#amris is having the no fun awful time
thebibliomancer · 3 years
Song of the Dark Crystal liveblog pt 27
Song of the Dark Crystal by J.M. Lee because satire is defeated. Now the only form of humor will be clever wordplay.
Last times on book: Kylan, Naia, Tavra (who is stuck in a spider), and new party member Amri are on a quest to save the Grottan Clan from millions of angry spiders who want their caves back and from the Skeksis Satirist skekLi. They also want to find a bell-bird bone to make a special magical flute with to warn all Gelfling about the danger the Skeksis pose. Both of these objectives dovetailed nicely when Kylan tooted on the bone to ward off the spiders and with the help of a pair of convenient urRu trapped skekLi.
That’s why you need a bard in your party.
Chapter 27
How do you solve a problem like skekLi?
urVa and urLii stop chanting but the effects continue, keeping skekLi from moving. He handles it with mature resignation.
“This is not...,” skekLi began. He shot a look at Naia and Kylan, then back at his Mystic brothers. “This is not nice - not fair!”
This is why we need to set out rules ahead of time.
The Skeksis could propose the rule ‘urRu can’t be used to paralyze Skeksis’ and then the Gelfling could propose ‘you’re not allowed to drink us.’
urVa, ever the most proactive urRu, tells skekLi to let the Gelfling go.
“Or what? You’ll raise that bow and run me through? And what happens to our other, eh?”
urVa stood watch while urLii began the winding descent down the corrie wall. He made the climb look easy with all four hands and his long-toed, bare feet, almost as dextrous as a spider himself. He paused on a ledge, half-hanging from the rock face, and tapped his chin. He was close enough now that his thoughtful murmur was audible.
“Hmm... That would be an interesting turn of events...”
urLii pls
That’s a heck of a train of thought! But please ponder non-existence on your own time!
Naia tells Kylan that they should really just amscray on their own. Kylan fearlessly steps in skekLi range to grab Tavra who is still plopped on the floor from the power of the bell-bird bone.
skekLi was spiny with anger, all the quills and feathers along his neck and the back of his head raised. His bloodshot eyes burned with hatred and vengeful excitement.
Body language! Pissed off vulture crocodile dinosaur body language!
Since he’s frozen in place, skekLi’s last remaining weapon is his wicked tongue wielded witheringly.
He warns the Gelfling that if they thought his spider servants were bad, wait until they see what his pal skekUng is making.
“Big servants. Mindless, heartless servants. Flawless servants, with claws that could snap Gelfling in two. See what Gelfling do then, eh... if any are left.”
Oh snap, thats what we call foreshadowing! And maybe dramatic irony?
This is another time in the book where Kylan has no idea how to respond to something so just doesn’t. I think that might have been three times?
I’ve been wondering how Kylan, Naia, and Tavra were going to get down with all the bridges broke but the freed Grottan just come flying in and scoop up the two Gelfling as skekLi can do nothing but glare.
Huh. So it makes sense that the Drenchen Gelfling have adapted to their environment by having wings that are more like fins. But why do the cave dwelling Grottan still have fully flight functional wings.
Although, if the story about the founding of the Grottan Clan are accurate, they’d be the youngest clan so maybe they just haven’t had time yet.
Also, interesting detail. It takes only one Grottan girl to carry Naia away but it takes two to carry Kylan. Dunno if Kylan is just heavier or whether Naia is using her own wings to lighten the load.
So now that they have a Skeksis trapped on a mushroom, the party has the grand ‘so what the heck do we do with skekLi we have trapped on a mushroom?’
Tavra cautions that skekLi won’t be trapped for long. Probably eventually the other Skeksis will come rescue and/or laugh at him. And then he’ll tell them everything that transpired. Then they’ll probably laugh harder. But even if he already told the others what the main characters are up to, they shouldn’t take that chance.
“What are you saying, that we should kill him?” Naia asked. “And urLii with him? That’s not right. urLii didn’t do anything wrong!”
“No one’s done anything wrong,” urLii corrected. He met them and the Grottan, dusting his hands of rocks and sand from his climb. “We are all doing what it is we do, what is our nature and our character. Right and wrong... are a terribly complex song.”
“But that doesn’t help us,” said Naia.
Characters keep getting frustrated by urLii’s philosophizing.
Kylan tries asking urLii what they should do about skekLi but his answer is “I suppose that depends on your character” which isn’t very helpful.
Kylan realizes that he’s gotta be the tie-breaker between Naia and Tavra. Amri is also here but he’s not voting.
Huh! Funny how this book had a pattern of Kylan being the tie-breaker between Naia and Tavra but it hasn’t actually been Tavra for most of it. And now that it is the real Tavra, the pattern is repeating anyway.
So Kylan considers how awful the Skeksis are. What the Hunter has done in general and to Kylan specifically. How Tavra is a spider now because of skekLi. And how he tried to kill Naia, showing that he isn’t even loyal to his own kind (weird that that’s a minus in the column but whatever).
urLii proposed that there was no right or wrong, but that in itself did not seem right. It wasn’t wrong, either. The paradox gave him a headache.
“I don’t think we should kill him,” Kylan said in the end. “The Gelfling are a peaceful people. Even when we fight among ourselves. If we’re to be the heroes of this song, we must show mercy, even when we’re not shown mercy ourselves. The Skeksis have done terrible things to us... but I would rather believe that we can unite for the good of our people, not for revenge.”
Its a nice sentiment, Kylan. Its a good principle.
I know that I’ve had similar thoughts in the past. I’m torn because I know where this is all going. And I wonder if the near complete wiping out of the Gelfling clans could have been prevented if the Gelfling fought dirty. Maybe not. And the Gelfling become dicks in the future, even with the example of Jen and Kira as the foundation of their society so who could say what they’d become if they became cynical pragmatists to defeat the Skeksis.
I don’t have an answer.
It’s hard to fight the Skeksis because they have in-built hostages.
Tavra is disappointed that she thinks Kylan is advocating for just letting skekLi go but he clarifies that they DEFINITELY should keep him imprisoned here but someone will need to watch him and keep other Skeksis from finding him.
Still picking bits of spiderweb from her cloak, Maudra Argot stepped forward from the small group of Grottan. Of the thirty-seven Grottan Gelfling, even fewer remained, bedraggled and afraid, some elders but mostly younglings Amri’s age. They had lost the Caves of Grot as well - all in exchange for the bone-flute. Kylan’s heart broke for them all, and he hoped that it was worth the sacrifice.
Oof. They were already so few and now they’re so fewer.
But anyway, Maudra Argot says the Grottan will take up the task. They’ll move into the Sanctuary and guard skekLi as they have guarded other secrets.
In fairness, they can’t return to Domrak. The spiders have claimed it. And even if Kylan helped evict them with the bone-flute, they’d just return. Caves are theirs again.
urLii also offers to help keep skekLi here.
“Between the Shadowlings and myself, I believe skekLi’s song has come to an end.”
That’s a fun way of saying that he’s not going to do anything important ever again and that he’s going to rot away on his mushroom prison.
Maudra Argot also tells Amri that he’s to stay with the group and go with them to Ha’rar. Wait, does she think they’ll actually make it there ever?
But she says she won’t be happy until the Vapra have to acknowledge the Grottan and also that Amri needs to grow as a person. Going on quests can help with that!
Kylan says they should get going. He needs to make the bone into a firca and he’s never made one so he doesn’t know how long it’ll take. And he can’t mess it up because THERE’S ONLY ONE BONE LEFT out of the entire extinct species!
He suddenly realizes the weight of the task after fighting so hard to get the bone. He wanted a purpose and he got one and a purpose does not sit light.
Kylan also really hopes that they don’t have to go through the Tide Pass again but he’d rather that three hundred times than stick around skekLi any more.
“I would give my life to stop him from escaping,” [urLii] remarked. “He is me, after all. But I do not believe it will be necessary. Even if it were, it would certainly be a dramatic moment, eh?”
You’re a weird guy, urLii.
Maybe you’re the one guy on Thra who thinks more in terms of stories than Kylan does.
“We spoke with Mother Aughra, before we came to Domrak,” Kylan said. “She had no words for us. She said only time would tell. That understanding the heavens would find us in our place, I think is what she meant. If we could understand the grand song, we would be able to find our way. But... the Gelfling don’t have time for that. We have to cut our own paths. We have to make the choice between being the weaver or the woven. The teller and the told. The singer and the song... But I choose to be both.”
urLii scratched his chin with his slender fingers and tilted his head.
“Hmmm! Weaver and the woven, eh? Where did you hear such fine advice?”
Kylan smiled and sighed.
“Goodbye, urLii. I hope to meet again someday.”
“We probably will not. But I will hear the song of the bell-bird again, yes... When light and shadows collide, under the triple suns.”
Of course, Kylan has no idea what it all means. He’s getting some vague grasping of the bigger picture of the Great Conjunction but its still unclear.
On their way out, Kylan stops to look back at skekLi’s baleful gaze and starts worrying about his spiteful declaration about what skekUng has in store.
He wants to think its a lie but skekLi included too many specific details for it be something he pulled out of his ass. Like, who even is skekUng? The name drop means nothing to Kylan!
Tavra tells him to look away and for a moment, Kylan imagines that he can see her as she was, bipedal and not an inch tall.
“Forget him for now, or you will not be able to look ahead.”
He did as she suggested, turning his back on the Skeksis’s piercing gaze and hurrying after his friends.
Tavra here with the good advice.
I like that she’s not just here to be the one with bad opinions all the time. And that she’s protective of Kylan.
And since she’s now a tiny spider, she’s just emotionally protective of him.
She tried to protect Naia in Shadows so I just think that’s who Tavra is.
Anyway... OH NO only two chapters left??
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skekheck · 4 years
30 Days of the Dark Crystal Challenge
Decided to do poultry-blocks Dark Crystal challenge because it looks like a lot of fun to do. However I’m cheating and I wrote all of this within a couple of days. Warning: fairly large post with pictures and fan ramblings. 
EDIT: I FORGOT TO INCLUDE DAY 16 WHOOP. It’s in there now. 
Day 1. Your favorite skeksis
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Idiot, feral, wildman who stole my heart. How? Why? Who knows. *chef kisses* Beautiful stinky bastard.
Day 2: Your favorite gelfling
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Bless her and her skeksis cosplay. What a queen.
Day 3: A character that you love that everyone seems to hate.
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The tides are changing for her it seems. I think people are appreciating her more, but she still faces her fair share of controversies. Not that I don’t think it warrants discussion nor am I excusing her actions. But she’s way more complex than what a lot of people are making her out to be.
Day 4: A character that you hate that everyone seems to love. 
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Hate is a strong word as I don’t hate him, but I don’t really care for Amri. He feels like a bootleg Deet mixed with a little bit of Kylan and Gurjin. Wasted potential and honestly shouldn’t have been the POV for Tides of the Dark Crystal. Seems I’m alone in this opinion, though. Maybe the book warrants rereading?
Day 5: Movie or TV Show? Why?
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TV Show by miles! I think the series accomplishes way more than the movie does, like establishing lore,  better written characters, and a more engaging story. I actually cared about the gelfling and it really fleshed out the skeksis in an interesting way outside of “oh they do evil things because they’re evil!”. Doesn’t mean it does everything right, but I’ll get into that later.  
Day 6: Something you wish that happened in the series but didn’t.
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Just a few things. I miss the gelfling intermingling with the mystics, particularly urVa. I love everything that happens with urGoh and skekGra, but some of the bonding moments Naia had with urVa are precious and I wish we had more of that. I also wished the gelfling got the message out to the other clans like they did in the book where Kylan dreametched their message onto the Santuary Tree’s blossoms and scattered them all throughout Thra. I also wished Tavra and Onica were an established couple, but maybe it’s not too late for that.
Day 7: Favorite gelfling clan
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The Sifa! It was the Dousan at first, but the more I learned about the Sifa the more I grew to love the clan. If I were a gelfling I would probably be a sifa myself LOL. 
Day 8: You opinion on Aughra
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She’s a fun and fascinating character! Aughra puts a unique spin on the whole beautiful, wise earth goddess trope by making her ugly, old, and cranky. She’s also a character with her own flaws, even having a mini arc about neglecting to take care of her planet and doing whatever she can to make amends. Not to mention she’s wildly entertaining. Much love for Aughra!
Day 9: Skeksis or Gelfling?
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Day 10: Your opinion on podlings?
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They’re just funky little potato people who just want to have fun, dance, and drink all day and I respect them for that. They’re great. Also Hup exists and he’s just an amazing character so there’s that.
Day 11: Your The Dark Crystal unpopular opinion
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I think it’s okay to sympathize with the skeksis as long as one is not excusing their actions. I see a lot of people say you shouldn’t because they’re evil and they commit atrocities. Which, yes, it’s true, but I think both can co-exist. I mean, skekTek’s whole cycle of abuse is written very sympathetically yet the show doesn’t coddle him. It shows the ugliness of his character and what happens when someone isn’t capable of cutting off from said cycle. Also the writers consider the skeksis as tragic characters due to their broken nature so I don’t think it’s wrong to be a little sympathetic. But once again with great emphasis, sympathy is fine as long as their actions are judged. They are awful bastards and no amount of sympathy will change that. 
Day 12: Something you dislike about the series
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I think the stuff I don’t like about the show is a result of its pacing and cluttered cast. There are so many stories going on and while I liked how they handled it for the most part, you can also see how the show rushes to get through all of them. A lot of important moments where a character should reflect or something that should simmer more is pushed aside for the next thing. Maybe if the show was given more episodes and time to breath it would have been better off. 
Day 13: Most disappointing thing about the series
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SkekMal and urVa didn’t have enough screen time and we were honestly ROBBED. 
Day 14: Your OTP
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Speaking of which... . Its a crack ship, but I’m all about that allegory for self love (and I just want these two to be alive). Day 15: Favorite quote
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Listed plenty of my favorite quotes before, but I’ll pick this one:
“ Life is my paint. Death is my canvas”
Day 16: Rate the skeksis from least favorite to favorite OR rate the gelfling from lest favorite to favorite [or both!]
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And if you want my gelfling hot takes, here’s this list (just backwards in context to this post)
Day 17: Opinion on Raunip?
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Raunip is a fantastic character. I loved him in Creation Myths and I can’t wait to see what role he’d play in the resistance. And I absolutely love the parallels between him and the urskeks it’s great. 
Day 18: A character that is most similar to you.
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I too am a dark-dwelling gremlin who constantly forgets where I put things and crack a few dark jokes at my expense. 
Day 19: Which character do you strongly dislike, why?
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This is entirely based on the books, but I find Mera to be awful.  I think it’s because she’s so fake and condescending? When Naia arrived in Sami Thicket, she was acting nice and polite but when the Drenchen asked her why the skeksis never visited Sog Mera responded  “It’s only worth counting what’s valuable”. She continuously disrespects her by calling her pet names even when Naia became maudra. It doesn’t come off as cute, it’s gross. I don’t recall Mera ever apologizing for any of the shit she did to Naia... or Kylan for that matter. She was a pretty neglectful step-mother to him. She doesn’t have an excuse being busy with Maudra stuff because Laesid was a kickass mom to her kids. So in conclusion, fuck this bitch.
Day 20: What do you like so much about the Dark Crystal?
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The better question what’s not to love about the Dark Crystal? It has amazing creature design, an expansive world that feels real and alien from our own, having complex and interesting characters as well as villains, the fact that it relies heavily on practical effects a.k.a puppetry... . There’s nothing like it and that’s what makes it so wonderful and unique. It needs to be appreciated more. 
Day 21: Favorite music piece from the soundtrack?
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Can’t beat that opening theme. 
Day 22: Your opinion on the sequel comics [Power/Beneath the Dark Crystal]
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They have cool concepts and ideas, but they’re not written well. Power is just the movie if it was put into a blender and shredded and ignoring a large portion of established lore for the sake of plot. And Beneath is just a generic fantasy story with the Dark Crystal logo slapped on it. 
Day 23: Which character from the YA novels/comics do you wish we would see more of?
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There are plenty of characters that are a given to appear in the series at some point (skekSa, skekLi, urSan, etc). And of course I want to see them, but I really hope Periss shows up (and his brother too). He is one of my favorite characters from the book series and we could use some more Dousan rep!
Day 24: Your opinion on the Age of Resistance comic?
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I have yet to read the comics. I’m waiting on them to be part of a collection so I don’t have to buy all of the volumes at once (I prefer owning physical copies). I’ve heard good things about them, especially the story with Hup and the current Mayrin arc. I’m excited to get my hands on them. 
Day 25: The best moment/scene in the series?
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There are a lot of great moments, but Rian and Ordon’s fight with skekMal is still my favorite in the entire series. The "Speak For the Dead” scene is a close second.
Day 26: The death of a character that hurt you the most?
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He did not deserve this. Fuck you, skekMal. 
Day 27: Your favorite episode from the series?
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It’s got to be 4. Not just because a number of my favorite characters debut in this episode, but it’s an important one for the plot. Stakes are being raised, we’re seeing set ups to major story elements and character arcs, and events that impact the rest of the series. It also has a handful of my favorite character moments and interactions. 
Day 28: Your favorite non-skeksis and non-gelfling character? Why?
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I’ve come to realize the reasons why I love urVa are the same as why I love skekMal (incredibly appropriate I might say). There’s enough information about him that we get a good understanding on who he is as a character, but still mysterious enough that there’s interest in wanting to know more. Much like his skeksis, he’s unique from the other mystics and thus giving him unique experiences that are fun to speculate. However, the YA novels are responsible for my current fondness of him. 
Day 29: Do you like the urru and skeksis apart or like them as urSkeks together?
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A main theme of the Dark Crystal is unity and balance. The main conflict of the franchise are the skeksis, the broken fragments of their urskek self who, according to the writers, “...[have] a dire need for the qualities they lack”. Their only salvation is to become urskeks again and unfortunately many of the pairs never achieve this.  They’re basically a giant allegory for the self and self-love. While we don’t really know what they were like when they were an urskek (aside from SilSol perhaps), we can get some understanding when we look at their pairs and see what traits they share. Speculation is also fun! So as much as I love the skeksis and mystics as individuals, I prefer them to be whole again.
Day 30: What are your wishes for a possible season 2?
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A whole bunch of things. I want to see them explore more about the mystics and their lifestyle, having Raunip play a big part in the plot, seeing more of skekSa’s fall from grace from her perspective, the beginning of the Garthim Wars, and more. 
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cuziloveyou7 · 4 years
15 questions
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I was tagged by the always wonderful: @randombtsprincessa ofcourse!
Tagging: @everyone who wants to do it, @taevolucion, @an-annyeoing-writer, @kittylefayy, @oheyura, @http-je0n, @swthhhie
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1. It’s your birthday! What did you ask for and did you receive it?
Okay so I'm the most basic person because I never know what to ask for. I usually ask for money or gift cards so I can buy my skincare or make up (which I don't use tbh but I just love make up so much!!!). Love to get flowers! Got them once from mom! My mom does have a whole list of ce moi... so far she promised to get me but still haven't received....
2. What was the last song or album you listened to?
Okay so imma do both! Last song was Badass women by Meghan Trainor (I needed happy and confidence) and last album was Eric Nam's The other side!
3. What is your go-to snack when you’re hungry or bored?
Ehmmm... so I rarely eat unless I'm actually hungry (blame the eating disorder, I'm good now tho but old habits die hard) so skyflex maybe? Because the only time I do do this is when it's period time and it's just a mess with what I want to eat!
4. What is your morning routine?
On a work day I wake up at 5 am, take a shower, wash my face, dress half way, skincare, eat, brush my teeth, dress fully, go to work. On days off I set my alarm at a comfortable time, slowly wake up, either shower after getting out or just lazy around the living before taking a shower, eat and play games, make some moodboards, day dream or go out if I have anything planned. I'm having a gap year so yeah imma take it slow! Can't do much with Rona anyways!
5. What mythical/cryptic creature would you be?
I was highly convinced I was the embodiment of a unicorn but I don't think I deserve that title. I wish I could be a Valkyrie because they badass. But I also kinda wanna be a mermaid/siren or fairy/fae/pixie! Idk man lemme be all!
6. How do you interact with someone that you don’t like?
Kinda nonchalant... idk I be nice and be normal but I don't put much effort in that person.
7. How do you define a toxic person?
Yooo! Das hard tho! Because I've met different types of toxic ppl. The ones I usually interact with are usually takers and I've always been a giver! I'm working on getting the right proportion of both because either one is very unhealthy on it's own. It's like ying and yang, you gotta find balance peeps! Ohh and toxic ppl usually make it so you think you're always in the wrong and at fault..
8. Have you ever been to a concert or fan meet type of event? If not, would you want to?   
This is a sad story... I've only been to 1 concerts in my whole 20 years of life... would've been 2 in july but no BTS for me thanks to Rona.... I would love to go to more concerts in the future when it's possible again! But for now stay safe loves!
9. Do you believe in astrology? Why or why not?
Eehhh.. yes and no? Like there are certain aspects I do. Also I'm more into the spiritual side of it? If that's what you can call it tho? Like the random posts you see on sm I don't take to heart. Also those magazine astrology is junk. Idk man it's hard because I also think you define you! You are your own person and that's the tea! Bc if I was to completely believe it I would be a pessimistic, workaholic who is most likely obsessed with money and success...
10. If you had only one sense (hearing, touch, sight, etc.) what would you want?
Sight! I have so much respect for people who can't see or have really bad vision. I can't imagine not being able to see all the wonderful things life offers❤
11. Who is your favorite celebrity or idol?
BTS! Tbh I used to have a lot of ppl on this list but everyone so problematic, so far BTS aren't problematic and just overal sweethearts and baby! It's some of our toxic amry fam I wanna bash sometimes..
12. If you could talk to your favorite celebrity(ies) for a limited time, what would you tell them?
Like, thank you! For real! These guys are like a remedy for whenever I'm down or when my severe mental health issues start acting up again.
Also you guys are awesome, be healthy, be happy, be safe, never ever doubt yourself cause you're all doing a great job. Nobody knows what they're actually doing, life is weird but from what I can see you're doing a great job at it. One day I want to be able to help and impact others lives as much as you guys 💜
13. I’m taking you out on a date and it’s your choice. Where are we going?
YOOO!!! I have been thinking about this a lot as of recent years! Since romance seems to be non existent until now (someone was flirting with me for the first time and it was awful but a fun experience hahaha) I never thought about it. I knew dinner is off the table, because I just don't enjoy eating out. At first I was like going to the film is great, I don't have to talk and it won't be awkward. But that's just awful because how we get to know more things about eachother? So what I would really enjoy is going to an amusement park/carnival or fair (whatever it's called) or like fun game things like lasergaming/paintball/karting/arcade/ those wood climbing things? Idk what it's called. It's so much fun, it's active and you're getting to know each other! It doesn't feel formal and stuck up. After sometime I would also enjoy going to art galleries or museums, picknicks are cute too! But I feel like those are more intimate so I want the fun and crazy stuff first hahaha.
14. Do you like sweet or savory foods?
Savory kinda gall but I do love myself some sweets. So depends on the food.
15. Do you have any band merchandise or merchandise from any of your favorite artists? If so, what?
YES MA'AM!!!! so most is bts! Got key chains, BT21 YALL!!! album! Rubber bracelet, posters, pins and a gorgeous bag designed by my gurliepren! Also got an exo chain from a friend and that's it so far! I want more, A LOT MORE!!! because I stan enough peeps!
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awed-frog · 7 years
that comment about what you think about soldiers' motivation is, in my opinion and despite your intention for it not to be, pretty offensive and shows a harmful stereotypical perception. even without immediate threat to their countries, people often sign up for military service just because they want to protect and make a contribution to a safer world. let's say UN blue helmets. would you say most police officers are just hungry for authority and do the job to beat up people?
Hi there - thank you for coming to talk to me about this instead of just assuming I’m a dick or sending me abuse or whatever - I appreciated it a lot. I understand that you’re upset - to be fair, this is a sensitive and complex issue, very close and personal for some people, and where we live and how we grew up is likely to have a huge impact on what we think about it. So, yeah - it was perhaps unkind of me to bring it up in two lines in the middle of an SPN meta. It’s definitely an important debate, though, and an issue which deserves to be discussed, so let’s see if I can make my opinion a little clearer.
First of all, I should say that I’m privileged enough to live in a ‘normal’ country. I’ve never been afraid of the police - quite the opposite - and I recognize both policemen and soldiers do an important job which is necessary to a democratic society. I also know their working conditions are often difficult, if not downright awful, and I appreciate their work as I do that of all civil servants. In fact, that’s why I distanced myself from far left groups years and years ago: their hatred and contempt for cops was starting to grate on my nerves, and the fact some of my ‘friends’ would make plans to isolate policemen during demonstrations in order to beat them up made me nauseous. As Italian artist Pier Paolo Pasolini wrote back in the day, policemen are first and foremost working people who often come from an underprivileged background, so a class war against them makes no sense at all (you can find the poem here in the original Italian and more about the historical context, in English, here).
That said, it’s an open secret that the police tends to attract, and recruit, mostly a specific type of person. In many countries there is an endemic problem because policemen are inevitably revealed to be far right sympathizers, or are otherwise prejudiced against minorities. 
(One part of the world which is very close to my heart is Northern Ireland, and today, April 5th, 2017, the region has again vowed to do better and recruit more Catholics into the force. Their numbers are now up to 31%, but it’s still not good enough, and it’s a situation likely to foment or create problems down the line, as all parties are well aware.)
Italy saw one of its biggest scandal almost twenty years ago, when during the demonstrations against the G8 summit taking place in Genoa, about a hundred students were illegally detained, humiliated, beaten and threatened with rape and torture (61 of them had to be treated for mild to serious injuries). More than a hundred policemen were indicted and had to withstand trial, but despite the abundance of incriminating material, none of them was ever punished (English Wikipedia account of the facts). That was by no means an isolated incident. Only one month ago, what should have been a successful example of international cooperation (the neutralization of Anis Amri, the man who’d carried out the deadly Christmas market attack in Berlin) was marred by the revelation that both Italian policemen who’d stopped and killed Anis Amri had a Facebook profile choke-full of Nazi and fascist imagery (English article). There was much embarrassed mumbling on the part of both governments, and some clamour further down - even Breitbart did a piece about it - but ultimately Germany decided against an award for the two policemen, because their political affiliations were perceived to trump their work and efforts to counter terrorism.
(Being on the force, like many other jobs, is usually something that runs in the family, and this is problematic for all those European countries which were still, until few decades ago, military dictatorships. Portugal, Spain, Italy, Greece, not to mention the Balkans and Eastern Europe - there is where you see the biggest problems in regard to who, exactly, chooses to be a policeman and why. In Greece, for instance, the cop who shot a 15-year-old student and unwittingly started the 2008 riots was the direct descendant of a family who’d enthusiastically collaborated with the Nazis in WW2; and the Greek far right movement Golden Dawn has deep links with both the police and the army.) 
And if we’re talking about soldiers, all these problems are magnified times a million. Again, I’m lucky enough not to see soldiers all that often, but I’m always wary of them (and I give them a very wide berth whenever I’m abroad) because it’s inevitably groups of loud young men with big weapons, and that’s rarely a safe combination. Here is where you see it again: in theory, being a soldier can be a noble calling (and let’s not mention, because this is not what we’re talking about, those who have no choice but to serve, either because of draconian conscription laws or because they’re too poor and uneducated to have any other choice), but be around career soldiers long enough and a pattern begins to emerge. I was never in the army myself, but I have friends from several countries who served, both in regular armies and in peace-keeping missions, or even combat, and the picture they paint is pretty bleak. According to them, even in the most mundane settings (such as basic training), a Lord of the Flies escalation can occur at any moment, because this is what happens when you stuff twenty young men together and force them to obey pointless orders all day long and punish the whole unit whenever something’s wrong. Hazing is common, and victims never speak up (when they do, they are generally mocked by their superiors and told to man up). Women in uniform are routinely excluded, made fun of, humiliated or (far) worse. The same goes for gay people and minorities. And, again, this is the situation in relaxed, normal circumstances - in peace time, and in your own country. These are simply things that happen out of boredom and a vague desire to establish your alpha status over someone else. When it comes to war, well, I havent yet heard of any army that hasn’t committed horrific crimes against civilians - but, again, this is not what we’re discussing now. Let’s just say that when it comes to the US army, the only force to have training bases in the entire world (and maybe the time has finally come to reconsider that), freak accidents and crimes are pretty common - and normally go unpunished. And I’m not talking about what happens in combat - that would be a whole other discussion - I’m talking about stupid, mindless, violent things some men do when they’re left to their own devices in a military setting. In Okinawa, local people are fed up by the problems caused by American soldiers - stuff including low-level crime, but also rapes and murder. And up in the Italian mountains, the memories of what happened in 1998 are still fresh - it took years to even understand how the events had unfolded, but as far as we know, the pilots of a military plane which had taken off from a nearby American base had simply ignored regulations to have fun - they’d been flying way too low, and, as a result, their plane cut the cable supporting a gondola from an aerial tramway, causing it to crash to the ground. Twenty people were killed, and yet every single soldier involved was acquitted.
So, well, I���m not saying that all soldiers are idiots, Nazi sympathizers or psychos (I never understood this new tumblr thing, by the way - the ‘not all men’ meme, because no, not all men: 90% of the men in my life, for instance, are decent, normal persons, and not part of the problem in any way). Not at all. What I’m saying is, we tend to gravitate towards specific jobs according to our likes, dislikes and general personality - and, in my experience, people who wish to be soldiers are people I don’t have much in common with; and, yes, very often they’re testosteronic young men who just want to dick around with weapons and tanks and, if at all possible, have some ‘fun’, possibly by beating each other up. After all, if you truly want to serve your country, there are many (less exciting and assault rifles-related) ways to do so. Teachers and nurses and garbage collectors and cleaning personnel, just off the top of my head, do far more for their countries than some kid in uniform will ever do (again - I’m thinking about my country here, which is not at war with anyone) and yet you never hear anyone thanking them for their service, or whatever. On the contrary - these professions are often lowly paid and not recognized by society at all. Maybe the world would change for the better if we stopped having so much respect for soldiers and we started thinking that other careers - such as taking care of the elderly, for instance - were a far more honourable choice for young men.
(On how our personalities lead us to specific jobs and how those jobs in turn shape our personalities, I can highly recommend these articles about the link between engineering and terrorism - fascinating stuff, and also scary af. You can read about it here and here.)
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thebibliomancer · 3 years
Song of the Dark Crystal liveblog pt 20
Song of the Dark Crystal by J.M. Lee because I guess we’re finally going to Ha’rar? There’s been a lot of false alarms but I think Naia is actually, really, and truly going to Ha’rar?
Last times on book: Kylan, Naia, and Tavra have traveled to the Tomb of Relics with the help of Amri the Grottan to find the magic firca of Gyr the Song-Teller. Unfortunately, it’s broken. This particular source of hope lost, they finally agree to do what Tavra wants to do and go to Ha’rar.
Chapter 20
Amri gets to travel on the surface, Kylan discovers a startling thing
The group of Gelfs reach the cave-in urLii had told them about.
Amri goes to squeeze through the rocks first, since he has the most experience navigating dangerous rocks. And since they don’t know how steady the boulders are and whether the wrong pressure or sound could make them shift and squish the whole party.
They picked their way silently and delicately, weaving through the spaces between the rocks. There was no way urLii could have made it, and in some places Kylan thought even he might not be able to squeeze through. With some scrapes and a lot of patience, in time they finally stumbled out of the rubble.
Oof. Sounds tense.
Was this really a better idea than going a longer way that didn’t require squeezing through a pile of rocks? Really? I know Kylan was sick of being in the dark but this was the better option?
Anyway, they exit onto a grass covered ledge and the world is so beautiful, the world is so damn beautiful. There’s a wood-filled valley right in front of them and the sky is early evening amber.
A beautiful sight that you’d love to take a moment to drink in.
Amri is still lurking in the cave mouth, squinting at the beautiful vista.
“It’s so bright,” he said. “I’ve only left the caves at night before. Snuck out, I mean.”
Naia frowned. “The Brothers are setting. It’ll be twice as bright tomorrow during the day.”
“Maybe my eyes will adjust,” Amri said. He pulled the hood of his cloak on, so far that it covered most of his face. Draped in the black cloth as if he might bring the shadows of Grot with him, he emerged from the caves. Even with the hood on, he held his hands out for balance. Naia took one and put it on her shoulder.
Awww new friends!
And, yeah, Deet had a problem with the brightness on the surface too. Had to wear a blindfold for a while but her eyes did adjust, possibly because it would be harder for her to puppet emote if her eyes were covered the whole show.
Naia suggests that maybe they could travel at night to help Amri but Tavra vetoes.
“We will travel at all hours to make up the time we’ve lost,” Tavra declared. “Starting now.”
Geez, Tavra.
They set out and Naia has to help Amri walk but they eventually learn to match strides.
Kylan could see that Amri’s cheeks were pink where they were visible beneath his hood.
Hmmmm exertion or shiptease?? Definitely exertion. Guy is having a difficult time.
Once Tavra is satisfied that everyone is moving at an acceptable pace, she takes to scouting ahead of the other three and adjusting their path.
Geez, she’s tireless.
But before long they can see the Black River in the distance.
Sigh. I remember the Black River. Good times back in chapter 7. Wow, right before they met Tavra again! And now she’s taking them back there. What a full circle journey.
“The air is so dry,” Amri remarked. “And there are so many noises! I feel like I can hear the whole world from here.”
“I thought it was dry, too, when I left the swamp. You’ll get used to it!”
After the suns set, Amri was able to pull his hood back. He marveled at every tree and rock, and especially was enamored with the sky. Though he could see, he kept his hand on Naia’s shoulder so he could walk with his head tilted back, staring upward in awe.
“This is why I used to come to the surface. The sky! Oh, look! The Sisters!”
Hey. Amri is endearing as heck. I love this underground elf.
And I’m living for his journey of discovery.
Kylan tries to let Amri’s excitement infect his own worldview but he’s still too down on finding the firca broken. He tries considering what urLii said about weaver and woven “but he was tired of trying to find the best in everything and exhausted from hoping and hoping and being let down.”
So since his insistence on going to visit Aughra and looking for the firca were both such disappointments, Kylan decides that Tavra is the real protagonist and he “was just a minor character in her story now, and he would do as she directed.”
Kind of a meta take on things but if anyone would think it, it’d be Song Teller Kylan.
During a period when Tavra is scouting up ahead, the three reach a landing and all decide to just take a breather. Amri especially who comments that he’s getting blisters. And, yeah, that’ll happen if you walk around all day without shoes, which Amri has been doing because they left without Amri picking up any traveling supplies.
He starts rubbing some salve on his feet.
“What is that?” Naia asked, wrinkling her nose. “It smells like maggots and slime!”
“Yes! Though it is some other things, too. Do you want some? It’s one of my concoctions.”
“No! Absolutely not.”
Argot did mention that Amri was an alchemist.
Kylan declares that they should probably rest. They agreed to follow Tavra without further detours but they didn’t agree to make the trip in one night. They just can’t match her pace.
Naia and Amri agree so Kylan goes off ahead to let Tavra know. Which is mighty nice of him. It was his idea so he’s going to take the brunt of Tavra’s annoyance.
Kylan isn’t trying to be sneaky, and is even walking conspicuously because he values not getting stabbed after surprising someone with a sword, but manages to do a sneak anyway.
He overhears Tavra talking to someone in the woods. And even though there’s any number of good explanations for who she could be talking to, Kylan’s gut tells him to be sneak.
Kylan crouches and creeps forward to pick up the conversation.
And he hears her apologizing “Forgive me, Lord. I know. We are back on track. I won’t let you down.”
He can’t see anyone else with her in the darkness but he hears the reply.
“You have already let us down. We took a great risk in entrusting the Drenchen boy to you, and what did you do? Lost him! We regret our trust. We regret it dearly!”
I mean, its been getting increasingly obvious. BUT I KNEW IT.
The patchy story about how Tavra and Gurjin got away from the castle! I knew it!
The unseen person Tavra is speaking to asks if anyone suspects but Tavra says no. They haven’t said anything and she can sense when they dreamfast.
.... Hmmmm. Dreamfast sensing.
“This body won’t last, my lord. It is beginning to fail. I need a new one if I’m to continue.”
“Then you should not have allowed Gelfling to waste so much time! Bahhhh... take the Spriton or the Grottan. Or kill them, if it is easier. We do not care.”
“The Spriton is so weak! I would rather have the Drenchen -- ”
“Lay one of those prickly little legs on the Drenchen and we’ll crush you ourself!”
!!!!!!!!!!! definitely a spider oh no tavra is definitely a spider and Spider-Tavra wants to take Naia oooooooooh noooo
I knew it and I don’t like it!
Granted, it’s been getting more and more obvious that something was up and I had the show to give me clues.
STILL THO oh nooo
Kylan accidentally cracks a twig by Arthur clenching his fist apparently, letting Spider-Tavra know someone is out there. She assumes that someone is coming vs someone is lurking which is a tiny bright side of the bad situation.
(Fun note but Tavra twists her ears about trying to pinpoint the sound so that’s another fun body language Gelfling can do. I can’t do that.)
But Kylan freezes, not knowing what to do. Does he confront her here? No, she could kick his ass. Does he run to warn the others? No, she could kick all their asses. Does he try to dreamfast? Dangit, he can’t do that from a distance!
She had nearly reached his location. In moments, she would pass by close enough to touch. urLii said one could be the weaver or the woven. Were there really only two choices? Or was there a third?
He gathered his courage and steeled himself.
I’ll be both.
So what does best boy Kylan do? Instead of just running into Spider-Tavra, he trips into her to build up her disdain of him and claims that he came to find her but lost the path.
And then when she asks where the others are:
“Amri had to stop. I came to get you to let you know we’re making camp back up the trail. I hope that’s all right...”
“No! It’s not all right. We don’t have time. Where are they?”
And then she storms off ahead to yell and maybe threaten them with her sword into walking again.
I still feel a little bad for Spider-Tavra’s inability to herd these cats. Imagine you have an evil plan that keeps getting thwarted because your targets keep chasing shiny sidequests.
Following behind Tavra, Kylan puts together some of the clues to realize that this isn’t Tavra. She had said ‘this body’ instead of ‘my body’ when talking to her unseen master. The DO NOT TRUST HER dream-etched into the rocks but covered in spider webs. That S on the firca box.
It seems like someone was trying to warn them but weirdly the most likely candidate for that was Tavra herself.
Weird weird situation.
But a mystery he doesn’t have time to poke at because he needs a plan for what to do about the imposter.
No wonder the Skeksis haven’t shown themselves in person — they’ve known where we were every step of the way!
Aughra does them one better than that on the show, heh heh
Although, hmm I wonder when the crystal bats get invented.
Kylan realizes that only he was going to be able to fix this. Which I’m pretty sure isn’t what he meant when he wanted something only he could do.
But there was no time to feel sorry for himself. He had to decide what he was, not what he wasn’t — and what he knew, not what he didn’t. In the last moments before they returned to the campsite, he raced to recall everything that had happened up until then, searching for any seed that might be able to grow into a solution. The song he’d made up for Rian. The blue mouth. Aughra’s observatory and the destroyed firca, urLii’s words, and the Spriton tapestry.
Then he had it, and afforded himself a taste of hope.
This would be a confrontation of a different kind.
Kylan just had a How Far We’ve Come AMV moment play out in his head.
I wonder what his plan is! And I wonder who Spider-Tavra was talking to! And I wonder whether Spider-Tavra is the final boss since there’s still eighty some pages left. There’s definitely a final feel to Kylan having to draw his experiences of the whole journey together but the first book didn’t draw out the confrontation against skekMal nine chapters.
Point being: I’m hype
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