#an open one meaning someone should para with me okAY BYE
kotofvi · 4 years
First and foremost, recall that no one is perfect, we all have witnessed some plotting once which did not went too well, be it because of us or our partner. So here have this, which may help for future plotting. It’s a lot! Yes, but perhaps give your partners some insight? Anyway BOLD what fully applies, italicize if only somewhat.
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Mun Name: Leo      Age: 27       Contact: IM, Inbox, Disco
Character(s) I rp: Canon: Shiro, Sebastian, Dirk, Kyoya, Kurama, Nelliel, Maka, Dwicky. OCs: Hades, Google, Emogene, Dominic, Seirios, Iso, Felix, Reeves, Nyx, Zeru, Ren, Charlie, Dakota, Nemo, Bluejay, Koko, BD, Raven, Cora, Sammie, Lucie, Poppie, Ollie, Alphie, Bambi, Abbigail, Hiraeth, Bonnie, Rei, Rory.   Which muse(s) inspires you the most atm?(for MM): Nelliel, Shiro, Rei, Bonnie, Hiraeth.  Current Fandom(s): Bleach, V/LD, Naruto. (I’m not deeply involved in the fandoms themselves anymore.) Fandom(s) you have an AU for:  Uhhhhh.. I basically have an AU for any fandom if I know it well and am asked for it.  My language(s): English. (I’m learning other languages but I don’t RP in them unless it’s just a sentence or two.)  Themes I’m interested in for rp:   Fantasy / Science fiction / Horror / Western / Romance / Thriller / Mystery / Dystopia / Adventure / Modern / Erotic / Crime / Mythology / Classic / History / Renaissance / Medieval / Ancient / War / Family / Politics / Religion / School / Adulthood / Childhood / Apocalyptic / Gods / Sport / Music / Science / Fights / Angst / Smut / Drama / etc. Themes/Genres you have an AU for: Modern, Mythology, Medieval. 
Preferred Thread length: one-liner / 1 para / 2 para / 3+ / novella. (I legit love all lengths, tbh, it’s more so with one-liners I tend to lose interest if there’s no substance to further it.)  Asks can be send by: Mutuals / Non-Mutuals / Personals / Anons. Can Asks be continued?:   YES / NO   only by Mutuals?:  YES / NO. Preferred thread type: crack / casual nothing too deep / serious / deep as heck. Is realism / research important for you in certain themes?:   YES / NO. Are you atm open for new plots?:  YES / NO / DEPENDS.  (I’ve admittedly been v busy, so if you’re fine with me takin’ forever-- YES) Do you handle your draft / ask - count well?:  YES / NO / SOMEWHAT.  How long do you usually take to reply?:  24h / 1 week / 2 weeks / 3+ / months / years. I’m okay with interacting: original characters / a relative of my character (an oc) (It really depends here.) / duplicates / my fandom / crossovers / multi-muses / self-inserts / people with no AU verse for my fandom / canon-divergent portrayals / au-versions (as main or only verse). Do you post more ic or occ?:  IC / OOC.(I post more IC, but the gaps between IC and OOC make it seem like there’s more OOC at times???) Are you selective with following others?:  YES / NO / DEPENDS.  (This is entirely because half the fandoms some of my muses come from are absolute shit so I have to be careful.) 
Best ways to approach you for rp/plotting:  IM or Inbox-- tbh, Just kick my inbox in and screech that you wanna plot/rp with me so long as you’re a mutual. I’m honestly so laid back?? Sure, it might take me a minute but this is entirely because IRL things and not because I’m putting anyone off. 
What expectations do you hold towards your plotting partner:  Having fun? Having ideas? I guess, just, mutual interest? I mean, I’m here to write! I’m here to have fun! If you’re not interested in that much alone then?? I guess bye?? ‘Cause I’ll become very annoying to anyone who doesn’t have an interest purely because I’ll randomly ambush my partners with excitement and ideas. 
When you notice the plotting is rather one-sided, what do you do?:  Oh I’ll just straight up ask if they want to continue the thread or start a new one! I mean, I get it, you can lose interest or otherwise just not feel it anymore and that’s fine! If you’re not interested in that particular thread, then no worries, we can always start more! If you’re just being one-sided in general, however?? I’m not gonna be interested at all and I’ll likely tell you as such. 
How do you usually plot with others, do you give input or leave most work towards your partner?:  Normally it’ll just happen? I’ll do my “Hey what if they ___” thing and then a rapid bombardment of inquiries and excitement later, there is a thread. It’s usually mutual, the involvement of creating this plot, but sometimes it’s just me being excited and them being excited and then suddenly BAM THERE BE THREADS. S’all good over here! 
When a partner drops the thread, do you wish to know?:   YES / NO / DEPENDS. - And why?: I mean?? I’d like to know, yes! But I get that sometimes it’s incredibly anxiety ridden trying to tell someone that you’ve lost interest in a thread. It’s alright if you don’t tell me, but if you can muster up the courage to do so I’d appreciate it! I’m not gonna be upset at you for losing interest/muse in a thread! If I cared deeply about the story, I might poke at you and then you can tell me?? Either way it’s fine and tbh, I don’t mind. However, please let it be known that you can take forever on a reply as well so don’t worry about just hoarding a draft too! Tbh, I had someone reply to a thread literally a year later and I was still excited for it!  - What should your partner do when dropping a thread?:  Just shoot me an IM or hell, make a list of threads you’re dropping and tag me in it??? Which ever! Or don’t even tell me at all, whatever works for you sugar! 
What could possibly lead you to drop a thread?:  Hmn, being overwhelmed-- I tend to accumulate a lot of drafts and 90% of them are long so sometimes I’ll drop a thread or two to help myself get by. Also lack of muse/interest is a factor. I won’t drop a thread purely out of being overwhelmed unless I just can’t muster up the muse to respond to it.  - Will you tell your partner?:   YES / NO / DEPENDS. Sometimes I get overwhelmed myself and I’ll drop a thread, forget to tell my partner, etc. Other times I’ll tell them before I even delete the draft! 
Is communication in the rpc important to you?   YES / NO. - And why?:  Yes and no~ Yes primarily! I get that others can take a minute to muster up the courage to talk to others and would just prefer to keep things to a few sentences at first! However, I can and will ambush you with conversation and interest nonetheless. Because communication is important. If you’ve got something you wanna say to me, say it! I’m here for it!  - Are you okay with absolute honesty, even if it may means hearing something negative about you and/or portrayal?:  Yup! If you’ve got an issue or something that might come across as criticism to say, say it! Civil discussion is absolutely wanted here and I would like to work out any issues you may have with me or my portrayal.  - Do you think you can handle such situation in a mature way?  YES / NO.
Why do you rp again, is there a goal?:  To write and have fun! To explore in depth the characters I create or take on! I mean, c’mon, lbr here-- my gremlin ass muses require some more in depth speculation and investigation into their characters! I love the creativity, the world building, the constant drive to do better and to make others feel something from words alone. The capability to rend emotion from another living being simply from reading and reacting to something I created is amazing and I want to make others cry, laugh, smile and think. I want to create. 
Wishlist, be it plots or scenarios:  Oh man, there’s an endless supply of things I’d like to do! I want to explore the depths of my muses’ histories more?? Like Shiro, I want to write out the things he must’ve seen, felt, experienced. How Nelliel was when she was alive, how Shiro fared in the Arena when he wasn’t fighting, Seb’s life torn between the various throws of data and reality-- there’s so much! And ALL THE AU’s!!!! All of them!!!  
Themes I won’t ever rp / explore: Sure, I work with a lot of darker themes like torture, gore, etc-- but I will not write Rape, sexual abuse, nor will I write child loss.  
What Type of Starters do you prefer / dislike, can’t work with?: I can work with most starters! However, if I’m randomly given a starter that I can’t work with for the muse selected, I’ll inform the person who wrote it! I appreciate the effort given but don’t expect me to be able to reply to every random starter given! Sometimes, they don’t even show up in my tag. 
What type of characters catch your interest the most?:  Okay, I’m a sucker for the underdogs, aggressive folks and the villains. I’m not even going to try and lie and say I don’t immediately look at the Aizens and Kenpachis and go ah yes, those fucking gremlins, give me ten. I also love the background characters? The side characters in a show that seem so unimportant but have a crucial role? I love characters that have such an obscure involvement that you have to stop and ask why and how their involvement was crucial. I also love the soft beans? The ones who are so hyped with positivity and gleaming interest that they just can’t be ignored?? But then turn around and whoop some poor sap’s ass with that sparkle sparkle smile. Also love the upstanding moral types that also acknowledge that some things can’t be avoided and that morality is a grey area dependent on the perceptions of the individuals themselves. 
What type of characters catch your interest the least?:  Hmn-- I guess the kind that don’t seem to have much substance to them? The ones that are just uncharacteristically too kind. Yes, I love the overwhelmingly positive types but?? Also?? The ones that are too kind and without flaw just?? Don’t strike me as interesting. Also the ones that are just cruel for some obscure reason just to give them a reason to be villains. I mean I understand but also?? Villains don’t have to have a reason?? They can be cruel just to be cruel. Idk that’s always just been a thing with me.
What are your strong aspects as rp partner?:  I guess that I’m fairly laid back? I don’t mind if you take 10 years to reply, I’m going to get excited if you message me with some random idea, I’m not going to be bothered by any ideas you suggest?? I can also sometimes give u doodles?? I don’t have time to doodle a lot but sometimes, once in a blue moon, you’ll get a random offering of doodled booty for ur blessing. Also gonna hit you up with random HCs, ideas, threads, etc?? Always?? Idk, I’m not too good at thinking about positive aspects of myself lmfao. 
What are your weak aspects as rp partner?: Hnnn, I’m too laid back at times. I take too long to reply and I’m busy af IRL. I’m often goaded into being irritated by some asshole or another so I can come off aggro af too when I don’t mean to be. Sometimes I can get overwhelmed and disappear for a week, other times I can end up overwhelming someone else by being too excited? I tend to watch how much I do and say because I feel like I might come off as smothering and am too used to being shut down and told to shut up so I just don’t?? Do anything sometimes. I’m also not very good at initiating contact sometimes so I tend to go days and weeks without speaking to others. 
Do you rp smut?:  YES / NO. Do you prefer to go into detail?:  YES / NO / DEPENDS. Are you okay with black curtain?:  YES / NO. - When do you rp smut? More out of fun or character development?:  Usually only if it’s developmental for the characters involved. Sometimes it’s just fun to do! It really depends on the characters involved + if I have any muse in general for it.  - Anything you would not want to rp there?:  ???? Kinda vague, Idk? I mean if I don’t wanna rp somethin’ I’ll say so. 
Are ships important to you?:   YES / NO. Would you say your blog is ship-focused?:   YES / NO. Do you use read more?:  YES / NO / SOMETIMES. Are you: Multi-Ship / Single-Ship / Dual-Ship  —  Multiverse / Singleverse. - What do you love to explore the most in your ships?:  The relationship, the depth of two muses who can be wildly different or even similar. The multifaceted involvement of others to that relationship, the angst, the arguments, the sad moments along with all the happy things and how hard one might try while the other is cold-- etc. I don’t just want happy dates and sunshine, that’s not how relationships work after all!   - What is your smut tag?: Kettledrums
Are you okay with pre-established relationships?: YES / NO. - And what kind of ones?: I like a lot of pre-established relationships! However, I can be a tad wary of child muses? Aka: The ones who are children of one of my muses. Reason being, sometimes even I don’t know how they’d raise a child so the muse in question would be off putting to me because it’s out of my realm. Beyond that, I’m down for just about everything! 
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- What could possibly make your Muse interesting towards others, why should they rp with this particular character of yours now, what possible plots do they offer?:  Since I have so many damn muses, I’mma just go with Shiro for all of this-- I suppose what they could find interesting is his very multifaceted dynamic as a soldier, human, technical non-human (Zombae), war worn, space exploring person. He can be rainbows and sunshine but also can suddenly become incredibly aggressive and cold. He’s not one or the other, he’s all and everything that he’s learned and encompassed while still remaining fragile and human in the end. Writing with him can be inspiring and can be soul wrenching, depending on the thread. As for plots, dude your character could be in space in one thread if the otherwise couldn’t be. There’s so many ways to go about writing with him?? He’s such an amazing character and the plots he can be instilled in are almost limitless with just his main verse. 
- With what type of Muses do you usually struggle to rp with?:   Hmn-- I guess the main one I have issues injecting him into place with would be the ones who are strictly non-tech oriented?? I mean, I can still have him there but getting him to fit is just?? Really difficult. Also with people who RP villains of his fandom and expect him not to be volatile. I’m sorry, but if you’re writing a S.endak or a Z.arkon-- you’re not going to get roses and butterflies with Shiro, plain and simple. If that’s something you can’t accept then don’t approach him with those muses.  - With what type of Muses do they usually work well with?:  He works really well with most anyone! So long as one goes into it knowing he can be hostile with soldiers, Galra, etc; then he can be used no matter what. He’s one of my most capable muses that doesn’t have much of an issue when it comes to responding. 
- What interests your Muse(s) in general:  Space, mechanics, biomedical engineering, people, freedom, fighting for a cause, flowers, his mother, violin, cats, sparring, getting stronger, constellations, nebulae, engineering, literature, alien languages, cooking. - What do they desire, is their goal?:  The safety of others, the freedom of others, the ability to choose, hope-- he wants to make sure those he cares for and all others are free and safe from the Galra take over.  - What catches their interest first when meeting someone new?:  How they look at him. If they show signs of pity, of fear, he tends to walk away from any possible meeting with them. Otherwise, their appearance is what first catches his eye. How they dress, how they respond to him, how they talk and if he can make them crack a smile with an awkward joke.  - What do they value in a person?:  Hope, Strength, Loyalty, Purpose, Honesty, Patience. - What themes do they like talking about?:  Shiro’s more of a listener than a talker, but honestly he’ll talk about anything of interest and question anyone’s as well to get them to talk about it. It’s what makes conversation with him easygoing most of the time.  - Which themes bore them?:  Himself. He’ll try to avert any conversation about himself if it’s too personal or too close to something. It’s not so much that it bores him but that type of talk is reserved for those insanely close to him. Also talk of command bores the FUCK out of him. He’s never been one to really like rank. 
- Did they ever went through something traumatic?:  So. Fucking. Much. Between being a prisoner of a war he was never involved with to being told he was a leader of a rebellion for said war, being a prisoner in the Arena and forced to fight and kill others, being held down and sedated as he tried to warn the others, DYING-- this boy has been thru too much.  - What could possibly trigger them?:  Certain noises, textures, Galra, medical equipment, certain lighting.  - What could set them off, enrage them?:  Galra, someone protecting him. - What could lead to an instant kill?:  Any bloodlust towards him or those he cares for. Most of the time, he has this under control and tries to be merciful, give them a chance; but sometimes, especially during an episode; there’s no stopping him from gunning for someone’s throat if they had any intent to harm another or himself. 
- Is there someone /-thing they hate?:  Z.arkon, S.endak, L.otor, H.aggar, Druids, himself a lot of the time. - Is there someone /-thing they love?:   The paladins, space fam in general, his mother, his friends, people in general. 
Is your Muse easy to approach?: YES / NO. - Best ways to approach them?:  Just approach him? Honestly, Shiro’s one of the easiest persons to converse with and get near. That doesn’t mean his guard is dropped, but he’s very easy going a lot of the time outside of battle. So long as you have a reason to approach him (even simpler ones like: his appearance, his arm, etc) then you’re set.  - Where are they usually to find?:  Oof, honestly? Anywhere. Space, Earth, other places-- he’s constantly on the move. If you want a set place, just say somewhere on Earth and I can work with that. 
Something you may still want to point out about your muse?:  Shiro is certainly easy to get along with, but he is not without flaw or issue. He has a plethora of issues even after the fall of the Galra Empire. He’s not without his scars, physical and otherwise. Approaching him is easy but getting close to him is not. Don’t expect him to be an open book. Just because he can talk about war, battle, fighting with a straight face doesn’t mean he wasn’t effected by it. He has suffered greatly and it will show the closer you get to him. 
CONGRATS!!! You managed it, now tag your mutuals! ♥
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natechambersjoie · 4 years
Rock Bottom// Self-Para
Who: Nate Chambers and Dean
When: Saturday, 2 am on August 1st 2020
Where: Dean’s hotel room
What: Nate goes to see Dean, he leaves feeling a little different than how he felt when he got there.
Nate banged on the door a few times, he was numb. It had been a bit since the break-up and he was just numb. The door opened and before a word was spoken between the two men, Nate grabbed the back of Dean’s neck pulling him into a kiss. 
Dean placed his hands on Nate’s back and pulled him into the room, still locked in the kiss. Dean pulled away, a smirk on his face as he looked Nate up and down. “Why the change of heart. Not that I am upset about it.”
“Honestly… I just want to fuck.” Nate said bluntly as he pulled off his t-shirt and undid his pants. He stood there naked and looked at Dean with no emotion. “So are you going fuck me or just stand there.” Dean moved closer to Nate and started to slowly rub his dick. Nate bit his lip as his breath caught in his throat. “Don’t play… fuck me... I can jerk myself off… I want you to fuck me.” 
Dean raised an eyebrow, his Nathan was never this demanding, it kind of turned him on more. Dean did as he was told. Which was rare for this pair. But there they laid, in bed after fucking. Nathan was sore, but at least he felt something again. 
He stared up at the ceiling, he turned his head to look at Dean, who was sleeping next to him. Nate sat up and run both hands through his hair. He swung his legs over the side of the bed and made his way to the bathroom. Nate turned on the shower and got in. He washed himself down, the shower door opened and Dean came in. Nate shook his head and Dean nodded taking the shampoo and started to wash Nate’s hair for him. “So… I take it you and your girl broke up.” 
“How did you guess.” 
“You’re here, you wanted me to fuck you. You wouldn’t do that if you were still together with your girl.” 
Nate turned and looked at Dean, his face scrunched up in a questioning face. “What?”
“You aren’t a cheater. Even back when you escorted, you only slept me until I left you, because you thought we dating.” Dean chuckled a little “Rinse your hair out.” 
Nate moved under the water. “Well… I hate to ruin the image you have of me. But I cheated on her… in LA.” 
“Really, you? You slept with someone else?”
Nate shook his head. “No, someone kissed me… In a bar.” 
Dean laughed and leaned up against the shower wall. “You are so cute. Someone kissed you, did you kiss them back?” 
“No, I pulled away. But I still flirted with her and danced with her.” 
“Okay…so you flirted and danced with a girl… That girl decided to kiss you. You pulled away and what? Didn’t sleep with her? You just left?” 
“So...I’m confused... where was the cheating?” 
“The kiss.” 
“The kiss… That someone else gave… to you… A kiss that you didn’t continue… Hate to break it to you kiddo, you didn’t cheat.” 
“I flirted.” 
“And that gives someone the right to kiss you? If I kissed you when you were dating your ex because you were being you, ie, flirting ie, being a charming asshole, people would say I assaulted you right?”
“Yeah.. because you are you.”
“Ow.. that hurts a little.”
“You grabbed my ass in public in a store and stood naked last week in front of me.”
Dean shrugged. “I’m an asshole, we know this.”
“I don’t get what you are saying.”
“I don’t think you cheated.”
“That doesn’t mean anything coming from you, sorry.” 
Dean rolled his eyes and grabbed the conditioner “Whatever. Come here.”  Dean gently massaged in the conditioner and kissed Nate’s nose. “There, rinse.” 
Nate once again moved back into the water. “Why are you being nice to me. You’re never nice to me.” 
Dean shrugged “I don’t know… Maybe I don’t like you being sad if I’m not the one that made you sad.”
“That’s so fucked up. You are so fucked up.” 
“Yeah. A little.” He smirked. Nate rolled his eyes and opened the door of the shower to get out. Dean grabbed his arm. “Don’t be a stranger. And like I said, I have friends that would pay a high price for a night with you. Give it a thought.” 
Nate shook his head and pulled his arm at of Dean’s grasp. “No… I’m not doing that again. I needed a fuck. And honestly, you were the one guy I knew that I could get that from with no questions. Because let’s face it, you are only good for a fuck. You know that I know that. Finally, I know that about you. Thank you for this little bit of closer. Thank you for a good fuck. Thank you for washing my hair and making me laugh. But I will not be seeing you again. You and I are done okay? I mean it. I should charge you, for the night. As a kindest, I will not. Have a good night, lose my number.” Nate turned and headed for the door to the bedroom. “Actually. Keep it. I’ll get a new number. But if I need you for another fuck, I’ll text you. Bye Dean.” Nate smiled as he picked up his clothes and got dressed. He finally felt like he had some power back, that he was going to be okay again. 
Dean stood in the shower, a little shocked, a little annoyed, a little angry, and yet he couldn’t help but smile.
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orvilleright-blog1 · 7 years
Resolutions  -2018-
1. Write your RPer Resolutions for 2018! (What are some goals for yourself as a writer? Improve descriptions? Plot with more members? Etc.)
Hum, hum, hum, what don’t I want to do as a writer goodness gracious. Sometimes it feels like I need improvement on everything....most of the time. Probably because I do! But that’s okay, as long as I can get some improvement! But I also think action should be something I work on. I feel like I just write about what my characters are thinking and then that really doesn’t give the person I have a thread much to go off of! I know it’s an important part and good to know how my characters think and feel, but I also want to make sure they’re moving, that they’re taking into account where they are, who they’re talking with. For me I should def work on knowing my setting and how that affects how my characters act! 
And of course plotting! You’re all really wonderful writers and it would be amazing to get to plot with all of you. 
2. Write at least one resolution, or “goal,” that you have as an RPer for your character(s)
Orville: He needs to get over himself. Which is very fucked of me to say, I know, he’s been through a lot, his scars have yet to even form, but he is just sitting in it. He SAYS he’s trying to move on and he THINKS he is. But he isn’t. He wallowing in his anger and how hurt he. I think it’s very fair for him to need time to recover, but I also think he needs to stop being such a bitch about it. Stop being so bitter and start thinking like he use to, that the world is a good place with some shitty people in it, not a shitty place with some good people in it. 
Junis: Oh, Junis. Honestly I think I want him to be more of a bitch than he is, ahaha. Like, yeahyeah, he has a soft side and, yeahyeah, he is lovable, but he is a jerk at first contact. Unless you are a loyal customer! But, yeah, I just think he needs to be mean to more people. And if not mean than less soft to people, and just being more of an ASS so that eventually that will come back to bite him in some shape or form. I just want him to fill out his full personality. 
3. Write at least one resolution IN CHARACTER for your characters. What do THEY want to accomplish or change in the New Year?
Orville: “Keep my job, for one. Try to figure out a way to contact my family without getting them caught up in this.”
Junis: “Improve the market and farm.” *takes out big ass color coded binder he’s had ready since last September.* 
5. List one or more characters you have never interacted with that you would like to do so:
Oh gosh, everyone really, I haven’t really branched out enough here have I. Sorryyyy. People in the gossip ring, I have found that Junis is like Miss Patty and Babette from Gilmore Girls and loves to pry. And more of the natives with Junis! Because he needs connections there and people who understand what a tightly wound bitch he truly is. Henry, Art!, Peg, Wilbur, Pascal, Mickey, since he’s also a farmer! etc, etc. 
And then I suppose he could also get in on the board member things as he is a business owner and will not like, actively stick his neck out there because he thinks it’s better to just lay low, see what happens, and if it doesn’t benefit him or his store then he will say something. Other than that, bye! And Cruella because like, what an Icon???
I shall ping Andy right back and agree that Orville and Bernard need to meet at some point. And APOLOGIZE in advance for him, but also I feel like he wouldn’t  fault him since he wasn’t an Agent. He’d be more like Andre from Get Out, “gET OUT! get the fuck out!!” *gets dragged away* 
More of the Mermaids! I’ve gotten 2 and would love more lmao. 
Judy! So we can form the #rabbit squad. We all got the big families, farms. It’ll be gr9. 
Greg! I would actually feel so bad putting Junis on Greg, because poor fella, but Eeyore and Rabbit. I love the 100 Acre Woods crew, and Junis will tug Greg and Tigg under his wings now that his nest is empty. Sorry!!
I also think those who can fly would be interesting for Orville to interact with. Like Kiki or some of the fairies, or Peg or Beau. Or, Tombo, whom just has the love of flight. They could bond and open Orville’s heart back up to the thought of getting back into the air.
Plotting Exercise! Pick one of the resolutions/goals in #2 and plan a rough guideline to how you could accomplish it. Here’s an example.
Para 1: Someone wrecks Junis’s store, whether by accident or on purpose. And I’m talking fucks it up, not just running a cart into the watermelon display. I’m talking those watermelons go rolling and everything is chaotic. Maybe after an event things got wrecked, idk. 
Para 2: Junis is forced to redecorate/reorganize, which means aaAAHH there will be no business in the meantime. He has a MOMENT. 
Para 3: Junis actually takes action by going to the board like, hey, this is bullshit, how am I suppose to protect my store against ____! Help! And he would probably go to other business owners like, hey man this could happen to you so like you should back me up you hear, also look at this FREE veggie plate I’m bribing you with. 
Para 4: Junis rebuilds, and upon suggestions, actually innovates! 
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Para|| Mama Jones & Cedes
WHO: Lori Jones and Mercedes
WHEN: Monday, September 11, 2017
WHAT:  Phone call
Ever since that stupid Instagram went up, Mercedes’ phone had been going off with text messages and notifications.  It had been about thirty minutes, and she thought the insanity had calmed, when her phone rang. “Oh great, it’s my mom.” She told Sam before excusing herself from the blanket fort and going into the kitchen.  She hadn’t exactly divulged she was coming to Tennessee, mostly because she didn’t feel it was necessary, but now it was time to face the music. “Hi mama, how are you? Everything okay?” She asked as she leaned against the counter.”
“I don't know, you tell me. Two months ago, my daughter was getting married to a fairly nice Jewish boy, and even though we found it quite fast and unexpected, we supported her and went along with her decision. Well, at least I did, I won’t speak for your hard headed father.  Anyway, that didn’t happen and I respected that decision too. Now I find out she's back together with her high school boyfriend and she’s down in Tennessee having a grand old time.  Posting pictures on the Instasnapgram of their cute dates and whatnot.”
Mercedes groaned softly. “Sam and I are not back together, mama. I wasn’t thinking and left off another F so it would read as best friend forever instead of just BF, which everyone is assuming I mean boyfriend. It's turned into a lot of unnecessary drama.  Also, we are not dating.  I came down here for a little break from NYC, away from the reminders of how I keep failing at being a singer.”
Lori Jones knew when her daughter was shifting the conversation, too bad for her she was a pro at multitasking. “We’re going to stay on this little Sam incident first young lady. Now I am not blind nor stupid, and neither is Noah or anyone else that knows you and Sam Evans for that matter. You can blame it on a missing letter, but that might have just been your subconscious thoughts acting. I adore Sam, but you just got out of a relationship Mercy. You were going to be someone’s wife. And I would bet my salon that you would be Mrs. Puckerman right now if Sam hadn’t have come on that trip.”
Mercedes stood on her toes so she could hop onto the counter, crossing her legs as she leaned against the wall. She really did not want to have this discussion right now, but she knew better than to give her mama attitude, grown or not. “Sam and I are doing exactly the same sort of stuff we did when we were in high school, before we ever dated. Sam and I have always been best friends, we just haven’t been as close because of life.  We broke up as a couple for a reason, and that reason hasn't changed. He’s not moving to New York, and I’m not moving to Tennessee.  He wants a girlfriend that can physically be there with him, and I’m too focused on making this music career get off the ground, and NYC is the best place for that.”
She absently twisted the end of her french braid as she continued. “One of the reasons I loved Noah was because he knew how hard it was trying to get into the music industry.  We could sit for hours and bounce music and lyrics off each other.  There was no need to explain why a recording session lasted until the sunrise. We got each other and had each other’s backs, but we did rush into things.  He finally wanted someone stable and I was overcome with being wanted as I was.  He didn’t want me to lose weight or become something I wasn’t or couldn’t be.  He supported me and didn’t give up on me. But we didn’t know each other the way we should have in order to get married. That trip opened our eyes and burst our little singer/songwriter bubble, and that isn’t Sam’s fault or anyone else’s. We realized we were getting married for the wrong reasons once we really sat down and talked it out.”
“All of that very well may be true. But here is something you must have forgotten. All that stuff you and Sam did before you were together is what built the foundation for you to be a couple.  Now you two are going down the same road but you think it’s going to lead to a different address.” She said matter of factly before softening her tone more. “I know you got another rejection letter, and I know you’re doing your best to be strong and let it fuel you, but you need to let yourself feel sad and angry about it too, Mercy.  About all of it.  The letters, the wedding, Noah, school...you can’t keep holding up that resilience without crumbling.”
How did moms do that? What magic DNA kicked in that allowed them to know what to say to their kids? She was not going to sit on Sam Evans’ kitchen counter and have a crying fit, that was for certain, but she also knew her mom was right.  She had thrown herself into taking care of all the cancellations and things from the wedding that wasn’t, and then immediately went into overdrive on writing songs, working at the studio,  taking online courses to finish her degree requirements, and getting out demos.  She wanted to finally succeed and achieve a goal instead of endlessly working to get nowhere.
“You’re supposed to be chewing me out about not telling you I came to Tennessee, not giving me a free counseling session.” Mercedes said softly. “I’m okay, or as close to being okay as I can get. Hanging out with Sam helps me forget, but at the same time, it makes me remember a lot of other things.”  She had loved two guys and it didn’t work both times. She wasn’t trying to be all hopeless and weepy, but it did suck big time, especially paired with the rejection letters, and her dad being unhappy with her.
“Oh love, this counseling isn’t free. You’re going to find a way to get over to Hattie B’s and same day ship me some of that legendary hot chicken so I can judge for myself.” Her mom replied. “Might as well make it enough for two, because I’m sure Amberley will be over here within the next day, might as well bring her a taste of home.”
That made Mercedes shake her head, a smile alleviating the deepness of the conversation. “I’ll see what I can do. Please tell her I’m sorry for causing a fuss.”
“I’m sure she’ll be talking to her son soon, which by the way, tell Sam I said hello. I know he makes you happy baby, he always did, and right now you do need a friend.  I know Santana is looking out for you too, but this is different. Love you, sweetie. Don’t go making any grandbabies yet.”  Lori teased, a cackle of mirth bubbling from her.
“MAMA!” Mercedes palmed her forehead with exasperation. “Love you too, bye.” She disconnected the call and then headed back into the living room, hoping Sam wasn’t suffering the effects from the forgotten F crisis of 2017 too.
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A New John || Self Para
“Hey, John,” Annie came into the kitchen and clapped her son in the back. Within an instant he crumbled into a heap of fear and terror swept across his mother’s face. “John?” He kept his head down and his hands laced together over his head. Annie didn’t know what to do. She’d never seen her son like that. Ever since he came home, he’d been jumpy with sudden noises and contact. She remembered talking to one of the volunteers at the prison. She said that PTSD was common and to expect it. She also said that if Annie thought John had any signs of PTSD that she should get him help right away. John was her only child. She needed to make sure he was okay. John was left alone to gather himself while his mother did what she did best, helped her son.
John walked through the house looking for his mother to explain what had happened. He really didn’t have answers but he knew she needed something. “Gio, I can’t ignore this. He’s my son! He needs help,” Annie hissed.
“I know what he needs,” John stood against the wall and listened to the conversation between his mother and stepfather. “I’ll take him on a trip to clear his mind. When he gets back, he’ll be fine.”
“Over my dead body. He got locked up because of something in that truck of his. No one will tell me what it was but I know it has something to do with those trips. What are you doing with my son?” Annie had stayed quiet for a long time but she had enough. She wanted answers and she wanted them now.
“We do what guys do. Hunt. Bike. Other manly things,” Gio sounded agitated as he gave Annie his usual answer.
“Gio, I swear to God if you’re putting my son in harms way you won’t have to worry about a divorce because I will kill you,” she followed her threat with a poke to the chest and she stormed out of the bedroom.
John tried to stay alert while at the house. He also tried to stay out as much as possible. If he could avoid his mother and Gio then he didn’t have to stir up any drama. But he could only avoid either of them for so long.
“John!” Gio shouted as he entered the garage where John was working. “We are going to Tennessee this weekend. We found another town of witches. We could use your expertise on this one.”
John rolled out from underneath the car after regaining his composure. Gio startled him and made John freeze for a minute.
“Uh, I don’t think I’m ready,” John said as he wiped the grease from his hands. “I don’t think I’ll ever be ready.”
“Come on,” Gio leaned against the workbench on the far side of the garage. “Hunt a few witches. You’ll be back to normal in no time.”
“Normal?” A trigger in John’s mind was set off, “I was in jail because of hunting tools I carried in my car. Tools that you gave me to keep there. Forgive me if I don’t want to jump back on the witch hunting bandwagon.”
“You were in jail for a minute. You’ve been hunting for longer than that. Now, we know to play it safer. John, this is what you do and do well, might I add.” Gio had a way of reassuring people about their decisions. John hated it. He didn’t want to be manipulated any more.
“Do you know what it was like for me? Do you even care? They thought I killed one of the golden boys of this town. They made my life a living hell! I went days without eating. They would let other inmates beat me up. When they felt the inmates didn’t do a good enough job, they made sure to do it. So, fuck you, Gio. I’m not going on that hunting trip,” John’s hand released as he took a deep breath. Gio was about to rebut what John just said but John didn’t give him a chance. He left the garage and went into the house.
“Mark, he’s your son,” Annie was on the phone in the kitchen. “I don’t care if he told you otherwise. He needs you to step up for the first time in his life.” She was silent as she listened to what he ex-husband had to say. “Just make it happen, Mark.” And she angrily hung up the phone. John could imagine what she would say if she knew he was listening. She would comment about how smartphones took away the release of hanging up on someone to deflect what was really going on in her mind. Annie was like that. She didn’t like to show when she was struggling. John knew it though. He could sense it. She was his mother. There wasn’t much she could keep from him.
“Hey, sweetie,” she said softly when John decided to walk into the kitchen.
“Hey, Mom,” John grabbed one of the muffins she had made earlier. He sat at the kitchen table and picked the edges around the top.
“What’s wrong sweetie?” Annie leaned against the kitchen counter and rested her palms on the edge.
“Why are you talking to Mark?” He looked up at her as she started to formulate a lie. “I don’t want to see him. I don’t want anything to do with him.”
“But John,” Annie sighed. “It might be good for you to go and see him for a little while. He’s grown up.”
“I don’t care,” John said sternly. “He didn’t want to be a father. You can call him back and tell him not to worry.” John pushed up from his seat and grabbed the muffin he’d been nibbling on. “I’ll take this to go.”
“John! We need to talk about this!” Annie shouted.
“No, we don’t!” He replied back as he headed out to the car. John needed to get his mind off everything. However, when he looked at his phone everyone he wanted to see, didn’t want to see him.
Instead, John took his Jeep to a clearing near the river and just say there listening to the sound of the water pouring through the small dam. “Hey,” a familiar voice startled him. “Sorry. I should’ve texted you but I went by your house but you weren’t there. Your mom said I should look up here.” Tiffany stood at the passenger side door as John glared at her. “Are you going to say anything?”
“Do you still think I killed Malcolm?” He asked coldly.
“No, but,” he quirked a brow, “can you blame me when I did? Did you hear the rumors that went around town?”
“Yeah,” he answered coldly.
“Well, I’m sorry,” she folded her arms and rested her chin upon them. “Can I get in?”
“Sure,” he didn’t want her in the car with him but his mother would be mad with him if he didn’t let her. Despite how mad he was at his mother and at Tiffany, he was raised right.
“So,” Tiffany climbed into the car and got comfortable in the passenger seat. “That girl in town the other day. Who was she?”
“Babette?” Tiffany replied to his question with a nod. “Oh, she’s a friend.” Well, something like that.
“Do you usually kiss friends like that?” Her brow raised.
“She’s Canadian?” John didn’t understand the line of questioning. Tiffany and John had a brief history. He drove her home and was going to go out on a date. But it never got anywhere since he was arrested.
“Oh, is that it?” She gave a chuckle.
“Why? I mean, we aren’t anything. Up until you showed up here, I was pretty sure you hated me.” John shrugged laying his head back against the driver’s seat.
“I-I,” Tiffany looked up at John but he wasn’t looking. She heaved a sigh and bit her bottom lip. “I guess I’m just, I don’t know.”
“Okay?” John peered down at her and rolled his eyes. “Is Babette why you came out here?”
“Maybe,” she answered coyly. John couldn’t help but laugh. Sometimes girls were so predictable. “If you and that girl are just friends, then we can go out and do something.”
“No,” John answered with a straight face. “You can get out of my car and go out with someone else,” John reached over to open the passenger side door while her jaw dropped into her lap. “Bye, Tiffany.”
“But,” John lowered his gaze and shook his head, “Whatever, John.” Tiffany slammed the door and John watched her through the rear view mirror. Not many would understand why he turned down the redhead knockout. Many would call him crazy. John was about loyalty. She didn’t want to believe in his innocence until her jealousy took over. Plus, he had bigger problems than a jealous teenage girl. He had his mother trying to get his father involved, Gio was trying to drag him back into hunter life, Anna wouldn’t talk to him and the guy they had for the murder wasn’t the likely culprit. All of which trumped Tiffany and whatever drama she brought to the table.
0 notes
Courtship Isn’t That Easy || Self Para (Part 2)
Claire had Vidia coming to the Faction house every possible day to read up on the rules and history of the Guild. When she wasn't there, she was at school. There was nothing else in her life that could possibly fit into her schedule, not even another date with Rodney.
While in the library with Claire, Helen came over to pay a visit. “So, how are you?” Vidia looked up from the leather bound century old text and shrugged. “I heard you went out to dinner with a certain silent giant.”
“And?” Vidia didn't bother to look up. She could feel both, Claire and Helen, staring her down waiting for some sort of Vidia style response. She learned that sometimes she needed to tone it down in order to play their little mind games.
“Just curious,” Helen sounded disappointed. “Oh, and I just want to tell you that I saw Trina leaving his room last night and she didn't look like a woman who was turned down, if you know what I mean.”
“If you're trying to make me jealous, then you need to try harder. Rodney, like you two, is just training me. Whatever he does in his free time is his business,” Vidia forced a quick grin upon her face. She tried to not let it show that hearing Trina and Rodney slept together again after he tried so hard to take her out on a date hurt. It was for the better. Vidia spent ten years or so avoiding forming bonds. She wasn't entirely successful with her few friendships but she did succeed when it came to romantic love.
“Oh well,” Helen pushed away from the table. “Since you're free from Rodney, we can have another lesson this weekend, right? I was thinking Paris. We can all spend the weekend there.”
“I have to see about my quidditch schedule.” Vidia closed the book and got up. “But I'll let you know, okay?”
“Graham will be there,” Helen’s smile twinkled with innocent hope.
“Graham can choke on it,” then Vidia excused herself. She didn't have much of an excuse except that she needed a break. Claire didn't mind. Vidia was diligent with her studies. Guild history was much more interesting than History of Magic.
Vidia was walking through the corridors looking for something to pass the time when she spotted Chamise. “Hello, darling.”
“Hello Miss Petcher,” Vidia gave her a quick wave as the two slowed down to talk.
“Please, call me Chamise. How are you doing, Vidia?” The chocolate colored woman asked.
“Oh, I'm alright. Just taking a break from training. How are you?”
“I'm glad to hear that. I'm good. Thank you for asking,” Chamise seemed like a genuinely nice person. Vidia didn't have much to go on when it came to the older woman but after their few brief interactions, she felt Chamise wasn't much of a bullshit artist.
“Can I ask you something?” Chamise nodded. “Rodney and Trina? How long have they been a thing?”
“Well, Trina was brought in when she was eighteen. Rodney was only fifteen at the time but he was preparing for his initiation probably since he was born. So, he helped her a lot. He didn't start sleeping with her until he was eighteen though, if that's what you're trying to ask.” Vidia’s eyes widened. Everyone in that place had a skill to instantly detect bullshit. Vidia hoped it was some sort of talent earned with the initiation process.
“Nope. Not my intention. Not at all.”
“Sure,” Chamise said with a heavy dose of sarcasm. “He's in the main room. Guild Master is training him a bit today but I think I heard him saying they were almost done.”
Vidia pursed her lips and looked around. How did she end their conversation and go off to find Rodney to ask him about Trina? Vidia was starting to like everyone and she didn't want to be rude to one of the officers of the guild.
“You can go,” Chamise said those three words and Vidia was off in the direction of the main room.
The main room was littered with people. It took Vidia a minute or two to find Ridgewell and Rodney because they were seated on the far side. “Good afternoon Miss Ligeiro. Care to join us?”
“Good afternoon Guild Master Penneleigon, Rodney,” she gave him a small nod of recognition before sitting with the two men. “What are you guys doing?”
“We were training but now we are just sharing stories,” Rodney answered before Ridgewell.
“What kind of stories?” She eyed him suspiciously.
“Rodney was just entertaining an old man with his very interesting love life. I, myself, never married. Never had the urge to,” Ridgewell commented. “Maybe Miss Ligeiro can offer some insight on your female companion issue Mr. Crowley.”
“I don't think so, sir,” Vidia protested.
“You're a female. You can offer a unique view.”
“Well, I took this girl out on a date. I thought it went well but she hasn't tried to talk to me or see me. She's busy so I don't want to be a nuisance but I don't know if it's that or a lack of interest. What do you think?”
“I would say that it's probably a little bit of both. Maybe she thinks you're still sleeping with someone else meanwhile you won't sleep with her.” Vidia let a smug expression proudly rest on her face.
“That's funny cause she actually did the same thing,” Rodney jabbed back.
“Well, are you?”
“Actually, I'm not,” They stared one another down while Ridgewell sat blissfully ignorant to what was going on.
“What about Trina?”
“What about her?”
“Someone saw her leaving your room.”
“She's an old friend. Her leaving my room doesn't mean we slept together.”
“How is she supposed to know that?”
“I didn't know there was a rumor circulating about it.”
“It wasn't just a rumor in the past.”
“Well, it is now.”
“Maybe you should just talk to her then.”
“Maybe she shouldn't be so busy.”
“Maybe she doesn't have much of a choice.”
“Maybe you should take this conversation elsewhere,” Ridgewell looked confused by the whole thing and their back and forth had began to attract attention of the other occupants in the room.
“Should we?” Rodney asked Vidia.
“No. I'm busy.” She got to her feet and stormed off.
N.E.W.T.s preparation was taking over Vidia’s life. While the thought of studying for the exams wasn't on her list of fun things to do, it was the only thing going on at the school.
The library at school was packed and the younger students were obnoxiously loud just asking for the wrath of Vidia to rain down on them. So, instead of getting expelled for hexing a first year to the ceiling, which did sound like a promising alternative to studying, she went into town to the Hogsmeade Library, which usually wasn't too packed.
The old wooden door creaked open as Vidia entered. Surely, the old librarian hissed at the same time for silence. Vidia rolled her eyes and headed for the tables.
“Studying?” Vidia flew from her seat when a voice came from behind her. Her scowl settled on Rodney’s grin. “Can we talk?”
“You always want to talk. Go away,” then she turned back toward her book.
Rodney leaned in so he could whisper, “I'm not sleeping with Trina. I figured I should tell you that.”
“I'm not-” the Librarian hissed at Vidia again and cut her off. She looked around for a place they could talk. She spotted a research room that seemed to be vacant. “Come on before we get hexed into oblivion.”
Vidia peeked her head into the room before entering. It was empty, like she thought. The old oak desk had a light coating of dust from infrequent use. There were books scattered around the room and parchment scrolls that looked like they should've been stored away instead of left to yellow with time.
“I'm not in the mood for this. I don't care if you sleep with her or not. Frankly, if you're sleeping with her it makes disliking you that much easier. So, bye Rodney,” and as she spoke he crept closer and closer. His hand wrapped around her waist and pulled her against him. “I said ‘bye’ not ‘touch me’ or ‘hold me’.”
“Is that so?” He lifted her off the floor and captured her lips with his. While she protested at first, Vidia gave in and let her legs hook around his waist.
“Mhmm,” she hummed against his lips as she pulled his shirt up but was stopped. “What?” Vidia buried her head in the bend of his neck.
“Not here.” She groaned as he placed her back on the ground. “If we go any further and I won't be able to stop myself. I'd prefer to have you without worrying the harpy is going walk in on us.” Rodney lifted her face with a finger beneath her chin, “and I don’t want to feel rushed.”
“And what about what I want?”
“You’re the one who said bye not ‘hold me’ or ‘touch me’.”
“Then bye.” Vidia stomped out of the room and went back to studying.
Cristina, Vidia’s cousin, decided to pay her favorite cousin a visit. Cristina and Vidia were often confused as twins since the girls are so close in age, a few weeks shy of six months to be exact, and they looked alike. Honestly, they could pass for sisters and they acted like they were anyway.
Alda had told Cristina that if Vidia wasn't at the castle or at home that she was more than likely in Hogsmeade. Cristina followed her instincts and went to the coffee shop, the Bad Owl, first. Luckily, Vidia was there with a coffee in hand and a far off expression on her face. Cristina and plopped into the chair across from her cousin and exclaimed, “Hola, Puta!”
Vidia nearly flew out of her seat at the sight of her cousin. “What are you doing here?!”
“Just visiting. I’ve been taking time off since graduation. What were you thinking about?” Cristina leaned back in her seat and rest her elbows on the sides.
“Nothing, really. Have you gone to see anyone else? Scotland is a pretty big stretch for a visit.” Vidia was thinking about Rodney and their almost sexual encounter that was cut short. She felt like it was payback for sleeping with Graham and that made her think about it even more.
“I was in the states already. I saw everyone pretty much. Keliani got a boyfriend so that was fun, not. Alejandro started a band. They blow but their lead singer is bangin’ so girls go to their shows. Alex is still a perv. He wanted to come but I said no. I know you hate him.” Vidia make a face at the mention of her cousin’s name. “Everyone else is pretty much the same. The Twins will be in Milan. They invited me to go to some fashion show but I said I was coming here instead. Then they rescinded their invitation. They claimed it was because they thought they had extra seats but the show only could fit so many.”
“Must be so rough for them,” Vidia said sarcastically.
“They’re just jealous that you’re everyone’s favorite over them. Even their own father likes you more than he likes them,” Both girls busted out in a fit of laughter as onlookers wondered what they were talking about as they both faded between languages and dialects.
“That might be a bit of a stretch but hey,” Vidia laughed.
“So, your mom mentioned a guy,” Cristina tilted her head as she waited for Vidia to try and deny it.
“She did?” Vidia kept her cool. She would have to yell at her mother later.
“Why are you being so secretive? It's just a guy, V. Not like you haven't had- oh, you haven't. Is this your first boyfriend?” Cristina leaned forward with a wide grin.
“He's not my first boyfriend. He's not anything. We went out on a date. That's it.” Vidia was trying to convince herself more than she was trying to convince her cousin.
“Is there going to be a second date?” Cristina asked. She had never seen Vidia date anyone. She was so curious to see how romance and affection affected her cousin.
“I don't know. We saw each other at the library and things got hot and heavy but he stopped it. Like who does that?” Vidia was still bitter if that wasn't evident.
“Did he say why?”
“He didn't want it to be in a dusty research room in the public library,” Vidia muttered.
“Oh, V! You're so used to casual sex. Not every guy likes to have random sex in public places. It's nothing against you. Get him where he's comfortable and you'll see the difference,” Cristina smirked suggestively.
“Can we stop talking about this?”
“What else is there to talk about?” As Cristina asked her question Vidia froze. “What?” She turned around to see a giant man with blue eyes and slicked back brown hair wearing a grin. “Is that him?” Vidia nodded. “Oh. I can leave.”
“Stay,” Vidia whispered.
“Hello Vidia,” Rodney said as he walked toward the table.
“Hi,” Vidia said with a bitter tone. “This is my cousin, Cristina. Cristina, this is Rodney.”
“Nice to meet you. So, I hear you took my cousin out on a date,” Cristina flashed a grin as she tried to look up at him.
“I did.”
“It was a nice date.”
“And when's the next one?”
“That's up to her,” with his words they both looked at Vidia, who was trying to disappear before she was embarrassed anymore than she already was.
“What?” She scowled.
“Well...” Cristina held the word for as long as she could.
“I don't know. Why is this on me?” Vidia hissed at Rodney.
“Because you're so damn picky. So, pick something and we'll go do it.”
“Can't argue with that. You are pretty picky, V,” Cristina interjected.
“I just don't do dates,” Her tone seemed to be holding back her usual venom.
“Luckily for you, it's never too late to start,” Rodney leaned over to give Vidia a soft kiss on the cheek and whispered, “I look forward to hearing from you, V.”
“Whatever,” she muttered.
“It was nice meeting you, Cristina,” Rodney inclined his head before heading to the counter to order a coffee.
Cristina waited for Rodney to be out of range before she turned to Vidia with disbelief. “Vidia Nathaly Ligeiro!”
“Oh my Merlin, what?” Vidia tried to keep her voice down but she was close to fuming at the whole situation.
“Go over there and ask him to do something now.”
“But you're here.”
“I can go visit my favorite uncle for a little bit,” Cristin flashed a cheeky grin.
“I hate you,” Vidia pushed her seat out and stomped her way over to where Rodney waited for his order. “Want to do something, now?”
“Is this how you ask someone out on a date?” He asked while taking the cup with his name into his hand.
“If you have a problem with it then forget it,” Vidia's venom spewed as a defense against her embarrassment.
“No, no. It's great. I've never been asked out in such a manner,” his lips met the brim of his coffee as the corners stretched into a grin.
“Okay,” she looked back at her cousin who was giving her a thumbs up, “Can we leave then?”
“Sure. Where to?” He asked as his large strides carried him toward the door.
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hyfrcaden · 10 years
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