#always having to remember his cap recapture & retained salary on the books was a sad ghost story
brockachu · 2 years
Lu and the Sedins were meant to win a cup together. Fucks me off that they didn’t.
hey, anon, c'mere. we're gonna hug for a moment.
Me. Fucking. Too. my dude. like i think about it all the time now that the sedins are working officially in the org, and higgy got promoted in player development just last week, and jannik hansen has been making more and more appearances in VAN media, and i'm p sure hamhuis moved back to BC b/c he's done at least one interview w/ VAN media in the past year, and bieksa's all over sportsnet sometimes even on canucks broadcasts. it's like. lu was done dirty by the org and by many many fans, by so much of the media, by the city basically. i would Never want him to feel obligated to come back to that.
but he did come back for hank & danny's jersey retirement. so a part of me hopes the bridge isn't fully burned. i hope he'd want to come back to VAN. i hope he'd want to join the org and be there when the c*p is finally Finally brought to the lower mainland. i'd hope we'd get to see that executive suite and it's filled with these hearts of that 2011 team.
the sedins & lu lifting a c*p together, even as hockey execs, i think that'd finally be some damn cosmic justice. i think i'd sob harder than watching bowie or boes lift it, and well i've only spent the past 6 years waxing poetic about boes and 8 years about bo. but of course, i cried about lu & the sedins first. it's been a long fucking decade.
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