#ichinose yuu
l1va22 · 2 months
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dare I say kagami
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amethystroselily · 6 months
Ons text post memes 1
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gabbyp09 · 3 months
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urdgealesisbaby · 3 months
what kind of piercings do you think OnS characters would have? It can be any characters honestly, I just had this thought randomly and wanted to see other people's opinions
Hello! Indeed a very curious request!
Types of piercings they would have
Rigr Stafford(Saito)
-Definetely industrial piercing
-and maybe septum?(not sure though)
Ferid Bathory
-nipple piercings
-on BOTH of his nipples
Crowley Eusford
-nostril/high nostril
-or nasallang
Guren Ichinose
-standard lobe,orbital,upper lobe
-almost all of the ear piercings without industrial
-septum and maybe something in the ear
Urd  Geales
-he already has some beautiful  piercings on his ear
-maybe venom tongue piercing
Ky Luc
-definetely smiley mouth piercing
Krul Tepes
-some ear stuff including industrial
Mahiru Hiiragi
-maybe a belly piercing?
-also some ear stuff,nothing crazy
Shinoa Hiiragi
-maybe tongue but I'm not too sure
Lacus Welt
-some freaky shit
-also nipple,but only one nipple
-basic,I don't think he would get any piercings
-just a septum maybe to match w Mika
Thanks for the request!
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kuregure · 10 months
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the swords have the same image as the other image (you understood me) idk why but i think it's great and i like it !
imagine the Yuu of now meeting the Guren of 8 years ago
i love Guren and Yuu so muuuuuch 😔😔
i need to see more moments between them !!
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Part 2
To Part 1:
Finally, I finished part two! I hope you like it liked the first one! I just did not anymore head canons: I wrote scenarios. Or written out head canons.! Still, hope you like it.
@ani-girl (Because you wanted more xD)
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Shinya is defintily the cool uncle who always teases you and Guren. He is absolutely supportive of you two what means having literally million of photos from you like a family. So, whenever Guren acts all cool, he likes to break the ice and embarrass Guren with some real Dad pictures.
"Ahhhh! Look here. You are looking like a real father of Yuu!" " There! You could mean that you two are married and Yu is your real son!" "Remember when you smiled warmly at them..."
Yes, Shinya is a real pain in the ass for Guren. More likely, he loves to make him jealous. Sometimes, you have missions with other soldiers and Shinya takes pictures of you with other persons in very misleading positions.... "Wow, the new partner of Y/N looks really amazing, don't you think...?" " Aren't they a perfect team? They understand each other without words."
Guren never shows jealously, but somehow he is very curious with who you work. And likes to talk them down....
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Before Yuu enters your life, you knew Guren as a high ranking soldier who is arrogant. You thought, he is an ass. Both of you, worked already together when you meet Yuu the first time in the cold. You respected Guren as a strong soldier and listen to his commands. Without Yuu, you would never become so close to this man. Like a magnet or a red thread, you always drawn back to him or he is to you. Moreover, Yuu symbolize the red thread. Of course, this means you two start to worry for each other. Of course, you kinda get that Guren has a soft spot.
You were ready to sacrifice yourself for the sake of humanity. At least, you were ready. The mission could fail without finding someone, playing the decoy yet nobody signed up freely. You sighed and walked to the center of the group. You explained your plan and how you distract the nobles for their safety. You gulped down your own knot in your throat. And definitely, not thinking about Yuu.
"ARE YOU INSANE?!" The voice sounded raspy and pitched high at some vocals. You head flew towards the said man. "That is never gonna happened and the stupidest plan I ever heard. We get here out together!" Guren yells at you like he wants to make his point clear. "Then, tell us, how are we making it out alive without sacrificing one...?" You were angry that he screamed unnecessarily at you and start provoking him more. In the end, Shinya helped Guren with a plan to get you out alive so you both survived.
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It was reckless for Yuu to intervene with a noble vampire yet he saved you and Guren. Somehow, you killed the Noble as a team. In the end, Guren pats Yuus head with side comment. „Reckless but you did well!“
"I am proud of you, Yuu! Amazing Job!" The boy could not feel more proud, energetic and loved.
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The fight between Guren and Mika is stopped by you. You recognise the old friend Yuu has always talked about.
“What the hell? Get out of my way, Y/N!”
“No, Guren! Don’t you see it ? It’s Mika !”
“Yes, all I see, is a Vampire!”
Mika was ready to lunge at you when he overheard a particular name….
“Yes, a Vampire yet Yuus old friend Mika!”
Mika: “Yuu?”
Guren: “Come on, he is changed and a blood sucker!”
“Still his friend and family!”
You are the only person who can stop Guren. He sinks his sword and scoffs at your attempt.
"Thank you, Guren!" You said with a slight smile.
Yuu knows that he can trust you and such actions brought more and more bond towards you. After all, you and Guren belong to his family.
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Yuu loves you with all his heart. Wherever he sees you, he has to smile and talk to you. He appreciates how nice, strong, independent, pretty, warm, motherly you are and definitely can kick Gurens ass. He knows that he can be a bit arrogant too or too motivated to fight vampires but you regularly get to him when you say: "You have that from him! Don't imitate Guren so much!" Yuu deny this fact with all he can. "I am not like him!" "You are..:" "Never...!" "You totally do..:!" "Do not!" You bicker a bit until you pat his head lovingly which makes him stop and enjoys your touching. You smile warmly at him and just say he should behave now. Of course, he listens to you. In emotional moments, you hug him without a warning. He needs it and just let his body rest on yours. There are more moments than he can count, he would love just to say 'I love you, mom' and often almost had this word on his tongue.
Later, when Yuu joins the Japanese Imperial army, you start to be the stressed out person. You worry too much even though you look like to him the chillest person. After he got injured real bad, you killed the vampire who hurt him and stood at his side on the bed for hours until he wakes up with teary eyes and still your weapon in your hands. Still dizzy, he slipped the ma word without realizing it as he sees you. "Mom...?" You caress his cheek and mumble a soft: "Yes, mom is here, dear." A few tears slipped from your eyes.
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The time were you couldn't save Guren and he was dragged away by a Noble. You don't know why you felt like shit. But he sends you a gaze that you should leave. You both know that Yuu would freak out and wants to save you both if you fail. So you should retreat and calm Yuu down.
Before you left him, you delivered Guren your threat that you kill him again if he dies before you save him. He just lies on the floor with a painful smirk. "I guess that is my only fear..."
Of course, Yuu was furious yet you talked some sense to him. Walking with Yuu alone home, if gives you a feeling how single mothers have to feel. However, this showed you how important this idiot became to you.
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Yes, Yuu is a big fan of your fighting style. He loves to brag about you in front of his friends. Sometimes, he tries to imitate you but Shinoa lost it as shakes hair for the hairflip.
„You are such a mamasboy!“
„Did you see her ? How she got very vampire?! Cool, right?“
Of course his male friends were impressed, too. They are your own little Fanclub. Congratulations.
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Sometimes, you overhear Guren talking about you in front of Yuu… More like :
“Well, she is a good archer but she lacks sharpness in a fight. She is too emotional and diverted…”
“What did you just say about me?”
Every time, both gained a heart attack!
“Who saved your ass last time from the vampire chick before she could sank her teeth in your-!?”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah! No need to speak out details! That was close I know!”
Yuu loves when you two bicker and laughs heartily. He knows you two show affection by teasing each other.
“Don’t laugh! It happened only this time!”
“Only this time?! I believe Shinya has a whole album of How Y/N saves Guren from silly situations. "
"From what does he not have an album..." The colonel groans.
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nayruwu · 9 months
SO... I was just thinking, let's say hypothetically.. mahiru guren & shinya weren't toxic ca16 was written by a less misogynist author then would you like mahigureshin as like poly ship? It just came in my head as much as I dislike how author wrote them esp mahirus character I still think in alternative setting it might work?? They are kind of catastrophic trio with very poetic themes & victim of fate kinda afterall.
honestly probably yeah. most powerful trio imagineable.
although i actually have no clue what mahiru's personality would be like were she not written by such an author. i think i've read some cool modern AUs in which i really liked her - kickass businesswoman that overworks herself trying to get her little sister out of a difficult situation while simulteanously juggling her relationship with her boyfriend and their shared trophy wife, i think that'd fit her well. "all you do is work :(" "you don't understand i'm doing this for us!!!111!1!1!!1!!!" type of stuff.
i will forever treasure that little snippet of her and shinya making fun of guren together, that was adorable. the way things should've been.
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regle-side2 · 9 months
Guren : Pa-
Young Yuu : Pa..
Guren : Pa.
Young Yuu : …Pa!
Guren : Who am I?
Young Yuu : MAMA!
Guren : *flustered*
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svtellify · 1 year
yuu and guren represent the side of humanity that would do anything for their loved ones, even commit heavenly sins and break taboos. it's not realistic, but in the grand scheme of things, that's the essence of being human⎯struggling with losing people you didn't think you were supposed to.
mika opposing that wanting to let the dead stay dead while he himself is no longer human sets him up as the perfect foil for guren, i would say, because you're right: ons wouldn't be ons without either of the two characters.
adding on to that⎯yuu not being entirely human either and swaying between selfishness for the sake of it and saving everyone bc it’s “right” almost signifies that battle between his human side and the other (seraph? demon? angel?) side. yuu's an interesting case bc he and mika have this whole past (and they aren't even humans) that adds to their story line because then it raises the question⎯is it human to be selfish and then regret it and wish to atone? is it inhuman to be selfish with reckless abandon?
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levbolton · 1 year
Shoutout to the gay shonen.
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gureshinlover · 1 year
Yuu fans love to act like Guren's whole deal should be loving Yuu. "Shikama loves his son and does everything for him" ok Guren also has people he's doing everything for: his friends. Does Guren have to love Yuu more than his friends, his family? He loves Yuu too, but his most important thing is Shinya and others.
And it's not like Yuu minds that Guren loves his family more than anything, because yuu is also obsessed with his fam! Yuu also considers Mika and his friends more important than Guren, even though he'd try save Guren along with them too.
Guren's first aim was saving his family, and then the rest of humanity. He's working towards the bigger aim rn, and he cant just sacrifice it all to make Yuu a bit happier.
Actually im sure Guren wasnt even planning to act like an older brother/father figure to Yuu in the beginning. There wasnt a plan to be a important figure to him and then betray his trust. Guren just has a kind and soft heart, and he probably couldn't help but act kind towards Yuu when he was a kid (and he feels guilty towards him too, just like that one kid he acted nice to in wra19)
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winterserafu · 2 years
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The time has come
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amethystroselily · 6 months
Catastrophe at 16 is a group of people trying to communicate how much they care about the protagonist and swearing they’re undying love for him as he learns the importance of friendship and gets through that emotional barrier. Vampire Reign is the protagonist desperately trying to convince his acquaintances that they’re all actually besties because he is desperate for a sense of community and connection.
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koharuzz · 10 months
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I like his pose and everything, he just looks so good there
Also just noticed that he look pretty older on this panel, his features seems more mature or even "realistic" than usual
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feridsluver · 1 year
Y'all also, I have seen that alchemistsaliane is gone. Does anyone know why she has deactivated her account?
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kuregure · 10 months
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bro needs a break and a cup of tea 🍵
It's hard to raise children, isn't it Guren ?
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