#amar a muerte 1x85
booasaur · 6 years
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Amar a Muerte - 1x85
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ilostthatfeeling · 6 years
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booasaur · 6 years
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Amar a Muerte - Val playing with her hair, thinking of Juls
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booasaur · 6 years
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Amar a Muerte - 1x85
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booasaur · 6 years
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Amar a Muerte - 1x85
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booasaur · 6 years
Juliana used the L word when she was talking to Beltran about Val... shook
While looking into the eyes of the father who she’s always feared.
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booasaur · 6 years
juli called her dad TRASH 👏👏👏 to HIS FACE.. I'm living..! I wish Sunday could just be 2 hrs of juliantina kissing and calling out everyone who let them down. let my girl juls throw at least one punch XD
To his FACE. And the amazing thing is, the show is saying that this love, between two women, is as grand and transformative as any love. That it’s what’s saved her and the lack of anything comparable that condemned him.
I would watch that show in a heartbeat. If there is a spinoff, writers take note! Making out and calling people out. Best. Show. Ever.
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booasaur · 6 years
Would you mind giving us a quick break-down of where all the storylines are at going into the finale? Why are people saying Lucia might die? :(
Okay, so all the Carvajal kids and Johny and Lucia now know Jacobo is Leon. Guille and Val are thrilled but he’s taking a tough love approach to Eva because of the trouble she’s put the company in. He wants Eva to turn herself into the police but she’s currently with Alacran who has kidnapped and is torturing Mateo. She’s also, for some reason, told Alacran all about Leon and Chino Valdes, who as you know, he has been trying to chase down the whole show for stealing from him.
Jacobo knows that Eva is with Alacran and has recruited Beltran to help get her back. Jacobo and Beltran are also at the stage of their transmigration where their butterfly tattoos are hurting and bleeding much more frequently, and for no reason now, whereas before it only happened when they were doing something bad. From what we’ve seen before, they’re soon either going to have to fully accept things and lead better lives now or their bodies are going to fully die. We still don’t know where Leon’s real body is, and Beltran/Chino is having trouble with his new family because Beltran’s wife wants the real Beltran back.
Lupe has accepted Panchito’s proposal but still isn’t really sure about it, inexplicably still thinking about Chino, which Juls is frustrated at. She goes to talk to Beltran to tell him to leave them alone, but he just yells at her about being gay and threatens Val.
Val and Juls are back at a good place, though not yet together together, Val is very eager to tell Juls about Leon being Jacobo/Chino’s body. She’s also been very affectionate with and shown her gratitude to Lucia for helping them through the time they all thought Leon was gone, she sees her as another person who loved Leon as much as she did and is now also getting another chance with him. Lucia, though, feels very guilty about it all and also worried, because Leon knows about her and Johny.
Montilla, the cop, has figured out Johny is a bad guy and goes to arrest him but Johny starts shooting at the police.
Now, spoilers and spec as to why people think Lucia might die: the actress who plays her has said that this isn’t the typical telenovela ending and people are interpreting that to mean that that means, unlike other endings where the leads get to be happy, she might die. Also, the promo for the finale seems to have her being shot. That seems such a major spoiler, so who knows if it bears out. We’ll just have to see, the show has surprised us again and again.
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booasaur · 6 years
She did sound choked up! God, she must think everything’s on its way to being perfect, she has Juls again, she has her dad, her dad’s going to fix Eva’s mistake and handle everything, finally the nightmare that started at the Leon/Lucia wedding is over. She can’t wait to share all this with Juls. ;_;
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booasaur · 6 years
I’m worried after watching El Chino’s scene with Juliana. Juliana stood up to him about Val, but I’m afraid she’ll try to distance herself from Val to keep her safe from El Chino’s threats. Thoughts?
Hmm, I don’t know if they’ll do a retread of the original breakup. I would hope that part of Juls’s arc has been to realize that there’s always going to be something, she should be with Val because she wants to be and they can’t control outside factors. But also, I don’t know if there’s enough time for that? Just two eps left, with much of that spent on presumably Beltran and Jacobo confronting Alacran and saving Eva and Mateo and then of course Johny/Lucia/Jacobo. 
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booasaur · 6 years
Yes to what you said about Juliantina being dragged into the mess. After all, Juliana is coming over because Val needs to see her, they're going to be at that house, the center of all drama!
Ohhh, hmm, yeah. Well, when she gets there, Jacobo might still be at Alacran’s. I can’t believe they ended the last episode with Johny in the middle of a shootout with the police and Jacobo about to storm the cartel and then the promo is just them both casually back at the Carvajal house.
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