#ana is the ultimate wingman
crookedcrow5 · 8 years
“Looks like you'll haveta get that hand patched up, Captain,” Lena whistled as the both looked upon Fareeha's bloody knuckles.
Fareeha sighed and finished unwrapping both hands before flexing the one for a test. It was a bit sore, but she really had to think over whether or not it was worth it to see the doctor. She apparently took too long as Lena grabbed her good hand and pulled her along.
“L-lena, my legs are fine!”
“Oh I know that, love, but they weren't heading to her office!”
Fareeha hoped for a moment where she didn't regret accidentally telling her friends about her crush on the Swiss doctor. It was already awkward enough during examinations, she did not need them pushing her towards the doctor at every scratch.
“There you go, Cap!” Lena grinned and ran off as she deposited Fareeha right at the open door.
Inside, Angela was steadily typing away at her desk and glanced at the door before seemingly finishing a sentence. A quick nod at the computer and she stood with a warm smile on her face that immediately made Fareeha want to run head-first into a pole.
“Good afternoon Fareeha, how can I help you?” Not even waiting for a response, she looked her over before lifting the hand up. Her face scrunched up in focus, which Fareeha could only describe as cute. “Hmm, another training accident?”
“Well it doesn't look too bad. Just some bandages and some disinfectants should do it fine.” Angela smiled once again and gestured towards the patient's seat before going to her kit. It wasn't pain that kept Fareeha from looking at the doctor as she wrapped the hand, but a sudden realization of how close they were. Frantically, she shifted her gaze around the room before pausing on a sight.
She never really noticed that Angela usually had flowers in her office until they were gone.
“There, that should heal up fast if you don't push it for a while,” Angela spoke up and knocked Fareeha out of her thoughts.
“Ah yes, th-thank you, doctor.” She stood and briefly bowed to her. “I'll leave you alone for now, you seemed quite busy.”
She left the office quickly, not noticing Angela watching her go. A thought had entered her mind and she clung onto it, determined to do it right.
Fareeha was going to get her new flowers.
But she couldn't place what ones Angela had before; she didn't even know if the doctor had a preference. That problem ate at her and, as much as she hated her friends egging her on, she did not want to mess it up.
“Lena… By chance did you know what Dr. Ziegler's favorite flower is?” She managed to catch the ex-pilot in the common room with a couple others and the look of pure delight that Lena flashed her made her regret asking.
“Aw, you're finally gonna make a move! Okay, so, you gotta go with roses. There's nothing more romantic than red roses!”
“Ain't that a bit cliché?” Jesse raised an eyebrow at the woman beside him.
“Well yeah, but it doesn't mean it's bad! The worst you can do is the whole 'trail of rose petals' thing because they get everywhere.” Lena huffed, blowing some of her hair from her face. “Emily and I are still finding them...”
Jesse rolled his eyes before sitting back.
“Try honeysuckle, they smell real nice.”
The two of them went back and forth on the matter, leaving Fareeha standing there with a faint idea of what to do.
“I would recommend an Orchid,” Hanzo spoke up from his seat as Fareeha walked out of the common room, feeling as if she had started something.
She sighed, knowing that everyone in the Watchpoint should know what she was doing in the morning. If none of them knew Angela's favorite, Fareeha would just have to find good enough flowers. But spending a lot of time online, finding various conflicting sources with each having different amounts of credibility, drained a lot out of her.
Luckily, by the time she was ready to hurl her computer out the window, someone knocked on her room's door. A very familiar knock that made Fareeha wince and quickly go to open it, knowing well that her mother would open it anyway if she didn't answer the first knock.
Despite that, Ana grinned at her and quickly made her business known.
“I heard you were searching for advice.”
Fareeha tried to repress the grimace edging its way onto her face and nodded, making Ana chuckle and pat her daughter's shoulder.
“Get them now and they'll be a nice surprise for her. Good luck, Fareeha.” Ana's voice carried mirth before she turned on her heel and left without hearing any complaint.
Angela headed to her office on her normal morning autopilot, the only thing keeping her awake being the cup of black coffee she had in the kitchen before taking another with her. She took a deep breath of the aroma before halting in the door of the room.
She unfortunately had to toss out the flowers she had after neglecting them for far too long. Normally, her work took all of her attention and caring for anything else was just a distraction, but she had been growing sentimental lately and welcomed the distraction for a while. And yet, a new bundle of flowers, bright blue with yellow centers, sat perfectly well on a shelf.
Unknowingly, a smile stretched across her face as she placed her cup down and walked to the plant.
“How...peculiar.” Angela examined the flowers, noting that they seemed perfectly healthy. “Who would do this?”
She supposed that asking Athena for camera footage would be the easiest way to be sure, but looking closely at the flowers gave her a very good clue.
A card with a drawing of a plump bird at the bottom of text: “You send my heart soaring!”
I looked up flower meanings online, but I have no clue if they’re right... If I need to change one, lemme know!
FF.net link
Ao3 link
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batgrldes · 3 years
I know there are grumblings about the whole BT ending tonight but I really think the writers are making something spectacular. Actress drama aside, I like how they've set up Buck's relationship with Taylor. It's reminiscent of Eddie's "perfect" relationship with Ana.
With Eddie, he was looking for what he believed was the best scenario for a relationship. He went along with it until he received a wake up call, the shooting. He was placed in the middle of deciding between Ana and Buck. He tried to repress his true feelings until he couldn't do it anymore. He chose to let go of Ana because he knew in his heart he loves Buck.
Now we have Buck. He is deep in his "perfect" relationship. And it is perfect, right now, especially with Taylor coming clean about her past. They've said the three words out loud to each other. As is well, yes?
So what could happen now? Enter PinningEddie! Eddie is a shaken up bottle of soda ready to burst. He's trying to be Buck's wingman right now because he's still processing a lot. I think either intentionally or unintentionally he will make known his feelings for Buck and then Buck is going to have to choose.
Buck will have to decide what he believes is the long lasting relationship. Does he go with Taylor Kelly Martin, the one he has fiery chemistry with? She seems the "safe" choice to Buck. Everything is going well. OR does he choose Eddie, someone he has absolute trust and care with. Because they do care about each other, spoken in actions more than words. But if Eddie would express his feelings to Buck, how would he take it?
I know right now some buddie stans are feeling a little upset, but I really think they are setting this up to be the ultimate decision for Buck and his pursuit of true love.
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luckyladylily · 3 years
Using this guide, tell me about your favorite ships! For me:
Symettra/Pharah/Mercy - I think this one is a raft. Me and Kina are the ones I really know, I think there are a few others that write for this, but everyone seems to be cool with it when it comes up (as long as they are cool with polyamory). You tend to get a lot of Pharah/Mercy shippers stumbling into these fics (which is probably one of the two supercarriers of this franchise). This is my ship of ships in overwatch. Tracer/Widow/Emily - Simply by being an OT3 this is never going to reach dreadnought, but probably cruiser level. Tracer/widow is definitely a supercarrier, tracer/emily is is a cruiser at least so you get a ton of people coming in from the OTPs to check out the poly ship. I really like this ship and I get a lot of requests for it so I tend to write a good amount for it.
Mei/Ana - probably a canoe, but maybe a pool noodle. I have actually written some of this (and plotted out a fairly large fic) but never got around to editing and posting it. As far as I can tell there are zero fics for this and I have never seen someone else suggest it. Despite the significant age gap I think it really works as a sort of “Commander + recruit” sort of thing (particularly because Mei isn’t really military), especially pre freezing, and there is some potential for fantastic angst and drama with the whole freezing thing. I should really write and post that fic sometime.
Final Fantasy VII
Tifa/Aerith/Cloud/Zack - The ultimate polycule. Any individual pairing works well and is quite popular (with the exception of Zack/Tifa), but you rarely get the full polycule. In that sense it is a bit of a rare ship, but each individual ship gets tons of attention, often with the other two playing wingman, so it isn’t all that hard to find content. Technically a gunboat or so, feels more like a cruiser.
Barret/Elmyra Gainsborough - I looove the idea of these two together, bonding over having both adopted a child and being good parents. They are great for each other, and there is a ton of story potential here! Despite how perfect it is there is very little shipping of this going on. There are only 6 fics tagged with it on AO3. Rowboat at best.
Super Smash Bros
Samus/Wii fit trainer - A pool noodle crack ship if I have ever seen one. I initially put these together simply because two flexible women hnnnng, but then somehow along the way it accidentally turned into a real ship. I am not even joking! There is an interesting dynamic here! I should really plot some of it out some time.
Final Fantasy VI
Terra/Edgar/Celes/Locke - Probably my first ever set of ships, I individually shipped all of the het pairs when I was a tiny kid and I remember *really* struggling with who Terra in particular should end up with lol. These days I tend to ship all of them together as a polycule. I think Edgar/Terra was the first ship I ever wrote content for. I wanted them to kiss so bad! With the fandom being so old it is really hard to say what the state of each ship is or was.
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