#amoreca is like saying lovely but as a nickname…
italoniponic · 2 years
Amoris, amore, amoreca, minha linda <3 If this is bc of the reblogs, I can only say that I wished I could left you better comments than the ones I made. But if they let you so happy, I feel happy too! You're a wonderful writer, have a magnificent style and I wish for your success bc you're a name that is worth to know
(you *grabs reader*, little person reading this, take this girl's awesome masterlist. Another personal recommendation. Confia na mãe)
Plume said the perfect way in one of your asks that the style you got to write as some sort of Arabic poetry is beautiful, simply beautiful. I obviously fully don't know what kinds of thoughts you have about it but have this humble word that is a great, unique style. Something in the way that you write that I'll always think to myself "Amoris made this!" with a smile on my face. If there's something that I really values is the individual style of a writer. You can also find this again in other people but still, deep down, all of us write in our own way and that's what makes sharing our stories so fun!
I'll take the opportunity here to also wish you the best in the studies matter. There irl responsibilities that will be a obstacle in all parts of life, and it will be tough, tiresome, difficult, and the only thing I can offer is my prays that you can find comfort and joy in the little things you most like to lift yourself up to face the big things in life
And its always a joyful feeling to see you here in my asks, it really took me by surprise. I wanted to reply earlier but only now I fully grasped what I wanted to tell you. [I] Love your writing, love your personality, love you, Amoris <3 Hope you aren't afraid of heights bc I know you can fly high, probably higher than you think, and it will be a flight that will fulfill with joy <3
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arwenkaboom · 7 years
Tag Game!
I was tagged by adorable @ntbogoni 
Thank you this has been fun :D
Rules: Answer 20 questions & then tag 20 people to get to know them. ~~20 is too many, come on!~~
-Name: Natasha -Nicknames: Nata, Nale, Natalia – depends on a person (In Serbia we read as we write, no excess letters or different pronunciation than as its written.  So Nale does not sound like nail xD
-Zodiac sign: Scorpio -Height: 1.67 short AF, can’t reach a lot of things. -Orientation: Bi -Ethnicity: Caucasian -Fav fruit: Strawberries -Fav season: Winter -Fav book: Hmm, Steppenwolf by Hese and I gotta put this one The short story collection by E.A.Poe. -Fav flower: Succulents -Fav scent: Cut grass, Fuel yeah I know. -Fav Color: Pink, golden rose mostly -Fav animal: Guinea Pigs -Coffee, tea, or hot cocoa: COFFEE *drinks all of it* Nina i agree :D -Sleep hours: 3-8ish -Cat or dog: Dogs -Fav fictional dragon age character: I must say I didn’t play it (Please don’t kill me xD) -Dream trip: Sweden, beautiful interiors, I’d probably go from apt to apt and take pictures. But for other things LONDON <3 -When did I make this blog: Uhh I don’t remember :/ It was years back -Number of followers: 199!! Aaaa and I love all of you ^^
I taaaaaaag @himluv @amorecas @starsandskies @adaars @dajolie @blacksheep33512
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