#am i projecting too much anger at VH onto Jonathan
yallemagne · 2 years
i do however think that jonathan eventually bonds with them (i mean, evidently so since he and mina name their child after all of them and i doubt he'd agree to that otherwise). of course he expects them to stay in touch with mina after the whole ordeal is over, she was everyone's favorite, no shit, but during that time jonathan himself would grow closer to everyone else too. both because he gets to interact with them in a non-vampire hunting constantly working life threatening scenario that does Not consume him wholly and prevent him from perceiving anyone around him, but also because they also realize that huh okay turns out jonathan has not been in his default setting this entire time and he's a completely likeable and approachable guy when he's not in intense murder work mode. plus they've been through like,,,severely traumatic events together so either way the whole group's just kinda glued to each other, even if jonathan never got full on chummy bud pal with them he knows that they're his people now, he's not just there as mina's husband.
i also like to think he'd have one of those Random Ass 3 am deep conversations slash therapy sessions slash bonding moments with quincey a little right before the end. but that's completely and unashamedly just because it makes the end Even sadder and i love to give my favorite characters pain. which would be even sadder considering all that because that would make quincey the first one out of the group that jonathan kind of warmed up to and felt connected to. and then like a day later he'd have to watch him d
im extremely sorry for this the anonymity of these asks gives me too many rambling tendencies and makes the angst gears turn.
so the anonymity is the cause huh? hmmmmm
tiny callout "i doubt he'd agree to that otherwise" oh honey. Do you think he'd say no to Mina wanting to name their child (the one she birthed) after her best friends? Especially the friend who died to save her life just like he promised? I don't think Jono would deny her that, even if he never got closer to the others... ever.
Dunno how you'd have VH and Jonathan bond, and yet I wrote it into my fanfic. But well, that comfort scene required rewriting their entire meeting from the book. I had to change the focal point of the scene from being all about praising Mina in order to have these two interact on a greater-than-surface level. Yeah, I feel like this relationship's probably bunk in canon. "oh yeah, that's my wife's sexist adoptive father who actively endangered her life every chance he got. I still don't look him in the eyes come Christmas time."
Guys, the more you ask me about this the more aggressive against Van Helsing I get. I'm not trying to hate on him but you just keep reminding me he's a fucker.
I think there's potential for Jonathan and Arthur to develop a closer relationship post-novel. If Arthur's keeping to his word and being a proper brother to Mina, he's sure gonna be in both of their lives. They even got a headstart being stuck together on a boat. He's also just very weepy. It's so much easier to trust a man who allows himself to cry.
Meanwhile, if Jack stays at the asylum, I never see Jonathan opening up to him. Jonathan's a working middle-class man with sooo much baggage, confiding in a man who owns an asylum feels too much like selling yourself out to the cops. Jonathan gets to be a bit wary there. Who will defend him if Jack thinks he needs to be locked up? Mina, of course! But their team has gone against Mina in the past. Hopefully, Jack gets a new job.
Jonathan and Quincey having a heart-to-heart before they all split up... yeah sure. And I can even believe Jonathan not recording it if, say, during the conversation, he let slip that he did not intend to outlive Mina, no matter what needed to be done to prevent such an occurrence. But that comradery is taken to Quincey's grave.
There's also just the issue of what does Jonathan have in common with any of these men? 'Cause that's a big part of actively being friends with someone as opposed to acquaintances: shared interests and hobbies. What shared interests and hobbies do the Suitors have amongst themselves? Camping, hunting,,, gay sex. What do they share with Jonathan? Mina... maybe also gay sex but that's something you work UP to when you're trying to establish a long-lasting relationship.
Like, none of them like to write. And Jonathan is a poor city boy. His experience with roughing it out in the wilderness was very traumatic. I feel like if he ever does bond with the boys? It's gonna be hard. Really fucking hard on his mental state. Because he'll have to stretch himself thin doing stuff they're interested in and watching as they have fun together while he blends into the background. I know that because that's the story of my damn life. It's not enough to know rationally that people are trying to make you feel included because the very fact that it isn't working is enough to make you want to curl into a ball and ask to be sent home.
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