reddeath · 2 years
happy birthdayyyy 🎂🎉🎉♥️!!!!!!!
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ovidiomedes · 1 year
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strawberry naegi requested by @eggs-can-draw and grape togami requested by @amaiuh
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fryknave · 1 year
amaiuh -> fryknave
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paperbooart · 2 years
hiii omg its so nice to see another person who likes togiri!! there is sooo little content of it its honestly devastating lol….id be rly interested to hear if you had any spare thoughts or hcs abt them (or naegirigami) :3 also your art is phenominal, i love your style and the way you portray everyone is soooo ….<333!
HEEHE THANK YOU boy do i have thoughts about probably most things relating to dr1
this is going under a readmore because oh my god
togiri is so interesting to me because like.. of course naegiri was the first ship to grow on me, how can it not, and naegami is also just kind of like. an obvious decision to me. like pairing a normal nice functional cheerful little dude with a cold unfeeling weirdo who he hangs out with a lot just works every time. it’s about the CONTRAST. so when i started liking naegirigami it was definitely mostly because i just liked both makoto ships, but eventually i really started thinking about byakuya and kyoko. 
i think the first togiri thing i really thought about was, weirdly, the moment i think they were at their worst, which was when kyoko got makoto executed. like when i rewatch that trial, especially the anime version, the amount of hands byakuya throws because he completely refuses to believe makoto is the murderer meanwhile kyoko has to keep pushing that he is… on the one hand byakuya is half right and if he’s wrong he’ll die. so him defending makoto you can fully read as him doing whatever he thinks he has to in order to survive. but the fact is makoto and kyoko both had large windows of time during which they were unaccounted for, but byakuya suspected kyoko from the beginning. 
byakuya in the later chapters is so interesting to me even though his character development is so subtle i sometimes feel insane pointing it out. but it is extremely sad that he makes his big ‘i’m not going to play the game anymore i’m going to work with everyone to get out of here and kill the mastermind’ announcement in chapter 4 after being forced to reevaluate everything, and then immediately he is thrown into a situation where he has to distrust the others once again. 
the fact that he is so angry at kyoko for refusing to explain what she’s doing all the time by herself, and seemingly refuse to disclose her talent, is because he wants to trust her. but he can’t. and then him lashing out at kyoko and taking her room key is what ends up allowing her to pass the guilty verdict off to makoto since she can claim she couldn’t get in her room. byakuya what have you wrought. 
anyway so i mostly think chapter 5 was a naegami win, but i started thinking about like. the time between makoto falling into the abyss and kyoko following him. i cannot remember if i read a fic like this already but like…i imagine kyoko goes to talk to byakuya before she leaves. she knows if she and makoto both end up dead, byakuya is kind of the group’s leader in their absence, so she might want to let him know. 
so here’s the question. does byakuya, still confused and bitter about having to vote for someone he didn’t believe would kill anyone, give a shit that kyoko might be about to die? i think on the outside he has nothing to say to her at this point, but on the inside he’s started to realize he does care about these people and he doesn’t want to lose another one. but the possibility of getting makoto back means he won’t do anything to stop her. 
so what i’m saying is. it’s because of makoto’s execution that byakuya hates kyoko the most he ever does, but it’s also because of losing makoto that he realizes he doesn’t want to lose kyoko either, even when he still can’t trust her.
UM on a lighter note togiri is fun because sometimes byakuya is very stupid and kyoko is like how do you still think that you’re as smart as me? what is wrong with your brain you foolish man? and kyoko is wayyy better at hiding her emotions and never outwardly reacting to things than byakuya is. like imagine them doing anything together in a casual setting. 
like you know the school mode dialogue where byakuya doesn’t know what the toy vending machine is and demands makoto explain it to him? that’s adorable but imagine the togiri version of that. byakuya (understandably) kind of views makoto like a golden retriever, like he’s not trying to keep his guard up around him because he cannot imagine makoto posing a threat. but he absolutely can imagine kyoko posing a threat, whether to his life or his dignity. so if he’s ever in a situation with kyoko where he has to ask her to explain some commoner thing to him, he’s trying way harder to act calm and collected about it, but she sees RIGHT through him because he’s a dummy who thinks he can have a facade up around a detective. 
so i think from byakuya’s side of things togiri is about him learning to trust kyoko and learning that she is kinder than she lets on (even if she will make fun of him, more than makoto would, for not knowing basic shit, she’ll still explain things to him and not embarrass him too much because she doesn’t actually enjoy making people feel dumb) and he can start to let his guard down around her even when her being smarter than him AND having her emotional shit together better is frightening to his weird rich brain. 
from kyoko’s side i think byakuya interests her for the same reasons i think he’s interesting as a character. his actions are absolutely batshit sometimes, but in a twisted way they do make sense. he’s a weird rude mystery. but boy does kyoko enjoy a mystery. byakuya’s not going to just tell her his backstory like he does to makoto, again makoto is basically a therapy dog, so kyoko has to start figuring him out. during the killing game figuring out this one weirdo’s motivations is not her highest priority, but i think afterwards when they start working together and she has to have a strong understanding of who’s on her side, she would start questioning him the same way he questioned her during the game. and like before but flipped around, this is happening because she wants to be able to trust him. (if you think i’m implying from this series of events that byakuya starts to fall for kyoko long before she is interested in him at all: you are correct.) 
and i think kyoko, once she starts to trust him, does appreciate a lot of byakuya’s qualities, like the fact he is so sure of himself nearly all the time. again, i think byakuya’s not as good at faking anything as kyoko. i think his arrogance is real and most of what he says is exactly how he feels. (MOST of it. obviously he has his funny obvious tsundere ass moments occasionally.) meanwhile kyoko has to fake her confidence constantly. my interpretation of her character is she isn’t very socially outgoing, so combined with her severe amnesia, literally her confidence in her abilities being erased from her mind, that’s why she needs makoto to help carry the trials during the killing game. she is always calm but she is always hiding. she has to fake the confidence that byakuya was born with. so what i’m saying is byakuya is the one to be like ‘excuse me she asked for no pickles’ 
another potential area i wanna think about re: togiri is just the topic of their families, particularly their fathers, but also their family legacies that they both carry. kyoko is the detective her father didn’t want to be. byakuya is the heir who fought and won his place just like his father. kyoko was abandoned because her father didn’t want to be part of the chain and she resents him for it. byakuya went through a situation that was in his mind comparable to the killing game because he wanted so badly to be the next link in the chain. kyoko came to hope’s peak to see her father again and found him dead, and byakuya came to hope’s peak as his family’s representative and then was told he was the last one living. 
so um yeah i’m just gonna stop here i think that’s most of my thoughts currently this was..a lot LOL thank you for giving me an excuse to ramble
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traceyho · 4 years
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@amaiuh @kreckdeck Mothers beware!!!!!! There are many artists trying to poison your childrens minds!!!! After I politely asked her to take down her lewd drawings this was the response I got.......please have a safe healthy day god bless
I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people Ephesians 1:18
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fryknave · 4 years
i kinda wanna start using naegirigami instead of tonaegiri bc it just sounds. a lot better imo n more ppl use it buuuuut!! ppl get it confused w naegamigiri rly often which makes it kinda annoying to search thru tags lol......idk 😗
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