jmsepulvedaperez · 5 days
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Layne had a phenomenal voice any singer would wish for and was considered a vocal master in the rock genre. He offered a unique quality that no one else in the scene had captured. His style quickly made him one of the most recognizable vocalists in rock/heavy metal. His range was no doubt a gift. It almost felt like music was in his DNA. Most definitely, one of the greatest figures to come out of the Seattle music scene. I don’t think there’s been anyone as influential stylistically in hard rock as Layne Staley of Alice in Chains since — well, maybe ever.
- Altwire
📷 Jeffery Mayer Photography.
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callmeblake · 7 years
Posted on September 22, 2017 at 1:00 AM by Erin Spencer
[Erin Spencer/AltWire]: The new EP, Keep The Coffins Coming is an interesting title, what’s the meaning behind it?
[Frank Iero]: I started to think about how as artists we need to relinquish control of our creations in order to release them into the world and fulfill that final stage of art. Killing off ideas as we go and shipping the bodies home. These songs are my creations and I am sending them out into the world hopeful they will be born again in the form of inspiration to others.
[AW]: You said you wanted to work with legendary producer Steve Albini since you were 11, what was it like finally getting to do that?
[FI]: Definitely a dream come true. I feel incredibly lucky to have had that experience. I learned so much in those three days and it was unlike any other recording experience I’ve ever had.
[AW]: Which of all the albums Steve Albini has worked on made you want to work with him the most?
[FI]: That’s difficult to choose just one to be honest. His work with the Pixies, Breeders, the Ghost, and Nirvana were all such huge influences on me. Jawbreaker’s 24 Hour Revenge Therapy also completely shook me to my core. These Albini records shaped the way I wanted to hear music. He captured some of my favorite bands of all time in such a magnificent way. The music surrounds you, and you know you are experiencing something important and raw.
[AW]: How much did working with Steve Albini influence the sound of the EP?
[FI]: Immensely. He’s such a pro and so gifted. He mics up quickly and efficiently and if you describe a sound you’re going for he knows how to get it in a timely fashion. It’s so important to the process to have someone at the desk that knows their shit. It sucks the life out of a session if you’re waiting on someone to fiddle through and waste time getting things wrong. Steve just knows what he’s doing and it makes the process so much easier and prolific.
[AW]: How do you think your fans will receive Keep The Coffins Coming?  
[FI]: I think for a fan, this EP is something really special to hear. It gives a lot of insight into how I got from Stomachaches to Parachutes. Plus it’s a really fun listen on its own. It works as both a stand alone piece and a bridge between records.
[AW]: And how would you sum up Frank Iero and the Patients (formerly Cellabration) to someone unfamiliar with your music?
[FI]: I don’t know I hate doing stuff like that. It feels like a rock and roll based art project at times, but I think it takes just as long for you to listen to a song as it does to read my half-assed description of it.
[AW]: You have been touring pretty solidly for the last few months, what new things are you bringing to your show for the upcoming tour?
[FI]: This tour, that actually starts tomorrow (9/20), is going to be really fun. We’re planning a few different sets for the tour and playing songs that really span the entire catalogue of the band. From the first song I ever released as a solo artist, to songs off of every release since. I’m real excited to see how the audiences react.
[AW]: When you’re on the road for so long, is touring still fun? What do you do to make it more enjoyable?
[FI]: I think it can still be fun, but it can also be incredibly painful. I’m never a fan of being away from my family for long periods of time. However I think I’ve learned to tour smarter. Not going out for marathon runs, and making sure to take bands and people along that make the travel enjoyable, that sort of thing helps alleviate some of the hardships.
[AW]: By now you have probably been through hundreds of them so what is your all time favorite guitar and of course why is it so special?
[FI]: Oh man, they all have a soul and a personality. Some you just get along with better than others. But each one is different and has something to offer. There have been a few though over the years that definitely stand out. My first guitar was a Fernandez Strat copy that my dad bought me for my 12th birthday, then there was my Gibson SG I bought myself much later on that up getting smashed onstage and now rests in a coffin my father in law built in my living room. Then there was pansy, a white Epiphone Les Paul elitist, that made the rounds for a few years in the MCR revenge days, and 131 is my main Epiphone Phantomatic that’s been smashed and fixed and smashed and fixed and still rides every show. There’s also a 65 Fender Jaguar that is only used for writing and recording. She has a very special place in my heart and helped me write some songs I really love.
[AW]: Lastly what would you do if you couldn’t play music anymore?
[FI]: I don’t know just yet but I must say I think about that more and more these days. I don’t think I will ever stop playing and writing music but touring is something I think I need less of in my life these days. I think I’d like to write a book and work on art in different mediums.
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gmnewmusic · 7 years
New interview with Lilac Lungs up now at Altwire
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tallmantall · 2 years
#JamesDonaldson On #MentalHealth - #Suicide/#MentalHealthAwareness: 5 Safe Ways To Get Help
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DEREK OSWALD EDITORIAL With May being #MentalHealthAwarenessMonth, and in light of the recent #suicides of high-profile musicians (such as AVICII, #ChrisCornell, #ChesterBennington, and #Naomi Judd), we wanted to let you know you’re not alone. According to the #NationalCenterforHealthStatistics (#NCHS) National Vital Statistics System (NVSS), #suicide has been a leading cause of death in the #UnitedStates for several years. Each year on average, 44,000-47,000 #Americans die by #suicide. Forty-six thousand died in 2020 alone. Globally, that number averages 700-800,000, or one death every forty seconds. Worse, the number of people who think about or attempt #suicide is even higher. These statistics are a heartbreaking reminder that #mentalhealth is a serious issue. We need to do more to address it.  Too often, people struggling with #depression, #anxiety, or thoughts of #suicide feel like they are alone. Sometimes, they feel like they are a burden to their friends and family members. Sometimes, they do not know where to turn for help.  For a long time, I have battled with #anxiety or #depression. Likewise, my family has dealt with #mentalillness in varying degrees, from the #suicide of extended family members decades prior to #depression, #anxiety, and other means.  Because of my issues, I have had problems with #stress-based health issues (weight, digestion, elevated blood pressure) for years. In 2021, after years of doing nothing to help myself, I reached out for help. I started seeing a #therapist. It was one of the best decisions I have ever made. It has driven me to want to share my experiences to assist others because, speaking from personal experience, I know how it feels. #Mentalillness affects many people, yet so many suffer in silence. This #MentalHealthAwarenessMonth, I want to use Altwire’s platform to talk about how to get help if you are struggling with #mentalhealthissues. We will also discuss some celebrities who have lost their lives to #suicide and provide information for the #Suicide Helpline at the bottom of this post. Additionally, if you are unsure if you are depressed, there are many ways to quickly test #mentalhealth. Finally, if you feel lost or hopeless, please reach out for help. You are not alone. How does this tie into Altwire? Well, over the last few decades, there have been several high-profile #suicides by celebrities that have shocked and saddened their fans worldwide. Whether it is the recent 2022 death of #NaomiJudd or the losses of #ChrisCornell, #RobinWilliams, #KurtCobain, and others, we are losing many great celebrities far too young. These losses are particularly heartbreaking, given that they involve individuals who had such an enormous impact on culture and popular opinion. One of the most well-known losses was #ChesterBennington, the lead singer of the rock band Linkin Park. Chester died by #suicide in 2017 at the young age of 41, leaving behind a great legacy within both music and entertainment. Within his 17-year career in the public eye, Chester had spoken about his struggles with #depression and addiction. Yet, his death nonetheless came as a shock to fans worldwide. In the wake of his loss, his widow Talinda Bennington created a foundation called 320ChangesDirection, dedicated to reforming the discussion around #depression. Also, his surviving bandmates created the One More Light Fund, a charity dedicated to raising money for #MentalHealthAwareness. Another publicized #suicide was dance music producer AVICII, who died by #suicide in 2018 at 28 years old. Despite his meteoric rise to fame at a very young age, he struggled with #anxiety and chronic #mentalhealthproblems throughout much of his career. He had retired from live performances years before his death due to its toll on his mental state. His death sent shockwaves through the music industry. However, the disgusting and irresponsible way the media covered his death, with explicit details being leaked in the press, proves the media needs to do much better in handling #suicide.  It is critical to consider the media’s role in elevating #suicide rates across the country after these artists’ passing. It is essential for us as journalists to understand how cautious we must be when reporting on deaths to avoid sensationalizing them and assisting in #SuicideContagion. #SuicideContagion, also known as #suicideclustering or the Werther effect, is a phenomenon where those struggling with #mentalillness are often driven to self-harm after a highly publicized #suicide. The phenomenon, as mentioned earlier, can be widespread among young people who may be vulnerable and impressionable and can have a significant impact on individuals struggling with #depression or other issues. Research has shown that several factors contribute to #suicidecontagion. For example, media coverage of #suicide tends to focus on sensationalized details such as the method of #suicide, the gruesome details, and the emotional pain experienced by the deceased. Places like TMZ will often play up gory details for clicks, failing to acknowledge the dangers they post by airing said content. These details can be very triggering for those at risk. They may even cause them to copycat the #Suicideattempt or think of #suicide themselves. Additionally, #suicide is often portrayed as a solution to emotional distress in popular culture, further normalizing this #behavior for susceptible individuals. This is unacceptable, and it is a significant contributor to the problem. Despite these challenges, it is vital for those struggling to seek out support from family members or #healthcareprofessionals when feelings of #suicidalideation arise. In addition, many online resources can connect people with support groups or therapeutic interventions that can help those in danger. With proper care and support, those struggling can overcome their #suicidalthoughts and get the help they need. If you are reading this article to try and learn ways to overcome your #depression, you have already started down the road to #mentalwellness. I am pleased to see you, and I know how difficult it is. Here are several things you can do to get started and learn how to heal yourself. IMAGE CREDIT: NAMI.ORG #James Donaldson notes: Welcome to the “next chapter” of my life… being a voice and an advocate for #mentalhealthawarenessandsuicideprevention, especially pertaining to our younger generation of students and student-athletes. Getting men to speak up and reach out for help and assistance is one of my passions. Us men need to not suffer in silence or drown our sorrows in alcohol, hang out at bars and strip joints, or get involved with drug use. Having gone through a recent bout of #depression and #suicidalthoughts myself, I realize now, that I can make a huge difference in the lives of so many by sharing my story, and by sharing various resources I come across as I work in this space.  #http://bit.ly/JamesMentalHealthArticle Order your copy of James Donaldson's latest book, Celebrating Your Gift of Life: From The Verge of Suicide to a Life of Purpose and Joy http://www.celebratingyourgiftoflife.com 1. Talk to your #doctor about your #mentalhealthissues if you feel you are struggling. One of the most important things I heard go around after the death of #ChesterBennington was the oft-repeated phrase from his bandmate Mike Shinoda: “We need to talk about #mentalhealth the way we do physical health” If you think about it, you see a #doctor if you feel like you have the flu or break your leg. If your back is hurting you for an extended period, you see a specialist to ensure sure there is nothing worse going on. Still, society has such a #stigma around this topic that many people suffer in silence and do not seek help when it is crucial. #Mentalhealthissues can be as severe as physical health issues. They can have a significant impact on your quality of life. #Depression is more than feeling down or sad. It is an actual medical condition that affects your mood, thoughts, body, and #behavior. Prolonged #stress can lead to a greater risk of diabetes, a rise in blood pressure, weight gain, muscle aches and pain, digestive issues, and more. Being depressed can impact your motivation to do even the most menial tasks. It can affect hygiene and one’s ability to take care of oneself on a fundamental level. So why does society not take it more seriously? The effects of our mind on our body are so significant that it’s unfortunate many do not put this on the same pedestal as diet and exercise. In seeking help, it is essential to understand that #depression is not something you can quickly “snap out of.” You may have heard from ill-informed colleagues that you should “stop being sad” and that you have “so much to be happy about.” Yet, in reality, it is not that simple. It’s the same with #anxiety. #Anxiety is more than being nervous or stressed. It is an actual medical condition that can manifest in physical symptoms like a racing heart or sweating in severe cases. Finally, thoughts of suicide are not attention-seeking #behavior. If you have thoughts of #suicide, it is essential to get help. #Depression and #anxiety are genuine medical issues. It is vital to give these issues the medical attention they deserve as you would with an illness or injury. #MentalHealthproblems are real, they are common, and they are treatable. Navigating these issues can be complex, but there is no shame in seeking help. Talking to your #doctor is the first step toward getting the help you need to feel better. 2. Ask for a #mentalhealth referral to a #therapist or #counselor. When seeking help for #depression or #anxiety, it can often be challenging to know where to start. Many people find that asking for a referral seems daunting, but this can be an excellent first step. This is because there are many benefits to speaking to a #therapist or #counselor, including access to expert advice and guidance and the opportunity to develop new insights and strategies for managing your symptoms. Whether you have struggled with #depression or #anxiety or want to explore other options for managing your mental well-being, speaking to a #therapist can offer valuable insight and support. #Therapists are trained to work with individuals on various #mentalhealthdisorders, including #depression and #anxiety. They can also help you understand the underlying causes of these problems and develop strategies for dealing with them. In addition, working with a #therapist can give you a safe space to explore your feelings and emotions without judgment. Every #therapist has their unique approach, and some may assist through cognitive #behavioraltherapy, homeopathic remedies, or other means of healing. While insurance plans can and should cover treatment, look at your work’s benefits. Some jobs offer an EAP (Employee Assistance Program), which may afford you a few therapy sessions for free. This can be a huge benefit. In your journey to better #mentalhealth, you may have to go through a few different #therapists before you find the right fit. But, it is important not to get discouraged. Finding a #therapist you can trust and who feels right for you can make a world of difference. You deserve to heal! Be patient with yourself. Your issues are not your fault. So if you are struggling, do not let uncertainty about where or how to start get in the way – take that brave step today by reaching out and asking for a referral. With the right help and support, you will be on your way toward living a happier, healthier life! 3. Find a support group to connect with others struggling with their #mentalhealth. #Depression and #anxiety often cause feelings of #isolation, making it seem like you are alone in your struggles. Yet, this could not be further from the truth, and finding a support group is one of the best ways to prove that to yourself by connecting with others who are going through the same thing. These groups provide a safe space where individuals can share their experiences, offer advice and encouragement, and build a sense of community with people who understand what you are going through. Additionally, like with therapy, support groups serve as a valuable resource for coping strategies and helpful resources for managing #depression, #anxiety, or other conditions. Many groups are centered around specific issues or challenges, such as #depression or #anxiety. But, some groups also focus on particular populations, such as grieving #parents, people dealing with a chronic illness, or those who have suffered trauma or abuse. No matter what type of group you join, being able to discuss your challenges and feelings with others who understand what you are going through can be an empowering and healing experience. It is crucial to remember that you are not alone. Countless others have experienced similar feelings and are working through them with the support of others. You can too. When #ChesterBennington died in 2017, I witnessed the strength of community and togetherness. The reports of Chester’s death prompted many at-risk fans to fall into despair and #suicidalideations. Fans spent hours on #socialmedia connecting with distressed fans, offering their support and affection, and perhaps saving lives in the process. Following the death of AVICII, Linkin Park fans also demonstrated their strength in the days that followed, when they reached out to AVICII’s followers and offered comfort and support. It is impossible to exaggerate how beneficial a support network can be. Additionally, suppose you are someone who struggles with #socialanxiety. In that case, it may be easier for you to talk to someone online. For example, Reddit’s R/#MentalHealth subreddit is a leading #mentalhealth forum made to speak to others who are struggling. It is moderated by the “South Asian #MentalHealth Alliance (SAMHAA), a non-profit society dedicated to #mentalhealth #stigma reduction through skill development and community building.” At the end of the day, however, a support network is not a replacement for speaking with a professional. I recommend doing so in addition to professional therapy (if you need it) rather than replacing a #therapist.  Whether you are starting your journey towards #mentalwellness or if you have been struggling for years without much progress, finding support, among others, is important. You may be amazed by the impact that connecting with others can have on your #mentalhealth – both now and in the long run. 4. For better #mentalhealth, take care of your physical health. When you are struggling with #anxiety or #depression, it is vital to take care of your physical health. This means eating a healthy diet, getting enough exercise, and getting enough sleep. Taking care of your physical health will not only make you feel better in the short term, but it will also help improve your overall health in the long term. Exercise is a great way to boost your mood and reduce #stress. Even if you do not feel like working out, try to do something active for at least 30 minutes a day. For example, you can go for a walk, run, bike ride, or take a yoga class. If you do not have time for a full workout, you can also do some great exercises at home. Eating a healthy diet is also vital for managing #anxiety and #depression. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables and foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids (salmon, for example). If you don’t eat meat, dark green leafy vegetables, nuts, seeds, and legumes, such as beans and lentils, are also good. Getting enough sleep is essential. Most adults need between seven and nine hours of sleep per night. If you are not getting enough sleep, your #anxiety and #depression can worsen. Make sure to create a bedtime routine that will help you wind down before going to sleep. If you find yourself struggling to get proper sleep, consider scheduling an appointment with a sleep #doctor. Getting adequate rest is a crucial step toward promoting proper mindfulness. 5. Reduce #stress in your life Before you read the above in bold and proclaim aloud in a sarcastic tone, “wow! less #stress! Wish I would have thought of that”, hear us out. Suppose you are struggling with #anxiety or #depression. In that case, it is crucial to reduce #stress in your life through healthy means. This means learning how to say “no” when feeling overwhelmed and taking time for yourself—lessening your access to #socialmedia, which can foster stressful environments. Also, setting boundaries (especially with family and friends) can go a long way toward lowering #stress. Why Setting Boundaries Is Important #Stress is a normal part of life, and it can even be helpful in small doses. #Stress can motivate us to meet deadlines, finish projects, and accomplish goals. Despite how it may seem, it is virtually impossible to completely eliminate #stress from your life. Even those who appear to be at their most “zen”, will find #stress in certain situations. However, too much #stress can be overwhelming and harmful to our #mental and physical health. Therefore it is important to find a healthy balance between good #stress and bad #stress. Part of eliminating bad #stress is separating yourself from toxicity. Toxicity can come in many forms: toxic relationships, toxic work environments, and toxic family dynamics. Sometimes, the only way to reduce #stress is to cut out the toxicity. This may mean setting boundaries with people who are not supportive or leaving a job that is causing too much #anxiety. But be careful. It’s important to be careful not to move too quickly or shut everyone out. When we’re at our lowest, we need a support network of family and friends who can help us through tough times. Often, those who feel they are at their breaking point will do the opposite, and attempt to isolate themselves. This is because #stress can cause us to make rash decisions, so it’s important to deal with the obvious #stress points first, but keep an open and patient mind. Be careful not to shut everyone out—sometimes the people who love us the most are the ones who can help us heal. This doesn’t mean you should deal with #behavior from others that causes hurt. Setting firm limits on what you will and will not accept in relationships and responsibilities can help you create a more supportive environment to focus on your own needs and well-being. However, it is also important to practice mindfulness and listen to those around you to make sure you are giving proper attention and helping create healthy relationships. Healthy relationships are two-sided, equal effort, and not based around a single party’s desires and opinions. Have you ever found yourself trying to answer someone before they finished speaking? Next time, try to listen and then respond. Be mindful. It may avoid an argument. Doing all of this can assist you in making better choices about the risks and rewards of specific interactions or situations. Lowering #stress in your life is essential for maintaining good #mentalhealth and living a happier, more fulfilling life.  Furthermore, finally, remember… 6. It is A Marathon, Not A Sprint When you seek help, it can often feel hopeless if you are trying to get better but feel that you are making no progress. Do not get discouraged! Remember that all journeys take time and that the finish line, no matter how far away it may seem, will come. #Mentalhealthconditions can range from mild to severe, and they can last for days, weeks, months, or even years. Furthermore, #mentalhealthconditions may need ongoing care, like physical health conditions. Developing healthy coping mechanisms and establishing a solid support system can take years. I will leave you with an analogy my #therapist gave to me one day when I felt like I was not getting anywhere and that I would never get better: Nobody is perfect. Even professional athletes, paid millions of dollars to perform at the top of their game, have bad days. Read the full article
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evanescencesource · 8 years
Amy Lee on Artistic Freedom and New Music
Derek Oswald [AltWire]: Let’s start off by talking about Voice From The Stone. How is it that you first became involved with this project?
Amy Lee [Evanescence / Solo Artist]: Man, it’s so cool when it happens like this. The director felt inspired about me and thought of me and had this idea to have me try to do a song for his movie. So he got hold of me, and showed me the film while they were still working on it to see if I liked it or if I had an idea, and I was immediately just sucked into the story. It’s so beautiful, so unique and you don’t know what’s happening next, and it’s just a really good film.
Being a new mom I had an extra level of inspiration about it, because basically this film is about a boy who lost his mother, and in his grieving he hasn’t spoken since her death. So I’m from the perspective of the mom, on the other side, singing to him.  It’s sort of like their bond is so great, and their love is so big, that it’s bigger than death.
That to me was such a great inspiration that instantly I had ideas. I knew what I wanted it to feel like, and I spoke to Eric the director and also Michael the score composer on the phone right after watching it. We talked about what they were imagining and what I was imagining and it was just really lining up. I was super excited, and I got off the phone, ran over to the piano and had the initial idea that night, mocked up. Just the basics of it.
Usually the hard part is showing off that thing that you’re quietly in love with, and hearing them go, ‘Yeah, it’s nothing like what I wanted.’ But that didn’t happen. They loved it and we were really on the same page from the beginning. That’s just the beginning of the story. I could go on and on about the whole thing, but that’s really how I got into it.
AW: This is certainly not your first foray into contributing to a soundtrack, as you previously provided music to the films War Story and Indigo Grey. But this time seems a lot more personal to you. Was there a stronger personal connection this time around? How would you say the creative experience for this song differed from your work on those other films?
AL: I’ll always get into it and try and find ways to be able to get myself where I need to be, but yes, this one I was literally connecting with in some ways, and it really just felt like it was meant to be. And you know what? Not only was it about a mother (and I’m a new mom) but also the mother in this film was a famous classical musician. She was a singer and a piano player. So I was like ‘COME ON!’ [laughs] ‘This is totally and in every way me!’ Like, I could just see myself in this part.
So that was really cool, because as much as you could do with the song, I felt like I really was invited in to be a character in the film. You never hear her sing, but it’s all in the backstory about her life. So when the song comes in and it begins with nothing but the vocals, no piano or anything, it’s like you’re hearing her voice for the first time. I feel it’s so powerful and cool to be able to play that part a little bit.
AW: Your soundtrack and film score portfolio has grown consistently since 2013. Career-wise, do you see your future self musically heading more towards film scoring, or is there a part of you still hungry to record more solo records and Evanescence records?
AL: I’m hungry for both!  I make these big projects – like an Evanescence album – and it’s easy to get stuck in the process of it where it really does take a year and a half from the beginning to the very end of it. And that’s awesome, but somewhere in the middle of that year and a half, there are all these moments where you feel like, ‘Man, I wish I could do something completely different right now. I wish I had another outlet.’ And that for a lot of my life has been the part where I paint, or do designs for clothing I’m going to wear on stage or in a video… stuff like that.
I have a lot of paintings in my house where you’d never think it was ‘the girl from Evanescence’ doing them, because they’re very colorful. It’s the opposite, almost like kids’ stuff! The kids’ album Dream Too Much incorporated a lot of my art design. They were renditions of my paintings, all those characters like the sheep, those are all paintings in my house. And the reason all those paintings really started is because I’d be off making this huge, very dramatic, very soul-wrenching Evanescence album, and somewhere in the middle of it at some point, I just badly needed to be able to express the opposite emotion!
So it’s really nice for me to be able to be in this place where I feel like I can do anything at any time. Like, if I have this crazy idea to do a cover of Led Zeppelin’s Going To California, or do a solo song because I heard it on the radio in Italian and I love it but I really want to do it in English and in a different way, I can do that and not feel like I’m trapped inside a giant monster and I’m only allowed to do that one thing. Or that the people around me only know how to market that one thing.
I feel a lot of freedom right now! I feel like anything is possible and it makes me enjoy the Evanescence part a lot more because I feel like the only reason I’m doing it is because I want to be doing it, not because I have to in any way. So we’ve been having a lot of fun doing the Evanescence stuff. We’ve gotten together to play shows the last couple of years off and on, and it’s just been more and more inspiring. So that’s why we’re getting creative again!
AW: With the recent re-emergence of Evanescence, naturally the question on everyone’s minds is: What’s coming next?  You’ve been hinting a little bit lately about a ‘unique’ project with the band that’s different from the normal Evanescence fare. While I understand your desire to remain tight-lipped, are there ANY details you can spare on this project?
AL: I am going to spill all of the details on this project in about a month – I just need to give it some time. I know that’s annoying for a journalist, but the core of it is getting to hear Evanescence in a new way. It really is. It’s not just ‘the next Evanescence album’ – it’s something else, and it’s definitely challenging. It’s from a place where it still connects absolutely to the core of what the band is, but it’s forcing everyone to try new things and work outside of our comfort zone completely, and work in new elements. So I’m very excited about it, and that’s what I’ve been spending the majority of my time doing during all of this stress for all of the other things in the background. I’m just working over a bubbling cauldron of stuff over here! I’m very excited about it, and I really hope the fans are too when they hear what it is, but I can’t give any other information than that right now.
AW: While the upcoming project is still very hush-hush, perhaps you can give your input on this: Now that you have a strong new lineup, do you have an idea of what direction you’d like the band to head in? Not exactly just with this album, but what you would like to achieve with future Evanescence material over the next few years?
AL: Um, I see how you’re trying to be tricky and just get more information out of me about the ‘thing’!
[We both burst out laughing]
AL: BUT [laughs] I feel that would just be giving it away! So, this is just a very general statement, because I don’t have a specific direction for the next-next-thing – although we’re starting to formulate that already – but I’m starting to learn that less is more, in a way. Evanescence, for me, has always been this place where every single thing you can imagine is in there. We’ve used so many tracks that pro tools can’t handle it, and it’s an issue. So with all the strings, the programming, the guitars, the background vocals, and all of these things that go into our music, as wonderful as that all is, I’ve come to realize that sometimes you’re not hearing all that we’re doing because of all that is going on. I’ve come to sometimes enjoy being able to hear just one thing at a time a little bit.
That being said, that’s not meant to really describe anything other than that my headspace right now is that I can appreciate moments of simplicity, and I think that’s important. I think that’s an important direction for us to think about in the future, that everything doesn’t always have to be so full or so complicated. Because in life, sometimes your emotions are a huge hurricane of stuff and other times it’s just one little simple thought.
AW: Lost Whispers was well received by the fan base, but there have been a few songs over the years that were performed live but not released, such as Your Love and Find A Way. Some fans were hoping to see these on Lost Whispers, but they were not included. Will these songs ever see the light of day?
AL: You know…it’s one of those things. Those are a couple of songs that have made it out a little bit, so you’ve heard parts of them… like Take Cover, that’s a B-side of ours that we’ve played live only, and what you don’t know is that there’s this huge pile of songs like that. We’ve got this cool playlist of songs that we’ve got to draw from, of music that didn’t quite make it. Music that got sort of pushed to the side over the years, the ones that didn’t quite make it enough to be recorded.  Like Find A Way and Your Love, for example, those don’t have full recordings, at least at this point. But that’s not to say that they aren’t any good, and I do hear what’s cool about that music. But it’s nice to have that big bank of stuff because honestly, sometimes the reason it didn’t make it out is because it’s not as good as another song that’s kind of like it. I’ve gotten like that about a few things, and that’s what happened with Your Love. I’m trying to think of what it reminded me of where we thought the other one was better, but it’s kind of like that.
Will they ever see the light of day? Well, I have heard a rumor that Legends and Lyrics is planning on releasing the performance we did with Your Love on it, so if they do that would be cool! I don’t control it – if I did, I would’ve done it myself. But it’s kind of funny coming out now because it was so long ago! My hair was chopped off, it was in 2009 or 2010. So we’ll see! It would be nice to watch it actually; I’d like to see it again.
Find A Way is a cool song! That’s a song that I wrote for a film, I was just trying to get on the soundtrack of this Middle Eastern kind of movie a few years ago and it didn’t make it. I do that all the time. I’ve got a nice pile of ‘Oh that didn’t work, oh well! Maybe I’ll come back to that when it makes sense.’ When we go to the next place, or the next album, it’s always like that. We go to the pile! Even if it’s not that we use a whole song, sometimes it’s like, ‘Oh, the verse of this song is great but the chorus could be better…’ and then we can use it, you know? I’ve definitely done that quite a few times.
So we’ll see what happens with those two specifically, I’m not really sure yet. Don’t be shocked if they change! If the chorus is done and all of a sudden it has a different name, well that’s just too bad [laughs].
AW: Beyond what we’ve already discussed, what can fans expect from both you and Evanescence in the year ahead?
AL: We will be releasing something this year! So there is definitely stuff to be looking forward to in the very near future. In two weeks we’re going to be going on a tour in South America, and then shortly after that we’re going to be playing a European tour, and it’s a pretty significant and kind of long one. So we’ll be seeing fans, and you can come see us live, and meanwhile we’ll be working on this new thing that will be out this year. So I think there’s a lot on the horizon for the band.
I do plan on doing more solo stuff, but it’s kind of nice that it’s been sort of piecemeal, because like I was talking about before, the recording process gets to be this big thing and I need an outlet from it. It’s nice to be able to record a song for a film every once in a while, and do a song on my own, and I definitely have some ideas about my next covers EP. So I’ll be doing that at some point when I have a free moment…
AW: [deadpan]…which never happens.
AL: NEVER! All free moments I spend with Jack. [laughs]
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republikkkanorcs · 8 years
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getmantrasliz · 7 years
My friends in Little Geronimo just released a great new EP. Check out my thoughts and download at the links included! Don't forget to like their facebook page!
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jamminreggae · 5 years
[AltWire Interview] Grassy Dread https://t.co/toEXdfP4Fb via @altwirenet
— jamminreggae (@jamminreggae) August 13, 2019
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francolozanomusic · 7 years
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Hi, everyone. I’m entering de #RemixPostTraumatic contest, from @m_shinoda and AltWire. These are my entries uploaded in #SoundCloud, I hope you like them! 1. Place To Start: https://soundcloud.com/francolozanomusic/mike-shinoda-place-to-start 2. Over Again: https://soundcloud.com/francolozanomusic/mike-shinoda-over-again-franco 3. Watching As I Fall: https://soundcloud.com/francolozanomusic/mike-shinoda-watching-as-i EQUIPMENT Software: FL Studio 12 Producer Edition, GarageBand Interface: Line 6 POD Studio UX2 Guitar: Ibanez GRG 270 Video Edition: Adobe Premiere Pro SOCIAL MEDIA - YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/francolozanomusic - Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/francolozanomusic - Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/francolozanomusic/ - Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/francolozano - Tumblr: http://francolozanomusic.tumblr.com/ - SoundCloud: http://www.soundcloud.com/francolozanomusic #PostTraumaticEP #mikeshinoda #remix #garageband #whitewolf #francolozano #newsong #clouds #filtered #artwork #concepcion #santiago #villarrica #viñadelmar #losangeles #flstudio #flstudio12produceredition #guitar #ibanez #iphone #adobepremierepro #hyperlapse #sunrise #musician #newsingle #videoshoot #distorted #chromaticabberation (en Concepción, Chile)
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gmnewmusic · 7 years
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http://www.altwire.net/2017/07/06/concert-review-slightly-stoopid-st-augustine-amphitheater/ Check out my coverage of Slightly Stoopid Iration J BOOG The Movement on Altwire today Photos by Ablynn Photo bonus #instax photos on Get Mantras : Modeling, Writing, and More by Liz Peña ☀️🍍🌺🌴 Does your band need coverage of a record or show, including full professional photos? Contact us today!
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tallmantall · 2 years
#JamesDonaldson On #MentalHealth - #Suicide/#MentalHealthAwareness: 5 Safe Ways To Get Help
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DEREK OSWALD EDITORIAL With May being #MentalHealthAwarenessMonth, and in light of the recent #suicides of high-profile musicians (such as AVICII, #ChrisCornell, #ChesterBennington, and #Naomi Judd), we wanted to let you know you’re not alone. According to the #NationalCenterforHealthStatistics (#NCHS) National Vital Statistics System (NVSS), #suicide has been a leading cause of death in the #UnitedStates for several years. Each year on average, 44,000-47,000 #Americans die by #suicide. Forty-six thousand died in 2020 alone. Globally, that number averages 700-800,000, or one death every forty seconds. Worse, the number of people who think about or attempt #suicide is even higher. These statistics are a heartbreaking reminder that #mentalhealth is a serious issue. We need to do more to address it.  Too often, people struggling with #depression, #anxiety, or thoughts of #suicide feel like they are alone. Sometimes, they feel like they are a burden to their friends and family members. Sometimes, they do not know where to turn for help.  For a long time, I have battled with #anxiety or #depression. Likewise, my family has dealt with #mentalillness in varying degrees, from the #suicide of extended family members decades prior to #depression, #anxiety, and other means.  Because of my issues, I have had problems with #stress-based health issues (weight, digestion, elevated blood pressure) for years. In 2021, after years of doing nothing to help myself, I reached out for help. I started seeing a #therapist. It was one of the best decisions I have ever made. It has driven me to want to share my experiences to assist others because, speaking from personal experience, I know how it feels. #Mentalillness affects many people, yet so many suffer in silence. This #MentalHealthAwarenessMonth, I want to use Altwire’s platform to talk about how to get help if you are struggling with #mentalhealthissues. We will also discuss some celebrities who have lost their lives to #suicide and provide information for the #Suicide Helpline at the bottom of this post. Additionally, if you are unsure if you are depressed, there are many ways to quickly test #mentalhealth. Finally, if you feel lost or hopeless, please reach out for help. You are not alone. How does this tie into Altwire? Well, over the last few decades, there have been several high-profile #suicides by celebrities that have shocked and saddened their fans worldwide. Whether it is the recent 2022 death of #NaomiJudd or the losses of #ChrisCornell, #RobinWilliams, #KurtCobain, and others, we are losing many great celebrities far too young. These losses are particularly heartbreaking, given that they involve individuals who had such an enormous impact on culture and popular opinion. One of the most well-known losses was #ChesterBennington, the lead singer of the rock band Linkin Park. Chester died by #suicide in 2017 at the young age of 41, leaving behind a great legacy within both music and entertainment. Within his 17-year career in the public eye, Chester had spoken about his struggles with #depression and addiction. Yet, his death nonetheless came as a shock to fans worldwide. In the wake of his loss, his widow Talinda Bennington created a foundation called 320ChangesDirection, dedicated to reforming the discussion around #depression. Also, his surviving bandmates created the One More Light Fund, a charity dedicated to raising money for #MentalHealthAwareness. Another publicized #suicide was dance music producer AVICII, who died by #suicide in 2018 at 28 years old. Despite his meteoric rise to fame at a very young age, he struggled with #anxiety and chronic #mentalhealthproblems throughout much of his career. He had retired from live performances years before his death due to its toll on his mental state. His death sent shockwaves through the music industry. However, the disgusting and irresponsible way the media covered his death, with explicit details being leaked in the press, proves the media needs to do much better in handling #suicide.  It is critical to consider the media’s role in elevating #suicide rates across the country after these artists’ passing. It is essential for us as journalists to understand how cautious we must be when reporting on deaths to avoid sensationalizing them and assisting in #SuicideContagion. #SuicideContagion, also known as #suicideclustering or the Werther effect, is a phenomenon where those struggling with #mentalillness are often driven to self-harm after a highly publicized #suicide. The phenomenon, as mentioned earlier, can be widespread among young people who may be vulnerable and impressionable and can have a significant impact on individuals struggling with #depression or other issues. Research has shown that several factors contribute to #suicidecontagion. For example, media coverage of #suicide tends to focus on sensationalized details such as the method of #suicide, the gruesome details, and the emotional pain experienced by the deceased. Places like TMZ will often play up gory details for clicks, failing to acknowledge the dangers they post by airing said content. These details can be very triggering for those at risk. They may even cause them to copycat the #Suicideattempt or think of #suicide themselves. Additionally, #suicide is often portrayed as a solution to emotional distress in popular culture, further normalizing this #behavior for susceptible individuals. This is unacceptable, and it is a significant contributor to the problem. Despite these challenges, it is vital for those struggling to seek out support from family members or #healthcareprofessionals when feelings of #suicidalideation arise. In addition, many online resources can connect people with support groups or therapeutic interventions that can help those in danger. With proper care and support, those struggling can overcome their #suicidalthoughts and get the help they need. If you are reading this article to try and learn ways to overcome your #depression, you have already started down the road to #mentalwellness. I am pleased to see you, and I know how difficult it is. Here are several things you can do to get started and learn how to heal yourself. IMAGE CREDIT: NAMI.ORG #James Donaldson notes: Welcome to the “next chapter” of my life… being a voice and an advocate for #mentalhealthawarenessandsuicideprevention, especially pertaining to our younger generation of students and student-athletes. Getting men to speak up and reach out for help and assistance is one of my passions. Us men need to not suffer in silence or drown our sorrows in alcohol, hang out at bars and strip joints, or get involved with drug use. Having gone through a recent bout of #depression and #suicidalthoughts myself, I realize now, that I can make a huge difference in the lives of so many by sharing my story, and by sharing various resources I come across as I work in this space.  #http://bit.ly/JamesMentalHealthArticle Order your copy of James Donaldson's latest book, Celebrating Your Gift of Life: From The Verge of Suicide to a Life of Purpose and Joy http://www.celebratingyourgiftoflife.com 1. Talk to your #doctor about your #mentalhealthissues if you feel you are struggling. One of the most important things I heard go around after the death of #ChesterBennington was the oft-repeated phrase from his bandmate Mike Shinoda: “We need to talk about #mentalhealth the way we do physical health” If you think about it, you see a #doctor if you feel like you have the flu or break your leg. If your back is hurting you for an extended period, you see a specialist to ensure sure there is nothing worse going on. Still, society has such a #stigma around this topic that many people suffer in silence and do not seek help when it is crucial. #Mentalhealthissues can be as severe as physical health issues. They can have a significant impact on your quality of life. #Depression is more than feeling down or sad. It is an actual medical condition that affects your mood, thoughts, body, and #behavior. Prolonged #stress can lead to a greater risk of diabetes, a rise in blood pressure, weight gain, muscle aches and pain, digestive issues, and more. Being depressed can impact your motivation to do even the most menial tasks. It can affect hygiene and one’s ability to take care of oneself on a fundamental level. So why does society not take it more seriously? The effects of our mind on our body are so significant that it’s unfortunate many do not put this on the same pedestal as diet and exercise. In seeking help, it is essential to understand that #depression is not something you can quickly “snap out of.” You may have heard from ill-informed colleagues that you should “stop being sad” and that you have “so much to be happy about.” Yet, in reality, it is not that simple. It’s the same with #anxiety. #Anxiety is more than being nervous or stressed. It is an actual medical condition that can manifest in physical symptoms like a racing heart or sweating in severe cases. Finally, thoughts of suicide are not attention-seeking #behavior. If you have thoughts of #suicide, it is essential to get help. #Depression and #anxiety are genuine medical issues. It is vital to give these issues the medical attention they deserve as you would with an illness or injury. #MentalHealthproblems are real, they are common, and they are treatable. Navigating these issues can be complex, but there is no shame in seeking help. Talking to your #doctor is the first step toward getting the help you need to feel better. 2. Ask for a #mentalhealth referral to a #therapist or #counselor. When seeking help for #depression or #anxiety, it can often be challenging to know where to start. Many people find that asking for a referral seems daunting, but this can be an excellent first step. This is because there are many benefits to speaking to a #therapist or #counselor, including access to expert advice and guidance and the opportunity to develop new insights and strategies for managing your symptoms. Whether you have struggled with #depression or #anxiety or want to explore other options for managing your mental well-being, speaking to a #therapist can offer valuable insight and support. #Therapists are trained to work with individuals on various #mentalhealthdisorders, including #depression and #anxiety. They can also help you understand the underlying causes of these problems and develop strategies for dealing with them. In addition, working with a #therapist can give you a safe space to explore your feelings and emotions without judgment. Every #therapist has their unique approach, and some may assist through cognitive #behavioraltherapy, homeopathic remedies, or other means of healing. While insurance plans can and should cover treatment, look at your work’s benefits. Some jobs offer an EAP (Employee Assistance Program), which may afford you a few therapy sessions for free. This can be a huge benefit. In your journey to better #mentalhealth, you may have to go through a few different #therapists before you find the right fit. But, it is important not to get discouraged. Finding a #therapist you can trust and who feels right for you can make a world of difference. You deserve to heal! Be patient with yourself. Your issues are not your fault. So if you are struggling, do not let uncertainty about where or how to start get in the way – take that brave step today by reaching out and asking for a referral. With the right help and support, you will be on your way toward living a happier, healthier life! 3. Find a support group to connect with others struggling with their #mentalhealth. #Depression and #anxiety often cause feelings of #isolation, making it seem like you are alone in your struggles. Yet, this could not be further from the truth, and finding a support group is one of the best ways to prove that to yourself by connecting with others who are going through the same thing. These groups provide a safe space where individuals can share their experiences, offer advice and encouragement, and build a sense of community with people who understand what you are going through. Additionally, like with therapy, support groups serve as a valuable resource for coping strategies and helpful resources for managing #depression, #anxiety, or other conditions. Many groups are centered around specific issues or challenges, such as #depression or #anxiety. But, some groups also focus on particular populations, such as grieving #parents, people dealing with a chronic illness, or those who have suffered trauma or abuse. No matter what type of group you join, being able to discuss your challenges and feelings with others who understand what you are going through can be an empowering and healing experience. It is crucial to remember that you are not alone. Countless others have experienced similar feelings and are working through them with the support of others. You can too. When #ChesterBennington died in 2017, I witnessed the strength of community and togetherness. The reports of Chester’s death prompted many at-risk fans to fall into despair and #suicidalideations. Fans spent hours on #socialmedia connecting with distressed fans, offering their support and affection, and perhaps saving lives in the process. Following the death of AVICII, Linkin Park fans also demonstrated their strength in the days that followed, when they reached out to AVICII’s followers and offered comfort and support. It is impossible to exaggerate how beneficial a support network can be. Additionally, suppose you are someone who struggles with #socialanxiety. In that case, it may be easier for you to talk to someone online. For example, Reddit’s R/#MentalHealth subreddit is a leading #mentalhealth forum made to speak to others who are struggling. It is moderated by the “South Asian #MentalHealth Alliance (SAMHAA), a non-profit society dedicated to #mentalhealth #stigma reduction through skill development and community building.” At the end of the day, however, a support network is not a replacement for speaking with a professional. I recommend doing so in addition to professional therapy (if you need it) rather than replacing a #therapist.  Whether you are starting your journey towards #mentalwellness or if you have been struggling for years without much progress, finding support, among others, is important. You may be amazed by the impact that connecting with others can have on your #mentalhealth – both now and in the long run. 4. For better #mentalhealth, take care of your physical health. When you are struggling with #anxiety or #depression, it is vital to take care of your physical health. This means eating a healthy diet, getting enough exercise, and getting enough sleep. Taking care of your physical health will not only make you feel better in the short term, but it will also help improve your overall health in the long term. Exercise is a great way to boost your mood and reduce #stress. Even if you do not feel like working out, try to do something active for at least 30 minutes a day. For example, you can go for a walk, run, bike ride, or take a yoga class. If you do not have time for a full workout, you can also do some great exercises at home. Eating a healthy diet is also vital for managing #anxiety and #depression. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables and foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids (salmon, for example). If you don’t eat meat, dark green leafy vegetables, nuts, seeds, and legumes, such as beans and lentils, are also good. Getting enough sleep is essential. Most adults need between seven and nine hours of sleep per night. If you are not getting enough sleep, your #anxiety and #depression can worsen. Make sure to create a bedtime routine that will help you wind down before going to sleep. If you find yourself struggling to get proper sleep, consider scheduling an appointment with a sleep #doctor. Getting adequate rest is a crucial step toward promoting proper mindfulness. 5. Reduce #stress in your life Before you read the above in bold and proclaim aloud in a sarcastic tone, “wow! less #stress! Wish I would have thought of that”, hear us out. Suppose you are struggling with #anxiety or #depression. In that case, it is crucial to reduce #stress in your life through healthy means. This means learning how to say “no” when feeling overwhelmed and taking time for yourself—lessening your access to #socialmedia, which can foster stressful environments. Also, setting boundaries (especially with family and friends) can go a long way toward lowering #stress. Why Setting Boundaries Is Important #Stress is a normal part of life, and it can even be helpful in small doses. #Stress can motivate us to meet deadlines, finish projects, and accomplish goals. Despite how it may seem, it is virtually impossible to completely eliminate #stress from your life. Even those who appear to be at their most “zen”, will find #stress in certain situations. However, too much #stress can be overwhelming and harmful to our #mental and physical health. Therefore it is important to find a healthy balance between good #stress and bad #stress. Part of eliminating bad #stress is separating yourself from toxicity. Toxicity can come in many forms: toxic relationships, toxic work environments, and toxic family dynamics. Sometimes, the only way to reduce #stress is to cut out the toxicity. This may mean setting boundaries with people who are not supportive or leaving a job that is causing too much #anxiety. But be careful. It’s important to be careful not to move too quickly or shut everyone out. When we’re at our lowest, we need a support network of family and friends who can help us through tough times. Often, those who feel they are at their breaking point will do the opposite, and attempt to isolate themselves. This is because #stress can cause us to make rash decisions, so it’s important to deal with the obvious #stress points first, but keep an open and patient mind. Be careful not to shut everyone out—sometimes the people who love us the most are the ones who can help us heal. This doesn’t mean you should deal with #behavior from others that causes hurt. Setting firm limits on what you will and will not accept in relationships and responsibilities can help you create a more supportive environment to focus on your own needs and well-being. However, it is also important to practice mindfulness and listen to those around you to make sure you are giving proper attention and helping create healthy relationships. Healthy relationships are two-sided, equal effort, and not based around a single party’s desires and opinions. Have you ever found yourself trying to answer someone before they finished speaking? Next time, try to listen and then respond. Be mindful. It may avoid an argument. Doing all of this can assist you in making better choices about the risks and rewards of specific interactions or situations. Lowering #stress in your life is essential for maintaining good #mentalhealth and living a happier, more fulfilling life.  Furthermore, finally, remember… 6. It is A Marathon, Not A Sprint When you seek help, it can often feel hopeless if you are trying to get better but feel that you are making no progress. Do not get discouraged! Remember that all journeys take time and that the finish line, no matter how far away it may seem, will come. #Mentalhealthconditions can range from mild to severe, and they can last for days, weeks, months, or even years. Furthermore, #mentalhealthconditions may need ongoing care, like physical health conditions. Developing healthy coping mechanisms and establishing a solid support system can take years. I will leave you with an analogy my #therapist gave to me one day when I felt like I was not getting anywhere and that I would never get better: Nobody is perfect. Even professional athletes, paid millions of dollars to perform at the top of their game, have bad days. Read the full article
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tylerposeymusic · 7 years
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Artist to Watch: PVMNTS (@AltWireNet)
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lpfancorner · 10 years
AltWire Interviews Chester Bennington On Stone Temple Pilots and Linkin Park
AltWire Interviews Chester Bennington On Stone Temple Pilots and Linkin Park
AltWire has an exclusive interview with Chester Bennington, the first since Linkin Park’s unfortunate cancellation of The Hunting Party Tour for North America back in January after a brutal break to his ankle.
[AltWire]: First off, how have you been doing? How has the recovery been and how are you feeling now?
I’m doing pretty well. I started walking on my foot a couple of days ago, so that’s…
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wretchesandkingsnet · 10 years
EL DISCO QUE LINKIN PARK NACIÓ PARA HACER:  Te recomendamos leer este impresionante informe sobre 5 de las 12 canciones de #TheHuntingParty que hizo el portal musical AltWiire. Se analiza a fondo el contenido de la siguientes canciones: Keys To The Kingdom, All For Nothing con Page Hamilton, Wastelands con el rap de Mike Shinoda, Until It's Gone el próximo Single y Rebellion con el gran Daron Malakian deSystem of a Down.  Te dejamos un gran post traducido sobre el nuevo album deLinkin Park, #ADVERTENCIA, incluye líricas: http://goo.gl/jHLspI
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theshopatlantic-blog · 11 years
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Meg Myers talks with Alternative Wire about her new material, musical influences, plans for 2014 and Stephen King! Check out the entire interview here.
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warwickroyals · 4 years
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[Katheryn] This whole thing is stupid. I didn't even do anything. It's a private freaking account! [Jaqueline] If you're not going to have a respectful conversation you can leave. [Katheryn] A part of this is your fault, too.
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[Jaqueline] Mine? Enlighten me on how any of this is my fault.
[Katheryn] I am twenty-two-years-old! How many twenty-year-olds have their mothers defending them online for millions to see? It's embarrassing, Mom! I'm not twelve.
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[Jaqueline] You're not acting like the grown person you claim to be. Some time off social media might help clear your head. Your dependency on it is not healthy.
[Katheryn] No, you're just trying to punish me when none of this is my fault. You defend me when everyone's looking, but behind closed doors, you scold me.
[Jaqueline] If that's what you want to believe, so be it. Mia, help show your sister out.
[Mia] Yeah, come on, Kat, let's get out of here.
[Katheryn] Whatever.
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[Louis] As far as I'm concerned the both of you were extremely irresponsible. The fact that any of you have private social media to begin with is because I trust you to make the right choices and not pick fights online. 
[Jaqueline] I wasn't picking any fights, Dickie Altwirer asked a question and I answered it.
[Irene] Don't act flippant, Jackie. You know we can't have any scandals so close to Henry's wedding.
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[Jaqueline] If scandals are what you fear, your issue is with the media, not me. If one looks back over the past three years, every scandal suffered by his family has been worsened considerably by publications like The Charlatan and their lack of integrity and sensationalism. I'm done playing this game with them. If I have an issue with them, I'm not going to leak statements or let something "slip" to the right person like Phillip and Courtney. I'm going to say it openly.  
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[Louis] What would you have me do? The press can also be used for good. They've been glowing about Shelby. They've actually managed to make her seem interesting.
[Jaqueline] I'm just asking for a little nuance. That perhaps we cut off members of the press that are too stupid to understand that the Simstagram of the eighth-in-line is not news.
[Irene] Just the same, you know how I feel about these things, Jackie. As a princess of Sunderland it is not your place to make a spectacle of yourself. Keeping a stiff upper lip is what I believe in.
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[Jaqueline] And that might work well for you, The Queen, but it does not for me. Because to a lesser extent, I am also Jaqueline Warwick and she knows when she needs to say what she feels. Mom, it's silly to pretend we don't have opinions. We all do and we all have different ways of expressing them. This is my way.
[Irene] Well, it displeases me.
[Jaqueline] Will my Twitter be taken away, then?
[Louis] Just do as you wish, Jackie. You awalys do.
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