#anakin in PBATMB has big 'im the baby everyone has to love me'
tennessoui · 3 years
give us the cut sex scene!!!!!
here is my favorite snippet so far (no sex). I will try to post it tonight! i decided i would just combine the sex with some of obi-wan's pov which is why its taking so long
Only yesterday, Cody had strode into his office and slammed the door shut behind him. Obi-Wan had, of course, immediately started defending himself.
“I’m working, I’m working,” he’d said, moving papers around his desk.
“Sir, I think we’ve got the wrong Anakin Skywalker,” Cody had cut him off with a raised hand and a serious expression on his face.
Obi-Wan had raised an eyebrow. “I can assure you, that is--”
“Because that brat up there cannot be the Anakin Skywalker you asked me to dedicate a week of my life to finding for you. That little asshole cannot be who you’ve been pining for. Sir, please.”
Obi-Wan had leaned forward in his chair, amused and anticipatory for any scrap of Anakin he can get. “What did he say, Cody?”
“What hasn’t he said, boss? The boy thinks the world revolves around him. He’s demanded vitamins but only if they’re shaped like dinosaurs, he won’t eat shit unless it’s brought to him on a fucking table tray, and he complains incessantly about how his stitches itch. It’s like having an argument with a spoiled five year old. Sir. It’s not too late. We can return him. I’ll get you another twink. This one is defective.”
“Oh this is wonderful,” Obi-Wan had exclaimed, clasping his hands together in excitement. “Don’t you see what he’s doing? My clever pretty bird. He's settling in! He’s pushing to see what he can get away with.”
Cody’s eye had twitched. “Respectfully sir, if I could figure out a way to do it seamlessly, I am this close to pushing him out the window.”
Obi-Wan had been feeling magnanimous enough to ignore the very real and obvious threat in Cody’s voice. “If you would like, I’ll have Rex bring him his dinner.”
Surprisingly, Cody had rejected that solution outright. “And let him think he’s won? Fat chance, sir. I’ll bring him his goddamn soup.”
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