hyperions-angel · 5 years
“So you’re the other siren I’ve heard a lot about...”
“Yes that would be me! It’s nice to finally meet the Tiger of Partali! Please have a seat,” she asked while gesturing to a couch in front of her. “I have so many questions to ask you!”
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nanitesorsomeshite · 5 years
character stats !
(bold all that applies. italicize leaning. strike former )
$   financial.  // wealthy / moderate  / poor /  in poverty ✚  medical.  // fit /  moderate  /  unfit  /  sickly /  disadvantaged  / disabled  /  not applicable ✪  class.  //  upper /  middle-working /  poor  /  slave  /  unsure (Zane basically is his own class) ✔  education.  //  qualified /  unqualified /  studying /  other  /  none ✖  criminal record.  // yes, for major crimes  / yes, for minor crimes /  no  / has committed crimes, but has not been caught yet
◒  children.  // has one or more children / has no children*  /  wants children / verse dependent (* that he is aware of) ◑  relationship with family.  // close with sibling(s) /  not close with sibling(s)  / has no sibling(s) / siblings are deceased ◔  affiliation.  //   orphaned  /  adopted  / disowned / raised by birth parents  /  not applicable
♦  extrovert  //  introvert  // in between ♦  disorganized //  organized // in between ♦  close-minded  //  open-minded // in between ♦  calm // anxious // in between ♦  disagreeable //  agreeable  // in between ♦  cautious // reckless // in between   ♦  patient  // impatient  // in between ♦  outspoken //  reserved   //  in between ♦  leader // follower  // in between ♦  empathic  //  indifferent  // in between ♦  optimistic //  pessimistic  // in between ♦  traditional  // modern  // in between ♦  hardworking  //  lazy  // in between ♦  cultured  //  uncultured  // in between ♦  loyal //  disloyal  // in between ♦  faithful // unfaithful  // in between
★  faith.  //  monotheist  / polytheist  / atheist / agnostic / it’s complicated / N / A ☆ belief in ghosts or spirits.  // yes / no / don’t know / don’t care ✮  belief in an afterlife.  //  yes / no / don’t know / don’t care ✯ belief in reincarnation.  //  yes  / no  / don’t know / don’t care ❃  belief in aliens.  // yes  / no / don’t know /  don’t care ❀  philosophical.  //  yes  / no / sometimes
sexuality.  /  heterosexual  /  homosexual  / bisexual /  asexual  / pansexual /  demisexual  /  questioning ❥  sex.  //  sex repulsed  / sex neutral / sex favorable ♥ romance.  //  romance repulsed / romance neutral / romance favorable ❣  sexually.  // adventurous / experienced  / naive / inexperienced  / curious  / inhibited ⚧  potential sexual partners.  //  male /  female /  other  /  none  / all ⚧  potential romantic partners.  // male / female /  other  /  none  / all
☠  combat skills.  // excellent / good  /  moderate  /  poor  / none ≡ literacy skills.  // excellent / good /  moderate /  poor  /  none ✍  artistic skills.  //  excellent / good /  moderate  / poor /  none ✂  technical skills.  // excellent / good /  moderate  /  poor  /  none
drinking alcohol.  // never / sometimes / frequently /  to excess smoking.  //  never /  sometimes /  frequently  / to excess ✿ other narcotics.  //  never  /  sometimes /  frequently  /  to excess medicinal drugs.  //  never / sometimes  /  frequently  / to excess ☻ indulgent in food.  //  never  /  sometimes /  frequently  /  to excess $  splurge spending.  // never /  sometimes  /  frequently  /   to excess ♣  gambling.  // never /  sometimes /  frequently  /  to excess
tagged by: @numericalassassin tagging: @m0rb1dch1ld @moneylovingbartender @wickedlyrottentothecore @buddhaarmed @emergentai @eternal-screaming-void @itsagoodtouch @bigbluecyes @hyperions-angel @thehandsomeasshole @hyperioncompanyman @redjaybird @mechromancing @mechromcncer @alwayslookingx @bluetattoos @theonlyherc @betterhealing @blightbubbles @skagrider @littlestlabrat @littlesirenkiddo @ondryground @botjok @slagged-psycho
bloody hell, I could keep going on and on.  if ya wanna have a crack at it, go right ahead!
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