#alucard x pico
paletteprimary · 4 months
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darnellthefirestarter · 4 months
Pico's School from memory
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It's been a while
I kinda want to do another aggie/magma so I can doodle these guys
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frigid-m-grim · 2 months
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celebratory doodle after cass got with alucard seconds after getting divorced from pico on my tomodachi life game
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raiy-yn · 1 year
Day 9
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Omg it’s a palm reading? And they’re touching hands??? Ooooooo~
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fl4ky-sc3nek1d · 2 years
a picandra meme
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reblogs > likes
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animutate · 1 year
anyway. i think its kind of silly when people ship any of the guys from ps together. did we play the same game man.
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dracomeir · 9 months
I don’t know what my brain is doing, but Otis being a silly ray of sunshine while Alucard is a more serious person after the events of Pico’s School is taking over. Otis thinking this psychic’s powers are amazing, gushing over his growing mastery of telekinesis, and going like, “Lulu, Lulu, throw me at them!” before starting a fight with their enemies.
Alucard doesn’t like that nickname, but he can’t say no to Otis’s puppy dog eyes.
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classicninjasoup · 1 year
Silly thoughts
Alucard X Transmasc!Hanzou.
I am not okay bc I am imagining this whole scenario and giggling.
Fnf Timeline so they're around 19-20.
It's winter and they stopped by a cafe to drink something hot on their way back home with the other Goth Punks!!
Alucard, zoned out, smiling and blushing.
Han: Al? U ok? U smiling like an idiot
Alu: Oh! Yes im okay, i Just got lost in thought
Han: What were you thinking about
Alu: Not sure I should tell
Han: Aw, come on!
Alu: we'll, if you insist...
Imagine if we were a couple... together forever; raising our own little ones in this big scary world where monsters hide under every bed and shadows hold secrets no one should know
Hanzou, a blushing mess taken aback by the sudden scenario while he thinks "im gonna marry this man": t,that's silly!
Alucard, his eyes full of love as he looks at Hanzou and laughs softly: Maybe it is silly. But think about it; you and me against the world. Protecting each other from whatever comes our way. Of course, I could just be a hopeless romantic who needs a reality check.
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azulzfunniblog · 2 years
funni dude
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Awkward Conversations Over Tea
Fandoms: Danganronpa, Pico's School
Ships: Alucard (Pico's School)/Celestia Ludenberg (Danganronpa)
Characters: Alucard (Pico's School), Celestia Ludenberg (Danganronpa)
Tw: None
Summary: Alucard, despite being from America, was accepted as an exchange student into Hope's Peak Academy as the 'Ultimate Telekenetic', which is a pretty easy title to earn, seeing as he's the only high schooler with telekinetics. Celestia Ludenberg sees him as more than just his talent though, or at least, she wants to...
Link to AO3 fic
A killing game. That seemed to line up with Alucard’s luck pretty well.
He had only gone to the school cause it was apparently pretty high state, and invite only. He wasn’t sure how he felt about the reason for being invited, being told he was the “Ultimate Telekinetic”, lining up with how Ultimates are talents you’re the best of the best at, he wouldn’t be surprised if they just invited him to brag about having a telekinetic at that school. If only they knew how he actually got his powers.
But a killing game, that was the last thing he ever wanted. At least his classmates weren’t so bad, they didn’t bother him too much about his telekinesis, or his purplish-blue skin. He wasn’t ready to tell a bunch of strangers why exactly his skin wasn’t a normal color.
Alucard sat in the cafeteria by himself, his face resting in his hand as his elbow rested on the table. There wasn’t exactly much to do around here other than sit and wait, and maybe talk to the other contestants, but he didn’t want to talk to them right now, he still wasn’t sure how trustworthy any of them were, in a situation like this, they probably didn’t trust him either.
“Excuse me, Alucard was it? Do you mind if I sit with you?” Alucard looked up at the gothic girl before him, a cup of tea in her hands as she stared at him. Alucard sat up straight and nodded, letting out a sigh. Celestia Ludenberg, or ‘Celeste’ as she said to call her, the Ultimate Gambler, was a peculiar person, and he thought she’d want nothing to do with him.
“Uh… Yeah, sure, do whatever you want, I don’t care.” Alucard tried to make his voice sound cold and uninterested in her, the usual facade he put up around other people. Celeste sat down across from him, placing her cup of tea in front of herself. She didn’t seem bothered by his cold exterior or facade. “There are kinda, other tables though,” He secretly hoped that wasn’t too rude of him, he did think she was really cool, but he couldn’t just let his facade fall just for some pretty girl.
“Well, yes, there are, but I thought we could have a little chat, you and I, Alucard.” Celeste took a sip of her tea, Closing her eyes for a moment as she smiled at Alucard. Alucard perked up slightly as she spoke, crossing his arms as he faked a scowl.
“This better be good, Celeste.”
“Oh, don’t be so aggressive with me, I promise you, my intentions are nothing but kind.” She said, putting a hand to her chest as if she was offended by his coldness. What was worse was that Alucard couldn’t tell if she was being genuine, or if she was just faking the emotion, it’s hard to tell when someone has basically mastered a poker face, who knows what other faces she’s mastered as well? “... We’re not so different, you and I…” Alucard perked up slightly, a bit of curiosity in his eyes.
“What the hell are you on about, Ludenberg?”
“Again with the hostility? Is how everyone from America acts?” Celeste joked with him, putting a hand to her mouth as she giggled. Alucard could feel his heart flutter at the sound, clearing his throat slightly as he adjusted in his seat, crossing his arms. Shit, he could not let himself fall in love with this chick, she was way out of his league, she was an actual Ultimate, one with an actual talent, he was just accepted out of luck basically. “I kid, I kid, I just wanted to tease you~.”
Alucard could feel his face heating slightly, resting his hand against his cheek as he tried his best to keep a scowl. He hoped his blush wouldn’t be obvious through his purple-tinted skin. “I just meant, well, we’re both gothic, we both have quite cold exteriors-” Celeste said with a smile, causing Alucard to let out a scoff.
“And? That’s like, two things…”
“My, such a charmer~” Celeste let out another chuckle as she teased Alucard again, resting her chin on her hands. Yet somehow, she sounded genuine … she had to be really good at faking emotions, that was the only explanation for her kindness towards Alucard. “Well, I also like your name, It’s got quite the nice ring to it, Alucard~” Alucard could feel his face heating up more, looking away from her. She was just so pretty, and she had such an enchantment, and…
Alucard felt like he was falling right into the palm of her hand. “Um… Th-thank you…” He sounded awkward, he wasn’t used to accepting compliments from people, or having conversations with them without them mentioning his telekinesis within the first minute, it was odd but, it was nice… “Celestia Ludenberg is a pretty name, I guess…” he felt as if the compliment was warranted, sense she complimented him.
“Why thank you Alucard, but, um…” Alucard could see the wheels in Celeste’s head turning, as if she was trying to figure out what she wanted to say, a light blush crossed her face before she shook her head, looking at him with a genuine smile. “Oh never mind…”
“What is it?”
“Oh no, it wasn’t anything important…” Celeste waved her hand dismissively, taking another sip of her tea. Alucard didn’t expect a woman like her to act so, nervous, but hey, it was a killing game after all, maybe she was afraid he’d kill her when she least expected it… Alucard felt horrible now, as if he was making things awkward.
“I… think I’m gonna get going…” Alucard said, standing up slightly as he started to walk away, letting out a sigh. Celeste looked up at him with wide eyes, her smile falling to a monotone stare.
“Oh, um, a-alright… I guess, I’ll see you later then, hopefully…”
“... yeah, see you later.” Alucard quickly left the dining hall, leaving Celeste alone with her thoughts.
Once she was sure he was gone, she slammed her fist down on the table, causing some of her tea to spill out of the cups. “Dammit Taeko, you fucking blew it...” She covered her face in embarrassment as she leaned down on the table, letting out a shaky breath. She wasn’t sure why she was so nervous when talking to him, she couldn’t even think about him without her heart fluttering and her words becoming impossible to get out. “Just calm down, Celeste, I’m sure you’ll do better next time.” She let out a nervous sigh as she hugged herself, leaning back in her chair.
She couldn’t get that boy out of her head, he was so odd in every way, and yet, he was so, perfect for her, in every way…
She hoped they could both escape this killing game, together…
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da-millerrrrr · 2 years
Alucard held Cyril against the wall, blue magic haze surrounding the pink-haired boy. "C'mon, Alucard… I thought you liked things to be fair? This doesn't seem very fair, now, does it? Put me down and we'll fight for real." Cyril grinned, and the magic boy hesitated. Fight or Feelings? An impossible decision. Alucard let Cyril down, and the other laughed breathily, but was cut off by a punch to the nose. Cyril stumbled backwards, clutching his now-bleeding nose… and started to laugh. He pulled his hand away, a manic grin on his face. "I knew you had some fight in you! C'mon, Al, hit me again! Show me what you can do without your magic, without the shadow of your dad looming over your shoulder!" That was the wrong thing to say. Something in Alucard snapped, and he braced his feet. "Never. Mention. My. FATHER!" He screamed, flinging his hand out and sending Cyril flying into a locker. The pink haired boy stayed there for a solid minute before starting to laugh, scaring Alucard. Did he accidentally give Cyril brain damage? "Oh my god, Cyril! Are you okay?! I'm so sorry, I-" Cyril stood up shakily, and wiped his nose. "Are you kidding? I'm perfectly fine." He was really close… Alucard could see every freckle on his face, count the threads in his eyepatch. "I mean, I didn't know I could get you so riled up." "Huh?!" Alucard stepped back, face flushed. Cyril laughed, also backing up. "C'mon, Dracula. We need to go before a teacher gives us detention for skipping class."
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frigid-m-grim · 1 year
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How i draw characters changes like every month or so, i'm trying to find something comfy so i can be consistent </3
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ps-incorrect-quotes · 2 years
Hm. The urge to make Pico x Alucard canon in my au.
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un1-c0rn3l1us · 2 years
so I have a question
what's the genders and sexuality of tmc,ps and alphabet lore werewolf au characters?
Here we go!!!
Ps werewolf au:
Pico: Male, Bisexual.
Nene: Female, Demigirl.
Darnell: Male, intersex
Cassandra: Female, Transgender.
Alucard: Male, Gay.
Cyril/Cyclops: Male, Gay.
Hanzou: Non-binary.
Spike: Male, Gay.
Pierre: Male, gay.
TMC Werewolf au;
Mark Heathcliff: Male, Transgender.
Cesar Torres: Male, Demisexual.
Gabriel: Male, Pansexual.
Intruder: Male, Transgender.
Sarah Heathcliff: Female, Demigirl.
Evelin Miller: Female, Intersex
Adam Murray: Male, Gay
Jonah Marshall: Male, Transgender
N: Male, Demisexual
Stanley: Male, demiboy
Dave Lee: Male, Intersex
Joseph: Male, unknown Sexuality
Ruth: Female, Demigirl
Thatcher: Male, Heterosexual
Alphabet Lore:
A: Male, Aromantic
B: Male, Bisexual
C: Male, Colorado sexuality
D: Male, Demiboy
E: male, Enbian.
F: male, Freysexual
G: male, Genderfluid
H: Non-binary, Heterosexual
I: Non-binary, Intersex
J: Male, unknown Sexuality
K; Female, unknown Sexuality
L: Male, Lithromantic
M: Male, Maverique
N: Male, Neutrois
O: Male, Omnisexual
P: Female, Progress
Q: Non-Binary
R: Male, Rainbow
S: Male, Straight
T: Male, Transgender
U; Male, Unknown Sexuality
V: Male, unknown Sexuality
W: Female, unknown Sexuality
X: Male, unknown Sexuality
Y: Female, unknown Sexuality
Z: Male, Unknown Sexuality
I know this took forever I'm sorry
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astctine · 1 year
Sexuality Headcanon: ..He he a straight💥 Nah he's a closetted bisexual and ace + aro spec
Gender Headcanon: Hes either cis or transgender however i mostly see him as cis😔
A ship I have with said character: Cyril x Alucard
A BROTP I have with said character: Cyclops x Hanzou ( The only way i will accept this ship )
A NOTP I have with said character: Cy x Pico. Like those two are enemies for life 😔
A random headcanon: tbh i see him as russian and he moved to the us as a kid
General Opinion over said character: hes a poser- literally- he seems like he could be a nice guy and he is but trauma- hes just a edgy baby man tbh
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sunfaggot · 1 year
Omg I miss my Pico x Alucard fanchild so much
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