#am i just being overly anxious ? is this how art classes are normally ?
hegrowth · 7 months
looked at my next class. I was super excited for it because it's my first art class, but it's an introductory class, so I was expecting like. beginner level stuff. no, my final project, due in week 7 of this 8 week class, is to draw a realistic self-portrait alongside an object that relates to who I am. what the fuck ? :,D like. am I crazy or is that a wild fucking expectation for a beginners art course ?
I was expecting stuff like... composition and using shapes and linework, not studies of abstraction and contour ? I DON'T HAVE SKILLS, WHAT IS THIS SUPPOSED TO BE BUILDING OFF OF EXACTLY ? an introduction to art in which I am asked to create a realistic self-portrait. okaaay. like. I was already self-conscious but now I'm even more so :,D I don't have skills, I thought this class was going to help me build them...
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emmelineparker308 · 5 years
Rainy Nights
Summary: Rainy nights are your favorite to roam the halls, but little did you know that your long-time crush was also roaming the halls. So what happens when you meet him sitting by himself by a lake getting soaked to the core by the rain? 
Pairing: Remus x Reader (Marauders era)
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Rainy nights were your absolute favorite. For most people, rainy nights are nights where you can bundle under the covers in a nice warm room. For you however rainy nights meant late-night walks. When your dormmates found out this odd habit of yours, at first they were weirded out but after a while, they realized everything you do has a bit of weirdness mixed into it and they let you be. You cleaned up after yourself and never once bothered any of them so they did not mind. 
Night walks around Hogwarts were peaceful, the castle that is almost always busy with the chatter of students and the clatter of feet was silent. It was almost as if the castle was sleeping, rejuvenating itself for the next day. Another fun fact that made these walks pleasant is that all students walking around past curfew would work together no matter which house’s crest was embellished on their chest. If a Slytherin saw a Gryffindor walking the halls they would warn about the caretaker that’s roaming the corridors and the Gryffindor would inform about the teachers patrolling. It truly was hilarious that breaking the rules is the only time the houses can put away their differences and work together. But during nights such as these, no one roamed the halls, not even the teachers, everyone opting to stay in the comfort of a nice, warm and dry room. 
Remus loved to walk the castle at nights. Especially during the week leading up to the full moon. It helped to calm his racing mind; no matter what the weather he roamed the empty halls hoping the moon that disappears during the day will take his problems with it. His friends though with him in everything were kind enough to realize his wishes to be alone and let him have these nightly walks for himself. 
It had been a particularly tough week for Remus. The week started with him being the victim of Snape's prank. It didn’t get better from there, during Care for magical creatures he fell into a pile of dung, during Charms one of the students accidentally poked him in the eye after setting his robes ablaze. And to top it off, the week ended with Defense Against The Dark Arts class focusing on werewolves. 
The professor knew of Remus’s issue and had warned him about it but thinking if he missed the class it would be more suspicious Remus went. Every minute he was sitting in class he was paranoid that someone would put two and two together. Not everyone in the school would be as understanding as his friends were, and it could be the end of his school career, he worried. A Ravenclaw in his year voiced his opinion about how vile and evil werewolves were and how he was disgusted by them. Before any of the other Marauders could rebut his comment you responded, “Hey asshole, not all werewolves choose to be one. There are people who get bit and still try to live out a normal life. They have enough to deal with and don’t need you or your prejudice mindset, so kindly shut the hell up.” If you weren’t two rows in front of him, Remus would have kissed you right then and there. 
Remus had a huge crush on you but never tried to reveal this to you. He was content watching you from afar, enjoying all the quirks about you that made you, you. Your response to the Ravenclaw was the only highlight to his otherwise dreary day. It didn’t help that his friends in order to cheer Remus up teased him about you, and kept pestering him to reveal his feelings for you. It’s not that Remus did not want to make you his girlfriend it was that you didn’t seem too interested in dating anyone. You were beautiful and lit up any room you were in and so it wasn’t surprising that some boys liked you and asked you out. However, not once did you say yes to any of them, you were always polite in your rejection but Remus didn’t want to be another one of those guys. These mixed feelings along with the crappy week made him decide to walk around the castle late at night. 
It was raining and no one was in sight. Remus let the rain seep through his clothes chilling him to the core as he made his way down to the Black Lake. Sitting there listening to the pitter-patter of the rain against the lake Remus let his mind wander to you. You were perfect in his eyes, but some people couldn’t see past your weird quirks. You were made fun of, often and whenever Remus could intervene, he did. You didn’t seem overly affected by it though, you were still kind to everyone. In fact, Remus couldn’t remember a time where you got mad at someone, which is why your earlier outburst at the Ravenclaw made him all the more joyous. Remus was so caught up in his thoughts of you that he failed to notice you calling out to him, and then deciding to sit next to him. It was the absence of raindrops falling on him that first alerted Remus of your presence. 
“Hello, Remus,” you said sweetly as he turned to you. “I know that it may be nice to get wet in the rain however, based on how soaked your clothes are you’ve been out in the rain for a while. That mixed with the decreased temperature outside can lead your core temperature to drop to a dangerous level. I did not want you to suffer from hypothermia and pass out, hence why you are currently under my umbrella.”
“You are beautiful” was the first thing Remus could manage. “I mean it is beautiful outside,” he tried but failed to fix his blunder. 
“I think you’re beautiful too Remus,” you let out. An awkward silence ensued during which Remus was freaking out on the inside about your confession, and you were debating what to do from here. 
“I have a present for you Remus,” you broke the silence while grabbing something from your satchel. It was a box, beautifully wrapped with his name written in calligraphy. 
“What’s this for?” Remus immediately questioned, wincing at how his question sounded more acquisitory than curious. The girl in front of him just confessed that she thinks he is beautiful and had gotten him a present and all he could do was question her. “I mean, it’s a really nice gift (Y/N). I’m just… er… no one really gets me gifts out of the blue,” he added. 
“Just open it. You’ll understand why I got it for you,” you replied. You had to admit that you were very anxious about the present. You had a huge crush on him, actually, it was more than that but you didn’t have the courage to reveal it to him. Remus may not know it or acknowledge it but he was very handsome and had girls swooning over him wherever he went. Even though he had never exclusively dated a girl, you knew that you were nowhere near to his standards. It hurt you deeply but you had to keep telling yourself there was no chance of him and you ending in a romantic relationship in order to get your heart ready for the day Remus decides to date someone else. Though you strongly believed that you didn’t have future romantically with Remus you still cared for him a lot. This present was your way of showing him that. 
Remus carefully opened the present, making sure not to rip the wrapping paper. Underneath the wrapping was an exquisite wooden box, the top of it had his name carved into it. He almost burst into tears realizing the amount of time you put into this present for him. Opening the top he pulls out the contents, most of it was chocolates that he’s never seen before but what caught his attention was the bottle at the bottom of the box. He took it out and examined it, shocked and wide-eyed he realized that it was wolfsbane potion. He turns towards you wanting to ask thousands of questions yet unable to let a word out. 
You understanding his dilemma start explaining, “I know you’re a ...werewolf.” 
You made sure to say the last bit as quietly as possible while also looking around to make sure no one was even remotely near you guys. “I’ve known since the second month of our first year. Before you ask, no I have not nor will I ever tell anyone about it. I’ve watched you struggle to keep it together every time the full moon approaches. I’ve also seen how protective your friends become of you, I just really wanted to do something to help you but I didn’t want any of the other boys to think of me as a threat. It took me a while to get all of the ingredients together and it took even longer for me to perfect the potion. I don’t know if you already have a supply of it, but I just couldn’t watch you struggle anymore without doing something to help. I also included a couple of healing potions for you as well.” 
Remus was still quiet, staring at the potion still in his hand and occasionally stealing a glance at you. “I’m sorry Remus. I’m sorry if I’ve overstepped my boundaries. I still stand by what I said though, I won’t ever tell anyone about this. Even if my life depended on it. If you don’t trust me I am willing to make an unbreakable vow with you,” you tried to get through to Remus but he kept sitting still. “I’m just gonna go now.” You state and get up with eyes filling with tears. In your efforts to show him how much you cared, you snuffed out any chances of him even thinking of you as a friend. To him you’re probably now the weird girl that couldn’t mind her own business.
“SHE WHAT???,” James and Sirius screamed together. 
“She knows, she’s known since the beginning of first year,” Remus responded. After finding his way back to his dormitory Remus woke his friends up and told them everything that happened between the two of you. He just couldn’t help it.He needed their opinion on how to proceed. 
Remus hadn’t realized you actually left. He heard all of the things that you said, he did. However he was so blown away by the amount of care you showed towards him, and how you knew about his biggest secret yet not once did you tell him. Because you respected him. You still treated him the same, whether the full moon was approaching or not. You didn’t treat him like he was made of glass, something that the Marauder’s had a history of doing. Because you knew he was competent. You told him he was beautiful, even though he thought he was a monster. With all these thoughts swirling throughout his mind, he failed to notice how you had interpreted his silence. 
“Mate, you still with us?” James shook him a little. 
“Huh?” he responded. 
“I said, this girl, the girl you’ve been in love with since second year, she knew this whole time about your furry little problem. She took the time to get you imported chocolates, and made you FUCKING WOLFSBANE potion, a potion that even gives Slughorn a run for his money to make. She did all this for you because she couldn’t stand to see you hurting and you just let her leave without saying anything,” Sirius frustratingly summarized the events that took place that night. 
“What was I supposed to say? Well, I suppose I should have thanked her,” Remus muttered. 
Sirius let out something in between a grunt and a scream. “Alright. Listen to me very carefully Remus John Lupin. I have more experience than you with dealing with women. So take what I say very seriously, (Y/N) is in love with you. No girl would go through this trouble to help out someone she considers to be just a friend. Even a girl as nice as (Y/N). So here’s what you are going to do. You are going to find this beautiful soul and explain your feelings to her. Bring some flowers also, maybe share some of your chocolate since there’s a good chance that you made her cry.”
It took a minute for Remus to come up with a plan but as soon as he had it, he jumped into action. He conjured up a bouquet of your favorite flowers and took a couple of the chocolates you had gotten him and ran off to where you were. He knew to find you in Astronomy tower, that’s where you usually went when you were upset, that’s where Remus usually found you curled up into a ball when the jokes of others got a bit too much for you to handle. “I’m the one who should be sorry. You are an angel. You went through so much trouble on my behalf and all I could do was be stunned and stay quiet,” he spilled walking towards you. You refused to turn around, your face was probably beet red from all the crying you did and it was not a side of you, you wanted Remus to see. “Love, please turn around for a second and let me explain something to you,” he pleaded. Reluctantly you obliged, wiping your face vigorously to try and wipe the sticky tears off your face. You were right about your face, it was beet red from crying, your eyes were puffy and your nose was runny. The site broke Remus’s heart, usually, when he found you in these situations it was because someone had made fun of your quirks. In those situations, Remus wanted nothing more than to find those people and make them pay but knowing that he was the cause of your pain now made him beat himself up even more. “Listen, I am so sorry for not responding to you when you gave me the present. I was rightfully blown away,” Remus said coming closer to you and cupping your face to forcing your eyes on him. “I told you that no one really gets me anything out of the blue and truth is no one has ever put so much thought into a gift for me. I was dumbfounded that you knew all along about my problem but decided to say nothing and treat me the same. You see, I worry that when people find out about my issue they will think of me as a monster and treat me as such, but when my friends found out and didn’t out me to the whole school I was relieved. However, that relief was short-lived because then they proceeded to treat me as if I was made of glass. It irritated me that they kept treating me as if I was some incompetent, and weak boy that couldn’t fend for himself. Then I started to worry that of those people that found out about my problem and chose to accept me as not a monster would see me only as a weak man. But you, you (Y/N), you changed everything. You broke down every one of my worries. You knew before any of my friends about my problem but didn’t think of me as a monster. You knew about my problem yet still treated me the same as you did before. Even at times, you let me protect you, when I am around you I feel like my true self. And then you go and get me a present that you clearly put so much time and effort into. I just…” Remus stopped. He didn’t know what else to say, rather he didn’t know how to describe what he felt for you into words.
Before he had a chance to second guess Remus crashed his lips onto yours. It took a couple of seconds but soon you were kissing him back. Cliched as it may be, you felt as if fireworks were going off in the middle of the thunderstorm. The intensity of feelings you had for each other was clearly conveyed through the kiss and it made butterflies erupt in your stomach. After a minute or two you both broke due to the lack of oxygen. “Be my girlfriend will you? I’ve been a coward for long enough. I like you (Y/N), a lot. Will you please go out with me?” Remus asked not knowing where he got a sudden surge of confidence. You just smiled at him and pecked his lips again. 
Rainy nights are your favorite nights to roam around the castle. However, rainy nights might now be your favorite nights to sit in the astronomy tower, wrapped in the strong arms of your boyfriend, cuddled into him, eating chocolates and talking about anything, everything and nothing. 
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The Art of Love: Chapter 13
Fandom: She Ra (2018)
Ship: Glimadora 
Summary: Glimmer finally answers Adora’s text and gets to spend some quality Mom-Daughter time with Angella because they deserve it 😤
Warnings (for this chapter): Some descriptions of anxious thoughts (please tell me if anything needs to be added)
Genre: High School AU, Angst with a Happy Ending, Rivals/Enemies to Lovers, Eventual Fluff
A/N: Updates have really slowed down on this fic simply due to the current conditions of the world but I’m very excited for the future of this fic and I appreciate your continued support through all the ups and downs 🖤🖤 Love you all 🖤✨
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Hey I was wondering how you were? Lmao I sound like a grandma but really. You seemed kinda out of it today and I wanted to make sure you were doing alright (it’s probably cuz I kept you up working on the dumb project all night lol) so yeah just wanted to check in cuz we didn’t really get to talk today :)
The first thing that struck Glimmer about the text was the fact that Adora had written her an entire paragraph. The second thing that hit her was that the entire said paragraph was all basically to ask how she was. It was silly and overly concerned and so very Adora. Nobody else would do something so sweet and manage to make it so ridiculous at that same time.
A wave of relief washed over Glimmer. So Adora wasn’t asking about Elizabeth and hadn’t mentioned anything about Glimmer’s crush. Glimmer could remain safe in her little bubble as long as Adora stayed within her own lines of ignorance. That would only last so long, however. For all she knew, that bubble had already popped.
Glimmer realized with a start that it was quite possible that Adora was simply leading up to that point, too polite to confront her right off the bat. Just wanted to check in... we didn’t really get to talk today.
Either Adora actually was just asking her what was up, or she wanted to “talk” to her. Glimmer wasn’t sure which option was more terrifying. Given how their past conversations had gone, Glimmer had absolutely no confidence in her ability to talk to anyone, let alone to someone she was crushing on- let alone to Adora.
She chewed her lip for a second, unsure of what to do. If Adora was still clueless and she started confessing to something Adora was completely unaware of, it would be worse than Elizabeth confessing it for her.
She thought of Adora, chilling at home, probably working away on some assignment like the nerd that she was. Glimmer started giggling at the idea of Adora pausing for a moment because she got a text and it was just Glimmer screaming: YES I HAVE A MAJOR CRUSH ON YOU EVERYTHING ELIZABETH SAID WAS TRUE ALSO WOULD YOU LIKE TO RUN AWAY WITH ME AND START A SHEEP FARM IN THE NETHERLANDS???
Yeah, ok so that option was not going to happen. She should probably just play it cool, like a normal person texting their normal friend. Her brain felt the need to interject: Yeah right- “normal person,“ that’s you. The little voice continued: “Normal friend”- that’s a funny way to put it.
Suddenly another wave hit Glimmer, and this one felt like an entire brick wall crumbing on top of her. Except it was good. It felt soft and warm and made Glimmer feel like maybe, just maybe, things would be ok. The sensation spread up from her toes and erupted in her chest until it reached the very tips of her fingers. It made her stretch her legs out and reach backwards with her arms until they were fully extended because it filled her heart up so much, she couldn’t contain it all in her small form.
Because even if Glimmer wasn’t as close to Adora as she wanted, they were friends. At least, that’s where things were hopefully pointing to. Was it perfect? No. Was it everything Glimmer wanted and more? Obviously not. But was it good? God, yes. It was something Glimmer had never thought was possible; it was something she had been actively trying not to pursue out of the conviction that it would all go wrong and she would get hurt. But this didn’t hurt. Not in the slightest.
Riding on the euphoria, she typed out a quick response:
I’m good. And yeah sorry I was pretty tired today lol Weaver has destroyed my sleep schedule. Also you sound like you ACTUALLY want me to talk to you?? How absolutely scandalous???
Glimmer let her feet swing back and forth, heels kicking against the side of her mattress. Tiny little bubbles of hope kept rising up towards her head because this was almost- very, nearly maybe- a step forward. A step towards being a little more than friends with Adora. Ha, this isn’t a step towards anything. You’re not going to get anywhere with her. Getting this high off the ground just means it’ll hurt more when this cloud dissolves under your feet. Because that’s exactly what this is- you’re letting yourself rely on cotton candy daydreams and sooner or later they’re going to dissolve beneath you.
Glimmer shook the negative thoughts off and switched conversations to scroll through the memes Bow had sent her. They were undoubtedly funny but she hardly registered the images; she had other things to be happy about.
Bow was probably going to annoy her about this later but Glimmer couldn’t resist the urge to gush:
Glimmer grinned at Bow’s quick response but she knew the real reason she was smiling.
I knoooooooow. I so happy
So you still think she hates you?
Her grin faltered for a moment before returning, slightly weaker than it had been before.
BLEH why’d you have to bring that upppppp
And I don’t know? Maybe she doesn’t hate me but she doesn’t have any reason NOT to
Glimmer i love you but you can be SO DENSE sometimes
She DOES have a reason not to hate you?? Maybe it’s possible that she thinks you’re smart and funny and talented? I don’t know tho- I’m just throwing stuff out here. Also she might actually LIKE you maybe as a friend,,, maybe more ;)
Glimmer snorted at Bow’s ranting. He was sweet and a far better friend than she could ever rationalize deserving. But he was high off his own optimistic ideals.
There is definitely nothing “more” I don’t even think we’re officially friends yet. More like uuuuhh acquaintances with benefits
Glimmer immediately regretted her word choice, laughing as she buried her face in her hands.
She waited for Bow’s answer, laughing quietly at their ridiculous conversation. As the little dots marched to indicate Bow’s typing, a buzz and flag altered Glimmer that Adora had responded.
She texted back gotta go
Switching once more to her and Adora’s conversation, the first thing Glimmer found herself marveling at was her own stupidity. The giddy feeling that had been all-consuming now faded away as she reread her message. It sounded clingy and overly confident. It definitely felt worthy of the cringe the shuddered through her body and made her want to curl up in a ball. What had her euphoric-high brain been trying to do? Flirt? If so, she had desperately failed.
Still in embarrassed pain, she moved on to Adora’s message:
How many times do I have to tell you YES I want to talk to you.
But there was something in particular I wanted to talk to you about
The second part made Glimmer’s blood run cold. Adora continued typing but she didn’t dare respond, too frozen to type. All the stars that had been floating in her eyes crashed around her. So she did know. So Glimmer’s worst fears were reality. And there was nothing she could do about it now. After an eternity, Adora’s message finally jumped onto Glimmer’s screen.
It’s about this morning. Well and today. And last night. Kinda. I just feel like I might have made you uncomfortable last night, like I was being really clingy so then this morning I felt really awkward and I’m sorry if I came off as cold or anything. And then in class you seemed all tense and I was just wondering if I had crossed some lines or anything?
Glimmer could have sworn she heard a record scratch in her head, nearly getting whiplash from reading Adora’s message. The situation kept switching so quickly; as soon as she got one foot on the rug, it would be pulled out from under her and she would look down and it turn out she had been standing on raft in the middle of the ocean the entire time.
She squinted to reread the message one more time and gave a breathy laugh when she had determined she had read it correctly the first time. Adora was the one that thought she had crossed lines? It was ridiculous. It seemed so unrealistic, Glimmer nearly slipped into her original thinking of Adora. If only she hadn’t been forced to see that nuclear core that made up that crazy blonde. That would have made everything so much easier. She could just brush the whole message as a ploy to gain sympathy. But know she had to know better. Now, she had to acknowledge that Adora was being completely sincere.
Glimmer had no idea how to respond. Adora was being completely open, completely vulnerable; and it was terrifying. It was almost worse than when she was wrapped up in doubt. It was the difference between not knowing why someone was ill and knowing exactly what was wrong- all while being expected to find the solution. Except Glimmer wasn’t a doctor. She had no cure for the situation.
She forced confidence, pushing away all her question just long enough to respond.
Are you going to make a habit of sending me essays?
She immediately regretted how cold she sounded and hurriedly began trying to remedy the conversation.
I’m sorry but really you’re fine. I didn’t mind you... if I came across as stiff or weird about anything it’s just because I’m not really used to people getting that close that quickly
It wasn’t a lie. It wasn’t the complete truth either, but it was close enough for now.
oh god I’m really sorry
What no?? I just said it was fine??
Still... that really sounds like I made you uncomfortable
Glimmer let out a sigh. She never thought she’d find herself trying to convince someone she was becoming increasingly infatuated with that it was ok to be close with her. It sounded strange when she thought about, but there was something endearing about how Adora barreled her way into Glimmer’s life and was now trying tiptoe out of the china shop.
I was a little surprised that’s all. You’re all good
Really? Even after I said I would kill weaver in class today?? You didn’t think that was weird??!
No lmao again I was a bit surprised but I mostly thought it was funny
You sure about that
Yep 100%
If you were in person right now you would hear me go hmmmmmmm
Glimmer snorted quietly out of her nose; Adora made her laugh at the stupidest things. She was entirely convinced that she would never be as funny as Adora, but she hoped she could bring her at least just a little bit of happiness.
Yeah well if you were in person right now you would see me roll my eyes and yell at you to stop being dumb
A shallow pain spread across Glimmer’s chest, a coat of lead paint over her heart; milky indigo weighing her down. If only Adora’s casual jokes were a reality. If only she were face to face with Adora. If only Adora’s face was inches from her own and quickly coming closer. Glimmer’s hands ached to run through Adora’s hair and her ears cried to hear Adora’s voice. She didn’t want to look anywhere if it wasn’t into the storm of Adora’s eyes. Her throat was hoarse from emotion but she would sing if it meant she could bear witness once more to the way Adora wove melodies out of the air.
Glimmer sat up as if startled from a dream. This- this, oh no. Oh shit. This has gone much too far. You should have stopped this before it even started. How did you even let this happen?
Glimmer had know Adora was beautiful since she saw her on the first day of school. Ignoring her and twisting her into some villain had made it a simple thing to deal with, but she couldn’t ignore the iceberg once her Titanic had begun sinking. And now she was officially sunk, water far above her head and no hope of survival to be seen.
There was a sliver of Glimmer- some crazy little fraction of her mind that had to scream to be heard- that just wanted to rip the band aid off. She wanted to stop giving all the power to other people. If someone was going to tell Adora that Glimmer had hopelessly fallen for her, it might as well come from the source.
She looked down at her phone, suddenly aware that Adora had responded.
Hey I gotta go I just wanted to check that we were ok! I’m glad you don’t mind me lmao
Glimmer took a deep breath, making an attempt to gather her thoughts. It was a hopeless effort, her mind fragmented across the room. Did Adora really worry that Glimmer “minded” her? Was there in way to describe the burning that struck in her chest whenever Adora gave her one of those soft grins- that dull ache that constricted her heart and seeped through her ribs. How could she ever reassure Adora she could never be bothersome when every one of her actions struck Glimmer with wonder? How could she even attempt to say such a thing with revealing everything, admitting her mind’s greatest fear? How could she try to convince Adora of something that she couldn’t even admit to herself.
Because the answer was quite simple. She loved Adora. Deeply and painfully. But no matter how perfect Adora was, it still felt dangerous to love her. To Glimmer, it was just as good as putting a target on her back. It was like saying HEY EVERYONE!! I’M ALREADY WEIRD AND SO SO DIFFERENT FROM YOU AND NOW I’M PUTTING THAT ON DISPLAY!
Glimmer was being pulled apart. She knew she shouldn’t show her affection to Adora. But she knew just as deeply and far more truly that she loved Adora- and keeping that inside of her would break her heart.
She threw or phone and thoughts (momentarily) aside, flopping backwards on her bed. Her body bounced slightly from the force of throwing herself down and it only added to the sensation that her head was floating away. There was just too much to tackle right now. Glimmer could tell from the growing pressure on her head that if she kept picking it all apart, the pressure would quickly shift; it would tighten around her lungs, making it hard to breathe and squeezing what she couldn’t force down to pour down her face.
Glimmer took a deep breath, through her nose and out her mouth- once, twice, three times, she lost count as she focused solely on the rhythm she was creating. These past few days had been chaotic and exhausting and good part of that had been created by her. She was tired. Her brain felt heavy as gravity retook control over her head. In fact, her whole body felt heavy; she was sinking deeper into her mattress with every exhale.
When Glimmer woke up, the last hues of dusk just barely reached her window. It was obvious that the night had happily creeped onwards while she had slept. She must have been out for at least an hour.
Down the hall, she could hear voices of some TV show her mom was watching as they flickered out of the speakers.
Glimmer opened her door, peaking around the frame and looking down the hall. She could just see the top of her mother’s pastel hair above the top of the couch. In front of her, what looked like Hell’s Kitchen was playing. Glimmer was somewhat amazed that she had been able to sleep through Gordon Ramsey’s yelling.
She walked towards the living room and sat down next to Angella on the couch. She was asleep, hair mussed up in the back as she leaned up against the cushions. Glimmer felt a wave of affection wash over her. Whatever happened at school, whatever happened with Adora- hell, whatever happened within herself- she would always love her mother. Sometimes things got in the way of her remembering that.
Glimmer nudged her mom gently in the side, “Hey, wake up.”
Angella stirred, smiling as her gaze fell upon Glimmer, “Hey, dear.”
Glimmer squirmed under her mother’s softness, guilt over how she had acted earlier hitting her, “I’m really sorry. About how I treated you at dinner. I was really rude and nights like this are basically the only time we have together; I shouldn’t waste them being a brat to you.”
“You’re a teenager and we don’t exactly see eye to eye on everything- I expect this sort of thing to happen occasionally.”
“But I-“ Glimmer tried to argue but was cut off.
“But I appreciate you apologizing.”
“Mom!!” Glimmer felt like her mother should have been angrier, should have at least told her off for stomping down to her room as rudely as she had. And she had done it in response to her mom just trying her best to help. That must have hurt.
“Glimmer!!” Angella mirrored her daughter’s exasperation, “You really think I didn’t slam doors and yell and act out when I was your age? I don’t necessarily like it, but a little angsty rebellion is normal. Like I said, I expect some of this.”
“If you say so… just don’t expect to see it often,” Glimmer felt a smile tugging on the corners of her mouth. Her mom wasn’t exactly the most relaxed person but she understood Glimmer better than probably anybody else on the planet.
“Good,” Angella reached out and tucked one of Glimmer’s fluffy locks behind her ear, “I prefer when you talk to me instead of just hiding away in your room.”
“Yeah,” Glimmer laughed somewhat nervously because she totally didn’t do exactly that most of the time instead of talking to people.
“So… you want to tell me about that girl now?”
Glimmer tucked herself next to Angella’s side and turned to face the TV where Gordon Ramsey was berating a man for having rats in his kitchen, “No, not yet.”
She felt her mother shrug and smiled as Angella wrapped an arm around her shoulders. Drama could wait. And if she loved Adora? Well, she would deal with that later too.
Quick announcement that I am (FINALLY) starting a taglist for this fic, so if you are interested, please just send an ask or reply to this post <3
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sarenhale · 6 years
a funny, shitty work experience that lasted 1 week (luckily)
Oh anyway. It’s 5 am and I can’t sleep and gotta be ready for work in a hour, so... you want to hear a long, ridicolous story about the job offer in Spain I had like 10 days ago? Ready for a wild ride? HERE WE GO.
Basically. A guy that my dad knew due to business (my dad sells vintage stuff) asked about me since my dad told him I did graphic design at Uni and I do illustration/drawings etc, and he reached out to me and asked me to do some illustrations for his brand. The guy is super rich and has a company that do a lot of stuff branching from fashion, to perfumes, to wine bottles, cars and other stuff. I knew I didn’t have a lot of time to work on the job he asked me, but decided to try it anyways just to see how it was like. 
I meet the guy with my dad. We talk. In the end, he changes the work totally from illustrations to... graphic design for his website? Ok, I’m slightly confused by the sudden change of plans, but I studied graphic design for 3 years at Uni and I know my job and also like it, so decide to go with it. He says he wants to meet me in Spain at his office so we can talk freely about the work and decide the job contract together etc. With NO NOTICE he tells me that I have to fly to Spain in 3 days to meet him. Since he pays everything, plane & hotel included, I accept because I’m an extremely open to travel person and very adaptable to situations, and also I tell to myself ‘why not, this could be a good possibility for me, never turn down a job’.
We meet in Spain, everything is normal, but I realize the dude has absolutely NO IDEA what he’s doing and what he wants for his brand, also he apparently never had a graphic design for his brand despite it being kinda a big deal. I’m very concerned about the... irresponsability for his brand’s seriousness and identity, and on top of this, he keeps jumping from topic to topic like he wants illustrations, than graphic design, than posters, than photos and videos... and I’m ONE PERSON. 
Important: in september, I’m flying to America to follow my dream as a concept artist/illustrator and attend classes! Of course I tell him this THE FIRST TIME I see him, and warn him that despite being up for the job, I have little to no time due to the fact I have a part time job at the restaurant and also have to fly in America in like, 3 weeks. He plays it off like it’s all cool and gives me the ‘Don’t worry, you just work on this whenever you can, when you have time, no rush, I will follow your pace and time’. Also says he will give me a certain amount of money as payment every month to do graphic design for his site.
Important terrible fact: his WIFE, that knows absolutely nothing of graphic design/art/web design whatsoever, is apparently managing this side of the brand. So he tells me like, last minute, that I will have to keep in contact with her for this job. I’m already sweating and feeling like this is all going downhill pretty fast into ‘unprofessional’ waters. 
When I’m back home, she IMMEDIATELY writes me to do a huge amount of work despite knowing that I have work (and shifts that are 11 hours a day average!) because ofc I told her and him (and clarified my situation from the beginning). But she wants all the work done RIGHT NOW. She’s also super anxious and pressing me via messages (cause I made the mistake to let her have my cellphone number) and, through the week, keeps sending me texts at 2 AM ASKING ME ABOUT WORK. 
She continues writing me everyday multiple times, when I am home doing the work and even when I’m at the restaurant at work. Despite explaining this to her, and reminding her that the plan all along was that I would work on their blasted websites when I have the possibility (so when I’m off work from my part-time job), she... gets mad at me for not keeping in contact and answering??? And I’m just here like. BITCH. 
At this point, I’m already deep in shit and I know this is a shitshow of a job and I want to quit, despite ONLY A WEEK of effective work. During like, 2 days, I already did two WHOLE websites for them and also 2 logos for their brand, a job that normally a graphic design would require like... 2 months or so. All of this because of the huge pressure. 
In the meantime, he writes me (the dude that asked me for the job in the first place) that he can keep my pace, I have all the time I need, no pressure etc, he respects my work, etc... and I’m here like ???????????? You are doing THE POLAR OPPOSITE of respecting me and my work, by absolutely shitting on the contract we had. Because we talked about this together, about the amount of hours I would have to work and the job I would have to do, and decided TOGETHER everything. It’s not I’m making all of this up, he was the one that came to me in the first place with the proposition of working when I could off my part-time job. 
Last part of this shitshow: his wife texts me they NEED 4 DIFFERENT D I F F E R E N T WORKS done for the next week, asap. 
I’m speechless. The 4 works she talks about are not only too much and not even remotely doable in a week (lmao not even a team of graphic designer could pull off doing 4 different whole works in a week), but ARE NOT RELATED TO THE JOB THEY TOLD ME ABOUT IN THE FIRST PLACE!! They’re asking for graphic design for a restaurant menu and merchandising for the restaurant (????), logos for ALL their websites (that are 20), posters for a music festival and other not-related jobs I honestly can’t even remember due to the ridiculousness of the proposal. I am in AWE for the COMPLETELY ABSURD REQUEST. 
This is just the shit on the top of the shit cake. Also, gotta love how she texted me ‘Marina we need this done in a week’, not even apologizing for the short notice, or for giving me orders. The whole time she texted me for work, also, she was terribly rude and unprofessional, checking on me like she was my wife or something, and just being overly stressful.
Of course I know I won’t do this work and accept this proposal, because 1 It wasn’t in our contract and it’s not a job I should do since you hired me for other things, 2 It’s such short notice it’s HUMANLY IMPOSSIBLE for me to do it, 3 You’d have me working like a slave for your shitty last minute pretends, 4 Even if I wanted, I don’t have the ACTUAL TIME to work since I have another job and this week you’re giving me to work would sum up to the total of 3 days (since I work 4 days a week at the restaurant with daily shifts of 11 / 12 hours) 5 You’re not respecting our original pact, and literally are shitting on the promises you made to me, of me having time to work at my pace on your project and even saying stuff like ‘Your studies are more important!!! So focus on those this is just a job you can do when you have time on your week!!!’ So, HUGE HYPOCRITE, 6 YOU’RE FUCKING CRAZY DUDE. Period. 
So I text him asking to talk about the latest work he asked, and tell him I can’t do it in time. He DOESN’T EVEN CALL ME but just texts me shit like ‘oh ok you have 10 days’ and at this point i’m there speechless and decide to straightforward call him at the phone. 
At the phone, I tell him I can’t do the job because I would have no time to work, and also isn’t literally possible for me to fo 4 FINISHED DIFFERENT PROJECTS in three days. He responds with vague shit like ‘oh well I can give you three more days’ like that would be sufficient, and also completely changes the version from the one his wife texted me, and at this point, I just know he’s a huge liar and hypocrite and basically fucking with me. So I tell him that I just can’t do that job in time, but that I can keep working on the sites I was already working on for them, of course explaining to him WHY and HOW I can’t work on that huge amount of projects he just shoved down my throath without to previous warning or discussion. 
He agrees on me and we left on these terms. Later, I text his wife about all the final touches I made to the websites. (I already knew I was going to drop the job at one point, so I wanted to finish the content so I had no unsolved business or work that could later come back to bite me in the ass- just even for personal satisfaction, cause I like finished things.)
Despite me making a HUGE amount of work on that blasted website, she doesn’t even respond to my text. 
I swear, if it wasn’t in italian, I would really have posted the photo of the original, cause it’s just... too baffling and hilarious at the same time. 
Basically, he tells me he’s sad I talked to him at the phone with an ‘harsh tone’ and don’t want to do the job because he’s offering a huge opportunity for me. (I even asked my mother about my tone during the phone call: she told me I was absolutely neutral and polite. And I KNEW I WAS BEING super calm, so he’s just assing it up)
He then goes on how he respects me as a person and respects my work (HOW? H O W are you respecting me as an artist and even as a person after how you and your wife have treated me??) and he’s sad to see me go. (I didn’t even told him ‘I’m quitting the job’ or something, I was EVEN willing to finish the websites for him no problem!! So he’s just a fucking huge irresponsible baby for acting like I dropped him suddenly cause he totally COULD HAVE BEHAVED in another way and gotten a better deal with this!!) 
He also felt like adding how good as a person, boss and business man he is to this fucken email like this man is literally a huge egocentric baby (I had a hint when I saw his brand image consists of photos of him and his name everywhere on his wines, perfumes, cars and spaghetti lmao), and also... my favourite part. THAT I FEELS LIKE I DON’T KNOW WHO I AM YET!! :( And all because I told him the truth and didn’t like being a slave for him! Figures! Absurd! Absolute fool I am for throwing away such a proposal!!! A LIFE-DEAL!!! Oh man I’m such an hopeless fool!
And then goes on paternalizing me, and analyzing my life, telling me also things like ‘at your age I was starting business everywhere and had success’ LIKE LMFAO This man I can’t even
Also tells me that the estimated time for the job could be ‘discussed very easily’ when his wife and him were the first and ONLY people telling me with an imperative tone they needed the work done in a week  😂 😂 😂 😂 LMFAO
And... finishes the email off with... ... ... PAYING ME THE EXACT HALF OF WHAT HE PROMISED! ABSOLUTELY AMAZING. ABSOLUTELY CRAZY DISPLAY OF KINDESS AND GENEROSITY, MY DUDE, And also showing how much of a hypocrite and piece of shit you are! 
In the end: I was so enternained by the absolute absurd way this man and his wife managed their job (and in particular the final ACT) that I’m not even bitter, I’m just genuinely remembering this experience as a HUGE JOKE. Because It’s what it is. 
I know I started this post with a serious and detailed way of describing things and the end is just... me laughing my ass off, but hey, it’s now 6 am and I didn’t sleep and also remembering this experience is causing some funny flashbacks. So I’m sorry for the phrasing or whatever... hope you could even understand what I wrote. English is highkey compromised, at this hour and when talking about such absurd MEMENTOS. 
And this is all, cause I’m never writing such a long story ever in my life. But It felt important to share this shitshow with you all... even for remembering that, just because you need job, money, or experience in life... you should NEVER be someone’s slave and be treated so badly. N E V E R. 
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I love you brother. I am slow to getting to this properly now. I feel that I owed you our second page must sooner. I feel that in my prioritization i disrespected what you make. You make art. I owe your craft more than I am currently giving you. However that said, deal with it bubs. True art has to be a little cavalier eh? A little cowboyish. Gotta flick the paint at the canvas. Gotta feel the adrenaline in a brush stroke. You have to ride the vibe. Fuck I don't know man. Sometimes I talk out my ass. Back to the project at hand. A thousand words. A thousand free flowing thoughts of love and truth. A little honesty in this world. Summer sunsets. I love how glassy this water is. I can feel how cold the lake used to be as a kid. The wood of the dock under my feet. Calloused toes digging against the splinter ridden red wood. Launching myself into the infinite. That was the moment as a child. Frozen in that space and time. Where for just a second you hung forever. Your Skin instantly heating under the sun, like a comforter your mom would toss over you fresh from the dryer. Back in the womb. Basking in the sun. Then SPLASH. Back to reality, That water is cold my son. It's a cold that you just gotta get used to. Eventually it'll feel alright. I owe you another apology though man, I've had your gifts in the back of my car for like three months now. Pretty much the entire summer. I need to ship them out. When I get paid Tuesday I will do it. See, now that I have set a date and sent it to you. Ii am gonna feel so responsible that I might actually get off my ass and do something for once. It feels like pretty much a miracle whenever I can motivate myself to do something lately. It's been fucking rough dude. I do not know what is going on anymore. I am not depressed. I am not overly anxious. I am healthier than I have ever been. I am eating better I am genuinely happier with everything. I just cant ever seem to get out of what I am used to. its like I get in these patterns and I do not ever want to leave them, I really need to address this. And what's sad is. Going out and delivering a package is gonna be a first step. it should not be. I should not have gotten to this point. I need to be better about being uncomfortable for a moment. I need to get back to being okay with the jump. I need to accept that sometimes the water is cold. I need to remember this picture. Thats what I think this one might be about for me. Remembering why we jump. But that's only four hundred and ninety words. So that's gotta only be half the story. I feel like the sun is setting on summer. Like if I were running a camp company and needed a photo to post at the end of camp season and like thank everyone for a great summer and all that jazz. This is the photo that everyone would use every year. It would be like. The new fucking girl on white rope tree swing in front of like grassy meadow shot. You know what I mean. and if you do not. Then I recommend googling it. Im sure this photo has been done to death. But maybe not. Maybe I am full of shit. because I certainly have not googled it myself yet. Anyway, it's like the fucking Roll Credits moment. I think its great. It makes me think about how my summer is kind of over now. I got to see yosemite. Make new friends. Fuck I get engaged this summer. I actually managed to pass this accounting class over the summer with a B. But like that accounting class also took my entire summer. And the rest we just gave up to the airforce. You know it's funny. You get out. and they still find a way to fuck you. I shouldn't be bitching. I am proud that my partner continued her service through the guard. Sometimes I feel like a pussy because I didn't. Sometimes I feel like a fucking fraud. Like i'm not supposed to be this fucked up and not have done some shit. Who gets PTSD from a missile field? You might not get it. But i really know I am not alone in this. I feel like alot of my fellow vets are ashamed they didnt suffer enough for their country. And i uh think that its bullshit we feel this way. And i know its wrong and doesnt make sense, But hey i know i still feel it. None the less though. They still took my fiance and partner and buddy and best friend away from me for the next couple weeks. Being the military spouse is way less fun than the military member it turns out. It's alot of weird sacrifice you wouldnt think about. I dont really talk about this stuff with people. I feel weird writing about it to you. Because I dont expect you to understand. But thats not fair of me. I am being a bad friend by doubting your ability to empathisize. that's not what normal people should do. I apologize. that was a dickish thing to do. Sorry rick. Fuck am I over apologizing or being a man about my shit? I dont know. But I know it's not enough apologizing for tumblr anyway. Eh shit. We probably shouldnt shit on our mediums. I know this summer is setting. I know that I will feel that I squandered this summer away with just school. there will be another season, more jumps in the lake, there will be another page. -HMA
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ohnohetaliasues · 7 years
Zila Umbra (Fairy Tail)
I'm not sure if I've reviewed this before, but I don't think I have. Let's begin.
I was asked to delete the art by the artist, so I have. It was very well done, though.
i haven’t written her complete background yet but i have it written in my minD
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This is off to a rocky start...
I’m curious about the issue with putting the ideas down on the profile, but I’m not here to nitpick.
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Hello, yes, this is my blog, where I nitpick things. Enjoy your stay!
sOOSOoo her name is Zila Umbra and shes a lil bae and im still kinda n the process of designing her character so yee
Don't describe your OC as a 'bae' or I will kill you violently.
Also, 'bae' means 'poop' in Danish...
ok so when she was younger she found out that she could talk to the dead,
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Okay, no. We haven't seen any ghosts in Fairy Tail other than Mavis, but she's only there because of her residual magic and the guild seal that acts as an extension. This is not Supernatural, contrary to the gif I just used.
and it completely paranoid her and her parents.
That's kind of mild....?
Just paranoid?
Her parents where completely religion based and basically thought she was the spawn of satan or something
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The only church I can think of in Fairy Tail is the Church of Zentopia, and that was a filler arc. So please explain why her parents are Fairy Tail puritans.
and sent her off to a mental hospital that completely isolated her from others besides her ghosts
And they didn't just say 'Oh, that's your magic'? No, they just jumped to "SATAN!"
and thats really not something a little girl should have to deal with sOOOO she made friends with one specific ghost who actually turned out to be her mentor in magic.
That's... convenient.
She taught her that the reason she hears all the ghosts and voices is because of the eye she was born with is basically the sorce of most her magical energy so she started covering it up and her everlasting headache went away.
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...No. Just no. That is not a thing. WHEN DID THE HEADACHE THING COME IN? Body parts are never magic in Fairy Tail, other than Erza's artificial eye. 
She was also taught that if she wore sage it would ward off bad spirits, so she put some sage in a small vile and put that on necklace and put the necklace around her neck and she wears it to this day uwu.
she still could talk to ghosts and stuff though.
Oh yes, all benefits and no cons. She can still use her magic usually even though she covered up her eye?
Her mentor ( her name is darcy) taught her all the basics of magic and such as she lived in her little cell.
This is too dark for Fairy Tail.
Darcy though specialized in shadow magic, so she passed it on to zila (along with some knowlege on spells that let you use ghosts as your allies and stuff).
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This is not okay. 
once zila had been taught all she could darcy taught her how escape and about a guild called fairy tail she could go to for help
Why wasn't she like 'Go to a soup kitchen' or a homeless shelter, but nooo, let's go to a MAGIC GUILD.
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Also, Darcy is a ghost. Of course she's an expert at escaping. She can WALK THROUGH WALLS.
Zila made it out succsesfully after 3 years of being isolated ( and thus began her fear of being alone uwu)
i don't think she'd be able to function properly in society after being isolated for three freaking years.
once she made it to the guild she was let in and made friends quickly ( which really suprised her because she haddnt interacted with real people in like forever eheh)
Like I said, she wouldn't be able to function properly. She'd be quiet and reserved.
This is so improbable I CANNOT EVEN.
out of the children in the group
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and was usually the peace maker between gray and natsu bUT ITS ONLY BECUASE SHE LOVES THem,
She literally just stole Erza's job.
once erza came she was always trying to talk to her and make sure she wasnt sad because she felt sorry for her and knew that if she was going to be alone that it would be sad
It feels like this OC is ripping of Erza's struggle. 
anddddddd yeAH THATS A WHOLE NOTHER STORY BUT THEYRE BASICALLY BEST BUDS KINDA ANd they go on jobs together a lot ( like i imagine her being with erza when they came into the story line )
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If she's S Class, I will scream.
shes such a little sweatheart too.
I am suffering.
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She hums when she fights easy battles 
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That... makes her sound insane. Nobody does that in Fairy Tail.
and will only cry if someone tells her its okay  
That is not good for your mental health.
Oh gee, I didn't see this cliché coming.
LIke if she let a friend get hurt when she couldve prevented it she would be so dispointed.
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Of freaking course.
Like every OC ever.
She DOSENT like seeing a people she cares about in pain
Nobody does, sweetheart.
so she’ll do her best to prevent it like rub natsus back while they’re on a train or in a car or somethin u kno.
Not even Lucy does that. Nobody wants him to puke on them. 
Shes pretty caring and forgiving unless you break a promise or betray the guild or somethin, but shes not overly forgiving of people who used to be bad and are now good unless shes had time to understand them and stuff idk. ALSO PLS DONT TrY TO HURT JUST HER FRIENDS IN FRONT OF HER BECAUSE SHES GOING TO tRY AND KILL U NO MERCy.
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Wow, I so haven't seen that before in my three years of reviewing OCs.
ALSO she’ll straight up be like “I love you” if she loves you bUT JUST AS A FRIEND OK if she loves u romantically shes gonna hide it a bunch or iF SHE FInds out that you like her shes gonna blush all the time around you
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Please no.
You know, for someone who was stuck in an asylum, alone, for three years, she sure acts like a normal teenage girl.
and just omg i love her.
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You don't put that on an OCs profile.
You just don't.
She’s also pretty comfortable around people she knows so like if she’s on a train or somethin she will use grays shoulder as a pillow because iTS COLD AND SHES TIRED AND NOBODY CARES BECause it’s her and it’s completely normal for her.
Juvia would mind. Juvia would mind a lot. And so would Gray, to be honest. 
OveRALL SHES NICE AND FRIENDly and shes a pretty strong fighter and stuff and shes calm and optimistic and encouraging even though when shes fighting shes scaRY
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There are no flaws anywhere.
a babe ok shes just a babe 
The more you say that, the more I want to kill her.
negative characteristic wise shes really paranoid still due to all the ghosts and shit,
Wouldn't she be used to that? Also, can't she keep away the bad ghosts?
SHE HAS THAT BIG FEAR OF BEING ALONE LIke she will stay by whoever shes with and usually they make sure they stay by her too because they kNOW SHES SCARED AS FRICK OF BEING ALONe.
The creator is trying to make a flaw. But these will not effect the OC in critical moments. 
but if shes confined in a place and has no idea if people are near her or not shes rEALLY SCARED EVEN THOUGH SHES A TOUGH MOMMA SHES SCAREd.
You are running in circles here. What is her weakness? The situation you provided would scare anyone! 
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shes forgetfull but wont ever forget things really important eheh,
Yay, another weakness that isn't a weakness. 
I do this all the time. Many people do. You aren't a special snowflake.
she can get really anxious and worried for others, and when you upset her in a fight she might get upset and start being reckless but yOU REALLY GOTTA TUG ON THOSE HEART STRINGS (unless ur like ’ ima kill ur bud’ then its really easy for her to go cray on you, but usually
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Okay, no. That is literally Natsu. This person is ripping other characters off.
Also, that was a run on sentence. It stars at "She's forgetful" and ends at "when that happens uwu." USE PUNCTUATION.
if the person being threatened is with her they’ll calm her down and she’ll be able to fight in a less reckless way), but once you do she goes a little insane and is more powerfull but gets hurt eaiser and dosent even care just as long as she fucks the other person up aND SHELL TELL EM TOO idk shes really violent/crazy/scary/blood-thirsty when that happens uwu.
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What happened to "She's such a lovable sweetheart?"
Shes super ’ no mercy’ in fights too, mainly because thats what darcy taught her,
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Was Darcy evil? Because in Fairy Tail, mercy is a virtue. Lucy would hate her if she showed no mercy. Even Natsu shows mercy, though he goes kind of ballistic if someone threatens his friends (especially Lucy). How did she get in if she shows no mercy? How did she even make friends?
and because she has no trust in the enemy to not hurt her after shes won. 
That doesn't justify that.
She has a bad sense of humor too ok shes a cutie
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Zila also has a little ghost friend named Boo ( it’s cliche but idec) who wears a bow with a spell that let’s other people see her on it.
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Is Boo more powerful than Mavis now? Because Mavis's residual energy let the members of the guild with a mark see her, but that was the only reason. Nobody else could. But apparently, Boo is so powerful everyone can see her. 
Boo would have to be god-like in terms of power.
I call nonsense on that.
Boo is only with Zila when theyre ina care-free environment but Boo can’t talk and can only use facial expressions. Boo is bae too
If you call something 'bae' one more time, I am going to lose it.
Also, what sense does that make?
(also heres what her eyes look like without her eye patch uwu)
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That is such a generic thing to do with an OC.
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Literally, just no.
Overall, this OC was terrible. She had no flaws, no weaknesses, and her ghost friend had god-like powers. I cannot even. I'll see you guys later.
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grims-classpects · 7 years
Hello! If you're still doing session analysis, I'd like it if you looked over this session that a friend and I are working on. It includes a laid-back, outgoing Witch of Time who has a... unique style of music for her band; an eccentric and EXTREMELY energetic Heir of Space whose home is cluttered with his bizarre art projects; a Knight of Void who acts more mysterious then he is to attract attention; a spacey but weirdly insightful Seer of Breath girl who believes in fairies (1/2)
(2/2) a high popular Rogue of Blood who affects being laid back and friendly to cope with the stress of too many people vying for his attention; and a very uptight Maid of Rage whose Mother was very strict, and taught her to repress her feelings at all costs, lest her “uncouth tendencies” injure those around her.
You have both cardinal aspects.
You have no preference for active of passive classes.
You have no preference for negative or positive classpects.
You have no repeated classes or aspects.
Looks like you have a pretty successful session with a strong friendship group there at first glance, but a maid of rage could be a bit of a loose cannon although with enough people to calm her down there she could progress a lot over the course of the session.
Undercut is a personality analysis on each one and how they’d interact and benefit the group.
Witch of time
Witches mess around with their aspect a lot: they mold it, manipulate it, challenge its boundaries, etc. Your witch does this by her eccentric music. Maybe there’s something off about it, or unexpected, Maybe people don’t like to listen to it or feel unnerved by it. Either way, she is using the things that are linked to time to her own advantage. Time is about endings, loops, repetition, destiny, and the witch bends these ideas. Maybe she’s the type that makes stories that seem like they’ve ended, but then have sudden cliff hangers. She can cheat with time, too. Maybe there’s a way for her to look into the future more, or maybe she doesn’t feel the need to follow natural continuity and feels the need to interfere and rebel against certain outcomes- this could lead to quite a hectic session, but overall she must learn that messing with time is not always a good idea.  
I imagine despite her eccentricity she will still be relatively liked within the group, and as the witch is an active part, it is likely she’ll play a big role in the physical, getting-things-done side of the session. I imagine that she probably gets on well with the seer of breath and maybe the heir of space too, which is good because time players and space players work well together when collecting frogs.
Heir of space
Everyone loves the heir of space! And this one looks to fit the description pretty well what with the whole cluttered room and that. I’m imaging someone like Jade, but maybe even more random. They spurt random facts, love their trivia, are spontaneous and emotional, collect stuff lying around to put in their room with the hunch it will turn out useful- which it does! Probably. Because space likes the heir.
It’s likely that at first, the heir will be totally chill in the session. They’re already a natural at frog collecting and find it fun, maybe. Running around their land and learning new things! It might even become infuriating that they have so much darn energy and that they don’t seem to tire and that, as a result, their work always gets done well.
To consider what conflict they might have which would challenge them, it’s good to look back and think of what their life was to make them such a bouncy person. Maybe their childhood was pretty easy or their parents were the type that encouraged creativity. This might mean if, say the heir was thrown in derse jail, they would find it absolutely terrible. It would be a shock- monotonous purple walls, routine, actual punishment. It would also be a shock if their parents died. If you can’t think of anything, just remember that this space player has too much space and not enough routine and regularity of time. The time will be what challenges them, and probably what pacifies them to an extent so they realise their spontaneity isn’t always a good thing.
Knight of void
I am the batman.
Well, that’s what I thought of when I read the description of him. He acts very tough, very the-silent-type, very spoopy. He likes to think that he is the hot shit with good morals (although these morals can change because…. mysterious and elusive you can’t control me….), but seriously this is probably brought on by a lack of attention- and that lack of attention is the “void” that needs to be filled. I’m thinking of a parent like Bro, or one that’s worse and a physical abuser, where he has to learn to literally stay in the shadows and keep out of their way to survive, whilst playing it cool at skool by being emo and edge.
He’s got a lot of insecurities, and he hides them behind this tacky mysterious stuff. He’s actually pretty good at completing his land quest and doesn’t mind helping his friends, but he doesn’t really see it that way. The knight might think that ultimately, he’s really unimportant and useless- and this might result in inversion where he works too hard against what he’s good at to try and make a difference some other way. The inversion of a knight of void is a rogue of light.
But yeah, he actually would be a lot of help if he god tiered despite all this, being able to cloak his team in darkness while attacking and maybe even make conceal the battlefield for a time. I feel like the knight would certainly take the idea of shadows and darkness more literally than the idea of the ambiguous and unknown. There are two different branches, almost- like how there is with light meaning both knowledge and luck.
Seer of breath
The seer is a bit. Disconnected from her friends. She’s an introvert, maybe, and often has her “head in the clouds”. She likes nature too and is very thoughtful and quiet and observant there looking for fairies. Speaking of fairies, I like to imagine there’s probably a proper reason for her to think they’re there- maybe she thinks that the world can’t really function without little fairy helpers. She just thinks… a lot, and this translates into the game as being able to know to analytically assess the truth in different paths and be able to step back and look at every option. She is the advisor, although the other players are probably reluctant or might not even realise that that’s her role. I can imagine they might come to her for advice on ethics and philosophy in secret. Even mister batman, knight of void.
So yeah, she is probably is good with mending relationships, advising and swooping in to tidy up tasks that others perform. Definitely a passive player, but very much vital.
Rogue of blood
I can see what you were trying to go for here. A lot of people want to be with this guy, so he just kind of… lays back, acts pretty lazy and tries to go “but hey! Look over there that guy is cool too!” in a very subtle way to try and divert attention, bonds, and relationships to others, but this ultimately fails because his chillax demeanor makes people desire him even more. Over the course of the session, this might become not so subtle. People go to him for help, to de-stress, to seek advice because that seer-girl is kind of weird, and no one seems to take the hint that, hey, he’s actually a bit anxious or feels awkward. And the rogue, of course, absorbs it like usual until he reaches breaking point where something happens. Whether that be someone finally getting through to him, him bonding with one specific player (I can see him venting to the seer), or the less fortunate but equally possible outcome of him just becoming plain nasty and snapping at everyone to get the hell away. (this would also probably be inverting, as breath is all about freedom, apathy and disconnectedness)
Normally rogues are really healthy for a session, but this guy doesn’t seem like he’ll do much, so I mayy have interpreted your rogue of blood in the wrong way. The only way he’d be able to help is if there was someone who really needed that attention- such as someone who was timid and feeling left out- but you don’t really have anyone like that in this session.
Maid of rage
The maid of rage takes her anger out on being productive. Overly motherly, overly attentive, making sure everyone’s doing okay and feels well and is doing good and working up to speed. Maybe she doesn’t understand things and is too afraid or ignorant or stubborn to ask what things mean, and when things confuse her… she gets upset. And angry. And she hides it all away and wants to act productive and necessary and important. Because rage is chaotic, and rage is a product of despair. And at first she doesn’t want to embrace that, she wants to tuck it all away and make sure she’s perfectly monitoring how she acts to people.
But there are times during this session when under immense pressure she will crack. Imagine if a person gave her the choice to save one of her two friends. She would be able to utilise her rage to just break the system- say “screw that” and tear down whatever is holding her two friends captive. She will not whine and reluctantly pick which one, she will do something about it and no one is going to stop her.
It’s hard to see how the maid part and the rage part connect, although the rage player in her is certainly there. Maids normally protect or create/ create with their aspect, so… I guess she can incite rage into her fellow players to get them to do something? Yeah, that makes sense considering she’s strict. “If you don’t do this I’ll…” That type of thing. Despite how unlikely it is, the maid is probably what keeps the group together and on task, not letting the more eccentric players frolick off and forget what the aim of the game is.
In conclusion
Look at that! By the way, none of this is proofread, so I hope it mostly makes sense but uh, yeah! This group should have no trouble completing their game. The heir and witch are always very good with cardinal aspects, although I wasn’t exactly certain what the witch’s personality might be- if she’s a not-so-nice witch then the whole thing could be game over. They all have a part, except for the rogue maybe, and they all just about have their own designated positions in a friendship group that work well together.  
The only only only only thing I’d be worried about is if you have enough firepower for the final fight. The witch, knight, and maid would be good combatants and the heir can mess around with the battlefield to manipulate it in the group’s favour. It’s a small thing that doesn’t matter much, but those guys are the ones you want to get to god tier.
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purplesurveys · 7 years
What day would you consider the best day of your life? Why? I spent the longest time on this question only to decide not to give an answer. I don’t know, all my ‘best’ days have always been stained with something bad in between. I guess the closest to being the best is the night I got accepted to UP. That was a feeling I haven’t gotten to emulate ever since, but even then, I had a meh day for the most part and even cried in the afternoon. Do you listen to music simply for the melody or for the lyrics? Either. Whatever I’m more drawn to for a certain song. Is there a song out there that reminds you of a certain ex? Not really other than a local song by a local band. It’s called Oo by Up Dharma Down. Are you addicted to anything dangerous? What exactly is that? Making myself feel like shit and never giving myself a break from anything. Do you faint at the sight of blood? Have you always been like that? Not faint, but I get squeamish. I easily get light-headed, yes.
Would you ever consider becoming a prostitute or stripper? Not me, but that’s just my choice. I wouldn’t criticize someone doing it for a living either. Who would you consider your favorite stand-up comedian? I’m not really into standup comedy. Has anyone ever mistaken you for a certain stereotype? I don’t think so. When I stepped into university people weren’t quick to cast stereotypes on me or my blockmates. They were very open, so instead of being like, “Oh I thought people from your high school were so and so...” they asked me how it was being in my high school and were also eager to hear about my experiences there. I also haven’t had a bad stereotyping experience when it comes to being Asian or Filipino. What is the most visited website on your Internet window? I don’t check but maybe YouTube or Facebook. Do you like the daytime or the nighttime better? Why is this? Nighttime. Just a preference. What was the first horror movie you ever saw? How old were you? No clue. It’s among Paranormal Activity, The Exorcist, or The Ring. I watched all around the same period and I’ve forgotten which came first. Would you say you're too experienced or too unexperienced for your age? Unexperienced. I’m painfully shy - I haven’t joined or tried out for a lot of things plus I’m also so scared of making mistakes that I avoid stuff I might fail in, so I’ve ended up missing out on a lot. Do you normally like the dreams you have at night? Why? I don’t remember having one that I really enjoyed. The ones that stay with me are the bad dreams; and the other ones I forget immediately after waking up. Have you ever given up on someone completely before? It happens. What is the color or your favorite hoodie at the time being? I don’t wear hoodies anymore. Do you avoid the past of most people you meet? No, I don’t see why that’s necessary. If they’re open to tell me about it, I’d listen. Do you always try to make a good first impression with people? At first I used to not care, but I do try now. How many windows are in the room you're in, if there are any? It’s two big ones, but when each window is counted individually it comes up to eight. Do you always voice your opinion to random people? Well certainly not to random people, but I’m vocal around people I know. Are you related to the person you last talked to on the telephone? Nope. But come to think about it Gab and I are very very distantly related and I love teasing her about it lol. Is your hair bad for getting static electricity in it, or not so much? I don’t mess with anything electricity in the first place, so I wouldn’t know. What is your favorite holiday of all-time? Why is this? Not really a holiday but I always look forward to Halloween because I love horror. Do you think freshman are too immature most of the time? Some of them can be. Most are just too eager to feel grown up. What is your favorite neon color? Ever buy nail polish that color? I’m not into neons and I don’t use nail polish. Have you ever eaten a cotton ball before? What was it like? Why would anyone willingly eat a cotton ball.....that might even get caught in your throat?? Do you actually like the cell phone you have, or not so much? I like it and I’m not necessarily chasing after an iPhone 6, but my screen’s been cracked for so long and I just want to get it fixed :( What time is it where you are currently? 7:50 AM. Has anyone ever gotten in your face completely bitching you out? Yeah my mom on a normal day. Do you ever make your own personal surveys for enjoyment? I don’t make my own. What kind of instant messaging system do you currently have? I only have Facebook Messenger and Telegram. Have you ever peeled paint off of a building? Was it hard to do? No, I haven’t. When is the next time you'll hang out with a long-time friend? Er I guess Tuesday, since Angela and I have a class together. Do you ever watch scary movies alone or are you too afraid to? I watch them alone, but I prefer someone to be with me. Has anyone ever mistaken you to be a member of the opposite sex? Not seriously, but I got teased about it a lot when I was younger. Do you ever watch soap operas? Which ones are your favorite? Nope. Would you ever consider yourself over-dramatic? No, if I ever start drama it’s because of my BPD making me start flipping shit and crying because I was like 45 seconds late to something, but for the most part, that’s not me. Do you like to sing? Do you personally think you have a good singing voice? I like singing along whenever I listen to songs, but I’m not a singer. Are you one of those creepers who is overly excited about Twilight? Yes if you want to put it that way. How often do you text people? Who do you text the most? The only person I text regularly is my girlfriend, the others not so much. Do you accept compliments easily, or not so much? I have a hard time receiving them. Have you ever gone hunting before? Do you think it's wrong? Hunting is wrong. What do you do when you see a stray animal on the side of the road? Stray dogs and cats are commonplace here, so I’ve grown to be used to it. I always feel a little more bad seeing dogs, though. What would you consider your second choice as a dream career? Art curator. That was the course I had to give up from another university. Have you ever worn the same outfit two days in a row? Probably. Has someone ever spied on you from outside a window before? No...not that I know of. Are you someone who always leaves the lights on in your room? My bedroom light is actually never on. I keep it turned off even at night. How many lamps are in your living room? What color are they? We don’t have a lamp, just two big enough ceiling lights to cover the whole room. One is silver and the other is dark brown. Do you usually like surveys with a lot of questions or not so much? Depends on what I’m in the mood to take. How often would you say your computer freezes up? Never. It’s pretty new and I’ve been more careful about the software I put on here, so it hasn’t had any problems so far. What is your favorite color? Are your bedroom walls this color? I like black and pastel pink, but my bedroom walls are white. Do you ever listen to the band Death Cab For Cutie? Just one song of theirs since Gab dedicated it to me.  What is one word you could never properly pronounce? ‘Beautiful’ is pretty hard for anyone with a Filipino accent I think. Is there anyone you know who can never take a bad picture? Lots. Gabie, Athenna, Denise, my sister. What color is your landline phone? Do you like this color? Black. Sure, it’s simple. Do you like to wear skirts? Do you prefer just denim or frilly fluffy ones? I don’t like wearing skirts. I know denim skirts is the trend now, but I don’t own one.  Has anyone ever told you that you must have ADHD? Nope. How many iPods or mp3 players have you had in your entire life? Two. Three of your favorite movies in the world: Two For the Road, Good Will Hunting, Requiem For A Dream. What does it smell like in the room you're currently in? I’ve been here a while so I don’t smell anything in particular anymore. What is the longest amount of time you've played video games consecutively? No idea, maybe 4-5 hours playing GTA or Sims. When was the last time you got mad and broke something? I’ve never broken something because I was angry. Do you have a laptop and a desktop or just one of those? Just a laptop. Would you say you're good at persuading people into things? Noooooo no no I get really shy and I’m terrible at convincing. Except for Gab though. I’ve learned persuading when it comes to her. Are you missing anyone at this moment in time? Sure. What day of the week is it? Is this your favorite day of the week? It’s Sunday and it is actually my least favorite day. Do you ever use cheats when you play video games? No, it gets boring that way. What is a physical feature people compliment you on the most? Just my figure in general. Would you consider yourself a creative person? Hell to the fucking no. When was the last time you fingerpainted with someone? Like never. How many people are currently on your contact list in your phone? More than 50 I’m guessing. Where is somewhere you're excited to go in the next few days? I’m not planning to go anywhere other than school for the next week. Has anyone, besides yourself, considered you as a failure? Yeah my mom. When was the last time you took a picture with someone? Thursday. What is your favorite day of the year? February 23rd. Does your family go 'all out' during the holidays? No, and that’s why I hate holidays. I feel very inadequate and left out because my family never plans anything up. Would you consider yourself to be a very playful person? No. Would you prefer cold or warm weather? Why? COLD. Because constant 32ºC weather can get so fucking boring. Do you enjoy being tickled, or does it ever make you angry? I hate it, since it makes me anxious and I easily panic knowing I can’t breathe when it happens. What color are your favorite pair of jeans? Egh I don’t like jeans. The pair I wear the most is blue though. How often in a year do you go to the mall to get new clothes? Maybe like twice or thrice. I don’t update my wardrobe all that much. Have you ever won a trophy or medal for something you've done? No, just certificates. Who was the last person to call you beautiful? What was your reaction? My girlfriend. I might have rolled my eyes. How many people do you know who are currently pregnant? None. Do you like watching old home videos of yourself? YESSSSS they are so fun to watch. When will you next see the person you love or are in love with? I’m guessing Friday. We normally see each other Tuesday, but she’s told me she’s booked this week. Do you ever get paranoid about who your significant other hangs out with? No. She knows I hate her dorm mates though. Do you make typos on the computer a lot? How often, actually? A little bit. I type fast, so it happens. What is your favorite international food? Why is it your favorite? I love anything Indian. It’s so diverse and they use lots of spices and it’s a different taste compared to Philippine cuisine, so I’ve learned to appreciate it much more than any other kind of food. Do you eat fast food too much for your health, or not so much? LOL probably. What is the color of the shirt you're currently wearing? Black. How old are you and what is your birthday? I was born on April 21st 1998, which makes me 19. Do you fully understand what it takes to be a best friend to someone? It’s different for everyone, since there’s no formula to being the best best friend. As for my case, yes I guess so. I’ve been best friends with one for 12 years and the other for 5, so I must be doing something right. Do you go to amusement parks a lot or not so much? Definitely not so much because I can’t go on rides anyway.
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