yolipard1 · 2 years
Un fantasma.
Recuerdo el último día que estuve en Múnich. Me dejaste sola, como otras tantas veces, mientras tú tenías que irte a hacer quién sabe qué. Seguía en cama, algo dormida, mientras besabas mi frente y me decías adiós por última vez, mientras sabías que cuando regresaras ya no iba a estar. 
Me senté en tu escritorio y quise escribirte una nota diciendo algo, lo que sea, buscar una respuesta a la pregunta que siempre te he hecho. Pero no pude. Después de varios intentos decidí que el silencio iba a ser la mejor respuesta, entonces eso hice. 
Comí algo, lo limpié. Arreglé tu habitación, busqué debajo de la cama para ver si no había algo que pudiera olvidar. Debo confesar que mientras estaba en tu habitación también abrí con mucho cuidado el estuche del violín que tantas veces escuché, mientras buscaba una pegatina que te regalé la primavera pasada en nuestra última escapada antes de que comenzaras tu última aventura. Pero ya no estaba. 
Entonces entendí que tú me habías soltado mucho antes de que yo decidiera hacer lo mismo. Así que con eso en mente, junté mis cosas y vi la puerta. Y después desde ahí contemplé el departamento. Este era tu lugar en el mundo después de todo y me despedí. 
Antes de cruzar esa puerta parecía que nada pasó ahí. Que durante esos días prestados de un futuro juntos solo eran un futuro ido, donde no hubo nadie, tal y como siempre lo hiciste conmigo.
Caminé hasta el metro con el objetivo final de llegar a la estación de trenes, pero me desvié un poco al jardín inglés, caminé ahí como la última vez antes de que recordara que no me iba a quedar para siempre. 
Me senté en un café y pedí dos, uno para ti, uno para mí y ahí fue cuando me di cuenta que me quedé con tu fantasma y no contigo. Me tomé el mío y seguí mi camino, dejando atrás con todas las fuerzas que me quedan el cariño que alguna vez te tuve. 
Y así fue como te dejé ir. 
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knightofarcane · 2 years
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found amhart’s Amma when searching Monster Prom on Artfight, love her design so drew a summer piece of her
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amarismhart · 3 years
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Con mi hijo., 2021.
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cheesewizards · 3 years
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Pixel Exquisite Corpse Connect Poster #2 - Painters/Midnight Rose Section Individual credits in second image
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artcollablog · 7 years
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Death by Squeegee, Petrikfg, Jerder, Brozef, Aye Chi, Lux Renati, ElQuerty, Surcettin, Crocostyle, Sailor rick and Amhart
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bea-arte · 3 years
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Momentos con Barro de Casablanca Queremos compartir nuestro siguiente evento... segunda Exposición en el Centro Cultural de Casablanca ❤ Agrupación Barro - @ceramistasvallecasablanca expondremos a partir del sábado 9 de octubre y por todo el mes. Nuestros amigos expositores son: @beaarte @jackyolivaserey_arteygres @jlromeroa @tallerjmc @gerezi.gres @telaresygres @ceciliabobillier @rhynagv @amharte @patyguerraceramica . . . . . #ceramistasvallecasablanca #ceramistasValleCasablanca #ceramistascasablanca #ceramicautilitaria #ceramistas_casablanca #centroculturaldecasablanca #exposióndecerámica #esculturasdeceramica #casablanca #productoslocales #gres #altatemperatura #ceramica #ceramistas_casablanca #ceramistas #casablanca_chile #ceramicagres #ceramistasdechile (en Casablanca, Chile) https://www.instagram.com/p/CUV730bg40_/?utm_medium=tumblr
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6109h · 4 years
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Heading home. #amhart via Instagram https://ift.tt/2SqIrKD
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intimate-mirror · 7 years
More Ebben Capes
Butterfly, a currently unknown-to-law-enforcement villain, who has a powerful precognition ability to plan out ways to cause events through complicated cause-and-effect. (hence the name)
Amhart actually managed to find a piece of Eden and shipped it to one of their labs for study. However, it arrived at exactly the wrong time, when a high school field trip was going on, and at the same time as a safety precaution was neglected, and one thing led to another, and the piece of Eden exploded.
In the aftermath, 9 of the visiting class of 20 triggered, and out of those 3 died, 4 became case 53s, and only 2 got powers without major mutations.
This is where I bring in a few of my capes I made before.
Case 53s (people with major but survivable mutations) include (here’s half of them):
High energy, highly physical boy now has a skin temperature hot enough to set wood on fire in just a few seconds, and his breath is even hotter. His blood etc now looks like and acts like lava, and his bones are made of tough metal. He does not need to eat or drink, but will overheat even for his own body without enough water either drunk or bathed in. He calls himself Volcanic.
A freshman boy angry at never being perceived and respected as an adult now has a constantly changing body size, growing and shrinking at average speeds of an inch a minute, but able to cause up to 1 inch a second of growth. He maxes out at 5 times the normal height of a human male, and keeps proportional strength. A side effect of the power is that he is immune to cancer and many long-term diseases, but will also never finish puberty.
An only-child girl. whose parents work 9-7 hours and won’t allow her to leave the house, is increasingly bored and isolated. Parts of her body now blink in and out of existence (shard uses other dimension), defensively so that gunshots are likely to go through empty space, but also randomly and completely not under conscious control. The shard takes sufficient control that she can walk through windows or thin doors without getting hurt.
A girl, who was the closest to the explosion of any of the survivors, was hit by many shards of glass, which embedded into her body. She is now made entirely out of paperclip-sized glass shards which move around constantly, except for her eyes, which are round unblemished perfectly reflective spheres. She can pull a glass shield or blade out of her torso, but whenever they are hit, a new one must be formed. She is mute, and has rejected all attempts by the PRT to communicate.
The 2 non-case 53s include:
Highly pressured, imposter-syndromed, girl now can manifest a strong (but not unbreakable, and certainly not unstoppable) silver force field in her shape (reminiscent of Scion) but slightly larger at every point. The force field moves with her movement, and she can control how much it interacts with her environment. She can see from it, but if the forcefield is made intangible, light doesn't interact with it either, so she would be blind. She calls herself Spirit Walker. After triggering, she has developed strong anxiety over failure, but a disassociation between her “secret identity” and her cape persona allows her to act confident while controlling her manifestation.
(reason behind this from my perspective is it’s an excuse to have higher than average cape density, which would apparently be only 5 capes, since the population is 40k)
Looks like that’s not a real reason, because the real population is 400k, but I’m committed to the plot line anyways.
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anima-ebben · 7 years
Midterms coming up this week, looks like I’m going to have to spend my evenings studying rather than heroing. I signed up as a philosophy major, but the amount of math involved here is just so much. At least I can take courses from Amhart with a minimal amount of paperwork.
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amarismhart · 3 years
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Legacy in sunlight, 2021
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cheesewizards · 3 years
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Finished Tetris Poster! by Cheese Wizards Individual credits in second image
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artcollablog · 7 years
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By Squeegee, Ubr, AyeChi and Amhart
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bea-arte · 3 years
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ESCULTURAS DE OTOÑO... ya en su etapa final. Mostraremos todo el proceso de producción desde el diseño hasta la escultura terminada. . @mariana.kollella @beaarte @jlromeroa @amharte @gerezi.gres . #esculturasdeotoño #casablanca #productoslocales #ceramicautilitaria #gres #altatemperatura #ceramistascasablanca #ceramica #ceramistas_casablanca #ceramistas #casablanca_chile #ceramicagres #ceramistasdechile (en Casablanca, Chile) https://www.instagram.com/p/CRSkULUJyDu/?utm_medium=tumblr
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amarismhart · 3 years
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Baby on board!, 2021
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