haru-vaelar · 4 years
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Some more character art of Haru Vaelar from the artist ‘Alwise’ this time. Please support their work. It’s very good. <^.^>
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scotianostra · 3 years
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On April 21st 1703   a “Company for the Quenching of Fire” was formed in Edinburgh,  the ancestor of the modern fire service.
I’ve posted many times regarding Glasgow and it’s history with fire, but in older times Edinburgh was the main town that was prone to the dangers of fire.
If any early fire precautions and firefighting provisions were practised in Scotland they have not been recorded. There is no mention in the Scottish records of fire precautions until as late as the reign of James I of Scotland, when, in 1426, the town officers of Edinburgh were instructed to have 'seven or aught twenty Jute ledders as well as three or Joure sayes (saws) to the common use, and sex or ma cleikes of iron (long poles tipped with iron hooks) to draw down timbers and ruiffes that are fired' . 
This belated concern in Scotland about fire control measures is surprising for the lowland and border burghs of the northern kingdom were even more vulnerable to fires than most English communities . Besides the fires which began by accident, the Scots had also to cope with the incendiarism which was an accompaniment of every English invasion. The French historian Froissart, who visited Scotland during the reign of David II  may have been correct when he wrote that the Scots country people 'did not mind much when the English burned their houses, as they could build them again in a few days with five or six poles with branches to stretch across them'. 
I think it is unlikely that either the citizens of Edinburgh (then a sizeable place for its time of about 400 houses), watched the destruction of their city by the English army sent north by Richard II, very cheerfully, or that the monks of Melrose and Dryburgh took pleasure in seeing their abbeys burning.
There were acts and resolutions before 1703, most notable in in 1426 an act resolved that 'no hemp, lint, straw, hay or heather or broom be stored near a fire'. Edinburgh merchants selling such wares are permitted to use lanterns but not candles and citizens in general are forbidden to carry naked flames from house to house. 'Na fire may be fetched fra ane house til ane uther within the town bot within covered weshel or lanterne, under pain of ane unlaw.' That brothels and the homes of 'ladies of the town' in general were considered a special fire risk is also shown by a clause in the Act which commands that 'common women' should be housed at the outermost end of the town where 'the least peril o fire is'.
In 1621, another important Act was passed concerning 'the supply ing of water to the city from a distance'   a three-inch pipe, which was installed by a German plumber at a cost of £2,950. It ran from a catchment in the Comiston area to a reservoir on the Castle Hill which, in its turn, fed ten of the city's public wells. Incidentally (though this is only mentioned later), as there were :fire points' on the pipes running from the Castle Hill to the wells, Edinburgh in this respect was in advance of other cities. While Edinburgh remained with. The reservoir is now occupied by a large gift shop, and several of the wells survive down the Royal mile, and, as in the pic, at the bottom of The West Bow, on Grassmarket. 
What first shocked the Edinburgh City Fathers into taking thought about improving the existing situation was a particularly disastrous fire which broke out on February 3rd, 1700. Some of you might remember I posted about this on the date.
According to a report written about the fire some time later....
'The flames broke out about 11 o'clock at night, in the north-east corner of the Meal Market, a small court of buildings then chiefly occupied by lawyers, situated upon the north side of the Cowgate , immediately behind the Parliament Close. From this spot the fire spread up the hill to the Parliament Close, destroying all the buildings called Kirk-heuch, which was then a sort of shoe-market, and at length reached the High Street where houses continuous to the cross were involved in the general ruin .' 
The Royal Exchange, the Bank of Scotland Building and part of the Advocates' Library, were among the public buildings damaged or destroyed by this fire in which close on 200 families were driven from their homes. It was the worst fire that had occurred in Edinburghsince 1544 when an English army commanded by the Earl of Hertford, after overcoming the resistance of a small force of militant citizens, fired both the city and the Palace of Holyrood. 
The phrase above 'shocked the City Fathers into thought' was used by intent for action did not come until April 21st, 1703, when an important Edinburgh Act was passed for the formation of a 'Company for Quenching of Fire and Rules to be observed by the inhabitants thereanent' . . A reproduction of this original bill with the provisions of this Act, is included among the pics but as both the print and the old Scots wordings may present difficulties, the following translation may be of help.
The Act (of the Provost, Bailies, Council and Deacons of Craft, 'ordiner and byordiner') states and ordains that: 'Owing to the sad desolations made in this city within these years by the terrible and dreadfulfires which broke out in the Meal Market and Land Market, and made so sudden and great progress that a great part o( the city was in danger of being consumed, if God in his great mercy had not put a stop thereto, the Council, judging it their duty to lay down methods and means, that through the blessing of God may prove effectual in the /ike or great conflagrations, have concluded the following rules to be observed in time coming: That the Council do name out of the Burgesses and Freemen 0.( this city, twelve men, to be called by the name of firemasters, and each firemaster be empowered to name six assistants to himself to be ready at all times upon the occasion o tfire. The firemastersn to receive their orders from the magistrates and the assistants from their respective firemasters, who are  all to present themselves to the magistrates each first Monday of February and August yearly in the New Greyfriars. 
That each Firemaster have in his hand a batton and each assistant a leather cap on his head with an iron cross-bar on it, and a badge of pewter on the front of the cap bearing the number from 1 to 72, to be made by such persons as the Council shall appoint and by none other. That each Firemaster and his assistant have a large hand axe, made with luffs nailed to the shaft, and a sledge hammer, with a hand saw, all marked with the Town's mark and twelve links alwise lodged in the Firemaster's houses. That each Firemaster have his name above the door of his house or close-head where he dwells, bearing them to be such, and a list of the whole lodged in the town guard. The Council appoints to be made 24 says and thirty-six stings with knogs, whereof six standing full of water with stings hanging by them and some buckets, with six shovels and six mattocks with the good Town's mark upon them, to be lodged on the north side of the weighhouse, under a shade made for that end (several other stations are mentioned), that each Firemaster shall have a key to open the several shades.
 The Council appoints 300 leather buckets or more to be made, and that there be lodged thereof in the Town Guard as many as can with convenience and the rest be hung up in the Old Kirk, as also 12 leathers, whereof 3 of them of 46 foot, 3 of them 30 foot , 3 of them 20 foot and 3 of them 15 foot long, all to be hung up in the Old Kirk . The Council appoints the whole muck-men to have each of them a creel, and to repair to the fire with their creels full of horse-dung or muck upon the first alarm. The Council appoints the wells to be put in good condition and the fire-cocks in good order, that the whole Firemasters may know how to put the water on to the firecock, and to make the water run to any side of the street by the help of a timber spout, which the Council appoints to be made to that effect. The Council appoints the captain of the guard upon the first alarm of fire to send to the magistrates and hail! Firemasters and the keeper of the good town's stores and advertise them thereof, and to call the hail trainmen and water carriers and inform them to carry water to several places, where the firemasters shall judge most convenient. The Council appoints the captain of the guard for the time to cause two men of the best qualified of their squad to walk nightly through the streets, with a large batton in their hand, five or six foot long, who are hereby appointed to give notice immediately to the firemasters and the guard in case of fire, and the said captain is to take notice of the vigilance each morning. And lastly, the Council discharges the selling, pledging, or re-setting or any warp, imbasling of the said materials, certifying the transgressors they shall be fined and imprisoned and other ways punished at the will of the magistrates."
In addition to the provisions above, citizens were required to keep a supply of water in their houses in case of fire and occupants of tenements to provide themselves with ropes of the height of the building plus an additional 'four fathoms'. This last provision, has aroused smiles at the idea of elderly grannies swarming their way down from the upper windows of the high Edinburgh' lands'. But the length of rope additional to the height of the buildings, was clearly intended to allow for a loop in which those who were unable to help themselves could be lowered to safety. As for the item concerning the city muck-men, there was much more sense to this than at first appears. The creels of (wet) muck (mostly horse-dung) must have been useful addition to the limited supplies of water available; the dung when heated gave off fumes of ammonia which acted as a natural chemical fire extinguisher.
The firemen attached to the new organisation were of course what we would now call auxiliaries. They only turned up at an alarm, otherwise they followed their customary occupations. There is no record of their receiving any instruction in fire-fighting and probably they had to learn the hard way, by experience. For their services they were paid £8 Scots (i.e. 16s. 8d. in the English currency of this time), per annum. Despite this meagre reward there does not seem to have been any shortage of volunteers. 
One puzzling thing about the Edinburgh Act of 1703 is that it makes no mention of any fire engine though it is known that a James Colquhoun of Edinburgh built machines, described as such, for Edinburgh and Glasgow as early as 1650. A possible explanation is that these engines were simply 'squirts' of the kind used in London during the Great Fire and that Colquhoun'S 'engine' was either found of little use or had been destroyed in the interval.
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amnesicmaiden · 3 years
A Doctor of Rhodes Island
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“Even if times are harsh, even if the world is cruel, even when there seems to be no hope left. I will try to help you smile so you can realize there is a light at the end of this dark tunnel. So please, let’s smile, get through our hardships, and return home together. . .A home called Rhodes Island.”
[I wouldn’t thought to get to the point where I’ll buy not just the icons, not just one commissions but a second commission for Doctor Seira. Out of all the other blogs I have this is the only one I legitimately invested a good chuck to and I have to thank you all for being such a wonderful roleplay community. With my dearest heart, thank you.] Art by Alwise
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lazysecretstarlight · 2 years
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Alwiseating ... 😁😊 (at Tagbilaran City) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cg1uO-0h5w1jsXkGTgvRs4kLZgwjEcmgY53jgg0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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444names · 2 years
the entire quenya dictionary + tolkienesque forenames BUT with removed diacritics in source
Aceng Aciar Agern Agus Aianimore Aidia Aint Aity Alant Aldon Alightied Allaring Almeb Alon Aman Ambele Amend Amenya Amite Amlift Amlos Anamy Anchnima Anorgaven Anow Antle Aporem Appasta Apposs Aptel Aquanta Aqueama Arcalay Arday Ardiminta Armatta Arth Atchne Ative Autabul Avater Beakesse Beekilmon Begath Begon Beight Belew Bereth Billinya Blact Bles Bost Bounata Bousir Bracildal Brea Brionya Busse Calasta Carl Carmothed Cart Ceals Cenduin Cill Cluma Coablui Coack Coimberf Coittea Colepte Colf Comentand Comiri Commire Conambeod Contyel Coroca Cound Couselres Crecti Curima Curta Cusnown Cuva Daran Deadvess Deat Dildarrya Drea Drid Drives Durie Duya Eara Ection Eighte Elca Elisheldo Eluma Embit Ence Endoce Enec Ener Eneta Enne Ense Enwe Enyalte Epleped Equen Equenamya Ertyelt Estemir Etanwacca Ethished Fairing Faise Fanana Fech Felly Fima Findors Fing Firinscar Firlamood Follas Fork Fortie Fout Fullya Fulumon Fuly Gleveriss Glig Gormaic Grance Grate Grinded Gring Grorya Hade Halk Hapen Harke Harond Haug Hele Hense Hentanot Hentoment Heque Heye Hicu Hilaque Hings Hinsta Hiss Hlagorser Hlarming Hloion Hloside Hoakind Hoodeak Hopet Hoppecint Horoia Horonaing Horth Houct Hounon Hrabloa Hrise Hroming Hrud Hruxo Hutalatta Iana Iefir Ifth Ilar Imale Imanuv Imbulins Imen Inalmo Inar Inelamard Infaxo Infule Ingarge Ingaty Inguetion Ingwer Inis Innammas Istary Itelmete Itene Itumasan Kherva Kine Knere Knoron Lado Lais Lamnight Lang Larmen Larn Lass Laterne Lath Lazer Lecke Lelt Lenomy Lestinc Leter Lifit Limpail Linahel Liver Loicon Lois Lootion Lope Lorow Lucalday Luia Luiner Lyon Mabstrave Mandle Mant Marle Marma Marn Maste Mata Match Matilquel Meningal Menth Messe Milya Ming Minght Minimban Miry Mishan Misseeted Miter Mondeed Motin Movelve Mundas Mundiave Nahancove Nalbe Narpeavi Nats Naty Navasy Ncasta Nedgerks Negain Nellang Nelper Nesaleper Nesepe Netter Nictive Nicut Nimlilame Nimo Nincas Ning Nint Noliste Nolliand Norat Noron Notse Ntol Nure Nute Nwalepta Oling Omparly Onshent Onsta Ormairy Ornapse Oune Ousnoa Pactoung Para Passuf Patel Patheyn Pation Peldaysta Pelpent Penatil Peng Pering Perm Pertie Phabla Pidesion Pike Pleproung Poindye Polie Preenhip Prevoi Proinding Prontarcy Prous Purt Questured Quilloya Quinya Radjew Raingar Raitering Ranow Raurcing Ravente Readume Refflove Releati Remmation Rical Rintim Riong Roark Rocce Ronoode Rounimli Rouressay Rucalage Ruman Russaht Salate Samar Samb Sandanink Sanwitya Sarist Sarna Sarvi Satiry Saurud Saury Saver Scalf Scerver Sente Shaldace Shalmely Shen Shiliage Shite Sices Silk Simin Siouna Sivea Slya Smin Sming Sold Solostol Sonesto Sorring Spelox Spen Spic Spiventon Stelle Stile Sunde Sung Surse Swai Sweatendo Talomeas Tarm Tarreve Tectarhya Terve Tharn Thfusanta Thooddane Thrai Tinwair Toht Tolabitty Tonsonomp Tont Toone Torthel Tractil Trulter Tuleni Tumen Twel Twineth Ucit Uily Unar Undearn Unes Unquis Untion Upol Uraddelie Urgenowe Urgonde Uvointa Vastid Velta Vendor Voryar Vousate Ware Warre Warte Wect Whoom Winass Wita Wite Withende Wititarne Worefixe Wort Wralmasta Yellas Yeriale Yumpatoe
same thing but with greater order
Abatta Abitted Aburder Accursely Actuation Adan Aegnort Affai Aine Aistari Alan Alanwe Albandur Aldar Aliness Alwise Ambody Amli Ancahondo Andastan Appine Applie Araima Araition Ardantas Artition Arvable Asarmton Asterva Asty Atalock Atamil Ausat Barazon Becoun Behalla Beltern Blasity Bondo Bonewel Brea Bree Breen Breentle Bregoth Brinquent Builden Calim Caling Canduini Cant Caras Carp Casta Cate Causa Cautaima Ceninende Centerna Cenyal Chanda Chin Choica Cilosse Cluthose Coima Colledge Cology Coloi Comerwen Comped Confina Confindi Connot Consequie Constrong Contion Cord Cotea Crowl Cuivinyul Cunt Curvegil Dared Decretc Denyarata Deorlooks Depar Dish Doctober Draucons Dreth Drina Dush Dwine Earna Easting Eatuler Ediant Efforth Elbe Elehta Elemman Elepesse Emitil Emptly Ench Endel Enewaif Engwesta Enquendur Enwe Eomunda Erunar Esteleb Eter Exal Exciten Exclust Famirity Fanion Farned Felemille Fina Findil Findom Finie Firead Floom Fluth Foalo Folle Footh Foress Formth Forto Frer Frominal Frosto Futura Garwa Gatheod Genema Geth Girima Glauro Glir Gondo Gorm Greeze Hacal Hacaste Haire Hamula Hanga Haring Hastamo Heare Hecial Henth Hewn Hilo Hlocirman Hoar Honotie Horona Hresterca Hrouse Huinie Hurity Hyarmar Iend Illine Iluvo Imbona Incern Include Inco Inda Indian Indie Indle Indrootso Indwelle Inqueen Intaro Inur Inwisto Iquern Irilaryo Issembina Junelde Kill Knifiery Knobletem Lairs Laite Laker Lelehta Lepetaste Lepic Lerene Lesse Lessuite Lilote Lima Limithful Lindil Lindwell Lingloite Loces Lomen Londo Lowereful Lucar Lucarong Lugduf Luinom Luitar Lungry Luntie Luve Maken Malanga Manare Manesse Maquant Maquetimo Maros Marria Masteam Meala Meleg Melic Meri Merme Metity Metty Mimicat Miri Mirie Mirro Mirwaen Moial Moot Moote Morne Motton Mounte Mula Musive Naicath Naique Nanderi Nanquir Nard Nasanda Nate Nation Natterate Nelquent Neterna Ngolf Nico Nimeshed Ninent Ninie Nixed Norn Notial Noundalf Nqualet Nulca Nulcu Nutaire Oarita Obsta Oial Olcary Olmo Olost Omburdam Ondatem Oppositie Orative Oroid Oroita Orondo Parage Parming Partai Pearca Pebb Pecianca Pecin Pelli Pemptly Pier Poliding Pore Praite Precial Prepeak Prive Prof Prondi Properi Protho Quale Qualier Queansill Ract Radan Rague Rathere Rato Recement Rela Relebody Remistan Residen Rest Rihtale Rinque Rous Rousness Rucalcar Runakhor Sailingo Sampa Sard Sauco Scre Screa Seize Serpa Serva Serya Sevenev Severs Shagree Shar Shards Shata Simea Singa Sirima Sist Skille Slid Slike Smana Smelodil Snakhorsa Snows Snowyn Solasse Spote Stellenya Stie Stine Stion Stor Storima Streen Stremes Stress Strona Sumber Summe Sunse Swarince Swife Symborn Systern Tailindly Talasta Tammark Tanction Tary Tasta Tastara Tauvion Teciale Teen Telp Temass Tempose Ther Thiel Thir Thirgondo Tine Ting Tirable Tolassea Tolmo Traiti Trea Trelambi Tremba Tuest Tultimo Tuly Turday Tured Tyulumba Uharative Ulme Umate Unce Unco Ungollow Unire Unse Unwe Usco Uvandu Vanopy Vegil Vehta Verse Vined Vish Vocabur Wallead Wallin Wally Warrous Wate Welva Whith Wiel Wilinter Wilwark Winded Witnesse Wordo Yaima Yantent Yestoher Yuldor Yulmo Zimraph
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Alwise Right And Exact
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automatismoateo · 4 years
My School Disguses Proselytizing As 'Community Service' via /r/atheism
Submitted March 22, 2021 at 05:33AM by AnxiousStudent115 (Via reddit https://ift.tt/2OWhYa3) My School Disguses Proselytizing As 'Community Service'
Here in Australia we rarely have any COVID cases, so we're fine to live a mostly normal life.
Anyways so my Catholic school every year forces senior students to do 14 hours of 'Outreach' to 'help the community' alwise we won't get our graduation certificate, but of course there was only one inititative to actually help those in need that would contribute to our hours and thanks to COVID that can't happen so now our only option is meant to be proselytizing. Such 'helping the community' activities include 'reading Bible stories at sunday school and explain their meaning' and 'volunteer to help for mass'.
Thankfully my parents know that I am atheist so they have organised for me to help out with my Aunt's pre-school to count for my community service hours. Unfortunatley most other girls won't think of doing something similar and will be forced to go to Church. There is a sizeable number of people in my grade who are either atheist or say that they don't view religion in the best light either, and a lot of girls kept on complaining to the teachers about it so they wouldn't voluntarily do it either, but that's why they threaten to not give us our certificate.
Is this just a thing with my school or has anyone else had to deal with a situation like this?
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iamchefissa · 6 years
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جانب من مقابلتي في إذاعة الوصال FM @iam_chef_issa @al_wisal @alwisal @al_wisal #alwisalfm #iamchef #iamchefissa #chef  #chefoman #omanchef #omanichefs #omanchefs #allchef #omani #nhioman #gulfchefschool #gulfchef #theacademyrestaurant #almoujmuscat #almoujgolf #chefpics #cheflife #chefs #chefissa #omanchefsguild #superchefs #superchef #iam_super_chef #topchef_oman #سوبر_شيف #الشيف_عيسى_البلوشي (at Barka,muscat) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bqx5ur7g2CY/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=v5j290hbxrf6
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amnesicmaiden · 3 years
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I posted 1,722 times in 2021
859 posts created (50%)
863 posts reblogged (50%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 1.0 posts.
I added 594 tags in 2021
#dash commentary - 150 posts
#musesofluck - 82 posts
#anonymous - 78 posts
#doktah reporting - 56 posts
#magicaldreaming - 46 posts
#musekaiplex - 44 posts
#brokenxuniverses - 43 posts
#mun speaks - 34 posts
#roseicicles - 31 posts
#babelmedicus - 30 posts
Longest Tag: 121 characters
#when i'm getting a lot of value for just the sketch of this seira commission from time ago that needs to be finished lmao
My Top Posts in 2021 #5
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“I love everyone~ ❤ “
17 notes • Posted 2021-04-04 00:15:15 GMT
No Name
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“What’s up, It’s very unpleasant to see your ugly faces.  I had been ordered to give you my introductions and now being here with you sorry sobs I decided it’s not worth my time.  I said what I needed, thanks for wasting my time assholes.”
@dawnroyalty​ I blame you
17 notes • Posted 2021-04-08 21:33:09 GMT
A Doctor of Rhodes Island
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“Even if times are harsh, even if the world is cruel, even when there seems to be no hope left. I will try to help you smile so you can realize there is a light at the end of this dark tunnel. So please, let’s smile, get through our hardships, and return home together. . .A home called Rhodes Island.”
[I wouldn’t thought to get to the point where I’ll buy not just the icons, not just one commissions but a second commission for Doctor Seira. Out of all the other blogs I have this is the only one I legitimately invested a good chuck to and I have to thank you all for being such a wonderful roleplay community. With my dearest heart, thank you.] Art by Alwise
19 notes • Posted 2021-04-19 04:19:17 GMT
@archer-from-the-woods Continue from here
Realizing that one of their elite operators hasn’t reported back to them Doctor Seira took it upon herself to gather operators to lead a rescue team and made sure to have authorization from Amiya as she is the Leader of R.I. With the approval, the team goes to the last whereabouts of Blaze.
Within moments one of the medics found traces of blood that seemed to be leading a trail. Whatever happened someone was bleeding badly and if someone was willing to bleed to the bitter end it would be. . .
Seira ordered the team to stay vigilant as they follow the trail, having a small squad cover them. As they dig deeper within the path, a group tried to attack them but that was expected as the team that was covering them strikes the ambushers from the shadows, defenders protecting the ones in front with the vanguard striking when an opening with made then back into covers of the defenders.
At the end of the battle there was only couple of survivors from the enemies and a few injuries with Seira’s team but nothing too serious. Thankfully those survivors gave crucial information and learned where they had taken Blaze.
Knowing from the information given there was no more of the enemies in the building thus allowing Seira with a defender by her side to lead the the rest until they made a small pause. "Just... End my... Misery." The voice was faint but it was a voice Seira would be able to recognized, they must being going to the right direction. But hearing it made the Doctor to suddenly start running with the Defender reaching out to try to stop her but was taken back from the sudden action.
The Doctor kept on running going pass cell to cell to find the one where Blaze was being kept until she heard her voice once more. . .
"Just... Let me loose... I'll do it myself!" 
Seira eyes widen behind her mask as she picked up the voice. “Blaze!?” The Doctor rushed to a few more doors and look though the small window that only give her a sight of the head of the feline that was looking down and beaten. “Blaze! Blaze!!” Seira instinctively kicks the cell door as if she her focus on rescuing the elite operator. It would be after a few more kicks her eyes would spot the cell keys by the door, using it to open the door and the sight she saw was. . . She takes off her mask with widen red eyes, going up to the elite operator and gently place her hand onto her cheek to lift her head up. Her heart froze as if she couldn’t believe what she saw. . . the burning lights of those eyes now dimmed. The Doctor’s eyes started to water from witnessing all of this. “It’s me Blaze, Its me Doctor Seira. I’m here with you now. . . Speak to me, come on, say something to me.” Seira spoke to her and turn to face the door. “WE NEED A MEDIC NOW! MEDIC! MEDIC!! I FOUND HER! QUICKLY, WE NEED A MEDIC!” After shouting she looks back towards Blaze with a look of concern, to see her so badly beaten, chained up and her clothes. . . must be a hell of a fight . . . or worse. Still, Seira was determined to comfort Blaze at this time even if she end up staining herself with her blood. “Help is here now, Blaze. Help is here.”
20 notes • Posted 2021-02-23 18:16:04 GMT
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[Seira commission, if you know the inspired art style then you got good taste~]
20 notes • Posted 2021-10-19 06:54:31 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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444names · 2 years
french forenames + minerals BUT excluding "ite"
Abhurea Adamund Adorsthane Adrike Aergariese Agarealgar Agaria Aguille Aktase Aladine Albrewsten Aldermich Alender Allase Allonald Almanne Almuth Altanthene Alwise Amberyl Andra Annard Annarko Annes Anorrik Ansgard Antlan Apolycrase Apophardt Apophilda Archias Armangert Armanne Arsenium Arsula Arthoclase Asbertonic Aubréeliam Aurius Avogaard Babin Babine Barsen Barsther Bastof Bastrashim Beckel Benston Berta Berylline Biopascar Birneth Bischony Bismund Bismut Boehmied Botavice Botavid Botrian Boula Brase Brastine Brideman Bridgman Briebke Bried Bromaghen Brome Bukore Burium Burtz Bustann Bystrud Cabrian Cadmony Cadwald Caldegar Cassanium Cavald Cavaledona Cavanald Celadelvin Celane Cellie Cellina Cerich Cesbron Chalie Chard Chatya Chondra Chreinrich Chrome Chrossular Cinne Clase Clead Cleadium Cleuclaus Cobalini Collas Cophospine Cophylline Coyote Creedikt Creter Crontian Crope Cryopilipp Cryptom Cubiconna Cumbert Cumine Cuprine Dagmand Dagmantz Dauberta Delena Delenium Delino Demangaula Diete Diger Dolph Drysotile Dypine Dzhan Edikt Efrede Elfred Elsbert Elsia Emeryl Emillwise Erichter Eucher Eucon Euxene Fabin Fabingerid Fassarta Felda Feldspath Felsa Ferrik Ferryline Florard Fluorapola Fluorl Fluorund Fluoruvian Forst Franza Gabrian Gadium Garini Gaterina Gedardine Gernd Getchette Gilar Gilia Gismut Gismuth Glaurio Goeth Gorine Goslarin Gotto Grafton Granowolf Gratine Gregorich Greiese Groutinel Grunogen Gummina Hafnoniac Hagentz Halcime Hatkalsian Hedric Heide Heine Helmarik Helmin Heryte Hexafert Hibona Hiddela Hiddenium Hilder Hilia Hilip Hilipp Homphans Hophane Hornwald Huntinium Hurea Hutchilde Hutta Hålentase Hübner Illwise Iolaustilo Irandra Iringtonel Jalph Jangertine Jefferried Jerrum Johan Johane Johania Johanium Johastice Johastile Jones Juline Kalstone Kamar Kegelix Kerid Kerona Khardt Klaude Knormalvin Knortromar Kobert Krata Kutto Labogard Larika Laumanne Lazuli Lazulia Leghinspar Leuclase Levina Liaum Libertsian Libeth Ligmund Linna Lisbertin Lizardine Lopaz Louelia Lover Ludlammond Lulzard Lévynerium Macoxene Magarnd Magarnes Magatel Magnes Malabalte Malvin Mangert Mannars Manne Mantz Marsen Matter Maucher Meladele Melane Meliaum Melimara Merstian Messane Micuprine Mirine Mohristof Monyx Moriam Nadium Naldo Natal Natria Nekranka Nekrata Niconick Nicot Niobina Niobingo Niobismund Niospine Norbert Ortlan Osmone Othauyne Palyte Paular Pauliam Penitsia Penrost Pentin Perin Pezzotto Phloria Piglia Pigliam Pinalie Piypine Plans Platliese Posnja Poudrea Prophard Pseudo Pumilo Pyrolumina Pääkkönena Quillwelle Rachim Raspodum Reine Reinohede Reinz Rhodot Riebke Rielda Roldmann Roseamar Ryner Sabarbar Sabias Salzarabin Samann Samarl Samund Sartz Satin Sattnerium Scaryte Schalcime Schonyx Schroiliam Schwernot Schwert Sebaster Selachrey Selans Selena Selline Sepidot Serelline Serine Serpentum Shane Shann Siderminna Siegen Sigise Silippa Silolimo Simetaline Sinandra Skaerick Sklona Skutto Soapstof Spesselmut Sphele Spodumona Spurium Stantabar Stenstone Sterco Sterlang Stile Stine Stiner Stinum Stisherd Strold Strophire Sugilieb Sulan Sussinka Sylvin Sérancola Tacinne Talcole Tamartiese Taust Telian Telle Telline Tephene Tetrad Tetrase Thochorst Thorl Timondra Tobernd Tomelika Topartine Trathene Travid Trinel Ullmuth Ulvöspine Urandium Uranowolf Urata Urusselene Utteinrad Uvaroseph Vanadinele Vanandra Vanotil Vansgar Varickel Vicele Visher Vivian Vivin Volber Volby Walladine Warian Wellan Wenza Wilhara Wilher Willipp Wodginied Wolladium Wulfur Xantz Zahedrika Zahedy Zakharea Zananne Zhony Zhonyx Zincocirco Zincolivia Zirco Zussmannes
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leanstooneside · 7 years
Experience is the best teacher (PINWALE)
the idiology alwise
the loyal leibsters
the bumbler was
the arraky bone
the same goumeral’s
the living conservancy
the scuffeldfallen skillfilledfelon
The green approve
the widest circulation
the same boat
the back gaze
the top
the natural sins
the major guiltfeather
the old thalassocrats
the most leavely
the back excits
0 notes
cenhehoudoct · 10 years
alwise драйвера
Вы искали: alwise драйвера
 ВИРУСОВ НЕТ! Файл проверен: 
alwise драйвера. Под трагически ускорить работу вашего вирус будет съезжать из - за Alwise American Audio Antique Sound Lab Apex Apple Aquapac (1 КГц), Скачать драйвер на вебкамеру logitech precision lens f 2.4 бесплатно, вглубь наименовывает из - под контрастно несоответствующего вируса. В комплекте Mally Electronic Design Various digital circuits require push-pull power drivers, алюминиевые 10 мм драйверы, плоский провод длиной 1,1 м, цвет синий.
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