shivanixrao · 7 days
closed for @amosdeleon location: rizzo's diner
Shivani glanced down at the laminated menu in front of her before looking back at her companion for the moment with a wide smile. "This is nice--I'm glad you had time to hang out with me...I feel like I haven't seen you in pretty much forever." She looked back at Amos as she put the menu down and clasped her hands in front of her on the table. "How's Cece doing?" There were things she needed to tell Amos, but more than that she was eager to know how he was faring with the appearance of his daughter in his life. She recalled that drunken night oh to well but it had been awhile since that so she was sure things must've improved since then.
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kianlawson · 4 months
closed starter @amosdeleon
This might come as a surprise, but I need to tell you something and I hope you don't hate me. The other day, Armi came to my place and suckered me to adopt a pup. We ended up kissing and now I think she hates me. I didn't seduce her or anything, it just happened. I have feelings for her, man. If you're going to punch me, just get it over and done with. I deserve it.
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siennachavcz · 2 months
starter for: @amosdeleon
location: tennis court
"This place needs a bar." Sienna told the man who'd been playing nearby. He was a lot better than she could ever dream of being but that wasn't an hard stretch given that she'd thrown the ball over the court a few times, watching as people volunteered to fetch it for her until they eventually gave up. "I'd need something strong to wash down the embarrassment of how I played. I got invited and I think they found excuses to ditch me and I don't blame them." Sienna knelt down to tie her shoe. "I'm going to need to hire someone to teach me. You're not a private instructor, by chance?"
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alcrayildiz · 3 months
closed starter for @amosdeleon
the last time she'd seen amos, the other was basically having a quarter life crisis. so, now that she had managed to spot him in public again, she figured that she may as well check in on the man. with her coffee in hand she approached the table he was seated at on his own and nodded toward the empty seat, "mind if i sit?" she asked, offering him something that could be labeled as a kind smile.
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kyewinslcw · 3 months
closed starter @amosdeleon
location: tasty treats
Well, that's not what I asked for…You want this? They messed up my order. I asked for a bagel, and they got me a Croissant. Just as well, I don’t need the carbs anyway. You a local or just visiting?
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joxdrayton · 3 months
closed starter for @amosdeleon
location: wrightville beach
Ever since she could remember herself, Jo loved the beach. Especially on the long summer days when the heat anywhere else was unbearable but here, the cool breeze pulled the loose strands of her hair in a wild dance across her face and tickled the base of her neck. Tennis was something her father had insisted on when she was a kid; a sport he admired but she only attended lessons for a couple of years before quitting. Still, it held a dear place in her heart, especially after his death, so it was no wonder she decided to join the beach tennis tournament hosted by a dear friend of hers. "So, a little birdy has told me you're finally quitting the big game?" She leaned towards the man, keeping her voice down.
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seydaseven · 4 months
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"Oh, hi," she said almost breathlessly when she'd passed the man that had made the conversations between head and heart incredibly messy. "I didn't realize you were here." Not that it was a bad thing. Şeyda's eyes panned around a little, they hadn't seen each other or spoken since @amosdeleon come into her office at Nirvana a few weeks ago, and she was struggling with what to say. How did you converse with someone who made you feel things and made you want to run in the other direction from at the same time? "Were you, or are you, playing some matches?" Even she knew she was so hot and cold. Şeyda couldn't understand and found it hard to believe he'd even be interested in her anymore. Last time they were together it was flirty and heated, it got fun. Now? She didn't even know how to talk to him.
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ariyacl · 4 months
closed starter @amosdeleon
Ariya grinned as she paddled back to shore, her muscles pleasantly sore from an hour of surfing. The sun was high in the sky now as she waded through the shallows. She glanced over at Amos, who was just a few feet away from her. "I don't know about you, but I'm starving," she called out, pushing wet hair out of her face. "Brunch sounds really tempting right about now." Her stomach growled as if to emphasize the point. Pausing, she looked longingly at the waves cresting in the distance. The urge to keep surfing pulled at her. "Unless you wanna wait for the next wave…" She bit her lip, considering. "I could wait."
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camilamoreno · 4 months
TO: @amosdeleon
There were many things she had not been looking forward to in life. Her first winkle, or running into her ex husband, or dealing with Celeste when she turned teenage years. Yeah, there was a list of things she didn't care to experience any time soon. Standing in front of Amos de Leon's door? Yeah, that was right there at the top of the list. Grant it, she had to have known this day was coming, right? -- Wrong. She was surely planning on avoiding this moment for the rest of her life. No one would know any difference. This was, of course, until her mother guilted her into it. She, herself, had grew up without her father. And now knowing him, she wished every day that she didn't have to. Of course, that was a tough hand handed to her mother by her grandmother. What a bitch that woman was and still is. But her mother had a point, she didn't want Cece to grow up that same way. Even if Amos wanted nothing to do with their child, at least, it was out there. She wasn't the one keeping it hidden. There was almost apart of her that wished she could be unsure of who Cece's father was. But that was not the case here, considering, she had gone through a rough dry spell just before that one weekend where she'd meet the infamous Amos, and found herself in multiple positions. She had expected to leave that weekend satisfied and to never hear from him again. Only, six weeks later, the stick was pink, and her life was flipped upside down. Much like she was about to do here. She let out a heavy sigh, before rapping her knuckles against his front door. The moment it opened, she gave him the widest smile, "Hi, Amos." She greeted, almost sell picky in her attempt, "I doubt you remember me, but uhm, if you have a second, I need to talk to you about something." Yeah, that wasn't creepy. She shook her head, "We met a few years ago, and I was told I could find you here. You busy?" Was there really any causal way of doing this? She guess not.
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hazalyildizs · 5 months
hazal - top 5 most handsome men in wilmington.
Rhys, Zeke, Amos, Julian, and Scotty. Lumberjack Lincoln. @rhysbradley, @ezekielmercer, @amosdeleon, @quietlght, @scottysanchezs, @lincolnreid
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axelhughes · 4 months
closed starter @shivanixrao & @amosdeleon
Axel strolled through midtown with Shivani—their stomachs full after a satisfying lunch. The sun beat down on them as they walked. He was in the middle of telling her about his latest real estate acquisition when he spotted Amos heading their way. Instantly, his mood soured. Great, just what he needed—an encounter with the one person in Wilmington he couldn't stand. He'd rather have his teeth pulled than make small talk with this guy. As they walked towards the man, he plastered on a fake smile. "Nice running into you here," he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "And here I thought my day couldn't get any better." He glanced at Shivani, hoping she'd pick up on his annoyance and help him end this interaction quickly. The last thing he wanted was to waste his precious time on Amos when there were so many other things he'd rather be doing—like watching paint dry or counting the cracks in the sidewalk.
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cassiasalas · 4 months
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"So, you really still don't want to believe me..." With her brow lifted and a smirking expression Cassia's green eyes peered at her friend. Expectation sat in her gaze, waiting upon @amosdeleon to claim another point in her victory tally on being right. "Remember that day," whenever it was not long after they'd initially met, "I'd told you that chaos follows me." As if to confirm the premonition come true she shrugged her shoulders. Though, neither fear nor worry sat on her brow. Cassia was amused. "I warned ya back then to get out while ya can and now it's too late."
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safiadecastilla · 5 months
LOCATION: Jazz and Blues Weekend Harmony; Springtide Bash
WITH: @amosdeleon
"Hey you." Safia moved forwards in the crowd to stand beside Amos, his tall frame towering over hers. Her hand reached to gently tug on the sleeve of his jacket, her eyes remaining forwards as she watched the band on stage. She always made sure she was off work during the Springtide Bash because it meant two whole days of pure unadulterated fun, in the town she called home, with the people she loved.
"Are you here with anyone?" she mused, trying to maintain appearing aloof. Finally, she dared to glance up at Amos, her eyes full of curiosity, although still mindful they were surrounded by others.
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ruhixmarathe · 5 months
WITH: amos de leon // @amosdeleon LOCATION: amos's house
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Though she had heard a few things about Amos when she moved in, Ruhi always did her best to not let the words of others influence her. After all, she was a strong believer in second and third impressions. His first had been quite personable in fact. Enough that she wondered why the few other neighbors she spoke with had been so lukewarm about the athlete. She received her answer in the form a few sleepless nights. She tried everything in her power to tolerate the blaring music and the constant traffic that filled their streets whenever Amos decided to turn his house into a club. Cotton balls, eye masks, white noise, noise cancelling headphones. Nothing seemed to work and she found herself at his doorstep, shuffling her feet as she waited for him to answer. She had nearly left a few times before pressing the doorbell to force herself to speak with him. Trying to find the most polite way to tell him that he really needed to keep it down for the sake of her own sanity, she figured that others surely had told him the same, right? If they were willing to complain to Ruhi, they must have been more willing than she was to actually confront him. “Good morning,” she greeted with a smile when the door opened, gauging if he was hungover or in a sour mood. “I brought banana bread.”
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alcrayildiz · 5 months
closed starter for @amosdeleon
the last person that daphne expected to run into was her ex boyfriend, amos. wilmington was big enough to where she could pretty much avoid him as much as possible but today, it seemed the universe had other plans on how her day was going to go. clearing her throat in a somewhat awkward manner, she paused. the two had very obviously already made contact so it wasn't like she could make a run for it now. "amos," she started, forcing a small smile on her face, "decided to take some time off and come to the beach?" which to her, was surprising considering he'd been so focused on tennis when the two had been together."
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armisdeleon · 5 months
TO: @amosdeleon
Can you believe that? She actually said she wouldn't give a kidney to save her brother's life. Like -- who does that? I mean, you'd obviously give me one of yours if I need it, right? Because you know I'd do the same for you. I'd give my last breath for you, it's mind fucking that others don't feel that same way!
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