#american horror story x ps reader
plus-size-reader · 2 years
Life with Kit Walker HC
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~There has never been a more perfect man and I will not be hearing anyone out about anything
~Kit smells like motor oil and cigarettes, in the best way
~Holds your jaw when he kisses you, I don’t make the rules
~Exclusively calls you “doll” “honey” or  his “little wife”
~Though, sometimes, when it’s just the two of you and you’re both feeling especially playful, he calls you “wifey” just so you’ll call him “hubby”
~Surprising him at work with lunch, which the guys at the shop all tease him for
~Playful taps on your ass, especially when you’re least expecting it
~Loves the feeling of your nails on his skin. Like, run your hands through his hair and this man melts
~Hugs you around your middle a lot and buries his face wherever he can get it, so that he can breathe you in and be surrounded by you for a while
~He always has dirty hands, and leaves oil stains on all of your towels and blankets without even meaning to. Sometimes, he even swipes a dirty thumb over your face to watch the jet black liquid mar your skin
~Huffs and puffs under his breath when he’s frustrated about something but doesn’t actually want to bother you about it
~Making dinner together after a long day, and Kit ends up making more of a mess than actually helping you in the kitchen
~Puts money away in a coffee can under the bed for a couple months to buy you real fancy present for your anniversary because you deserve it
~Will put off washing his hair until you can do it for him just so that he can enjoy having you so close to him
~Fidgets with his wedding ring constantly when it’s on his hand
~When he’s at work though, Kit wears his ring on a silver chain around his neck, so that i falls just above his heart all day without him having to worry about losing it
~Super protective of you to the point of absurdity
~Once got in a fight with some guy at the bar after one too many for making a comment about you that he didn’t like
~Runs you baths sometimes, with that fancy bubble bath your friend brought in that basket for your birthday a few years ago
~Then, taking that bath with you and soaking together until the water is a nipping cold
~You haven’t opened a door since you started dating, whether that be a car door, your front door, or the door to your favorite diner in town
~Late night kisses that taste like beer and stale cigarette
~Kit strikes me as the kind of husband who likes to help you get ‘unready’ as much as he likes to watch  you get dolled up. Like, he would help you out of your shoes, unzip your dress, and undo your necklace and put it in the jewelry box
~Is obsessed with watching you put on your makeup, often standing behind you in the mirror with his hands on your hips and his chin resting in the crook of your neck
~Kit has a heart of gold and knows how to use it when it comes to you
Inside Briarcliff:
~Talking to one another about the lives you lived before this and who you always dreamed you would be, outside of the circumstances
~Kit doing his best to protect you in there, always staying close when he can and even taking a caning or two when you’re in the wrong place at the wrong time
~Talking every night through the walls of your rooms, and finding comfort in his voice
~Holding you close and tight whenever he gets the opportunity, in an effort to keep you from feeling less alone while also making himself feel better
~Walking the grounds together, even holding hands on occasion when there’s no one around to put a stop to it
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viennafantasies · 4 months
𝜗𝜚- Character's I write for
Outer Banks: jj maybank, rafe cameron, john b routledge
The Vampire Diaries: damon salvatore, stefan salvatore, klaus mikaelson, kai parker, kol mikaelson, elijah mikaelson, jeremy gilbert, enzo st john
Pretty Little Liars: toby cavanaugh, caleb rivers, Jason dilaurentis
Glee: santana lopez & sam evans
Once Upon A Time: killian jones & peter pan
Brooklyn Nine Nine: jake peralta
Gossip Girl: chuck bass & nate archibald (for now)
Riverdale: archie andrews & jughead jones
The Office: luke cooper & jim halpert
Stranger Things: steve harrington & billy hargrove
Cobra Kai: miguel diaz, robbie keene & hawk aka: eli horowitz
The X Files: fox mulder
American Horror Story: tate langdon, kit walker, kyle spencer
Pen15: dustin long, brandt
Outnumbered: jake
Marvel: loki laufeyson, steve rogers, bucky barnes, peter parker
DC: bruce wayne, clark kent, dick grayson, joker
Hunger Games: finnick odair & peter malarky, ps. I haven't done cornelius bc I haven't watched the new movie :)
Harry Potter: ron weasley, draco malfoy, blaise zabini, mattheo riddle, tom riddle, lorenzo berkshire, theodore nott, lucian bole, james potter, sirius black, remus lupin, regulus black
Note: Let me know if you want any poly, my requests will be open by tomorrow. You can request whatever you want but it has to be x reader. I don't mind writing anything but be careful with warnings. I hope you have a great day!! mwah :) ps. tell me if you want fluff, smut or angst. I don't know how to do smut that well but I will try!
cba to do tags
still did it ...
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absolutemadladdie · 2 years
"I like it, Picasso" fanfictions, 100/10 would read again (this list will be on constant edit mode): (MAKING A SECOND LIST BECAUSE I'M AT MAX LINKS ON THIS ONE)
Ps. (*)=angst, (**)=smut
Billie Dean Howard
Mirror, mirror**
In dusty pink silk**
Where eyes can’t pry our kisses
Addicted to the way we love**
The silver moon loves you as I do
Hurt me once
The Weeping Angel
Don’t ask me what could have been*
Where eyes can’t pry our kisses
An Ocean Away
Love you for a long time (series) (1), (2), (3), (4)**, (5)**, (6), (7)
my racing hands down your hips**
last of the true believers**
you found this, you need this
as long as you are with me, there’s no place i’d rather be
happy new year, my love
you’re my lobster
mind is just as frail as it’s frame, you know i’d leave it alone*(sad ending)
praise me**
make you scream**
Lana Winters
love slipped beyond your reaches
i’ll always carry you
Cordelia Goode
Your night with Cordelia
A Winter Surprise, Part 2**
And your touch burns in the light of the morning**
Loving Blind**
Into the light (I’ll hold you)*
Flower’s bleed pink under the setting sun
Sisters under the sun
Hold me into the new dawn
Playing with fire
Guide my shaking hands until they still
you’re my jewel (1), (2)
can the city forgive?
remembering is her favorite pastime
baby, heaven’s in your eyes**
when i fell you were there, with your hands in the air
the morning after nye
make it taste like love**
you make me feel like a teenager in love
You are loved**
drunk in love
you’ll get sick
her reflection**
Bette and Dot Tattler
Sally McKenna
Footsteps leave echoes in the sand*
Greiving for something not lost*
you made your mark on me
Audrey Tindall
so inviting, i almost jump in
i missed you
Ally Mayfair-Richards
The forest is calling and I must go
It comes and goes in waves
friday i’m in love
eyes full of stars
i only want you
I’ll shut you up
Wilhemina Venable
I thought I’d killed you
What a Year
In sleep and in dreams you are mine
Light shines from within the cracks of gold
I dont know my name (1), (2), (3)*
and all the pieces fall right into place**
i felt forever when i laid upon your chest
i will see you right
the girl in the dress cried the whole way home.
you’re my religion
drawing hearts in the byline
the future isn’t worth its weight in gold (1), (2), (3)
I know that you never sleep
I do care about you
Tuberculosis Karen
Mamie Eisenhower
Marcia Clark
Linda Tripp
RUN 2020
Diane Sherman
Mildred Ratched
somewhere between desperate and divine**
Harriet Hayes
Alice McCray
Ellie Staple
Xandra with an X
“Show me”**
Abby Gerhard
Three’s not a crowd, especially when it’s us (Cordelia Goode x Reader x Wilhemina Venable) (1), (2), (3), (4)**, (5)*
i’m burning (Billie dean Howard x reader x Xandra)(1), (2)**
stay awake, wait for me (series) (Billie Dean Howard x Reader x Cordelia Goode) (1), (2)**, (3), (4)**
the altar is my hips** (Billie Dean Howard x Reader x Audrey Tindall)
‘tis the damn season (Ally x Reader x Cordelia)
the pleasure’s all mine (Wilhemina Venable x reader x Mildred ratched
IMPORTANT NOTE: These stories are NOT WRITTEN BY ME. I simply do not have the creativity and skills to write such masterpieces. Credits to their lovely and respective authors! Thank you so much for writing these! <3 PLEASE GO SUPPORT THEM WITH PROVIDED LINKS!
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chubbyreaderwriter · 3 years
Hi idk if you take request or not or even write for this fandom bit if you do...can you pls right a insecure little PS reader x one of the BOYS fromncobra Kai? And if you do can it be fluff (YOU DONT HAVE TO! CUZ IDEK OF YOU TAKE REQUEST OR WRITE FOR CK) ❤️
Hi! I do take requests but sadly I don’t write for Cobra Kai. I do take requests for;
Harry Potter
Fantastic Beasts
American Horror Story
Probably more but I can’t think right now
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plus-size-reader · 2 years
A Mess
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Kyle Spencer x Plus size!reader
Word Count: 2460 words
Warnings: none
Summary: Babying Kyle and washing his seams and stitches because no one else will. 
“I didn’t sign up for babysitting duty”
The words left your lips as little more than an irritated statement of fact, but deep down, you both knew that it wasn’t going to make any difference.
Somebody had to watch him.
It only made sense that you be the one.
“I need you to do this for me, Y/N” Cordelia allowed, her voice as soft and gentle as it always was, though it wasn’t nearly as comforting.
You would have thought that if anyone was going to hear your pleas it would be her, but evidently not.
She was more adamant about this than anyone else, and you just didn’t understand why. There was no way in the world she could just force this on you.
You weren’t even the one who’d brought him back, so by what logic was he your problem?
“Why can’t Zoe take care of him? I didn’t kill him” you huffed, more and more confused as the moments ticked by. He was her dead boyfriend, but somehow, you’d gotten stuck with him.
It was odd.
You understood that you were gifted in necromancy, but in this case, you doubted that was going to help you.
Kyle was dead, sure, but since Kyle was breathing, you couldn’t have known what he was thinking any better than any of the other girls.
You’d never really given this whole thing a shot with anything reanimated, after all. There weren’t a lot of opportunities for it.
“Please. He needs a friendly face, someone he doesn’t recognize since coming back. It’s confusing enough as is” she tried to explain, hoping that the more she spoke, the more you’d be moved to act.
This was hard, she understood that, and this wasn’t your problem, she also understood that, but you were the best chance they had.
He had to have help.
This sort of thing had to be more confusing than anything you could ever imagine, and of all the options, Cordelia knew that you’d be the most sensitive to his cause.
Zoe and Madison may have been able to bring him back but they didn’t feel it like you did.
They weren’t connected to it, and they didn’t communicate with the dead at any point. They were powerful, but not all knowing, not when it came to this.
The girls had made a poor choice in bringing that boy back, but as awful as it was, there was no reversing it now. All any of you could do was make the best of it, and she needed you to help her with that.
It had to be you.
“Fine, but I can’t promise anything. If they made even the smallest error in bringing him back, his brain could be scrambled” you sighed, perfectly aware that you were going into this completely blind.
All you knew so far was that Zoe just found him covered in blood, banging his head against the linoleum sink, and now it was your job to get him cleaned up.
That was it, and beyond that, you had no idea what you were walking into and it wasn’t exactly as if Kyle could just explain himself to you.
At this point, given the job they’d done on him, you wouldn’t have been surprised if he was mute for the remainder of his life, if you could even call it that.
Not that it mattered.
Deep down, you knew that there was no real reason for you to turn Kyle away. Even though he wasn’t your problem, that didn’t mean you didn’t feel for him.
In the same way you hadn’t asked for this, he hadn’t either, and you certainly weren’t going to argue that you had it worse than he did.
Cordelia offered a small nod in thanks before leaving you to it, the still bloodstained male standing in the doorway, where he’d been throughout this entire exchange.
You weren’t worried about it hurting his feelings or even of him hearing in the first place, because so far, he hadn’t said or done anything at all.
If it hadn’t been for what Zoe told you about what he did to his mother, you may have considered him completely braindead.
That was always a danger when it came to reanimation.
It wasn’t a perfect science, and if it wasn’t done carefully, the consequences were almost impossible to predict.
That was why you’d never done it yourself.
You couldn't have imagined anything worse than being personally responsible for the suffering of another life form, no matter what it was.
“Kyle, are you alright?” you tried, reciting the same thing you were sure he’d been asked ten times since Zoe showed up at his house, that sick feeling in the pit of her stomach.
There just wasn't much more than could be said.
At least, not yet.
You didn’t know nearly enough about Kyle, or how he communicated to ask him any in depth or personal questions and even if you did, you seriously doubted he’d be able to answer.
So far, it appeared that the extent of his communication skills fell somewhere between grunts of protest and general groans of confusion and misguidedness.
It was unavoidable but it would have been a lie to say that it didn’t make your job a tad bit more frustrating than need be.
“Are you alright Kyle?” You repeated, closing the distance as much as you felt you could without making him uncomfortable. Given the circumstances, and how everything went down, that was the last thing you wanted to do.
Still, if he was capable of answering, it definitely couldn’t hurt.
Kyle said nothing, with little more than a groan leaving his lips at your words but you did your best not to question it. This whole thing was going to be a process for the both of you, and it would take time.
“Right, that’s an awful question, sorry” you huffed, finding it hard to believe that you were having so much trouble with this.
When it came to communicating with the dead, you had never had an issue but then again, you'd never been in this position.
You didn’t know what you were doing.
“I’m Y/N, do you mind if I clean this up? There’s blood everywhere” you commented, finding it almost impossible to avoid the obvious.
He was covered in blood, and the longer you stood here, the more it dried down to his already irritated flesh.
It definitely wasn’t good, not for his mental state or the raw, necrotic skin that was sure to be healing and changing as you spoke.
At first, you figured you’d have to hose him down with or without permission but after a few seconds of thought, Kyle allowed himself to nod, his jaw hanging open lightly as he regarded you.
Cordelia was right.
As much as you hated to admit it, you could tell just how difficult this whole thing must have been for him and if you could make it even a little bit better, you owed it to him to try.
He was innocent in all this, after all.
…and he was in there.
You’d had your doubts about whether or not Zoe and Madison were actually able to bring him back, all the way, but it seemed to you that they did alright.
It was just going to take him time to adjust to his new body, and the fact that he couldn’t express the things he wanted to like he once did.
It had to have been hard.
“Alright, let’s take this to the tub then” you decided, gingerly offering Kyle your hand, moving slowly and carefully until you were sure he understood what you wanted from him.
It wasn’t nearly as bad as you’d been expecting.
He seemed to get where you were going, and picked up on everything rather quickly, which was another pleasant surprise.
The trek to the tub, however, was far less pleasant. Kyle’s body was made up almost entirely of dead tissue and it was dense.
You practically had to drag him up to the second floor bathroom, leaving a trail of blood that you were sure Madison would bitch about forever if she saw it.
Not that you cared.
As far as you were concerned, Kyle was all you had to be worried about right now. Any mess that you made wasn’t your problem, and if it was such an issue, Madison could clean it up herself.
She was the one who got you into this in the first place, after all.
Once you’d got Kyle heaved up the stairs, using all your strength, you set him up in the porcelain tub. Of course, your task was far from over but at least you were making some kind of headway with him.
You could communicate a little, even if it was only in nods and huffs.
The water within the basin was just warm enough to be comfortable to your flesh, which felt like the safest bet considering. There was no good way to know how his dead yet simultaneously living tissue would respond to temperature.
All you knew for sure was that you didn’t want to hurt him, because it would break down all the progress you’d made since you started this conversation.
“You’re a mess” you hummed, though it was mostly a mumble to yourself seeing as he wouldn’t know how to respond anyhow.
You couldn’t imagine how the house looked.
There was blood everywhere.
You hadn’t even begun to scrub the red from his skin, and already the water was leeching pink around his frame.
It was even worse when you ran the rag across his shoulder to find it soaked through and sticky with crimson, and you were nowhere near done with him.
Kyle hummed similarly to how a kitten would under the water as you scrubbed at his shoulders more vigorously. You were still gentle with his scars and stitches, you just knew that you’d have to do something more aggressive to get it all off.
The blood just didn't want to let go of his cool, clammy flesh, no matter how hard you tried to clean it all up.
You couldn’t help but smile at his reaction, taking in how clearly he was enjoying this.
For someone who had so recently been brought back from the dead, in a new body, you couldn't imagine there was any simpler pleasure than a nice bath.
…and clean hair.
Initially, you considered skipping washing Kyle’s hair but after the rest of him was clean, it seemed strange to leave blood caked in his hair so casually.
So, without giving it much more thought, you scooped up as much water as you could from the tub in your two hands and sent it cascading down his hair, which didn’t actually get wet until a few times later.
When he decided to share the wealth of his bath.
“That’s nice right?” you grinned, laughter escaping you as you were thwarted with droplets of water, all coming from Kyle’s hair, as he shook about like a dog.
Clearly, he didn’t quite recall the sensation of wet hair and water dripping down his face.
Not that you ever had the courtesy of forgetting.
Just about every time you could have considered it, he found a new way to drench you in more water than you even recalled filling the tub with.
By the time you had finished your work, not only was Kyle clean and drenched to the bone, but so were you. It was almost as if he was playing some kind of game, and seeing just how much he could do before you did something about it.
“Okay, I got it” you grumbled, holding your hands up to keep the male from flinging more water at you from over the tub's ledge.
At least he was having fun.
“Kyle, stop it!” you urged again, this time stretching a bath towel out in front of your crouched frame to further shield you from the assault.
It was just about then that you decided bath time was over.
Without another word, you reached out to web your arms under his own to lift him out of the tub. It gave you a secure enough hold on him to set him on his own two feet but he was still wobbly, leaning against you.
Not that you could have gotten any more wet from the bath, with as much as he had been shaking like a dog.
You briefly took notice of the fact that Kyle was naked, but out of everything there was to focus on, that couldn't have been farther from your mind.
His body was incredible, in the most grotesque of ways.
By all means, the seams and stitches that Madison and Zoe had used were amateur and certainly could have been better but it was a marvel to see nonetheless. That they had put together this patchwork of a man out of nowhere.
It was incredible.
The sutures that joined his limbs together were thick, and the skin surrounding them was inflamed and irritated but you were sure that as long as you stayed on top of it, they would heal.
After all, this wasn’t like he’d gotten a scrape or cut himself on a kitchen knife, whatever magic they had used to bring him back wasn’t going to just let him die again, but that didn’t mean he had to suffer.
It was bad enough that this was how he had to live from now on anyway.
At some point Kyle took notice of your focus on his frame and grunted again, almost as if to ask what you were thinking, but you didn’t bother voicing your thoughts to him.
It wouldn’t make a difference.
This was what he was, and there was no reason for you to mourn a man you’d never met before today.
“You look a lot better” you allowed, carefully drying as much of his skin as you could get to before taking a step back to admire your handiwork.
It was true.
When Zoe showed up with him, it looked like he’d just been hanging out in that elevator from the shining but now, you could almost see just what had drawn her to him in the first place.
Kyle hummed at that, which you took as a sign that he was grateful to you for what you’d done. There was no way in the world that that much blood could feel good on the skin for that long once it had dried.
It had to be painful, and he definitely didn’t need any more of that.
No one around here did.
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plus-size-reader · 3 years
Rotten Apples
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13 Days of Halloween 2021
Tate Langdon x Plus size!reader
Word Count: 2186 words
Warnings: On the shorter side, but so cute. I just love the idea of Tate having something nice before everything goes wrong.
Summary: Going to explore your favorite orchard with pre-death Tate
You and Tate didn’t go out much.
There wasn’t anything much to do in a place like this for a couple of delinquents like you and even if there had been, you weren’t sure that it would have mattered.
The two of you were always together but you didn’t really like going where other people were. The young crowd in this town didn’t want anything to do with you, and if you were being honest, they were sort of scared of Tate.
So, aside from going down to the beach when the desire struck, you mostly spent your free time in Tate’s room, listening to cassettes, and watching crappy television.
You liked it that way.
Still, there was one exception to that rule; one thing that you both loved to do when the right time of year came around.
The Apple Orchard.
Every year in the fall, the local apple orchard put on a whole autumn production with treats, and apple picking. They even had a corn maze and a haunted hayride, both of which Tate had given up on after seeing how lame they were.
“That shit wasn’t even scary” he’d told you, upset that you’d wasted precious daylight on something so cheesy.
He could have come up with something far scarier than that in the basement of his house if he wanted to.
Not that you minded.
This kind of stuff was also better in theory than in practice, but that didn’t mean you were ever going to skip it either. This time of year was made for stuff like this, wearing oversize sweaters and drinking hot cider.
If you didn’t do that, was it even spooky season?
You didn’t think so.
Which was exactly why you’d decided that you were going today, before the crowds could gather too big. The last thing you wanted was to get caught in a bunch of wine moms buying picturesque pumpkins and screaming kids.
“What do you want to do first?” Tate asked, instinctively reaching down to take your hand in his own, aware of how much this kind of stuff overwhelmed you.
Every year, he told you that it would be the same if you ate a bag of Halloween candy in his bed, and watched Night of the living dead, but you wouldn’t have it.
No matter how much this environment stressed you out, the idea of missing out was so much worse.
After all, this sort of stuff was what you lived for, even if it was kind of bittersweet at the moment.
“How about face paint?” you teased, watching the parents disapproving gazes following you past the small booth. Evidently, they didn’t think that you should come to places like this, but you didn’t care.
Their kids were going to be exposed to creatures like you and Tate at some point. It was either on MTV or here in their own backyard.
“...or, the hayride? We could see some ghosts” you kept going, sure that at some point, he would get tired of your suggestions and just pick something so that you didn’t have to.
He normally did, and honestly, he had a good eye for the fun stuff.
“No, it sucks. There weren’t even any bodies in the trees” he groaned, clearly upset by something that most people would have considered a plus.
You had once gone to a theme park that had dummies hanging in trees as part of the atmosphere and he liked that one, because at least they tried. These jokers didn’t even care enough to get one convincing zombie.
In what world was that a haunted hayride?
“We were sitting next to a couple of six year olds, how scary did you expect it to be?” you laughed, bumping the male in question as if trying to jog his memory.
These kinds of places weren’t really made with you two as the target demographic.
It wasn’t a horror fest, it was a fall festival.
Though, even you had to admit that a couple of ghosts or ghouls would have been a nice touch.
“How about I get a couple of hot ciders, and then we’ll decide what looks good?” Tate offered, sure that the more comfortable you got with the feeling of this place, the more you’d start giving input.
He just had to let you warm up to it first, and what better way to do that than with your favorite warm beverage?
“Yeah, that’s a good idea. I think they have a petting zoo somewhere around here too” you hummed, bringing a soft smile to the male’s face. You couldn’t get enough to places like this, but you also couldn’t make a choice when it came to where to go first.
You just got so in your head and it was hard not to find it a little endearing.
He understood you, and it was nice to know that there was at least one person in this world that actually got him that he could get in return.
“Hold that thought. We have time to do it all” he promised, giving your arm a gentle squeeze in an attempt to comfort you before heading over to the little booth that housed your favorite thing about apple orchards.
Hot apple cider.
Ever since you were a kid, you had always loved it.
The warmth it provided helped to relax you and fight against the cool autumn air, while the crisp bit refreshed you. It just made everything so much better, and you were sure that it would be the perfect start to your day.
Absently, you picked at the wood of the old picnic table you’d chosen to wait at with your thumb nail, waiting for the man you loved to return with the treats.
There was a lot you wanted to do before the day was over but you knew that Tate was right, there was no reason to rush through all this.
If you did, you’d miss all your favorite things about this time of year.
You’d miss the way the cool air felt on your skin, and the way the air smelled as it carried the scent of hot cinnamon pastries and pumpkin to your nose from the stalls surrounding you.
You’d miss the soft falling of the leaves from the strong trees all around, and the crunching of those leaves under Tate’s combat boots as he pulverized them beneath the soles of his feet.
Which could be heard louder and louder as he approached when you were seated.
“For you” the man in question hummed, sitting down across from you before handing you your own paper cup, which was hot to the touch thanks to the scalding liquid inside.
You nodded in thanks, not missing a beat before you took a sip. It burnt your tongue ever so slightly but you didn’t pay that any mind, you just didn't want to wait any longer.
Immediately, you felt that warmth travel all the way through your body, from the center of your chest all the way to the tips of your fingers. It felt like the biggest hug, and served to relax you far more than before.
“So, I guess there is a petting zoo and they have piglets” he smiled, taking your free hand in his own, his thumb stroking the back of your knuckles absently as you kept drinking from your cup.
Already, you were more content than you’d been in a long time and now that you were a little more calm, you were ready to take on everything they had here.
Starting with the orchard.
If apple cider was your favorite part of this season, walking around the apple orchard was Tate's.
He loved seeing how different all the apples were, and picking out his favorites out of the hundreds that littered the ground around you both.
It didn’t hurt that he also liked smashing in everything that was left of the rotten ones. It was just the most fun for him out of all of this, and you knew that.
That was why it was so important you did it first.
Tate came out here and did this with you because you liked it but there was no reason he couldn’t have just as much fun.
“The piglets sound cute, but I bet there’s a few apples out there just waiting to meet that steel toe, what do you think?” you teased, sure that would get some reaction out of him.
After all, there was no harm in smashing rotten apples.
It wasn’t like anyone was actually going to eat them.
Besides, Tate got a kick out of the scandalized looks on people’s faces as they passed the trees with their children and caught a sight of him stomping apples into the dirt.
“You’re sure?” he asked, doing his very best to be as conscious toward what you wanted to do, while also getting super excited about the concept of what you were suggesting. Of course he was excited.
This was one of the only things outside of music, jean chains, and you that he actually really liked.
With that, it was decided. You got up without so much as a second thought and offered your hand to Tate, which he took with a similar lack of hesitation. If you were okay with that, he wasn’t going to argue.
It was going to be fun.
“We’ll get some good ones too, so Addie and I can make a pie” you allowed, grabbing a small basket at the entrance of the orchard and following Tate in. 
The latter was an action you didn’t really have a choice in though.
If you’d stopped, the male likely would have pulled your arm from its socket as ready for this as he was.
It was a side of Tate that you didn’t get to see very often and a side of him that no one else would ever believe existed but you were glad when he finally got to express it nonetheless.
It was sweet, and really, it was one of the things you loved most about him.
“And to think, you didn’t want to come” you teased, watching as he began scouted out any pieces of fruit he deemed suitable for the bottom of his boot.
You’d come a little later in the season from when you normally did so the trees were more picked over than they usually would be, which may have been a bummer for others, but was perfect for you two monsters.
That meant there were more apples discarded to the grass for Tate to splatter all over the place.
“I don’t mind coming, I just like hanging out at home better” he shrugged, not even bothering to defend himself against your allegation. 
Frankly, he was surprised when you brought it up, even though you went every year.
You weren’t much for going outside either.
It wasn’t like he was keeping you from being a social butterfly.
“Me too, but you don’t have apple cider” you sighed, plucking a pretty ripe apple from the vine. Constance didn’t keep anything like that in her house for the kids, even though she smoked four packs a day.
She thought it was unhealthy, even going so far as to say that she didn’t want Addie getting any bigger than she already was.
...like you.
Because of that, you knew that if you were going to make a pie at his house, you would have to do it when Constance was away but you were sure you could make it work.
Just because she didn’t think you were a good influence on the younger girl didn’t make it true.
“No, but I have whisky, and coke,'' Tate teased, earning an eye roll from you. You knew perfectly well what kind of traits his mother had passed on to her son, but that was neither here nor there.
You wanted to do something nice for Addie, who was the only one of Tate’s siblings you’d ever met, and who was the most kind to you.
She deserved something sweet every once and a while.
“Well, now you’ll have whisky, coke, and apples” you decided, not paying him any mind as the man you loved stomped around and dug his heel into the dirt, until there wasn’t anything left that could be identified as apple in his wake.
It must have been quite the scene, the two of you there.
Tate looked like a psychopath, his dusty blonde hair falling into his eyes as he focused all of his pent up energy on pulverizing fruit.
Not that you looked any better.
You were entirely preoccupied with selecting as many nice apples as you could get your hands on, only paying attention to the man at your side.
By all accounts, you were both as grungy and out of place as two people could be doing something like this, and yet, you couldn't have cared less.
All you cared about was having a good time with Tate, no matter how it looked to anyone else.
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plus-size-reader · 3 years
Safe Place
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Tate Langdon x Plus size!reader
Word Count: 2051 words
Warnings: Anxiety on the reader’s part. I just needed this today, feel free to disregard it if you aren’t in the right state of mind for something like this.
Summary: You and Tate have a spot, a safe place to hide from the world
In retrospect, it wasn’t all that big of a deal.
All Leah had done was tripped you in the hallway.
It was the same thing she’d done to you plenty of times before, and it hardly compared to the verbal abuse she had taken to hurling at you normally, but  for some reason, it was the last straw for you today.
You weren’t in the mood to just grin and bear it like she didn’t make you feel that much worse about yourself, when you already felt lower than low.
Their laughing mockery made your stomach turn as you stood and it felt like each of their voices made the room spin around you that much more.
You could feel your skin burning as you stood from the ground, and immediately, you felt like you couldn’t breathe.
This was too much.
One top of everything else you were dealing with today, this was the last thing you could handle. 
So, rather than brush it off like perhaps you should have, just took off toward the door, ignoring your skinned knee and the total embarrassment of the situation behind you.
You had to get out.
Burning tears threatened to spill from your eyes as you left the school ground but even once they’d stopped, you kept going.
You didn’t stop running, in fact, until you found yourself so far away from that place you couldn’t feel the aching in the pit of your stomach anymore.
The beach.
Your problems weren’t fixed, of course, but it was better.
The waves crashing on the shore almost drowned out the sound of that nagging voice in your head.
You were just so tired.
Everything around you felt like it was crumbling and no matter what you did, there was no relief anywhere. It was as if every time you tried to get one thing taken care of, you just ended up piling on six more things you had to deal with.
It was hardly helping your already questionable mental state.
You just wanted to be done.
The situation at school was hardly easy for you to deal with, but normally, you could wave it off like nothing. It shocked you that today you weren’t able to keep it together long enough to even finish the day.
Not that you were going to argue.
That place didn’t have anything to offer you, not really, and it wasn’t like you had any real reason to be there.
You doubted they even realized that you were gone, because that was how much you meant to them.  
The students tormented you, and the teachers let them.  
If it hadn’t been for Tate, you were sure you’d never go back, you would just sit here in the sand forever.
Perhaps you belonged here anyway.
You felt like your head was swimming everywhere else, like you couldn’t catch your breath but not here.  
For some reason, this beach made you feel like nothing was quite as bad as it felt like it was and looking at the waves, it all melted away.
When Tate first told you about this place, you thought he was out of his mind, but now that you were here at what felt like your worst moment, you got it.
It was nice.
For a moment or two, you even forgot about the burning, open scrape on your knee that was practically begging for your attention. It stung, broken open on the tile floor of Westfield high school, and aggravated by the sand and debris you’d picked up since then.
Still, you didn’t even give it a second thought before you pressed your finger into it, picking at the grit there absently, without batting an eye.
The sting there hardly compared to the swelling pain in your head, and the all consuming dread you’d woken up with this morning.
In the grand scheme of things, it was nothing.
You sighed, a deep heavy sort of sigh that made your shoulders rise and fall and for a second, you felt the weight fall away.
It melted away from you and then, it returned just as quickly with a force you hadn’t been expecting.
It was enough to make you cry, and perhaps you would have if you hadn’t already cried all your tears on the way here. Instead, you gave up even further and laid down in the sand, closing your eyes as the sun painted shades of red and blue on your eyelids.
This wasn’t so bad.
If you ignored everything else in your life and just laid here in the sand, all your senses blinded by the elements, it wasn’t bad at all.
It was really unfortunate that you couldn’t just live out the rest of your life like this, completely at peace.
Though, as if he was his own reminder of that simple fact, someone blocked out the sun for a moment, robbing you of the well received distraction you had found.
“You know, there are better places to nap” Tate hummed, sitting down beside your flattened frame in the sand, taking note of the fact that you didn’t laugh at his joke, which normally would have at least gotten a pity chuckle.
You must have been having a really rough day.
“It was either this or hell, but I thought your house was too far a walk” you shot back, earning a scoff from the male who smiled at you when you cracked an eye open to look at him.  
Even the worst day couldn’t kill that attitude.
“I was worried about you” he allowed, after a few seconds between you. He knew that you were enjoying the peacefulness of this place, but he also knew just how bad your brain would sabotage you if he just left you here.
That wasn’t what you would do if the roles were reversed, he was sure of that.
“Why? You obviously knew where I was”
It was true.
Tate had been coming here for a long time, when the world got to be too much or when he just needed a break from all the bullshit. Eventually, he shared it with you just so that you could see how truly wonderful it was.
Though, if he knew what you were going to use it for, he wasn’t sure if he would have waited so long to let you in on his safe place.
Clearly, you needed it just as much as he did, if not more.
Tate had already decided that he wasn’t going to be anything in this place, and he didn’t care what any of them felt about him but you hadn’t gotten there yet.
You still put so much pressure on yourself to do anything and he desperately wished you wouldn’t.
You would have been so much happier if you just let it all go everywhere, like you did here with him.
“I don’t know why you give a shit what they think? They don’t even know you” he sighed, digging his hands into the sand until he had fistfuls of the stuff, his eyes studying your face for a moment.
You looked so peaceful, even when you were at your worst, and the fact that anyone could disturb that made his jaw tighten unconsciously. It wasn’t fair, because you really were a good person.
You weren’t like him, or any of these other douchebags in this town. If you could actually get the help you needed, you had a shot to actually do something good with your life.
Then, once the injustice of it all fell away, Tate let himself let the sand go, slipping through his fingers.
You didn’t bother to answer him.
In truth, you had no idea why you were so easy to sway. Where your emotions were concerned, you just felt like you had no control and when the world started to get too much, you didn’t have anywhere to go.
Except for here.
On this beach, when you were with Tate, you could think but even now, the reality of what lay just outside of the sandy paradise you buried yourself in was just there. There was nothing you could do to escape it.
There was nothing either of you could do about it.
“I’ll be okay, I just have to get a handle on all this” you whispered back, bringing your hand over your face to cover your eyes completely. At first, the sun’s patterns provided a welcome distraction, but now, they were too much.
You needed the darkness, which burying your face into your arm gave you almost immediately.
“You will, you always do”
There was a confidence in Tate’s voice that you haven't heard from him in a really long time. Normally, when you talked about how much you hated dealing with life, he agreed with you fully, but not now.
Even he understood how entirely overwhelmed you were.
He smiled, gingerly taking your hand in his own, trying to be as supportive to you as he could.
It wasn’t in his nature to do things like that but where you were concerned, he tried to be the best he could for you, even if it was out of his comfort zone.
You deserved it.
All in all, the action was sort of clumsy and awkward but you didn’t complain because you didn’t even realize how much you needed the contact until you got it.
It was just so clear that he cared about you, even when you didn’t feel like anyone in the world did. He was one of the strangest men you had ever met, of course, but in him, you found one of the greatest people you’d ever known.
“What did you do to your knee?” Tate huffed, letting his eyes wander down to take notice of the open scratch you were dealing with.
He hadn’t even noticed it until this moment, but now that he had, it was hard to just turn a blind eye to it.
Not that you seemed equally as concerned.
In fact, by this point, you had already forgotten about that.
“I fell earlier, it’s fine” you shrugged, sitting up to match his gaze now.
It was an unfortunate reality, something that you had decided to ignore but that didn’t mean it was going to go away. Similarly to everything else that was driving you crazy about your life, it didn’t disagree just because you were here.
It just hurt a little less.
“You gotta be more careful” he muttered, talking more into the air than really to you, even though it was technically only meant for your ears. He loved you more than anything in the world, and it was getting harder and harder to hide it.
More than anything, he wished he could make it better for you but it wasn’t really that easy.
There was a lot you were going through that he couldn’t do anything about but where he could, he was definitely going to try.
“I know”
In reality, there wasn’t much that you could do about this particular scrape but you knew better than to tell him that. Getting into the day you’d had wasn’t worth it right now, and you definitely didn’t want to drag Tate down too.
It would be much better to just enjoy this moment.
You could deal with everything else later.
Tate didn’t say anything. All he did was toss his arm over your shoulders to pull you into his frame. Again, it was out of his comfort level normally, as a man who had never had a loving female presence in his life like you but he was doing his best.
When it came to you, it was just better to go with his gut than to think about it too much.
You were shocked at first, because Tate had never been so touchy feely with you in all the time you had known him but once the moment of initial surprise of it had worn off, you found yourself leaning into his frame.
“Thank you for coming to find me” you whispered, going for broke as you buried your face into the comfort of his hoodie, finally finding a final place to hide in Tate’s warm chest.
“Don't worry, I always will”
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plus-size-reader · 3 years
Pretty Hideous
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Jimmy Darling x Plus size!reader
Word Count: 2341 words
Warnings: none
Summary: Jimmy trying to hide his hands from you, until he can’t anymore
Jimmy was interesting.
You knew that as soon as the two of you first started that conversation in the diner.
Never in your life had you seen a man so quietly confident and handsome, but that wasn’t all he was. After spending evening upon evening by his side, walking the small town of Jupiter Florida, you got to know a different side of him.
Jimmy Darling was sweet, and sensitive, with a sense of humor that could have you absolutely tickled pink in a matter of minutes.
It was fair to say that you were smitten with him, almost immediately, and Jimmy felt the same way for you. However, there was one, very important, thing you had yet to learn about him.
You didn’t know anything about Jimmy’s life, when he wasn’t at your side.
...And that wasn’t exactly your fault.
He didn’t want you to know about where he lived, or what he was, but as the two of you got closer, it was getting harder and harder to hide. After all, there were only so many excuses he could make for constantly wearing those leather gloves.
You wanted to hold his hand as you walked, to meet his family, to do all those normal things that you did when you started dating someone new, but with Jimmy, that just hadn’t come up.
None of it had.
Eventually, you only had one choice. You came to the conclusion that he must not have liked you that well, and while that upset you, there wasn’t much you could do about it.
You couldn’t make him care for you if he didn’t, and you didn’t exactly want to question him over it either.
It would be horribly embarrassing, and frankly, something you’d rather die than deal with right now. So instead, you stayed quiet over it, silently hoping that Jimmy would let you in.
The truth was that you’d found yourself completely and totally in love with him, and facing the idea that he didn’t feel the same, hurt.
You didn’t want to.
All of this was plaguing you, of course, every second of every day but Jimmy had no idea. He thought that everything was going perfectly, and in a way, it was.
He just didn’t want you to know the truth.
In the past, every time he’d been really honest about what he was to a girl, she shut him down and didn’t want to see him anymore. It had never gone any other way, in all his life.
Naturally, he wasn’t exactly anxious to speed up that process with you.
He really liked you and this thing between you was going incredibly well. Jimmy just knew that if he was to tell you about his hands, or to show you, that would be it.
...And he didn’t want that.
Selfishly, he was in love with you and the idea of no longer being able to see you didn't sound like something he wanted. All he wanted was you, even if that meant hiding certain things.
Not that he could do that forever.
He should have known that, and in some ways, he did. He just wanted to avoid that truth as long as he could, making it a problem for another day. It was something that could wait, in his eyes.
Until, it couldn’t anymore.
You didn’t know it yet, but your lover’s biggest secret was about to be outed in the worst of ways.
Darlene, your childhood best friend and her fiance Charles, were visiting for a few days before they got married, and only wanted one thing while they were still in Jupiter.
She had always wanted to go to Fräulein Elsa's Cabinet of Curiosities, something you hadn’t even heard of before the two of them brought it up.
Once the pair were married, Darlene would settle down and start a family, as you should have been doing, according to your mother, which meant you wouldn’t see her for a while.
The ask didn’t mean anything to you, at the time, but seeing as it was all she wanted and this was the last time you’d see your greatest friend for quite some time, you knew better than to argue.
It wouldn't kill you to go to some show, and could even be fun, knowing Darlene. She had managed to make the most boring events a hoot, even when you fought her on attending them.
This would surely be no different, even with the added company of Charlie.
So, per her request, you got dressed up in your best dress and made your way to the Freak show, sitting in the middle row beside her. Darlene, clearly falling prey to every bit of dazzle the big top offered, had a sparkle in her eye.
“Can you believe this? Isn’t it wonderful?” She hummed, taking one of your hands in her own and Charles in the other, giving each a squeeze in her excitement.
It may have pulled your attention from whatever you were currently doing, had the circumstances been different, but nothing could have distracted you from what you were currently looking at.
You were sure that there had to be a mistake, that something was wrong, but you could have sworn that you just saw Jimmy, but that couldn’t have been the case.
When you’d seen him earlier, he’d told you he had plans with his mother this evening, which was why he couldn’t come to dinner with you, Darlene, and Charles.
Surely, he wouldn’t have lied to you just to come out to some oddity show, right?
That just didn’t seem like him.
“Hello? What has gotten into you today, hon?” she asked, giving you a small smile as she bumped you with her shoulder, assuming that you were just trapped in your thoughts, as you normally were.
It was something she’d grown used to in all the years the two of you had been friends, now little more than a joke between her and her beau.
You sighed, shaking your head as you tried to understand what could have happened to explain this. Naturally, you assumed that the man you’d seen hadn’t been Jimmy, which was the most rational explanation.
However, you couldn’t shake the feeling that it was him.
You knew him pretty well, after all. It was unlikely that you would mistake someone else for him, even in the dimly lit tent.
“It’s nothing. I just thought I saw someone” you decided eventually, not wanting to get into it with either of them right now. If she knew how strangely Jimmy had been acting with you lately, she’d fall into a pit of protectiveness you wouldn’t be able to get her out of.
It would just be easier to let it go, which you decided that you’d try to do, even if you doubted it would work out.
Throughout the entry of the whole thing, all you could do was go back to the man you could have sworn was Jimmy. Until, of course, your suspicions were confirmed when you saw him there, taking center stage.
As soon as you saw him, you couldn’t help but gasp, excusing yourself from your seat for some fresh air.
You just weren’t sure how to react.
How was it possible that he had been keeping this whole thing from you in the months that you’d been seeing each other, almost every day. You had no idea about this side of his life before now, and it was hard not to be blindsided by it.
The truth didn’t exactly bother you, not really, you just weren’t sure why he would go through such lengths to keep it from you.
It didn’t make any sense.
Jimmy, having caught sight of you leaving through the back of the tent, was feeling similarly to you when he noticed what was going on. The difference was that he couldn’t go after you, not right now, at least.
Not in the middle of a show.
All he could do was grin and bear it as he waited for the show to be over, though, he doubted you’d still be there once it did wrap up. Had he been in your place, he wouldn’t have stuck around, that was for sure.
The only thing he was sure of was the fact that this was the most difficult show he’d had to partake in thus far, because all he could think about was you.
Darlene thought about following you, for a moment, but stayed in her seat with Charlie by her side when you assured her that you’d be back, after getting some fresh air.
If nothing else, she assumed you were uncomfortable with the show. For most of the audience, Charles and Darlene included, this whole thing was little more than a big joke.
If only they knew just how wrong they were.
It wasn’t until after ‘The Lobster Boy’ exhibit had finished that you got a chance to understand what was going on, when Jimmy finally tracked you down sitting near the carousel.
Darlene and Charlie were still among the crowd, but paid no mind to your disappearance, allowing the whimsy of the show to occupy their attention.  
You were at a loss, staring up into the sky as you tried to make sense of any of this.
Did Jimmy really think so lowly of you that he couldn’t tell you about something so simple? Did he think you’d laugh, like the crowds of people did, when he was on that stage?
Had he so little faith in you? After all this time. Frankly, it was hard not to take it personally.
Jimmy walked slowly toward you, doing his best not to talk himself out of it with each step he took. The two of you had never had this problem before, or any problem at all for that matter, but he just didn’t know how to go about this.
He’d never kept this hidden for so long, and this was uncharted territory for the man.
Upon his arrival at your side, Jimmy didn’t say anything. In fact, all he could do was pull his lip into his mouth and look down at you nervously, waiting for something to happen between you.
Part of him expected you to yell, to call him disgusting, to do anything, but none of that ever came.
Instead, you stood from where you’d been sitting and held out your hands to him, not saying anything for a moment as you waited for him to fulfill some wordless command that you hadn’t even made yet.
You wanted to see them.
His hands.
They were plastered all over the inside of the big top, on posters branding them ‘claws’ and laughed at by the entire crowd, using this as some escape from the mundane lives.
...And you wanted to see them.
Jimmy was clearly unsure about it, searching your eyes for a few moments for anything that would give him some semblance of what you were thinking, but found nothing.
You didn’t have anything to give him, not yet, as you weren't’ even sure how you were feeling. All you knew was that you had to finally see just what he’d been so ashamed of all this time, with your own two eyes.
Surely they must have been gruesome to see, if he was so hellbent on hiding them from you for so long.
However, when he held his hands out for you to look at, resting them in your waiting palms, you saw nothing more difficult to look at than a newborn bird.
It wasn’t something one saw every day, but it was hardly the stuff of nightmares as promised on those posters.
All Jimmy could do was try to gage your reaction in silence, as you studied his clawed hands, curious eyes following your fingers as you ran them over his skin.
It was true that they were unlike anything you had ever seen but more than horrified, you were captivated by them, in the same way you were the man himself. Really, his hands were as unique as Jimmy was, and you couldn't be too surprised over what you were seeing.
“Pretty hideous right?” He sighed, mistaking your silence for disgust and upset. He’d never had someone react positively to what they saw, and seeing as you’d attended the show tonight, he didn’t have high hopes.
Usually, the people who came here weren’t exactly his biggest fans.
Naturally he assumed they disgusted you, and took it upon himself to put his hands behind his back when you said nothing regarding them. This was exactly what he was terrified of, why he’d kept this a secret in the first place.
It wasn't until you nodded that a suspicious look flooded his sparkling eyes, not expecting you to be so honest about the way you felt about them. However, what you were saying had nothing to do with his hands at all.
What you were talking about was so much bigger than that.
Keeping this from me was pretty hideous, I agree” you sighed, once again gesturing for his hands which he reluctantly allowed you to take, finally understanding.
You ran your delicate fingers over his own fused fingers and then his wrist, your eyes locked on his own as you did so, desperately trying to get him to understand that you saw nothing wrong with him.
The last thing you wanted was for him to think he had bothered you with them.
“I love you, Jimmy Darling, but you truly are a fool. You know that, don’t you?” you teased, pressing your lips to each of his hands before bringing them up to his waiting lips.
If anything, you were bothered by the fact that he’d kept this from you for so long, but you certainly didn’t care about something as simple as his hands. They were beautiful, just like the rest of him, and you’d spend forever trying to prove it if you had to.  
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plus-size-reader · 3 years
Grunge pt. 2
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Tate Langdon x Plus size!fem!reader
Word Count: 2594 words
Warnings: none
Summary: The reader finally learns that handsome stranger's name. 
Part 1
You couldn’t help but huff the second you left the uncomfortably stuffy room, not stopping until you were outside.
After what had happened in your family recently, being around either of your parents was a tall order for both you and Violet. They were just so frustrating, more concerned with the way they were feeling than how this was affecting either of you.
Everything was all about them, and you shouldn’t have expected this to be any different.
The only place in the world where you could think was on the ledge outside the house. It was nice, hidden from the main road while giving you a nice view of the greenery outside, and the big oak tree you’d taken to carving things into when you were bored.
It also just so happened to be a great place to smoke, something your parents didn’t even realize you had picked up on in the last few months.
You could only imagine how they would react when they found out. Vivian would lose her mind, worrying about the potential health problems a habit like that could result in, as if Violet wasn’t actively slicing her wrists to ribbons.
They had a habit of picking and choosing what they were worried about. It was just another one of the lovable things about your overly frustrating parents that you chose to ignore.
You sighed, throwing your legs over the brick ledge, focusing your attention on one of the loose bricks you’d managed to wiggle out. It made a wonderful place to stash your cigarettes but getting to them occupied enough of your attention to keep you from noticing the man sneaking up on you.
It wasn’t until he spoke that you realized he was standing there, just behind you with each of his hands stuffed into his jean pockets.
“He’s kind of a stick in the mud, huh?” his voice came, once he decided he’d had enough of just staring at your back. You had no idea he was here, something that could have been dangerous for you, if he was the kind of guy who wanted to do you any harm.
Luckily, he’d found you before any of the other’s had.
You swung around immediately, momentarily ignoring the box of cigarettes you had fished out of the hole in the foundation, finding the mystery boy you’d been searching for standing right there in front of you.
Of all the people to sneak up on you like that, of course it would be him. He was the only person you had no idea how to talk to after all, and it wouldn’t be bad enough if you made a fool of yourself only once today. The universe would never let you get away with something like that.
“What are you doing here? You scared me” you commented, doing your best to recover quickly without making a total fool of yourself. Not that it mattered because you quickly realized that you’d yet to change out of your pajamas, which he’d seen this morning.
You must have looked crazy.
“Sorry, you need a light?” he asked, sitting down beside you without so much as a gesture in the direction of where you were sitting and generating a lighter from his pocket. You wouldn’t have taken him for a smoker at first, but you did hardly know him.
You had to keep reminding yourself that this person was a complete and total stranger to you, someone who could strangle you and get away with it if he wanted to, right now. Though, the thought of that wasn’t exactly threatening.
With the day you’d been having, it wouldn’t matter either way.
Without so much as a thought, you stuck a single cigarette between your lips, leaning forward to let him light it. You tried not to look him in the eyes as he did, partly because it seemed too intimate a gesture for two strangers, and partially because he seemed too gorgeous to make direct eye contact with.
You didn’t really have a type but the more time you spent with this man, the more you’d decided that if you did have one, he’d be it.
“Your dad doesn’t want you talking to me, does he?” he questioned, watching you blow a thin stream of smoke from your lips into the waiting air, not even pretending like his eyes weren’t glued to your lips.
You may have had some reservations about coming off creepy or lame, but Tate certainly didn’t. He thought you were hot, and that wasn’t something he would ever apologize for, at least, not while you seemed to enjoy his company.
Normally, you would have had several questions for someone like him, like how he could have possibly known that, but you didn’t bother today.
You could hardly think, not with his blue eyes locked on your face.
“No, but my dad doesn’t like anyone. Don’t take it too personally” you shrugged, moving so that your back was against the pillar at your side, your knees between your two bodies. It put a little bit of distance between you, but at least this way, you could look him in the face.
Tate only smirked at that, absentmindedly fiddling with the strings of your sneakers as he spoke, moving closer to you than before.“I’m sure it doesn’t help that he knows you’re attracted to me” he smiled, speaking casually, so much so that you almost missed it.
You would have missed it, had you not been so hyper aware of every single thing he was doing right now. At this second, you could have heard a pin drop, assuming that this handsome blonde was the one dropping it.
“I am not” you huffed, taking a deeper inhale from the cancer stick between your fingers, letting the slight burn of the smoke flooding your lungs take away from his gaze, burning a hole in your skull.
He was daring you to slip up, to admit it, but you couldn’t do that.
As far as you knew, this was all some elaborate ploy orchestrated by Leah and all those bitches at school. Tormenting you and Violet had become their favorite way to pass time since you moved in, and you wouldn’t put it past them to think of this.
Though, you had never seen him at school, and you were sure that you would have remembered a face like his, even if you’d only seen him in passing.
“Yes you are, but that’s okay...grunge” he winked, using that nickname again, though this time, it felt like he was using it just to spite you. For Tate, this was all one big game and he wanted you to be the first one to admit it.
Whatever it was that was going on between the two of you, would be much more fun if he could get as much of a rise out of you as he’d managed to do this morning. You’d practically choked on your cereal this morning, after all, just because he walked into the room.
It was pretty hard to deny that.
“Okay, and say that I am attracted to you, which I’m not, just for the record. Wouldn’t I know your name?” you sighed, leaning forward to hand him the cigarette you’d been huffing on this whole time.
Being near him was making you really nervous but the tension you’d been trying to relieve over the whole thing with your dad was long gone.
You had a point, even Tate had to admit that. He didn’t know your name either, but at least he’d made an effort with his clever little nickname. You had no idea what his name was, and while there was a power in keeping it from you, he wanted you to know it.
That way, you could tell everyone about him and how undeniably attracted to him you were.
“I’m Tate, Tate Langdon” he offered, holding the cigarette in his fingers for a few seconds as he thought over what he wanted to do with it. At the moment, it was as close to having his lips on your as he could get, but he’d never really been a smoker either.
If he wanted to kiss you, he could just kiss you.
“Well Tate, regular, unattractive Tate. They call me Y/N” you allowed, going out of your way now to include that fact about him. It was a lie, of course, but you were desperate to get back any semblance of control over the way you felt.
You hated feeling like this.
Like some stranger with a lighter could control the way you felt more than you could, but to be fair, it wasn’t like this happened all the time. Tate was the first guy to ever catch you off guard like this, and as much as you loved it, you hated it just as much.
By this point, you could tell that he wasn’t going to smoke it, so you leaned forward toward him, waiting for Tate to slip the cigarette between your lips, but instead, he smiled, putting it out on the concrete beneath you.
You started to argue, not understanding what he was getting at but before you could, you were interrupted with his lips on your own, keeping you in place with a large hand on the side of your face.
Usually, this wasn’t something you did with people eight minutes after learning their name, but yet again, you were making an exception for this stranger.
...And you weren’t complaining about it.
The kiss the two of you shared was one that practically stole the air from your lungs, your skin on fire as you tried to make sense of how you’d managed to get into this position. Both of your parents were inside, and could see you if they came out the side door, but you didn't care.
At this moment, you didn’t care about anything more than keeping him as close to you as possible.
Though, eventually you did have to pull away because you did still have to breath air, not that Tate was acting like it. By the time you were forced to seperate, you were both heaving for air, trying to make sense of it all.
If by some miracle he didn’t think you were out of your mind before, he certainly did now.
“If that’s you not being attracted to me, I can’t wait to see what you’re like when you are into me” Tate teased, taking the liberty of lighting you another cigarette to replace the one that he’d put out, slipping it between your waiting lips.
You wanted to laugh, to say something clever, to do anything that wouldn’t embarrass you completely but there were no words for something like that. There was nothing you could say after sharing one of the most amazing kisses of your life with a relative unknown.
In total, you had spent less than two hours with Tate, and you already knew that he was going to be a huge problem for you.
“Very funny” you tried,doing your best not to look him in the eye again. You knew that if you did, there would be nothing you could do to stop yourself from starting to fall for him. It was something that was inevitable, really, between the two of you, but you weren’t itching to fall in love.
After all, there was some truth to what your dad had said.
There was some reason Tate had to see him, why he’d been waiting outside his office at eight in the morning, and you had no idea what that was. All  you knew about Tate so far was his name and what he tasted like.
That was hardly the building blocks of a functional relationship.
Speaking of, as you sat there, thinking about how you had ever come in contact with this whirlwind of a human being, you realized something. He had an appointment here, early this morning, but that was hours ago now.
There was no reason for him to still be here, just hanging around your house.
“What are you still doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be at home by now?” you asked, trying not to sound like you wanted him to leave. Frankly, that was the last thing you wanted but there had to be someone who was waiting on him.
Normally, when people came to see their therapist, they didn’t just hang around the house for the rest of the day. At least, not in your experience.
Tate sighed, his fingers going back to picking casually at the laces on your shoes, only occasionally letting his eyes flick up to your face, a smirk crawling onto his lips each time he did.
He could feel you staring at him, even when he wasn’t looking at you, and that was far from unwelcome. He was doing a better job at covering it up, but Tate was already super into you, in the same way you were into him. It was becoming clear that no matter what your dad had to say, this wasn’t going to be the last time you saw each other.
Especially not if he got a say in the matter.
You let your head rest against the bricks behind you, not even keeping yourself from looking at him. You hated yourself for it, of course, for being so brazen and lame, but you didn’t want to stop watching him.
Every little thing he did, it just drew you in, even if you didn’t want it to.
“I live next door,” he explained casually, as if that would somehow make it okay for him to still be here, stalking around your backyard like a creep. That was the one thing he’d decided to leave out of his story but you weren’t an idiot.
He had to already be looking for you to find you here, hidden away in your smoking spot.
“So what? You were just looking for me? Waiting around my house until you found me somewhere where no one could see us making out?” you asked, sucking your bottom lip into your mouth, your eyebrows slightly raised as you waited for him to explain.
You had caught him, but it took a second for him to realize that you were teasing him. Really, you didn’t even care what he was doing here. He’d come at the perfect time, helped you get over all the stress you’d been dealing with and you’d learned his name.
Without even bothering to explain further, Tate moved to sit next to you, maneuvering your legs over his lap so that he was even closer to you than before. It wasn’t entirely unwelcome, though you did feel the need to scoot over a bit at first, before deciding to stay put.
You had already kissed him, and would quite like to do it again, but with his body now resting a few inches from yours, you were getting anxious again. Thankfully, Tate could tell, gentle reaching out to take your hand in his own.
“I know your dad doesn’t like me, so I had to find a place to kiss you that wouldn’t get you in trouble” he winked, leaning down to capture your lips again, his words a total lie. Ben could have walked out right now, and it wouldn’t have phased him.
Tate had already decided that you two would be together, no matter what your dad thought of him.
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plus-size-reader · 3 years
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12 days of Christmas Special 9
Dandy Mott x Plus size!reader
Word Count: 1240 words
Warnings: none 
Summary: Dandy’’s willing to do whatever it takes to give the reader the perfect Christmas
When Dandy promised you a perfect Christmas, you believed him but in all honesty, you were just expecting the same Christmas as the last few years. Gloria always made sure that everything looked absolutely perfect, which meant not being able to touch the decorations or the lights. 
You weren’t even allowed to eat the little candies in the dish above the fireplace. 
A Christmas with the Mott’s had a lot of rules and you knew that no matter what Dandy promised, it would always be the same way. 
In all honesty, you just wanted to be able to have a nice time with your best guy, cuddled up by the fire. A fire that you weren’t allowed to light due to Gloria's fear that it would make all of her best holiday dresses smell like smoke. 
Little did you know that that wouldn’t be a problem this year, Dandy had made sure of it. 
“Y/N, will you come here for a second?” The all too familiar tone of Dandy’s voice called through the house. It was just the two of you today, as Dandy had informed you that Gloria had a book club meeting this morning. 
You weren’t even sure that she was in a book club but when Dandy told you where she was, you believed him. After all, what reason would he have to lie to you? He never had before and the two of you had been together for almost two years. 
Besides, you were always glad to have time to yourselves. 
“Coming Dandy” you hummed, your heels clicking on the floor as you made your way up to the playroom. You were sure that was where you would find him, especially at this time of the day. 
However, when you actually got to the playroom doors, they were shut, with Dandy standing guard in front of them. 
“There you are, I’ve been waiting forever” He huffed, clearly expecting you to have sprinted up the stairs like a crazy person from the kitchen. Nevertheless, you ignored his pouting and instead chose to focus on what he needed from you. 
He had to have called you up here for a reason, but he was hiding something.
That much was obvious. 
“What is all this about Dandy? I have apple tarts in the oven” you asked, genuinely worrying about burning them. Usually Dora would make them for you but since she was out of commission this Christmas, you had to make due with what you had. 
And if they weren’t out of the oven by the time Gloria got home, you were going to get another lecture about using the oven. 
It wasn’t proper for the lady of the house, she would remind, even though you weren’t the lady of the house quite yet
...Which she also wouldn’t let you forget. 
Dandy only answered you with a wide smile, his hands behind his back as if keeping the world's biggest secret hidden there. 
Whatever he’d done, he was clearly proud of it. 
“You remember when I promised you the best Christmas ever?” he smiled, acting theatrically as he always did. He could be so dramatic sometimes but you loved him enough that it didn’t matter to you. 
You didn’t mind playing along. 
“Of course I do Dandy” You allowed, your heel tapping on the floor lightly as you grew increasingly more worried about your tarts in the oven. If this went on for much longer, they would be ruined for sure. 
However, as soon as Dandy opened the doors to the playroom, all thoughts of those tarts were forgotten. 
It was absolutely beautiful. 
The whole room was decorated with tinsel and glitter, with a huge sparkling tree in the middle of the room. It had bright red string lights and white ball ornaments that looked incredible. You couldn’t believe he’d done this all himself. 
You just couldn’t believe it. 
“Did you do this all yourself Dandy? This is beautiful” you gasped, checking out each and every detail. It was absolutely perfect, with every single piece in place. There were even stuffed animals under the tree, holding the place where the presents would go. 
You were in awe of it. 
Of course, all Dandy could do was smile, watching your reaction to the whole thing. It had taken him days but to see you so excited over it made the whole thing worth it. 
He would do anything to see that smile, anything that it took. 
Even, apparently, murder, not that he was planning on telling you about that. 
He just hoped that you didn’t look behind the closed curtain of the stage. That was, of course, where he’d chosen to keep both of the bodies that he’d strung up like puppets. Tonight just didn’t seem like the right time to bring that all to the surface. 
For now, he just wanted to have a nice night. 
This was the first year that he’d actually be able to give you the perfect Christmas that you’d always wanted. 
“I’m so glad you like it, because this is just the beginning” he smiled, reaching out to take your hand in his own. 
You had no idea what he could have on top of this but you were excited to find out. Dandy could be a tad bit selfish on occasion but when he fell in love or decided that someone was worth it-there was nothing he wouldn’t do for them. 
...and you were no exception. 
In fact, Dandy was more caring than he’d ever been with you. Spoiling you was one of his favorite things in all the world. What better time to do so then Christmas? 
Without missing a beat, Dandy sat down on the couch, beside a large teddy bear. You knew that it was also brand new but you hardly paid attention to it. Instead, you focused on the large pile of delicately wrapped gift boxes, sparkling in the red lights of the Christmas tree. 
You knew that there was no way Dandy had wrapped them himself but you didn’t care. 
The point was enough for you, and you were practically vibrating with excitement as you looked at them. You hadn’t expected this from Dandy, who usually only did things that he wanted to do for himself. 
It was nice. 
“What is all that Dandy? Are those for me?” you wondered, genuinely unsure if he had done all this for you. 
...Though you should have assumed. 
“Of course they are, I picked them all out myself” he grinned, leaving your side for a moment to retrieve a single box from beneath the tree. “You can open one tonight?” he reminded, enforcing the one rule Gloria had about Christmas eve. 
Each member of the Mott family was allowed to open one present on Christmas eve before bed.
You momentarily felt the need to remind him that it was only two in the evening but didn’t bother. If Dandy wanted you to open a present right now, you weren’t going to argue. 
Besides, as excited as he was right now, you didn’t want to ruin the mood. 
“This one is extra special” he grinned, watching you lift the lid off the box to reveal a beautiful diamond ring that sparkled in the light of the Christmas tree. It was incredible, but all you could focus on what it meant. 
Maybe you would be the lady of the house after all. 
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plus-size-reader · 3 years
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Michael Langdon x Plus size!reader
Word Count: 1286 words
Warnings: none 
Summary: The reader is a spirit in the Murder House, who just can’t seem to shake the draw she has to Michael.
Michael didn't have many friends. 
Aside from Ben, who had taken him on as some kind of passion project in his death, Michael was almost entirely alone. None of the other ghosts in the house wanted anything to do with him, whether that be because of what he was, or who his father, didn't matter. 
All that mattered was that Michael was entirely alone until he wasn't anymore. 
He didn't even realize you were there at first, though he could always feel your presence once he recognized it. You spent most of your time hidden away with the others, only coming out when you were sure that no one else could know. 
...And even then, all you did was watch him. 
Michael was interesting to you. 
He was technically living but never hesitated when it came to the dead. He was an enigma to you and for that reason alone, you liked to watch him. You just liked to see how he lived, and while that may have been a little strange, you tried not to think about it. 
You were dead after all. The worst thing that would happen if anyone found out was that Tate and the others would give you a stern talking to, which you didn't really want to sit through. That was why you were careful not to get caught. 
It wasn't until Michael himself caught you that you actually felt any kind of shame or upset regarding it. 
He was sleeping when it happened, the hairs on the back of his neck standing up. It was a sensation that one got used to in a house like this but for Michael, it was rare. That was when you sat up to find you standing in the dark across the room. 
You had no idea what to do at first. 
You had seen what he was capable of, even for your kind, but even as you stood there, you weren't afraid. As odd as it was, you didn't get any indication from Michael that he wanted to hurt you. 
He just seemed shocked. 
"Who are you? I've never seen you before" he spoke first, that question the only thing on his mind. Nothing else seemed all that important. Until a few moments ago, he was sure that he knew everyone in this place. 
Even if they didn't want to see him, he knew all of their names but he'd never seen you. 
"I'm Y/N, Vivian told me I'm not allowed to talk to you, she said you're dangerous" you explained, knowing there was a chance that would make him upset but it was no secret that both of his parents wanted nothing to do with the spawn of Satan. 
That was part of the reason he'd taken so kindly to his true father in the first place. The devil would never forsaken him in the way they all had. 
"And yet, here you are" he hummed, sitting up in bed to make room for you before gingerly patting the space he'd made. You had no idea if it was a good idea to do as he said or not, but before you could consider it, you were already sitting beside him. 
You just couldn't help yourself. 
In all the years that you'd been here, you had never found anyone as interesting as you did Michael. Several families, and the same spirits you'd been trapped with since death, and no one ever stuck out as much as he did. 
There had to be a reason for that. 
"I'm sorry. I just wanted to understand" you started, the bed dipping just a bit at your added weight, not that Michael seemed to mind. If nothing else, he was just studying you, the way you moved and the way you spoke. 
Even the way your eyes danced over his own told the male everything he needed to know. You were an incredible creature, something he couldn't have predicted at the start of the night. "Understand?" he repeated, he knew what you meant, of course, but he wanted to hear you say it. 
There was a reason you'd come here, and risked the torment of the other spirits just to get a closer look at him. Frankly, he was just amused by the way you fumbled even in the darkness, he could feel how uncomfortable he was making you. 
...but he also knew it wasn't bad. The way you slightly smile every time your eyes glazed over his own told him that. 
"They say you're the devil" you allowed, the words almost hurt for you to say but it wasn't until you said the next that Michael actually laughed. "They say that you're evil" evidently, that was what all the spirits seemed to whisper about in the quiet of their hiding spaces. 
The funniest part of the whole thing though was the look on your face as you pondered the idea of what you were asking. It really seemed to bother you that he could have been evil, or bad in some way, like the others believed. 
He just didn't seem bad to you. 
"And do you think I'm evil?" Michael wondered, after giving you a second or two to process your thoughts. You didn't, but you felt strange bringing that up, considering this was the first conversation that the two of you were having. 
You just felt like you knew him, and deep down, you knew that he was good. If nothing else, you believed that he could be good, if he wanted to. 
"I don't think so" you decided finally, allowing yourself to fully look into his eyes, even though you'd been avoiding it most of this time. It made you a little uncomfortable but that was just because he was striking. Michael was the sort of man who was polarizing, even when he was trying to be gentle. 
He just couldn't help it, it was part of who he was. 
"Then what are you doing here? There must be some reason you came in here" he questioned this time, once again knowing the truth before you did. However, this was fun for him and he wanted the truth. 
You were interesting for him, like a game, and Michael wasn't going to let that go easily. 
You had no idea how to answer his question. 
However, all you could do was laugh at first, an uncomfortable sort of giggle. You didn’t really have a good reason to be there, or even have a good reason for showing up here. All you could do was attempt to not make a fool of yourself. 
For some reason, you really cared how the male felt about you and you didn’t want him to shut you out. Maybe it was because he was off limits to you, or maybe it was just about his pure power, but you couldn’t turn away from him.
Michael was just magnetic, no matter how much you tried to remind yourself that there was a possibility that he was bad. You weren’t sure if he was bad, even if you wanted to believe that he wasn’t. 
Not to mention how much trouble you’d be in if Vivian or the other spirits found out you were here right now.
“I have no idea, but I would like to stay, if that’s okay with you?” you hummed finally, doing your very best to put all the things you were feeling into words. 
You just hoped that there was no truth to the warnings you’d been given about him. There was silence on the other end for a second as Michael thought over what you were asking before he smiled.
“Yeah, you can stay” 
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plus-size-reader · 4 years
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Tristan Duffy x Plus size!reader
Word Count: 1480 words
Warnings: none
Summary: Cleaning up Tristan's cut after the show even though he doesn't want you too. 
Tristan had always had a flair for the dramatic.
In all the years that you’d known him, you had never known him to do anything in a mundane way. Personally, you found it sort of endearing, at least when he was in a good mood.
However, when he was in a bad mood, all bets were off.
As far as modelling went, he was incredibly popular and rode that high before every show though, the coke helped too. Still, there was no way to know how he would react at any given time.
Even when he was having a good day, everyone knew that Tristan was prone to fits of anger and could be unpredictable. That was why it didn’t shock you when he came storming into the dressing room, clearly in a huff.
Anything could have happened to make him act that way. If his belt didn’t perfectly match or he scuffed his boot in the street, that would be enough to do it.
Nothing else mattered to him than whatever it was, which made it your job to take care of him. Will Drake had made it abundantly clear times before he wasn’t going to do it.
“What is going on today?” you asked, gently brushing the man’s hair back with your fingers. He had just plopped down in your chair, a huff on his lips.
Tristan said nothing at first, snapping his fingers for a glass of champagne which you got him after rolling your eyes. You never would have let anyone else treat you that way, but Tristan was different.
The two of you had been friends for so long that you had just learned to let him get through his tantrum so that he would talk to you. It wasn’t ideal but you’d gotten used to it.
After he’d calmed down, he’d talk to you.
“Are you going to talk to me now?” you asked, doing your very best to figure out what had happened to him with the little information he’d given you. You had no clue what could have happened but eventually he’d open up.
He had to.
While Tristan was stubborn and easily-upset, he also couldn’t ever keep anything to himself.
“I don’t want to be here. I’m hungover and I just want to go back to bed” he huffed, finishing off what was left of his champagne with a final gulp.
You nodded.
This happened a lot with Tristan.
He partied all the time, frequently before a runway, and regretted it in the morning. You weren’t sure, right now, how long he’d been out last night but it didn’t matter.
It was your job to make him look like he got a full eight hours, even if he didn’t want to act like it.
“Well, close your eyes for a little while and when you wake up, you’ll be pretty” you teased, getting ready to do his face. It wouldn’t take very long but maybe he’d get some rest.
You had an hour or so before the show started anyway so as long as he didn’t mess it up, it’d be all good. ...It should have been, at least.
The show went off without a hitch for the most part. Tristan did his little walk, taking his champagne with him but being so popular, you assumed it wouldn’t be an issue.
You were wrong.
Apparently, Will had finally decided that the coke and the drinking wasn’t good for his image. He wanted only the most professional models, and Tristan wasn’t capable of being that right now.
You expected a screaming match, an argument, from Tristan but nothing could have prepared you for what he actually did as soon as those words left the older man’s lips.
Before anyone knew what was going on, he reached over to your station, snatched your scissors and gouged them into his cheek.
Facial scarring could be detrimental to a model, something you were all aware of, and that was Tristan’s way of quitting completely. You were shocked of course, letting out a gasp.
It was rash and dangerous, but when you stopped to think about it, so was everything else Tristan did.
Of course if he was planning to retire from modelling, he would do so by mutilating his own face in a fit of anger. There was really a no more Tristan thing to do.
“Stop that” you tutted, taking the blade from him and setting it down on the table. The metal clanked against the surface but you didn't pay that any mind.
Instead, you grabbed a rag from one of the other shelves and pressed it to the now bleeding cut. You had no clue what he was thinking, but you didn’t have to know right now.
All you needed to know now was that he wasn’t going to get some kind of gnarly infection.
“What are you doing?” Tristan grumbled, pulling away from you slightly. He was making a point but you stepping in did certainly take away from the dramatic flair of it.
“Those aren’t meant for that. You wouldn’t want an infection” you sighed, pressing the rag tightly to his face to soak up all the blood.
It seemed like it wasn’t all that deep and wouldn’t need stitches but you were still just shocked that he had done it. In all the time that you’d known Tristan, you never thought he would quit modelling.
All he did was huff, similarly to how a child would when not getting his way. He wanted to argue, of course, but there was no argument to be had.
You were right
He didn’t exclusively care about any kind of infection at first but now that you’d mentioned it, it didn’t exactly sound pleasant.
Sure, it didn’t really matter to him if something happened but clearly you did, and he wasn’t about to argue with you. After all, as well as you knew him, Tristan arguably knew you better.
You were wonderful.
Every time he came in here and sat in your chair in a terrible mood, you were nothing but sweet to him. You always made sure that he was taken care of and looked good.
Granted, his genetics did quite a bit from the start, but you made quick work of his natural canvas every time. If it hadn’t been for your smiling face every morning, he doubted he’d have made it this far.
It came from his lips softly, almost an inconvenienced grumble, but a thank you nonetheless. All things considered, it was more than you had been expecting.
Tristan had always been the kind to push away the people who cared about him, but not right now. Right now, while he was coming down from his high and rash actions, he needed someone to be there for him.
...And there you were, just like you always were.
“No problem. You know, you and I have known each other for a long time in a professional sense, but I think now we could be friends” you hummed, finally getting a good look at his face.
The cut was angry, and would be for a while, but at least it wasn’t super deep. It would scar, of course, but personally, you thought scars added character.
“Yeah, I don’t think you’ll need to be doing my makeup anymore” he allowed, a small smile tugging at his lips softly.
“But, that doesn’t have to be all bad”
Again, Tristan spoke between moments of silence, just watching you between the corner of his eye. You were beautiful, something he already knew, but he had never allowed himself to really admire you till now.
Before it was always an issue of working together and not wanting to be inappropriate but if he wasn’t going to be modelling anymore, he didn’t have to worry about that either.
He might as well just shoot his shot before he loses the opportunity all together. If he didn’t try now, he may never get another chance.
You stopped at his words, recognizing the strange tone in his voice. It was his pick up voice, the one you’d heard him use with the other models a million times over.
Still, you said nothing as you leaned back against the counter of your vanity station, waiting for him to continue.
“You and I could always get dinner some time, that way I don’t have to miss you as much” he grinned now, ignoring the stinging pull of the tight skin of his cheek.
It was ridiculous really. The idea of you, a chubby makeup artist with messy hair and hardly any time for a personal life, going out with a model like Tristan.
Though, even knowing that, you decided to give the man your number. In any case, getting dinner would give you a chance to check up on the cut.
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plus-size-reader · 4 years
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Michael Langdon x Plus size!reader
Word Count: 1430 words
Warnings: none 
Summary:Ms Mead has a daughter, who just so happens to be plagued by terrible nightmares that only Michael can stop.
Michael wasn’t the first person your mother had brought in from the street but he was, by far, the most special.
There was just something about him.
Still, there was nothing more peculiar about him than the fact that as soon as he came into your home, you began having some of the most horrible nightmares you’d ever had in your life.
They were terrible.
You constantly dreamed about the end of the world, everything swallowed up in flames and death. The world as you knew it, just forced into darkness and ruin, overnight. It was always the same, but it didn’t make any sense.
These terrible prophetic dreams into the future came to be as soon as Michael came into your life and there had to be a reason. So, when you woke up in a cold sweat, there was only one thing you could do.
You got up and made your way down to the spare bedroom where Michael was currently sleeping. The moonlight striped the walls in ghastly images, painting pictures of doom on your eyes but you ignored it.
In fact, you didn’t stop moving until you made it to just outside his room, the bedroom door opened just a crack.
It was enough for you to see that he was indeed fast asleep, sleeping like a baby from the looks of it. You envied him, for just a moment, before you decided to just enter the room and wake him up.
This had to do with him.
Something was telling you that something was wrong, and you had a feeling that Michael knew what it was about. All you had to do was have the strength to ask him about it.
There could have been a more practical way to do it, but if there was, you didn’t know what it was, so you just shook his bare shoulder until his eyes opened.
Michael blinked a few times, trying to make sense of whatever it was that was going on but as soon as he saw that it was you, standing in the dark, he sat up.
“What’s going on?”
His voice was raspy with sleep, only alerting you slightly due to the sudden sound in such a quiet space, but you did your best to ignore that. More than anything, you just had to keep in mind how strange this was.
Though, stranger things had happened to both of you.
“I can’t sleep.” you started, realizing that you probably should have included a bit more information than that but you didn’t bother. You had this feeling that Michael would already know what this was about, and he did.
He knew what he was but he wasn’t sure if you were ready to learn the truth before now. At least if his father was reaching out to you, then that meant you could handle it.
Not that he should be surprised.
After all, with the way your mother had raised you, it shouldn’t have shocked him that you were more in tune with the spirit world than most people were.
If nothing else, you were already loyal to him and that was a start.
“Nightmares?” he asked, looking at you with curious eyes. He was studying you, but you couldn’t imagine why. How did he know? You hadn’t mentioned those terrible dreams to anyone, not even your mother.
Still, he knew somehow.
It wasn’t until he patted the bed beside where he was now sitting that you moved from your spot, hoping that he would be able to shed some light on what was happening to you.
Never in your life had you experienced something like this.
“They aren’t nightmares, they’re visions. It’s only a matter of time until the world as we know it is swallowed up and destroyed” he shrugged, almost as if the terrible things he was saying didn’t matter to him and maybe they didn’t.
Truly, he seemed like he didn’t give a damn about the fate of the world. All things considered though, he didn’t have to. Nothing could hurt him, and if you chose to join him on his mission, nothing would hurt you either.
It was up to you.
“Don’t worry. Satan will protect us. Now, get some sleep” he ordered, laying back down and patting the pillow beside his own.
Was he out of his mind?
Did he really think that telling you about the impending apocalypse was going to get you to sleep with him? There was no way in hell that was happening but again, Michael was two steps ahead of you.
“I’m not going to touch you unless you ask me to,” he commented, not even bothering to open his eyes as he spoke to you. He knew exactly what you were thinking but that couldn’t have been farther from his mind right now.
“The nightmares are coming from my father. I need you to bring about the end of the world, but as long as we stay together, they’ll go away” he explained, shocking you again.
What he was suggesting didn’t make any sense to you but still, you did as he asked and when you woke up in the morning, after the first night of real sleep you’d have in a long time, you knew he was telling you the truth.
Michael was the antichrist, and the two of you were going to bring about the end of the world, together.
“Sweet dreams?”
The words came from beside you, where Michael was currently sitting against the headboard, staring down at you. It crossed your mind that he had been staring at you sleeping, but you ignored that.
You were really too busy trying to make sense of everything that had happened last night.
“Actually yes. I slept just fine” you allowed, doing your best to distance yourself emotionally from Michael but you weren’t sure that you could. How was it possible that he could take away those terrible dreams, or visions, as he’d called them.
There was no reason he should need you if he was as he said. Why would the antichrist need you to help him bring about the end of the world? You were just some girl.
It didn’t make any sense.
“Michael? I don’t understand something. What’s so special about me that you need my help?” you wondered, knowing that there was a good chance he would just laugh at you, but he didn’t.
In fact, he was just surprised that you hadn’t asked him that yet.
Surely you had felt it before now, the connection between the two of you. You just didn’t know what to call it until those terrible nightmares pulled you to his side.
Now though, he hoped you would never leave him again.
“This is bigger than both of us, my darling. Still, you must understand that in order to do what I need to do, I’m going to need people loyal to my cause, and that starts with you” he shrugged, almost as if he was asking you what you wanted to eat for lunch.
“I need you by my side, for this new world” there was something different in his words then, something that struck a chord with you even more than whatever that was last night.
He was serious.
“Ask me”
You smirked, this kind of coy cockiness in your voice as you spoke, waiting for him to do as he asked. If he wanted you to be his partner in all of this, you were going to need him to ask you.
If you chose to join him for all of this, it would be your choice and you would be equals, partners in everything. You weren’t just some lowly follower that would do everything he asked.
“Ask you what, darling?” he hummed, once again using that nickname he’d just decided he liked.
Michael knew what you wanted, of course, but just as you wanted him to ask you those very important words, he wanted to hear you say them first.
“Ask me to end the world with you, Michael” you grinned,leaning in closer to him now, subconsciously sucking your bottom lip into your mouth as you waited for him.
He was right.
You could feel the power radiating off of him and you knew that if you let it, it would turn you into something more than you were right now. You just had to trust in Satan to do so.
...And you did, more than anything else in the world.
“End the world with me, darling”
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plus-size-reader · 4 years
The Visit
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Dandy Mott x Plus size!reader
Word Count: 1361 words
Warnings: none
Summary: The reader is Dandy's childhood friend who comes to visit him right after he kills Gloria
You had been visiting Dandy every year on the same day.
He was your best friend, and had been all your life. In those days, you had been absolutely inseparable.
As the two of you got older however, it became more and more difficult to spend as much time together as you used to. Still, you always made a point to make time for him.
You were his favorite person in the entire world and Dandy wasn’t going to lose you. It was hard enough to wait for the day you would make your trip out to see you, but more difficult was how hard Gloria made it.
She had never liked you, as a general rule.
She always went on and on about how your family weren’t the kind of people they needed to be associated with, and how he needed to have more high society friends but Dandy didn’t care.
There was just something about you, something that made him feel safe and at home. He was never going to let that go, no matter what his mother had to say.
He thought you were an angel, and he wasn’t going to let her take you from him. It didn’t matter what his mother tried to do or what she tried to say about you, it wasn’t going to keep you two apart.
...Dandy was going to make sure of that.
You practically skipped up the walkway to the Mott estate, swinging a basket of freshmade cherry tarts at your side. They had always been Dandy’s favorite and it had become something of a tradition to bring them for him.
You waited for this day almost obsessively, and you couldn’t wait to see him again. Without missing a beat, you knocked on the door, your white gloves shielding your knuckles from the hardwood.
Almost as soon as you made contact, the door swung open, the man you were searching for behind it. “Ducking!” he grinned, using that awful nickname instead of your real one.
He always did, to the point where you weren’t even sure if he remembered the name your parents had given you at birth. Still, you smiled, jumping into his open arms which he was holding there just for you.
“Hello there Mr.Mott, how are you?” you laughed, snuggling in close to his body, giving one final firm squeeze before stepping back on the stoop. Dandy didn’t speak at first, just taking in your image in the doorway, the sun shining on your face in the most brilliant way. It made you look incredible, more incredible than usual.
Still, it bothered you that he wasn’t speaking. There was something wrong with him and you had no idea what it was. Still, you had to hope that everything was alright.
Maybe he’d just had a long night.
“What is it, Dandy?” you asked, afraid for a second that something had happened to him since you’d spoken last. As far as you knew, nothing had changed in the week since you’d spoken on the phone but you had no way of knowing that for sure.
It was possible that something had gone wrong.
“I have a surprise for you”
If you didn’t have enough reason to be afraid of what Dandy had going on before, you certainly did now. “A surprise? You didn’t have to get me anything” You grinned, all thoughts of what could be wrong leaving you immediately.
Dandy had always known how to spoil you, and it shouldn’t have surprised you that he would do it again. Maybe that was why he was being so strange in the first place.
You had to hope that it was because anything else would be just as, if not more, unsettling.
In the past, Dandy’s surprises had been anything from a new pair of shoes to a pony when you were twelve. He had never worried about sparing any expense where you were concerned and that wasn’t about to change now.
Still, of all the things that he could have done, you would have never expected what you found behind that playroom door.
When he mentioned a surprise, you assumed that maybe it was a new tennis bracelet or a little purse dog you could carry around but that wasn’t the case at all.
As soon as you entered the room, your jaw dropped.
Propped up on the stage was the most horrible thing you’d ever seen. It was some kind of horrible marionette doll that appeared to be a combination of his mother and some other women you’d never seen.
It was terrifying, and yet you found yourself unable to look away, almost as if looking at some kind of horrible accident. No matter how hard you tried, it was as if your eyes were glued to the scene.
“This is my surprise?” you asked, your voice nothing more than a whisper as you tried your hardest to decipher what had happened. Dandy hadn’t done this, had he?
There was no way that he was capable of something like this. You knew him better than anyone and you knew that he couldn’t.
He loved his mother.
“Isn’t it wonderful? Do you like it?” he gushed, almost seeming to be proud over what he’d done. It was awful, but the worst part was the confirmation that he actually did this.
What kind of person could do something like that to another person, let alone his mother?
“I-I’m not sure how I feel about it Dandy, why did you do this?” you stammered, doing your very best to remain calm. You weren’t afraid of dandy, of course, you knew that he wouldn’t hurt you.
However, there was something that much more upsetting about the fact that you weren’t afraid. Anyone else would have been horrified over what you were looking at, probably leaving the room in a screaming fit.
...But not you.
All you could do was look at it, trying to figure out how Dandy could have even thought to do that. He wasn’t aggressive by nature, though he was no stranger to throwing fits and pouting when not getting what he wanted.
It frustrated you that he would even attempt something like this.
“Mother had always been cruel to you, Ducking. I didn’t want her ruining our visit” he shrugged, not at all phased by the scene in front of him. It really didn’t even seem to bother him.
After all, this was something incredibly serious and the idea of what he had done didn’t even make him blink an eye. It was almost as if he’d done something he was proud of.
Did he really believe that this was what you would have wanted though? His mother had always been very nasty where you were concerned, that was true, but you didn’t want her dead.
You never did anything to suggest that was what you wanted.
“Dandy, Gloria isn’t the first woman you’ve done this to, is she?” you wondered, still keeping your body language and speech very calm and casual. You were doing your best not to judge him, even if he had done something terrible.
You knew that Dandy wasn’t a bad person, and you just had to trust that this wasn’t really who he was. He could be very emotional, and reacted erratically when he was angry.
It wasn’t a stretch to imagine that if Gloria reacted negatively to you still coming to visit Dandy as an adult, he was going to react just as negatively if not worse.
In his mind, she had forced his hand.
“Obviously not, Duckling” he laughed, gesturing to the woman up there with her, sewn to her skin to skin. It made you want to be sick again, even looking at it, but you ignored it.
This wasn’t about you, after all. More than anything, you just had to remember that. Dandy was your best friend, and that was never going to change, even if he was doing something terrible.
You just had to hope that it was never going to happen again. If he did, that would make these visits a lot harder to stomach.
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plus-size-reader · 4 years
Cat's out of the Bag
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Rory Monahan x Plus size!reader
Word Count: 1212 words
Warnings: none
Summary: Rory and the reader are in a secret relationship, until they can’t keep it secret anymore. 
You were determined to keep your relationship with Rory a secret. From the very beginning, you knew that was going to be the only option for the two of you and you agreed on that.
The two of you lived very different lives, and you were very different people fundamentally. While Rory functioned happily in the public eye, and thrived on the attention, you had no idea how you would handle the limelight.
You had just never had to deal with that sort of thing and thinking about it overwhelmed you. Rory knew that about you, and suggested you just keep your feelings between the two of you for now.
It just made everything a lot smoother.
...At least, in the beginning.
The longer you two were together and the more and more popular he became, the harder it was to keep it hidden.
Every time the cast did an interview or a panel, or any sort of public appearance at all, there were always questions about Rory and his relationship status.
People wanted to elaborate on rumors of a spark between him and his co-star, Aubrey, or potential flings with past costars. It didn't matter what it was, it just never stopped.
He was the newest television heartthrob and the main focus of every teen girl and young woman who saw him. That was just the way it was, and you could deal with that.
It didn't even really bother you because you knew that Rory loved you.
It was hard to deal with that sort of thing every time he went anywhere, knowing that you just had to watch from the sidelines. No one in the world knew that Rory loved you like he did, and that was getting old.
Right now, for example, you were curled up in bed, watching the live stream of the new P.R event for My Roanoke Nightmare. It was comfy, from where you were at, sitting in your soft pajamas with a bucket of popcorn in your lap.
Though, when you saw Rory's smiling face flash across the screen, you didn't feel that bubbling pride like you normally did. You felt some kind of guilt in your stomach, and you didn't know why.
While you should have been there by his side, smiling just as wide in a sparkly gown, you were sitting like a slob in your pajamas. You shuddered at the thought of what the tabloids would say if they could see you.
That was part of why you were so adamant about wanting to keep your whole relationship a secret in the first place.
You didn't want to see what they'd say about you.
The comments about Rory were almost always positive, focusing mainly on his beautiful bright red hair and stunning physique. He was gorgeous, you knew that, and so did the rest of the world.
However, your frame was more likely to get more mixed reviews.
Your own mother had made comments about you growing up, about how your posture needed work and how no man would ever love you if you didn't tighten up your frame and stop eating so much.
You had never been able to escape the passing commentary or cruel half jokes. There was nothing you could do to ever get past the people around you always reminding you that you weren't good enough.
It was constant.
So, naturally, you were less than thrilled at the idea of having to subject yourself to all the unbridled ridicule and hate that the outside world would have to offer.
You were scared.
Even still, as you watched Rory on the screen, cracking jokes and being a delight, you remembered why you'd agreed to his offer of dinner in the first place. You were reminded of why you loved him so much, and you were reminded of why you were doing this at all.
You loved Rory, you always would, and you knew that he loved you too. There was no use in hiding that. You had no real reason to be ashamed of that, or of yourself for that matter.
Was it scary? Of course. No one wanted to put themselves out for complete and total judgement but you knew that it was going to have to happen eventually.
You couldn't hide forever. At some point, you and Rory would have to go public if you wanted to have a future together and you were tired of feeling ashamed of who you were.
Even if it was hard to admit sometimes, you were beautiful, and smart, and worth it. You had someone who loved you and you deserved that.
That was all you needed to realize.
So, before you could lose your edge or talk yourself out of this confident realization, you reached for your phone. In real time, you watched as Rory reached into his pocket, his phone buzzing in time with the one at your ear.'
What you were doing was a little crazy, you knew that, but you didn't care right now. All you could think about was finally doing what you'd both been thinking about for months now.
"Excuse me, I need to take this" Rory laughed, his voice meeting your ears through the television speakers before your phone clicked and you heard him through your phone receiver.
"Is everything okay?" he asked, not offering very much to the waiting audience, just as you'd previously discussed. He didn't want to do or say anything that would offer any more unsavory questions than he already got.
That was the deal.
"Yeah, I'm fine. I think we should do it now" You hummed, watching the shocked look on his face through the tv screen. He was confused, of course, but not because he had no idea what you were saying.
He was confused because he knew exactly what you meant.
By this point, three more cameras had focused in on the red head, waiting for whatever juicy gossip he would inevitably have to give after taking a call on live television. He'd have to say something, and they weren't going to miss a beat.
Still, he was just reeling at what you were suggesting.
After all this time, you had just decided that this moment, in the middle of a press event, was the best time to release your relationship into the world. It confused him, as he had yet to connect the dots but even still, he smiled.
He wanted to tell them, of course, having felt the strain of your secret himself recently. He wanted to be honest with everyone, and wanted to claim you as his own. That was the only thing he wanted, and right now, you were giving him that.
"You're sure? You really want to?" he asked, still speaking in a hushed whisper into the phone. Once you did this, there would be no going back and you both knew it. You just didn't care.
This had been kept away for long enough, and you were ready for the world to know. So, after assuring Rory that this was really what you wanted, he nodded.
"I'm sorry about that, my girlfriend wanted to say hi"  He grinned, knowing full well what he'd just done.
One thing was for sure, there was no going back now.
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plus-size-reader · 4 years
History pt.2
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Kai Anderson x Plus size!reader
Word Count: 1260 words
Warnings: none?
Summary: The reader comes back into Kai’s life but not in the way she expected. 
Part 1
You didn't really know what you were doing.
Frankly, you were in over your head.
You weren't under any illusion that you weren't, but that did very little to actual stop the actively self-destructive behavior you were engaging in. All those years of therapy and counseling were no match for Kai and the history you shared.
If nothing else, all those years made you more susceptible to his silver tonged quick talking.
"All these theatrics, really Kai? You always made fun of guys like this" you scoffed, eyeing the line of fanboys against the wall, watching you with careful precision, though you knew they wouldn't do anything even if you made a move.
You found this whole thing hard to swallow, but it wasn't because it was too extreme, or too uncharacteristic for the man you'd once known. If anything, it shocked you because it was right under your nose the entire time.
All those years, this was who Kai was and he just buried it until he couldn't fight it anymore.
However, it wasn't until much later in the night that you realized just how deep his delusion went, and how extreme this was. Kai showed you to the guest room, sighting that he wasn't sure if he could trust you to share his bed, and retreated with nothing more than that.
That was when you decided.
You knew that you had to get to the bottom of this, you had to figure out what it was that had happened to accelerate his psychosis so quickly. There had to be a reason, a trigger for why he was acting like this.
...And you hadn't come all the way here just to sleep.
It was risky, but you didn't care. You paid little mind to the potential danger as you stepped gentle into the hall, thankful for the carpeting that kept the sound of your footsteps at bay. As best you could, there was no one loitering in the hall but you couldn't be too careful.
As confident as you had been that Kai wouldn't let those thugs hurt you, it was beginning to feel like you didn't know him as well as you thought you did.
For the most part the house looked the same as it always had but there was one thing that didn't make much sense to you. Attached to one of the doors was a glass vase, encasing a single red rose.
It tipped you off for two reasons. The first was that it was the only room in the hall that had anything like that adorning it, but seeing as it was Kai's parent's room, maybe it was just some kind of memorial.
However, it was the second reason that made you wonder if that was the case. In all the time that you'd known Kai and spent time with his family, you recalled that his father hated roses. His mother sometimes received them at work and Scott was convinced that she was having an affair.
It was something they fought about often, and you knew Kai well enough to know that had to mean something. Though, you also knew Kai well enough to know that there was no way you would be able to get into that room with the simple turn of a knob.
...Especially not if he was hiding something.
Your theory was confirmed upon further inspection, but it wasn't as severe as you'd anticipated. There was a single deadbolt on the top of the doorframe but it was held together with a single padlock. It may have been bad news for some, but not for you.
Kai was the one who taught you to pick them, and if he was really that worried about his precious secrets getting out, he wouldn't have left you alone in the first place.
You briefly considered that perhaps you should have left it all alone, that you should have just turned around and got back in bed, but nothing could have prepared you for what was behind the door when you did get it open.
The first thing that hit you was the smell.
It was worse than anything you'd ever smelled before, but somehow even that faded away when you turned your attention to the sight in front of you. Right there, tucked in bed, were Kai's parents, dead and rotting.
You had left shortly after their death but you had always assumed they'd been buried, and were resting peacefully somewhere. You had no idea that he was keeping them here, and for a moment, you wondered who else knew about this.
Surely he wasn't keeping this all to himself.
Not that you got much time to ponder that possibility for very long before the door shut behind you. The sound shocked you, jolting you out of your thoughts as you swung around on your feet, coming face-to-face with Kai.
The one person you were looking forward to seeing least.
"Is this what this is all about? Keeping them here?" you wondered, burying your face in your hands as you tried your hardest to come to terms with what you were looking at. This wasn't some strange shared delusion that Kai was just indulging in too much.
This was real.
He believed what he was telling them, and it was a lot to process.
Kai said nothing at first, just wrapping you gently in his arms until he was holding you tightly to his chest, humming softly into your skin. "It's okay, it's going to be okay. The door was locked for a reason, Y/N" he whispered, hoping that would help you relax.
He spoke with such a calm indifference, and while it did help to hear his reassuring words, you couldn't help but feel uneased all the same. He wasn't talking about a broken picture frame or a small cut at the dinner table.
His parents were actively decaying a few feet from where you were standing.
"You're out of your mind"
The words were strangled as they came from your throat, and he could tell that you believed it. However, Kai never needed you to believe that he was entirely sane. All he needed was your love and loyalty and he was going to get it.
"What happened?" you asked, this time a bit less defeated as you allowed yourself to look into his eyes. His gaze was cold, and empty but deep down, you could see that he was in pain, just like he always had been.
Though, when his gaze slipped from your face to the sight behind you, where his parents were, there was nothing there. He looked at them as if he wasn't staring death in the face, just like he used to look at them before.
For a brief moment, you almost forgot about the horror of it all.
...But just as it came, it was gone and you realized what was happening.
"This is the life you want? This is who you want to be?" you asked, all previous signs of emotion leaving your voice as you spoke. You didn't recognize the man in front of you, no matter how much you wanted to.
This was more than enough to prove that to you.
No amount of longing for the man Kai used to be would bring him back. That person had died when his parents did, and now, he was just as much of a rotting shell as they were. He'd made his choice and you weren't going to be part of it again.
Not again.
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