#an UNpraise kink if you will-
sungracd · 2 years
what’s peculiar about your soul ?
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YOUR SOUL IS ... WARM   It draws those nearby closer to it ,  like a pleasantly crackling fireplace .  It leaves some enamored ,  others delighted ,  but everyone leaves having been uplifted by its momentary presence in their lives .  They speak of you for days to come ⸺ of the way you’ve changed them .  You cannot figure out what to make of that . . . of the fact that ,  even in death ,  others are still placated — enlightened — by your very presence .
tagged by :  @demonpunch  ( thanks!! mwah ♡ ) tagging :  you!  if you haven’t done it yet
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udunie · 2 years
You know what?
*Unpraises your kink*
Isn't that just humiliation kink?
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