darkmyne-blog · 6 years
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Get all your off-world equipment here for the total recall experience of your life.
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darkmyne-blog · 6 years
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Your homework for the new school year.
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darkmyne-blog · 6 years
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Protector of the Lion’s Gate
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darkmyne-blog · 6 years
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When no one was looking.
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darkmyne-blog · 6 years
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I pledge the allegiance, to the flag, of the United States of Americkkka, and to the collapse, of the Republic, for which it falls, United Nations, under G.O.D., invisible, divisible, with Columbia, and false justice for all, for all governments, must murder and lie, d.v.r. now, and record the crime, within the Time of no time, with no representation, for the People, cuz it's just an Act, against the interest, of the people, government holding Power, is when they lie to the people, like the divison of religion, and the sheeple of the steeple, now get up, and get high, like Bill Nye, the Science Guy, and let's travel throughout the centuries of time, with Christ, Horus, Krishna, and the Crucifix, pumping Iron, like a Star, Heroin, War is just a fix, and if the Truth was told, they'd sell their soul, get high like Manute Bol, Falling Down, on the ground, get in, where you fit in, the needle and the sin, the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning of the end, now let's have an Infinity War, to end all wars, so we can be reborn again, the Son of Man, flesh of the sin, accompanied by deceptions, and lies, like a cancer patient, spreading throughout your state, it's the season of the hate, sshh. . . no worries, Aminordarker will abate, like it never happened, you'll never be the same, now accrue yourself, kill yourself, I skin your cat like A.L.F., and get drunk off your blood, like top shelf, cuz you don't knoe, what I know, and you'll never no, what I understand, about the complex reflex of the rubberband, sshh. . . thats enough, I vow for my silence, lethal weapon, my mind, a Darkmyne, with the pen in my hand, while I stand in neutral, washed in the blood of the lamb, vomit on my teacher's shoes, for not chanting the allegiance, of the red, white and blue, cuz governments don't care about you, People in Power, devour you, with Satan's power, sprinkled with element 115 powder, mixed with screaming demons, inside collapsing Towers, Tara and Terror, O.K.C., Waco and O'Hara, W.T.C., Shock-n-Awe me, the image of mirrors, now open the Doors, for the 33 stragtegies of RaWWar, mixed with the fair and balance, of ex-military officials, and media whores, We Will Rock You, Queen checks the King, ante the score, for the clones and pawns, of Saddams in bunkers on cue, technical analysts use digital enhancement, check on vue, the master of puppets, B.E.A.S.T. of the 9-headed serpent, slained by Hercules, White House officials claim, Hail Hydra, killing Saddam, let the wars begin, inherited the winds, as the angels sing, how close to Hitler was he, to inflicting a holocaust again, the Muslim Messiah, the American Jihad, the tale of two wars, Yee-Haw, Carter of '79, the Manchurian Candidate, Dr.Z likes his coffee black, Iran-Iraq, Saddam hears voices, as if he's Nebu-chad-nezzar, like the white image of Christ, is really Cesare, the rebuilding of Babylon, Ish-tara the gate, Babel the Disneyland, with sex toys, terrorist and hate, the sacrifice of Miley Cyrus, to Nimrod, and the Egyptian Osiris, 2001, a terrorist odyssey, Bush of a Bush, born again, Katrina of the storm, F.E.M.A. sin, Prince of the Earth, Metatron, Megatron, now sing the songs, of the Psalms, America, the Old Glory, like Al Gore me, T-E-N-N-E-S-S-E-E, now call upon thee, the Gods of Liberty, evangelical cowboy, Rangers the halo, Republican party with the Astros, J.C. PennyBush, Moses, Marduk, and the Kingdom of Kush, the eyes of Ides, of Mars, apocalyptic Reganomics, and the War of Stars, preamble the gamble, They Live, E.T. and V, Bush 43, the Christian Crusader, pull it, like B.B.C., Shock the Almighty, whirlwinds of the Burning Bush, El, the Shining One, deceptions like Project Gemini, and Capricorn One, pillars of fire, by day, pillars of fire, by night, God takes the form, of the divine fire of light, Shock-in-ah, Shakina, Canaanite goddess, radiate like the city of Medina, exiled from humanity, and the Garden of Eden, as King Solomon worships her, over Yahweh, as God's people leaves him, the construction of the Temples, Holy of Holies, Ark of the Covenant, grey clouds over tabernacle, crosses the continent, Exodus 40:34-38, Golden Gate to Gulliver's Gate, Ground Zero, 9/11, America's Temple Mount, Never, Never, Forget, and Remember, America's Great!
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darkmyne-blog · 6 years
C.ollaborative O.perations in D.enied E.nviroment
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darkmyne-blog · 6 years
D.efense A.dvanced R.esearch P.rojects A.gency
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darkmyne-blog · 6 years
Killah Padre is dead.
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darkmyne-blog · 6 years
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a summer night in Cincinnati.
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darkmyne-blog · 6 years
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Before the movies - - there were only books - - of the tales of Earth 616.
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darkmyne-blog · 6 years
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darkmyne-blog · 6 years
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as the sun drops in Philadelphia.
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darkmyne-blog · 6 years
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The Mysteries of the Atonement.
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darkmyne-blog · 6 years
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IronStar: the man of tomorrow.
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darkmyne-blog · 6 years
A Future Darker
Mykhael Dymock: I know. I'll tell him soon. Real soon. I promise. I just never had a son. A real son. In my timeline the future era where I came from - - the world was dead and evil - - and it killed everyone. In this world, this timeline - - your future, baby boy - - is going to be different. I'll protect you. Whatever it takes, I'll be there, find a way to save you, and to live the good life your destined to live.
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darkmyne-blog · 6 years
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The Big Bang of the IronStar.
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