#amelia cs
the-cs-oc-archives · 2 years
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don't worry theyre totally fighting
and also!!!!!!!
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A HeartAche for your trouble! @carmensandiegowritinngs
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pattysplaceofplaces · 2 years
Heart Ache’s glowup is GORGEOUS. The Crackle Rod Hearts are such a nice touch, and it sounds like it was a fun challenge for Dr Bellum!
I must say, Heart Ache, I’m surprised that you work well with Tigress, considering your shakey friendship. What was your first mission with her like? Do you often request to work with her?
-Anon 1
Awww thank you so much! 💗 Amelia probably forced her to make them so many times until they looked cute, scolding the mad scientist for using the wrong shade of pink that’s unflattering with her outfit.
“Don’t get me wrong, that kitty cat really gets on my nerves sometimes…” The sound of acrylic nails can be heard tapping on a hard surface as she pauses to think. “…But we’re also pretty similar; two great minds in a rat race if I may say. We used to be best friends once and I guess that still shows. I don’t mind swallowing my pride for the sake of a mission but I’ll never look at her the same way again. She’s so icky.
A first mission is always one of the most special, especially to me. I consider myself very sentimental. Near and after graduation was when we were the closest. Everything was going just as it should have, with two perfect minds plotting nothing could go wrong! But you know what they say, two’s company and three’s a crowd.”
Amelia’s first question!! 🥳 Anon 1 will always be the first
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haveaclock · 2 years
Alright Sparkle Shot it's your turn
Sparkle Shot's opinion on people
Carmen SanDiego: She was never really my friend so I don't really know how to describe her, but for some reason she keeps on taking my guns! Do you know how long it takes to refill?? So annoying!
Zack and Ivy: Tried Blasting there head off so their face could be red just like their heads, instead I got ran over... So now I don't really interact.
Shadow-San: Guns weren't allowed during my final exam, so now I basically hate him.
Crackle: Eh.
Tigress: If she doesn't shut up...
Le Chèvre: I am about to blast his nose off if he doesn't stop having nosebleed for ONE FUCKING SECOND.
El Topo: He's better than the rest of my victims- I mean operatives, although sometimes he is never serious..He's so short too! Hey... Just because I'm 5'4 doesn't mean anything!
Jeantonio: They're adorable and all but If I hear anyone flirting somebody is going to die and it's because of me, if only I could find my of box of bullets...
MimeBomb: How the hell do you understand that guy? He's so difficult to work with, plus he looks weird without his makeup.. yes I've seen him without makeup.. all I'm gonna say is that he has freckles okay?!
Paper Star: How am I not friends with her?! We both like killing? Wait.. is it because she's crazy? HOW US SHE SHÁNZI'S FRIEND BUT NOT MINE. EXPLAIN.
Shánzi: He's my best friend, only friend, and I don't wanna kill him. Although her always looks at me weirdly and his face is slightly red. Do you think he's mad at me? (This bitch doesn't know anything about simps, except for Le Chèvre's nosebleeds.)
Neal the Eel: Tried to Kill him , didn't work, if he just doesn't stay still..I'll be basically doing everyone a favour by killing him! Nobody wants to work with that guy!
Dash Haber: Me and Him had a fashion competition to see who was better at styling, Countess Cleo and Heartache were the judges and they both picked Dash, talk about favoritism...
Faculty: Coach Brunt is was brutal, and I like that but if you wanna kill someone at least cover up the evidence! Even tho Countess Cleo is my boss, after that fashion incident with Dash, Heartache, Cleo and me she's gone on my list of victims, Prof. Maelstrom is well, crazy , I'm not crazy! Just because I want to kill basically everyone doesn't mean I'm crazy! that's the mind of a serial killer dammit! Dr.Bellum wanted to make me a gun without needing ammo,and when I tried it, it almost blasted my head off! Never again! Roundabout is just the better faculty member, he gives me money to go spend on ammo, and fabric!
Spinkick: Well I was supervising him once with his training and then I almost got kicked by him, so In defense I shot my gun up to the ceiling and a light almost fell on him, we were arguing non-stop , I really wanted to use that gun on him, but then I would just be sent to the dungeon.
Flytrap: I had a caper with her once , We were fighting and all and then that was when I got run over by those Red heads. And she lost! Talk about bad luck... She is bad luck I almost died!
HeartAche (@carmensandiegowritinngs): All I got to say is she's cool! She's basically my inspiration, once I told her how to get better at fashion!
Thunderbird (@anotheroneofthegaysharks): Honestly, I wonder what he does? Isn't he attracted to MimeBomb, Oh I am definitely gonna be teasing him.
Amaryllis (@vileoperativeamaryllis): Anger issues, all I got to say.
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chuckle-lore · 2 months
Episode 85- May 16th, 2023- Jaiden Animations Episode- Requested
Author’s note- Sorry for dipping in the middle of chuckle lore week, I got sick. I’m not 100% there yet but I still want to finish what I’ve started even if it’s later than expected. More details on my previous post if you’re interested.
Lore- Jaiden gets significantly cooler compared to her first appearance thanks to her tattoo sleeves and her newfound drug addiction (coke and crack)
Thoughts- I’m not going to lie, I’m a huge Jaiden fan and I was really happy to see it be one of the two episodes chosen for the fan request. I have easily watched this one episode at least five times, it’s the episode that made my mom a fan, the episode I attempted to introduce to my dad (more on that later), and it’s the episode I watched as a pallet cleanser to the Karl Jacobs episode. This is just a long winded way to say I really like this episode.
I was nervous at first that I was overhyping this episode in my head but it still holds up since the last time I watched it in November. Jaiden had really good chemistry with the guys and she seemed a lot more confident compared to her last appearance back in episode 26. The humor and overall banter just hits hard and it’s one of those episodes where no one was trying too hard to be funny. It’s just such a vibe and I hope Jaiden returns as a guest in a future episode. 10/10, don’t question my bias.
Things I noted:
Jaiden was included in the intro which is such a nice touch
Is Schlatt drinking Kool Aid?
Schlatt is the only person who could get away with saying that Jaiden (an aroace person) gets pussy
12:50 I’m living for the Tucker Live Reaction
21:04 Ted yells at a fly to fuck off
Hasan is so right about Ted being the whitest white man
“I can’t believe that I’ve had a positive impact on your life” “You’ve had and that’s the only one” 💀
The way Schlatt makes sound effects of bits vaguely reminds of Fluffy
42:03 MEG MENTIONED ‼️‼️
Jaiden chooses unlimited games and is a pickle with a toothpick
(Originally notes, favorite comment, + a little story under the cut)
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Okay story time:
This is the only time I will ever mention my father btw
(For context I had been trying to get my dad to listen to CS for a while but my little siblings aren’t allowed to watch/listen to Schlatt)
There was this one time my stepmom took my brothers out grocery shopping while me and my father were cleaning the house. Usually, my dad would put on the radio as we cleaned but he didn’t for whatever reason that time so I used it as an opportunity to put on this episode of CS without my headphones on.
My father wasn’t fully paying attention, he might’ve gave a comment here or there but it wasn’t until either the Amelia Earhart or the psychic section where he had something to say. It started off with a few fun facts that I don’t really remember but he just made a left turn out of nowhere and starts talking about 9/11 conspiracy theories. I was just so flabbergasted, he kept talking about how it was an inside job by Bush and how somehow McDonald’s was involved?? It was something about the Monopoly sweepstakes scandal and how McDonald’s was going to address everything around the time the towers fell I think???
I have never been so confused in my life but he seemed really excited about it like it was his special interest or something so pop off I guess??? I just kinda paused the episode to let him yap until he was done twenty minutes later and processed what I just heard.
I don’t really talk to him anymore but I think about this interaction at least once a week.
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imwetforyourmom · 13 days
I js reread not her cs UR EDGING us for part 5 and all i can say is I HATE AMELIA
what can i say?? i love the suspense.
it’d come out faster if my room wasnt so damn cold, my thumbs are so cold they movjng slow 😔😔
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deeisace · 8 months
Alright @invisible-goats let's see how many Joe Bloggs there are!
Not many, as it turns out, tbh
There was one who died in Cleveland in 1982, and one who lived in Sussex in 2003 - and this guy! Who got married in King's Lynn in 1785
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He was from Chelmsford apparently, per the record, and the reason why there's two of them, probably, is. Well they just postponed the wedding, it could be any reason, but the rules were you had to have banns published for three weeks before the wedding, see, so people know it's going on an stuff, I guess, idk - and, have the chance to object, like Ann Rutledge's dad, there - so Joe and Jane here, they had two weeks' banns, and then got it republished for some reason or other - so the next document is their three-sundays-in-a-row - they basically just postponed for two weeks, really
Oh! Possibly because Joe was moving house! In the first, both him and Jane are "of this parish", and then the second one, he's "of Chelmsford" and only Jane is "of this parish". I wonder why he/they moved, there's no record of his job or anything like that.
Apart from them, there's not any, really - but we can check for "Joe Blogg", singular, I spose, let's see
We can jump back a bit, now - a marriage record from 1714 - 6th of May, in Tower Hamlets, I hope it was a nice day for them
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Joseph Blogg, and here we see he's a Spitalfields weaver, marrying Elizabeth Clark.
Oh dear, no, but look, he died in 1722, October of that year
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He's listed as still living in Spitalfields, but he's a pensioner now, I think that says, so either something's happened for him to stop work, or otherwise he's elderly - I'm not sure, cs there's no ages listed basically ever until the later-1700s, depending on where you're looking at
Ah, I think I might see
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Elizabeth died in July 1722, and our Joe is still a weaver then.
Oh how sad that is
Alright, I'm going to jump forward to census times, I want to see people living please
The very very first Joe Bloggs we find is on the 1841 census, and because it's the first one that was done it's pretty shit, basically
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But, we can see he's 11 years old, and his mum's called Jane, and she's a charwoman (like a cleaner, basically), and he's got at least 6 siblings - in age order, it goes Edward, John, William, Joseph, Elizabeth, Henry and Jane. And they are all from Marylebone.
Let's see we can't find out what happened to this Joe!
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He's a waiter! He's mid-20s, here, marrying Amelia, with his brother Henry as witness
And here they are a bit later, on the 1861 census -
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He's swapped jobs, he's now a greengrocer! And here is how I know that Henry above is his brother, because here's our Jane, his sister - it doesn't say so on the 1841 census, because of course, but Joe must be from his mum's first marriage and Henry and Jane from her second, or something like that - or else, Amelia also has a relative and half-sister each called Henry and Jane, I don't know, tho Jane is the same age as our Jane Blogg, above.
The 70s show he's at the same address with the same job, but a bit more of a rabble -
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Amelia, there, named for her mum, then Avies (???), Josephine, Elen, and another Joseph
I jumped forward to 1881, to try and read Avies's name better, if I could, but she's already moved out by that point - 18, she's either got a job or a husband, generally
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Instead, they've moved to Hanover Square, Ellen is now called Susan, and there's another son, Thomas Charles age 7. And, Joe's swapped jobs again! He's a turkey carriage driver!
What's a one-a-them, let's have a look. Well, I can't find anything on "Turkey carriage" specifically, but I am imagining something like a hansom, a two-wheeler like this one
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Here, let's see 1891 -
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Cor, that girl doesn't half go through names - here she is Louisa, now!
Amelia has died, unfortunately, in the time since, so Joe is now a widower - but here we can see he's still a cabbie, look, and a groom - maybe he stables other cabbie's horses, I wonder - and helpfully, his neighbour who's name I've cut off there (it's John Higley) is a coachpainter! Extraordinarily helpful with horsedrawn coaches and cabs, I imagine
He died in 1899, this one, and it's only in death we find out his middle name is Henry, but I went back and found his baptism -
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Joseph, born to John and Jane Blogg, Great Barlough, 11th Jan 1831. John is/was a coachman, so I suppose Joe followed in his footsteps, in the end
Oh dear me I'm going to have "Following in Father's Footsteps" stuck in my head for an age, now
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dr-jem-nutcase · 1 year
Some MvA OCs
Non-monster MvA OCs. Some OCs from Dr C's past. I just might need to conjure some for present day
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Charlotte Campbell - Dr C's classmate from his college days in dance. The two had become close friends over the years in college, and she was a little in love with him for a while but knew that they could only be friends. She received her Master's degree while he went on to get his PhD. They became distant as Charlotte moved onto a career in dance teacher and choreography for a theater group in London after her graduation. She was engaged to someone else who worked in the theater group for a few months about a year after Dr C got his PhD, but she and her fiancé called off their engagement a month before her wedding after some major disagreements that couldn't be resolved. She then quit her job and left London to return to Cambridge where she and Dr C unexpectedly reunited, which led to the rekindling of that friendship. When Dr C was dismissed from continuing his research in genetics and teleportation at the university he was at, she found him a position as a dance teacher at another university. He agreed to wait until the winter semester in case things weren't looking up by then. Her main hobby aside from her career was photography, and she gave him one of her old cameras to tinker with and turn it into a video camera to record his experiments. She was the only one who knew about his accident and witnessed his capture. She believed he was killed and she was sworn to secrecy by Monger. Five years later, she married a widower with two children and had two children by him.
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Winston Hoover - a brilliant genetics doctoral student and Dr C's former university lab assistant in the early 60s. Working on the genetic teleportation device was part of his completion to having a PhD. When the university cut off funding for the duo's research, Dr C decided to retaliate, but Winston didn't join him, knowing it would potentially end his endeavor to his PhD. They never saw each other again. After Dr C was dismissed, Winston found another avenue in place of his former research. Still, he continued on his own towards completion of the genetic teleportation device and the mutation enhancement, learning that using the machine at full force would either kill him or highly unlikely give him a cockroach head. In the winter of 1963, he performed the same procedure as Dr C but at a lower power level, unaware that his former lab partner had done it already elsewhere in September 1962. He survived and retained his human head but mysteriously disappeared shortly after the success of the mutation. No one has seen him to this day.
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Amelia - Dr C's younger sister (as mentioned in my MvA h/cs). At the time of her brother's accident, she was in her mid-late 20s, a law school graduate aiming to be a lawyer, and somewhat of a feminist. She wholeheartedly agreed that her brother was a genius but she had little regard for his work. Both brother and sister were brunettes by their mother. Dr C had blue eyes (as seen in the flashback in the Halloween special) like their father while Amelia had hazel eyes like their mother. After the loss of her brother, she went on to be a successful lawyer ("To the devil with teaching!" She said in defiance against any propositions of becoming a teacher) and moved to Wales in the late 70s. All the while, she never knew what happened to her brother but she would've been roflol ("By jove, did you screw up or what?!") at the cockroach head and then distraught that there was no undoing the accident.
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missbitatuva · 2 years
Bio-Med Tech-Girls 2022: Reflection
Over 5 days this summer, the Bio-Med Tech-Girls participants went on 4 behind-the-scenes tours of UVA BME labs, got hands-on with 3 different robotics platforms in the UVA Link Lab, tried out 2 makerspace technologies (VR and 3D design) in the UVA Library Robertson Media Center and had so many other wonderful experiences!
The Bio-Med Tech-Girls program is a unique collaboration between Charlottesville Women in Tech, the department of Biomedical Engineering, the School of Education, and the School of Engineering at the University of Virginia. The program is all about providing inspiration, community building and hands-on computer science (CS) and biomedical engineering (BME) activities for young women in high school, so they can get a glimpse of the vast opportunities available in these fields. Of course, the participants always inspire me too with their thoughtful questions, sharing what they are passionate about and coming up with ideas to solve real-world problems through the design challenge we set each year. This year 13 young women from 6 different high schools around the region participated in the program. Here are some highlights.
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Day 1:
Dr. Homa Alemzadeh hosted us in the Link Lab along with her students Kay Hutchinson, Zongyu Li, Eli Bradburn and Joyce Park. The participants got hands-on with robotic surgery tools and programmed the Dobot Magician robotic arm.
Dr. Meara Habashi shared a lunchtime talk about diversity & inclusion.
Participants designed a robot assistant to solve a real-world problem through the Robot Zine activity and then began prototyping their solution with the Hummingbird Bit robotics kit.
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Day 2:
David Chen and Hannah Moore hosted participants in the department of Biomedical Engineering (BME) for days 2 and 3.
Programming Cells and Diabetes Simulator with Mukti Chowkwale and Bryana Harris from the Saucerman Lab.
Peirce-Cottler Lab tour with Paul DeCostanza
Civelek Lab tour with Qianyi Yang, Jordan Reed, Noah Perry, Yonathan Aberra
Guest speaker: Dr Susan Blank, founder of BEATDiabetes
Day 3: 
Introduced this year's design challenge: addressing problems that individuals living with diabetes face.
We introduced the design thinking process for solving problems and participants worked on empathy maps, drafting need statements, and brainstorming ideas.
Lunch speakers: Sarah Hernandez and Zehra Demir, graduate students in the Sheybani Lab
Blemker Lab tour with Allie McCrady, Emily McCain, and Mario Garcia
Griffin Lab tour with Juliana Trujillo, Clare Flanagan and Sloan Pyatt
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Day 4: 
Got hands-on with VR and 3D design in the Robertson Media Center with Fang Yi and Arin Bennet
Lots of prototyping solutions happened in the School of Education Design Lab
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Day 5: 
Wrapped up projects, created poster boards and shared their projects at the Demo Party. The participants did an amazing job of coming up with unique & useful solutions in just a few days!
DiaBag (Ari, Cami, Polina, Tenzin)
Problem: A way to make packing and keeping track of diabetes supplies easier.
Solution: They designed a series of specialized handbags and backpacks to carry and track levels of supplies. They used 3D design and incorporated the Hummingbird bit into their prototype.
Moo-Monitor (Amelia, Lyndsey, Zada)
Problem: A way to help someone wake up to their low/high alerts.
Solution: They designed a stuffed animal for young children with diabetes with vibration and sound alerts that increase in intensity over time. They incorporated the Hummingbird bit into their design.
Diabetes for Dummies (Charlotte, Gaby, Sienna)
Problem: A way to help caretakers (teacher, babysitters, etc) not familiar with diabetes.
Solution: They designed an intro to diabetes package with a brochure, game, and website. They incorporated 3D design and Scratch into their prototype.
Level Up Your Health (Grace, Lily, Sophie)
Problem: A way to help someone manage their diet.
Solution: They designed an app to help children learn how to manage their diabetes through gamification. They incorporated Scratch into their prototype.
We could not do this program without all the wonderful folks who volunteered their time and shared their passion for BME and CS with the participants! I want to give a special shout out to David Chen for his partnership and Hannah Moore for her support this year and every year since the first Bio-Med Tech-Girls in 2014!!!
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seodijon · 4 months
17 extensions WordPress à installer PAR DÉFAUT en 2024
See on Scoop.it - Création de sites, référencement, ...
Devenir indépendant grâce à WordPress, formation offerte : https://wporigami.com/yt-devenir-independant Mes meilleurs conseils WordPress pour ne plus vous prendre la tête : https://wporigami.com/xp Le répertoire d'extensions WordPress est vaste. Avec parfois bien trop de choix, on ne sait pas vraiment vers quel plugin se tourner. Dans cette vidéo, je vous liste les extensions que je choisis par défaut pour les projets sur lesquels je travaille. Attention, toutes cs extensions ne sont pas à installer sur tous vos sites WordPress ! Il s'agit des plugins à utiliser si vous en avez l'utilité. 00:00 Introduction 00:45 WPvivid 01:31 ASE 02:26 Fluent Snippet 03:19 Akismet 04:05 Wicked Folders 04:33 fluentSMTP 05:17 Loco Translate 05:46 Slim SEO et RankMath 06:37 FluentForms 07:42 Imagify 08:21 Disable Media Sizes 09:12 Advanced Database Cleaner 10:36 Litespeed Cache ou WP Fastest Cache 12:05 Solid Security 13:27 WordFence Security 13:59 WP Reset 15:11 Temporary Login without Password 16:48 SureTriggers - Ces liens sont des liens partenaires, merci d'avance de votre soutien pour la chaîne et son contenu ! Un code ne fonctionne plus ? Écrivez-moi sur [email protected] Meilleur hébergeur WordPress si vous débuter un projet de 0 👉 https://wporigami.com/hostinger (-10% avec le code WPORIGAMI) Une suite complète d'outils pour vos projets, je l'utilise tous les jours 👉 https://wporigami.com/kadencepack (-10% avec le code WPORIGAMI) Le meilleur thème en version pro, Kadence 👉 https://wporigami.com/kadence (-10% avec le code WPORIGAMI) Le page builder le plus populaire, Elementor 👉 https://wporigami.com/elementor L'autre page builder incontournable de WordPress 👉 https://wporigami.com/divi Faire un site de réservation avec Amelia 👉 https://wporigami.com/amelia (-20% avec le code WPORIGAMI9121) Chaîne WordPress secondaire, des tutoriels en seulement 2 minutes : https://wporigami.com/wordpress-eclair #extensionswordpress #wordpress #pluginswordpress
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the-cs-oc-archives · 2 years
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@carmensandiegowritinngs's OC Heart Ache/Amelia! Go check their blog out!
Edit: updated image i.d. in a hurry
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pattysplaceofplaces · 2 years
I wanna know more about Amelia/Heart Ache! Can I ask for childhood headcannons or just any random bits of info lol 💕
Amelia/Heart Ache Childhood Headcanons 
[Author’s Note: I’m glad y’all’s are interested in her! Enjoy!!
Content Warning: Mentions of Child Neglect and Infidelity]
Amelia is the youngest sibling with four older brothers. 
Around the time of her birth her parent’s relationships was starting to get strained. Both of them used work as a way to avoid each other, unknowingly pushing away their children as well.
With no attention and nurture from her parents she didn’t learn how to talk until she was 6. 
Living in poverty meant that her brothers had to discard an education to work and keep the family afloat. 
Amelia didn’t go to school much either, no one had any time or interest in taking her. 
Children develop properly with attention, humans are social animals.
She didn’t much social interactions besides the old movie DVD’s she watched repeatedly.
She was very distant from most of her family besides her aunt, an odd, spiritual, and private woman who had a soft spot for her. 
There’s much to say other than Amelia looks suspiciously more like her aunt more than her mother. 
She has a lot of her aunts habits: Tapping her long nails on things, gritting her teeth when she’s pensive, muttering curses in Italian, even the way she holds a pencil. 
Yet her childhood wasn’t all doom and gloom. 
Amelia did go to middle school and she was a little terror. 
She tried to be a good girl, a nice student but when there’s a war there’s a way. 
She didn’t have many friends except a girl named Delilah. Delilah came from a rich family and didn’t talk much like her either. This time, it wasn’t something Amelia did that ruined a friendship as Delilah moved away, leaving her alone. 
Maybe there’s hope she’ll see her first and bestest friend again but for now she has to push that away. Any sort of weakness is bad.
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jasaarsitekdidepok · 1 year
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chuckle-lore · 1 month
Episode 84- May 9th, 2023- QTCinderella episodes (quickie post)
An: Okay so I didn’t expect to make a post about this episode but me and my mom watched it and it was really good so here it is. I most likely will redo this episode more in-depth when I get to it but that’s not going to be for a while.
55:53 Ted claims to have a “quivering member”, balls, and a “flower” down there. Both Schlatt and QT deny the claim which usually would make me scrap this part of the lore but it’s cs!Ted’s body so I’m going to trust him on his claims.
Women and The Gays™️ are at odds with each other. Women (including lesbians) are claiming back June as their own month, there’s also a annual women’s meeting on June 15th
Thoughts: This episode was really funny and QT had amazing chemistry with Ted and especially Schlatt. She just might be my favorite guest on the podcast even more than Jaiden which is saying something. I could just listen to her go on and on about her experiences with Mormonism and seeing the chuckle boy be stunned at times was absolutely hilarious. It is definitely one of the more explicit episodes but it’s also easily in the top three episodes, plus it’s my mom’s favorite episode so take what you will with that. 10/10, go watched it if you haven’t or if it’s been awhile.
Things I noted:
QT NEEDS to come back PLEASE
Coconut crabs eating Amelia Earhart might be Schlatt’s special interest
Heh heh 3DS boobs
Qt chose unlimited bacon and is a whole salted pickle
(Very brief notes under the cut)
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CS 0811-9891-300 Jasa Arsitek Rumah di Cirebon
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AyoCariTukang.com merupakan perusahaan konstruksi yang menyediakan jasa konstruksi lengkap mulai dari perencanaan, pengawasan proyek konstruksi, manajemen hingga pelaksanaan. Untuk berbagai macam kebutuhan : rumah, kantor, toko, fasilitas industri (pabrik), dll.
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Jasa Pasang Granit
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Jasa Renovasi
Jasa Aluminium
Jasa Instalasi Listrik
Jasa Tukang
Jasa Railing Tangga
Jasa Konstruksi
Jasa Wall Moulding
Jasa Interior
Head Office
Jl. Sultan Hasanudin, Tambun City Blok RE.5, Tambun Selatan, Kab. Bekasi 17510
CONTACT 0811 9891 300
Site Office
BSD, Nusaloka, Sektor 14.5 T7 No.2 Tangerang Selatan, Banten
CONTACT 0811 9891 300
Jl. Swadaya RT.03/RW.05 No. 68 Kel. Rawa Mekar Jaya, Serpong, Tangerang Selatan
CONTACT 0811 9891 300
AyoCariTukang | Solusi Lengkap Bangunan dan Renovasi
Diupload oleh: AMELIA
#JasaArsitekRumahdiCirebon #JasaBangunRumahdiBandarLampung #JasaArsitekManado #JasaDesainInteriorBogor #JasaArsitekRumahCilacap #JasaDesainInteriorPerMeter #JasaDesainInteriorKantordiJakarta #JasaDesainKontenSosialMedia #JasaDesainInteriorDapur #JasaArsitekdiKotaBandung
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CS 0811.9891.300 Jasa Desain Rumah Murah
0811.9891.300 (WA) Jasa Desain Rumah Murah, Jasa Arsitek di Makassar, Jasa Arsitek Renovasi Rumah Murah, Jasa Bangun Rumah Banda Aceh, Jasa Arsitek Rumah Bekasi, Jasa Arsitek Solo, Jasa Arsitek Desain Rumah, Jasa Arsitektur Sleman, Jasa Arsitek Rumah Cianjur, Jasa Arsitek Rumah Joglo Tangerang
AyoCariTukang.com merupakan perusahaan konstruksi yang menyediakan jasa konstruksi lengkap mulai dari perencanaan, pengawasan proyek konstruksi, manajemen hingga pelaksanaan. Untuk berbagai macam kebutuhan : rumah, kantor, toko, fasilitas industri (pabrik), dll.
Layanan AyoCariTukang.com meliputi:
Jasa Pasang Granit
Jasa Bangun Rumah
Jasa Renovasi
Jasa Aluminium
Jasa Instalasi Listrik
Jasa Tukang
Jasa Railing Tangga
Jasa Konstruksi
Jasa Wall Moulding
Jasa Interior
Head Office
Jl. Sultan Hasanudin, Tambun City Blok RE.5, Tambun Selatan, Kab. Bekasi 17510
CONTACT 0811 9891 300
Site Office
BSD, Nusaloka, Sektor 14.5 T7 No.2 Tangerang Selatan, Banten
CONTACT 0811 9891 300
Jl. Swadaya RT.03/RW.05 No. 68 Kel. Rawa Mekar Jaya, Serpong, Tangerang Selatan
CONTACT 0811 9891 300
AyoCariTukang | Solusi Lengkap Bangunan dan Renovasi
Diupload oleh: AMELIA
#JasaDesainRumahMurah #JasaArsitekdiMakassar #JasaArsitekRenovasiRumahMurah #JasaBangunRumahBandaAceh #JasaArsitekRumahBekasi #JasaArsitekSolo #JasaArsitekDesainRumah-SibamboStudio #JasaArsitekturSleman #JasaArsitekRumahCianjur #JasaArsitekRumahJogloTangerang
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jasaarsitekvilla · 1 year
CS 0811.9891.300 Jasa Desain Interior Madiun
0811.9891.300 (WA) Jasa Desain Interior Madiun, Jasa Desain Interior Madiun, Jasa Arsitek di Kota Bandung, Jasa Desain Konten Sosial Media, Jasa Desain Interior Rumah di Malang, Jasa Desain Interior Salon Surabaya, Jasa Arsitek Samarinda, Jasa Arsitektur Jepara, Jasa Arsitek Bandung, Jasa Desain di Balikpapan
AyoCariTukang.com merupakan perusahaan konstruksi yang menyediakan jasa konstruksi lengkap mulai dari perencanaan, pengawasan proyek konstruksi, manajemen hingga pelaksanaan. Untuk berbagai macam kebutuhan : rumah, kantor, toko, fasilitas industri (pabrik), dll.
Layanan AyoCariTukang.com meliputi:
Jasa Pasang Granit
Jasa Bangun Rumah
Jasa Renovasi
Jasa Aluminium
Jasa Instalasi Listrik
Jasa Tukang
Jasa Railing Tangga
Jasa Konstruksi
Jasa Wall Moulding
Jasa Interior
Head Office
Jl. Sultan Hasanudin, Tambun City Blok RE.5, Tambun Selatan, Kab. Bekasi 17510
CONTACT 0811 9891 300
Site Office
BSD, Nusaloka, Sektor 14.5 T7 No.2 Tangerang Selatan, Banten
CONTACT 0811 9891 300
Jl. Swadaya RT.03/RW.05 No. 68 Kel. Rawa Mekar Jaya, Serpong, Tangerang Selatan
CONTACT 0811 9891 300
AyoCariTukang | Solusi Lengkap Bangunan dan Renovasi
Diupload oleh: AMELIA
#JasaDesainInteriorMadiun #JasaDesainInteriorMadiun #JasaArsitekdiKotaBandung #JasaDesainKontenSosialMedia #JasaDesainInteriorRumahdiMalang #JasaDesainInteriorSalonSurabaya #JasaArsitekSamarinda #JasaArsitekturJepara #JasaArsitekBandung #JasaDesaindiBalikpapan
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