bestfuckinmusic · 1 year
A.M.Q.A. - Mutant Cats From Hell - 1988
Atlanta crossover/hardcore from the 80s. Never been sure about what AMQA stood for though!
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tubzthelilbeeboy · 17 days
just came home from the trilogy tour. I sound like a dying rat and my ears are ringing but it was so worth it to see my main girly pop Melanie <3333 SHES SO HOT AND COOL AND AMQAING AND I LUV HER MUSIC SOSOSOOSOSOOOOOO MUCH
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amqa-experts · 1 year
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AMQA Experts comprises a group of experienced professionals specializing in Quality Assurance and Software Testing. They have been delivering testing services for more than 9 years and have achieved global client satisfaction.
By employing innovative strategies and effective coordination, they strive to surpass conventional standards in Software Testing and Quality Assurance, resulting in impressive outcomes.
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gacougnol · 3 years
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Fazal Sheikh
Amqa - Acre District
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kat-hawke · 4 years
Fssh qam h'iwn
(Immediately following [Dark Sands, Darker Skies])
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‘Nuq zuq lwhuk qi'uothk far'al aq zaix hnakf lal.’
The whisper repeated again and again in rounds, the volume fluctuating every few times as her gaze was glued to the glowing red sigils upon the obsidian obelisk. Small and cautious steps were taken, unaware of her own compelled movement as her mind solely focused on the sinister scripture. Step by step she drew closer, the dark tome shifted to the other hand as she began to reach out towards the blackened surface.
‘Nuq zuq lwhuk qi'uothk far'al aq zaix hnakf lal.’
Gloved fingertips made contact with the carved stone, trailing outward until the palm rested flat upon the surface. At first nothing seemed to happen, the whispers stopped an left an unsettling silence in their absence and the thrumming sense of power in the air went still. The metaphoric calm before the storm lasted only a split second before her hand was forced hard against the obelisk.
‘Nuq zuq lwhuk qi'uothk far'al aq zaix hnakf lal.’
An unseen power surged across the body, causing the back to arch as she went up on the toes of the boots. Her head threw back with widened eyes as the free arm went rigid with contracted muscles. Invisible as it was a dark entity touched the minds eye, vision after vision flashing through her consciousness like a skipping film.
Uldum; completely devoured by N’zoth’s forces. The oasis and river now running red with blood, the once lush banks now dark and twisted as fissures seeped sentient oozelings. For miles in either direction the sand shifted with life, the drones and behemoths of the aqir swarming and constructing hives. The Halls of Origination bleed with the void, the pyramid cracked and scared, it’s defenders long since defeated. Countless banners and obelisks littered the skies and landscape.
‘Vwyq agth sshoq'meg N'Zoth vra zz shfk qwor ga'halahs agthu. Uulg'ma, ag qam.’
The Vale; suffering a similar fate as Uldum. The valley was broken and writhing with flesh, the Palace destroyed and flooded with dark power. The Celestials lay defeated in the once vibrant fields, their corpses sapped of their illumination as faceless monstrosities consume the bodies. Both shrines and their defenders overrun by the Old God’s forces, those who resisted were slain on the steps.
‘Mg'uulwi N'Zoth, eth'razzqi worg zz oou.’
Orgrimmar; dark and crawling with minions and converts. Buildings reduced to rubble as others were choked by twisting appendages sprouting from the ground. A massive eye hovered above the center building, pulsating with power that those below worshiped on their knees. Many of which took their fate willingly, accepting truth in the whispers while those who stood against became fodder for the feeding grounds.
‘Shath'mag vwyq shu et'agthu, Shath'mag sshk ye! Krz'ek fhn'z agash zz maqdahl or'kaaxth'ma amqa.’
Stormwind City; the cobblestone street ran red with dried blood and ichor which flowed from the fleshy tumors sprouting in the canal streets. The cathedral which was once the holiest sight was now covered in pulsating tentacles and gaping maws, becoming the epicenter for the spread of darkness. Murdered civilians were food for the flying worms, those who gave in worshiped their new god in the streets before the twisted and blood soaked banners.
‘Shath'mag vwyq shu et'agthu, Shath'mag sshk ye! Ag'rr hazz ak'yel ksh ga'halahs pahg.’
With another flash the vision dove deeper, revealing the twisted state of SI:7. Fellow agents and operatives patrolled the streets, the once pristine uniforms now dark and transformed to fit their new master. Citizens who still resisted were tied and lined up, mercilessly used as target dummies for the dark agents.
Attention shifted down the street as the Director spotted herself, moving with a purposeful stride and clad head to toe in the sinister leathers, an eye of the observer embedded in the center of the chest piece. Eyes were black as a moonless sky and face void of emotion, the head of her professional rival Thea Fiske swung by the hair snagged in her fingers. Two dark agents followed, flanking either side.
‘Fssh qam ak'agathShi Fssh qam h'iwn.’
The sense of power and authority in the sight took root in her conscious mind. The sensation nearly tangible as the desire to reach out and touch the mirror image of herself was nearly too much to handle.
Ejected roughly back into reality Kat gasped for air. The obelisk crumbled on the spot beneath her palm, fingers instinctively curled, catching a small piece of the rubble. Something about the action felt forced by an outside influence. Turning the hand over she studied the chuck of obsidian and the single sigil engraved upon the surface, still faintly glowing the eerie red hue.
‘Bwixki amala zal qulllll...’
As the final whisper trailed off her attention snapped over the shoulder, plate boots were approaching. What had felt like several minutes turned out to be a few seconds in reality, the previously distracted beheaders were making their return. Without delay feet pushed against the ground, a hasty jog to the building wall where she’d scale the wooden awning to the rooftops again.
Collecting what she came for and more, she vanished into the desert night.
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(Chapter I: Dark Secrets) (Chapter II: Descent) ( [pt.I] [pt.II] )
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wyrmguardsecrets · 7 years
Shath'mag vwyq shu et'agthu, Shath'mag sshk ye! Krz'ek fhn'z agash zz maqdahl or'kaaxth'ma amqa!
Big mood
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candtoys · 4 years
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NEW Fairy Houses and NEW fairies in store at Celebrations & Toys and online at www.candtoys.co.uk Let’s start sorting out those lovely Fairy Gardens!! (at Stonham Barns Leisure & Retail Village) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8Q5Ix-AMQa/?igshid=1tvgesudymd11
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randyt0rres · 5 years
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#Happy #Birthday to my #Mum #foodporn #foodie #foodlove #foodlover #foodpassion #foodphotography #food #foodblogger #foodgasm #foodoftheday #photography #photooftheday #instagood #instadaily #healthy #instafood #igersphilippines #igersmanila #yummy #manila #philippines #foodpics #foodstagram #delicious #holiday #vacation #trip https://www.instagram.com/p/B3rzkh-AmQa/?igshid=bly8zwe5snqo
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missleading · 5 years
#amanamarth @raptor_ritter (at Ak-Chin Pavilion) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bw-5eA-AmQa/?igshid=ogvfgv9b2cxs
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bloggingbucket · 7 years
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buzzorhowl · 8 years
shouldve been a preskool dropouts cover
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wyrmguardsecrets · 7 years
"I don't get it. I'm such a nice guy to this girl that I met at that cafe in Stormwind. Why won't she let me sacrifice her to our endless and nameless masters in the Void? Shath'mag vwyq shu et'agthu, Shath'mag sshk ye! Krz'ek fhn'z agash zz maqdahl or'kaaxth'ma amqa!"
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dagwolf · 11 years
A.M.Q.A. "Cats are Neat" (7", 1986)
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johnpseudonym-blog · 12 years
AMQA, Cats are Neat
Cat survives 2 euthanasia attempts in Utah animal shelter's gas chamber, now has new home
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