#cody & the pretty bird
oplishin · 6 months
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seth's smile as he looks up at rock and the crowd chants for cody is very very good
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nakaremfarlei · 5 months
Was just thinking about the amount of animals Obi-Wan interacts with compared to literally everyone else and in the Clone Wars episode where Kamino gets attacked he literally gets saved twice by the same ray-like animal and just...
The growth from judging Qui-Gon for the 'pathetic lifeforms' he picks up to whatever he has going on during the Clone Wars era. He must have gotten that from Qui-Gon though, right?
And because it's my brain and it's rotting with all the star wars stuff I am consuming I was thinking of Obi-Wan saving all these creatures and the 212th having to deal with that. Surely they made one of the rooms pet proof in case one of them needs a new home. There also have to be clones who love that because of course Obi-Wan can't really take care of rescues on top of all his duties.
After the first few times this happens Cody learns to order animal food and other necessities. And if the Republic doesn't fulfill these requests or asks too many questions he'll just have to make sure to organize them on planet during the campaigns.
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tennessoui · 28 days
I just wanted you to know that pbatmb lives inin my head rentfree so often I randomly just think about it. Either the main fic or the Aus (like Amnesiewan) on tumblr. It's so good and whenever I reread it I get so obsessed about it again
omg you’re so brave I don’t even venture into the pbatmb tab cause so much goes on there there’s too many lil pbatmb aus housed under the same tag lmao (anakin gets amnesia, obi-wan gets amnesia, what if it was a/b/o - which turned into a fish hook an open eye of course)
but I was thinking about pbatmb today and I have to add like…what if obi-wan gets busy with politics (something pretty bird anakin is known to dislike) so anakin starts going to fighting rings again without permission (something mobi-wan is known to dislike)
And then during a fight some brash young non corrupted cop leads a team to bust up the ring anakin’s at and anakin gets arrested and he’s like wait I’m pretty sure this isn’t supposed to happen? and the cop gives him a long impassioned speech about being new to the city and touch on crime and how a new day is dawning on coruscant and anakins like huh. ok. can I have my phone call
And he of course calls Ahsoka because he doesn’t want to be the one to tell mobi-wan that he’s been arrested
so mobi-wan swans down and asks politely to meet with New Cop and his husband in the chief’s office which is a request that’s immediately granted and then he asks New Cop all friendly about the charges against his husband and hey, were there any witnesses?
and New Cop was like yes there were many witnesses
and obi-wan (pacing behind a sitting anakin) strokes anakin’s hair and is like ‘and do these witnesses understand that they’re accusing my anakin? Anakin kenobi?’)
and anakin preens and New Cop is like it doesn’t matter the name of the person they saw. it just matters what they saw
and obi-wan is like (pushing his fingers into anakin’s neck to the point of pain) how very cute. you must be new here.
and anakin is like you should ask the witnesses again what they saw 🥰🥰 I don’t think anyone will say they saw anakin kenobi 🥰🔪
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My redneck neighbor Doug's interpretations on various 'Bad Batch' characters: Side Character Edition!
I'm chuffed that everyone thinks my neighbor Doug is funny: he really is a gem. I had no idea we'd bond over Star Wars and crappy weather, but here we are.
Naturally, I had to bother him about other characters that showed up on The Bad Batch, so, here we go!
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Phee Genoa: Ah-ha, that there’s Church Lady. You know her, she’s got a big square in her pocketbook and you don’t know if it’s pound cake or a brick, because the Lord saves but He can’t help you in the alley when you’re in Treme and the streetlights just turned on. She has two ex-husbands who are both preachers and they turned to Jesus because they are so scared of Church Lady in court. 
(So I guess he’s saying Phee has raw WHO DAT energy, for my Saints fans out there)
Cid: Looking at this fat lizard bitch makes me hungry. I call that one Houma-BBQ because I’m guessing we could feed a whole parish fire station based on the size of her tail. I wish she’d shut up, she reminds me of my mother-in-law. 
Cad Bane: Homeboy looks like a Sesame Street character who teaches Big Bird about concealed carry laws. I call him Gun Safety Muppet. I don’t like him because he shot my Wife and I’s Boyfriend on the other show and his robot needs to be tossed into a wood chipper. 
(“I’m not gay, but Jenny and I…well, we would make an exception to that man. You ever see ‘Deadwood’? Man is fine. I’m not GAY.”)
Fennec Shand: That’s The Chick that’s in Everything. She was on ER and Boba Fett and I think a Marvel show too? I like her. Hope she kills Gun Safety Muppet and hurls his blue ass into a dumpster. 
Howzer: That’s my niece’s boyfriend, Jorge. We all love Jorge, nice guy, owns an auto repair shop and always remembers plates and napkins for the cookouts after church.
Gregor: Jorge’s cousin, Manny. Met him once at Christmas in Miami, nice guy, only drinks brown liquor and insists everyone arm wrestle him. But he’s got a good job as a PE teacher, we respect education, come on now. 
The Martez Sisters: Aw, man, it’s Jorge’s Unemployed Sisters. I hate it when they show up for Christmas and get into fights with my momma. 
(“Doug, you know they’re not related to the clones at all, right?” “Says who?” “The PLOT?” “Eh, they’ll change it, just watch.”)
Mayday: Aw, I liked this guy so much! That’s Sassy Park Ranger, he’s the type that gives you your camping permits, warns you about the bears, and then is all disappointed when you don’t properly stow your food and the bears destroy the campsite. I need to go back to Little River Canyon, that place was pretty. 
Lt. Nolan: THAT STUPID BLOND JACKASS. (Doug was so enraged by the guy he had nothing else to add. Damn.)
Senator Chuchi: Why does this lady make me want a blue slushie? I’ll call her the Sonic Special. They need more Sonics here in the north, they really do. 
Cody: That’s Obi-Wan’s Boyfriend, he’s sad all the time. We know why. (Confirmed that Doug is a Codywan shipper and I don’t know what to do about that)
Royce Hemlock: Is that Jimmy Neutron after he grew up and became one of those guys that’s on the internet all the time writing creepy things? It’s Jimmy-the-Scientist. He looks like the type of person dogs get weird around.
Rex: That's Rex. He's a king. Respect him.
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lisimcpisi · 1 year
One thing I've always found interesting in Rescue Bots is how each of the bot's have gone to accepting their newfound life on earth. Despite all coming from the same circumstances (all being contained in stasis in the middle of space and being found by Optimus), they each have gone through their own process of accepting that they can never go back home and have a new planet and humans to protect.
Throughout most of the series Blades and Chase are pretty much good with Griffin Rock. In fact, they're pretty much thriving what with how enveloped they are with different aspects of human culture!
Blades is a total pop culture nerd. He loves watching movies, game shows, and cartoons. So much so that it even influences how he sees the real world (thinking that monsters are real and having heatwave hunt them for him). He's even involved on the internet and developed a fan club.
Chase, being a police bot, is extremely passionate about upholding the law and memorizing police codes. He even loves sharing his love for the law this boy hyperfixates to the ends of the earth its so charming. In the episode where everyone on the island starts singing Chase sings a whole song about different police codes and it'smhilarious. When Cody is trying to figure out what he should do for his Lad Pioneers Project, Chase creates a fake game show where he quizzes him on the law. All in all, Chase loves his job and loves learning about human law.
Heatwave, on the other hand, is a complicated case. It's clear that at the start of the series, Heatwave is dedicated to his mission and wants to make Optimus proud, but he is very frustrated by the circumstances he's being put under. He has to hide who he is and pose as an emotionless machine. His partner is selfish and takes all the credit for their rescue work. All the others seem to be content with what they have, but Heatwave isn't. He so much so desires to be a part of Optimus' team on the mainland so he can be part of the action (even though any decepticon could kill him in one shot). There's also been multiple cases where Heatwave requests him and the rescue bots to be reassigned to a mission off planet, much like when the first Morbot "replaces" them in Season 1. And yet despite it, towards the end of the series Heatwave definitely turns over a new leaf. He loves his family and partners, and will fight to hell and back to protect his home.
Boulder, imo, is the perfect medium between Blades/Chase and Heatwave. One of his most endearing traits is how much he adores Earth. Like, he is in LOVE with the place. Right when the bots first arrive on Earth, boulder remarks at how beautiful griffin rock is. One of my fave episodes with boulder is when he discovers a species of bird that was previously extinct and wants to try so hard to protect it from tourists. In the musical episode his entire number is just a love song to Earth and its so adorable. He also actively wants to be a part of the community. He offers people to ask him questions about himself. He does community gardening and tries to sign up for a library card. Though, with how much he loves Earth, there are times when we see he still grieves his life on Cybertron. On the episode where they celebrate All-Spark Day, Boulder looks back on the fond memories he had celebrating on Cybertron, and wants to share his culture with Griffin Rock. Surprisingly, Heatwave turns down the idea, saying that they shouldn't look back on the past and stay focused on their mission.
anyways those are just my thoughts on rescue bots. it's such a well written show and I could talk for hours about what I love about it!!
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I didn't know corgi was a welsh word 😯🌟🐶 Can you tell more dog names in welsh?
It's a Welsh breed! Pair of breeds, actually - the little cute one from Pembrokeshire that looks like it belongs on a twee greetings card with a duckling on its head, and the big Carmarthenshire one that looks like it is straining every second of every day not to hunt down a cow and slaughter it. Funnily enough, America has gone feral for corgis, but here in Wales you don't often see pet ones. They don't have the temperament for pet life. I assume it's maybe a working-line Vs pet-line thing, but here their reputation is that they are snappy and aggressive if they aren't very, very carefully raised and handled.
The correct plural is corgwn, btw. Enjoy this knowledge.
Other Welsh breeds with Welsh names:
Llamgi Cymreig - the Welsh springer spaniel. 'Spaniel' is actually Sbaengi, meaning 'Spain dog', so cognate with the English, but llamgi is 'jumping/springing dog'.
Daeargi Cymreig - the Welsh terrier. Daeargi means 'earth dog', because of the traditional chasing things into setts and warrens thing. The Sealyham terrier is daeargi Sealyham, so same thing
And, Ci Defaid Cymreig - the Welsh sheepdog, pretty literal
And then non-Welsh breeds are varyingly named along similar lines. Sbaengi adara - the cocker spaniel (lit 'bird Spain dog'). Sbaengi hela - the English Springer (lit 'hunting Spain dog'). Sbaengi Siarl - the King Charles spaniel (lit 'Charles' Spain dog')
Ci defaid is generically used for collie or sheepdog.
Terriers there are many! I pulled these off of Bruce:
Black-&-tan terrier - daeargi melyn a du (yellow and black earth dog)
Bull-terrier - daeargi tarw
Cairn terrier - daeargi byrgoes (shortleg earth dog)
Fox terrier is fun, it gets DIALECTS. Daeargi/ci codi llwynog (fox-raising earth dog/dog) in the North, ci codi cadno (fox-raising dog) in the South
Irish terrier - daeargi Gwyddelig
Maltese terrier - daeargi Melita
Scotch terrier - daeargi Albanaidd/Sgotaidd
Skye terrier - daeargi Heledd (who is Heledd???)
Toy terrier - corddaeargim (dwarf earth dog! The 'cor' is the same as in corgi)
Yorkshire terrier - daeargi Efrog (York earth dog)
Let's see, what else... Um, adargi is 'retriever' - bird dog, literally. Golden retriever is adargi melyn (yellow bird dog)
Poodle is just pwdl. Cymricised transliteration, innit
My brain won't think of any more dogs, sorry. HMU if you have a specific one lol
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Crazy Ass Things I Remembered From Wizards of Waverly Place
Family wizard competition has destroyed many families
Alex secretly created a clone of Justin years ago and sent him to a University
Said clone dropped out and became a vagabond
Angels hang out inside the Hollywood sign
The series shared the same universe with Hannah Montana, Suite Life of Zack and Cody, and That’s so Raven
Dragons are just regular sized lizards with wings
Dragons can end up looking exactly like a dog
There’s magical slavery
Leprechauns are kept in cages in a restaurant
Plastic is immune to magic
Shakira isn’t real
Shakira is a alter-ego made up by their uncle
Since Shakira isn’t real that means that Shakira isn’t real in Suite Life, Hannah Montana, and That’s So Raven since they share the same universe
There’s spell that can reverse time and another that can stop time but they’re barely used
Max was turned into a girl for several episodes
There were moments where he started to enjoy being a girl and moments where he didn’t
Max has an onscreen kill count of 3 people
one of the people he killed just wanted to give everyone magic
Max created a bunch of monsters using magic
Said monsters apparently killed the majority of monster hunters so Max has a larger kill count
Alex “defeated” said monsters by sending them to Spain (this is never elaborated)
Justin created a monster in the same method as Frankenstein (it is unknown where he got said body parts to create her)
The monster who was named Frankie is actually pretty nice but was sent to Monster Jail and never appeared again
Some magician’s sibling turned his girlfriend into a bird
The bird turns back into a human but the man liked her better as a bird and turned her into a bird again
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wantonlywindswept · 9 months
post-order 66 identity fuckery au because vader decides he misses rex. he can't have rex, but he does have that clone who rex always spoke of with grudging fondness and who cody often compared rex's personality to and--
that's close enough, right?
CC-1010 doesn't know why he says it, probably due to his impending death, but he's gotten Vader's attention off of the troopers that fired on him and solely focused on him, and he can march on entirely happy with that.
So maybe something in his brain misfires, because he feels Vader's invisible grip around his throat and something angry and petty and cruel rears up in him and he spits,
"He would be fucking ashamed of you."
And 1010 doesn't. Actually know exactly who he's talking about? Entirely? But he knows it hits because Vader freezes and then Vader roars, and instead of being choked to death or his neck snapped or his head separated from his body, 1010 hits the wall again and again and again and--
1010 wakes up.
He's a little surprised.
He doesn't entirely remember why he's surprised.
He doesn't...remember a lot, actually. 
But he wakes up, and he's in a set of officer's quarters (seems right), with the hum of machinery telling him he's on a starship (seems wrong). His throat's as dry as Geonosian dust but when he stumbles blearily into the fresher to get a drink, a jolt of electricity zips up his spine when he catches sight of himself in the mirror. 
(Wrong wrong wrong wrong--)
1010 runs a palm over his light-colored hair with a frown. The ends are short and prickly, like he'd only just buzzed it. It matches with his face--mostly unscarred, devoid of any tattoos--and it looks familiar, but the perspective seems off, somehow, like the angle of viewing is wrong (wrong wrong wrong). 
But 1010 just shrugs, and turns on the water to drink straight from the tap. He's pretty sure that he's used to everything being Wrong.
He's wiping his mouth on a towel when the door of his quarters opens--
catches sight of black armor and feels fear anger terror hate fear fear fear
--and steps out of the fresher to snap to attention, adrenaline kicking through his veins.
"Sir," he salutes crisply.
Darth Vader watches him, silently. Tilts his death's head like a hunting bird eyeing its prey. 
"At ease, Captain."
1010 blinks.
He's pretty sure he was a commander. Was he demoted?
But now that he thinks about it, he can't really remember his last posting. He knows that he was in charge of other clones, in a position to give orders, and that was well within the duties of a Captain. 
Besides, it's not like Darth Vader could be wrong.
"Are you well enough for duty?" Vader asks. He gestures toward the armor rack in the corner, which holds a set of plastoid lined in royal blue. The colors and markings are familiar enough, even if 1010 thinks it would look better in red.
1010 mentally checks himself over: besides the lingering feeling of Wrongness, his body is entirely free of pain. It seems novel, for some reason. 
"That's good, Rex," Vader says, voice oddly cautious. "Get geared up, and we'll go to the command deck."
Rex, 1010 thinks. He recognizes the name, fondness curling in his chest at the sound of it. It's a good name. 
Rex nods easily, which makes Vader relax.
He crosses over to his armor and pulls the jaig-eyes helmet over his head.
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thegreenlizard · 8 months
What makes a military genius
Obi-Wan recognises the most qualified person to lead his battalion is not himself but his commander and acts accordingly.
Could be the same AU as “Not Obi-Wan’s first slave uprising” (where Obi-Wan is presented with a battalion of slave soldiers, says please and thank you, and starts plotting how to take down the slavers).
Jedi are more like diplomats, spies, or special forces, where they have to achieve much with very little. Obi-Wan had learned to use his assets to their fullest, including—and often especially—sentient assets. Or, Obi-Wan recognises the most qualified person to lead his battalion is not himself but his commander, and acts accordingly.
I have this mental image of Obi-Wan meeting his commander and having a discussion, comparing their education and qualifications; recognising that while he’s willing to learn, his learning curve would happen at the expense of the lives of his men; and promptly reassigning duties. Cody ends up with effective command of the 212th; Obi-Wan’s combat role becomes a specialist and his non-combat role a combination of consultant (he does have applicable experience), Republic/Order attaché (slash shield/advocate for his men), and a professional banthashit processor (which allows Cody to do his job as effectively as possible). And that’s how the 212th ends up the most effective battalion in the GAR.
I love the MilitaryGenius!Obi-Wan trope, but soldiers the Jedi are not. This is one solution for how both could be true at the same time (in other words, gimme military genius!Cody). Obi-Wan has the strategic genius to recognise that he has what might be the finest army in the galaxy crippled by poor leadership—and the negotiator’s out of the box genius to figure out a solution for it. His by the book appearance is part an attempt to protect the good thing he has going on and part malicious compliance.
- Obi-Wan in full trooper armour.
- Obi-Wan in full armour is a trooper that doesn’t exist—the “Ghost” of the Ghost Company (i.e. his assigned company).
- I got thinking about different scenarios and when it would be more advantageous to have your Jedi look visibly Jedi for intimidation, distraction, or whatever—and when it would be more advantageous to hide him in plain sight in one of the identical sets of trooper armour. And I thought that if Cody had a Jedi who was willing to let Cody do whatever he wanted with him, that would definitely be one of the uses to make of him. You know, in addition to getting him wear armour, two birds one shot and all that jazz.
- Cody and Obi-Wan also discuss the possibility of making their arrangement public, making it known it’s a clone who’s effectively running the battalion. But for some political osik reason decide no.
- It probably so happens that the finest army in the galaxy is also compromised by the senate’s lengthy decision making process and poor logistics, but that comes later. Although it might already be apparent that some of it will become a problem—soldiers can’t function without support and logistics & I’m pretty sure not all pertinent support was included in the clone order (onboard ship mechanics yes, shipyards no). So you have a fighting force that *on paper* should be easily winning—and when it isn’t, you can blame the Jedi for something they have no power over.
- That being said, we never see what happens to the service corps during the war—they must be pressed into service as support personnel if the whole Order is drafted? So there are Jedi generals (the knights), but also navigators (Exploracorps), healers (MediCorps), supplying & feeding the army (Agricorps), etc. I wonder how much discontent it causes when those services are pressed to war and taken away from the populations they previously serviced? Probably poorer Outer Rim populations, furthering the divide between Core and Outer Rim worlds and pushing more Outer Rim worlds towards the Separatists, worsening the crisis.
- Eventually Obi-Wan’s experience from Melida/Daan comes in handy. Unfortunately, not his experience with leading troops, but his experience with total warfare and breakdown of infrastructure. That’s not something Cody was taught to expect—he was trained with the expectation of at least somewhat functional support. So Cody has a learning curve, but unexpectedly this is something his general knows.
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jovenshires · 8 months
the official iwks lore dump post
okay this is long-overdue but basically both @spencersagnew and @hoohoobeanie asked me to do a little lore dump for if we keep score and here it is!! this is not everything by far (some of what's missing will be covered in future fics and some im simply forgetting) but this is the basics for all the stuff i felt like i couldn't include but i had in my brain - ages, mascots for different schools, etc
st charles:
SENIORS: spencer, damien, shayne, brennan
JUNIORS: alex t, jeremy, patrick, ify
SOPHOMORES: rock and tim
FRESHMAN: marcus
our lady of perpetual sorrow:
SENIORS: tommy, keith, garrett
JUNIORS: alex a, luke, duran
SOPHOMORES: andre and greg
FRESHMEN: chanse, josh, peter
holy trinity (based on the try guys and second try):
SENIORS: zach (captain), keith (vc), kwesi, nick
JUNIORS: johnny, hughie, alex, jared
SOPHOMORES: miles and jonathan
aquinas academy (based on dropout tv):
SENIORS: sam (captain), brennan (vc), josh, murph
JUNIORS: zac, grant, trapp
SOPHOMORES: raph and tao
FRESHMEN: lou and jacob
st. george's (based on mythical):
SENIORS: josh (captain), david hill (vc), carney, jordan, lucas
JUNIORS: chase, davin, matt lieb, pasley, zack
st charles: cheetahs (chosen because it alliteratively went with st charles)
our lady of perpetual sorrow: pirates (chosen because it alliteratively went with perpetual)
holy trinity: triceratops (i meannn. when they have a mascot already i simply must)
aquinas: spoonbills (lil inside joke for brennan lee mulligan's love of birds and that one game changer ep where sam tortured brennan with birds)
st. george's: roosters (once again i feel like i had to. i almost went with 'beasts' but i think roosters makes more sense)
st charles: Dirige Nos In Fide - Guide Us In Faith. (i knew this one from the very start because i had the speech ian gives him in my head. where spencer has faith in his team and that's why ian chose him to lead them. guide us in faith!!!)
our lady of perpetual sorrow: Est Gaudium in Dolore - There is Joy in Pain. (honestly this is tommy bowe's personal motto to me. no but i picked it bc tommy persevered despite all that he suffered
holy trinity: Conare Iterum Conare - Try Try Again. (this one is pretty on the nose BUT they're all about giving it their best shot even when they're the underdogs!! when they get knocked down they get up again! ain't nothing gonna bring us down!)
aquinas: Virtus in Culpa - Strength in Fault (their students are really, really intelligent and like. the best of the best. but that's because aquinas, though it's a school for academic excellence, is very relaxed with consequences for failure. like there's a lot of support for students who are struggling academically or behaviorally. we are only as strong as our faults!!)
st. george's: Esto Tuus Optimus - Be Your Best Self (once again they had it right there. be your mythical best!)
(ive posted this before but im making this comprehensive!)
st. charles’ academy for boys: this is entirely based on spencer’s first name actually being charles LNDKNFLKNK like i knew i wanted to go with an all-boys school (as opposed to olops which is actually a co-ed school!) and i thought. “this is kinda funny.” and it was!
our lady of perpetual sorrow: this is actually - and i Did Not Know This - the catholic school from suite life of zack and cody SDFGHJK which means one of two things: 1. either i heard it there and it stuck in my brain and i didn’t realize OR 2. i just have the same brain cell as the suite life writers. i have no idea. but i chose that name bc, growing up in catholic school, i heard So Many ‘our lady of ___’ school names and i thought tommy, known Mental Illness actor, would enjoy 'perpetual sorrow’ as a nod to that knfkfnfk
holy trinity preparatory school: ah the easiest one tbh!! holy trinity because TRI. TRI bc there’s three of them and also it sounds like TRY. try guys! no more thought to it than that tbh.
aquinas academy: i went into it in more detail here, but basically st. thomas aquinas is the patron saint of college students - thus college humor, thus dropout!!
st. george: this one was a little more deep-cut!! i almost went with st. martha, the patron saint of the culinary arts, but i wanted their patron to encapsulate more of the crew rather than just the kitchen. even if it was josh’s world and we were all living in it. but basically, st. george is the patron saint of knights, cavalry, and armourers. he’s frequently depicted as slaying dragons and was often compared to many mythic heroes. therefore, you can consider st. george your official patron saint of mythicality!
damien is in the st. charles' choir which is why spencer plays guitar for them; he also does the school plays. he's a busy boy!
patrick is an altar boy and that's how he stole the communion wine
patrick and jeremy almost kissed when they got drunk off the communion wine and have NEVER talked about it
shayne is in the running to be valedictorian
chanse has a crush on tommy (and who can blame him.)
jackie does not do soccer and although she was at most of the games in iwks did NOT know what was going on
jackie also goes to public school bc i love her so she gets to win <3
i've mentioned this before but yes amanda and angela were on the same team in high school and were best friends (and..... you know. a little more than that maybe.)
tim is rock's calc tutor and it's not going well
if spencer had any input he would push for jeremy to be the next vc because he just has a soft spot for the guy and he thinks it would do him some good. but jeremy would rather die than be in charge of anything so <3
alex's hello kitty bandaids have nothing to do with like a ravenous love of hello kitty or anything - frankly they bought them because he thought they were cute and pink and sparkly. he didn't even realize they were hello kitty but that just makes them even better. they make All the players wear them when they can.
literally no one has told marcus who ian is so when he shows up at that one party he's just like. haha! who tf is this guy :) just smiling and nodding as if he knows what's going on but EXTREMELY confused by the stranger in jeremy's house
ify and patrick were buds before either of them met jeremy
brennan took four years of latin as we know, but what you don't know is that tommy took four years of french and damien took four years of german! (spencer took the minimum requirement of spanish and that's it LKDNKNFLFKN)
a lot of the team member's relationship with religion fluctuates but ian specifically is like. agnostic-christian. where he's like "idk what's out there but the Idea of christianity is comforting." he's not sure what he thinks about god but he's cool with praying does this make sense
tommy has spencer in his phone as "charles" forever and ever bc he said so. what is spencer gonna do. stop him?
despite the ban on interactions between the two teams damien and keith have been buds/texting each other for years. they are buds to ME.
chanse is like. en route to play professionally. he's being scouted like right now. he wanted to go to like a Specialized sports high school but his parents insisted on keeping him in catholic school
aaand trevor is putting in a transfer request as we speak LKSNDLK
okay i think that's it for now as far as lore goes. i hope you all enjoy!!
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moonbeam-dragon · 1 year
More Rescue Bots Incorrect Quotes (Yes it's mostly the Burns siblings)
Salvage: ...I'm pretty sure that place is fire-proof, or something.
Blurr, grenade in hand: Alright, but is it explosion-proof?
Blades: Hello HighTide, made anyone cry today?
HighTide: Sadly, no. But it’s only 4:30.
Blurr: I think it's time to start fucking some shit up.
Heatwave: Oh no.
Blurr: More like "oh yes!"
(What I imagine their first meeting looked like)
Quickshadow: State your name, rank, and intention.
Blurr: Blurr, Blurr, fun.
Graham, singing to the tune of I Kissed a Girl: I killed a guy, and I liked it-
Cody, whispering: Should we call the exorcist?
Dani, also singing: The taste of his cherry chapstick.
Kade, appalled: Call the exorcist.
*Everyone is playing a board game together*
Cody: I will put 'A' down to make 'A'.
Kade: I will add onto your 'A' to make 'AT'.
Dani: I will add onto your 'AT' to make 'RAT'.
Graham: I will add onto your 'RAT' to make 'BIOSTRATAGRAPHIC'.
Dani: *flips the board*
Chase: Hey Blades.
Blades: *punches Chase in the stomach*
Chase: What the fuck?!
Blades: You are one of my very best friends. And I cannot stand by and watch you throw away your life like this. You're too young....YOU'RE TOO BEAUTIFUL!
Chase: What the fuck are you talking about?
Blades: I'm talking about the baby that's growing inside of your belly right now.
Boulder: See ya! *leaves*
Chase: I'm not pregnant!
Blades: Well, not after that punch you're not. I've been taking muay thai classes.
Chase: I was never pregnant, Blades!
Blades: Are... you sure?
Chase: Yes I'm fucking sure!
Heatwave: I'm sorry, but why the fuck is everybody yelling over here?
Blades: Oh, I found this positive pregnancy test and—
Heatwave: *punches Chase in the stomach*
Graham: I’ll be famous one day, but for now I’m stuck in this house with a bunch of morons.
Kade: Ask me anything. Go ahead, I'll give you a straight answer.
Dani: Why are we so fucking awesome?
Kade: That's the best fucking question anybody's ever asked.
Kade: Are you ever going to listen to me?
Graham: Yes. Absolutely.
Kade: When?
Graham: When you're right.
Cody: Slash gamemode creative.
Graham: Bro, this isn't Minecra-
Cody: *starts levitating*
Graham: I regret getting dragged into your heterosexual tomfoolery.
Cody: I don't know, it's not my cup of tea.
Kade: Well then whose is it?
Cody, staring at a cup of tea: I don't know!
Graham: You're violent.
Dani: Yeah but I'm also short and that's adorable.
Heatwave: Die.
Boulder: Please don't die!
Heatwave: DIE!
Graham, confused: Why are they yelling at a plant?
Kade, watching while eating popcorn: They bought it together and Boulder wants Heatwave to accept it as their kid.
Dani: Make no mistake. Not only am I party rocking, but I am also in the house tonight.
Cody: But are you shuffling?
Dani: Everyday.
Graham: What language are you two speaking??
Graham, watching Kade and Dani fight: Are you sure they should be fighting? What if they get hurt?
Cody, not bothered by the chaos: It’s fine. They’re too evenly matched to hurt each other.
Graham: Then... who’s the strongest out of you three?
Kade: Cody.
Dani: Cody.
Cody: Me.
Charlie: Cody, can I speak to you for a minute? In private.
Cody: Ooh, someone's in trouble.
Kade, Dani, and Graham: ...
Cody: It's me. I don't know why I did that.
Dani: When will Ted himself...finally show up to the talk?
Kade: The final boss.
Graham: You guys know TEDtalks stands for technology, entertainment, and design talks, right
Dani: I will not let Ted hide behind these lies any longer!
Kade: Some people say that I have a god complex. I’d like to think that I’m a complex god.
Cody: We need to distract these guys.
Kade: Leave it to me.
Kade: Centaurs have six limbs and are therefore insects. Discuss.
Dani & Graham: *immediately begin arguing*
Dani: Which country has the most birds?
Dani: Portu-geese!
Kade: That's a language.
Dani: Portu-gull?
Kade: Good recovery.
Cody: I think you mean good re-dovery.
Graham, taking off his glasses to rub his face: TURKEY. HOW DID WE MISS TURKEY?
Graham: Everyone synchronise your watches.
Dani: I don't know how to do that.
Kade: I don't wear a watch.
Cody, staring at his pocket watch: Time is a construct.
Dani: It’s time to turn this into a real business.
Cody: What do you mean? Like, carry a briefcase, and wear a tie, and pay taxes?
Kade: Wait, have you not been paying your taxes?
Graham: I handle our accounting.
Cody: Like, no offense to myself and all, but what the fuck am I actually doing?
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omgahgase · 1 year
modern au were obi-wan is the bob ross of the PBS channel and cody tunes in for every episode
i saw a video of bob ross doing his thing on tiktok and my mind immediately conjured up obi-wan as bob ross, thus leading to cody developing a lil super fucking big crush on the pretty painter with a nice voice. i don't really know where i was going with this, but i had fun while doing it, and isn't that the whole point? the fic's under the cut, i hope you enjoy!
it started off as him dabbling in the arts, wanting to learn how to paint landscapes bc, as a nature photographer, he can capture nature's beauty, but he just can't paint it from his mind's eye.
he heard from his brothers about a tv show starring a guy who paints beautifully in simple and easy instructions so cody—thinking it's not possible to fuck it up if even his most creatively challenged kin can do it—can do it as well.
only, cody did fuck up and it's bc the guy who greeted him with a friendly, "hello there," and said that they're going to paint today is super fucking pretty and has the gentlest, most relaxing voice cody has ever heard. he's wearing a simple button up and slacks, his beard is neatly trimmed, and his eyes—dear god his eyes. they're a stunning light blue but under different lighting they shift from green to grey to—is that a mole? cody squints, leans in real close to the tv screen, and he groans. this guy has a beauty mark to the right of his nose, a little ways below his eye and it's so fucking endearing. he even has an accent, one cody can't decipher when his gaze is trained on the painter's—obi-wan's, his mind helpfully remembers—long, elegant fingers. hold a brush, a knife, gesturing in quick, stuttery movements, anything his hands do, cody's eyes follow relentlessly. obi-wan is saying something about happy clouds and reassuring his audience that even if they mess up, it's okay bc it's their world that they're creating so mistakes are happy little accidents and, suddenly, cody doesn't care about his blank canvas. all he wants to do is watch this pretty man with the velvet soft voice speak to him and say that life has its ups and downs but it's still a beautiful thing that cody should be happy to take part in.
and cody is happy, very happy, actually, bc with his new found motivation to watch every single episode, he learns how to paint. he learns newfound patience for himself that he thought he mastered after raising so many of his brothers. hell, he even develops a celebrity crush on obi-wan bc no one has ever spoken to him like that and, despite it being through a screen, cody feels as if he's painting with obi-wan for real, as if he's right next to cody, guiding him through creating trees and oceans out of nothing.
though, after so many weeks of watching, cody's crush stays as stand-still as ever when the person you long to know on a personal level doesn't even know you exist.
cody guesses that's why he books a little trip to the mountains, to take a break from the screen and from painting to go back to his first passion of photography. cody hikes through the shrubbery and finds himself wandering on a cliff looking out across the deep, green valley of forestry and rivers, content to snap as many photos as his camera's memory allows. he breaths in the fresh, crisp air and feels at home amongst the chirping birds, the sounds of shifting earth and rushing water, and for the first time in months, cody allows himself to forget about the pretty painter who so carefully carved himself a place in cody's mind.
(and in cody's heart, but he's not ready to admit how far his crush has gone.)
it's sunset when cody starts descending down the mountain trail and sees an open area overlooking the west. his photo-hungry brain tells him to capture one more picture of the sun's rays, the oranges, reds, and yellows blending into deep, dark purples and blues. he quickly jumps off the trail and makes his way to the opening through the trees, but stops short when he notices a painter, engrossed in his art and the beauty of the sun setting behind a curtain of mountains, facing the spectacle at the perfect angle—the same angle cody was hoping to stand in.
it's fine, though, because after carefully stepping around the painter because cody knows on a deep, personal level how frustrating it is to be interrupted in the middle of your craft, he finds a spot that's just as good as the one he wanted. cody gets his camera out and takes the obligatory photos his brain is telling him to take. After a couple dozen, he feels satisfied with the landscape's outcome, but a louder, more intuitive-feeling voice is saying to snap a photo of the painter.
cody doesn't photograph people, he found that he'd rather take his skills to the outdoors where he feels more comfortable, but now he has a deep, almost painfully knowing need to take at least one picture of the man standing with his back to cody. so cody does. he moves quietly, swiftly hopping over fallen twigs as to not step on one and spook the painter (and ultimately rat himself out in the creepiest way possible). cody has a stunning view of the canvas and it's breathtakingly likelihood of the setting sun and blooming night sky, but the man's face is covered by the collar of his jacket and the beanie sitting low on his head. cody feels a pang of disappointment at not being able capture the man's side profile, but the sun is quickly fading and he's in a race against time to still have enough lightning to showcase the canvas, so he snaps a photo.
then that photo turns into two, then three, and by the fourth one, cody's camera is bursting with shutter sounds that echo across the clearing. but the painter still hasn't noticed him. cody, thanking whoever's looking down on him, is eternally grateful because with how he's crouched behind a tree and pointing his camera directly at him, the painter wouldn't hesitate to call authorities on him at first glance.
with his need quelled, cody decides on one more photo for the road when a merciless gust of wind rips past both of them. the painter's hat floats off his head and he immediately drops his brush to reach for it, collar lowered and face fully exposed in cody's direction and—
"no fucking way," cody whispers.
the fly-away beanie hits cody right in the face and over his camera lens, but he got it. he took a photo of the painter who, in just the few seconds his face was unobstructed, struck a chord of familiarity deep in cody's chest because he looks exactly like the reason why cody decided to escape into the mountains.
frantically, cody ignores the "hey!" called out to him in favor of scrambling behind his hiding place and desperately scrolling through his photos for the last one taken. he mentally curses himself for not changing the default settings and starting from his most recent photo as he fingers through the hundreds of previous ones he took. cody is almost to the bottom with the tiniest sliver of hope a frenzied, erratic thing rattling around in his chest when he hears footsteps getting closer.
he's there, he's almost there, just a little further down and he'll see if it's really—his camera dies. right in his hands.
cody lets out a frustrated, low guttural groan at his luck because of course this happens. he wouldn't have expected anything less when it comes to him because only cody can develop a crush on a man who doesn't know he exists then creepily stalk someone who looks scarily similar to said obtainable man. who's cody kidding? he's hallucinating, for christ's sake. he would've followed an apparition off a cliff if it looked like obi-wan and cody isn't afraid to admit that now.
the footsteps grow in volume until a pair of heavy hiking boots stand right in front of cody, most likely attached to a pair of legs that'll lead up to a man who's seconds away from calling the police.
"excuse me?" he says.
"yeah, yeah," cody waves him off, dejected and uncaring of how rude he might sound. he stands on shaky legs and shoulders his camera, eyes unable to move from his feet. he unclenches the beanie in his hand and dusts off pieces of leaves imbedded in the knitting. "Sorry about that, i'll delete the photos if you want. i know i didn't get your permission and it's super fucking creepy of me to just take photos of you—"
"on the contrary," the man says, "if you were taking photos of me, i'd very much like to see them.
the man has such a familiar accent that it has cody's head shooting straight up because there's no fucking way.
"hello there," obi-wan greets, grinning that sweet, gentle smile he wears during every episode of his show.
"uh—um. h-hi." god, could cody sound anymore stupider?
obi-wan's smile broadens and isn't that something? being on the receiving end of something cody's ever seen through a screen? cody feels like he just ascended.
"would you mind sharing them?" obi-wan asks, pointing to cody's camera. "it's not every day i allow someone to take candids of me, especially by someone as handsome as yourself."
okay, cody must've hit his head on something because the guy he's been crushing for months did not just call him handsome. there's just no fucking way.
"uh—i, um," cody clears his throat and manages not to choke on the embarrassed little stutter of his voice, then says with barely any mind, "yes, i'd like that."
if the sun were to burn out in that instant, then cody believes that the unrestricted smile obi-wan gives him could take it's place. it's bright and so genuine for someone he doesn't know let alone just met, and cody thinks he's undeserving of such a thing.
"wonderful. if you'd let me just pack up my things, then we can walk back together."
"i can help!" cody so foolishly blurts. he flushes, cheeks warming under obi-wan's gaze and...and he really doesn't care anymore. Because obi-wan's laughing and the corners of his eyes are crinkling in that cute way he laughs at himself when he makes a mistake on his canvas, and cody thinks this is the most mortified he's ever felt. but dear god is it worth it. he'll embarrass himself to hell and back if it means obi-wan can giggle like that again.
obi-wan takes him up on his offer and that's how cody finds himself standing stiffly next to him, holding open a briefcase as obi-wan carefully places each tube of paint back into it's labeled home. he handles his equipment with grace, the same way cody handles his cameras, and it strikes it then: that he's actually here. obi-wan is in front of him, talking about his reasonings for trekking out this far from his studio and why he's so particular about the set up of his paint, a fact cody knows from his hours of sitting in front of a screen with or without paint and a canvas, and he's speaking to cody in that soft, gentle tone of his that cody—cody can't make a fool of himself anymore than before, so what's there to lose?
"i watch your show," cody says all in a single breath. obi-wan stops talking, a bit startled from cody's outburst, and raises a curious, bushy eyebrow.
"do you now?"
cody nods because it's the only thing his body knows how to do while under the undivided attention of a pretty man.
"yes, all the time. i-i've seen every episode. and i've even thought of sending in a letter and photo of my paintings but i just—i never did."
obi-wan hums, inquisitive, the sound warming something gentle behind cody's ribs. "why is that?"
cody shrugs. he's not about to admit that if he did then he'd be acknowledging how permeant obi-wan's become in his life, a deeply-rooted thing that cody thinks about every hour of every day and has never felt such strong feelings for despite never meeting in person.
that is, until now.
"didn't get around to it," he says instead. obi-wan takes that as an acceptable answer, though, because as soon as it fully sinks in, he's leveling cody with a hopeful stare so promising that the warmth in cody's chest implodes, nearly caving him from the inside out.
"well, i'd love to see those too, if you'd let me." obi-wan swipes the tip of his tongue across his lower lip in an unsure fidget—an action that cody's eyes greedily devour because how could he not?—then he's speaking with certainty that cody only wishes he could have. "i'm not sure why we're meeting like this, nor do i think it's just a coincidence that my hat decided to leave my head and assault you like that." they share a laugh, a private, little thing that cody's going to treasure forever. "but i feel like—like something is telling me to not let you go."
cody eagerly nods along because he knows. he's felt that exact same stomach-swooping tug the moment obi-wan appeared on his screen with a blank canvas and an open smile, happy to meet someone he can't even see.
"same here," cody agrees. "i feel it too, like there's something leading me to you. a—a sort of—"
"force," obi-wan breathes, eyes shining in the dimming light of the setting sun. "yes, exactly that. i'd like to further understand that feeling, why it's there and what not. and," obi-wan takes the case from cody and steps closer to him, until there's barely a foot's length of space between them. standing this close, with obi-wan looking directly into cody's eyes, cody can see that obi-wan's taller than him by a few inches at most. cody would've never learned that though a screen.
"i'd like to get to know you, too," obi-wan says, voice a velvet soft litany in cody's ears. "if you'd let me that is," he adds as an afterthought as if cody would say no.
as if cody would say anything other than yes.
"i'd like that." he smiles, the corners of his lips stretching side across his face, a mirror imitation of obi-wan's.
the sun has fully descended behind the west mountains by the time cody and obi-wan are finished, everything packed up in the bag that hangs from obi-wan's shoulders. the ground lights on the trail illuminate the path back to the main road and they follow it engaged in conversation about cody's work and obi-wan's humble beginnings, for the tv show and even before his decision to become an artist.
"i wanted to be a singer," he confesses, shyly looking down at his boots as if they're more interesting than the disbelieving look on cody's face.
"you can sing?" obi-wan nods, a cute, little shake of his head and cody's heart soars. "i can play the guitar. and i sing a little, too."
"really?" it's obi-wan's turn to look at him, eager and nothing short of extraordinary. "amazing. then you can serenade me as i paint elaborate landscapes dedicated to your likeliness."
that pulls a laugh from cody, the sound a joyous echo in the forests space. "don't get ahead of yourself, pretty boy. serenading is third date material," he says, then promptly shuts his mouth. maybe cody can get stupider because what the actual fuck? he chances a glance at obi-wan to make sure he hasn't disrupted the casual thing they have conspiring between them, but his expression in unreadable in the dark of the forest.
in that next second, they step back onto the main road and underneath a streetlamp shining down on a large map that reads 'YOU ARE HERE' with a bright, red arrow pointing at their location. in the light, cody can see obi-wans pondering stare, the furrow of his brows and hand under his chin. cody closes his eyes, sure he messed up a good thing before it even started.
"would dinner tomorrow night at my hotel count as our first, then?" obi-wan asks, timbre high and expectant.
cody releases the shaky breath that was caught in his lungs, relieved. then, because he's feeling bold and stupid and so revved up on everything obi-wan, he says, "no, that would count as our second. splitting a shake and some fries at that mcdonald's down the road can count as our first, though."
obi-wan starts to grin that happy pull of his lips cody's seen as many times as he can count on his tv and he wonders how many dates it'll take to kiss a different sort of happiness to obi-wan's mouth.
"sharing milkshakes already, are we? how brave. we've already evolved so far into our relationship and i don't even know your name."
cody mentally berates himself because, yeah. with all the excitement and emotions running him through the ground, he forgot the most important thing when trying to shoot your shot with the pretty painter: his goddamn name.
"i'm cody. cody fett," he introduces, hopefully sounding cooler than he really is when he's pushing 35 and desperately pining over someone he's met just shy of ten minutes ago. though, cody's known obi-wan for months now, so maybe he's not a total loser. cody shifts his camera strap more securely over his shoulder then extends his right hand. "it's a pleasure to meet you. and you are?"
obi-wan giggles and no matter how many times cody hears it from now and how ever long he's able to, he's sure he'll never get used the gentle chime of it, how it's directed to and for him alone.
"hello there, i'm obi-wan kenobi." obi-wan takes his hand in a firm grip and cody swears sparks fly from their joined palms. "and, i'd love to join you for a milkshake. chocolate flavored, please."
that catches cody off guard. "chocolate? i would've figured you'd be more of a vanilla type of guy."
obi-wan releases his hand but holds onto cody's fingers, letting them hook over each other in the shared space between them. "you have a lot to learn, my dear. i have many secrets that people don't know about me."
cody sucks in an optimistic breath, eager to learn every single one.
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tennessoui · 1 month
*whispers longingly* vowbreaker 🥺
not really an update of vowbreaker, but i was thinking earlier today about the pbatmb verse and how funny it would be if they ever tried roleplay instead of just murder and sex cause like.
imagine pbatmb!anakin wanting to roleplay like...being a sex worker that obi-wan picks up for the night but that he decides to keep him. obi-wan indulges his pretty bird's desire for roleplaying but also obi-wan is a dramatic bitch so everything needs to be accurate (in spite of how obi-wan has already said many times that he would simply not have to pay for sex and if he saw anakin standing on a street corner and decided he wanted him, he'd simply abduct him and then stockholm syndrome him into loving him)
(cody, who overhears this, is like i thought that's what happened)
(cody gets put on anakin clean up duty for a month)
but like obi-wan in the middle of sex can't keep character because he keeps accidentally calling anakin pretty bird and anakin keeps being like stop it!! you can't call me that!!
and obi-wan is like why ever not?
and anakin is like cause you're not supposed to be in love with me yet and every time you call me pretty bird you sound like you're in love with me!!
and obi-wan is like. oh. huh. i hadn't realized.
this is like four months into their relationship btw
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abisbookcase · 5 months
100+ songs that remind me of kiribaku/bakushima: the ship between eijiro kirishima + katsuki bakugo from my hero academia (anime)
best friend - rex orange county
sunflower - rex orange county
just a friend - jordi
pluto projector - rex orange county
i love you so - the walters
falling for ya - from the "teen beach movie" - grace phipps
line without a hook - ricky montgomery
mr. loverman - ricky montgomery
the only exception - paramore
devil town - cavetown
falling for u - peachy! & mxmtoon
best friend - laufey
let me down slowly - alec benjamin
anxiety - blackbear & FRND
training wheels - melanie martinez
like or like like - miniature tigers
would you be so kind - dodie
i like me better - lauv
nothing - bruno major
paper rings - taylor swift
puppy princess - hot freaks
i wanna be your boyfriend - hot freaks
let's fall in love for the night - FINNEAS
every summertime - NIKI
cloud 9 - beach bunny
wish you were gay - billie eilish
wish you were sober - conan gray
the king - conan gray
sports - beach bunny
say you won't let go - james arthur
fight or flight - conan gray
are you bored yet? - wallows & clairo
heather - conan gray
cruel summer - taylor swift
comfort crowd - conan gray
lemon boy - cavetown
apocalypse - cigarettes after sex
can i call you tonight? - dayglow
this is home - cavetown
everybody talks - neon trees
someone to you - BANNERS
i love you - billie eilish
this side of paradise - coyote theory
mystery of love - sufjan stevens
always forever - cults
silence - marshmello & khalid
safe & sound (taylor's version) - taylor swift, joy williams & john paul white
safe and sound - capital cities
sweet tooth - cavetown
astronomy - conan gray
me and my husband - mitski
my love mine all mine - mitski
as the world caves in - sarah cothran
strawberries & cigarettes - troye sivan
pierre - ryn weaver
eyes closed - ed sheeran
perfect - ed sheeran
photograph - ed sheeran
can't help falling in love - elvis presley
talk to me - cavetown
we fell in love in october - girl in red
hey there delilah - plain white t's
crush culture - conan gray
for him. - troye sivan & allday
make you mine - PUBLIC
loving is easy - rex orange county & benny sings
i hear a symphony - cody fry
daylight - taylor swift
wildest dreams (taylor's version) - taylor swift
juliet - cavetown
this is what falling in love feels like - JVKE
this is what heartbreak feels like - JVKE
what was i made for? - from "barbie" - billie eilish
reflections - the neighbourhood
oh no! - MARINA
cabo - ricky montgomery
partners in crime - set it off & ash costello
it took me by surprise - maria mena
seventeen - MARINA
this december - ricky montgomery
never ever getting rid of me - waitress original broadway cast
guys dont like me - it boys!
deja vu - olivia rodrigo
drivers license - olivia rodrigo
1 step forward, 3 steps back - olivia rodrigo
bad idea right? - olivia rodrigo
teenage dream - olivia rodrigo
meant to be yours - ryan mccartan, barrett wilbert weed & michelle duffy
verbatim - mother mother
lovers rock - TV girl
lover - taylor swift
freaks - surf curse
electric love - BØRNS
sure thing - miguel
ribs - lorde
sofia - clairo
boys will be bugs - cavetown
i wanna be your girlfriend - girl in red
people watching - conan gray
as the world caves in - matt maltese
two birds - regina spektor
i can't handle change - roar
cardigan - taylor swift
pretty boy - the neighbourhood
cigarette daydreams - cage the elephant
history hates lovers - oublaire
numb little bug - em beihold
where's my love - SYML
dark red - steve lacy
heart to heart - mac demarco
chamber of reflection - mac demarco
for the first time - mac demarco
my kind of woman - mac demarco
kids - current joys
christmas kids - roar
10 things i hate about you - leah kate
boyfriend - dove cameron
my blood - twenty one pilots
my blood - ellie goulding
drumming song - florence + the machine
you belong with me (taylor's version) - taylor swift
sparks fly (taylor's version) - taylor swift
enchanted (taylor's version) - taylor swift
i knew you were trouble (taylor's version) - taylor swift
all too well (10 minute version - taylor's version) - taylor swift
don't blame me - taylor swift
gorgeous - taylor swift
bags - clairo
open arms - SZA & travis scott
all i wanted - paramore
the great war - taylor swift
i wanna be yours - arctic monkeys
afterglow - taylor swift
you get me so high - the neighbourhood
runaway runaway - lullaby layla & keevin
the night we met - lord huron
watercolor eyes - from "euphoria" - lana del rey
late night talking - harry styles
shameless - camila cabello
those eyes - new west
here with me - d4vd
golden hour - JVKE
what a time - julia michaels & niall horan
we belong together - ritchie valens
can't take my eyes off you - frankie valli
i like you (a happier song) - post malone & doja cat
sweater weather - the neighbourhood
K. - cigarettes after sex
out of my league - fitz and the tantrums
until i found you - stephen sanchez & em beihold
loverboy - a-wall
set fire to the rain - adele
mrs magic - strawberry guy
je te laisserai des mots - patrick watson
rises the moon - liana flores
last dance - scratch massive & maud geffray
crush - cigarettes after sex
trust fund baby - why don't we
hooked - why don't we
jenny (i wanna ruin our friendship) - studio killers
not another song about love - hollywood ending
the red means i love you - madds buckley
i won't say (i'm in love) - disney cast from "hercules"
first love/late spring - mitski
love grows (where my rosemary goes) - edison lighthouse
stereo hearts - gym class heroes & adam levine
did i mention - cast from "descendants"
bad romance - lady gaga
sunsetz - cigarettes after sex
still into you - paramore
i kissed a boy - jupither
bang bang (new version) - K'NAAN & adam levine
dress - taylor swift
midnight rain - taylor swift
baby i'm yours - arctic monkeys
falling - chase atlantic
say yes to heaven - lana del rey
cry - cigarettes after sex
sweet - cigarettes after sex
my type - saint motel
they don't know about us - one direction
something just like this - the chainsmokers & coldplay
no one compares to you - jack & jack
yellow hearts - ant saunders
if we have each other - alec benjamin
hey stupid, i love you - JP saxe
if i saw him, i'd still kiss him - mccafferty
i love you like an alcoholic - the taxpayers
i am falling for you - loving caliber
dream boy - waterparks
disaster - conan gray
@ my worst - blackbear
golden - harry styles
start a riot - BANNERS
i love you - woodkid
maniac - conan gray
there is more in the spotify playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/08jACx5UDxnojbTv4I5NR0
if you have any other recommendations for songs please let me know and they will go straight into the playlist. also, please don't be disrespectful and this is a reminder that these are my opinions, i hope that you enjoy the playlist!! ❤️🧡💋
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rrcenic · 1 year
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this is cody, my lord of the flies oc!! i literally have no idea if this idea is original at all as the only lotf oc i know is @peachtaglia’s oc tommy :’)
STORY (cw/tw for suicide):
when the whole jalph rivalry started, cody never cared about sides. he was too preoccupied with the panic and depression of being stranded. so he stayed with jack, and was a skilled hunter.
instead of hunting for pig like the rest of the boys, cody actually hunted birds! simon made little toys for some of the littluns, and cody was given a slingshot. turns out he had a pretty good aim, and would often hit seagulls or other smaller birds.
jack wasn’t interested in any meat other than pig, and cody wasn’t interested in the chaos and savagery of the group hunt, so soon cody became one of the main food providers for his fellow littluns.
cody was quite attached to simon, and was deeply disturbed after the older boy’s death, and refused to hunt afterwards. he was also right next to roger when he rolled the boulder that killed piggy, and had a close view of the gore.
experiencing piggy’s violent death was cody’s breaking point. he disappeared sometime while the hunters were searching for ralph. in the chaos, no one noticed.
cody’s body was found during the search of the island for any missing survivors. it is believed that he took his own life.
cody struggled with depression, anxiety, and other disorders before his time on the island. his bpd was part of the reason he had originally idolized and grew attached to simon
cody lived with his mother and her roommate (totally not her lesbian lover why would you ever think that)
his favorite animal is a nightingale (partially because i thought it would be funny for a bird hunter to love birds, partially because i hate myself and needed to cause further pain with a good omens reference)
his favorite character is winnie the pooh
his favorite movies are the winnie the pooh backson movie, disney’s tangled, and monsters inc. (i know the book took place way before these. just roll with it)
he likes mashed potatoes :)
he has sensory processing issues, and was often too overwhelmed by the grime and dirt on the island
for a while, cody refused to take off his choir uniform (even in the intense heat) as the familiar soft cloak brought him comfort
he is allergic to shellfish
he is rather quiet in nature
he is one of the only littluns that roger doesn’t hate, as he’s good at doing what he’s told and is good at hunting
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fionajames · 8 months
ethereal pt. I
A/N: Hey, guys! This is the 60 followers celebration!!! There will be more parts of this, don't worry. Please send some requests! i'm dying here. Enjoy!
(divider by @saradika-graphics)
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Anakin had never really understood why he and his siblings seemed to always be on missions, but he enjoyed it nevertheless. With the continuous noise of the war, the quiet hum of the Temple was eerie and upsetting now. It unsettled him. Plus, he much rathered being with his troops - which was near impossible when off missions. 
Now he stood beside his sister as they exited hyperspace, on yet another mission. This time, it wasn’t a battle to fight. The Council wanted them to explore a strange planet, inquire if it had inhabitants and was a suitable place for a Republic base. Missions like these were usually pretty relaxed and easy-going.
The ship flew into the atmosphere of the planet, and Ahsoka gasped at the beauty of it’s terrain. Anakin stared in awe, and he heard Obi-Wan murmur a word of surprise. The planet had oceans of glimmering white and transparent water, the soft green of the forests meeting it with a delicate flow. 
As they flew closer, Anakin could see the reflection of their ship in the glimmering water, and heard Rex whisper, “Maker,” breathlessly. He couldn’t help but agree.
When the three Jedi, Clone Captain and Commander left the ship, they were met by the warm light offered by the sun, bathing them in a sense of deep peace. Ahsoka fell to her knees in the mosslike grace, her fingers running through the blades of it with content joy. “Oh, it’s beautiful,” the Togruta whispered, voicing their thoughts.
They set out into the forest, the song of the trees and birds floating in the air. Ahsoka had escaped into the canopy as she often did when they were in the woods. But, usually it was to hunt. Now, she didn’t dream of laying a finger on any of the planet’s fauna.
They continued on until Ahsoka’s voice called down to them. “I can see something up ahead,” she explained, leaping from one tree to another with wondrous ease. “It looks like a building.”
She was right, up ahead was a huge building - a castle of sorts.
It was tall and huge, a building of shimmering white limestone. It had pillars all around the front and sides that reached up to the second floor of the castle. It had steps leading up to a porch with huge white doors directly ahead. The building was huge, it looked like to be about an eighth of the size of the Jedi Temple, and it was far more ethereal.
Around the building, the forest ceased and melted into a huge garden, a pond on each side of the yard. The water was once again the whitish transparent colour of the seas. Flowers, trees and bushes decorated the garden.
The building was three stories tall, with strange etching into the walls. Between the first and second floor, the designs looked like ivy bound around tall, hooded and faceless beings. The creatures themselves weren’t faceless, but their faces and features could not be seen. They and their species remained anonymous. 
Above the first floor, the second floor had a large balcony, covering the area above the porch. The windows of the building were huge and of a darkish shade, as though tinted. The doors were also tall and huge, white paint covering them all - not even a scratch on any of them.
“Where are we?” Cody breathed out, reaching forward to rub a leaf between his thumb and index finger. Obi-Wan strolled forward, gazing around. The group trailed behind him as he moved to knock on the door of the building. No answer. Not even the sound of footsteps. He knocked again, then thrice, and nothing.
“Perhaps we should-” Rex began, but they all froze when the doorknob twisted in Obi-Wan’s grasp, and the door opened easily.
“Who would leave their door open?” Anakin wondered out loud as the ginger nodded, entering the house first. The interior of the house was no less beautiful and elegant than the outside, gold features as decor and chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. The house was lit by candles everywhere, their wicks gleaming with the flames. Instead of eerie, it was comforting.
Ahsoka wandered forward, reaching out and lacing the Force around her fingers. The feeling of it provided her solace, as she found the house so oddly warm and welcoming it worried her. She was the first to notice the first sign of something wrong.
“The candles,” she breathed out, moving to a beautiful mahogany desk where a set of candles were placed. She ran a finger down the wax, shivering as she did. “They’re burning low. No one has been here for a while.”
The others murmured their agreement, Anakin’s brow furrowing as he strode forward to stand by her side. He ran a fingertip over the surface of the desk, bringing his finger up to examine it. “But no dust.”
“I see no reason as to why someone living here - cleaning their furniture and house - would not replace the candles,” Obi-Wan mused. “After all, this house shows us extreme wealth, surely they can afford candle replacements?”
“Or why not use the lights?” Cody pointed out, gesturing to the unlit chandelier hanging above them. “So many beautiful lights, and none of them on?”
Rex shuddered. “There is clearly something wrong here. What, I do not know, but there is something wrong.” Anakin nodded, pulling his sister closer to him. 
“I suggest we explore. Perhaps someone has fallen dreadfully ill or is in danger,” Obi-Wan reasoned and the others all nodded their agreement. Together, they set off into the mansion. They agreed not to venture anyway alone as they explored, finding room after room after room. They encountered many pieces of beautiful furniture and more than one piano, as well as empty rooms and bathrooms and everything else imaginable.
They went upstairs as well, finding more and more rooms with beautiful things, bedrooms joining the list of rooms. Once they’d explored the entire house and found no inhabitants, they trekked back downstairs and ventured out through the back doors.
The garden around the back was just as beautiful as the one out the front, hedges of green and ponds of clear. There were statues out here as well, ivy tangled around them in a beautiful contrast between the green and white.
As they moved around the corner Ahsoka gasped, and the others turned to her. “What is it?” Obi-Wan asked gently and she pointed to the statue in front of her. The statue looked identical to her - a Togruta with the very same markings as her. It looked to be wearing some sort of toga, the fabric wrapped around the Togrutan girl. She looked a year or two older than Ahsoka, the ivy wound around her torso and laying in the bridge between her montrals. 
“She looks exactly like me,” Ahsoka whispered, reaching her finger up to trace the marking on her cheek. “Only a little older and wearing… whatever that is.” 
“Must be a coincidence,” Rex spluttered, slightly disturbed at the idea of a statue of his sister in someone’s garden. “Perhaps your ancestor.”
“Perhaps,” she murmured, turning and shuffling behind her best friend. Rex hugged her quickly before they continued on. It only took them a minute for her to speak up again. “Look! That’s Skyguy!” 
The group turned to where Ahsoka was pointing and sure enough, another statue stood. This one was a human male, who looked exactly as Anakin did, only his hair slightly longer. He too was wearing clothing like a toga, and he even had the same scar. “That can’t be a coincidence,” Anakin muttered, pointing at the scar over his right eye. “That’s identical to mine.”
“Let’s get out of here,” Cody suggested hurriedly, shivering. 
But Obi-Wan stopped him.
“We should look at the other statues too, perhaps they might give us a hint as to what is going on,” he decided and the others reluctantly agreed. They quickly found another statue, this one of none other than Obi-Wan.
Only minutes later, they inspected the last two statues to find that they were Rex and Cody, also in togas - just like the rest of them. It was strange seeing them in clothing other than their armour, but their scars on their faces showed it was definitely them.
“Can we please go now?” Rex asked, itching to get out of the garden. He glanced back at the house, staring at the candle’s flickering in the windows. He was holding Ahsoka close to his chest, worry evident on his face as she nodded eagerly.
“I suppose we should,” Obi-Wan agreed, brow furrowed. “But I am confused. How and why are the statues of us in this garden?” They all murmured their agreement, trying to come up with a reasonable explanation, but to no avail.
“Because,” a gentle, silky voice called from behind them and the five turned to see a young woman - around Anakin’s age - with stormy grey eyes, long wavy golden hair and tan skin, dressed in a strange white toga. “We’ve been awaiting your arrival.”
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A/N: Hope you enjoyed!!! Send requests please!!!
(taglist: @transmascanakin, @techs-goggles9902, @skellymom)
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