#amelie and felix
asti-doodles · 9 months
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MERRY CHRISTMAS @ninadove !!!!!
I'm your anarchist gang secret Santa!!!! It was a great honor to create for you!!!!! Hope you have a great time next to family and friends!!!!
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shipcestuous · 2 years
(another Miraculous submission)
It's been wonderful to see Miraculous Ladybug** mentioned here!  I'm the anon who sent in asks about Adrien Agreste (one of the main characters) and his dynamics with his parents, Gabriel and Emilie, a while back during the first or second season!
**This show is called so many different things.  In the US, it's called Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir.  It's also called Miraculous Ladybug, or Miraculous, so there can be some confusion that way. (Sorry for making your tagging system harder....)
Anyway, since we're in the fifth season, we've seen more of Adrien and Gabriel's relationship, which continues to be chock-full of dramatic irony, seeing as Adrien is a superhero and his dad is his and his partner's supervillain nemesis.  Lately, Gabriel has been making more of an effort with his son, paying more attention to him and being less neglectful.  I suspect he has ulterior motives, just because he's the Big Bad, but whether that turns out to be true or not, it's so sweet to see how happy Adrien is anytime his dad does anything remotely nice for him.  He gets these big, earnest "kitten eyes" and it's cute, but also so sad because we know his dad is a supervillain and he doesn't.
But I'm actually here because, since my last ask, we've met some more of the family--so I'm mostly here to talk about Adrien's cousin Félix.  Who is a bit of a mysterious character in terms of his motivations sometimes, and doesn't have a single relative who he doesn't have a noteworthy relationship with, in one way or another.
First off--I'm aware of which blog I'm sending this to. But Adrien and Félix's respective moms--Emilie and Amelie (whos matching names are adorable even if we don't know much about their relationship--are identical twins, making the boys genetically siblings.
Plus, they themselves are identical.  Legitimately identical.  Félix is just Adrien with a slightly different hairstyle.  There are a few different theories about why this is: some people think it's just for plot convenience (more on that in a bit) or animators not wanting to make another character model.  Some people think maybe one of their moms actually gave birth to twin sons, but gave one to her sister who wasn't able to have a child for some reason.  And there's a theory that's slowly gaining more canon support, that one or both of them are magically-created beings instead of natural-born humans, so some people think either one boy was created based of the other, or they were both created at the same time.  (I have no idea, but I figure if one of the magic ones are true, they'd still be genetic siblings?)
Anyway, while Adrien is a fairly well-behaved teenager--aside from "constantly sneaking out his window in a cat costume to fight his supervillain dad to save the city"--his cousin(/genetic brother) Félix is... to be blunt, a little sh*t.  When he comes to visit, he likes to impersonate Adrien and stir up trouble for him.  And Félix is one of the only people who Adrien will actually show dislike for, even if Adrien still cares about him.
From the sound of it, the boys were really close when they were younger.  (Félix's dad died within the past year, so maybe that's when he started acting out more? We don't know for sure.  We do know Gabriel didn't let Adrien go to Félix's dad's funeral, which may explain some of the resentment.)  And even if Félix pesters Adrien a lot, he does seem to care about Adrien in some way--he's been shown encouraging Adrien (in a jerky way, sure, but still) to do what Adrien wants to do, instead of blindly obeying what his dad tells him.  When Félix finds out Adrien doesn't want to go on an extended trip for his modeling job, Félix volunteers to impersonate Adrien to talk to his dad for Adrien, and tell Gabriel that Adrien doesn't want to go since Adrien has trouble standing up to his father.
(It's implied, around this time, there might be magical reasons why Adrien can't disobey Gabriel, hence support for the magical theory I mentioned before.  Which is kind of horrifying if true, but even if it is, part of Adrien's unwillingness to stand up to Gabriel is just because he loves his dad and doesn't want to disappoint him.)
On to Félix's relationship with Gabriel: like I said, Félix resents how Adrien obeys Gabriel seemingly without question.  Félix has a long history of tricking his uncle-by-marriage--by impersonating Adrien, and then in his first appearance in the show, Félix steals (back) one of Gabriel's rings (which might have something to do with the magic control I talked about? seriously, this family/show is complicated).
The next time they meet, Félix has actually figured out Gabriel's identity as a supervillain--something that nobody else in the show has managed to do.  (He may be a little sh*t but he's also one of the smartest people in the show.)  Félix later confronts his uncle about it in a very tense scene.
However, despite his obvious disdain for Gabriel, Félix--when disguised as Adrien--siezes the chance to get hold of a lot of the magical jewels that supervillain!Gabriel wants, and Félix offers to trade them to Gabriel in exchange for the one magic jewel that can make those magical sentient beings I mentioned before (another point toward that theory).
His motivations for all this still haven't been explained to the audience, as of the time I'm sending this, but no matter what they are, Félix is an interesting character who has these interesting, tense, complicated dynamics with both his cousin and uncle.
But onto Félix's relationships with his mom and aunt, because those are interesting too! But in a different way.
First, Félix and his aunt Emilie--since Emilie "disappeared" before the start of the show, we don't get to see them interact.  But from everything we see of Félix, he seems to have really cared about her.  (Makes sense, she is his aunt but also, biologically, has the same genes as his mom--and he loves his mom a lot. More on that in a sec.)
Since he and Adrien used to switch places as kids, we can assume Félix liked to play jokes on Emilie.  But unlike with Adrien or Gabriel, he seems to be actually sweet with her.  We see him smiling with this soft, genuine affection at a painting of Emilie that hangs in Gabriel's office.
And then--huge spoilers--when he first stumbles on Gabriel's secret underground lair, where he keeps Emilie's comatose body in a Snow White-style coffin (that seems to be life support?), Félix is visibly shaken and distraught in a way we've never seen him before.  So he clearly cares about Emilie a lot.
But the most suggestive (unintentionally) relationship here is between Félix and his mother Amelie.  Like I said, Felix is a jerk to basically everyone--but he's far sweeter toward his mom than most teenage boys are.  They have a strong bond.  When I mentioned that he stole Gabriel's ring, Félix stole it in order to return it to Amelie.  But then, it turns out Amelie had wanted it back in order to give it to her son!
Whenever we see them together, their interactions are very cute and sweet.  A notable example is here in this gifset: Amelie kisses her hand and presses it up against Félix's hand, and then he presses his hand up against his cheek.  By the looks of it, it's something they do pretty often, even if he's somewhere around 14 or 15 by now.  From the way he acts around everyone else, it's surprising to see how soft and happy he seems around his mom.
And it turns out Amelie has a sneaky, cunning side of her own--after Félix  steals most of the magical jewels and gives them to Hawkmoth, the main characters come to his house looking for him.  Amelie tells them, seemingly sincere, that Félix hasn't come home.  However, after Ladybug and Chat Noir leave, Félix comes out of hiding, and we realize that Amelie lied to protect him (even from Paris's beloved superheroes!).  It's not clear exactly how much she knows about what he did, but I don't doubt she would protect him even if she knew everything.  Their bond seems that strong.
And on a completely different note--I wanted to talk about the Couffaine family too, since another anon mentioned Luka and Jagged Stone on your other blog.  Long story short, two supporting characters are the twins Juleka and Luka Couffaine.  Juleka is the MC's friend and classmate, and Luka is the MC's secondary love interest.  They live with their rebellious mom Anarka on a houseboat on the Seine.
We haven't seen too much of the twins' relationship, but from what we've seen, they're very close and sweet with each other.  They're in a band together along with some of their friends.  (I love siblings who do music together!)  Juleka introduces Luka into her friend group, and Luka listens to his younger twin sister when she talks about her dreams of modeling despite her shyness, and he encourages her to go for it.  After Luka's relationship with the MC falls apart (due to her always having to sneak away for superhero things), Juleka encourages them to be friends because she wants her brother to be happy.
And! They both eventually get to be part-time superheroes, and so far, we've seen them work together once.  Naturally, they make a good team, and so far, they don't know who the other one is!  (So hey, "siblings as superheroes" anon--half of what you wanted is canon already.  And there are actually a couple of fics out there where the two get crushes on each other in their superhero forms without knowing they're twins IRL... even if they're more crackfics than real shipping fics.)
(Juleka does have a ~very close friend~ who it's implied is her girlfriend--and they're very cute--but the show has never explicitly said they're dating or not.  And even if they are, Rose has openly crushed on someone else before and Juleka seemed to encourage her, so they might be polyamorous.  Who knows?  Honestly, polyamory would solve most of the romantic problems on this show...)
And then there's the twins' parents.  As mentioned, their mom Anarka is cool and rebellious. She used to be a musician too, and she seems like a good mom who has a fun dynamic with her kids.  But what about their dad?  Their mom has tried to keep his identity secret from them, but...
Their dad, it turns out, is famous rockstar Jagged Stone.  (The whole family is into music, and I love that for them.)  Both Luka and Juleka have been fans of his for a long time, and Juleka even met and asked him for his autograph earlier in the show before the reveal.  It's fun because a lot of Juleka's class is a fan of his, and some might even have celebrity crushes--it's not hard to believe that Juleka and/or Luka might have had a celebrity crush on him too, at some point, even if it's never stated in canon.
Eventually, their mom does tell them Jagged is their father, and Jagged tells Luka that the reason he wasn't part of their lives before was because Jagged feared he would be a bad father to them. The twins start to get to know him better as their dad.
For a bit, Juleka fears that Jagged favors Luka over her, because she sees them getting closer and sees Jagged give her brother a cool record on their birthday.  She feels neglected, until Jagged gives her his first bass guitar as her gift.  (Awww!)  Juleka's first venture as a superhero is actually in this episode, as both her parents get akumatized (basically turned into a mind-controlled villain) and she has to help save them.  Afterward, she and her dad have a heart to heart.  Jagged reassures her that he loves her and he always wants to be there to listen if she needs to talk, and she tells him that she loves him.
That's the last we've seen of these relationships in canon so far, but there's so much good material there.  I love them.
On another note: one of Adrien's childhood friends and the MC Marinette's bully is Chloé, and her family is also interesting.  Her mom Audrey is usually on another continent and she makes Gabriel Agreste look like a good father by comparison.  She barely remembers Chloé's name, but on the other hand, Chloé idolizes and adores Audrey and is desperate for her attention.  It's really sad.
On the other extreme of bad parenting, Chloé's dad André spoils her rotten, lets her get away with anything, and throws around his weight as mayor to get her special treatment.  It isn't healthy, and he could stand to show his love in better ways, but he seems intent on making up for her lack of motherly affection.
And then eventually, we learn Chloé has a half-sister around the same age, Zoé, who comes to live with her and André in Paris.  Chloé resents her and calls her only "half a sister," but in the meantime, Zoé really wants Chloé's love and friendship.  At first, she tries to act more like Chloé in order to have a relationship with her, but gives that up after Zoé realizes that isn't good for anybody.
Still, Zoé keeps trying to reach out to her sister.  When Chloé is akumatized out of jealousy for her sister, Zoé tells her (quoting a movie she's acting in, but still), "You may hate me, but I love you, and I always will, even if the whole world hates you, sister."  Chloé is startled that Zoé would still reach out to her and want to be around her, after the way she treats her.  (I suspect that, if the show ever follows through on Chloé's redemption arc, her relationship with her sister will be involved in that.)
Zoé also has an interesting, touching bond with her stepfather André.  Both of them feel like they've had to hide their true selves and their interests from their family in order to be accepted.  In contrast, they're able to be a bit more open around each other, and André starts growing a spine to stand up for Zoé, even disagreeing with Chloé in order to stick up for his stepdaughter.
(tl;dr: Zoé seems like she's going to be a good influence on both of them, and I hope we get to see an arc for the whole family.)
And finally, just because it feels weird to talk about one main character and not the other, I want to touch on Marinette Dupain-Cheng and her family.  There's not a lot of overcomplexity or tension there, but a whole lot of sweetness.  Marinette and her parents, Tom Dupain and Sabine Cheng, are always shown to be supporting each other.  Marinette helps them out in their bakery, and they encourage and love her.  Sometimes, Tom and Sabine worry about their daughter, since she disappears a lot (and they don't realize she's a superhero because she doesn't want to endanger them with that knowledge), but they still believe the best of her.
Even though they don't know she's Ladybug, they are still encouraging and supportive of Ladybug whenever they're around her.  They're big fans and have absolute faith in her.
Despite not knowing this huge secret, they still know her very well.  Sabine is so used to her daughter's clumsiness and forgetfulness that she usually has something prepared to help Marinette out (even placing a basket of soft clothes at the bottom of their steps because Sabine knows she'll trip, lol).  And she is very protective of Marinette, willing to fight for her sake.
Tom is also very fond and proud of Marinette. The two share a lot of interests, like playing video games together.  When Tom is akumatized, it's actually because of Marinette--he thinks she's had her heart broken by Chat Noir due to a misunderstanding, and he becomes "Weredad," basically putting his daughter in a tower like a princess to protect her from ever being heartbroken or hurt again.  It's really sweet.
Her extended family's relationships are also sweet.  Marinette loves her grandmother Gina, even if Gina babies her, and she pretends to still enjoy the things she enjoyed as a little kid just to avoid hurting her feelings.  (Also, Gina gets her a motorcycle for her birthday!)
Marinette doesn't actually meet her grandfather Rolland until the events of the show, because he and her dad had a falling out about Rolland's traditionalism.  But even if he's stubborn, he still ends up caring about her and she about him.  And despite the short time they've known each other, Marinette trusts him, even enough to leave him with the kids she was babysitting when she has to slip away to save Paris.
And then on the other side of her family, there's her great-uncle Wang.  At first, Marinette doesn't speak Mandarin well, and Wang doesn't speak French well, but both of them make an effort in order to be able to communicate with each other.  She helps him as he enters a cooking competition, gets furious on his behalf when his food is sabotaged, and saves him when he's akumatized.
During a special, she goes to stay with him in Shanghai, and his French has improved a lot.  She goes missing during this stay, much to his concern.  There isn't a lot to say about their relationship, it's just sweet.
It's also mentioned in this special that, apparently, Wang raised Marinette's mother Sabine when she was a girl.  It isn't stated why, and we don't know too much about their relationship, but they seem to have a good relationship, as he's both Sabine's uncle and her adoptive father.  (Which I guess makes him another grandfather for Marinette,as well as an uncle?)
As you can tell, there's a lot of big families in the Miraculous Ladybug universe.  Some
Anon, I'm so glad to hear from you again! You always make Miraculous sound like such a fascinating show. Wow, I can't believe all of the family relationships, it's so wonderful to have all of that on one show. Poor Adrien's family is so complicated. I love the introduction of Felix into the mix, so many possibilities there.
It looks like the ending of your submission got cut off, but hopefully we got all of the ships. Thanks so much for this great write-up. It certainly makes this look very appealing to fans of incest shipping!
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lc-holy · 3 months
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Childhood memories.
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buggachat · 1 year
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adrien has always been a very supportive wingman
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sabertoothwalrus · 1 year
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if you thought I was done making comics about adrien being trans you thought wrong. fuck you
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sillysiluriforme · 9 days
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Intestines ? Completely smooth. Skin ? Slouching off his body. Immune system ? Kaput. Excrement ? Straight up water. Man has eyes and feather growing in inconceivable places.
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wildtornado-o · 1 year
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Doodles :)
I think the Graham de Vanilys should have some cats and ferrets, Félix seems like a ferret liker <3 The doodles on the last image are old ones i never got aroun to posting, mostly consisting of the aged up designs i have 4 feligami
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chocostrwberry · 3 months
How does Felix in this au learn he’s a senti? How old was he, and how did he take it?
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After the life-altering talk:
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zoe-oneesama · 3 months
Also, curiosity, what’s your take on Amelie’s personality for Scarlet Lady? Just curiosity. Cause siblings in canon are usually opposites. So, this mean SL!Amelie, instead of main character syndrome, has background character syndrome? Or low self-Steem?
I'd put SL Amelie as So Normal. Like she's born into this bizarre English family that still does arranged marriages in this day and age (not totally knocking the practice, but it's definitely implied it's being done against Emilie's and Amelie's wishes), has a super dramatic sister who runs off with her equally dramatic husband (who Amelie barely likes) to become a fashion mogul's actress wife, rubbing elbows with the Mayor of Paris and a bunch of weird rich people who throw bizarre Diamond Dances to show off their kids as if they're a spectacle and holding Eyes Wide Shut parties in their house.
And Amelie's just like "anyway" on the sideline.
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ninadove · 1 year
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The gang is just the two of them forever (Amelie brings them orange slices during particularly intense plotting sessions)
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alexandriaellisart · 5 months
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bigfatbreak · 2 years
Birds of a Feather previous / next
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spacedoutcowgirl · 6 months
felix, adrien, and kagami all turn 18 and immediately run their family names/businesses into the ground. except, yknow, kagami and adrien expose GABRIEL and Tsurugi Electronics (or whatever the fuck its called) for tax fraud and unfair labor practices, but then theres felix burning down his dad's penthouse in the middle of london with wacka flacka playing in the background.
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buggachat · 1 year
Hey guys, if you like my work, I'd looove a little support on my ko-fi!
so, tbh, the actual reason I can make so many comics in a short amount of time is because I'm unemployed. don't worry, I have a stable living situation and all, but I don't get money to treat myself often so!! ko-fis do mean a lot to me <3
anyway, have some art that I don't think I ever posted?
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bittersweetresilience · 10 months
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twins, mirrors, family jewels
anne m. doe overstreet / louise glück / william faulkner / courtney kampa / mary shelley / jean anouilh / anne carson / vincent van gogh
partially inspired by @isabugs and @felixfathomsno1fan 💗 and for those who read soulmate au, watership down drops tomorrow!
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sillysiluriforme · 1 month
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doodle dump !!!
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