na-nase · 10 years
;story night
       "And he looked down once again at his watch. Forty five minutes had passed, yet the bus driver did not make a single stop. Strangely enough, none of the other passengers seemed to be in a hurry either. They are sat facing forward, eyes blank in eerie unison..." Haruka shifted slightly to turn to the next page. The only light that was turned on in the room flickered as he bumped into it. 
       Makoto had been rather quiet this entire time. Shouldn't he be screaming out in terror already, though they haven't gotten to the climax of this horror story. 
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       "Want me to stop?" Haruka peeked into the blanket shield Makoto had made for himself to ward off the demons and wondered for the millionth time why the other had even agreed to this in the first place. 
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temerxrio · 10 years
"Will you go out with me?" //is this still allowed
                                   тнe ɴoтeвooĸ ѕтαrтerѕ
                                        {{ They’d been dancing around it. }}
{ ❥ }  –––––  Shy smiles growing bolder, blushes fading as embarrassment turned to quiet comfort. The early uneasiness, the fear of messing up and losing — something; Akura wasn’t sure what to call it, words falling quiet and awed on his dumb tongue — was drowned by the overwhelming floods of peaceful bliss. Whatever they had, Akura couldn’t call it; at least, not by name. No, that would be too permanent, too real.      So instead he and Makoto had formed their own clumsy tango, a waltz danced with the comfort of shade and hidden smiles. It was natural to feel happiness when he was around the brunet — after all, Makoto was not only his brother’s best friend, but a close friend to Akura himself as well. So then, surely, this kind of warmth that burst in his chest when he was with the other, this familiar, soporific sense of peace ––––              ( almost as if he was in a dream, floating too high above the ground,                             dizzy and pleased with the lack of breath )     –– surely, then… This was something normal. This was a natural feeling of friendship, same as he’d felt towards countless others. He’d always known that he loved fast and he loved foolishly and he loved too much. It was the way he’d always been, and the way he would always be.     ( But there was only so much of his own bullshit that he could take, so many half-lies he could take before the quiet, fluttering dance of his heart spoke volumes more than the clumsy, nervous words of his lips. )     In his imagination, this moment was dizzier, was reeling, was confusing. In reality, it was quiet, was calm, was warm and familiar and all the things he knew Makoto to be. Even as his heartbeat tripped a little in its waltz, faltered just a bit in its well-learned tango, even as the quiet warmth in his cheeks betrayed every feeling he thought he’d known ––––– even then, he smiled.                                 There was no more use for this little dance.     “Yes,” said soft, quiet, sure. “Yes,” and he smiled, because that one little word felt a little like a promise almost as much as it felt like a beginning. “I’ll go out with you.”
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rtypus-blog · 10 years
39. "I know your secret."
Swim practice was over. Well, almost over. Rin and Haru were still swimming. It was one last freestyle race. Sousuke was sitting on one of the benches by the pool watching Rin, while Makoto was sitting beside him watching Haruka. Sousuke had his towel draped over his shoulders after drying his hair, he turned to Makoto: “I know your secret.”
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princenagisass-blog · 10 years
amicusxfidelis I sent you a meme! I think you're still on your phone so you'd have no way of knowing, but I just wanted to give you a heads up!
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mxrinis-blog · 10 years
[ text: rin ]
sms; i cant find my god damn phone
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rtypus-blog · 10 years
"Can I kiss you?"
"I’m sure you’d like that."
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rtypus-blog · 10 years
242. “Get up off your ass and help me!”
Sousuke dove into the water, injured shoulder and all and grabbed the kid, he pulled him out from under but his shoulder didn't permit him to raise the kid to the edge of the pool. He was desperate. He was in pain. He was angry that he was so useless. And he was terrified that the kid would die or suffer real damage.
"Get up off your ass and help me!"
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temerxrio · 10 years
I dare you to kiss amicusxfidelis //what im totally not mako mun on anon what are you talking about
Send “I dare you to kiss…” with a url/name and my muse will have to kiss that person on the lips.
{ ❥ } – Makoto Tachibana was attractive.
     It was an observation Akura had come to in his first year in his high school, when he’d spotted his brother and the younger boy coming home. The Nanase twin had known Makoto for years – after all, how hard was it to know your brother’s best friend – but there was something about the way that the setting sun hit Makoto’s eyes, or maybe it was the long shadows that cast the boy’s face in a different light. But that day, Akura took one look at Makoto Tachibana and decided Makoto must be a little fragment of heaven.
     It wasn’t as though attraction to males was anything of a novelty to Akura. Past experiences and sufficient time dedicated to “exploring” himself had already taught him that much. But to feel that way towards Haruka’s best friend – it felt strange, unfamiliar. Almost like uncharted territory. Forbidden to him in every way, and he wasn’t sure even sure what to make of the situation.
     But then – it wasn’t quite so bad, was it? So he appreciated the way that Makoto looked.  But in any case, maybe it was best for Akura to just forget the situation. After all, wasn’t forgetting what he did best?
  {  But it wasn’t as though any amount of     pushing and pulling would ever       truly erase the one little thought        from his mind,
                                            and in the darkness of 3 am it tossed                                           and festered and grew in his head                                               before exhaustion                                                   won out and pulled him under.  }
     Attraction to Makoto, he decided, was just that – an appreciation of his physical aesthetic, nothing more and nothing less – and that was all he’d allow himself to feel. He’d had small periods of ‘attraction’ like this before, after all. And just like every other one, it would soon just fade away until it was nothing but a quiet memory in the back of his mind.
      Or so he had hoped.
     It was easy to ignore anything he might feel towards Makoto when he knew little more about the brunet than that he had a pretty face and he made Haruka smile. Akura was content to admire from afar and leave things be. That – that he could deal with.
     It was harder to ignore the more he got to know him, though – the pretty smile on his lips and the way his laughter was contagious. Makoto Tachibana was an angel, and suddenly Akura’s heart fluttered for an entirely different reason.
    A – ah… This… This he wasn’t quite so sure how to deal with.
    It was almost good that he’d mastered his acting – a laugh, a smile, a joking jab. He could do this.
     Except… Not when Makoto looked so pretty with the sunset outlining his face and the sunshine in his eyes.
     A walk home, so reminiscent of one not two years ago, and a beautiful sunset and – oh, how could he resist?
              { Heaven forgive him his selfishness }
     No words of warning as Akura stopped in his tracks, turned and tugged the brunet down by his tie, pressing a chaste kiss to Makoto’s lips. It lasted almost as quickly as he’d started, and by the time Akura’d pulled away, the embarrassment was tossing his stomach around and burning his cheeks.
                                               Had… had he really just done that?
     “I’m sorry,” words tumbling discursively from his lips as his cheeks burned brighter. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t have done that – “
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temerxrio · 10 years
{ ❥ } –                 Makoto was... slipping away...
          Akura lifted his head as the other's hand fell from his grip, just in time to see the back of someone he'd thought might never walk away. He wanted to call out to him, to reach out a hand and pull him back, apologize, because surely there was still time to make this all right –
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         But his hand stayed limp by his side, words caught in his throat as more distance was put in between them, and suddenly Makoto seemed unreachable, an ocean away, too far away to catch. And even if he could catch him, what could he say to him? Wasn't this what Akura wanted?
                                                                                Please don't... leave me.
                And yet Akura said nothing.
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Makoto blinked a few times, as if he were trying to will the pain stirring inside of him to go away.  ”….I….. I suppose I should thank you, Akura.  Thank you…. for being honest with me.”  He managed, shutting his eyes and turning away, but something was keeping him stuck in his place.  He couldn’t move, no matter how much he may have wanted to leave in that moment, but it felt as though his pain was keeping him there, holding him hostage to his emotions.  Slowly, he pulled his hand away from the other’s grip, letting it fall to his side.  ”…… I’ll see you later.”  He managed, shutting his eyes as he walked away, not daring to look over his shoulder.
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temerxrio · 10 years
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{❥ } – "Silence, mortal!" Between the sudden shout and the awkward pose Akura took, the Nanase boy was only that much more certain that the embarrassment was clear on his face – and, of course, shouting weird things didn't actually help his case. His ears burned brightly at the other's words and with a small huff, he crossed his arms and turned his head away as though he didn't notice the blatant flush on his face. Ah, he would surely die of embarrassment before the day was over!
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Makoto just laughed, smiling widely.  ”I’m just teasing you, Akura.”  He said after a moment, seeing the flush on the other’s face.  ”But you are pretty cute like this!”
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temerxrio · 10 years
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{ ❥ } – “So you’d rather I just stay in this wet clothes and get sick? You’re so cruel to me, Mako!” There was no malice in his voice, though, just a happy little bounce to his words as he pushed up against Makoto, hoping to make him falter in his step at least once. He gave Makoto’s hand a light squeeze, a telltale grin on his lips and cheeks flushed with happiness. “At least your mom’s cooking will make up for that. Which is kind of doubly good, considering I’ve been basically living off junk food since the school year started. Whoops.” The grin on Akura’s lips only grew as he tried to look innocent.
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"Of course."  Makoto laughed, grinning.  He had almost expected this sort of question from the other.  Smiling, he took one of Akura’s hands in his own, walking towards his house.  "I’d offer you some dry clothes, but I don’t think I have any that would fit you, sorry."  He smiled as he walked up the stairs to the door.
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