#amou shougo
leenaevilin · 3 years
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[Announcement] 舞台『モブサイコ100』~激突!爪第7支部~ (butai mob psycho 100 ~gekitotsu! tsume dai 7 shibu~)
you will be able to watch it @ U-NEXT (August 15th, 2021 ~ 17:00)
price: ¥???
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ywpdtwittertl · 7 years
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Oct 23, 2017 
@AmoShogo: 舞台『弱虫ペダル』東京千穐楽を迎えました。沢山のお運び誠に有難う御座いました。 揉ませて頂く黒田役の陣君と、同い年で葦木場役の富永君、二人の走り、いつも心を打たれております。 そして、原作者である航先生より小鞠のサコッシュを頂きました。 之からも小鞠と共に頑張ります!
We reached the final show of Stageplay Yowamushi Pedal. Thank you very much to the many people who came.
Jin-kun who plays Kuroda, who lets me massage him; Tominaga-kun who plays Ashikiba, who I’m the same age as; the riding of these 2 always makes my heart pound.
And, I received a Komari sacoche (t/n- the supply bag they give to the riders at the feed zone) from the original author, Wataru Sensei. From now on, I’ll do my best together with Komari!
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enami17 · 7 years
極上文學 / Gokujou Bungaku
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1) 極上文學 第1弾『桜の森の満開の下』 〔原作〕阪口安吾 "Sakura no mori no mankai no shita" ("In the Forest, Under Cherries in Full Bloom") by Sakaguchi Ango 2011.11 Cast: 唐橋充, 鈴木拡樹 Cast: Karahashi Mitsuru, Suzuki Hiroki
2) 極上文學 第2弾『銀河鉄道の夜』 〔原作〕宮沢賢治 "Ginga tetsudou no yoru" ("Night on the Galactic Railroad"), a classic novel by Miyazawa Kenji 2012.8 Cast: 大河元気、松田凌、廣瀬智紀、八神蓮、唐橋充、藤原祐規、塩川渉 Cast: Ookawa Genki, Matsuda Ryou, Hirose Tomoki, Yagami Ren, Karahashi Mitsuru, Fujiwara Yuuki, Shiokawa Wataru
3) 極上文學 第3弾『夢十夜』 〔原作〕夏目漱石 "Yume juuya" ("Ten Nights of Dreams"), a series of short stories by Natsume Souseki 2013.1 Cast: Kimeru、小野賢章、小野健斗、大河元気、廣瀬大介、中村龍介、根本正勝 Cast: Kimeru, Ono Kenshou, Ono Kento, Ookawa Genki, Hirose Daisuke, Nakamura Ryuusuke, Nemoto Masakazu
3.5) 極上文學上映会『極上幻映』 "Gokujo GENEI", a set of the first 3 plays 2013.6-7
4) 極上文學 第4弾『藪の中』 〔原作〕芥川龍之介 "Yabu no naka" ("In a Grove"), a short story by Akutagawa Ryuunosuke 2013.6 Cast: 小野賢章、津田健次郎、鮎川太陽、松本寛也、蒼井翔太、玉城裕規、藤原祐規、林修司 Cast: Ono Kenshou, Tsuda Kenjirou, Ayukawa Taiyou, Matsumoto Hiroya, Aoi Shouta, Tamaki Yuuki, Fujiwara Yuuki, Hayashi Shuuji
5) 極上文學 第5弾『Kの昇天~或はKの溺死~』 〔原作〕梶井基次郎 "K no shoten, arui wa K no dekishi" ("The Ascension of K, or His Death by Drowning"), a story by Kajii Motojirou 2013.11-12 Cast: 蒼井翔太、植田圭輔、及川健、佐藤貴史、末原拓馬、鈴木拡樹、中村龍介、平野 良、涼平 Cast: Aoi Shouta, Ueda Keisuke, Oikawa Ken, Satou Takashi, Suehara Takuma, Suzuki Hiroki, Nakamura Ryuusuke, Hirano Ryou, Chiba Ryouhei
6) 極上文學 第6弾『ドグラ・マグラ』 〔原作〕夢野久作 "Dogra Magra" by Yumeno Kyuusaku 2014.6-7 Cast: 玉城裕規、廣瀬大介、小野賢章、植田圭輔、桑野晃輔、松本寛也、Kimeru、酒井敏也、ブラザートム Cast: Tamaki Yuuki, Hirose Daisuke, Ono Kenshou, Ueda Keisuke, Kuwano Kousuke, Matsumoto Hiroya, Kimeru, Sakai Toshiya, Brother Tom
7) 極上文學 第7弾『走れメロス』 〔原作〕太宰治 "Hashire Merosu" ("Run, Melos!"), a short story by Osamu Dazai 2014.12 Cast: 大河元気、宮﨑秋人、萩野 崇、村田 充、西村ミツアキ、佐藤永典、椎名鯛造、鈴木裕斗、天羽尚吾/川下大洋、名高達男 Cast: Ookawa Genki, Miyazaki Shuuto, Hagino Takashi, Murata Mitsu, Nishimura Mitsuaki, Satou Hisanori, Shiina Taizo, Suzuki Yuuto, Amou Shougo/Kawashita Taiyou, Nadaka Tatsuo
8) 極上文學 第8弾『草迷宮』 〔原作〕泉鏡花 "Kusa meikyuu" ("Grass Labyrinth"), a novella by Izumi Kyouka 2015.3-4 Cast: 桑野晃輔, 荒牧慶彦, 三上 俊, 萩野 崇, 中村龍介, 石渡真修, 祁答院雄貴, 松田洋治, 斎藤洋介 Cast: Kuwano Kousuke, Aramaki Yoshihiko, Mikami Shun, Hagino Takashi, Nakamura Ryuusuke, Ishiwatari Mashuu, Kedouin Yuuki, Matsuda Youji, Saitou Yousuke
9) 極上文學 第9弾『高瀬舟・山椒大夫』 〔原作〕森鷗外 "Takasebune; Sanshou Dayuu" ("The Boat on the Takase River" and "Sansho the Bailiff") by Mori Ougai 2015.10 Cast: 天宮 良、伊勢大貴、椎名鯛造、服部 翼、藤原祐規、松田洋治、松本祐一、水石亜飛夢、村田 充 Cast: Amamiya Ryou, Ise Daiki, Shiina Taizo, Hattori Tsubasa, Fujiwara Yuuki, Matsuda Youji, Matsumoto Yuuichi, Mizuishi Atomu, Murata Mitsu
10) 極上文學 第10弾『春琴抄』 〔原作〕谷崎潤一郎 "Shunkin-shou" ("A Portrait of Shunkin") by Tanizaki Jun'ichirou 2016.6 Cast: 足立英昭、伊崎龍次郎、大高洋夫、川下大洋、鈴木裕斗、富田 翔、藤原祐規、桝井賢斗、松本祐一、和田琢磨 Cast: Adachi Hideaki, Izaki Ryuujirou, Ootaka Hiroo, Kawashita Taiyou, Suzuki Yuuto, Tomita Shou, Fujiwara Yuuki, Masui Kento, Matsumoto Yuuichi, Wada Takuma
11) 極上文學 第11弾『人間椅子/魔術師』 〔原作〕江戸川乱歩 "Ningen-isu; Majutsu-shi" ("The Human Chair" and "The Conjurer") by Edogawa Ranpo 2016.11-12 Cast: 足立英昭、石井マーク、伊勢大貴、小西成弥、長江崚行、松田洋治、松本寛也、水澤賢人、村田充、ROLLY Cast: Adachi Hideaki, Ishii Mark, Ise Daiki, Konishi Seiya, Nagae Ryouki, Matsuda Youji, Matsumoto Hiroya, Mizusawa Kento, Murata Mitsu, ROLLY
12) 極上文學 第12弾『風の又三郎・よだかの星』 〔原作〕宮沢賢治 "Kaze no Matasaburou; Yodaka no hoshi" ("Matasaburo of the Wind" and "The Nighthawk Star") by Miyazawa Kenji 2018.3 Cast: 市瀬秀和、白柏寿大、鈴木裕斗、納谷健、深澤大河、藤原祐規、松本祐一、三浦海里 Cast: Ichinose Hidekazu, Shirakashi Judai, Suzuki Yuuto, Naya Takeru, Fukazawa Taiga, Fujiwara Yuuki, Matsumoto Yuuichi, Miura Kairi
Official site, PVs, DVDs
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[April] J-Actors Birthday Calendar
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♪ April 1st
◎ Hirano Koushuu 平野宏周 1999
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♪ April 2nd
◎ Matsunami Yuuki 松波優輝 1991
◎ Ueda Yuusuke 上田悠介 1989
◎ Yamazaki Shougo 山崎晶吾 1992
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♪ April 3rd
◎ Machii Shouma 町井祥真 1990
◎ Miyazawa Yuu 宮澤佑 1995
◎ Sano Gaku 佐野岳 1992
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♪ April 4th
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♪ April 5th
◎ Arita Kenji 有田賢史 1992
◎ Eguchi Kouichi 江口紘一 1988
◎ Gotou Dai 後藤大 1995
◎ Kariwa Yuu 苅羽悠 1984
◎ Miura Haruma 三浦春馬 1990
◎ Nakamura Seijirou 中村誠治郎 1980
◎ Oomi Youichirou 近江陽一郎 1989
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♪ April 6th
◎ Akiba Yuusuke 秋葉友佑 1992
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♪ April 7th
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♪ April 8th
◎ Futaba Kaname 二葉要 1991
◎ Futaba Yuu 二葉勇 1991
◎ Kawakami Shouta 川上将大 1993
◎ Kobayashi Yuuta 小林優太 1996
◎ Matsumoto Gaku 松本岳 1993
◎ Ogoe Yuuki 小越勇輝 1994
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♪ April 9th
◎ Amano Kousei 天野浩成 1978
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♪ April 10th
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♪ April 11th
◎ Saitou Kenshin 齋藤健心 1996
◎ Usa Takuma 宇佐卓真 1990
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♪ April 12th
◎ Kondou Shouri 近藤頌利 1994
◎ Shouji Masato 荘司真人 1989
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♪ April 13th
◎ Ibuka Katsuhiko 井深克彦 1987
◎ Mizushima Hiro 水嶋ヒロ 1984
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♪ April 14th
◎ Fujita Tomu 藤田富 1992
◎ Takikawa Koudai 滝川広大 1992
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♪ April 15th
◎ Aoki Kazuma 青木一馬 1987
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♪ April 16th
◎ Ichinose Yousuke 一乃瀬洋介 1980
◎ Iwaki Naoya 岩城直弥 1995
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♪ April 17th
◎ Abe Daichi 阿部大地 1996
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♪ April 18th
◎ Tauchi Tokihiro 田内季宇 1992
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♪ April 19th
◎ Iwasa Yuuki 岩佐祐樹 1992
◎ Morita Touya 森田桐矢 1997
◎ Narimatsu Yoshihiko 成松慶彦 1980
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♪ April 20th
◎ Amou Shogou 天羽尚吾 1994
◎ Satou Tomohiro 佐藤智広 1995
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♪ April 21st
◎ Masaki Kouhei 正木航平 1989
◎ Tachibana Tatsumaru 橘龍丸 1991
◎ Yamaguchi Daichi 山口大地 1988
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♪ April 22nd
◎ Iwasaki Ryousuke 岩崎良祐 1992
◎ Katayama Hironori 片山浩憲 1986
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♪ April 23rd
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♪ April 24th
◎ Fujiwara Yuuki 藤原祐規 1981
◎ Ookubo Tatsuki 大久保樹 1998
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♪ April 25th
◎ Goumoto Naoya 郷本直也 1980
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♪ April 26th
◎ Miyama Ryouki 三山凌輝 1999
◎ Tanaka Shigemi 田中しげ美 1969
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♪ April 27th
◎ Hirata Yuuichirou 平田裕一郎 1986
◎ Nemoto Masakazu 根本正勝 1979
◎ Okuda Yumeto 奥田夢叶 2001
◎ Tanaka Kouhei 田中晃平 1993
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♪ April 28th
◎ Hirono Ryouto 廣野凌大 
◎ Shouhei 章平 1991
◎ Toyonaga Toshiyuki 豊永利行 1984
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♪ April 29th
◎ Kouki 皇希 1997
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♪ April 30th
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leenaevilin · 3 years
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[Announcement] 舞台『モブサイコ100』~激突!爪第7支部~ (butai mob psycho 100 ~gekitotsu! tsume dai 7 shibu~)
the DVD/Blu-ray will be released on December 8th, 2021☆ ☆ ☆
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ywpdtwittertl · 7 years
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Oct 20, 2017
@AmoShogo: 舞台『弱虫ペダル』雨の中たくさんのお運びありがとうございました。 無事に帰れましたか?   
Thank you to everyone who came to stageplay Yowamushi Pedal in the rain. Did you get home safely?
Today it’s a pic with Kotarou-kun who plays Onoda Sakamichi.  His sense of responsibility and single-minded riding always impresses me.
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ywpdtwittertl · 7 years
Pedasute Starting Line BD/DVD Event Repo 9/2/17
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Pedasute Starting Line BD/DVD Event was on Sep 2! Daigo’s birthday was on Sep 1 so they also surprised him with cake *(*´∀`*)☆
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Participating cast: Yashima Ryou (Aoyagi), Kujirai Kousuke (Teshima), Daigo Kotarou (Onoda), Akimoto Ryuutarou (Kuroda), Iiyama Yuuta (Shinkai Yuuto), Amou Shougo (Komari), Tagawa Hiroki (Koga), Ueda Shinichirou (Danchiku), Higashi Keisuke (Ashikiba), Kanesaki Kentarou (Doubashi) and Director Nishida Shatner
Made a twitter thread yesterday but will write it better here xD Info is from these (x, x, x, x) jp twitter repos (please take w/ a grain of salt as I’m not 100% on all my interpretation and the repos differ a little on the info as well xD)
This is not a full report, just a few of the funny/interesting bits!
In the day part of the event, they came on stage saying their favorite lines (their own character’s). So in the evening part, they came on stage saying the other character’s lines that they wanted to say:
Daigo: I’m alive! (Manami’s line) Kujirai: This time, I’ve made the strongest team! (his own line lol) Yasshi: I’ve gotta work hard, or nothing can be expected of me! (Teshima’s line) Tagawa: Garuaaa! Kujirai: Who was that? Tagawa: It’s Danchiku. Tonchan: Is that a ‘yes’? (Yuuto’s line) Audience: YES! Ryuu: Impressive, Kojima-kun! (Manami’s line) Kujirai: IT’S TESHIMA! *Ryuu whispers something to Kujirai* MC: Let’s hear what they had to say later.. now who was next… Kane: It’s Teshima! Oi! You’re messing it up! Kujirai: Ah, something happened there, huh. My bad.  Ryuu: You really did it huh, Kujirai-san Yuuta: It’s because I’m Teshima Kujirai: So it was already set up this far, huh. Sorry. Amou: Hey… run more, Bambi-chan! (Doubashi’s line) Shatner-san: The goal this year is consecutive victory (Teshima’s line)
They had a “ultimate choice” question corner: Who would you rather have as a senpai? A. Imaizumi B. Naruko
Shatner-san: A Tagawa: A Yasshi: B Kujirai: B Daigo: B Tonchan: I can’t pick. Yuuta: A and B is ABU! Daigo: Naruko-kun seems more friendly. Tonchan: Imaizumi is a disagreeable guy Kujirai: I feel you Shatner-san: IMAIZUMI IS DOING HIS BEST OK Ryuu: Because I don’t want Wada, by process of elimination I guess I have to pick Naruko (t/n: Wada Masanari, who plays Imaizumi.. don’t worry they are really good friends xD)
At the ending, Kane was talking about how Tonchan/Ryuu were gonna change, and how frustrating/regrettable it was for them (t/n: they are busy with other projects conflicting w/ Pedasute schedule)
Kane: But they might come back! Like Taizo! (t/n: Shiina, who will be playing Kaburagi again) Kujirai: Why are these guys taking a break at the worst time? Don’t take it easy! Entire audience: *CRYING* Kane: Sorry it’s all gloomy now cus of what I said… Tonchan/Ryuu: BUT WE *COULD* COME BACK AGAIN!! (loudly, as if to sound convincing)
For their closing remarks, repo said Ryuu said “The Interhigh was special. To stay connected to the history that’s went on since the very beginning, I want to go.” One repo said they remember Tonchan saying “I don’t want to hand over Ashikiba’s role to anyone” (MY HEART….); another repo said he said “Honestly, I wanted to make it to the goal. But, I’ll go cheer on the new person. But it’s possible I’ll be back!”
Yep, I’m still not over Tonchan and Ryuu changing 。・゚゚・(>д<)・゚゚・。 but good to know they’d like to come back for future pedasutes, and if dramapedal goes on, they could be in that too! 🙏
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ywpdtwittertl · 7 years
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Stageplay Yowamushi Pedal New Interhigh arc ~Heat Up~ Kyofushi cast:
Hayashino Takeshi as Midousuji Akira
Masui Kento as Mizuta Nobuyuki
Amou Shougo as Kishigami Komari
Ichinose Yuu as Yamaguchi Noriyuki
Icchi has been in 135 performances of Pedasute over the past 7 productions, as chief Puzzle Rider plus various supporting characters... and now he’s main cast 😭👏 now Kakeyan is chief Puzzle Rider, Kouno Chihira and Itou Genki are returning, with new Puzzle Rider Nagase Manatsu!
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ywpdtwittertl · 7 years
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some fav offshots 2 / 2 ( ˊᵕˋ )♡.°⑅ | from Pedasute ~Starting Line~ pamphlet Scanned by me, please do not repost~ [more scans]
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ywpdtwittertl · 8 years
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Stageplay Yowamushi Pedal ~Starting Line~ pamphlet Hayashino Takeshi as Midousuji Akira, Amou Shougo as Kishigami Komari scanned by me, please do not repost~ [more scans]
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ywpdtwittertl · 8 years
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@729Yuta: 本日もありがとうございました!! はやいもので あと2日間となりました! 1日1日、1公演1公演 一生懸命頑張りたいと思います! 今日は 1年生トリオ!!
Thank you very much for coming today, too!! It went by fast and now there’s only 2 days left! Each and every day, in each and every performance with all my effort, I’d like to give it my best! Today, It’s the 1st year trio!!
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ywpdtwittertl · 8 years
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@Tk4onenine3: ペダステご来場ありがとうございました!  残り公演もあと4公演。  京伏の小鞠くんもアパッとります(笑)  今日ね、ペダステTシャツもらいました。ものすごく可愛らしい御堂筋仕様のやつを!  明日、写真撮ろう!
Thank you very much for coming to Pedasute! There’s 4 more performances remaining. Kyofushi’s Komari-kun is taking an “apa” pic too. lol And today, I received the Pedasute T-shirt. It’s extremely cute for a guy like Midousuji! Tomorrow, let’s take a pic!
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ywpdtwittertl · 8 years
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@Tk4onenine3: 今日はホワイトデー!!  小鞠くん、ホワイトデーらしいで。
Today is White Day!! Komari-kun, it seems like it’s White Day.
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ywpdtwittertl · 8 years
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@AmoShogo: 舞台『弱虫ペダル』マチネも無事に終演致しました。ご来場誠に有難う御座いました。   泉俊輔役の和田さんこと、和田雅成さん。揉める日を心待ちにしております。ザラザラ。 役に入った瞬間の切り替えに毎度ドキリと致します。
The matinee performance of stageplay Yowamushi Pedal has also safely come to an end. Thank you very much for coming.
Imaizumi’s actor Wada-san, Wada Masanari-san. I’m looking forward to the day I get into trouble with you. zarazara. (*touches roughly*)
The moment I switch into the role, I’ll do it shockingly every time.
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ywpdtwittertl · 8 years
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@AmoShogo: 舞台『弱虫ペダル』の生みの親、西田シャトナーさん。 前回撮るタイミングを逸して仕舞ったので、悲願の写真です。 京都伏見を「悪役」と思わずに接して呉れる事は一選手として栄誉です。 今日顔合わせを行った『破壊ランナー』でもご一緒致します。お楽しみに!
Stageplay Yowamushi Pedal’s creator, Nishida Shatner-san.
Since I missed the chance to take a photo previously,  this is the photo I wished for. Being Kyoto Fushimi’s involuntarily touchy-feely “villain” is an honor as a team member.
Today I had a meeting for “Destruction Runner” in which we’ll be together as well. I’m looking forward to it!
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ywpdtwittertl · 8 years
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@Tk4onenine3: 一先ず、舞台『弱虫ペダル〜スタートライン〜』千穐楽まで応援ありがとうございました!  一夏越したような熱い毎日でした。  とりあえず打ち上がる!!
First of all, thank you very much for supporting us until the final performance of Stageplay Yowamushi Pedal ~Starting Line~! Like the past summer, it was hot every single day. For the time being, my spirits are high!!
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