falsewields-blog · 7 years
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“Hey.” She called out towards the obviously other mutant. “You got a cig on ya? I need something to tie down the jitters and shit.”
@amerougc + starter.
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redheadarcher · 7 years
                                            ☤: Is your muse allergic to anything?
         No, Scarlett is not allergic to anything, at least not that she knows of. She always attributed this to her somewhat more resistant immune system, which she inherited from her mother.
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flwerpower · 7 years
🎭 - How does your muse handle their emotions? Do they bottle them up or pour them out as soon as they start to feel?
  sb: do you bottle up your emotions?  tj, with a million bottles: do i what
she’s horrible at expressing her feelings,  mainly the negative ones.  she can express every emotion on the positive spextrum you can possible imagine,  but if you ask her to talk about how down she’s been feeling,  she freezes.  
she tends to bottle up her negative feelings because of her childhood experiences.  when her father was alive,  she told him everything,  good and bad.  when he died,  she tried to develop the same type of relationship with her mother but she never cared for tj like that.  everytime thalia tried to reach out and fix whatever problem her mother had with her,  she was met with a swift slap to the face or some other form of unexpected and unprovoked abuse.  
 of course,  she reminded herself that it was only her mother,  and that not everyone would treat her with such contempt.  boy oh boy was she wrongggggggg.  boyfriends throughout high school and college abused her,  verbally and physically.   (  a lot of this leads to the topic of tj’s bisexuality because a lot of men have hurt her,  but tj finds women understand the struggle and what not to do and all that jazz  )   after being emotionally rejected by significant others and her family,  tj has decided it’s better to keep how she feels about things non-verbalized,  mostly out of fear of abuse.
🌷        meme !         @amerougc        accepting !
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archivedsterxid · 7 years
What’s your sweetest rp experience so far? @discordandrhyme I will never have another partner like Dani. The kindest and sweetest ever. Totally lets me be obnoxious and needy and lets me spam her with my terrible headcanons. The other half of my strange and unexpected OTP for Eddie. I will never be over how wonderful Dani is.
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THANK YOU VERY MUCH ! this really means a lot ! you’re an absolute sweetheart and i adore you and all your muses ! 
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leapinlxzards · 7 years
Physical Detail Ask Meme:
ಥoಥ: How are they like when they cry? Do they just stream tears nonstop? Does their nose get clogged to the point that it’s hard to breathe? Is it easy for them to speak when they are sobbing? Do they hiccup when they cry?
it depends on what’s making them cry, to be honest! rory’s tears come fairly easily when any number of strong emotions seem to hit them very quickly and abruptly–whether they’re positive ones or negative ones.
when they’re crying out of happiness or embarrassment, they’ll try to distract from their tears with wild but vague gesturing. of all the emotions that prompt tears, this one is the least messy. a little sniffling here and there, and a few wipes of their face, and they’re mostly contained. embarrassed, yes, but contained. they’ll quickly try to pass the tears off with a joke, and can recover quickly from the outburst provided the other person goes along with it.
when they’re crying out of sadness, it usually starts out very quietly. this is a deliberate effort on rory’s part, because sadness is the emotion they’ve most associated with vulnerability in their mind, and vulnerability is associated still with being mocked, or yelled at, or simply causing others to be disillusioned with them. when rory is sad, they’ll often try to keep themself at as much of a distance from other people as possible, and compact themself. they tuck their knees up to their chest, bunch up their shoulders, bury their face in their hands or knees. their breaths come wobbly and wet from the back of their throat, and they sometimes choke over them in their haste to get them out. a lot of the time a heavy, rolling nausea will sweep over them, due in part to the unevenness of their breathing and in part to the self-loathing and anxiety that hits them particularly hard when they can no longer bottle up their sadness.
when their hands stop wringing against one another and combing restlessly through their hair and start clawing and scratching at themselves, that’s a sign that their anxiety has spiked, and while the ensuing surge of panic is often the shortest part of their sadness process, it’s the thing that leaves them feeling the most drained once they work their way through it. sadness leaves them exhausted, and they are particularly resistant to talking after they’re finished with it.
when they’re crying out of anger, however, it’s messier–loud in terms of words and actions and movements. there’s a certain tipping point that can be reached by making them feel cornered and frustrated in an argument or discussion (oftentimes it’s spurred by the other party not listening to them or talking over them completely), and when that happens rory will be set off so badly that the tears are just suddenly… there, erupting all at once out of pure frustration. the noises and breaths they make alongside these tears are much sharper and harsher–more dry. their breaths are ragged and come through clenched teeth, either fast and shallow and impatient or else long and shuddering and deep, and the exhale ends in an almost-growling breath of frustration. their head will pound and their hearing will be bogged down by a thick layer of static and ringing. a furious rory will usually bunch themself up tightly at first as if pressing all of themself together physically will keep the anger from spilling out.  their shoulders bunch up around their neck, their arms rigid and close to their sides, their legs pressed together, their hands clenched so tight into fists that their nails leave deep marks in their palms. this is a preventative measure–an attempt they make to keep themself from exploding. when they do this, it’s to buy themself enough time to bail on the situation to go be angry in private. 
if you continue to push them and refuse to let them leave, they’ll lose composure completely. more often than not they’ll curl in and downwards with their lips pressed tightly together, and then suddenly they’ll uncoil like a spring, absolutely furious and no longer able to push it all down. their gestures move not languidly at the hands or wrists at this point, but in wide, jerky motions using their entire arm. they gesture so stiffly and strongly that it makes their body ache, and as they jerkily half-pace while doing so they’ll release these loud, raw, disjointed statements of frustration that more often than not are left unfinished from one sentence to the next. they’ll yank hard at their hair, scratch viciously over their own arms because even though their anger is coming out in this very audible and visual way, it still isn’t enough. they’ll run themself ragged with movement and raw, raspy yelling and then when that satiates them enough they’re more likely to just… “wind down” by becoming completely unresponsive to the other party’s arguments/appeals and ice them out before abandoning the situation entirely out of pure emotional and physical exhaustion.
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miragemade-blog · 7 years
[ laces ]
☁* non-sexual acts of dominance
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                               struggling with the zipper of the jacket, an apology was made for how old it was. while it may fit, she was finding it hard to wear if it couldn’t provide her with the warmth she wanted. after several minutes of fidgeting with it, michelle had came to her aid and her own hands fell to her side. hazel hue’s watch as crimson digits work it’s way with the zipper before finally the jacket had closed.  ​❛  thank you,  ❜  one hand rest upon the others hand that lightly pats her stomach in a maternal way.  ​
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shadowslive-blog1 · 7 years
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“Sorry, but I’m closed up for the night.”
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cxptisanarchive · 7 years
‘ oh my god, it’s fucking horrifying. ’
&& @amerougc || meme
“You’re telling me you’ve never seen something like that before?”
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spctromagic-blog · 7 years
@amerougc liked this post for a starter
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SOMETIMES you saw some pretty “odd” things happen in a subway late at night. tonight didn’t seem too “odd” just a girl, shorter than five feet tall dressed all in black standing instead of sitting down on the train. 
❝ not the best outcome tonight. ❞
she mumbles to herself, absentmindedly fixing her gloves. 
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canetis · 7 years
This is a tumblr hug. (✿づ◠‿◠)づ Pass this to 10 of your favorite blogs to let them know that you love them 💜💜
    out.  !!!!!!!!!! i love you so mucccchhhhhh! omg
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