#alyseris kage
amihyperfixatingagain · 8 months
A love confession
“I threw that fight… with the halfling.” I blurt it out without thinking. Her face says she was lost in her own thoughts before I interrupted. 
“The halfling,” I poke the fire with my stick, trying to decide how to continue, “I could’ve beat him without even breaking a sweat. A couple good punches, and he would’ve been out. It was supposed to be short and sweet. Something to keep the people entertained between the bigger fights that night. Everyone put their money on me to win, but I fucked it up.”
The firelight dances across her face as she sits there staring at me. She’s focused. I continue. 
“It was just one of those days. I couldn’t stop thinking about my sister, and I got stuck in my brain. I purposefully missed punches. I left my flanks open and took blows I should’ve easily dodged. It’s not like he hit hard, but he was fast. I think he knew he would lose, and that’s why he brought those claws. Anything to give himself even the slimmest chance.” I pause, holding the memory behind my eyes and reliving the burn of the claws raking up my face. “These scars remind me daily of my failures. How I couldn’t save my sister. I wanted to feel something so bad; I just had to go and make it permanent.” a nervous chuckle escapes, trying to mask the anxiety in my stomach. “But I’d much rather have these scars than lose someone I love again.” 
“Why are you telling me this?” Her words were soft, full of gentle curiosity. 
“I would take all the scars in the world to keep you. Any slice. Any stab. Any tear of my flesh, I would take it tenfold for you. To keep you safe. To keep you alive. To love you.”
After debating posting this for a hot minute and with the kind encouragement from an internet stranger and from my dear friend who told me to post it to begin with, I decided to finally share a piece of writing. I've never considered myself a writer (I'm very much a math kid), but this OC has been living in my head rent-free for years. I could easily talk about her for hours, as I'm sure many people could about their own OCs.
For a smidge of context, my OC, Aly, is a half-elf fighter in a D&D 5e campaign (I don't want to hear anything about us playing 5e; get over it). She has existed at the edges of my mind for as long as I can remember, but I only finally discovered her name and wrote a fully fleshed-out backstory a few years ago. Anyway, she and my DM's PC, Christina, are stuck in a slow burn (I love it so much), and I have been ruminating on how Aly might admit she loves Christina in the future. Hence the above.
Beyond this first piece of writing, I've written a POV of Aly's "Canon Event," as I like to call it, and almost 30 poems from her perspective. I've even painted her a few times. Maybe someday I'll be brave enough to share those too.
If you made it this far, my appreciation for you is more than words could describe. Thank you for reading.
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amihyperfixatingagain · 6 months
Scars - OC Poetry
Sometimes I think I’m sandpaper Rough ridges that eat away  At anything that approaches They’re warning signs that scream Don’t come any closer To have this many and still be alive  Suggests I’m the bigger monster  Than those that gave me them Stay back Turn around There’s only pain ahead Sometimes they still burn They still sting and itch Sometimes I wish they’d reopen Let my wounds weep their crimson tears And mourn what is lost Give them reason to burn again Instead of just longing for an excuse Don’t cut your fingers on them Please I could never forgive myself  If you bled too
Another OC writing post, but this time, it's poetry!
My OC, Aly, wrote this in her personal poetry book after the end of our last D&D session, during which her and Christina's (the DM PC she's been crushing on) relationship exponentially ramped up in speed from its original slow burn. After sharing an intimate moment and a single bed, Aly is worried about what Christina thinks of her scars and how she comes across to others.
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