#amodou bamba
thebrokenblackman · 4 years
A Critical Analysis of THE HOLY KAABAA  by Hakeem Ture
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Man exists in a duality of that which we can explain and that which we cannot. Life for all seems to be a process that defines the middle. Somewhere in between the physical and the metaphysical. The relationship between the two works both in compliment and necessity. A symbol of this ancient truth was built by a father and his son. Two master mathematicians, cosmologist, and carpenters whose names were Ibrahim and Ismail. The Holy KaaBaa Is known as the “House of God” by followers of the Prophet Muhammad (SAWS)
Believed to be built around 2,000 B.C. in collaboration with The Creator and the holy angels this meticulous structure serves a linkage between people of all demographics as they unite in worship of the one true God. This “house” of worship represents a dichotomy of body and discipline that its builders and re-builders have become familiar with due to practices and sciences of afrikan people. The Etymology of the word house derives directly from the Old English hus meaning “dwelling”.  It is obvious to the human eye that God can not be housed by a physical structure nor dwell in one. So we must ask ourselves how can this be the house of God?
What is God? Who Is God? At this point in scientific discovery we must conclude for the sake of camaraderie that God is the origin particle of life, an atom. We can not break matter down any further than an atom and its makings. Spiritual people believe that God is in Everything and IS everything. For this truth to be true it must stand the test of science. The only uniting factor of everything in this universe is an atom. When looking at the Holy Kaaba during pilgrimage a.k.a Hajj, I can not bypass its resemblance to atomic structure. The KaaBaa itself serves as both the  physical and metaphysical nucleus. The word, Kaabaa,  in Arabic translates as “cube”. When forming the nucleus protons and neutrons are bonded by strong nuclear force in the shape of a cube. There are two rings of circumambulation established around the KaaBaa. There are also two planes of rotation around the nucleus of an atom. The first plane can only hold 2 electrons and the second plane can take 8. Any more electrons makes the atom combustible. God and his universal laws are constants. Constants are necessary for the experience we know as life, therefore he can not be combustible. 
  Mirroring this truth stands an ancient building of granite that measures 43 ft. high x 42 ft. wide. Like an atom it has been taken away from and added to, but it has not been destroyed. The Granite is black symbolizing the black “skin” or “shell” of God that we know as dark matter. As taught by our afrikan ancestors, “As is above so is below '',so therefore the skin of God on earth is black as well. The Kaabaa serves as a reminder of both, because God is in the physical and metaphysical world. Melanin is found to give both space and people its color. Melanin is described by Healthline.com as “a skin pigment. It occurs in both humans and animals, and is what makes hair, skin, and eyes appear darker.”  Research has found that melanin helps protect the skin from UV rays. Increasing melanin may also help block processi in the body that lead to skin cancer. The gold mortar represents strong nuclear force within the nucleus holding it together and emanating light. 
 “And when Moses came to Our appointed tryst and his Lord had spoken unto him, he said: My Lord! Show me (Thy Self), that I may gaze upon Thee. Thy Lord said: Thou wilt not see Me, but gaze upon the mountain! If it stand still in its place, then thou wilt see Me. And when his Lord revealed (His) glory to the mountain He sent it crashing down. And Moses fell down senseless. And when he woke he said: Glory unto Thee! I turn unto Thee repentant, and I am the first of (true) believers.” According to the Holy Quran (7:143) God had to reveal himself. In order to reveal something it must first be hidden. God’s self was hidden behind the dark matter of space. Ibrahim and Ismail understood this and perfectedly communicated it through symbology. Today, a black & gold shroud called the kiswah covers the Kaabaa to protect it from weather conditions, yet it represents the same idea. On it the words “Oh Allah, There is no God but Allah, Mohammed is the Messenger of Allah. The Most Loving, the Benefactor. Glory be to Allah and Praise be to Allah and Glory is to Allah the Great” are embroidered, which serves as a reminder that the KaaBaa represents God and that there is no god but the one represented by the KaaBaa.
Looking at the Kaabaa itself is wondrous but examining its functions and interactions within humanity is an amazing feat in itself. To do so we must examine the ethnicity of the people who created The Kaaba. The original arabs were an indegineous African people and we can trace this from the relation of the Arabic and Bantu languages. We can also use what is known of their migration. Maps that depict the world prior to the colonization of Afrika by Western powers prove that what is today known widely as the “Middle East'' does not exist and was during the time of Prophet Muhummad(Saws) a settlement of Nubian people. The name that Ibrahaim and his progeny chose was a dichotomy of both the physical and the metaphysical. The Kaa and Baa are two of the seven souls that are said to be encompassed by the human being ,as taught in Gerald Massey’s The Seven Souls of Man and Their Culmination in Christ  . The Kaa is the body and the Baa is the soul of breath. In order for the metaphysical God to enact his existence the physical had to be created. Through this name we are reminded that we must center our efforts around the Kaa and the Baa to be closest to God.
Muslims Circumambulate the masterful work of art known as the KaaBaa seven times in total submission and prayer to God. From a bird's eye view the spiritual practitioners resemble the planets orbiting around the sun and our solar system orbiting in the milky way. Whether, this and everything else forementioned is by chance or by grand design is the intrigue that keeps scholars and scientist visiting this ancient house of God and will for years to come.
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