states matter-of-factly in a happier tone than usual, smiling wide. "the pepperwood chronicles. ever heard of it? no? well, i'll tell you. it's about this guy named julius and his friends and how he see life."
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pinkptero-blog · 7 years
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ah, krispy kreme. the  ONE  advantage to being in seattle since the one back home got a little  DESTROYED. she’s sat on a park bench with a six pack of donuts resting on her lap   (  that she  DEFINITELY  isn’t going to eat all by herself  )   &  hey, she’s a hero now, right? saving people, sharing donuts, it’s all the same thing, really. she glanced over at the person sitting next to her, a tiny smile tugging at the corners of her lips.   ‘ want one? ’
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mattmurdxck-blog · 7 years
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           ┊╳ Matthew’s white symbol cane swung from left to right as he walked, checking the area was safe in front of him. Of course, he didn’t really need the cane, it was mostly to keep up appearances. He was blind, yes, but he could see in a way that others couldn’t. His senses were heighten due to the radioactive substance that blinded him all those years ago, this city was a lot less violent than Hell’s Kitchen but that didn’t mean it was free from Crime, so yes, at night he still continued to bring justice to those who deserved it. “Excuse me, Hi, my name is Matthew Murdock, I was wondering if you had any idea of where I could find a office building for rent? I’d quite like to open a law firm, here, just like back home.”
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jacefck-sh-blog · 7 years
Jace walked through the streets of the unfamiliar city, his steps silent. He had no clue where he was, and was quite frankly a little terrified, though you’d never guess by just looking at him. He had no idea how he’d gotten there since he hadn’t been near a portal, but he knew he needed to get home. He had to tell Clary what Valentine had told him, it wasn’t right to keep it a secret. “Where the hell am I?” He asked no one in particular, frustration evident in his voice. 
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fiirecrackerr · 7 years
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okay, so. WOAH. whatever was supposed to happen when you finally moved on had definitely not happened. in fact noah felt way more ALIVE than he had in a long time. first instinct was to look around for the ENERGY source -- blue perhaps, or some other poor soul he was SUCKING the life out of. but there was . . . nothing. no one. there was energy inside him. there was -- holy shit. a heartbeat. WARM hands. all the thousands of tiny bodily functions he’d taken for granted when he was ALIVE, had missed so dearly as a GHOST . . . were all back. noah flexed his fingers.
w a r m.
he seized hold of the first person to pass, wanting to share the warmth, wanting to ensure that he could touch -- “hey! weird question but --- d’you wanna go get some PIZZA with me? i am . . . famished!” he laughed, because, wow, hunger -- actual real hunger for food -- was a feeling he’d almost forgotten. “i’m thinking cheese-stuffed crust, pepperoni & jalapeños, a SHIT TON of mozzarella . . . or maybe four cheese. do you like four cheese? i reckon it depends which four cheeses, specifically. how about hawaiian? i know pineapple on pizza is a HOT DEBATE but i’m all for it, personally. just pizza in general, you know? pizza.” he spread his hands as if introducing a new, revolutionary concept. “so. how about it?”
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liittlespacer · 7 years
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so jim was, maybe, the tiniest bit worried. this was definitely not where he was supposed to be. and he didn’t even know where ‘ here ’ was. but the most important thing was not to PANIC. second-most important thing was locate his MOM. “hey, sorry to bother ya --- i’ve, uh, sort lost my family? my mom -- looks kinda like me, but like, a foot shorter -- and our robot, BEN . . . really loud, old model, pretty conspicuous . . . seen either of ‘em?”
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snarkyvause-blog · 7 years
“I was just in Litchfield  so how the hell did i end up in Seattle is there some magic shit going on that i don’t know about.”
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teddisms-archive · 7 years
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the small one couldn’t really figure out was going on, having woken up somewhere surrounded by trees that didn’t look familiar to them at all. the look on their face was bright as their eyes looked around. ′ woah! ′ they muttered but quickly threw their right hand over their mouth. a smile grew teddiursa’s face as they reached out to the nearest person, giggling as they spoke. ′ do you hear that? i can speak real words! ′
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