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jcmarchi · 5 months
Professor Emeritus David Lanning, nuclear engineer and key contributor to the MIT Reactor, dies at 96
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/professor-emeritus-david-lanning-nuclear-engineer-and-key-contributor-to-the-mit-reactor-dies-at-96/
Professor Emeritus David Lanning, nuclear engineer and key contributor to the MIT Reactor, dies at 96
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David Lanning, MIT professor emeritus of nuclear science and engineering and a key contributor to the MIT Reactor project, passed away on April 26 at the Lahey Clinic in Burlington, Massachusetts, at the age of 96.
Born in Baker, Oregon, on March 30, 1928, Lanning graduated in 1951 from the University of Oregon with a BS in physics. While taking night classes in nuclear engineering, in lieu of an available degree program at the time, he started his career path working for General Electric in Richland, Washington. There he conducted critical-mass studies for handling and designing safe plutonium-bearing systems in separation plants at the Hanford Atomic Products Operation, making him a pioneer in nuclear fuel cycle management.
Lanning was then involved in the design, construction, and startup of the Physical Constants Testing Reactor (PCTR). As one of the few people qualified to operate the experimental reactor, he trained others to safely assess and handle its highly radioactive components.
Lanning supervised experiments at the PCTR to find the critical conditions of various lattices in a safe manner and conduct reactivity measurements to determine relative flux distributions. This primed him to be an indispensable asset to the MIT Reactor (MITR), which was being constructed on the opposite side of the country.
An early authority in nuclear engineering comes to MIT
Lanning came to MIT in 1957 to join what was being called the “MIT Reactor Project” after being recruited by the MITR’s designer and first director, Theos “Tommy” J. Thompson, to serve as one of the MITR’s first operating supervisors. With only a handful of people on the operations team at the time, Lanning also completed the emergency plan and startup procedures for the MITR, which achieved criticality on July 21, 1958.
In addition to becoming a faculty member in the Department of Nuclear Engineering in 1962, Lanning’s roles at the MITR went from reactor operations superintendent in the 1950s and early 1960s, to assistant director in 1962, and then acting director in 1963, when Thompson went on sabbatical.
In his faculty position, Lanning took responsibility for supervising lab subjects and research projects at the MITR, including the Heavy Water Lattice Project. This project supported the thesis work of more than 30 students doing experimental studies of sub-critical uranium fuel rods — including Lanning’s own thesis. He received his PhD in nuclear engineering from MIT in fall 1963.
Lanning decided to leave MIT in July 1965 and return to Hanford as the manager of their Reactor Neutronics Section. Despite not having plans to return to work for MIT, Lanning agreed when Thompson requested that he renew his MITR operator’s license shortly after leaving.
“Because of his thorough familiarity with our facility, it is anticipated that Dr. Lanning may be asked to return to MIT for temporary tours of duty at our reactor. It is always possible that there may be changes in the key personnel presently operating the MIT Reactor and the possible availability of Dr. Lanning to fill in, even temporarily, could be a very important factor in maintaining a high level of competence at the reactor during its continued operation,” Theos J. Thompson wrote in a letter to the Atomic Energy Commission on Sept. 21, 1965
One modification, many changes
This was an invaluable decision to continue the MITR’s success as a nuclear research facility. In 1969 Thompson accepted a two-year term appointment as a U.S. atomic energy commissioner and requested Lanning to return to MIT to take his place during his temporary absence. Thompson initiated feasibility studies for a new MITR core design and believed Lanning was the most capable person to continue the task of seeing the MITR redesign to fruition.
Lanning returned to MIT in July 1969 with a faculty appointment to take over the subjects Thompson was teaching, in addition to being co-director of the MITR with Lincoln Clark Jr. during the redesign. Tragically, Thompson was killed in a plane accident in November 1970, just one week after Lanning and his team submitted the application for the redesign’s construction permit.
Thompson’s death meant his responsibilities were now Lanning’s on a permanent basis. Lanning continued to completion the redesign of the MITR, known today as the MITR-II. The redesign increased the neutron flux level by a factor of three without changing its operating power — expanding the reactor’s research capabilities and refreshing its status as a premier research facility.
Construction and startup tests for the MITR-II were completed in 1975 and the MITR-II went critical on Aug. 14, 1975. Management of the MITR-II was transferred the following year from the Nuclear Engineering Department to its own interdepartmental research center, the Nuclear Reactor Laboratory, where Lanning continued to use the MITR-II for research.
Beyond the redesign
In 1970, Lanning combined two reactor design courses he inherited and introduced a new course in which he had students apply their knowledge and critique the design and economic considerations of a reactor presented by a student in a prior term. He taught these courses through the late 1990s, in addition to leading new courses with other faculty for industry professionals on reactor safety.
Co-author of over 70 papers, many on the forefront of nuclear engineering, Lanning’s research included studies to improve the efficiency, cycle management, and design of nuclear fuel, as well as making reactors safer and more economical to operate.
Lanning was part of an ongoing research project team that introduced and demonstrated digital control and automation in nuclear reactor control mechanisms before any of the sort were found in reactors in the United States. Their research improved the regulatory barriers preventing commercial plants from replacing aging analog reactor control components with digital ones. The project also demonstrated that reactor operations would be more reliable, safe, and economical by introducing automation in certain reactor control systems. This led to the MITR being one of the first reactors in the United States licensed to operate using digital technology to control reactor power.
Lanning became professor emeritus in May 1989 and retired in 1994, but continued his passion for teaching through the late 1990s as a thesis advisor and reader. His legacy lives on in the still-operational MITR-II, with his former students following in his footsteps by working on fuel studies for the next version of the MITR core. 
Lanning is predeceased by his wife of 60 years, Gloria Lanning, and is survived by his two children, a brother, and his many grandchildren.
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katsona-the-katsequel · 5 months
Background Events: Persona Experimentation
Unethical experimentation on Persona Users has been happening since the beginning. But how has it evolved until now?
Warning: Some speculation will be involved.
TW: Human Experimentation
The Beginning
We don't have an exact date for when experiments related to Personas and the Collective Unconscious began. Phil and Nyarly's bet had been going for some time by the time IF took place. However, if we had to place a true beginning to the experiments, we would have to go with Stephen and the Demon Summoning Program. Along with Kyouji Kuzunoha, he's the only SMT character who's also canon to Persona. Makes sense, considering his weird transcendent nature. The tale may vary between franchises, but the Persona version goes like this:
By unknown means, Stephen managed to create the Terminal System to travel through computer networks. Since he's in a wheelchair in IF, then this Stephen also managed to connect to the Expanse (located in the Collective Unconscious) with the Terminal System. Since he didn't have a way to communicate with the demon who crossed and no Persona to defend himself, Stephen was was attacked and subsequentaly crippled. All of this had to have happened before 1996 for the timeline to make sense (Side Note: This also tells a lot about Stephen, since the incident had the perfect conditions for an Awakening).
The incident led Stephen to create the Demon Summoning Program, probably for personal use, since there was no upcoming war to prepare to (that Stephen could have known of). For some unknown reason, Stephen chose to upload the only copies of the program in the computers of Karukozaka High School. Was he an alumni? Did Stephen realize teens had more probability of connecting with the Expanse? Were Karu High's computers just that good? Who knows. Only Hazama and Tamaki took the program serious enough to use it, even if it was against each other. But that's a story for another time.
Like St. Hermelin would in a few months, Karu High briefly made the news before the entire incident was forgotten. That is highly suspicious on itself. My assumption is that there truly were some experimentation going on before this, amd they made sure to silence the press and make sure the students didn't snitch. Since Tamaki managed to hide among the student population as another victim (probably with Stephen's help), they never questioned her on her abilities nor disappeared her.
But who are they? Well...
The first formal organization seeking to gain a foothold in the Collective Unconscious was the Japanese branch of SEBEC, leadered by Takahisa Kandori. Their story goes like this:
When Kandori took over as head branch of SEBEC, they began to undertake the creation of a device capable of transporting matter from one place to another. Kind of like a portal. This had the main objective of helping to lower freight costs of imports and exports. Maybe even erasing them entirely. Key contributors were Setsuko Sonomura (an engineering specialist) and Dr. Nicholai (a scientist). Kandori kept the project so under wraps that those involved basically lived in the installations. Together they created the Dimension Variable Accelerator System, or DEVA System. However, they also pulled a Backrooms and accidentally connected to the Collective Unconscious.
It is probably at this point that Kandori awoke to his Persona, which was hijacked by the real Nyarlathotep. And thus, Kandori became a puppet in The Great Bet while believing he was achieving world domination or something like that. "But, Kati," I can hear you saying, "all of that was about the Collective Unconscious. Aside from Kandori, there were no Persona Users working with SEBEC".
Oh? OH? So quickly you forget about him?
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Takeda. The man, the myth, the barely remembered NPC. All we know about him is that he is Kandori's right-hand man, the head of security at SEBEC and a Persona User. We don't even know what his Persona is, only that its couldn't handle the combined forces of the St. Hermelin students. His existence does imply something deeper: SEBEC is already employing Persona Users to their cause. They probably didn't know much about the phenomena (understandable, since they had just finished the DEVA System) and didn't have a definitive way of figuring out who could be a User and who couldn't. For all they knew this could be random. And so, a not-so-stellar security guard rose to become the second-hand man of the main antagonist. Just because he had the same power as him.
As we know, Kandori and SEBEC failed. But what was the fate of the staff that worked on the DEVA System? What about the little knowledge of the Collective Unconscious they had?
New World Order
Due to Nyarly's meddling, the NWO was founded in 1979 after they found Kiyotada Sumaru's head. They might have had supernatural advice from an ancient head and the backup of one of the most powerful beings in the Persona Universe, but no real Persona Users. Not one of those people had their shit together. The closest thing they had was Chizuru Ishigami, who was a sorcerer (most probable given true power by the Rumor Curse). When the time was right, we can assume Nyarly guided them to the remnants of Kandori's fuck up. The NWO revived Kandori and began their recruitment of the now-lost scientists and inventors. The NWO gave more freedom to their researchers than SEBEC did, which eventually led to the beginning of true human experimentation.
We don't see the worst of it unless you play Tatsuya's Scenario, where the hints they leave us are enough to call for a second Doctors' Trial.
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Yikes. And this was only one known experiment.
Like SEBEC before them, the NWO also fell. But they weren't the only ones running supernatural and unethical experiments in 1999.
Kirijo Group
With the creation of the Dark Hour, demons shadows weren't only a danger of the Collective Unconscious anymore, at least, as far as the Kirijo Group knew. Now those in the know had to watch themselves every night to avoid being attacked by them. They couldn't always rely on the perfected version of the Anti-Shadow Suppression Weapons. That must have been the moment when they began to hear rumors of supernatural events in Sumaru City, which led them to the crumbling NWO.
As it turns out, the entire Death Incident a couple of months ago left a huge vacancy for their supernatural research division. And these guys seem like they have fresh ideas that might just solve their self-created problem! A secret scramble must have taken place where the Nanjo and Kirijo Groups tried to covet all the info and personnel that had anything to do with the NWO. Those who weren't important enough to know the truth behind Kiyotada Sumaru's head and their self-proclaimed high-class greatness could have become the precursors of the Conspiracy.
And so, the Kirijo Group now had better scientists, inventors and researchers than before, and more willing to dab on unethical territory. With the need for defense, the former NWO scientists must have suggested they try to create their own Persona Users, like the ones who kept barging into their labs back in Sumaru. Thing is, no one there knew how a Persona User came to be. They did seem to have the power to control a shadow to do their bidding... maybe all they had to do was link (whatever that meant) a human with a shadow. The survivors of these experiments would become bodyguards for the Kirijo Group's excursions to Tartarus. No one would last long, though.
Skip a couple of years and the unexpected happened:
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A natural Persona Awakening.
Note was taken of the factors that had to do with the event: the User was a child and she had been in a highly stressful situation. This is how the Kirijo Group rounded up the 100 children they would experiment on to create Artificial Persona Users. All of them dying except for three: Takaya Sakaki, Jin Shirato and Chidori Yoshino (and Sho Minazuki). This violation to the Nuremberg Code probably fell to the side when Mitsuru found and recruited two natural Persona Users on her own. Nothing like flushing dozens of children's lives down the toilet.
We must remember that the Kirijo Group didn't know everything about Personas, and so believed that the stressful situation with a dash of fear of death was necessary every time the User wanted fo summon their Persona. And so Evokers were created. Better not think of the trial and error that led to those inventions. Nor the one that helped create Persona Suppressants.
Who cares if three failed lab rats ran away? Now the Kirijo Group had true Persona Users with them.
A lot happened after that, but that is a story for another day. What about the hypothetical precursors to the Conspiracy formed from the high-profile members of the NWO? The ones that fell through the cracks during the power vacuum?
The Antisocial Force
For once, this wasn't Nyarly's fault. The basic rich bitches would have remained basic rich bitches if it wasn't for Yaldabaoth. The creation of the Shadow Operatives and the less restrictive hold on Kirijo Group employees probably made all that Persona and Collective Unconscious experimentation more of an open secret in the science community. And like hypnosis, this is one secret that most didn't believe until they witnessed it themselves. Not all were skepticals, and those interested were recruited by Masayoshi Shido for the creation of the Antisocial Force.
They would be the new oppressive entity in this area, suppressing information and giving stitches to snitches. This wouldn't stop "Cognitice Psience" from becoming an increasingly popular field. Who knows what kind of experiments happened in and out of the Antisocial Force. They couldn't have been the only ones.
If there is one thing the new Kirijo Group managed to contain, was the knowledge of the creation of Persona Users. The Antisocial Force didn't even have the research from the original NWO scientists that would help them create Artificial Users. Yaldy had to put an already-Awakened Goro Akechi in Shido's path for them to have a User. And even with an actual User, they couldn't replicate the circumstances that could have helped create more. I doubt Akechi was very helpful with that, though. Can't have any potential substitutes for his job.
Nah, the Antisocial Force's forte would never be Persona Users, but rather humanity's cognition.
So, what was the order of events?
Stephen created the Terminal System and began working on the Demon Summoning Program.
SEBEC began working on the DEVA System.
Stephen completed the Demon Summoning Program.
SEBEC finished the DEVA System and, after Kandori's Awakening, began to recruit Persona Users (at least one other than Kandori).
After SEBEC's fall, the New World Order recruited the staff that worked in the DEVA System.
The NWO began to experiment with demons and humans.
The Kirijo Group hired all the scientists and inventors from the NWO.
The Kirijo Group began to create Artificial Persona Users.
After Mitsuru's Awakening, the Kirijo Group focused on children experimentation.
The Antisocial Force began to recruit experts in cognitive psience for personal experiments.
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raincitygirl76 · 1 year
I’m still on the YR subreddit from time to time, and I think someone there may have found the real life inspiration that led Lisa Ambjorn to create the series. They posted some very interesting info about a real-life elite Swedish boarding school called Lundsberg Skola that got shut down (temporarily, alas) in 2013 for severe physical abuse.
The Swedish Schools Inspectorate had repeatedly investigated Lundsberg Skola before over similar claims, but its incredibly influential alumni network had managed to keep it from being shut down until 2013, when the Schools Inspectorate declared that students were not safe there, and must all be removed. It’s educated multiple Swedish royals.
Lundsberg was allowed to reopen after firing their headmaster and instituting new anti-bullying policies. They’re still open, still charging insane tuition fees, and the Swedish elite are still sending their kids there despite well-documented abuses and decades upon decades of rumours about brutal bullying to which the staff turn a blind eye until a victim has to be hospitalized, the hospital notifies the police, and the media find out.
I’m a little skeptical that a new headmaster and a shiny new policy will actually make a dent in a culture of violence that goes back to 1896. Call me a cynic. And it’s insane that people are actually still paying to send their kids to this place that, in the Guardian article, an anonymous student described as “Lord of the Flies”. You’d think a simple Google search would have parents running for the hills.
Here’s the article from 2013 announcing the shutdown. Interestingly, the shutdown happened because of anonymous complaints from existing students about abuse the staff ignore. The article suggests the children of nouveau riche parents might be less loyal to the Lundsberg system than the children of old money families, where multiple generations have attended, and everyone considers the brutality and the culture of silence normal.
Here’s the Wikipedia page in English. Check out the list of alumni, which includes a bunch of Swedish royalty:
And here’s the link to the original Reddit post. The Reddit post also includes a link to a Spotify podcast about Lundsberg. I didn’t link to that because I haven’t listened to it. The Guardian article and Wikipedia were bad enough.
Here’s also a link to the school’s official website, but it’s all in Swedish. I clicked through a few promotional pictures of shiny students and shiny buildings. Every teenager I saw looked happy, like they weren’t in Lord of the Flies. And every single teenager in the photos I saw was white. I didn’t do an exhaustive search, though.
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puckgoss · 6 months
um girl can you do Jamie’s backstory or more facts ab him/his life he’s so private
sure!! i'm not gonna do too much on hockey related stuff bc it's all pretty basic and easy to find like highly-touted prospect, great skater, played for the toronto marlies, played for the toronto marlboros, erie otters, team canada, etc etc. here's an article that summarizes his pre-NHL hockey career.
first here's a pic of jamie & his mom tina, dad gary, and big brother charlie from jamie's ig. i'm sure you've seen it before. link
jamie grew up around yonge & lawrence in north toronto which is a very safe, family friendly and wealthy area. source 1, source 2
he went to st. michael's college school to play high school hockey before he was eligible for the OHL draft. this is a well-known private school in toronto that many NHL alumni have attended including tyler seguin, jason spezza, and tim horton himself. source 1, source 2
while playing for the erie otters, he attended fairview high school in fairview, pa. source 1
his billet family in erie described him as kind-hearted, quick-witted, and competitive. his coach in erie described him as a great teammate, selfless, and a great person. source 1
his mom tina appears to be the manager of finance & operations for the toronto marlboros. source 1
here is her twitter account
she went to havergal college which is a fancy independent girls school (pre-K to gr12) in toronto. she graduated in 1988 so she was born in around 1970. source 1
jamie's dad gary is very successful in the IT sector - previously he was vice-president of commercial and channel sales for Printing and Personal Systems with HP Canada. source 1, source 2
at one point he was on the canadian channel chiefs council (C4) board of directors. source 1
he is now the director of sales at intuit quickbooks canada. source 1, source 2, source 3 (source 3 is a video, you can see a couple pics of jamie in the background)
jamie's brother charlie is a biomechanical engineer who attended queen's university in kingston, ontario. source 1 (jamie used to have a pic of him w charlie at charlie's grad on ig but i think he archived it)
this was jamie's grandpa: richard. source 1, source 2
and this was his grandma: isabel. source 1, source 2
so in conclusion, jamie comes from a wealthy background and is kinda your typical toronto hockey boy, but everyone loves him and consistently talks about how lovely and sweet he is so his parents did a great job!
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bloodpen-to-paper · 1 year
Nimona's Subtle Racial Placement in a World of Wealth Gaps
The racial placement of Nimona was not lost on me, and its something I'm seeing more of in media, so lets talk about how Nimona did it and why:
The Queen was black, and as a black woman she was the one who chose Ballister, a commoner, a brown kid, to be the next Knight of the Realm. She chose him above all the elitist kids because she saw his merit, and chose not to let the status of the others affect her decisions. And she was killed for it by a white insurrectionist.
For years Ballister was bullied by Todd, a white man, while the other elitist knights did nothing. Except for Ambrosius, an Asian man (presumably since he's modeled after Eugene Lee Yang), who not only stood up for him, but ended up becoming so close to him that they became lovers.
There's a lot of diversity in this movie, both within the wealth classes (the highest position of power being held by a black woman while Nimona, who's whole story is about being oppressed and ostracized, is white), and among the general populace of multi-racial and ethnic side characters. Yet there's still mostly white knights among the Queen's guard, not to mention the original story of Gloreth revolves around a white girl brought into legacy. You could even argue colorism with how Ambrosius has a lighter complexion (especially considering he was originally white in the comics) and is brought up as the trusted descendent of Gloreth over the commoner Ballister.
Despite being a movie about classism that's set in a diverse world, Nimona still has a subtle racial aspect within its character dynamics. It does this for a very important reason: to bridge the gap between art and reality. In real life, we have white supremacy. In real life, we have capitalism. And Nimona uses its racial aspects to further make its point about the class divide and bigotry within a caste system.
Racial supremacy and the dismantling of it is a complex matter. Diversifying the world is easiest to achieve among the working class; you can show people of different skin tones in movies and TV, hire a more diverse racial pool within work environments, etc. But what gets difficult is changing the diversity within the elite spaces, because their place in the wealth gap has made them near impossible to touch from a working class position. Diversifying the space in a local diner? Easy, as long as the manager is willing. Diversifying the spaces within the Electoral College? Harvard alumni? HBO Executives? Good luck, you'd give an arm and a leg just to change maybe one person's position in those spaces. Because the power is so hoarded and privatized that changing anything, like racial diversity, would include upending the entire system that allowed for them to exist as they do. A local diner involves being able to convince one person in a small position to either change their model, or changing out that person with someone with a different model. The systems of supremacy don't have roots as deep within that scenario, but the elitists? They are the system. And to change them is to change the system entirely. You cannot eliminate the racism from elite spaces without dissolving the wealth gap.
Nimona shows this subtly, in that among the common people its super diverse (black news anchors, people of different skin tones occupying the same spaces, etc), but within the elite institutions, the Knight of the Realm was always someone who was from the elite, and had nepotism to get them through. Ambrosius was expected to be the Knight because of his heritage, and most of the knights in the guard along him and Ballister were white and had Old Money. The movie didn't need to include racism in their message against classism, but the creators wanted to bridge that gap between "movie metaphor for real world issues" and actual real world issues. They created "commoner" and made sure the audience knew that represented not just the "working class", but the racial working class. They made sure the implications of racial bias were there and readable for the people who could relate to the struggle of being a person of color in a supremacist society. They even made queer people feel seen, not just with Ambrosius and Ballister's relationship, but with Nimona's entire allegory for gender-queerness. Its a movie that aims to have its art reflect reality for the sake of making people get invested in their own real world issues within our real world society. Many "progressive" works now utilize talking points from progressive movements without actually giving representation to those affected, causing a case of appropriation painted as representation. Nimona aimed to create genuine representation that would be seen by the people who needed it most, not just with the obvious messages from the story-telling, but from the subtle bridges that connect this piece of fiction to the very real world it took inspiration from. And I think its safe to say Nimona achieved just that.
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coachifie · 8 days
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hawkins-university · 1 month
Explore the Benefits of Earning an Online Professional Degree at Hawkins University
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In today's fast-paced world, the traditional pathways to higher education are evolving, making way for more flexible and accessible options. Online education has emerged as a game-changer, allowing students to pursue their academic and career goals without compromising their personal and professional commitments. Among the various online learning opportunities available, professional degrees stand out for their potential to significantly enhance your career prospects. Hawkins University, a leader in online education, offers a range of professional degree programs designed to equip you with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in your chosen field. In this blog post, we will explore the numerous benefits of earning an online professional degree from Hawkins University.
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jitendra030 · 9 months
Manipal University Online MCA
Conquering the Digital Frontier: Unraveling the Manipal University Online MCA Program
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In the whirlwind of the digital age, a Master of Computer Applications (MCA) degree has become the gold standard for aspiring IT professionals. If you crave the flexibility of online learning while seeking the prestige of a renowned university, Manipal University Online's MCA program might be your perfect launchpad. Let's delve into this innovative program, examining its curriculum, eligibility criteria, fees, and the key factors that make it stand out.
Unveiling the Course Structure:
Manipal University Online's MCA program spans across four semesters, meticulously crafted to equip you with cutting-edge knowledge and hands-on skills. Here's a glimpse into the core areas you'll conquer:
Foundational Semesters (Semesters 1 & 2): Laying the groundwork, you'll master programming languages like C++, Java, and Python. Data structures, algorithms, and operating systems will become your playground, while subjects like computer networks and web technologies open doors to the digital world's infrastructure.
Specialization Semesters (Semesters 3 & 4): This is where you carve your niche. Choose from specializations like Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Cloud Computing, Software Development, or Cyber Security. Deepen your expertise in your chosen domain with advanced electives and capstone projects that put your skills to the test.
Eligibility Criteria: Unlocking the Gateway:
To embark on this journey, you must have:
A Bachelor's degree in any discipline with Mathematics or Statistics as a compulsory subject at the 10+2 level or at the graduation level.
Secured a valid score in national entrance exams like NIMCAT, MAT, or ATMA.
A passion for technology and a thirst for continuous learning.
Admission Criteria: Demystifying the Selection Process:
Once you meet the eligibility criteria, your merit score in the chosen entrance exam forms the basis for selection. Shortlisted candidates are then invited for an online interview where your communication skills, technical aptitude, and career aspirations are assessed.
Financial Considerations: Unmasking the Fees:
The program fee for the Manipal University Online MCA program is currently set at around INR 2.5 lakhs per semester. However, scholarships and financial aid options are available for deserving students, easing the financial burden and making the program accessible to a wider pool of talented individuals.
Beyond the Classroom: What Sets Manipal Online MCA Apart:
While a robust curriculum is crucial, Manipal University Online goes the extra mile to elevate your learning experience:
Renowned Faculty: Learn from industry experts and academic stalwarts who bring real-world experience and a passion for teaching to the virtual classroom.
Interactive Learning Platform: Engage in live online sessions, access comprehensive study materials, and collaborate with peers through a user-friendly learning management system.
Industry Connect: Gain an edge with industry internships and mentorship opportunities that bridge the gap between theory and practical application.
Placement Assistance: Leverage the university's strong industry network and dedicated placement cell to land your dream job in the booming IT sector.
Embarking on Your Digital Quest:
The Manipal University Online MCA program is not just a degree; it's a passport to a rewarding career in the ever-evolving IT landscape. If you're driven by ambition, possess a curious mind, and yearn to make your mark in the digital world, this program can be your stepping stone to success.
Spotlight on Specializations: Dive deeper into each specialization, highlighting the specific courses, industry trends, and career prospects.
Alumni Success Stories: Feature interviews with successful alumni who have carved their niche in the IT world after graduating from the program.
Comparison with other Online MCA Programs: Briefly compare Manipal's program with other online MCA offerings, highlighting its unique strengths and value proposition.
Student Testimonies: Include quotes from current or past students about their experiences with the program, its challenges, and its rewards.
Career Outlook: Discuss the job market for MCA graduates, highlighting growth trends, in-demand skills, and potential salary ranges.
Q&A Section: Address frequently asked questions about the program, admission process, and career opportunities.
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
Parents in Oregon are calling to replace a local school board following reports of a sexually explicit book in the curriculum and at least two instances where a teacher organized activities discussing sexual acts.
Fox News Digital previously reported how health class students who missed coursework at Churchill High School in Eugene, Oregon, were asked via Canvas, an online learning management system, to complete a 10-point assignment titled "Fantasy Story."
"For those students who were absent, you will write a short story of a paragraph or two. This story is a sexual fantasy that will have NO penetration of any kind or oral sex (no way of passing an STI)."
The assignment from teacher Kirk Miller also asked students to choose three items, such as candles, massage oil, feathers and flavored syrup, to use in the story.
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But parent Justin McCall said his older daughter, who is in the 10th grade at Churchill High School, revealed the assignment had also been conducted in class and that the teacher had asked students to pick the sexual items written on a piece of paper out of a hat that he passed around.
Further scrutiny of the "Health 2 Human Sexuality" class found that students were also allegedly given an assignment called "With Whom Would You Do it." The project involved a virtual spinning wheel labeled with sexual categories. Students were allegedly instructed to respond when the wheel stopped and write the initials of the person they would engage in the sex act with.
"My daughter told me it was literally up on the board and it mentioned you know who are you going to have anal penetration with, oral sex, licking of the ear, kissing and vaginal sex," McCall said, calling the assignment "disgusting and wrong."
A Title VI and IX coordinator attempted to speak with McCall's daughter about the incidents but was directed to the family's legal counsel.
The Eugene 4J School District did not return Fox News Digital’s request for comment.
The above allegations, as well as a flurry of other complaints from parents, have prompted calls for new leadership on the Eugene School Board, which is holding elections in May. In the event leadership stays the same, a group of parents is in the process of knocking on doors and setting up tables outside the district schools to gather signatures for a recall.
Beth Ball, a 4J alumni who met her husband at Churchill High School in the 1990s, intentionally enrolled her children in the 4J school district following her positive educational experience. Her issues began when her child entered sixth grade at the Arts & Technology Academy in Eugene.
At home, Ball noticed a form that said she could opt her child out of health class if she disagreed with the contents of the syllabus or curriculum. However, after correspondence with the teacher, Ball was told the syllabus and curriculum had not yet been created and waited at the school for two days to get a meeting with the principal.
The principal informed her they could not access the syllabus and curriculum, but her child needed to be enrolled in health class to graduate. Given the lack of information, Ball instructed her child to wait in the office daily during health class. Her child received a "no pass" in the class, but because of COVID-19 school closures, the "no-pass" became a non-issue.
Once her child entered the ninth grade at Churchill, the same school Ball attended, he was assigned a novel called "I'll Give You the Sun."
"The first five pages of it the book talks about how [the main character] is getting beat up and he's turned on by it. He gets a boner," Ball said. "For me, that's completely unacceptable because it's saying that if you're getting abused or picked on, it's normal and in fact you should like it."
A review of the book by Fox News Digital found the scene described by Ball and takes place early in the book when the main character wrestles with another student. 
After contacting the school to ask why the book was placed in the curriculum, she was simply told that it got great reviews and spurred conversation on complex topics. She then pulled her child out of Churchill and began homeschooling him.
"And then this sexual essay hit, and I wasn't surprised in the least," Ball said.
Following the backlash, school principal Missy Cole said, "the district has begun the process of reviewing and selecting a new health curriculum to replace the OWL content that will be completed by the end of the school year."
According to the board, the changes to the curriculum were not related to complaints from parents and had already been on the docket for the 2023 school year.
During a March 16 school board meeting, citing "failures in our practices," Eugene School District Superintendent Andy Dey said they had identified "shortcomings" in their curriculum and recommended that the sexual fantasy's lesson not be administered again.
Dey also said the rumors of "spinning wheels" with "salacious acts" had not been substantiated or reflected in the materials the teachers used. However, Dey did confirm an "online virtual randomizer wheel" that did not have sexual acts on it.
He also said that the sexual fantasy's assignment was given out due to "inadequate oversight" and that future lessons will follow the curriculum verbatim and refrain from using supplemental materials, as was done in this case.
In a statement to the New York Post, OWL program manager Melanie Davis said the district was following an "unauthorized" and "out-of-context" facilitated group activity currently out of print.
The United Church of Christ and the Unitarian Universalist Association claimed the material was not part of the comprehensive OWL curriculum it helped to develop.
Emails provided to Fox News Digital showed that McCornack Elementary asked McCall to sign paperwork agreeing to only correspond with the school over email and only through his wife and noted McCall was trespassed off the property "due to hostile behavior towards other McCornack parents, students, and staff that created fear."
McCall was allowed to speak at the March 16 board meeting despite his ban from the elementary school. Following his public comments at the meeting and his move to recall the board, McCall was banned from all 4J district property. The district said they contact McCall no later than April 20 about his formal complaints and trespass appeal.
At the meeting, McCall claimed the school was lying about the spinning wheel assignment and suggested the teacher had not yet been fired because he is also the football coach and the team was doing well.
"If you do not remove him, I'm giving you my word today that tomorrow morning I will go down to the County Clerk's office and I will file for the removal of every single one of you," he said as the room erupted in cheers.
Miller has been placed on administrative leave.
Dr. Michael Bratland, a local dentist and conservative running for school board in the May elections, said that he wants a comprehensive review of the situation but stopped short of supporting the termination of the teacher or board members. He also credited Superintendent Dey for his leadership and handling of the situation but was more critical of the current board.
"The school board's the top and they need to take responsibility and when I was at that school board meeting last week, I didn't really hear anybody take accountability," he said.
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joeyjoeylee · 2 years
Ok so.... This is a weird ask lol. But if you don't mind can you share a mini update of both sides of the law? Like?? Do you think Beth still is in law? Is Rio still in crime?? Are they still together 😭? Like where do you see all the ch in the future? Also I love this fic so much seriously one of my favs ever thk you so much for writing it 💗💖💗💖💗💖💗💖
Anon, thank you, this made my day - I'm so psyched you liked it and thank youuuu for letting me know!
And no, I never mind asks (the serotonin of seeing that little envelope with a dot on it lol) so let's gooooooooo:
I have thought about this in the context of a "sequel" of sorts and been trying (and largely failing lol) to see if I could continue the story and fill in blanks without using the two main POVs. Everyone BUT the "both sides" in other words. The "future" in that "sequel" though only goes out a couple years plus will likely never get completed plus it's easier to write in bullet points just answering your questions and ya girl prioritizes laziness and the easiest way out at all times so:
Yes, Beth would still be in the law, although the form of her career would change over the years. I see her craving the Law Firm life for awhile - having her own cases, telling people she is "Elizabeth Boland, ESQUIRE" (lol, nerd), feeling like she has a seat at the table with other experienced litigators she respects like Gretchen/Katz, learning the system and being part of all the "culture" (bar stuff, meeting judges, etc.), and most importantly making money. She's been a stay-at-home mom for a decade+, and while that is hard work, now she's surrounded by adults (albeit adults of the worst kind, aka lawyers) and she wants to prove that she's the smartest and most competent to all them too (less "prove" and more "make them acknowledge").
The Law Firm life would lose its appeal after a few years though. Katz would retire to Florida and she'd have the whole firm to herself but once she'd hired a bunch of new associates, got the whole thing running as Managing Partner, got a few "Best Detroit Mid-Size Firm" awards, etc., she'd be looking for other challenges. She's like Rio in that she wants to be in charge (thinks she is in charge at all times lol) but her need for power and control manifests a little differently imo - Beth wants it in a societally approved external way - wants everyone looking to say "Well, objectively, you just can't get better than that. We, as a Society, approve."
That's a judge or a politician. "Your Honor...." "Senator...." "Councilwoman..." - Rio would die laughing at wanting to be called any of those out loud, even as he'd brutally shut down any lack of respect towards him from anyone on either side of the law. Power to Rio doesn't need to be chronicled in the Wayne County Bar Association Newsletter before that makes it real, it just is. But this would be the Beth Dream imo. EVERYONE having to say ("Say it! SAY! IT!") her title, out loud and to her face.
So she'd maneuver herself into kissing ass and doing grunt bar/alumni work for the name recognition the first few years in practice until she was recommended for substitute judge positions, then springboard a few years after that into running for judge/political office.
In contrast, he'd stay with crime, yes of course. The problem with going 100% clean is that in the Legit World there is always going to be someone else Society makes your boss, and that rubs against his soul. Even the best lawyer with the highest hourly rate or most high-profile clients can get screwed by a shitty judge (see, e.g., the current United States Supreme Court). So staying clean/legit means working within the System mostly and that is just too limiting. Plus he likes the action, the rush, just likes it.
So he'd keep his criminal empire, but continue to morph and evolve to stay on top and one step ahead. He'd keep the legit stuff too as a cover and to interlace/enhance and because he likes the irony and fuck-you-ism of having his legit biz stuff be an entry into a prissy white country club that he only wants to be a part of to say a silent you-can't-keep-me-out and to get into fights with Gretchen on the tennis court.
YES THEY WOULD BE TOGETHER. And they'd stay together, whatever/wherever the road. The years apart would be like a bit of an unhealed wound they would never talk about but would always be lurking. A reminder of the alternative, a cautionary tale of what it could be like to choose pride/wanting to be right/being afraid of what others think over compromise. Nothing is as bad as that.
Which is not to say they wouldn't butt heads and battle on the regular though, both because it's a type of foreplay they both crave and because both of them deep to their core think they are right at all times and also the one in charge over the other. She'd try to get him to bankroll certain "community" type bullshit that he'd find deeply lame or try to strongarm him into going along with her wacky biz ideas. He'd try to steer her into how she should be running her firm (shots....FIRED, she would literally black out from rage) or taking on certain type of cases best for her "image."
(I was trying to play with this as the new conflict in their relationship - b/c hell no with cheating etc. - in the "sequel." Basically reimagining/reworking the Season 2 Crackhouse Goons Encounter. That Beth gets a felony drug court-appointed client who fails to appear for his court date. She's all gungho because she wants to kiss the butt of the judge who appointed her and show she is the Super Best Number One Court-Appointed Counsel Ever in Detroit. So she tracks the random junkie down to the Crackhouse, then actually goes in looking for him, Annie in tow, then has to bluff her way out like in canon. Rio is NOT pleased to find this out and tries to "order" her (lol, mistake) not to take on cases like that. This causes Big Fight that Gretchen is a reluctant bystander to and wants to kill herself watching how stupid and stubborn they are.)
Of the rest of the characters - do you mean like Gretchen/Gardner/Courtney? Or Dean/Ruby/Annie? Or just Rio/Beth and this is already too long (it is, I know). I'll just do a couple of law ones:
Gretchen - Stays at her Firm til the day she dies. Would never give up litigating or crim defense for judgeship or anything else. Sees it as her way to protect her family (literal family in Rio/Beth and figurative family as in their business and all its people), and is forever annoyed that Rio sees her sensible "I need to work within the Law as much as possible if I'm going to do us the most Good [and by that I mean, Bad]" as too cautious. Becomes a mentor of sort to Beth in her first few years of practice and then later deep friends/sister-in-law but neither of them ever fully see it, Beth because she views herself as having Ruby/Annie as Friends/Sisters Only in Life, Gretchen because she's always thought of herself as a woman who only gets along with men and not other women.
Gardner - tries to fit into the same big law shoes his father wore for 5 years or so. Ends up getting dumped by law school boyfriend/love of his life who's frustrated Gardner won't stop trying to squish himself into the Warrington Success mold his father wants him to fill (and not be gay, obvi). Comes to his senses 10 years or so after graduation and leaves private practice, becomes a law professor instead so he can read and think in quiet and work with shiny new students. Reconnects with Beth/Rio when he invites Beth to his wedding (new guy he loves a lot, even if he still thinks about Joel on occasion) on a whim and she replies with a Plus One and a note that Rio says to tell you "he's looking forward to it, G."
I'm so sorry for this stream of consciousness, Anon, I've had 5 cups of coffee this morning. Hopefully this is what you were asking and THANK YOU again!
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applecorething · 7 months
until recently my university had offered all students a lifetime unlimited google drive account. loco behaviour on there parts but i think most people didn't use it like i did, filling it with literally all large files that were annoying to move or have copies of in other places. anyway recently they changed their policy to give unlimited while in university and then 5GB for alumni which makes sense. so i've had to clear out like.... a lot of stuff and then find duplicates and try put some sense on these files.
it's been the first time in a long time that i've been just... messing with files on my computer. not needing to be online at all (now they're all downloaded) and so just listening to music and sorting out folders and file locations. it felt nice to be On The Computer arranging my space.
I used to spend most of my time doing that when I was in school, when i became a heavy tumblr user in the first place. How do you run a successful autism fuelled kpop blog (or five)? with a really rock solid file management system. I was born to archive, in many ways.
messing around with files feels to me like doing work with my hands. having a well organised digital space feels like a well organised physical space. It's something i've deeply missed from my years of not having a computer - that there's no real satisfying way to organise your files and digital space on mobile, and so many files are like.. not yours? like my music in apple music isn't really mine to download and mess with, and tv shows and films on streaming services are not mine to move around where they make sense for me. it made me really disillusioned tbh and made me fall out of love with computers.
coming back to tumblr has reminded me that for me at least the thing of beauty for consuming anything is pulling out the things that are meaningful to us, curating examples of patterns. screenshots from scenes in a movie where peoples hands are among flowers. shots of rain across a series. i love these bits we pull out. and doing it requires having the files in our hands to cut up and paste together.
what i'm saying is i'm getting back into pirating things.
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After the first post I made for the characters in my hypothetical Boy Meets World reboot, in which I focused on Cory’s family and friends. It’s time to talk about the teachers and the rest of the employees at the school Cory and his friends attend. Which you know what that means. It’s time for Mr. Feeny and Mr. Tuner.
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George Feeny. John Adams High’s history teacher, and Cory and Eric’s next door neighbor. In the latter seasons he becomes John Adams High’s principal. Cory and Eric initially see him as the grumpy teacher who hates his students, although as they grow up they see that people, including him, are more complex than that.
Jonathan Turner. The most recently hired teacher at John Adams High by the time Cory and Shawn start seventh grade. He ends up becoming a father figure for Shawn, and eventually in later seasons officially adopts him. Feeny is initially quite hostile towards him because of his methods, which he seems as opposite to his and inefficient; the fact that he sees Mr. Turner as someone inexpert and naive with too much confidence; and because he was hired by Principal Gómez Arguello without his approval, something that, by Feeny’s experience, doesn’t have a good track record, with most teachers hired by the principal being so because of their looks instead of their actual credentials. But they eventually warm up to each other, especially when they realize they’re actually quite similar, with both of them coming from wealthy family backgrounds who decide to work teaching in the public school system, and even being alumni of the same private school, Rutledge Academy.
Eli Williams. Jonathan’s best friend since they met in college, he’s later hired to teach at John Adams High too.
Audrey Andrews. (@oceangirl24’s OC, used with her permission) John Adams High’s school counselor, Jon and her knew each other back in high school, with Audrey being able to attend it thanks to a scholarship. She’s Tuner’s main love interest, and eventual wife as well as Shawn’s adoptive mother. Everytime Turner and Feeny disagree on something, she tends to be the one who manages to make them, if not agree, at least swallow their pride and find a middle ground.
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Ryan Gómez Arguello. John Adams High principal during the first seasons. An incompetent buffoon who got the job over Feeny, he loses it thanks to a combination of his own incompetence finally catching up to him and Coach Sylvester’s scheming, this last one pretty ironic taking into account he was the last remaining person working at the school who liked her. After this Feeny becomes the new principal.
Ava Allemand. The school’s new academic coordinator, of whom Feeny isn’t exactly fond of initially, because of her evident lack of credentials for the job and overall unfamiliarity with what a school curricula even is in the first place. Feeny finds out later that the reason she got the job was because she blackmailed the superintendent, but because by that point Ava has shown a willingness to improve in both her job and as a person, Feeny helps her to keep the job when she can’t no longer blackmail the superintendent. After Sally Sylvester gets fired, she becomes the new cheerleading coach. She also calls herself the school’s PR assistant, despite the fact that anyone tells her such a thing doesn’t exist.
Stuart Schuester. John Adams High’s theater club’s supervisor during the first seasons, until he gets fired by Feeny when he finds out he planted firecrackers and a lighter on Shawn’s locker to blackmail him into joining. During his time as supervisor it is made evident that he’s doing it mostly to relive his high school days, showing unfair favoritism towards certain members, while he blatantly ignores others. He’s unhappily married to the girlfriend he had back in high school, and he has a crush on Audrey, despite the fact that she has no interest in him whatsoever. After losing his teaching job he leaves his wife, moves to Los Angeles and sells a script with a very twisted and caricatured version of his story, in which he paints himself as a hero. 
Eric Sikowitz. An old friend of Feeny from college, he’s hired to be the new art teacher as well as supervise the audiovisuals + theater club’s activities after Mr. Schuester gets fired, mostly because of his experience as a professional actor and a stage director, and because, as manager of his own theater company, Feeny hopes the club would have access to better materials. He also moves in next door to Emilia, and despite his odd and eccentric personality, he becomes a mentor figure for her in a similar way to how Feeny is for Cory and Eric, being able to give her pretty good life advice.
Sally Sylvester. The cheerleaders coach, disliked by almost all of the faculty and staff, Feeny and Turner included, except a few, Principal Gómez Arguello among them, not only because of her tendency to act mean and haughty towards her coworkers as if she was still in high school, but also because she enables and encourages bullying and toxic behavior among the student body, even bullying some of the students herself. She’s also Cassie’s aunt. She gets fired after Feeny, with Emilia’s help, proves she planted evidence on his office so he’d get fired and she could become the principal. After this she gets hired at Sherman Edwards High as the new cheerleading coach.
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Barbara Bouvier. Alongside Melissa, one of the oldest teachers at John Adams High after Feeny, who she actually met back in college. Outside the school she’s good friends with Robbie’s grandmother, being the one who convinced her to send her grandson there instead. Like Ethan, she also comes from Missouri.
Melissa Fontana. Alongside Barbara, one of the oldest teachers at John Adams High after Feeny. She’s also the school librarian, and because of the school’s scarce budget in regards to books, she has to be very picky with which books make it into the library. Because of this, she never purchases a book until she has read it and judged it to be good enough for the students to read. As a way to let her opinions and recommendations about books out, she decides to open a blog to post reviews, which has led her to deal with rabid fan bases whenever she posts a negative or unfavorable review to a popular book. To earn some extra money to purchase those books that the school can’t afford with the school budget alone, she moonlights as a translator of foreign children’s literature. She has also had to deal with the PTA regularly every time they try to ban a book from the school library.
Duncan Sorrell. A Chemistry teacher, who has been working on John Adams High for almost as long as Mrs. Bouvier and Ms. Fontana, but unlike them, he has lost all passion, faith or hope on his job, acting extremely apathetic towards both the school and his students, ‘til the point that him not caring about his job at all to extreme levels is a recurring gag. The other teachers treat him as a cautionary tale of what can happen if a teacher burns out.
Lizzie Norbury. Math teacher. She’s very self-conscious about how unpopular her subject is among students, so she always tries to find ways to make her students not only pass their tests, but also appreaciate math. Mrs. Griffith and her started working at John Adams High around the same time, so they are very close to each other.
Patty Griffith. Biology teacher. Mrs. Norbury and her started working at John Adams High around the same time, so they are very close to each other. She tends to clash with the PTA for wanting to teach about evolution, environmentalism or quality sex education.
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Janelle Brand. One of the youngest teachers working at John Adams High, she teaches English and Spanish. She has a very idealistic view on life, which tends to end up involving her in numerous shenanigans. In later seasons she becomes romantically involved with Audrey's friend Charlie.
Jake McFadden. Like Janelle, one of the youngest teachers working at John Adams High, he teaches both American and World History. With similar views on life, he tends to go on board with whatever plan Janelle comes up with. Being gay himself and noticing many parallels to how it was for him when he was in high school, he takes something of a mentor role for Kurt. He also supervises the chess club and the academic decathlon team.
Alice Yung. Alongside Jake and Janelle, one of the youngest teachers currently working at John Adams High, she teaches Philosophy and Social Studies. She tends to play the straight woman role whenever Janelle or Jake come up with new plans to improve the school, having a more skeptical and pessimistic outlook on life. Unlike them, when she was in high school she basically joined a clique of mean girls because she didn’t want to get bullied.
Kat Tompkins. A female teacher that Jonathan dates for a while in the early seasons. Things initially seem cool between the two of them, but once Shawn is allowed to stay at Mr. Turner’s apartment after Chet left, she’s less than pleased with having Shawn around, even acting hostile towards him, with her breaking up with Jon soon after, although she makes several attempts to take him back after Shawn goes back to live with Chet. She’s also extremely apathetic towards her job, serving as kind of Janelle’s antithesis.
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Val Ruiz. The new school nurse who comes to work at John Adams High, after the previous retired. She attended the same high school as Alice, but their respective cliques acted as if they disliked each other. Having Val now as a co-worker is one of the events that force Alice to reexamine her life choices when she was a teen.
Jeffrey Johnston. The school janitor. A man almost as old as Feeny, he has worked a wide variety of different jobs before being John Adams High’s janitor, which means that he has a lot of unexpected skills that come very handy to save the day several times.
Víktor Olesha. The coach of the school’s water polo team, whose members include Brandon. After Emilia’s adoptive father Patrick divorces his husband Jeremy, he’s one of the many boy toys who he takes to live with him. Initially Emilia tries to not get invested in him, knowing from experience that she won’t see him again once her father gets tired of him, but surprisingly he turns out to last longer than the rest, and he even turns out to be an actually more caring and healthier father figure than either Patrick or Jeremy ever were. Unfortunately, after Patrick leaves, he’s kicked out of the house by Jeremy. He tries to become Emilia’s legal guardian so she won’t end up on the street, but finds out that Patrick’s parents have already done that. In later seasons he dates Jim Yoshida, a teacher from another school.
Charlie Ndiaye. Audrey’s friend she met in college, at the start of the show they live together, which made Turner initially think they were a couple, but they’re actually just friends. He becomes John Adams High’s school counselor while his friend is on maternity leave. During his time there he develops romantic feelings for Janelle.
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usafphantom2 · 10 months
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IMAGES: USAF retires the last E-8C JSTARS aircraft
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 11/16/2021 - 21:37in Military
It's official: the E-8C JSTARS aircraft has finished flying to the U.S. Air Force. The last Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System (JSTARS) aircraft left Moody Air Base, Georgia, on November 15.
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The private ceremony at Robins Air Base was composed of former and current members of the JSTARS mission.
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More than 800 alumni of the 116ª Air Control Wing, 461ª Air Control Wing and the former 93ª Air Control Wing joined local elected authorities and civic leaders to celebrate the 21 years of excellence that the JSTARS Team operated the E-8C aircraft.
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"JSTARS has been an important part of this community and the lives of everyone present for more than two decades; everyone here has a history and JSTARS has been a big part of our history for a long time," said Colonel Christopher Dunlap, commander of 116ª ACW. "We miss you that we say goodbye to the JSTARS mission. However, because of the professionalism and commitment of our aviators, we have received new cutting-edge missions that will keep our organization at the forefront in the coming decades."
The aircraft model entered service by the USAF for the first time in 1991, and entered service while still under development, to assist in Operation Desert Storm. The JSTARS Team has been deployed every day for the last 21 years, performing more than 14,259 operational sorties, totaling 141,169 flight hours in support of all combatant commands around the world.
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JSTARS played a key role during the Global War on Terror and carried out missions over Eastern Europe in the period before and immediately after Russia's invasion of Ukraine in 2022.
“The role that E-8C JSTARS played for the joint community, our service and the local community has left a lasting mark on what success is like,” said Colonel Adam Shelton, commander of 461ª ACW. "Over a period of 21 years, the JSTARS team was on the air on combat flights equivalent to 16 years. The dedication of the former and current members of this joint team of the local community and industry laid the foundations as the transformation of Robins Air Base continues to advance."
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The last operational outing of the E-8 took place at Ramstein Air Base in Germany on September 21. The last of the 17 aircraft will depart from Robins Air Base for Kelly Field, Texas, where it will serve as a training aircraft for future aviators.
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Other JSTARS planes went to the "Boneyard" at Davis-Monthan Air Base, Arizona, but one remained in Georgia to become a static exhibition at the Aviation Museum.
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The aviators of the 116ª ACW and 461ª ACW have already started and will continue to work to establish four new missions at Robins Air Base.
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In place of his JSTARS unit, Robins is receiving a battle management control squad, an E-11A Battlefield Airborne Communication Node (BACN) squad, a Spectrum Warfare group and support units focused on the service's Advanced Battle Management System (ABMS). The first E-11 arrived at the base in April.
Tags: Military AviationE-8C JSTARSUSAF - United States Air Force / U.S. Air Force
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has work published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. Uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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hisnowbie2 · 1 year
♤ ♡ 𝕋𝕏𝕋 ◇ ♧
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misscammiedawn · 1 year
What is your favorite soothing song? The one where even without the lyrics just the melody and the memory would calm your soul down deep.
Actually, I have a really good answer for this:
Empty Streets by Late Night Alumni (and also Breathe by Telepopmusik) were grounding songs for me. I used to be really stressed out all of the time and when I broke I would just put on headphones and listen to either of these songs and find my way back in to my body. I once had this happen on a car ride and my former partner was mystified by the ritual because, in her words, "we handle stress in very different ways."
Story time!
I used to run a movie theater. Technically a remote market. I am still in touch with the two protégés I left behind to handle things after I left. I liked what I did. I was good at it.
But running a movie theatre is no joke. It's insanely hard work.
Every year I used to have Winter Holiday a week before the 25th because movie theatres December 23rd-Jan 6th is YOU MUST WORK time. It was snowing and my former partner and I were driving from the state we lived to where her parents lived, two states over. The weather was crappy. People were driving awful and she was needing me to provide a lot of grounding in discussing roleplay stuff and being engaged in conversation. I was on edge and couldn't really relax.
Then I got a call from my boss in Kansas.
There was a crappy James Franco comedy movie about North Korea called The Interview. N.K had declared that should this movie come out, as scheduled, on Christmas day then a theatre in the country would be attacked. That call was from the higher ups saying that our company were complying with the demands and taking down the movie and I had a list of instructions to pass on.
So I get to it and as I am working with catching up, texting info and calling my team I find out the next thing had happened. A CO2 tank ran out and all of the soda in the building was offline. A week before the Busy Season this isn't life ending, but it means I need to call our contacts in NuCO, my property manager and the team at the neighboring theatre, call my boss back to see if this is a closure worthy situation and then call my team back with information on the situation.
I sometimes tell people about this thing I have called "Utility Mode" (Tilly for short!) where I just drop all systems unimportant to Handling The Thing and I **DEAL WITH IT**. I was in that and it was spiking my former partner's anxiety while she was driving.
In retrospect I should have requested we pull over at the next stop.
Bit by bit I got things handled. I had the trailers for the offensive movie taken down and a plan to remove the marketing, refund presales and print out information for visitors at the theatre that day. I had a list of beverages which we could sell, vouchers out for those who wanted carbonated beverages, the truck on priority to be there within 2 hours and my facility guy to coordinate the beverage room and get the pipes flowing again because air bubbles would knock the system offline if we didn't flush them before the CO2 arrived.
I cannot say how long the process took but we were still in Michigan so less than 90 minutes.
Afterwards my former partner, severely rattled from seeing me in this mode which she did not see me in often (more sympathy in retrospect, given new Understandings in my life) tried to calm me down and I told her to focus on the road and let me Handle This. She was upset but complied.
I then listened to Empty Streets in its entirety with my eyes closed and just settled back into my body.
I have no idea why that song grounds me. It reminds me a lot of London. Especially in the time of life when I was living on my own and just liked to walk the West End at 1am. Something about that connection really just vibes.
I dunno.
Anyway, not quite the Answer you were expecting, but one that was nice for me to type out.
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