#am i not full aro am i experiencing a crush what?? oh wait wait wait ok yeah nah this is platonic i just wanna spend time and chat with the
aroacecatto · 1 year
i've been watching heartstopper, haven't finished yet but i wanted to say-
MAN. those scenes, those shots, depicting nick's genuine confusion and struggle with his identity & figuring out his sexual orientation? god man i am aroace, not bi, but that hits so close to home.
him realising he likes a dude as well sends him into a confusion about his hetero identity. and my confusion was around if i have even experienced a crush before, confusing aesthetic and platonic attraction and being genuinely confused!
and i didn't really know what asexual meant, so i spent some time half knowing i wasn't straight but not knowing what i was then. i had a moment thinking i was bi or pan cuz i felt equally the same to everyone
either way, heteronormativity, amatonormativity and all that has instilled expectations in all of us to the point that when something diverges from the norms. it's confusion time- like how can something i've grown up believing not be true? but identity is so much more fluid than that and those norms harms everyone
you gotta accept and love yourself no matter what, you gotta back yourself up or who else will? gotta remember that it's okay to have these feelings.
just figuring out and navigating and accepting your feelings... a whole 'nother journey
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tokyoghoulaspecs · 4 years
Like I said in my last post, I’ve been putting more and more aspecs into my writing lately. This fic in particular is being written extremely scattered, so i have no idea when it’ll be posted, if at all. But I wanted to at least share the aspec bits I have written!
This time, it’s Hide’s segments!
(Word Count: 2200)
(Warnings for a brief scene of romance and lots of internalized aphobia/amisia)
[This takes place shortly after Dragon, while the ghouls are all still staying at the CCG]
“Um, Hide? Can I talk to you for a second?”
“Of course!”
“So, um, I was thinking about what you said...” Kaneki began.
“Which one?” Hide asked. So much had happened over the past few weeks, Kaneki could have been referring to literally anything.
“A-about... you liking me.”
“Oh.” Hide could feel his face heating up. He’d almost forgotten about his confession.
“And, I think I’d like to try? As long as that’s okay with you?”
Hide lunged and hugged him. “Of course it is!”
Kaneki hummed contentedly and hugged him back.
It was 3am, and Hide was awake staring at the ceiling.
He had forgotten the reason why he stopped dating in high school, why all of his relationships ended badly. Something was different about him — about his sexuality. Kaneki had just confessed and they became a couple, and already Hide could feel his feelings changing. Most people would write it off as anxiety, but Hide knew better. He’d felt this feeling before, and he knew what was happening. His romantic feelings were fading.
Hide groaned and ducked his head into his knees. “I was hoping I would be fixed by now.”
He had given up dating after he broke two people’s hearts. Two people that he had loved romantically, and even when his romantic feelings faded he still cared about, but the relationship became too much for him. Too many expectations, too many things he didn’t understand, and he had to end it. After not even a few months, going from passionate to repulsed, he unintentionally broke their hearts. And then they broke his when they screamed at him, accusing him of never loving them in the first place.
He had hoped that taking a long break from dating would fix whatever was wrong with his sexuality. He had loved Kaneki for so many years, with none of it fading, even when Kaneki went missing time and time again. Hide thought it would stay forever. But now that they were in a relationship, it was fading.
“Maybe I can hold on, and it’ll come back.” Hide said, trying to ignore the fact that he said the same thing in his prior relationships, and it had never worked before.
“I love you.” Kaneki whispered, nuzzling him before kissing him on the cheek.
Hide pulled away. “I can’t.”
“Did I do something wrong?”
Hide shook his head. “It’s not you. It’s me.” He grimaced. “I know that sounds cliché, but its true.”
“What’s wrong? I can fix it.” Kaneki reached out to take his hand.
“It’s nothing you can fix!” Hide snapped, yanking his hand away.
Hide stepped back. “S-sorry!”
“Wait, Hide!”
“I’m so sorry.” Hide ran off.
Hide tried to busy himself with CCG work, which Marude was more than happy to provide. It was boring, but gave him time to think, which he really needed. And after a while, he needed someone to talk about it with.
“Hey, Marude-san…” Hide began. “What are your thoughts on queer people?”
Marude laughed.
Hide winced and continued on his work. Maybe they could just pretend he never said anything.
“So you’re saying you’re queer too, huh?” Marude asked. “I guess I shoulda known, the way you talk about that one eyed bastard.”
Hide perked up. “Too?”
“Hm?” Marude looked at him. “Yeah. You’re far from the only queer person I know.”
Marude gave him a look. “Nagachika, you really think everyone is straight, in the entire CCG, all these years I’ve worked here?”
“Well, no, but…” Hide trailed off.
“So what are ya, then?” Marude asked. “I noticed you said queer and not gay.”
“I’m pansexual.”
“Which one is that?”
“It’s kinda like bisexual. Usually people use it to mean more gender-blind, whereas with bisexual there’s usually some internal difference with attraction to each gender. But not all people use it that way.”
Marude hummed and nodded. Hide was glad he accepted it at face value and didn’t try to pick it apart.
“But the past few days, I’m beginning to think I’m something else…”
“What, like you’re just gay or just straight?”
“Not like that.” Hide shook his head. “Like, an additional label.”
“Transgender?” Marude guessed.
“Not trans, but you’re on the right track on how trans is an additional label on a different axis.”
“Then what label are you thinking about adding? I’m at my limit of vocab here!”
“Aromantic.” Hide said, deciding to keep it as simple as possible.
“And that is?”
Here it comes…
“Not experiencing romantic attraction.”
There was silence. Hide braced himself.
“Romantic?” Marude asked. “So, wait. Separate from sexual stuff?”
“For me, yeah. But some other aros don’t experience sexual attraction either.”
Marude hummed. He seemed to accept it, but Hide couldn’t tell what he was thinking beyond that.
“So what’s the issue?” Marude asked.
“I can’t love.” Hide whispered. “And that’s scary.”
“Eh, love’s overrated.” Marude waved him off.
Hide sighed. He was glad Marude was being so accepting, and it was really nice to hear someone not put romance on a pedestal for once, but at the same time Hide wanted some validation for his fears.
“For so long now I’ve prided myself on being loving. And now knowing that I can’t… What am I now?”
“So was everything fake?”
“No. Yes? It’s complicated.” Hide groaned.
“Look, kid. You feel how you feel. You can’t force it or change it. And that goes for everything, not just sexualities.”
“I know.”
“You’re a sweet kid. It’s overbearing to me, but I appreciate that in a world so cruel, people like you exist. And from what I’ve seen, the care you show isn’t fake.”
“The non-romantic love? That’s not fake. But the romance? The crushes and flirting? It’s not fake but… it disappears. Way sooner than it should.”
“I think I’m, like, a subset of aromantic? I get crushes but they fade after I’m in a relationship. Way sooner than it should. I’ve been in love with Kaneki for years, but now that we’re a couple, that romantic attraction is gone.”
“That’s certainly a dilemma.”
Hide scoffed. That was an understatement.
“So what do you wanna do about it?” Marude asked.
“Break up, or keep it up?”
“I don’t know.”
“Then just talk to him.”
“I can’t give you any advice on the romance aspect, but you two have been through things much worse than relationship drama. Just talk to the guy. Can’t be any scarier than what you’ve gone through.”
“I’d beg to differ.” Hide muttered.
Marude rolled his eyes. “Even I know he’s not gonna get pissed and eat you.”
“Of course not! That’s not what I’m afraid of!”
“Then what are you afraid of?”
“I don’t want to hurt him.” Hide whispered. “Or make him think I hate him.”
“Just communicate with him. You can’t work it out all alone. You both need to work together, or else how do you even expect your relationship to work?”
Hide sighed. “...I guess you’re right.”
Akira huffed as she sat down next to him. “How do people deal with it?”
Hide gave her a look. “Deal with what?”
“Crushes!” Akira said, as if it was obvious. “They’re so distracting.”
Hide chuckled. They certainly were.
“I thought one was bad enough, but now I have two! Ugh!”
“Oof. That’s rough. I’ve been there.”
“Hey, you’re allo-romantic, right? How do you deal with crushes?”
“Huh? Allo-romantic?” Hide asked. He thought he was pretty well-versed in sexuality terms, but he hadn’t heard that one before.
“It means people who aren’t on the aromantic spectrum.”
“You’re aromantic?” Hide asked. He had known she was asexual for years, but he never knew what her romantic orientation was.
“Demi-romantic.” Akira explained with a nod. “Got my first crush at 20 on a friend, and now a double-whammy of crushes #2 and #3 at 25.”
“Huh.” Hide whispered. He was 22, and it was pretty incredible to imagine only having a single crush in that much time.
Akira-san is aromantic…
“Do you know a lot about aromantic terminology?” Hide decided to ask.
“I wouldn’t say I’m an expert, but I have been researching it these past few weeks. Why? What do you want to know?”
“I’ve been wondering if I fall somewhere on there…” Hide said.
“I’ve actually been wondering since high school, but its come back full force now.”
“What makes you think you are?”
“I get a regular amount of crushes, I think. But they, like… fade…?”
Akira hummed in understanding and nodded. “I do recall seeing a few terms like that.”
Hide’s eyes widened. “Really? More than one? Like what?”
“Um, off the top of my head I remember Aroflux, that fluctuates. Hold on.” She pulled out her phone and typed into it.
“Maybe, but that’s a bit vague…” Hide said.
“I know Grey-romantic can be used as an umbrella term.” Akira added. “Ah, here we go! Fray-romantic means you’re only romantically attracted to strangers, and it fades as you get to know them!”
“That’s close, but it’s not that quick. Well, maybe I can use it anyway.” He knew that a lot of queer terms had a lot of grey area to them.
“Oh, and there’s also Lithromantic, that fades at reciprocation!”
“Reciprocation...?” Hide asked, his eyes widening. “That’s… That’s it…”
“Ha, really? That’s awesome!”
“I got crushes and tried to date them, but once I was in a relationship my feelings would disappear. I tried to push on and fake it, but it didn’t work out and we had to break up. Eventually I just gave up dating entirely.”
Hide sighed and held his head in his hands.
Akira frowned. “What’s wrong?”
“It’s Kaneki.”
“We just confessed to each other and started officially dating, and I can already feel it fading.”
Akira frowned, not sure what to say.
Hide laid down. “Who’d want to date me? A person who can’t love them back.”
Akira scoffed, laying back to join him. “What about me, huh? Someone who takes forever to like you back, and even then isn’t capable of sexual attraction.”
“You like Amon-san and Takizawa-san, right?” Hide guessed.
“Yeah. So what?”
Hide turned on his side to face her. “Well, Amon-san doesn’t seem like the kind of guy to care about that. And I don’t think Takizawa-san does either. If they really love you, then I’m sure they’d be willing to find a way to meet in the middle.”
Akira sighed, considering his words. Then she gave some of her own, “You know, you and Kaneki are really close. We can all tell. And I know Kaneki, too, and how he is. I’m sure he’d accept your aromanticism. Maybe you could even be in a non-romantic relationship with him.”
Hide blinked. Akira chewed her lip. They were both silent, thinking on each other’s words.
“You really think someone would be okay having a relationship without sex?” Akira asked.
“Of course.” Hide replied. “Do you really think someone would be okay with having a committed relationship that’s not romantic?”
“Of course.” Akira replied.
As he talked, Hide walked around the room, taking in the tiniest of details. And then he came across small pride pins, clipped to her bag laid in the corner.
“Is that what I think it is?!” Hide cried out.
“Huh? What is what you think it is?” Kimi asked, turning around.
“That!” Hide pointed to the pin that had gradients of greens and blacks. “Is that an aromantic pin?”
Kimi’s eyes widened. No one had ever recognized it before. Hardly anyone even recognized her bisexual one. “Yeah. I’m aromantic.”
“Wow.” Hide muttered. “And I know the bi one, but… what’s this other one?” He pointed to the one on the other side of the aromantic pin, the one with stripes making a gradient from pink to green.
“It’s aroflux.” Kimi said. “I fall in the grey area of the aromantic spectrum.”
Hide untensed his shoulders. “You know… I think I do, too.”
“I’m Lith-romantic, I’m pretty sure.”
“Neat! It’s always exciting to meet more aromantics!”
“You know others?”
“Nishiki-kun is arospec too. And I’ve helped a few other people question.”
“Nishio-senpai is too?! You’re in a relationship with another aromantic?! That’s amazing!”
“Tell me about it! It was just a coincidence! He didn’t know he was aromantic before I told him about aromanticism! Although, in hindsight I guess it explains why we fit so well together. We both have very complicated feelings on romance, that our previous partners never were able to grasp.”
Hide felt warm and happy, a sense of comfort and kinship coming over him. He often had a lot of internalized dislike of his aromanticism, but it was really nice to talk to someone who was similar — someone else who was on the aromantic spectrum.
Whenever he talked to other people — other allo-romantics, was the term Akira had used — they never grasped what he was trying to explain and always blew it off. As much as he liked people and socialized, he always felt a heavy disconnect from them.
And it suddenly dawned on him. He knew three arospecs so far, and Kimi had implied more.
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albatris · 4 years
is there romance in atdao or is it all just found famiy vibes? if there is romance im real curious about how peeps would express those kinda feelings
hello hi hello this took me AGES I’m very sorry I kept getting distracted by things such as being asleep
anyway yes thank you for the question! romance? yes, we’ve got some of this going on, sure, though I would count the romance as within the found family c:
I don’t know if you wanted a Ramble™ but this is a topic I can ramble about and I’m in a bit of a rambling mood so you can have a ramble, free of charge, just take it up to the register and have them enter the code “logan this is not what I ordered”
but yeah, your question? about eight vaguely relevant tangents immediately spring to mind! also spoilers?? spoilers after the cut
I really should have formatted this response in a way that puts the super spoiler heavy part at the end but since when have I ever ever in my life made things easy for my dear sweet followers
y’all know what I’m like with spoilers by now 
but yeah, to set the scene, there’s two main romantic......................... situations going on in the story, the first being between Noa and Alice, and the second being between Kai, Tris and Shara. so, the former I would describe as “a legitimate romantic subplot” and the latter I would describe as a character tripping and falling into it by sheer chance and just being like “oh whoops well I guess this is what I’m doing now” which is also extremely valid
Noa and Alice end up not being, like, Confirmed Endgame by the end of the story even though much of the plot looks like it’s heading in that direction, and like...... yeah, in my head, they do end up in a romantic relationship at some point post-story, but I’m not sure on what sort of timeline
during the story itself, it’s established that they do share mutual feelings for each other and this is likely heading towards a romantic relationship, but I think since much of the story sees Noa still trying to find her feet in just, like....... having friends at all, and trusting those friends, and knowing who she is in relation to others on any sort of level, I think near the end of the story she decides that she’s not at a place where she wants to try and figure out a romantic relationship just yet
it’s not a hard no, it’s just a “hey not right now” and a “let’s see what happens later down the track, for now it’s just nice to be around friends” ‘cause even that is just super new territory for her
which I worry will make people feel cheated, but also, I think it’s the ending for this subplot that would make the most sense for where the characters are at and would be the most fitting c:
and secondly there’s like
hm. ok
well, there WAS a vaguely jokey post I made yonks back where I pitched the idea of an ATDAO polyamory ending being just like. Alice who’s dating Noa who’s dating Shara who’s dating Kai who’s dating Tris. and I stand by this being solid as hell. but also, given the ending to Noa’s subplot with Alice, it doesn’t really work in the story canon, n though I think Noa and Shara is a dynamic I really enjoy, it would likely not actually play out in reality :P
which leaves the trio of Shara, Kai and Tris, a trio I’ve always vibed with and had vaguely on my radar as a valid poly ending but for some reason didn’t twig that I could just, like, make it canon and no one can stop me LMAO
but yeah, this one, like I said, it’s not so much aHD whole big subplot, it’s just something that falls into place super casually and is never really brought up beyond “oh is this a thing that’s happening?” “yeah” “cool ok”
I think there’s a brief window as a reader where you might be like “ugh this is gonna be a stupid love triangle or some weird jealousy thing” but then it just ends up being a complete non-issue. there’s basically zero romantic drama for this plotline, Tris and Shara are bros and Kai is dating both of them
n as for your question itself, it depends on whether you mean, like.......... how they would go about expressing to someone else that they have romantic feelings or, like, how they express their affections in a romantic scenario
‘cause for the former, the answer for both Tris and Noa is just.... they don’t
Noa because at the start of the story she views her crush on Alice as a huge fucking inconvenience that’s going to make things messy and complicated, so she just tries to ignore her romantic feelings as hard as she can (obviously this doesn’t last hahaha). but yeah, she’s just very pissed off that she has a crush and doesn’t want to acknowledge it :P she also has no idea how to respond when Alice expresses romantic interest in her, this is all extremely new territory
and Tris because he doesn’t realise he’s even experiencing romantic feelings in the first place?? like. the boy has so much baseline anxiety jitteriness that stuff like, idk, feeling your heart pick up pace, butterflies in the stomach, any kinda social nerves you get around the people you like, etc, he experiences this with Kai and is automatically just like “great now you’re here and I’m having a panic attack can you please leave”
just slaps a label of Bad Vibes onto it then later is like Wait A Minute
but yeah, I think neither of them would be super comfy actually expressing their feelings out loud or making that first move, Noa because she’s super fuckin petty and stubborn and Tris because he’s waaaaaaaay too fuckin socially anxious for that shit are you kidding
in terms of how they express their affections though??
so like. I have to reiterate that I’m aro and ace and I have a lot of difficulty in articulating what makes a romance A Romance, like??? I have relationships that are friendships and relationships that are romantic, but I myself don’t really experience romantic attraction in the way other people do
as such, the way I write characters in their romantic expressions tends to be just an extension of how they act in their friendships? which I think is a pretty ok thing to base a romance off anyway, but like, yeah, romance, this is a mystery to me for the most part, do I look like I know what a romance is
anyway I think once Alice and Noa get a little closer there’s a lot of good-natured ribbing and friendly insults, n since they already had a bit of a rivalry going on beforehand I would imagine this competitive streak doesn’t disappear :P Noa is generally uncomfy with being Openly affectionate and soft with others, so I think there would be a lot of more “indirect” ways she shows this care. I think they have the kind of relationship where from an outside perspective you don’t really get how it’s warm and affectionate, but it’s just ‘cause you don’t know the lingo, right
Tris is just the cheerleader type in all friendly relationships I think, lots of encouragement and hype and compliments and enthusiasm, he’s very excitable and very easily impressed hahahaha. though I think it takes people a while to click that he’s legitimately being 100% earnest and genuine, the constant deadpan does not work super well in his favour
anyway I’m gonna hop back up for a sec so I can cover Shara and Kai real quick
these two are............ a bit more direct with actually verbalising their feelings to people? Shara is a socially anxious type, but also not someone who enjoys beating around the bush, n she generally likes to just speak what’s on her mind and be direct with others whenever she can. Kai just kinda........ I mean, I don’t think they consider romantic affections to be a super big deal? at least in theory? I say in theory ‘cause, like, I think they give the impression that this kind of conversation is just super smooth and easy for them, and on the inside they’re like “it’s really not a big deal it’s just feelings it’s whatever” but they’re still anxious about it and had to hype themself up for like a week before going through with it lmao
but ye, in terms of how they express their affections, they’re both fairly similar. you suddenly will just Not Be Able To Get Rid Of Them, they’ll constantly be hanging around in the same space or dragging you into whatever shenanigans they’ve got going on, I think for both of them their favourite expression of love is just sharing in experiences or sharing the same space, just Being Involved And Around 
a “hey come help me run errands” type or a “I’m gonna hang off the back of your sofa while you’re studying and sometimes slingshot balls of paper at you with a rubber band” type :P
and now I have to go on Another Tangent just ‘cause the subject matter is vaguely relevant and idk where else I’m gonna go on this tangent
there is definitely some part of me that’s still super super fond of the idea of Kai being aro??? and I initially did write them as such, but for the moment this is not something that’s remained canon in text ‘cause I’m a little bitch ‘cause like
Kai would be aro in very much the same way I am, which is to say, they’re a person who is extremely full of love and who has difficulty in differentiating what the step is supposed to be between friendship feelings and romantic feelings, so, someone who may not necessarily “get” what makes a romance a romance or experience any feelings different from a strong friendship, but who is still open to being in a romantic relationship
(the difference between us being that Kai Really Really Likes People and enjoys being close with others as much as possible, where I’m more the awkward standoffish hermit type lmao)
but yeah, I was kinda like. well. despite being a perfectly valid aro person in a romantic relationship myself, if I were a fictional character people would probably call me bad rep HAHAHA. like “yeah they’re apparently aro but they don’t really ACT aro and the author put them in a romantic relationship ://”
and while I think there’s value to be had in fiction in exploring the different ways a person can be aro, I just, like................... thought about the hypothetical future discourse and was just like UGH. I cannot be fucking BOTHERED
I get enough people in real life being like “ok but you’re not REALLY aro like why do you even bother having that label it’s not like it matters in your context” even though I’m the goddamn expert on my own experiences you bastards
but yeah I think aro Kai is canon in my heart hahahaha. and they may end up articulating some of the same feelings, maybe just not with the label applied, who knows
anyway that’s my rambles done I think! thanks for reading n have a nice night c:
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