#an absolute blast to draw oh my goddddd
ricopop · 6 months
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@cephalonheadquarters sorry i had to draw him sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry explodes
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spockandawe · 4 years
For the ships, Liujiu, Bingjiu or YueJiu ?
Oh man, Shen Jiuuuuuuu
Okay, so my answers for these are going to share some themes, so I’ll try to keep it a bit brief instead of repeating myself x3. Let’s see if I can keep a handle on this without it getting away from me, haha
So, my biggest logistical struggle with these two is... making it happen. They’re both pretty aloof and standoffish people, and they take a strong dislike to each other early on. I love me some good hatesex, which matters a lot for the bingjiu, but with liu qingge and shen jiu...... getting them to tolerate each other for long enough for hatesex is hard. 
And also, even though I love hatesex, for some reason I get really sad in here because they’re both going to take so much damage. Which is a common feature of hatesex? And I’m not opposed to hatesex for either of these men? But together... I don’t know, there’s something about how fragile Shen Jiu is and how bad at people Liu Qingge is, and the way they both amplify each other. I don’t know why this ship in particular makes me so anxious, but they definitely do, haha
Such...... hateful............... hatesex.........................
Like, it hurts me to think about how much they’ll hurt each other, but think about how much they’ll hurt each other! The potential is EXQUISITE. Shen Jiu has a sharp tongue, he’s quick on his feet, and he’s very good at finding cruel, cutting things to say. Liu Qingge is willing to give you his everything, but only if you’re nice to him first, which Shen Jiu is absolutely not willing to be. And Shen Jiu is so proud, and so horribly brittle. He takes damage from someone trying to be nice to him, he’ll react so badly to someone seeing him that vulnerable and trying to be mean.
I don’t know, it’s one of those ships where I instinctively Crave it, but I would have so much trouble figuring out a scenario where I was both satisfied where why they would do it (fuck or die is the easiest scenario, but tbh, i have a real hard time justifying that, even if i enjoy it), and I was confident I wouldn’t exit the scenario just... super super sad. It’s something I would idly like to write, but I’d have to be in a VERY particular headspace :P
Okay, now, to be clear-- I do like some well-executed noncon. It can do LOVELY things with character and emotion and power dynamics. And we don’t get much original Binghe on page to draw characterization from, but I’m going to go ahead and assume that similar to how he was hungry for Shen Qingqiu in canon, he was also hungry for something from Shen Jiu. But in a situation like this where one party is clearly and persistently wanting, and the other party is clearly and consistently rejecting, I find straightforward noncon more often... boring.
So what we’re left with is messy, deceptive dubious consent and messy, manipulative hatesex. Which I love. These are some of my favorite favorite kinds of unhealthy ship dynamics, and I live for it. I’ve read some nice liujiu before, and I’ve read some nice bingjiu, and they were both well-executed, but the bingjiu definitely stuck with me more. The liujiu? Even if it was hateful, it tended to be honest, and like........... if I have the option to bring lies and coercion into the situation, why would I say no?
I feel like I’m regularly being introduced to new variants on this ship, but I don’t want to just rehash existing fics that I liked. But there’s the idea of transmigration within canon, where Bingge enters a younger version of himself (or there’s one where older Bingge and Shen Jiu enter swapped bodies for their younger selves). There’s Binghe coming back from the abyss and somehow (angrily, sexily, messily) working things out with Shen Jiu. Or there’s Binghe leaning on his dream abilities and flat-out lying/steering to Shen Jiu to get him into bed. Either way, it’s more complicated that just taking. There’s a psychological/emotional component to the maneuvering that makes it all deliciously interesting to me.
Ah, here’s an angle I think I missed before. With Shen Jiu’s past in the Qiu household, I find a straight-up forcing to be... uninteresting. Shen Jiu himself has so much baggage that unless a fic or whatever is focused on aftermath, I’m very *shrug* about the dynamic, I think canon did plenty well for itself without even fully Going There. For a dynamic as poisonous as this one, I’d much rather see Shen Jiu having all his walls and boundaries and defenses, and being coaxed out into the open (whether he knows what’s waiting for him or not) rather than having his walls just blasted down
(and if you can avoid totally taking out Shen Jiu, it’s so easy to add a mutually assured destruction element to this dynamic, which is ALWAYS a favorite of mine)
(also, Binghe is like the one person in the universe with the power to unlock the secret that Shen Jiu used to hide in Qiu Haitang’s room for safety and comfort, and just....... *grabby hands*)
None. None? I adore this so much it kills me.
Wait no hold on, Yue Qingyuan cannot fucking communicate. That’s the one downside.
Oh my goddddd, THESE TWO! THEY MAKE ME FUCKING BAWL! They care about each other so, so, so, so much, and they come so close to breaking free of their childhood together, and then it all barely falls apart, and it probably wouldn’t have fallen apart if they didn’t each care so fucking much, and I want to scream.
There’s something about a ship. Where one party is a complete unrepentant asshole who loves one (1) person in the entire universe, and would give them the WORLD, and cares exactly 0% about anyone else... It kills me every time. Especially in the flashbacks, okay. It’s like hua cheng, only Shen Jiu is also still absolutely vicious with Yue Qi, but! Yue Qi cares not at all, he just adores Shen Jiu right back and doesn’t even register the meanness. He’ll maybe, maybe tell Shen Jiu to play nicer with the other kids, and everyone involves knows that he will do nothing to enforce that.
The Qiu household thing... breaks my goddamn heart, I swear. Yue Qi promising to come back for Shen JIu. Shen Jiu waiting and enduring and finally thinking that Yue Qi must have died, or he would have definitely come back. Their reunion, where Shen Jiu is like ‘oh.... I’m an intrinsically terrible person’ because he realizes he would prefer that Yue Qi was dead rather than knowing Qi-ge abandoned him. Yue Qingyuan’s emotional confession in canon that he didn’t abandon Xiao Jiu, he never wanted to abandon him, he trained too hard and too fast and almost destroyed his body and his teacher locked him in the caves for a year. 
The downside is that they love each other so much they can’t deal with the idea that Yue Qingyuan abandoned Shen Jiu! They can’t deal with it to such an extent that they can’t even come close to resolving the misunderstanding! The downside is that Shen Jiu loves Yue Qingyuan enough that he pushes him away, just for a chance that he can save him from Bingge, and that Yue Qingyuan loves Shen Jiu enough that he came back for him anyways, knowing that he was walking into certain death, whether it was for the chance that Bingge would take some mercy on Shen Jiu, or because he couldn’t bear the idea of abandoning Shen Jiu again! 
The downside is that Shen Jiu quietly dies, Shen Yuan quietly slips into his body, and that Yue Qingyuan goes on loving Shen Jiu without ever realizing he’s already gone.
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