#anakin needs smacks
acabspocky · 3 months
Lmao Anakin made this himself on God
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The one review is Rex
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xzaddyzanakinx · 5 months
Not That Kind of Guy
Part Thirteen: Stalker!Anakin Skywalker × femme reader series
Warnings: stalking, weirdo behavior, psychotic/delusional behavior, possessive/protective, sexism/misogyny, sexual content/fantasizing, pervy behavior, panty/scent kink, mask kink(Ghostface), gaslighting/manipulation, public/semi-public, spitting, cumplay, nude vids/pics, masturbation, oral, PIV, dick piercing, forced orgasm, bondage/blindfolds, biting/slapping/spanking/cutting, rape kink, NONCON/DUBCON/CNC, Somno, blood, knife, GEN. SMUT [Be sure to pay attention to future warnings in the series]
Info: Ghost is getting careless, Ghost is sick and tired of the way you make him go off script, post murder sex spree [diary entries from Ani] extremely not proofread. MDNI 18+ [ani wears a vulvodynia tshirt, this song is so vader coded; enjoy]
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1:27 am August 29th
After the initial shock of Ghost’s demands, you quickly realized he was serious in his request. He lunged at you, just to spook you into running because you’d stood frozen like a deer in the headlights.
If only you could’ve seen the absolutely feral grin on his face. His little doe had fawned.
You swung open the bedroom door and shut it behind you, instinctively holding onto the doorknob and using your body as a counterweight to keep the door shut while Ghost laughed and barely tugged at it. Each quick pull made you jolt forward and only proved further how scared you really should be, knowing he was pulling the door open with your full weight on it with just one arm.
If he was serious, really, truly, serious. You wouldn’t have a chance, he’d demolish you in minutes.
You made a decision and made it quickly that your best bet would be to run to the living room and loop around, back to the bedroom and lock him out. At least there was a window in there you could probably climb out of if you actually needed to. The bathroom would just be a death trap.
You hoped that if you let go just as he was opening the door he might stumble, so you tried exactly that. It didn’t work the way you planned, but it did give you a second or two advantage. Though he quickly made up the time after he recovered from pulling the door into his shoulder at full force.
“Ow.” He gritted through his teeth, flipping out the decorative butterfly knife in his right hand, rolling his shoulders back as his towering frame strode across the small living space toward you.
“Ghost what the hell are you doing?” You squealed, grabbing the nearest book to you on your shelf, a paperback romance novel, and chucked it at him.
“Oh no.” He gasped, knocking the book away from him, his gloved hand flying to the gaping maw of his mask. “You gave me a paper cut.”
He twirled his your knife and lunged forward to grab your arm.
“I just want to have some fun, don’t you?” He chuckled, watching you wiggle and squirm to get away from his firm one-handed grip. With a quick motion and a rip of fabric he sliced a hole in the side of Anakin’s t-shirt he’d made you wear.
“Oh my god! What- you could’ve cut me!” You screeched, smacking at his arm with your free hand.
“If I wanted to I would’ve.” He growled, letting go of your wrist and allowing you to stumble backwards.
“I don’t know what I did to make you mad but I’m sorry!” Your voice shook as you backed away from him, scrambling back toward the bookshelf.
“Doe, you didn’t make me angry.” He said, his filtered voice oddly soothing in comparison to the way he was aggressively closing in on you. “You made me hard.”
“And now I’m gonna fuck you like I should’ve out in that dirty alleyway.” He gritted out.
“You ruined it for me you know?” He grumbled kicking the paperback weapon from earlier out of his way.
“What?” You squeaked, “What do you mean? I thought-“
“Yeah, you thought.” He snarled, reaching forward to grab you by the front of your shirt. “That’s the problem.”
“I wanted-“ He huffed when you jolted away from him and grabbed a slightly heavier book off the shelf to hit him with. “Do it. See what happens.” He barked.
He produced a second knife from seemingly thin air, one second his left hand was empty and the next the silver flash of the blade caught your eye. You panicked, two sharpened blades in the hands of a madman did not bode well for your very near future. Choosing purely out of instinct you swung the book at him, hoping to hit him square in the face.
You were too slow, or maybe he was just too fast. Either way, the book connected with the knife in his left hand instead of hitting the mark you’d set out for. He snickered, seeing your frustration and surprise at having speared your own belonging on his blade, your expression quickly fading to a blank-pale faced shock.
His hand shot out in continuance of the fluid sideways stabbing motion. His knife, along with your book, sunk into the wall, getting pinned there until further notice. The drywall cracking from the force of the side of his fist driving in the blade as easily as a pushpin.
“Now, as I was saying,” he sighed, clapping the drywall dust from his leather gloves. He moved quickly to grab you by the hair and drag you to the couch. “You thought, and that ruined my fun.”
“I wanted to pin you down on the nasty pavement and fuck you hard like the useless cocksleeve that you are,” his teeth clenched tightly. “but no. You had to be you, didn’t even give me the chance to offer you a safe word.”
“You’re such a slut that you just let me do it with no fight.” He snorted. “You let me drag you down a dark alley and fuck you. You wanted it so bad you hardly questioned it at all.”
“If I wanted to fuck you nice and slow, if I wanted to give you a choice, real or not... I would’ve done it in that cozy little love nest.” He said angrily, turning your head in the direction of your bedroom and pointing with his rose handled blade.
“See, I’ve got this thing,” he grunted, stabbing his knife into the couch cushion and locking the handles in a fixed position so he use both hands. “you’ve probably heard of it.”
You wiggled and squirmed against his firm grip on your hair, each strand felt like it was ripping from your skull. You reached back and elbowed him in the ribs, making him take a sharp inhale.
“You stupid bitch.” He snapped, spinning you around and grabbing you right beneath your jaw. He squeezed tightly, lifting you up so that you were struggling to stand on your tiptoes.
“You gonna be mad if I smack you?” He asked, his voice low and gravely.
“Yes! What the fuck?” You coughed, your hands gripping his wrist in an effort to keep yourself from choking.
“Will you hate me though?” He asked, tipping his head to the side, a slightly more playful tone in his voice like he knew your answer.
You shook your head ‘no’, holding your breath while a fire lit in your lungs, your vision burning black around the edges. Finally he sat you flat on your feet, if you weren’t light headed before, you sure as hell were now. All the blood rushing back to where it belonged cause your body to momentarily malfunction.
Ghost kept you upright, letting you slump against him for a second before encasing the back of your neck in his firm leather grip, pulling you back far enough away from himself to deliver a rough *smack* to your cheek.
Your eyes flew open, suddenly more alert as he shocked your system back into working order. Plunging you back into dizziness when he threw you forward and bent you over the arm of the couch.
“Hey.” He said gruffly, crouching next to you and pushing your hair from your face. “I gave you a safe word.” He reminded you, “I’m not an ass. If you need to use it just say so, I’ll stop.”
“N-no.” You shook your head, your hands coming up to push your chest off the couch.
“No?” He chuckled. “Never thought I’d find me a girl who likes to get raped.”
“What!? I never said-“
“Nope, shut your fucking mouth.” He said quickly. Taking off his belt at cracking it over the backs of your thighs.
“Fuck!” You screamed, crying out into the couch cushions. “What was that for!?”
He snorted, whipping you with the hard and unforgiving leather again. A shiver running through him when you whimpered and squeezed your thighs together.
“I want you to fight me.” He leaned down, his gritty voice rumbling in his chest against his back. “I know you got it in you baby, you’re just as sick as I am. You’re just not ready to admit it yet.”
“No! No, I… that’s not something-“
“Before you embarrass yourself further,” he sighed, reaching beneath the boxers you wore, he ran his middle finger up your slit. “feel that?”
He was gloating, enjoying making you squirm uncomfortably from your own desires. Ghost wiped your arousal onto your cheek, leaving a slick trail in its wake that gave away how you really felt.
“My pretty pussy is telling on you Doe.” He chuckled. “Now be a good girl and tell me you got wet at the thought of me raping you on the couch you just fucked your boyfriend on. Tell me you wish you weren’t such a cockslut and desperate for dick so I could’ve raped you up against a fucking brick wall.”
“Ghost…” you whined, wiggling to get away from him, but his full body weight was pinning you in place. “Fine!”
“Fine, okay? Yes!” You grumbled, shooting him a glare over your shoulder as he stood up.
“There we go.” He chuckled, “It’s okay princess, I know you have trouble understanding big words.” He taunted.
“Listening, silence, obeying, submitting.” He cooed, looping his belt around your neck and tugging it like a leash. “Very big words for a very stupid whore.”
He took the knife from the couch cushion and brought the flat side of the cool steel to the burning blush of your cheek, lightly scraping the tip across the apple of your cheek and the delicate skin beneath your eye.
“Getting me a fresh kill of venison for dinner tonight baby.” He chuckled, you envisioned a devilish grin, full lips curved upward.
“Maybe you ought to bite down on this.” He said, smacking you with the tail end of the black leather belt before putting it in your mouth for you. “Hate for you to fuck up those pearly whites.”
He grabbed the collar of your shirt, stabbing the knife through the fabric and ripping a hole down the short sleeve. The blade never came close to your skin but the motion was so quick that you felt a rush of air following behind it that may as well have been just as sharp.
You reached back to smack at his hand, spitting out the leather to scowl and yell at him.
“What is your problem today!? I like this shirt!” You kicked at his shin, connecting your heel to the bone in his leg.
“Goddamnit!” He growled, yanking you up by your leash and holding the tip of the knife to the vulnerable flesh above your Adam’s apple.
“That’s better.” He moaned… he moaned. “Fuck, you feel me Doe?” He asked, pressing his cock of steel against your ass.
You answered with a choked ‘uh huh’, trying not to turn blue in the face from the thick leather necklace he’d given you. He removed the knife and dropped the leash, your hands immediately going to claw at it while you coughed.
“Don’t.” He barked, tugging your hair to get your attention.
“I’ll tell you my ‘problem’.” He growled, using his hands to rip the fabric further, exposing your left shoulder blade.
“My bitch.” He snapped, “fucked her boyfriend on this couch. Right in front of me.”
He brought the knife back down to the fabric and this time he allowed the tip to pierce the skin ever so slightly, letting a bead of blood bubble up on your smooth skin as you cried out in a sharp yelp. Lifting the knife he cut another hole in the shirt, repeating the process until it was less than a rag.
“I’m sorry okay?” You yelled, trying to turn yourself over onto your back, hoping that even if it was an awkward angle that maybe you could get a punch in. If he wanted you to fight, you sure as hell were going to.
“What am I supposed to do? Not fuck him?” You shouted, twisting in his grasp until you were able to push against his chest with one forearm.
“He loves you!” Ghost shouted back and you felt your face fall. “Do you- you love him?” He asked, changing the grip of the knife in his hand to prepare for downward strike.
“Wait! Wait- stop!” You squealed, kicking and squirming away from him.
“Ghost! Stop it. Please!” You whined, your voice getting high pitched and squeaky.
“Tell me.” He barked, dragging you down to the coffee table and forcing you down on it, he kneeled with one knee keeping you pinned there, his other foot firmly on the ground.
“No! I’m not-“ you shouted, thrashing around and landing a solid punch to his stomach. “I won’t tell you that!”
He groaned, the sensitive area of his abdomen felt a dull but consistent throbbing. No time to congratulate you on knocking the wind out of a grown man though, he had to get right back to business.
“You won’t?” He laughed, taking the knife and gliding the flat side over the tender flesh of your inner thigh, quickly jerking his wrist and leaving a thin line of red behind.
You swore you saw him physically shudder at the sight of your blood, you are certain however, that you saw him palm his cock.
“Why don’t you wanna tell me?” He asked, his tone sounding cheeky disguised as menacing.
Ghost ripped through the seam of the boxers you wore, pulling them off and exposing your his pussy for his eyes to feast on.
“It’s not your business!” You snapped back and immediately felt the punishment inflicted on your most sensitive area. His gloved hand smacking your pussy with a wet *clap* that drew a scream from deep within the depths of your chest.
“Like hell it is!” He yelled back, barely controlled rage was beginning to ooze from his eyes behind his mask.
“Do you love him?” He repeated, smacking your clit and sending a sharp jolt from your head to your toes while you gritted your teeth and dug your nails into your palms.
“Fucking whore.” He groaned, looking down at your quivering legs and dripping cunt as a new wave of arousal drenched your pussy.
“You don’t have to tell me you love this.” He grumbled, “I can see it.”
You felt something hard and cool circling your entrance, the temperature contrast causing you to gasp and Ghost took that as the perfect opportunity to slide the twin handles of his knife deep into your cunt. His leather glove encased the sharpness of the blade, but that didn’t stop the streak of pure fear that flooded your senses.
The panic was slowly replaced with a new kind of pleasure, one that was dull and curling. Tugging at the muscles encasing your most intimate organs, as if he were trying to ‘cut’ his way into your womb and stake his claim before Anakin could.
It was embarrassing the way you so quickly switched up your attitude. Formerly angry and mouthy, now your brain was too muddled to feel anything but submissive. Ghost was behind you, filming the filthy act with the flash on, acting as though he might suffer a heart attack before he could make you cum. His filming hand was shaky and his chest was heaving in an uneven rhythm.
“Fuck. You’re- I...” He breathed out, “Gods, what the fuck have you done to me?” He asked in a higher pitched voice that almost dropped out of the voice modification.
“C-can’t even stick to my own plans, y-you just…” he grunted, withdrawing the knife handles, watching your cunt clench around them as if trying to suck them back inside.
“Don’t you move, you hear me?” He barked, kneeing you in the side when you didn’t answer him.
“Ow! Fine!” You snapped back at him, trying to turn your head to look at him behind you when his foot came up and gently flexed forward to push your head back to the side.
“You wanna see what I’m doing?” He asked, not waiting for you to answer as he walked in from of where you laid, crouching down and resting his elbows on his knees lazily.
He pinched the knife by the blade between his forefinger, middle and thumb to waggle it in your face. He chuckled at your reaction to seeing your creamy juices coating the handles. He lifted the chin of his mask up slightly, still being careful not to show the slightest sliver of skin as he brought the handles to his lips and sucked them clean. His groan of approval came out distorted, not quite modified, not quite natural.
“Shit.” You whispered, resting your forehead on the cool wood of the coffee table.
“Alright.” He stood up. “Listen, listen good okay?”
You nodded, “Yes Sir.”
“That’s more like it.” He laughed, “Get your ass over there and bend over like I had you before.”
He pointed to the couch with one hand and absentmindedly twirled and flipped the knife in his other while he watched you do as he asked.
“I’m going to do what I want. For as long as I want.” He said plainly. “This isn’t about you. This is about me.”
“Do you understand?” He asked in a tight, clipped sentence.
“Yes Sir.”
“If you want to cum, do it yourself.” He grumbled, “better bite down on that belt baby.”
He stalked over to you and pushed his jeans down around his knees and pulled out his angry red tipped cock. Without hesitation, with no forethought, he plunged himself deep into your cunt and started off with a deep and hard pace. It might’ve been pleasurable had he not decided he’d try to fuck your guts.
He, nor had anyone else, ever pushed so deeply past your folds. Yes he’d kissed your cervix with his cockhead before, so had Anakin. But this? This was beyond that.
In his right hand he gripped your hair, using it as leverage while you futilely tried to stop yourself from jostling around so much by holding onto the backrest of the couch with one hand and the front end with the other.
It was quite useless in Ghost’s opinion, he laughed as he watched you struggle. Each thrust was so forceful that by the end of this brutal punishment you believed he’d have rearranged your living room furniture. The couch scraping across the floor inch by inch.
“Fuck.” He grunted. “I fucking needed this.” He breathed out, his upper body wracked with a shudder as he moaned loudly.
“Perfect little painslut.” Ghost gritted out, you imagined from the way the words left his lips he might need the belt between your teeth more than you did.
“I could fuck this hole- fuck it till it’s raw and sore and bleeding.” He groaned, “And even then, I wouldn’t be finished with you.”
“Shit-“ he gasped, leaning forward he put you in a headlock, his muscles constricted around your throat.
Ghost rested his forehead against the back of your head, looking down your curved back to see your ass rippling with each slap of skin on skin.
“Gonna fuck my cum so deep inside you,” Ghost’s hips stuttered. “so damn deep that stupid little pill will be useless.” He barked out the last part, the true aggression in his voice sent a shiver through you that made a cold sweat break out on the back of your neck.
“Hmph… oh damnit.” He shuddered, slowing down for just a moment to savor the high he felt from feeling your cunt milking him dry.
“You keep moaning like that and your boy across the hall will hear you.” He chuckled, releasing you from the headlock and pushing down on the small of your back to keep you in place, hearing the swish and click of him closing the rose handled knife, feeling it pressed against your hip bone as he held on.
“S-slow please.” You choked out while drooling down the belt between your teeth, feeling as though he might split you in half if he carried on this way.
“I told you to lay here and take it didn’t I?” He grunted, smacking your ass punishment.
“My pussy. My rules.” He barked.
“W-what?” You moaned out, trying to focus your mind on those words, rather than the way he sped up and stole your breath.
“Christ, you’re stupid.” he muttered to himself.
“Shut up, I don’t want to hear you speak unless it’s your safe word.” He growled, shoving your head down into the couch cushions.
Using quick shallow strokes he leaned back to change the angle slightly, making him choke out a half sob at the way your cunt gripped him. His hand left your hip again to flick out the knife blade and drag the cold steel down your spine. He stopped halfway and veered off to the left, digging the sharpened edge of the blade into the thin skin stretched over your ribs.
“Holy-“ you chomped down on the leather belt in your mouth so hard that it squeaked.
“So fuckin’ pretty.” He breathed out, for the first time quiet enough that his modifier didn’t catch it… and neither did you.
“You liked that didn’t you?” His chest rumbling as he spoke. “I felt you squeezing me.”
He didn’t wait for an answer, instead he thinly smeared the blood in a line across your back with the flat side of the blade until he found a suitable spot for a slight nick that had you jolting in surprise.
“Nasty girl.” He chuckled, “you like being fucked dumb and sliced up?”
“Uh huh.” You whimpered, gripping the couch cushions while Ghost leaned back to watch his cock plunging hard and fast into your pussy.
Creamy white cum and your slick coated the base of his cock, he desperately tried to hold himself back from another orgasm but it was damn near impossible when you had just openly admitted to liking his blade on your skin.
Your right ass cheek seemed the best place to cut next, he wanted to feel the warmth of your life dripping from the wound and down his thigh. He wanted to stain his body red in hopes of forming a blood bond, could he convince you to try that?
A surprisingly throaty moan left your lips and tumbled out in a long release of breath, his blade carving a diagonal line that leaked deep ichor down your beautiful skin. The sight of it being smeared and splattered with each piston of his hips had him buckling at the knees.
“Oh my-“ Ghost moaned, his knife clattering to the floor as he grabbed both your hips, purposely spreading the gorgeous red liquid across your skin as he went. “Didn’t think you could get any prettier.” He whispered in a hoarse voice.
He tightened his grip and listened to the squelch and slap of his cock bullying your insides, to the sweet sounds leaving your lips. He basked in the warm drip of your blood and the feeling of your pussy wrapped lovingly around him.
It was all so much. Too much.
With a few more brutal thrusts he came hard, his breath being stolen from his lungs as he shot his load into your depths.
“Fuck yes.” He gritted out, needing some kind of extra outlet for the intense adrenaline and endorphin rush he was experiencing, he punched the wall beside him without a second thought, denting the dry wall and smearing blood. “Hell fuckin’ yes baby.”
“Ghost!” You gasped and flinched at the *crack* of his fist making contact with the wall, “Can you ju-“
“Face down and close your fucking eyes,” he growled, shoving his cock back in his pants and tugging his jeans up. He saw you begin to part your lips and he interrupted. “that wasn’t a question goddamnit!”
You obeyed, closing your eyes and pressing your face into the couch cushions, hearing rustling coming from behind you. Ghost tossed his mask on the coffee table and took off his sweatshirt and tshirt, scrunching the shirt to create a makeshift blindfold, there was no time to go to your room and get the nice pretty silk handkerchief he’d bought for this purpose exactly. He needed this now.
He slipped it over you head and tightened it, then you felt the weight of his body push down on the couch cushion beside you, his still-gloved hands grabbing you by the shoulders and manhandling you over to sit sideways in his lap.
“What are- oh my god.” You gasped quietly feeling his bare skin for the first time, leather gloves guided you out of what was left of your shirt.
“Gh-“ You wanted to know why. Why was he doing this? Why now? But he shut you up by pulling you flush against his chest and descending upon your mouth.
He kissed you like his life depended on it. He kissed you like death when he lifts your soul from your lips. Ghost kissed you like you were the one who was consuming him. It was messy, desperate, and horribly quiet. The only noises being that of your lips and tongue clashing together and the sound of your mixed heavy breathing.
He was maskless. He couldn’t speak, he didn’t even want to let loose a single moan. So you did, you made enough noise for the both of you. Breathless gasps and whiny ‘mhhhhmm’s pierced his skull and wormed their way into his brain to take up permanent residency.
He had a tongue piercing… unexpected but definitely not unwanted. The metallic clicking was hypnotic in a way, tongues dueling carelessly between the two of you, so eager to taste more, to feel more. You know now that the strange, smooth thing that had accompanied his tongue while he had licked at your folds to wake you up, was the same jewelry that ran across the roof of your mouth while you felt up every square inch of bare skin on his body.
You never imagined that flesh could be such a sexy thing. Of course, it’s nice to look at on the body of someone you’re attracted to. Though feeling the flesh of a man who’d deprived you of seeing it, touching it; it was better than any drug on the market. With your brain fuzzy and addled with repeating thoughts of Ghost, he only made it worse by bringing your hand down to feel his half hard cock.
He had explored you in endless ways, countless times and now he was finally giving you the opportunity to do just alittle bit of the same for him. It didn’t last long however. Soon enough he was back to the domineering presence you’d come to know.
Slower this time, more carefully, he laid you back down on your stomach on the couch. Ghost pulled both your palms up to your ears to encourage you to create a sound barrier between you and whatever it was that he was about to do.
His tender lips caressing your back in feathery kisses, gentle and loving in a way you’d never received from Ghost before. His lips then made their way to your still trickling wounds, licking up the blood around the nick mark, a simple and tiny cut that was easily cleaned up. The longer, deeper wound across your ribs prompted him to get down on his knees in front of the couch.
Ghost leaned forward and licked the length of the bloody split in your flesh. A deep, rumbling moan left his unashamed lips. He was so unashamed in fact, that he found himself instantly rock hard again.
That just wouldn’t do. This is about him after all.
So he pulled himself free once more and spit a mixture of your blood and his saliva into his glove, setting to work on his throbbing and greedy cock. As he pumped his shaft his lips sucked and pulled at the wounded skin on your side, draining it of blood only to pull back and watch the pretty red reappear.
“That stings!” you whined as you pushed his head away.
A puff of air from his nose was your only response before he swatted your hand away and returned it to your ear. He did listen though, choosing to gently lap it up until the flow stopped almost completely.
Languidly stroking himself he held his breath for a moment, afraid he might let out a whimper more embarrassing than he ever had before. He moved behind you once more and licked up the blood from the last cut he’d made. He lapped up the last trickles of blood from your soft skin and kneeled behind you. Tapping your hip he signaled you to arch your back and lift up so he could get a better view of your poor abused cunt.
The pink and puffy folds looked even more enticing as he spit a fat glob of your bloody mixture at your center.
“Can’t… Ghost please.” You whined, your body sore and aching from overuse. “No more, I can’t.”
There was no verbal answer. Ghost ignored your pleas and left them unpunished, repositioning himself at your sopping wet hole. He easily slid in, letting out a shaky breath at the feel of your heated gummy walls. Slowly he rocked his hips into you, gently as though he were trying to soothe you after all the rough treatment.
You let yourself relax and accept his tender touches and unspoken apology. You were shaking from exhaustion, your mind too blank to do anything other than breathe and feel the pleasure of his cock moving inside you. With your ears still covered Ghost took the opportunity to tell you something that he’d been terrified of doing.
“My little doe.” He whispered as quietly as he could, “It’s me. It’s Anakin.”
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Diary Entry: August 29th
Honestly doll. I don’t know how you survived yesterday, if my dick hurts… I can only imagine how your poor little pussy feels.
You handled it so well. Taking inch after inch, over and over again for me. All. Damn. Day.
The best part? You loved every second of it just as much as I knew you would. You loved the rough way I fucked you as myself. The loving way I made you mine.
But the way you took Ghost… after tucking away that little piece of Anakin that lives in him, (the bit that won’t fucking stick to the goddamn plan because you’re so… there’s not even a word for it. You know what I mean though.) I got to do what I needed.
Damn I desperately needed it. Don’t get me wrong little doe, I love regular sex with you. You know, the normal kind of kinky. A bit of hair pulling, some spanking, a little spit, the baby steps to the bigger shit.
The kind of kinky last night is the kind of shit that would get me committed if my mother found out about it. But is it really my fault that you’re so fuckable? No. It’s not. It’s not my fault that your pussy just so happens to fit the handles of my knife. It’s not my fault that you liked it either.
You can’t even be mad, so don’t go pretending you are next time I see you as Ghost. You can’t be mad because you leaked that sweet pussy nectar down my cock for two hours and 13 minutes, last night. Never heard the safe word and I’m not convinced that I will ever hear it.
You freaky bitch.
If I wasn’t already as depraved as I am, I’d be a bit concerned. You really tried your best to fight me, you tried your best to listen, you put in the effort. But your tiny little brain can only handle so much cock before it turns to mush. That’s my favorite, when I feel you start to relax, feel your breath change, see those pretty eyes go hazy. My perfect sex doll.
I like it when you go limp.
You know what I really liked about last night? I could feel the exact moment that I pushed you past a ledge you’d never even seen coming on the horizons of your imagination. You started to *shake*. You were limp and shaking beneath me, so exhausted you couldn’t muster up the strength to hold yourself up anymore. So drained that you couldn’t even moan correctly anymore.
And you still let me keep fucking you.
I can officially say that I have fucked you awake, I have fucked you in your sleep and I have fucked you to sleep.
I joked about it as myself with you, made you take your meds early and everything, I held you in my arms and let you wean yourself off my fingers and fall into dreamland.
But Ghost was relentless in his efforts to make you go unconscious via dick. I decided I earned a little treat for that. I haven’t decided what it will be yet but I’ll make it good. How many men can say that they’ve lovingly fucked someone into unconsciousness?
Oh! Just me? Nice.
So, you know I love the way your pussy tastes, but let me tell you something I never thought would leave my lips. I found something that is almost a tie for first place.
You bleed so beautifully. It’s truly a spectacle to behold, the crimson just compliments your skin so well. Next time… I’m taking off my gloves. I need to feel it in my hands, that slippery warmth that gives you the radiant life you live. That’s the closest I’ll ever get to holding your soul.
The coppery sweetness was more delicious that the finest wine that money can buy. I don’t give a shit if it’s got notes of birchwood and bullshit. Nothing can compare.
I get it now, the whole thing with people thinking vampires are sexy. What could be hotter than draining the life flowing through the veins of the one you love? What could top that ego boost from the trust you placed in me when I put that blade against your skin? I held the key to your existence in that moment, you’d be gone if I had stuck the blade in and twisted it to unlock death’s door.
But let’s not even think of that, I’d die before I ever let you.
Let’s focus on how rude it is that our blood types are not the same. I would’ve signed myself up for phlebotomy schooling if we shared blood types. Give myself a weekly transfusion. Humane and more socially acceptable vampirism.
Oh well, I prefer to taste it anyway.
It’s like a savory type of chocolate. You know those molten lava cakes? That’s what it’s like to cut into you and have a bite.
P.s. It was so fucking cute how you reacted to my bare skin and kisses. I used to be the one on the verge of collapse at every slight touch, seems like we’ve switched places.
P.p.s. I will be replacing your book and fixing your walls. I’m not sure what came over me when I punched the wall, that was like very uncalled for. Oops.
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August 29th
When you awoke after your night of… activities, you were sore and tired in a way you hadn’t ever been before. Like the will to stand on your own two feet had been forcibly taken from you. As much as you wanted to get up and be productive, the ache between your legs refused to allow you any relief from the discomfort you felt. You needed to go to the hardware store and find something to fix the walls before Anakin came over later.
It would be difficult enough to come up with a cover story for the cuts across your back, but impossible to give a reason for the cracked drywall and the knife blade shaped slit in the opposite side. Once you finally gathered up enough determination to brave the wobble of your knees you stood up and exited your bedroom.
Ghost was too busy chatting, flicking the end of Boogie’s tail while he waited for your coffee to brew, to notice you’d waddled out of your bed to go to the bathroom. You could barely make out the faint white of his mask in the dim, curtain-blocked, morning light of the kitchenette, out of instinct you flipped the light switch and screeched in surprise.
You’d truly thought you might’ve just imagined him standing there and were shocked to realize he was flesh and bone. A flash of pale skin and black ink disappeared behind the counter top and re-emerged covered in leather. He had taken off one of his gloves to give Boogie some good morning pet-pets.
“Sorry doe.” He said apologetically, “I didn’t mean to spook you.”
“What are you doing?” You asked, your hand still resting on the light switch.
“Having a philosophical meeting of the minds.” He said, tapping Boogie on top of her head.
You scowled, “Anakin will kill you if he comes here and sees you. He has a key you know.”
“He won’t kill me.” Ghost chuckled, “He’s got a key? Nifty, so do I!” He added sarcastically.
“You didn’t really answer my question. Why are you still here?” You asked, eyes searching the room for anything out of order.
“Mmm yeah, that’s not what you asked me.” He chuckled, pulling open your silverware drawer and grabbing a spoon. “I’m not still here. I came back.” He answered as he scooped an unhealthy amount of sugar into your hello kitty mug.
“Okay… but why?” You held your hand palm up in questioning.
“I have important business to attend to.” He shrugged, pouring your coffee for you and stirring it into the sugar.
You pursed your lips but didn’t argue back, your eyes flicked back down to his now covered hand and back up to his face before turning to finish your initial quest.
“Where ya going baby?” He asked, staying behind the counter with his hands in his pockets.
“I have to pee.” You mumbled.
“M’kay.” His filtered voice rumbled as he turned to stop the microwave from dinging to signal your brown sugar oatmeal was finished cooking.
He did not however catch your cinnamon swirl toast in time and the shrill noise the appliance made sent the cat scrambling off the counter and knocking a few miscellaneous items into the floor. He stooped down and picked them up, placing them back on the counter top.
After your food was ready he sat it at the bar for you to sit and eat at while he got to work on setting out the supplies he’d bought to fix the walls and clean the couch. He walked to the bathroom and knocked on the door with two knuckles.
“Hey, you have some gloves in there don’t you? Like for when you dye your hair?” He asked, having realized it would probably be difficult to spackle the walls in leather gloves.
“Yes?” You responded confusedly.
“Good, open the door.”
“What? No!” You scoffed, standing naked and preparing to hop in the shower.
“Doe just open the damn door.” He grumbled, listening to you rustle around behind the locked door.
“Here.” You huffed, opening it just a crack and thrusting your hand out to drop the gloves into his.
“Thanks. You should hurry, I made you breakfast.” He said in an oddly warm tone.
“You did?” You asked, opening the door just a bit more to look at him.
“Yeah. I know you well enough to know you planned on going straight to that couch and not moving until forced to.” He thumbed over his shoulder. “I also know you well enough that I called in sick for you today.”
You stared at him for a minute, he called your work for you? That means someone at your work must’ve heard his real voice right? A bubble of jealousy formed in your gut at the thought that one of your coworkers heard Ghost’s voice before you did.
“What?” He asked sharply.
“Nothing… thank you.” You shook your head, eyes wide as you contemplated calling the diner to ask if they recognized the voice.
You mulled it over while you were in the shower, weighed the pros and cons while dressing yourself in some lounge clothes, and thoroughly pondered it as you ate your breakfast and watched Ghost work.
It was comical to see him being so domestic, kind of like seeing a documentary about a wolf pup raised as a house pet. It could snap and destroy the house, destroy you at any moment. Just like Ghost.
But there he was, Fixing his mistake in the most calm and collected way possible. It was a soothing process to watch, score the damaged drywall with an exacto knife, break it off in a clean, straight line with a satisfying snap. Cut the mesh to cover the now smooth edged square of missing drywall, **zzzzrrip** the weirdly thin and fabric-y tape to hold it in place. Then came the best part, watching him patch it over with pink spackle, smooth it out as best he could then watch it turn from pink to greyish white as it dried.
“Where’d you learn to do that?” You asked, sipping your coffee and staring at his hands. The thin blue latex was almost stretched enough to make out the blob of the tattoo you’d caught sight of earlier.
“Summer job as a teenager.” He answer shortly, it’s not like he could give specifics. He’d spoken of his handyman work with his god-father to you before.
“So you don’t work in construction or something like currently?” You asked, trying to cross out a few ‘maybe’ identities of people tall enough and lean enough to fit Ghost’s build.
“No.” He snorted and looked over at you, his knowing smile might as well have been visible from the body language.
“Don’t give me that look.” You huffed, “I’m narrowing down my list.”
“I know you are.” He laughed. “That’s why it’s funny.”
“Well I know you don’t work in construction and you have a hand tattoo…” You crossed your arms and scrunched up your nose to accompany a sassy head bobble.
You’d caught his attention, he turned to fully face you, one arm across his chest and the other’s elbow resting on his fist as he held the putty knife covered in spackle away from his body.
“Hand tattoo?” He repeated in low accusatory way.
“Yeah, you have one.” You pointed toward the hand he held the putty knife in.
“What is it?” He asked, walking a few steps forward.
“I don’t know I just saw a blur of it earlier this morning.” You said, shifting uncomfortably in your chair.
He stood and stared, studying your expression and seeking the truth. After finding no evidence of deceit he nodded and turned back to resume his work on the wall. Every so often you caught him taking a peek over his shoulder at you, like he was suspicious after hearing you’d seen a part of him he hadn’t willingly shown you.
“Are you mad?” You asked anxiously, his whole demeanor had changed so quickly that it was a bit frightening and not in a good way.
“No.” The word was clipped and gruff as he cleaned up his tool and put the lid on the small bucket of spackle.
He walked back to the other wall and sanded the, now dry, patch until it was smooth enough to paint over and blend into the wall as if nothing had happened. You walked over and had planned to sit down on the couch but you realized it covered in some kind of weird clumpy power and damp to the touch.
“Gross, what is this?” You whipped your head around to ask Ghost.
“OxyClean and dish soap.”
“You bled all over the couch.” He responded, you hadn’t seen any blood spots, but there were definitely wet patches where he’d scrubbed the upholstery. He’d also… super glued the knife slash in the fabric back together, how very him of him.
“Okay but like why is it still on the couch?” You asked curiously.
“It needed to sit for longer.” He huffed like he was irritated with your questions.
“Oh, well I can finish it then.” You offered, hoping it might appease him.
“No, I started it. I will finish it.” He kept his words clipped, not hiding that he wasn’t interested in speaking to you right now.
“Okay then.” You snapped back at him, turning on your heel and stomping back to your bedroom and slamming the door shut.
The sharp noise startled Ghost and he whipped his head around instinctively. His jaw clenched tightly, upset with himself for being upset with himself. He didn’t mean to be an ass either, he just needed some time to accept that he’d fucked up and almost exposed his identity because he wanted to pet the fucking cat.
He groaned and turned back around, pounding lightly on his forehead of his mask with both fists in frustration. Bending down to pick up his cup but knocking it over and spilling what was left in it.
“Are you fuckin’ serious?“ he growled and gritted his teeth “damnit!”
Lucky for Ghost he wasn’t using a glass cup, no shattered mess to clean up. He instead was unlucky enough to be using a large metal, insulated tumbler, which made a very loud and reverberating *dtink* when he kicked it with his socked foot across the living room. Before the cup had the chance to land he had already picked up his foot and leaned one arm on the wall as he flexed his toes, it fucking hurt and his fist collided with the wall in anger, this time going straight through the drywall and into the wooden bracers behind it.
“Aw- fuck, goddamnit,” he pulled his fist from the wall and shook it out, grabbing his wrist and rolling his hand while flexing his fingers, “stupid son of a-“
“I need a cigarette.” He huffed, not bothering to put on shoes as he stalked over to the window and opened it, grabbing his bag on the way.
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Diary Entry: August 30th
Sorry for putting three holes in the wall.
I’ll admit that was alittle bit much. But it’s all fixed now and in the past so let’s not dwell on it. We’ve got more important things to do! Like taking you to the movies for a little date night.
Some kind of comedy thing for girls. I’m expecting it to be like that one with Melissa McCarthy. It looks stupid as hell which is a good thing because it’ll be funny even if it’s not. I don’t really care what we watch, you just told me no romance cause it’s ‘cheesy’.
Which makes no sense because your whole bookshelf is a giant collection of random species bangin’ each other. I mean seriously, I cracked one open cause the cover looked pretty and the first thing I saw was ‘the muscular werewolf thrust his-‘
That’s as far as I got before I went blind from fear.
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August 31st
Anakin whistled low and gave you a cheeky smirk that crinkled the corners of his eyes. Seeing you coming into your bedroom in just a towel, skin still damp from the shower. You popped your head up with a slight gasp of surprise, not realizing he’d come in while you were still in the bathroom.
“Sh-“ you grinned, realizing it was just him and shook your head at him. “You scared me!”
“Boo.” He snickered as he laid back in your bed with his arms resting behind his head, his legs crossed at the ankles.
“Ani, are we going casual or are we going fancy?” You asked, walking over to your closet and flicking through clothes.
You looked over your shoulder to get his opinion and had to do a double take, your cat walked across the bed and kneaded Anakin’s shirt before laying down on his chest. A flash of an image that you refused to see clearly tried to blend with the scene before you.
“Ah-Anakin?” You asked in a slightly louder voice. “Clothes?” You blinked a few times, trying to rid yourself of the lines forming between your eyebrows.
“Oh sorry doll, I got distracted.” He cleared his throat and tossed his phone aside. “Clothes? Whatever you want, you’re pretty in everything.”
“I’m wearing this.” He added gesturing to the ripped black jeans and a Vulvodynia tshirt. “And my TUKs for my tootsies.” He pointed toward the bedroom door where the lace up boots sat neatly against the wall.
“So how about this then?” You held up a shirt and a pair of pants on their hangers.
“I told you whatever you want babydoll.” He chuckled, “although if you really want my opinion I’ll give it to you.”
“I really do.” You nodded, jutting out your hip.
“Keep the shirt… grab that one real long skirt, the one with the open bit on the side.” He said, reaching down to trace a line up his calf to his knee. “Maybe those sandals with the thick bottoms.”
“A skirt?” You asked, making a face.
“Doll, you know I like it when you wear skirts and dresses.” He poked out his bottom lip in a pout. “You’re my girl, my pretty princess no matter what you wear… but you did ask for my opinion.” He tilted his head, toying with his lip ring and nodding toward your closet.
You got out the long black maxi skirt and paired it the shirt and shoes, walking over to the bedside. Anakin shooed off the cat and sat up to swing his lanky legs off the edge of the bed, he reached up to tuck your shirt into the high-hemmed waistband and then tugged it back out slightly to make it alittle loose.
“Damn. That’s my baby.” His voice low and gritty as he stood up to wrap his arms around your waist, his hands pressing you close to his chest to give you a chaste kiss on your forehead.
“C’mon sweet girl.” He patted your ass to get you moving, following behind you to slip into his boots.
“Wait, hold on.” You said, holding up a finger and jogging to your bathroom, re-emerging with a lint roller.
“Really?” He groaned and pulled the hem of his shirt to make the fabric taut.
“Yes really. When you wear all black and live with a cat you have to lint roll yourself Ani.” You rolled your eyes and aggressively rolled the sticky paper over his clothes.
“It’s a waste of paper, it’s bad for the environment.” He mumbled, turning around to let you get his back too.
“Your attitude is bad for my environment.” You muttered under your breath.
“What did you just say?” He snickered.
“You heard me.” You grinned, tossing the lint rolled back into the bathroom cabinet.
“Yes I did. I’m just a bit confused, when did we have children and why are you the father?” He snorted.
“Ha-ha, we’ve both made dad jokes. Let’s go.” With your hands on mid back you pushed him toward the door, making him laugh.
Waiting in line for popcorn with Anakin took much longer than you would’ve liked and he was beginning to get antsy. He stood behind you, his hands on your hips and his chin resting atop your head, clicking his teeth together to the tune of some song stuck in his head. His fingers drumming along as well, tapping across your hip bones.
“Oh thank fuck.” He sighed dramatically, stepping to the side of you and grabbing your drinks and popcorn.
“You act like we didn’t just eat like two hours ago.” You rolled your eyes and gave him a smile, watching him hold both drinks and the huge bucket of popcorn.
He bent his head down and ate a few pieces straight from the bucket, “That was two hours ago, this is now.” He swallowed and went right back in for another bite or two.
“You know I can carry something. So you can eat with your hands.” You laughed, passing by other theater rooms on the way to yours.
“No, I got it sweetheart.” He said softly, giving you a warm look. “I’m pretty good with my mouth anyway. Aren’t I baby?” He teased, licking the inside of his cheek while he watched your cheeks heat up.
“Shh!” You giggled and grabbed his upper arm, steering him into the correct theater room and up the steps to the top row. “Yes, you are.”
“Hands too?” He asked after putting your cups in the cup holders and helping you get settled. He lifted up the armrest between the two of you and snaked his arm behind you, scooting you closer and squeezing your ass.
“Hands too.” You whispered, the blush on your cheeks was red hot by now and you were thankful for the dark and sparse room.
“What about my c-“
“Perfect!” You said quickly, clapping your hand over his mouth while Anakin chortled behind your palm.
“Poor little princess?” He cooed, pinching your thigh and making you squirm. “Feeling all flustered? Out in public? Naughty thing.”
“Anakin Skywalker!” You whisper-shouted smacking at his hand that wandered from your ass to your upper thigh.
“Bet I could make you cum before the previews are over.” He leaned down, his lips brushing your earlobe.
“It’s okay babydoll, it’s just you and me up here.” His voice was soothing and much too convincing to ignore completely. Especially when he sat aside the popcorn in the next seat over and palmed his cock to adjust himself.
His hand gripped the back of your neck and tilted your head toward him, his lips meeting yours in a slow, sensual dance. He bunches up your skirt to your knees, picking up on leg and hooking it over his thigh to give him easier access.
“Need you to be quiet pretty girl, think you can do that f’me?” Anakin’s deep, sultry voice fanned over your jaw as he kissed the side of your neck.
“Mhm.” You nodded, keeping your mouth closed to avoid the moan you knew was going to follow his fingers slipping past your panties and running through the slick mess between your pussy lips.
“Keep that mouth open.” He whispered, smiling when you obeyed, dropping your jaw slightly “That’s a good girl.”
Anakin swirled his fingers around your entrance, twisting his wrist slowly as he gently pushed inside. Scissoring his fingers along the top wall, focusing the varied pressure on the spongey spot that took your breath away.
He smiled, tucking his head against your neck, tilting it to the side as he rocked his hand against you, “Grind on my hand princess, show me how nasty my angel can be.”
The heel of his palm was pressed firmly against your clit to help you get the friction you needed as his fingers worked their magic on your inner walls. Massaging wide circles as you bucked against his hand.
“Ani…” you whispered, grabbing his wrist and trying to move his hand away.
“Shh.” He silenced you with his lips on yours, his tongue laving away at yours. His soft, plump lips cradling yours in a moment of pure brain fog for you. He’d completely erased your knowledge of your surroundings, blacked your vision and muffled the sounds around you until all you could hear was his heartbeat as he put his hand over your mouth and tucked your head against his chest.
“Doing so good f’me,” he whispered into your hair, “you’re gonna cum when I tell you to okay?”
“You think you can handle that princess?” He asked, pressing his warm lips to your temple.
You nodded, tilting your head back to look up at his crystal blue eyes. He gave you a soft smile, kissed the tip of your nose and nudged your cheek so that you’d turn your head to the side. He licked the shell of your ear, nibbling along the curve of the cartilage down to your earlobe, his hot breath fanning over your flesh.
“I love you.” He whispered, telling you again and not expecting an answer, even though you gave him one nonverbally.
Your pussy squeezing his fingers tightly in response to the words, he wasn’t convinced that it could just be coincidence so he said it again, his voice gritty and low.
“I love you, my girl.” He kissed your jaw, his lips curving into a smile when he felt your pussy flutter again.
“Oh, I see.” He chuckled lowly, pulling back to see your eyes rolling back in your head. He shifted his hand over your mouth slightly and pinched your nose, cutting off your air supply completely.
You tried to suck in a deep breath out of surprise, getting choked on nothing as a result, your eyes opened in panic but you calmed slightly seeing the serene and loving look on Anakin’s face.
“Ready?” He asked, watching your face.
“Three.” He whispered, speeding up his ministrations, your hands clenching tightly, nails digging into your fists, your vision getting blurry.
“Two.” His thumb moving your clit and flicking over it rapidly, making you jump and whimper behind his hand.
“Shhh quiet.” He whispered, kissing the top of your head and breathing in your scent as your lungs began to burn.
“One.” His lips brushing across your ear have you cold chills down your back as you willed yourself to stay as silent as possible while Anakin cradled your head to his chest, he released your nose to let you breathe. The rush of lightheadedness made you cum even harder, curling yourself up against him and trapping his hand between your thighs.
You stayed like that for a moment, catching your bearings and recalibrating your senses. After he released your mouth you did the same for his hand, but kept your legs draped over him for the comfort of having him hold you. He sucked his fingers clean and wiped them off on his jeans, picking up his drink and taking a long sip of blue slushee just as the title card of the movie flashed on screen.
“See, told you.” He said casually, his other arm around your waist, rubbing your side languidly.
“You look so sleepy.” Anakin laughed, petting your hair as he walked with you up the stairs in your apartment building.
“I am so sleepy!” You pouted.
“Oh poor wee baby.” He cooed, pinching your sides and picking you up to lug you over his shoulder down the hall to your apartment.
“It’s only 9:00pm.” He said, unlocking your door and setting you down in the entryway. “You ready for bed?”
“Yes, extremely.” You nodded, shuffling toward your bathroom to take off your makeup and brush your hair.
“Well shit baby, did I really mess you up that bad?” He asked, following behind you with a guilty look on his face.
It was your turn to feel guilty now. You can’t tell him the truth can you? The lies and omissions were beginning to affect you in ways you hadn’t expected. You were beginning to see things that simply couldn’t be reality, making making connections by snipping threads and tying the ends in an order that forced things to make sense.
You felt your palms begin to sweat and couldn’t meet his pretty blue eyes as you lied to the man who loves you.
“Mhm.” You nodded, your eyes flickering to his brow bone to give the illusion you were gazing into his eyes just as adoringly as he was looking into yours. “You’ve been wearing me out Ani.”
“In a good way? Have I hurt you?” He asked, cupping your cheeks up with his soft, careful hands.
Did you even deserve those soft touches?
“Oh, no Ani you didn’t hurt me.” You shook your head quickly.
‘At least that wasn’t a lie.’
“Okay princess… do you need me to get you anything?” Anakin took the washcloth from your hands and finished wiping the black streaks from under your eyes, grabbing the brush and running it through your hair. The bristles scratching your scalp just the way you like it.
“No, just you.” Your quiet voice floated up to him, he watched your lips moving in the mirror and it was clear to him that something had severely dulled your mood.
“Alright, let’s put you to bed then sweetheart.” He set aside your brush, kissing the top of your head and steering you toward the bedroom.
Anakin squeezed your shoulder and turned away to retrieve a pair of pajamas, a matching set you’d put on and took right back off just a few days ago. The sight of it nearly caused you to burst into tears, it was just fabric, nothing more that soft threads and stitching. Though seeing it in his hands made you feel sick to your stomach.
He handed them to you with a soft smile, slipping from his jeans and out of his shirt until he was left in just his boxers. He flung back the covers and snuggled down under the blankets on your side of the bed.
“What are you doing?” You asked, the corner of your lip twitching into a smile.
“A certain little lady hates cold sheets, so I’m making ‘em warm.” He said as he pulled the covers over his head with a contented ‘mmm’.
He was sweet, too sweet for you. Too kind, too thoughtful, too good. You were right about him in the beginning, he is too good to be true, though it’s no fault of his own. It’s you who is to be blamed.
With the lights switched off and the bedroom door shut, you magnetized yourself to Anakin after he had rolled into his spot and pulled you to his chest. His warmth seeping through your flesh as a balm for the wounded soul that wallowed in the center of your chest.
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Diary Entry: August 31st
Have I let this go on for too long?
I feel like I’ve pushed us past the point of no return, your stress around me, my myself… it’s tangible. Like you’re worried you’ll say or do the wrong thing. I never intended for that. I didn’t intend for this to go on as long as it has at all.
I should’ve banished Ghost to The Pit after you’d accepted me into your life. I should’ve hung up the mask and retired my persona. I’ve always had trouble knowing when enough is enough, when to stop. It’s a difficulty that I’ve yet to overcome and probably never will.
It’s confusing for me, I can only imagine how confusing it is for you. You’re in the middle of it all, you are the center of my world, the sun in my star system. And because you are my everything, I will do anything to keep it that way. To keep you.
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September 2nd
Anakin paced the living room of his apartment, his thoughts traveling faster than a bullet train with a nitro boost. You would be arriving any minute now, you called your sister, you called Luke, but you texted him.
Yes he could hear your calls, but that only gave him half the information he needed. Information you were on your way to share with him.
Anakin was disappointed in himself. He should’ve bugged your backpack long ago, you take it almost everywhere. He could’ve caught the conversation you shared with your sister over lunch the day before. He would’ve been prepared for news, he would’ve had time to plan and time to practice.
What other conversations had he missed out on? Who else have you spoken to?
He was so caught up in his pondering and pacing that he failed to notice your appearance at the bottom of the stairwell, showcased on his laptop.
“Shit.” He muttered, palms tingling before beginning to sweat as he heard the doorknob click and turn. Anakin rushed to the coffee table and shut his laptop quickly, just as you entered the room.
You glanced toward his hand on the sleek metal and up to his face, a blank expression met you where there would usually be a wide goofy grin. You started to say something but stopped short when your phone buzzed, glancing down at it as you lifted the screen upward a *ping* sounded on Anakin’s laptop.
You watched as he picked it up and opened it to view the screen, he sat down heavily on the couch and started typing, looking up at you and beckoning you over with and wave of his hand.
“Sit with me sweetheart, s’just mom.” He rolled his eyes, tapping away at his keyboard replying to a non-existent message from Shmi.
He shut it down and sat it aside again, opening up his arms to let you lay against his chest. Giving you a light squeeze as you settled down, running his hands down your back.
“So, this weekend me, my sister and Luke are going out to the lake.” You started, putting one hand on his chest and resting your chin there.
“Oh?” His eyebrows raised, the lower half of his face remained unchanged.
“Yeah! We do it almost every year.” You smiled, “we get a cabin for a weekend and well usually Luke’s sister comes too but you know she just had the baby not too long ago so she’s not too keen on leaving just yet.”
“Sounds like fun doll.” He nodded, “Are you excited?”
“I am…” your smile faded slightly, noticing something about his tone wasn’t quite right.
“That’s good sweetheart, I bet you’ll have a great trip.” He pushed your hair behind your ear and put his palm on the back of your head to flex his fingers and gently scratch your scalp. “No skimpy little swimsuit, this bangin’ body is for me.” He teased, lightly kneading your ass.
You wanted to smile and giggle, to chide him for his comment but it didn’t feel right. His internal light seemed dimmer, a flickering bulb before it burns out with a *pop*.
“Is everything okay?” You whispered, feeling like if you spoke to loudly you might startle him.
“Huh? Oh yeah princess.” He nodded, giving you a little smile. “Sorry, I’m just feeling a little bit too in my head today.”
“Do you want to talk about it?” You asked him, watching his face shift for just a split second into something you didn’t quite recognize.
“Ah well it’s nothing really.” He shook his head, the corner of his mouth turning up.
“No, there’s something wrong I can tell.” You pressed on, a twist in you guts telling you the worst scenario had come to fruition.
“Just- it’s fine okay?” He answered in a curt, snippy tone.
“Ani…” you reached up and played with his lip piercings, tracing them in a feather light touch that he found soothing.
“I’m irritated.” He scowled, picking up a hand from your back and running it through his hair. You opened your mouth to speak and he shushed you quickly.
“You wanted me to talk, I’m talking.” His voice sharp. “I don’t like that you didn’t discuss this with me beforehand. You’re going somewhere without me, somewhere I’ve never been. How am I supposed to know you’ll be safe?”
“This should’ve been a topic of discussion. You should’ve spoke to me before agreeing to it.”
“I go on this trip every year, it’s perfectly safe. It’s very calm, there’s not many people. I’ll be just fine Anakin.” You sighed, not particularly enthused about his attitude.
“I feel purposely left out. I like to be included in decision making when it comes to you, I don’t think you’d be very happy if I decided to go on a weekend trip without telling you until after I had decided I was going.” His voice raising slightly, his heart beat quickening beneath your palm.
“I wouldn’t have told you no.” He scowled, “but now I want to.”
“Anakin.” You furrowed your eyebrows, “I… I should have talked to you. You’re right, I would be upset if you decided to go somewhere with talking to me first.”
“But I don’t think it’s fair for you to tell me I can’t go.” You added, pushing off his chest.
“I’m not telling you that you can’t go.” His voice low and annoyed. “That’s not what I meant.”
“I don’t want to argue before I leave Ani.” You sighed, feeling him recoil after you said ‘leave’.
“Then we won’t argue.” He huffed. “Look at me.” Anakin said, grabbing your chin as you turned away. “You will call me when you get there. You will call me before bed. You will respond to me when I text you. Understood?”
“I’m sorry Anakin I shouldn’t have-“
“Do you understand me?” He asked again, shaking your chin lightly.
“Yes.” You nodded, looking down at your hands in your lap and feeling a sense of guilt.
“Good girl.” He grunted, “Here.” He pulled you back down to his chest, rubbing your back and cradling your head, rocking you in a slow side to side motion.
“I’m not mad.” He whispered into your hair, his cheek pressed against the crown of your head. “I’m worried. I just worry about you sweetheart, I’m sorry if I sounded harsh.”
“N-no.” You shook your head. “No you were right Ani. I’m the one who should be sorry.”
“Always such a good girl.” His voice cracking as his pressed his lips firmly to the top of your head. “Don’t worry bout it baby, I’m not upset with you.”
Anakin slammed the trunk of your car shut and pushed down for good measure, turning around and dusting off his hands, he leaned back on your car. Giving you a smile he pulled you in for a hug, wrapping you in his arms tightly.
“You be careful pretty girl.” He mumbled against your forehead before nuzzling into your neck.
“I will, I’ll call as soon as I get there I promise.” You said, nodding your head to solidify your words. “I’ll text and let you know when I’ve picked up Luke.”
“Alright sweetheart.” He smiled, “I hope you have a really good time. I’ll miss you.”
“I’ll miss you too Ani.” You looked away, knowing what was coming next. Anakin cupped your cheek to make you meet his gaze.
“I love you.” His pupils dilated into big black saucers as he stared into your own. Those pretty eyes he adored so much, the eyes that told him what you wouldn’t say out loud.
You put your arms up around his neck, and tip toed to capture his lips in a soft, lax lipped kiss. One meant to be short and sweet, though with Anakin it’s almost impossible to achieve such a thing. He dominated your mouth in a heated kiss, his tongue curling to brush over yours while he hummed in satisfaction.
You slid one hand down his chest to pull back before you both got carried away in the parking lot of your apartment building. Anakin chased your lips with his, earning a giggle from you and plastering a smirk on his face.
“One more princess.” He mumbled, leaning forward to kiss your jaw. “Please? Gotta make you miss me.”
“I’m already gonna miss you.” You laughed, “don’t make it even worse!”
“I need it to be worse.” He grinned. “A whole weekend without you? I need you wet when you walk in the door.”
“Why’s that?” You asked, your cheeks heating up.
“Well it’d be real rude of me not to get my girl wet before I make sweet love to her wouldn’t it?” He spoke against your neck, squeezing your ass hard.
“Mhm. It would.”
“I’m impatient, I want you just as needy as me when you get home.” He nipped says your neck, pressing his bulge against your hip, making you gasp.
“Ani that’s not fair.” You pushed his head away, trying to squirm out of his grip as he peppered your flesh with his lips.
“Mm. Don’t talk to me about what’s fair.” He grumbled. “Why don’t you just let me have a taste huh, princess?”
“I’m gonna be late!” You squealed as he picked you up and sat you down on the trunk of your car, grinding himself against your clothed cunt.
“You think I give a shit?” He asked, his hands sliding under your shirt and lightly exploring your abdomen, his tongue running along your collarbone.
“Anakin wait there’s-“
Before you could finish speaking a horn blared loudly as a car drove by slowly in the parking lot, the driver scowling with their hands thrown up. Anakin jumped and whipped around quickly to flip the driver a double bird.
“Ani!” You smacked at his shoulder but couldn’t help laughing when he turned around with a goofy grin on his face.
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@wickedtactics @tsugumiholic @kingdomhate
@burnthecheshirewitch @exquisitcorpse @arzua10 @bby-imasociopath @depressed-kay @aliciaasky @naty-1001 @mrsmikaelsxn @bunnylovesani @ausskywalker @angelsadmired @slut4starwarssmut @chocolatepalacecloudhoagie @starkiller419 @hearts4mitski4 @lethargic @allhailbuckybarnes-blog @shadowhuntyi
@mortalheartache @fallinlovewithevil
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@sweetcheesecakesblog @luvskywxlker
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THE TAGS LIST IS FULL! But if you want to be tagged I will comment ur username for you. Love you all so many.
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feelslksugar · 4 months
teasing (anakin x reader) + twt prn link
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A/N; it’s so fucking late but I needed to post this asap. Sorry if it's bad or I forget any tags.
Warnings; Dark content, Anakin is very mean, size kink, afab reader, pussy slapping, fingering, dubcon, female reader, recording/sextape, Anakin calls readers pussy she, teasing, name-calling, threats to leak videos.
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You had been testing Anakin’s patience all day. The relentless teasing words and touches that lasted just a little too long had him wanting to ravage you right then and there but, he had self-control. 
At least that’s what he thought. He could tolerate the teasing but one thing he wouldn’t stand for was the flirting. 
 The blatant flirting with his friends right in front of him really sent him over the edge, he knew he would make you regret it the moment you two were alone.
The minute the door shut behind him you knew your fate was sealed. He wasted zero time throwing your smaller body over his shoulder and taking you straight to the bedroom before slamming you into the plush bed face down. He immediately ripped the material of your thin stockings and pushed your pleated mini skirt up exposing your bare cunt.
Unbeknownst to you, your boyfriend knew exactly how he was going to teach you a lesson. Only HE knew how to put you in your place.
You stayed put, face down on the bed and the bedroom was eerily silent except for some soft rustling followed by a small ring. 
It sounded so vaguely familiar, but it was something you couldn’t identify for a moment until it hit you all at once.
He was fucking recording. 
You could feel his looming presence behind you before he immediately ripped the material of your thin stockings and pushed your pleated mini skirt up exposing your bare cunt.
“You wanna be a bad girl all day,” He mutters under his breath while kneading the fat of your ass in front of the camera. “N-no Ani. I’m sorry.” You squeak while he continues to manhandle your most sensitive parts. 
The cold air in the room made contact with your pussy.  It definitely didn’t help.
Whenever your boyfriend would spread you too wide and your sensitive pussy would involuntarily spread you felt the embarrassment. 
Knowing the camera was capturing every single detail made you involuntarily clench your thighs together. You felt like a cheap whore on display for all to see.
“It’s too late for that, you’ve been such a fucking tease all day.” He groans looking at your small hole clench around nothing, desperate to be filled with something, anything. 
“She’s so fucking pretty.” He says looking at your cunt in the camera before his strong hand makes contact with the soft flesh of your ass. “Aniii- Please no, I said sorryyyy-” You can't even form your next thought before his hand strikes you once more. And once more, again, again, and again.
“No? You don’t want this? You’re sorry?” He parrots your needy words in a higher pitch while continuing to tease you on camera for the world to see. “I don’t think you’re sorry baby.” The last loud smack makes contact with your reddening skin before he gives your pussy a rub with the tips of his thick fingers. “Fuck, you’re dripping Doll. I think you like this and you don’t want me to stop. I think you like being filmed. It makes you so wet. See?” 
The tips of his fingers rub up and down your soaking slit, spreading your sweet wetness around your puffy folds and occasionally making contact with your sensitive clit. “You’re so meannnnn.” You whine desperate for any more friction or contact with your sensitive nub.
You were desperate for anything. Anakin watched as your small hole clenched around nothing. He knew he was being cruel, but he didn’t care.
 He knew he could easily reduce you to a crying mess just by dipping his fingers in.  You were always so sensitive and delicate just for him. He could make you cry and squirt without even trying as he had many times before. 
The feeling your desperate moans and whines gave him was something otherworldly. He knew you deserved to be punished but he couldn’t help himself. 
The feeling of his thick fingers finally making contact and dipping into the warm heat of your pussy made you drool. “Such a slut, you’re fucking dripping everywhere. I thought you didn’t want this hm?” The end of his sentence was punctuated with a harsh slap to your wet cunt. “You clearly do, so sit pretty and let me do whatever I want, okay?” Before you could protest his weight shifts off of your shared bed. 
You heard the familiar sound of a zipper and the drop of pants before you felt his larger frame behind you, aligning himself with your slick entrance. “Stay still for me, yeah?” Anakin says, grabbing the base of his cock and giving it a few experimental strokes before sliding his pre cum covered tip up and down your puffy folds. “Be gentle please Ani.” You beg, knowing his large size always made your eyes water no matter how many times you’ve done it with him. 
But the sudden sensation of being split in half overwhelms your senses. 
“Don’t fucking tell me what to do.” He snarls before forcing half of his cock into your wet heat. “Ani! Fuck I can’t!” You cry out grasping at the sheets desperate for purchase. 
 He gave you no time to adjust to his big length causing a dull ache in your lower half. “Yes, you fucking can,” He taunted, digging his fingernails into your hips while biting his lip.
“You’re saying you can’t but you’re clenching so much around me and I’m not even all the way in yet. Giving the camera such a fucking show,” He moans before forcing the rest of his thick length inside your abused pussy. 
“Fuck, always so tight for me.” He feels like he could cum in just a few thrusts with the way your cunt gripped him like a vice. “‘M so full,'” You whine at the feeling of being filled to the brim. Full of Anakin, raw.
His hips begin to move, slowly at first. “Fuck, I love this fucking pussy. All mine too, isn’t that right baby?” He asked. You could feel Anakin’s spongey tip kiss your cervix over and over again while he waited for your response. “Yes! Fuck!” You cried out when his thrusts began to speed up when you took a little too long to answer him. “All yours Ani! I’m sorry!” You cry into the pillow desperate to hide your moans.
“The stupid slut is sorry now huh?” The sound of skin slapping on skin echoed on the walls of your shared bedroom while he abused your poor cunt. “Yeah? You’re fucking sorry? Apologize. Let them hear you.” His words were dripping with anger. He wanted you to be sorry. To cry and beg on camera. He wanted nothing else but to make a moaning drooling mess out of you. “They can’t hear you with your face buried in that fucking pillow now can they?” He spits, grabbing your hair from the roots and pulling your face out of the plush pillow. 
“No! I’m sorry! I’m sorry for being a slut! I’m sorry I’m Ani’s! I’m only his!” Your words were slurring and you swear you could see stars when he hit that bundle of nerves over and over again with his fat tip. “That's what I like to hear. That’s right baby, tell them.” He leaned forward and licked the shell of your ear. 
“You’re being such a good girl.” He whispered in your ear while not once slowing down. “Let this be a lesson. Whenever you even fucking think about disobeying me think about this.” He hisses while biting your ear. 
“I love you so much,” You could tell your boyfriend was getting closer. His thrusts became sloppier with each passing second. 
“Fuck, I love you so so much.” His tone was needy and his hands gripped and groped all over your soft body desperate to feel anything. “I’m gonna cum.” He whines before getting one last deep thrust in. “Cumming inside you.” 
The feeling of his long-awaited orgasm washed over him. He felt so weightless. You could feel his weight on your back while his labored breath tickled your shoulder. A thin layer of sweat covered you two while he slowly pulled out his softening cock. Thick globs began to spill out of your abused cunt before your boyfriend’s sweaty body was lifted off of yours.
 “Should I send this video out now baby?”
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sunderwight · 2 months
Time travel fic where Vader gets the chance to go back in time, any time, and change his history.
So he goes back to when he was still a slave boy living on Tatooine with his mother.
He avoids the Jedi. Qui-Gon doesn't get the money for the parts they need, so the Queen doesn't reach Coruscant in a timely fashion, and the ousting of the Trade Federation is delayed. Which sucks ass for Naboo. But, on the other hand, the confrontation with Maul happens smack dab in the middle of the desert, so Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan actually overpower him together and neither of them dies.
After the Jedi leave, Anakin uses his future knowledge and expertise in cybernetic implants to remove his and his mother's slave chips. A tragic accident befalls Watto, and a fire in the junk shop destroys most of his records, so no one who inherits the remainder has any knowledge of slaves (or anything else) missing from the inventory.
Shmi knows that something has changed. But Ani's always been a miracle, strange and unknowable in many ways, and yet still her son regardless. She goes along with it, even though she's apprehensive about affording water, shelter, and food as they are.
She needn't have worried.
At every turn, Anakin miraculously seems to uncover things they need, or opportunities for them to explore. Shmi finds decent work in various establishments -- cleaning garages and hangers, and cantinas after closing, mostly. There always seems to be someone willing to hire her on for a while, even if they already seem to have staff. Ani works his magic with scrap parts and whatever better pieces they can afford, when they have enough to spare (which is surprisingly often), and sells contraptions to the Jawas, junk dealers, or other interested parties. If he makes and sells some weapons to some enterprising bounty hunters or mercenaries, Shmi doesn't discern it, and Anakin doesn't volunteer the information.
But mostly, he works in prosthetics.
There's a pretty big demand for such in the Outer Rim, especially Tatooine, where the idea of anyone hopping into a Bacta tank is even less realistic than the idea of public swimming pools. People are losing limbs all the time, and good prosthetics are hard to come by.
Anakin makes good prosthetics. Even with limited parts and visible frustration, by the time he's thirteen, most of the planet knows where you go if you need an "extra hand", so to speak.
It's not long before the Hutts take an interest in monopolizing the resource, and seeing what else this talented young mechanic can build. Even if most Hutts rarely need prosthetics themselves, they like to be in charge of a hot commodity, after all. And it's hardly unheard of for them to lose an arm or two either.
Shmi worries. Anakin doesn't. Somehow, all of the local crime lords start to be met with unfortunate accidents. Their relatives and allies investigate, of course, and no one really believes in coincidences in the Outer Rim. But nothing turns up either. Falling cargo, suicides, misfiring weapons, heart attacks, choking on food, slipping and falling into sarlacc pits, it's all stuff that does happen. It just usually doesn't happen so often, to such a specific group of people, within such a short amount of time.
When Anakin is fifteen, Sidious sends people to fetch him. They approach him with sweet offers and seemingly-generous gifts, at first, as if it's not the most suspicious way they could go about it. His mother too, but it's such a stupid effort that Shmi finds them suspect even without prompting, and senses something off about them. Anakin's mother might not be nearly as Force sensitive as he is, but she is, and she doesn't like Palpatine's people even if she doesn't know who they are.
The next ones just try and abduct him. It's at least less insulting in its directness. They find themselves falling afoul of the many dangers of Tatooine instead. Such a risky place, people disappear out here all the time. Mind the womp rats and the krayt dragons.
Finally, Sidious goes himself.
His ship suffers a terrible malfunction upon its descent towards a planetside dock. A true tragedy. The Chancellor will be missed.
History remembers Anakin Skywalker as a footnote in the development of several innovative prosthetic enhancements, and a semi-obscure abolitionist who also advocated for the rights of clones.
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"groupie love"
pairing: rockstar!Anakin x reader word count: 2.1k CW: swearing, drug usage, mentions of sex a/n: I've been dressing (and wanting to be) like a rockstar's girlfriend lately, and this popped into my mind. Lemme know if it deserves a part 2... Enjoy!
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“Friend of the band?” 
You huff slightly upon hearing the stranger's voice, glancing out of the corner of your eye at the man walking outside with an unlit cigarette in his hand. He strolls over towards you, leaning his back against the brick wall of the venue, mimicking your posture. This was going to be good. With no shame, his eyes trail your body up and down, a smirk forming on his lips as he takes you in. 
“You could say that,” You chuckle to yourself, avoiding his lingering gaze as you pull out another cigarette and light it. As often as this occurred, you paid no mind to it.  
You take a long drag from the cigarette, choosing to smoke outside rather than in the venue. You kept your filthy bad habit a secret from your friends, not wanting them to know you failed at quitting once again. They know you’ve tried, and they know you started again, but nevertheless, it became an unspoken thing. It felt good between your fingers, leaning your head back against the bricks and taking another long drag, ignoring the presence of the man next to you as he lights his own and keeps his gaze fixed upon you. 
Out of curiosity, you finally peeked your head over slightly to get a good look at him. He was clearly arrogant- that was apparent. You could tell by the way he attempted to smooth talk you, not knowing your affiliation. He had dark hair and brown eyes that evidently reflected the desire within. He fiddled with something in his hands, slightly adjusting the cufflinks on his suit. He bit his lip once more, taking a nice long look at your breasts. Fucking perv.
“Give me a call sometimes,” He hands a card over to you as you raise a brow and smirk at the audacity, “I’m sure you’d make a wonderful actress,” He winks before walking back into the venue, actually leaving you alone to smoke. First time for everything.
You chuckle to yourself lightly, taking another drag from your cigarette and smacking the card lightly against the palm of your hand. You flick the cigarette, sticking the card in your back pocket as you take another drag. The cigarette suddenly brings you clarity, furrowing your brows as you reach into the back pocket of your jeans and pull the card back out. Jared Schultz, Adult Films. You scoff and roll your eyes, the annoyance building up in your throat. 
“Fuck porn agents,” You crumble the card up in your hands, shoving it in the front pockets of your jeans to make for an interesting story later. Annoyance wasn’t a strong enough word for the way that made you feel. You pull your phone out of your back pocket, glancing at the time and huffing, taking one last drag of your cigarette only to throw it to the ground and stomp. You brushed the hair out of your face, strolling back and aggressively swinging the stage-left door open.
Instantly, your mood improved as you studied the dim lighting and smoke you were greeted with. You glanced at angry tour managers and several groupies. It always puts a smile on your face. You walked next to the stage, watching as the sound guys fixed the last mics and talked to the opener, eager to get them on stage as quickly as possible. They were already 15 minutes behind, and Padmé, the beloved manager, was about to blow.
You giggled to yourself, watching as she yelled at the production crew for fucking up, walking around all bossy in her sexy little pantsuit, apologizing to the opening band as their anxiety grew. She glanced at you, giving you a tight-lipped smile, gripping her clipboard ever so aggressively as she returned her attention back to the band. 
You grinned at her, knowing she needed it. Her job was the hardest; managing the 501st was no painless task. You couldn’t fathom it. Lost in thought, you suddenly realized you were in the way as the crew got more frantic. You quickly walk away, adverting your gaze as you nod to a few others and turn the corner down the hallway to the dressing room. You passed a few crew members, loading in different pieces of equipment to go on the stage next to make this changeover as quick and painless as possible. There was no chance that was happening on this tour. 
You pass a few open doors before poking your head into the 501st’s dressing room. 
“Y/N!” They all shouted, raising their hands filled with various playing cards and drinks, clearly eager to see you return from your quick smoke break outside. God, they were plastered. 
“There she is,” Anakin grins at you, holding a joint in one hand and a bottle on Hennessy in the other as he motions for you to come over.
You walk carefully through the room, not wanting to step on anyone or see their cards as you make your way to the couch. You grin mischievously at Anakin before plopping on the floor in between his legs as he takes another swig. 
“How’s my girl?” He asks, setting down the bottle and running his fingers through your hair. You lean into his touch, humming in response. 
“Good! Got another one of these,” You sit up slightly from him, feeling his disappointment from the absence of your touch. Reaching your hand into your pocket, Anakin’s brow raises in confusion as you struggle to pull the card out. Your index finger finally grabs onto it, and you pull it out, tossing it behind your head for him to catch. He carefully removes his hand from your scalp, catching the card and chuckling slightly. 
“Give me that,” You take the joint out of Rex’s hand, taking a long puff, “Gonna need it,”
“Motherfucker!” Anakin jokingly shouts, throwing the card down. You snort at his reaction, the rest of the band laughing along.
“What is it?” Cal looks up briefly from the line of coke he was snorting, suddenly very intrigued.
“Oh, look who came up for air!” Ahsoka teases, sitting back and giggling at him. You raise a brow at this. 
“Yeah, better watch out, Kestis, gonna have a hole in your nose pretty soon,” You laugh at him, taking another drag from the joint in your hand.
“He already does,” Cody adds; you laugh even harder.
“Okay, okay,” He sets the coke-lined credit card down, looking back at Anakin behind you, “But what was it?”
“Another fucking porn agent,” He takes a swig of his drink, feeling it burn down his throat, “They want her bad. No surprise there, really,”
“Seriously,” Ahsoka adds, looking down at the cards in her hand. She focuses on Rex, trying to read his expression as they begin to wrap up their pre-show poker game.
“What can I say,” You lean back into Anakin, feeling his hardened cock behind your head, “I know I’m hot- they know I’m hot. We’d both benefit and make a fuck ton of money. Can’t say I blame them for trying.”
“Then what’s stopping you?” You turn to look at Obi-Wan, not making eye contact as he intently focuses on the cards in his hands.
“Fuck off,” Anakin groans, eager to change the subject, as he throws his head back against the couch pretty aggressively.
“Hey,” You tap his leg, turning around to face the man behind you. He grins upon seeing your face. “How much have you had? I don’t want you to get too fucked up.” 
“Don’t worry, princess,” He leans down, pressing a gentle kiss to your head, “Haven’t had a lot. I’m watching, don’t worry,” You smile at him, turning your attention back to the poker game in front of you.
“Full house,” Rex puts his cards down, a smirk on his face.
“Fuck!!!!!” Ahsoka throws her cards down as Rex scoots the pile of cash towards him. 
“Nice try, kid. Better luck next time,” he winks at her as she rolls her eyes and lights a cigarette. 
“Hey, band,” Padme knocks on the door, gaining everyone’s attention, “You’re up. Good luck out there, and make us proud!”
“Sir, yes, sir!” Ahsoka shoots up, saluting Padmé as she rolls her eyes and leaves the room, clipboard and all. 
“Alright, guys, let’s give 'em hell,” Anakin says, sitting up and following you as you stand. 
“Ah, ah,” you say, pouring several shots of Clase Azul for everyone to take. “You forgot about our lucky shot!” They all roll their eyes at you, laughing at the tradition.
“Who’s bright fucking idea was it to make this lucky shot tequila,” Obi-wan grumbles before holding his nose as he pours the shot down his throat. You close your eyes and laugh at him.
“Mine, actually,” Anakin laughs, putting a protective hand over your shoulder as he gives you a light kiss on the cheek, the smell of tequila lingering on his breath.
The rest of the band runs out onto the stage, Anakin following closely behind as the crowd erupts in cheers. You smile deeply, watching him go. Anakin quickly runs down the stage stairs back toward you, grinning as he watches you furrow your brows in confusion. Before you had time to say anything, he engulfs you in a warm, deep kiss. He slowly pulls away, putting his forehead against yours and panting slightly, excited from the tension between you and the roars of the crowd.
“I love you, baby,” You cup his cheek and smile, seeing the familiar grin spread across his lips, “Go make me proud,”
“Anything from you, Princess,” He kisses your head once more before grabbing his guitar and running up on stage. 
You watch him go, hearing the sound of the fans increase with Anakin’s presence. Padme shows up at your side, guiding you over to the backstage watching area. 
“Who’s ready for the best fucking night of their lives!” Anakin screams into the mic, the crowd eating up every charming word that leaves his mouth.
They start loud and heavy, the crowd singing and dancing to every lyric, melody, and rhythm. You point over to the mosh pit starting near the stage- remembering your own mosh days. 
You observe as Anakin sings passionately into the mic, playing his guitar even better. Rex kills it on drums, Cody kills it on percussion even better. Cal is so coked out on the keys that it’s hilarious- but it would never dull his playing. Ahsoka always fucking shreds it on bass, standing next to Obi-Wan, her rhythm guitar player. 
You scream and dance and practically lose your voice singing to the songs, the opener and Padmé joining alongside you. You played with the necklace he gave you, never taking your eyes off of him.
It got to that time of night, and his shirt came off, followed by the fans losing their shit. He turns around and shoots you a wink as you bite your lip and blow him a kiss in response.
“Alderaan, how bad do you want it?” He moans slightly into the mic, relishing in their screams as you feel the heat rise to your cheeks ever so slightly. 
“ALDERAAAAAN!” He screamed into the mic, leaning back as he said it, “I said, how fucking bad do you want it!” 
The crowd is so loud you swore it was a world record. 
“That’s what I thought,” Anakin adjusts his guitar strap before breaking into one of the band's heavier, sexier songs. His voice is smooth, raspy, and sensual. He makes sure to turn around every now and then just so you know who he is singing about. 
Anakin runs off stage, wrapping his sweaty arms around you in a much-needed embrace. He picks you up off the ground and into a passionate kiss, ignoring the fans' cries for an encore. You giggle against his touch; the passion of the kiss ignores the wetness of his touch. He pulls back, grinning as he holds you as closely as he can manage.
“You’re amazing, Ani,” you sigh, cupping his face into your hands as he presses a gentle kiss against your palm. “Better go give them what they want,” you motion your head towards the crowd. Anakin’s grin grows wider as he kisses you once more, forcing his tongue to meet with yours, savoring the taste of you. 
“Only because you asked,” He winks before letting go and running back on stage. “I love you.” He yells back, turning around to face the crowd, letting them bask in his presence one more time before he returns to his rightful place in your arms. 
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bunnylovesani · 9 months
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A Rough Ride
Summary: Getting fucked in Anakin’s car. That’s about it.
Content Warnings: MDNI, major daddy issues/kink, p in v sex, degradation, mean dom/sub dynamic, spanking, fingering, slapping, cum play, facial, aftercare
WC: 1.8k
Hearing critical comments about your controversial relationship with a man 20 years your senior was nothing you weren’t used to. After several months, you’d acclimated to the jokes about how you must have daddy issues and how he must be a creep; the bottom line was that you loved Anakin and he loved you, the rest was just noise and it didn’t bother you in the slightest.
It was a whirlwind romance- a glance shared across a late-night bar led to a steamy night in a dirty motel room which led to the following 6 months of sex-fuelled fun. Guys your age just didn’t know how to fuck the way you needed to be fucked- you needed a man of experience, a man of skill.
That’s how you ended up bent over the backseat of his Ferrari, face pressed firmly against the leather interior while he roughly pounded into your cunt. You couldn’t muster up anything besides the occasional cry of “Harder daddy, please!” and “Mm, ’s so good…” and he chuckled dryly at the way you fell apart on his cock.
“Harder baby? You sure? I don’t wanna ruin this pretty pussy.” He hardened his grip on your hips, self-control slipping.
“Yesyesyes- please daddy ruin me.” You babbled, drool leaking down the side of your face and ruining your makeup.
“Alright darling, you got it.” He muttered under his breath, sloppy thrusts getting rougher and faster. “You’re such a daddy’s girl, aren’t you baby?”
You nod and let out a little “mhmm!”, chewing your bottom lip raw.
“Daddy’s good girl…y’know what happens to good girls?” He asks you, smacking the palm of his hand against your ass cheek. “Good girls get to cum.”
You whine and claw at the upholstery, knot in your tummy growing.
“Stop whining or I’ll give you something to whine about.” He growls and you look back at him in confusion, pretty doe eyes staring pitifully up at him.
“Good girls also shut up and take it.” He lifts his hips and buries his cock to the hilt, abdomen firmly smacking against you. You scream at the extra inches he’s given you and his movements come to a standstill; he usually restrains himself because he knows you can’t take his whole cock but he must be in a brutal mood today.
“I’m gonna start moving now, and if you can take it- I’ll let you cum. If you can’t, you’re gonna get on your knees instead. Understood?”
You nod, tears pricking at your eyes. You wanted to cum so badly but you weren’t sure if you could take such a rough pounding with his full length.
Slowly, he moves his hips back before pressing into you, tip kissing your cervix. You bite your fist and bury your forehead into the seat, trying so hard to be a good girl and not make a sound but after almost an hour of relentless pummeling, you were at the end of your rope.
“Good, stay nice and quiet f’me.” He grumbles as he begins to go harder, near-silent squeaks escaping your wet lips. You begin to slide your way out of his grip, distancing yourself away just a little to ease the pressure.
“Come back here.” He grabs your hips and impales you right back onto his dick with a stubborn grunt. Teeth marks form on your clenched fist and a wet spot pools on the back seat, spit connected between the puddle and your parted mouth. The feeling of him so deep in your guts is deliciously agonising and you can’t help but to give in and let him fuck you like you’re his sex toy. Once you stop fighting the intrusion, pleasure comes over you in intense waves, beads of sweat trickling down your back as you tremble. Squeaks of discomfort are replaced with quietly guilty moans of pleasure and it doesn’t go unnoticed by Anakin.
“Listen to me, you little slut.” He rakes his hand up the back of your head, firmly gripping your hair and roughly bringing you up to him. “You better not cum yet.” Your brows upturn and eyes glisten in a pleading countenance. “If you do, there will be consequences.” He warns you with a mischievous smirk, almost hoping you disobey him so he can have fun making you regret it.
You want to listen to him with every fibre of your being but you have no control over your own body when he’s fucking you like this. With an aggressive push, you’re thrown back onto the seat and you grip the side of it so hard you leave scratches all over the leather. Scrunching your face up, you feel yourself failing- disobeying his order as you’re pushed over the edge to your release. You try to stay still hoping he won’t notice but the way you clench around his cock, making it glisten with your creamy arousal is a dead giveaway.
“Oh now you’ve done it.” He scowls and pulls out suddenly, making you tense up in anticipation of your punishment. “Get on your knees.”
You uncurl out of the ball you’ve scrunched yourself into and follow his command, positioning yourself between his legs.
“I’m gonna cum all over that pretty whore face of yours.” He grabs the base of his dick and strokes himself, maintaining eye contact as he jerks off to the image of your angelic face.
You stick your tongue out as he comes undone, hot cum squirting out and landing all over your mouth and cheeks. You giggle happily as he rubs his spent cock around, letting you lick up the creamy mess. He comes closer and grabs you by the cheeks with one hand, rubbing his cum all over them before smacking you suddenly with an open palm.
“You like getting slapped around by a man twice your age?” He hits you again, firmly enough to leave your cheeks reddened but not so hard that it stings. He saves that for when you’re really bad.
Nodding, you beam with glee as you raise yourself off your knees, wanting to cuddle up to him like you usually do once you’re done but he stops you.
“Oh no, sweetheart. That wasn’t your punishment. Bend over my lap.” He tucks himself into his trousers and zips them back up before leaning back to allow you to take your position. Somewhat confused, you follow his lead and prop yourself over his legs, ass perched up in the air. His warm calloused hand glides over your ass and you hum contentedly, relishing in his touch. Abruptly, a loud smack is heard and your cheeks jiggle with the tremor of his strike.
“A-am I getting spanked, Ani?” You choke out in shock.
“Yes, you are baby. This is what happens when you misbehave. Daddy has to discipline you.” He calmly explains as he slaps you again, a little harder this time. You feel his hand trailing down to your pussy, fingers rubbing against the slit before slipping down to your throbbing clit. You’re so sensitive that you start squirming in his lap- a move he quickly puts an end to when his big-knuckled hand presses harshly against your back- pinning you down like you were an unruly kitten.
He leans over until his face is hovering above your ass before spitting a thick glob of saliva over your pussy, the drool seeping down to your hole. He groans as he smears it around before pushing two fingers into your throbbing hole, already sore from being fucked raw.
“Aniii…” You moan, burying your face into your hands as a sudden wave of shyness comes over you.
“What’s the matter, baby? You don’t like daddy makin’ you feel good?” He coos as he fucks you with his fingers, lewd squelching sounds filling the steamy car. “What’s wrong, my angel?”
“N-nothin’ daddy, it’s just- mm- too much!” You pant, head swirling.
“You can take it baby, you’re my big strong girl, aren’t you?” He murmurs softly and you huff breathily. Another slap lands on your rosy cheeks as he curls his fingers deeper, “Aren’t you?”
“Yes, daddy, yes- I can take it!” You sniffle, trying to compose yourself but the way he’s stretching you out coupled with the salty taste of his cum on your tongue has your concentration in tatters.
“Aw, you just need someone to take care of you, don’t you baby?” You sob out “mhmm!” in response and feel another orgasm coming on- he’d made you cum so many times you’d lost count.
“Daddy’s gonna take care of his baby.” He rubs the small of your back comfortingly while his fingers plunge in and out of you, pushing you over the edge into your release. You whine and wail as your thighs shake and he shushes you soothingly until you calm down- limp body collapsed over his lap.
“C’mere baby.” He opens his arms and you jump into them, wrapping your arms urgently around his neck.
“Woah darling, you okay?” He places his broad hand on the back of your head, tucking you into his warm chest.
“Y-yeah. I’m just- ugh!” You choke out frustratedly, tears streaming down your face from how overwhelmed you felt.
“Shh baby, shh- I know.” He coddles you and you let yourself sob into him. He made you feel such strong emotions you didn’t know how to handle them- so you often curled up into his lap and unravelled after a particularly intense round.
“How does some hot chocolate, your favourite movie and a fort of blankies and plushies sound?” He lightly nudged his nose against yours and you perked up instantly.
“Sounds amazing, Ani.” Your heart warmed with how he cared for you, it was unlike anything you’d ever had before.
“We just need to get through this first.” He rubs any remnants of cum off your face with his sleeve, smoothing your frizzy hair down with his other hand. “We kinda chose an inopportune moment for this…”
You poke your head up and remember your surroundings- you’re parked in a dark alley around the corner from Anakin’s house. His friends and family had gathered for a Christmas dinner being hosted at his place and it was meant to be your first time meeting most of them. Glancing into the front view mirror, you gasped at the sight: your makeup was utterly ruined- mascara smudged, lipstick smeared and your hair looked like you’d been dragged through a bush.
“Ani! How ‘m I supposed to meet them like this?” You mewled, wanting desperately to make a good first impression considering the controversy and disapproval that surrounded your relationship.
“I don’t know baby, you should’ve thought about that before you started acting like a little brat.” He shrugs, opening the car door and stepping into the crisp winter air. “You coming?” He held his hand out with a self-satisfied smirk, eager to show off the mess he’d made of you.
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@crazy4hotmen @erinkeifer @mortalheartache @arzua10 @mugwump327 @offthethirlwall @bby-imasociopath @slvttedoutmars @emmalandry
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gladiatorcunt · 5 months
   ╰ • ❀ - ❛happy birthday, mr. emperor!❜ ✦
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cw: afab reader, daddy kink, pretend it’s april 19th, implied painal sorry for writing an anakin that would love jane eyre too much, bondage mention, dark themes, implied age gap, blowjob
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“I wish you could see how the stars I made shine for you, angel.”
Last night Anakin had tucked a stray strand of hair behind your ear, silently chuckling when it sprung back to smack you in the face. Your nose scrunched in that bunny-esque way he loves, and he whispered against your cheek that he loved you before departing your home. As soon as you heard the door swoosh shut behind him, a bright smile beamed across your face as you sprung out of bed and began preparing. You’d gotten better at pretending to be asleep, or maybe he’s just humoring you.
It took you hours to set up your husband’s surprise stay at home birthday celebration. His job as the Emperor of the Galaxy drains the life out of him even on his good days, so you do what you can to ease the tension however possible. Today is the day in which you put your heart and soul into adoring the love of your life. It wasn’t hard to decide on this kind of party. You’re more of the long distance vacation person in the relationship, and Anakin would gently scold you about how it wouldn’t be safe to even leave the palace most of the time.
You hum a catchy tune, looking in the mirror to make sure that the bow in your hair is tied perfectly. You picked a satin fabric that matches the color of Ani’s eyes, and a part of you can’t deny that the decision was motivated by the desire to see his jaw clench in possessiveness. The little thrills you manage to witness get you through the days inside. You do some last minute twirls, glancing over your outfit and ignoring the slight discomfort of the silk ropes underneath.
Your slippers slap against the floor all the way to the dining room. The servants had already been dismissed for the day as soon as your husband had left, something else that you wouldn’t mind getting a ‘thorough scolding’ for. You know Anakin just doesn’t like for you to ever feel the need to lift a single finger if he can help it, but it’s only fair that you be the best spouse you can be on his special day.
All the food lining the long rectangle shaped table is Ani’s favorite, painstakingly put together and placed in an arrangement by your own hands. You haven’t slept in what feels like forever, but it’ll all be worth it to see how happy this will make him. Like always, you don’t care to delve into how slick your pussy gets at the thought of his approval. Even a small grunt of acknowledgement when he’s distracted drives you wild.
After making sure that absolutely everything is in the proper place, cheesy decorations strung up all over the place included, you smooth your clothes down with your palms flat and wait in the bedroom. You hope he appreciates how restrained you’ve been since he’s been gone, the tempatation to hump your puffy folds against the pillow he lays his head on is still on your mind. Anakin usually wakes you up by licking a flat stripe up your cunt under the covers and hooking his fingers in your hole to stretch it enough for him to spit in, always already naked from the night before. Like a cat kneading the surface it’s walking on, you could cry at being deprived of grounding yourself by burying your shaking hands in his soft hair.
Your excitement must bleed into the Force somehow, because you hear the heavy stomps of boots sooner than you thought. You scramble to meet your husband at the door, remembering how he once admitted that he likes to hear how happy you are to see him when he gets back. The cat never fails to return to check on the canary, and when it eats the stubbornly cheerful thing it doesn’t have to. It knows exactly where the bird is, and always will be.
You don’t even wait for him to get out of his armor and into his more casual attire that he likes to lounge around in at home. As soon as you see your favorite crow’s feet wrinkles revealed by the silver door, you pounce.
With very little effort, you reach up and push the top of your outfit off your shoulders. Anakin’s darkened gaze follows the truthfully skimpy garment as it falls to pool around your ankles. Your cheeks burn and you pray that he’ll take his time admiring you but no such luck, his eyes quickly flick up to see the start of a series of clumsily tied loose silk knots. The holonet tutorial you followed was sort of confusing, but you thought you managed to pull it off in the end!
“Fuck, look at you, bunny.” He groans, prowling around you in a slow circle. “All this for some boring old man?”
“Hey, ‘s not nice…” You wring your hands together, wiggling your plump ass for him as he makes his rounds. “You’re MY boring old man, Ani.”
“Watch it.”
“Or what?” You giggle despite the warning look he’s giving you.
The heat in his gaze feels like flames licking at your spine, but you don’t push him any further. You would never want him to have a stressed induced heart attack. Your unspoken jab makes you giggle again until you realize that Anakin could peek into your mind whenever he pleases.
The sudden slap to your rear doesn’t surprise you, nor do the frenzied squeezes. He loves to watch the skin bulge out between his thick fingers, he loves your fat ass period. The blush pink ribbons were tied together in a way that you knew would enhance your curves, putting enough pressure on your plush ass and tits in particular to really make them pop. Your thighs were nothing to forget about, though, you know better than to assume that Ani doesn’t love every bit of his baby equally.
He circles back around to face you and grins. He adjusts his cock in his pants, not taking his eyes off fof you for even a second, “So fuckin’ gorgeous, honey. And here I was about to say that the best thing I could receive is waking up to you every day.”
“Thank you, Daddy, Happy Birthday.” You purr, sinking to your knees and winding your arm around his thigh, nuzzling into the seam of his pants like you were searching for something.
He ‘tsk’s above you but he sighs and waves his hand in the air, summoning an emerald green cushion to slide under your knees before you hit the floor. That pillow didn’t exist in the beginning of your relationship, but you’ve ended up loving being like this so much that it became a necessity.
Anakin groans as you mouth at his bulge over his slacks, wetting the fabric with your kitten licks to his tip. He settles a heavy palm on top of your head and gives you a couple pats. Neither of you are in any rush, both enjoying your dynamic in a more sensual way. Ani loves how cock drunk you already seem to be, the tension in his body just melts away when he can see how much you’re salivating over your mind going blank.
“You can’t go dumb on me, Angel, I haven’t even got my present yet.” He teases you and grins when you mewl distractedly.
You’re trying really hard to pay attention, promise, but you couldn’t ignore your husband’s natural musk if you tried. “ ‘ngh- hah… ‘Sorry, Daddy.”
Then you remember that you can’t spend the rest of your life on your knees (you wish), so you sheepishly wipe the drool from your mouth. You have trouble getting hold of the zipper, your fingers being too wet to properly pull it. Your embarrassment is short lived, because Anakin is using the Force to undo it and slide his pants down far enough to free his throbbing length.
You pout in disappointment when it doesn’t flop out to smack you across the face. In no time at all you’re slobbering all over his cock.
You flutter your eyelashes up at your husband, hollowing out your cheeks and humming periodically. You can’t help the satisfied grin that comes over you whenever you get a deep groan or grunt in response. Your mouth makes ‘slurp!’ sounds as you suck him off, a sharp ‘pop!’ going off when you pull the suction away to trace the veins on the underside of his curved cock. Precum beads to the surface but they’re swiftly licked away, you outright make out with the thick tip of his dick for a good minute.
Anakin would tease you for how much of a bitch in heat you’re being, but he’s no better when he wriggles his tongue fucking either of your holes. He’d call you that with love though, he’ll never forget how grateful he is to still have you after everything.
“My consort loves their dick, huh? Should I even ask if you’ve prepped your ass?” He asks and you smother your smile in his balls as you lavish them in your saliva.
“Good bunny.” Anakin sighs, balling his fist up in your hair. “Daddy knows you like it when it hurts, angel.”
And you do, even with the dried cum around the corners of your mouth and the tears spilling over. You’re smiling in between gasps of breath with every heavy thrust, you send a thought into the Force of concern over the state of Ani’s joints and you squeal when he speeds up. He hadn’t even bottomed out yet, your puffy rim was already red enough from his bullying the blunt head past your entrance.
You sob and let your mouth hang open, staring off into space as you feel his length cleave your insides in two. The kisses dotted all over your face help soothe you, but you still pant and dig your nails into his wrist on the side of your head caging you in. Anakin’s other hand kneads one of your ass cheeks, giving you more quick pats when he think you’re getting too worked up.
Some of the ribbons wrapped around your body have been destroyed, either by Anakin’s irritation when he wanted more access or by how amateurish your knot tying skills were. The ones around your ass are still intact, and you do your best to shake your ass against the remaining inches sinking inside your puckered hole, wondering if Ani can pick up on the shimmer of the ropes in the dim light.
He’s a good man, your Ani, he only lets it hurt on special occasions. If you rub up on him really nicely, ruining your ass goes outside of those occasions. It’s his birthday, why not let him play with his favorite toy how he wishes? You take pride in the leash you have around his every waking and slumbering desire, he has the same hold on you.
At the end, the universe will only know the carnage Darth Vader left in his wake. Long dead twin suns will singe the memory of Anakin Skywalker and his lover into the fabric of reality.
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laylaplease · 9 months
That's what you get for misbehaving.
ׁ ֶָ֢ ⏤͟͟͞͞☕️ ׁ ࣭ warnings ! ۪ ׁ ⊹ || Oral sex (fem receiving), fingering, pain kink, pussy slapping, punishment, pornography consumption, degrading, pet names, masturbation, mouth stuffing.
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"Go on, pup, open up, yeah?" Anakin reaches for your lips, gently caressing them with his thumb. "Let's stuff this pretty mouth so you're nice and quiet."
Once your lips part, he pushes the lace past your lips, making sure the dampened part of your panties is pressing right over the middle of your tongue. The sour taste spreads across your taste buds, and the cotton starts soaking up your spit, drying your mouth.
"Good girl." Anakin whispers while his hand glides back down your body and snakes under your thigh, pushing it on top of his shoulder. "Let's see what my little doll's been hiding, mmm?"
You catch a glimpse of his darkened eyes before he presses an open-mouth kiss over your erect clit, he sucks the air in just slightly, sending shock waves into your spine, and then pulls away from your sobbing cunt.
"Don't squirm now, precious; this is a punishment, yeah?" He coos at you mockingly and runs the knuckle of his index finger up and down your wet slit.
You nod, trying to settle your hips into the matress, expecting, hoping that maybe after he's done tormenting you, he'll allow you to come undone all over his digits. Or tongue if he's feeling generous.
"That's it. I'm going to show you what happens to little disobedient girls who think they can get away with watching other men fucking little cunts like yours." He delivers a slap across your already overly sensitive area, earning a sharp arch of your back.
"Ah!" A muffled whimper escapes your lips, you look at him teary-eyed. Not because of the slap, but because you've already been rubbing your pussy for good twenty minutes before he yanked your nose out of the porn site and stuffed your mouth with your own underwear.
"Shhhhh..." He holds you down with a tight grip on your hips. "You're lucky I'm not full on paddling this stupid cunt. It's already swollen enough from all that nasty rubbing." He slaps it again.
You have no time to whine about the abuse when his lips latch onto the delicate red bud and his middle finger slips past your lips, purposely teasing all around the special spot deep between your walls. His tongue swirls and gently nips on your clit, the pleasure is soon overwhelmed by a sting from how much it's already been violated by your own fingers.
"A-Ani!" You attempt to speak, despite the white material blocking the movement of your tongue. You know you were bad. You know you don't exactly deserve to come, but you're just a poor girl who can't control her urges... A stupid bitch in heat who just needs her boyfriend to abuse her cunt like those attractive women in adult videos, spread open for big dominant daddies... Can't Ani understand?
"What have I told you?!" He smacks across your fields again, this time your tears go beyond your eyelids, spilling down your cheeks. "Stop fucking squirming. You'll have your little fuck hole eaten until I've had enough; you'll take it like the horny girl you are, and then, maybe, just maybe, I will pound you silly, just like in the little movie you've been so eagerly watching without my permission."
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st4rreid · 4 months
well behaved padawan
mdni 18+
summary: you had been acting in like a brat all day, pushing Anakin to his limits until he had enough.
warnings: smutty smut smut, fem/ afab reader, dom/sub dynamics, spanking, swearing, p in v, power imbalance, edging/ orgasm denial, praise, degradation, teeny bit of aftercare, creampie, probably more but i’m tired.
A/N: iz actually posting for once??? drinking wine brings out the whore in me so i was possessed to write this.
wc: 1.5k
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You know Anakin prefers a compliant padawan, pounding you into submission when the council smites him, or when missions don’t go exactly how he wants. Every now and again however, you can’t help but to act out, and get under that pretty tanned skin of his, and that’s exactly what you had been doing all day, rolling your eyes and sighing when he spoke, dragging your feet as you walked behind him through the temple, making lousy blocks when he lifted his saber at you in training.
Truthfully you didn’t know why you were in such a bratty mood, but you reasoned that you had just been too well behaved as of late and he should have to put in some work for once.
You knew when he pulled you into his quarters he’d be making you sorry for your actions.
"What's wrong Ani?" you purred, running your hands through his hair and tugging gently. “I know we’ve had a long day.”
Anakin's eyes darkened with desire. Almost always, he would take charge, but today, after your behavior he had something a little extra in mind. He sensed a challenge in your eyes, a playful sparkle that hinted at trouble.
"Get off me, brat," he growled, his hands going to grip at your thighs. "You know very well that your behavior today warrants a punishment.”
"Aw, come on, Ani," you cooed, leaning forward so that your nipples brushed against his chest. "I just want to make you feel good. Isn't that what good girls do?"
With a swift move, Anakin pushed you onto the bed, caging you between his arms. "Not this time, little slut. This time, I want you to beg. Beg me to fuck that pretty pussy of yours."
A mischievous glint met your eyes, your inner brat bubbling back to the surface. "Oh, really? And what if I don't want to?" You pushed him away, "Maybe I'll just go find someone else to scratch this itch. Obi-wan looked really really good toda-" *smack* you were interrupted by a harsh backhand across your face, head careering to the right.
Anakin's eyes narrowed, his possessiveness bubbling to the surface. "Oh, you think you can play that game, do you?" He closed the gap between you, his tall, muscular frame intimidating, yet incredibly attractive. "You forget who's in charge here, princess."
"Who's in charge?" you taunted, cheek stinging, yet not quite ready to submit. "I don't see anyone in charge here except me. And right now, I'm feeling very much in control."
Anakin's gaze darkened, and you could see the desire burning in his eyes. He placed his hands on your waist, tugging closer. "You want to play it that way, huh? Fine. But don't say I didn't warn you when it becomes too much for you.”
"You like being a naughty girl, don't you? Teasing me, playing with fire. Well, let's see how well you handle it."
You gasped as he pinned you against the wall, his mouth crashing down on yours in a hungry kiss. You melted into him, your brattish façade slipping as your need for him took over. His kiss was demanding, possessive, and it sent shivers down your spine.
His hands roamed your body, removing your robes as well as his as he went, cupping your breasts, tugging at your nipples, making you whimper into his mouth. Then, sliding his hand down your stomach, to the apex of your thighs, his fingers seeking the heat of your sopping core.
"Somebody's wet baby? It’s pathetic, like she’s crying for me, huh?" he crooned, his breath hot against your ear. "Did thinking about being a bad girl turn you on? Did you touch yourself, imagining it was my hand between your legs?"
you whimpered, head falling back as his fingers teased your clit. "No... I... I wanted you," you gasped, your body thrumming with need.
"Wanted me, huh?" Anakin said, his voice hoarse with desire. "Well, you’re gonna have to wait a little longer first ok? I can’t go around rewarding bad behavior.”
With that, he swept you off your feet and carried you to the bed, his eyes smoldering with a mixture of lust and dominance.
Sitting down on the edge of the bed he placed you, stomach down across his legs, hands roaming the curves of your ass. “Count.” he spat.
Feeling brave you rushed to start counting, before he could hand you the intended punishment. “one, two, three, fo- fuck!” you shrieked the painful stinging being more than you anticipated. “Feel like behaving yet?” he questions, and you can practically feel the smug smirk he's sure to have. You shake your head and let out a tiny “nuh-uh” that comes out more as a whimper as tears start to prickle at your lash line.
He raises his hand again and you tense in anticipation, needy hole clenching as he delivers another equally as mean smack. “T-two” you choke out, tears now freely falling down your face and onto the plush mattress beneath you. “There's my good girl again” Anakin coos, letting his dominant exterior fade for just a second as he strokes the reddened flesh.
His dominance quickly returns to the surface, as he delivers an ever so slightly softer hit to your hind. “Three” you sob, knuckles turning white as you clench your little fists together.
“Two more, pretty girl. You can do that for me right?” he croons, amused by how a few good spanks can completely dissolve your bratty display. You whimper a little “yes” between deep breaths to prepare yourself for the next one.
“Four!” you cry, cursing under your breath. Not wanting to delay any further, Anakin delivers the last firm hit to you. “Fuck-five!” you shout relieved that the onslaught of spankings was over.
Anakin soothes his hands over the new marks he had left, thoroughly enjoying his own handywork.
"Now, be a good girl, get on the bed and spread those pretty legs for me," he said, his voice low and husky.
Your bratty exterior had completely melted away, replaced by a needy, wanton whore. you did as you were told, spreading your legs wide, exposing your sopping pussy to him.
Anakin's eyes devoured the sight before him. "Such a pretty sight," he growled, positioning himself at your entrance, tip grazing your soaked folds. "You ready for me, baby?"
You nodded, your breath coming in short gasps. "Please, Anakin. I need you. Now."
With one swift thrust, he entered you, bottoming out. You cried out, in short broken gasps, your legs twitching as you took his whole length, the stretch was uncomfortable, but not entirely unpleasant, and almost completely eclipsed by the satisfaction of being so full. He began to move, his hips snapping as he plunged in and out of your tight heat.
"Fuck, you feel so good," he groaned, his hands gripping the fat of your thighs as he pounds into you. “Your tight little pussy was made for my cock."
You moaned, your nails digging into his shoulders as pleasure coursed through you. "Please... right there... Oh God!"
His thrusts became more urgent, his body slick with sweat as he drove into you again and again. Your hips bucking up to meet his in perfect synchronicity. The room was filled with the sounds of your combined passion—the slapping of skin, ragged breaths combined, and your moans of pleasure.
"I'm close... so close," you panted, your body tensing as an orgasm built within the pit of your stomach.
With the admission of your impending orgasm, Anakin’s hips stilled, that cocky, knowing smirk plastered on his face. “Hm I don’t know baby.” he croons “I still haven’t forgotten your insolence.”
Your chin started to wobble. Tormented by his throbbing cock still buried deep within, angry red tip weeping inside.
“‘m sorry! Please, just let me!” you cried out, thick, hot tears sliding down your face.
He resumes his movements, this time deliciously slow, allowing you to feel every vein along his length. “Are you going to misbehave again like you did today?” he smirks, knowing he’s got you exactly where he wants; a whiny mess, broken and needy.
You shake your head, tears freely flowing down your face, “ ‘m not, no. never again.” you grip onto him tighter, surely leaving little crescent marks, on the taught skin of his shoulders.
“Promise me baby, y’know I hate not giving you what you want” liar, he’s found this process entirely satisfying, but he doesn't want you to know that yet, not when you've taken his condescension so sweetly.
“Please Ani, i- I promise.” with your verbal pledge he kisses away the sweetly salty tears coating your face before returning to pound into you.
"Cum for me, baby," Anakin growled, his voice thick with his own desire. "Let me feel that tight pussy milking my cock."
Your body shook as an intense orgasm ripped through you, walls clenching tightly around his shaft. "Anakin! Oh fuck!"
Feeling your orgasm, Anakin let go, his own release crashing over him. "Fuuuck!" he grunted, his hips stuttering as he filled you with his hot sticky cum.
Collapsing onto you, he kissed you deeply, their sweaty bodies still joined together. "Gods, baby," he whispered, his breath warm against your skin. You hazily smiled, still vibrating from the intensity of your orgasm. “You’re all sweaty Ani, and heavy. We need to shower.” Anakin hummed, still not ready to move “just five minutes like this princess.”
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anisangeldust · 5 months
Office hours (Pt. 2) 𝜗𝜚⋆
Pt 1 here!!
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Read Pt 1 for context and warnings! (It’s just smut, all this part is is just smut)
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He should’ve been horrified, yet he couldn’t bring himself to feel but an ounce of shame when the object of his greatest desires was standing in front of him. Alone.
Slowly, he watched as you closed the door and locked it, maintaining eyes contact with him the whole time. “Professor Skywalker” you mumbled out, batting your lashes at him while you walked toward his desk.
Anakin was not going to let this golden opportunity slip out of his grasp, he couldn’t let you slither away, not after the sheer amount of time he’s been pinning after you. He took his hand off of his hard cock and gestured you over oath two fingers.
“Do you want this?” He grumbled out, though he knew the answer. A simple nod of your head and he was taking hold of your jaw “then show me baby” he cooed then pushed you on your knees
You eagerly took his leaking cock into your mouth, earning a lewd groan and one of his big, calloused hand on the back of your head; pushing you down as tears pricked in your waterline.
“Yeah? So good f’me, choking on your favorite professor. Isn’t that right? Such a slut for my cock.” He growls through gritted teeth as he pushes your head farther down on his dick. “So fucking good baby girl, so hot on your knees” he groans.
The sounds you’re making as he uses you are lewd, you’re choking on his cock like it’s the first time you’ve ever given someone head, but to be fair, Anakin had a massive cock.
“I’m gonna cum, and—fuck—you’re gonna swallow it all like a good slut. Okay?” He hissed, wiping the tears from your waterline with his thumb.
Allowing you a moment to nod, he ran his big hands through your soft hair and groaned “suck a good girl, so good at sucking cock” he purred out before starting to push your face further down his fat dick.
It wasn’t long before he was tensing his thighs and cumming down your throat, thick ropes of white seed in your mouth. He pulled out and living stroked your jaw “swallow it all baby.. such a good girl, and you know what good girl get? They get rewards. Stand up and bend over my desk baby.” He commanded gently, smacking your ass playfully as he flipped up your skirt and pushed your panties to the side.
“So fucking wet pretty girl, and all form sucking your professors cock, aren’t you so naughty?” He cooed and shoved two fingers into your weeping hole.
“Oh! Professor Skywalker… please..” you begged, clenching around his fingers.
“Please what baby? You what my cock?” He teased and smacked your ass again as you nodded yes “so good f’me” he murmured. You felt him slide his tip up and down your soaking folds before pushing the head into your entrance.
“Fuck!” He hissed “so fucking right” he groaned and slowly pushed in further.
Half of your brain was gone, reduced to mush; the other half was screaming and crying and jumping for joy at the fact that you were bent over your favorite professors desk.
“Call me Anakin baby, or Ani if that’s easier” he mumbled as he pushed his thick cock all the way in your tight hole with a “fuuckkk..”
“Ah! Ani!” Your moan as he slowly thrusts in and out of you, getting a good feel for your tight walls.
“Fuck me baby, can feel you clenching me so good.. so fucking good baby doll” he praised and smacked your ass again, speeding up his movements and pounding into you “yeah? You like that you slut? Taking your professor so good baby, horny little pussy just needing me so bad yeah?” He jeered and used his hand to rub your clit.
The movement had your brain short-circuiting. You didn’t have the power to warn him before you came all over his cock, the only sounds being muffled screams as you bit your arm.
“Oh fuck! Gonna cum inside you, fill you up so good” he groans and throws his head back as his orgasm approaches. His thrusts become sloppy as he fucks himself through his high, a ring of your respective cums forming around the base of his dick.
He pulled out after a few moments and pulled your weak body into his lap. “Feel good baby?” He murmurs.
“Yeah.. s-so good..” you respond as you melt into his touch.
“Good girl, I’ll take care of you, don’t worry about anything okay?”
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@snowtargaryen (here you go!)
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xzaddyzanakinx · 10 months
All Better
Warnings: Dom Anakin, Throat/Face fucking, mind probing, inappropriate use of the Force, exhibition
Info: Unburned Vader, helmet/no helmet, Ani is kinda mean but only cause he’s worried </3
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“Where are you?” Anakin’s voice echoed through your shared chambers.
You scrambled up from your velvety chaise lounge nestled in the corner of your personal reading room. Anakin rarely came home with such malice in his tone, and if he was asking for you the moment he returned… you were either the cause of his anger or you were the answer to it. You quickly left the room after sliding into your house slippers and straightening up your dress.
“Here!” You smiled, rushing to where he stood in the living room.
The second he saw you his helmet came off, hissing as he unlocked it. A scowl twisted his handsome features, lips curled in a snarl. His mechna-hand clutching his helmet as he lifted his arm to address you.
“What is this business about your personal ship?” He growled, “you think you can leave without telling me?”
“No! Ani, no.” You rushed to put your hands on his broad chest, an attempt at calming him.
“Ani, you-I just-“ you sighed, looking into his narrowed eyes. “You’ve been so busy and-“
“And what? You decide to jettison off to Force knows where with that little rat of a handmaid you keep?” He spit, cutting you off.
You could almost feel the heat radiating from his anger flushed cheeks, his brows pointed downwards in a way he usually reserved for scolding subordinates.
“Anakin!” You smacked his shoulder, trying to get him to focus. “If you’d just let me explain-“
“Explain? I don’t need an explanation.” He growled, using his helmet to push you away from his chest. “I need an apology.”
“But I-“ you felt the muscles in your throat constricting, if you didn’t know better you would roll your eyes at his dramatics.
His flesh hand out and raised in your direction as he squeezed your neck through the force. His helmet flying into the wall beside him with such strength that he dented the durasteel. An unwanted addition to the mural you’d worked diligently on while he was away on a past mission.
“Hey! Watch-“ you coughed, his grip tighter around your throat.
“You dare to test me during a time like this?” He laughed coldly.
His flesh hand fell to his side though the hold on your neck stayed tight, he approached you at a snails pace. With his hands folded behind his back he lowered you to your knees with a quick nod of his head, the breath left your lungs in a grunt on impact. As you winced from the sharp pain in your knees a sick smile formed on his soft lips.
“Ah“ step, “pol”, step, “ah” step, “gy”.
Your jaw dropped with the weight of an invisible hand digging into your chin. You squirmed below him, feeling your head tilt upward against your will. You watched helplessly as he shed his robes, antagonizing you with a nudge to part your legs with each item he removed.
He stood before you now, naked. His muscles tense and bulging in his anger, his stomach purposefully clenched tight to make his tick cock stand tall and proud. Despite his behavior, a look of compassion crossed his eyes. A clear sign for you to deny him of this if you wished, his force hold on your chin loosening enough that you could utter the safe word if needed.
A sinister grin replaced any sign of mercy when you ignored his question, submitting to him as wanted. He closed the distance between you, dragging you across the floor by your hair gripping in his mechna-hand until you were face to face with his throbbing cock. Your dress dug in at your shoulders having been pulled down under the weight of your body as he moved you. Your breasts threatening to spill out, Anakin noticed your discomfort and so graciously lessened the burden for you. Ripping the silk straps that bore into your soft skin with one finger of his mechna-hand, allowing the loose fabric of the dress to pool around your hips.
“There, all better.” He cooed, smoothing your hair into a makeshift ponytail, securing you into position with the grip of his flesh hand.
Having wasted enough time looking at the drool dripping from your eager mouth he demanded you stick out your tongue, of course you obliged. Feeling the heady weight of his length slapping your tongue. Slowly he entered your mouth, he was in no mood for mercy today, going straight down your throat with no chance to adjust.
You gagged loudly, eyes watering when the tip brushed your uvula. The only sign that Anakin gave you to acknowledge your plight was a pleased groan. He wasn’t going to fuck your face today, no, he was going to use your mouth to fuck himself. He stood still, his hand gripping the back of your head while his mechna-hand rested lovingly in the crook of your neck, thumb brushing gently across your throat. Not to soothe you of course, but instead to feel his own cock bulging your throat.
He moved your head at a ridiculous pace, snot and tears rolling down your chin to mix with the saliva dripping down his balls. He allowed you the use of your hands, so you braced yourself against his muscular thighs. Digging in your fingernails to punish him right back though it was in vain, as your nails scraped at his hairy skin he hissed and you felt his cock twitch against your tongue.
He was enjoying it, that fucking bastard.
Just as the thought crossed your mind he forced your nose into the curls at the base of his thick girth, rolling your head so he could rock into your mouth. Effectively suffocating you, his musky scent numbing your mind.
“Don’t you curse at me.” He growled.
Your eyes shot open, how had you not realized he was picking through your thoughts?
“It’s easy when you’re cockdrunk.” You heard echoing through your skull, the vibration that came along with speaking via the force sent a tingle down your spine.
“Let’s see.” He hummed, resuming the forceful back and forth motion of your head.
“Boring.” He grunted, “stupid, stupid, boring, stupid.”
He was flicking through your memories of the past few days you’d spent alone while he was gone off to destroy something or kill someone, you rolled your eyes when you heard ‘first one’ echo in your brain. A swift thrust upward correcting your small symbol of annoyance and replacing it with a pained gag.
“There we go.” He sighed, a mixture of pleasure and intrigue at finding what he was looking for.
“How sweet.” He cooed, his mechna-hand stroking your cheek. “A gift for me?”
“What is it?” He asked, looking down at you like he expected you to answer him.
So you did, or at least you tried. Choking out incoherent noises in response to him, which he gladly pretended to understand, a wicked smirk curling his lip.
“Good. Very thoughtful.” He grunted, his movements of your head stilling in favor of thrusting into your mouth. Holding you firmly in place with both hands laced together at the back of your neck.
“You know what else is thoughtful?” A rhetorical question posed through gritted teeth.
“Getting permission,” he moaned, watching your eyebrows furrow, “from your husband to leave home.”
You tried to protest, tapping his leg, attempting to reach out through your force bond that was still established, still connecting him to your mind, but he blocked it. Tutting in disapproval.
“No excuses love, you know the rules.” He smiled softly, thumbing both cheeks as they hollowed out around his length.
“I only want to keep you safe!” He growled, soft smile gone, “the rules are there for a reason.” He reminded you.
“Imagine my fear when I saw your ship’s signature leaving the Death Star without prior approval. I was two systems away and you left your commlink behind.” He forcefully thrusted into your mouth, getting sloppier by the second.
“Threepio,” he scowled, “answered my ping. Think of how scary that was for me! You didn’t even bring your droid!”
His voice wavered, as if he was actually upset, on the verge of tears. But you couldn’t see, not through your own blurry eyes. His breathing ragged and uneven a hint at his true emotions.
“Threepio!” He shouted, great he was summoning him. Wonderful.
“Master Ani! You’ve returned.” You heard him answer, the sound of mechanical shuffling nearing you.
You’d never been so thankful for your well furnished living room, the sight of you half naked and disheveled was hidden from his poor innocent eyes. Though he was unfortunately privy to Anakin’s sweaty torso and the rapid thrusting he was doing.
“Oh my.” Threepio muttered, turning around, “what could you possibly need right now.”
“Tell her how terrified I was.” He demanded.
“Master Ani-“ he started.
“Tell her!” He shouted.
“Oh alright.” He huffed, you could barely hear him over the slurping wet noises your mouth was producing. He cleared his throat loudly, probably hoping Anakin would stop.
“Sorry to interrupt you Miss, but Master Anakin is quite right. He was distraught over your leave of absence unattended, as was I. I was unaware of your departure!” He responded, quickly shuffling away.
“Don’t worry, I’ll have your data from today wiped.” Anakin grunted, shouting after him.
“Oh thank the Maker.” You heard C-3PO mutter as he locked himself in a room down the hall.
“See?” Anakin asked, his thrusts slowing, “I was distraught.”
His words were meant to sound condescending, but failed miserably, he really was upset. A tinge of guilt flooded through you as you wiped at your eyes.
“I was so scared.” He whispered, moaning loudly after uttering the words. “Scared you’d been taken!”
His voice was broken, the shattered pieces piercing your heart. Anakin could feel your guilt, your self loathing for upsetting him through the Force bond. He whimpered lowly, hips becoming flush with your raw lips.
“D-don’t” his body shuddered as he doubled over, hot ropes of cum sliding down your abused throat, “don’t you ever do that to me again.”
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@wickedtactics @tsugumiholic @kingdomhate @burnthecheshirewitch @cherrylooney @star611 @tahliac11 @exquisit3corpse @jeldog @arzua10 @bby-imasociopath @depressed-kay @aliciaasky @naty-1001 @mrsmikaelsxn @lilliethefairy @slut-4-ani @offthethirlwall @slutforhayden @ausskywalker @angelsadmired @slut4starwarssmut @chocolatepalacecloudhoagie @starkiller419 @hearts4mitski4 @no1klet @lethargic @allhailbuckybarnes @shadowhuntyi @bobthe-turmpetman29
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hanasnx · 2 years
❝ talk huttese to me. ❞
── anakin skywalker x reader
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MINORS DNI 18+ WORD COUNT: 6k SUMMARY: intent to get his mind off of his hard work, you ask to learn more about anakin’s native language: huttese. when he talks dirty to you in it, you can’t help but beg for more. and he gets off to the fact you have no idea what kind of depraved things he’s saying to you while he pleasures you. NOTES: i used the huttese dictionary linked here just a little, the rest i made up bcos hayden made up a bunch of shit when he spoke it in episode 2 cos george told him to so i’m rolling with that energy | if clarification is needed, there is at one point in the fic that anakin’s dialogue is already translated for you (the actual person reading this), thats cos i didnt want to keep coming up with huttese and the reader asking anakin what it meant so you (the actual person reading this) could understand what he was saying. WARNINGS: explicit sex | established (fwb?) relationship | f!reader | dom!anakin | rough sex | degradation | unprotected sex | no explicit ask for consent— things implied | unclean hands touching sensitive areas (always make sure to have clean hands) | oral (m receiving): face fuck | oral (f receiving) | vaginal fingering | anal fingering | breath play | mentions of slave (both sexually and unsexually) but absolutely no ‘slave kink’ it’s used as a figure of speech sexually | heavily focused on dirty talk | size difference | tit smack | ass smack | squirting | mention of breeding kink | mild dacryphilia ── DISCLAIMER: i want to preface this by saying that i do not think foreign languages are barbaric or that just because it’s not english it’s barbaric. huttese is the language of smugglers, slave traders, sleazy businessmen, and started out as a lingua franca. anakin knows it as the language he used when he himself was a slave, spoken by the people that bought him and his mom, and often criticizes it because of his personal vendetta. they do not reflect my opinion of languages other than english
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“Here,” Obi-Wan handed you a ceramic cup of warm broth, “this is what we have. You said he hasn’t eaten?” There was a hint of concern in the Jedi’s voice, and you nodded.
“Yeah, it’ll be fine.” you reassured, “He’s busy, you know how it is.” The temperature from the broth spread through the material to your hands, warming them. You offered Obi-Wan a small smile, hoping to ease his worry.
“Unfortunately, in this case, we depend on him.” Obi-Wan replied, fists resting on his hips. “Without his help, I’m afraid we’re stranded.”
“I know,” you said softly, taking your leave. The pressure on ANAKIN SKYWALKER was necessary, but you could tell it was taking a toll on him, neglecting himself in order to stay focused on his task.
When you entered the hangar of the base, you found him right where you’d left him. Underneath the vessel, consumed by his work. A loud clanging sounded, a curse in a foreign language, and your eyes followed the wrench tossed out in anger. It clattered to a halt, and you set the broth down on a drawer stack. The noise revealed your presence to him.
You saw his hand reach out and point to a tool, speaking again in words you couldn’t understand. Unable to get past what he tried to say to you, you idled. “What was that?”
“Sorry, sorry,” he muttered, sliding out from under the shuttle on the mechanic creeper to give you a sheepish look as he grabs the tool he gestured to. “Forgot.” He wagged the tool at you when he raised his hand apologetically, excusing himself back under the ship. You crossed your arms and leaned your shoulder up against the vessel, eyeing his propped up legs. You didn’t know what to mention. Ask about what he’d said, or audibly observe how cute he was shirtless, streaked in grease and shining with sweat. A curl tugged at your lips.
“No, what was that?”
You heard him sigh, resuming his activity on the underbelly. “Huttese,”
“‘Huttese’?” you parrot, the tone awkward. The word felt foreign on your tongue. You were unaware he knew it. “Where’d you learn that?”
“Tattooine. I didn’t tell you?” Another sudden noise, followed by another one of his long winded, indecipherable curses from whatever pain was inflicted on him. You could tell he was rushing himself, ignoring safety procedures in order to get this hunk of junk running again. Obi Wan was right, everyone was depending on him as the person with the most experience in ship repair. However, that didn’t leave him a lot of room for error, or for proper rest. You wanted to get his mind off of it for a while. Distract him so he could come back to this with a clearer head.
“Do you know just the swear words?”
“No. Fluent.” he spoke through gritted teeth.
You thought of a joke and scoffed to yourself. “Do you know any dirty talk?“
There was a quiet moment, save for the din of metal. “It’s a very… coarse language.” He slid out to meet your gaze, breathing hard from the heat of his work. Generously, you viewed the expanse of his chest rising and falling. “It would just sound insulting.”
Carried away with how hot he looked, you bit your lip. “Is that a bad thing?”
He flashed a downturn of his lips, blowing air through his nose, “Not necessarily.” He snatched a new tool, and returned to the underside. “Just letting you know it wouldn’t sound pretty.”
You heard him scoff.
“You don’t wanna hear what I have to say about you in Huttese, trust me,”
For some reason, you really wanted to find out even though it was a joke at first. Absentmindedly you rubbed your thighs together at the thought of him degrading you in a filthy tongue. It was nothing new to you, Anakin has always been obscene when it came to dirty talk. How would this be any different? “How come?”
“It’s that it’s… it’s cacophonous. Double voweled. The language of barters, slave traders, sleazebags. To associate it with you- seems wrong.” You wondered if he felt that way about it because of the unfortunate circumstances of his childhood. This was going in the opposite direction you wanted it to. “It’s not beautiful. It’s barbaric. Blunt. It would sound worse directly translating it to Basic.” You listened thoughtfully as he talked, and your eyes drifted over his tool table to the drawer stack.
“I forgot to tell you, I brought you something. It’ll keep up your strength,” Carefully, you retrieved the mug as he shimmied out.
“Something for me?” He raised his brows and he sat up at the recognition you were about to hand it to him. He reached for it, brought it to his lips to sip it. It was flavorless. “Appreciate it.” He decided it was best to ration it, leaving it at his side as he settled against the shuttle, drawing his knees to his chest to rest his arms on them. They were swollen, thick, and veined. Even his metal arm that began at one of his elbows was attractive to you. Reminiscing the many times he’s used it to bring you to your knees. What was it about him that made you want to lick the sweat off him? You sat down next to him, mimicking his position. “What were we talking about?”
“Teach me something,” you flirted.
“Teach you something?” A hint of an amused smile ghosted his handsome features.
“Yeah, I’d like to know. Something easy.”
“Something easy…” he parroted thoughtfully, bowing his head as he contemplated. “Kark’s an easy one.” He straightened only to incline towards you.
“Kark.” he nodded. There was a stark difference between how you two pronounced it.
“What’s that mean?”
“No, I mean like a sentence—!” Anakin ignored your true request, continuing on, childish grin growing.
“—You want a sentence? A sentence- Okay, kark. As in, I’d really like to kark you—“
“—Ani,” you scolded playfully, nudging his shoulder with your hand. He snickered.
“Really, it’s only an expletive, it’s not used like we use ‘fuck’.” The way he gazed at you made you feel warm. “There’s a different word for that.”
A pensive moment passed before you piped up, “So, show me something else.”
“You still want to hear dirty talk?” he asked with a knowing glint in his eye. Since you thought it might be funny, you obliged.
“Let me warn you one more time, I don’t think you really wanna hear it—“
“I do! I do. Seriously, satisfy my curiosity.”
Anakin hummed. “If it’s for curiosity then…” His head bumped the shuttle as he searched the ceiling for answers, “Let me think,”
You waited, toying with the ends of your hair. You eyed the way his curls propped up against the hull where the back of his head rested. You had half a mind to reach over and brush through his locks with your fingers when he interrupted your admiration.
“Okay, I got it,” To occupy his hands, he snatched up a rag hanging from his pocket and started wiping the grease from his fingers, and you noted the length of them. “Uh,” It’d been a while for him since he’d had to piece together a sentence like this. He tossed the rag. “Naga bu eechu,” The words were stiff on his tongue as he was figuring out how to arrange it, until he relaxed, letting the next roll off his tongue more smoothly, “et kah to. Peenta kay rada.” He glanced at you to gauge your reaction, but you looked at him expecting him to continue.
“What does that mean?” you asked with wide, intrigued eyes. There was something inherently masculine about the way he spoke this language. His voice got deeper, the sharp consonants were punctuated with a twitch of his nose as if he was stifling the habit to sneer his lips.
Suddenly bashful, he raised his brows with a single nod. “Directly translated?” He was apprehensive to reveal it to you. In truth, he was planning on saying that and nothing else, leaving it to your imagination. He adjusted in his seat, lifting himself up to face you more and you did the same. Resting his chin on his hand, he ran his fingers over his jawline to fidget as he stared at the ceiling in thought.
He met your gaze, and told you the meaning like you asked for. “I want to put my full fist inside you. Split you open. And sit down to eat.” There was no romance in his tone. It was matter of factly, pressing his lips into a thin line.
You inhaled, mouth opening to say something. You furrowed your eyebrows, “You’re right. It is a little… violent.”
“It lacks a certain decorum, yes.” Anakin nodded.
“Would it be better if I spoke Huttese too?” So you could better understand what he was saying, instead of recovering the words in Basic.
“Not really, no.” As he’d said, it was harsh at every angle. It wasn’t known for being frivolous, it was known for getting a point across. It was impatient. You were getting a little impatient hearing it come from Anakin’s mouth. Especially talk so foul.
Maybe it was the fact he was bare chested, or the personification he took on when he spoke in Huttese, but you found yourself chewing your thumb, and asking for more. “What else would you say about me?” Anakin was taking another sip of his broth when he heard your question, and pivoted his surprised attention in your direction.
“You wanna know more?”
Soundlessly, you shook your head yes.
Anakin chewed his lip as he held your eye contact, having to tear away in order to keep from getting ahead of himself. Answers were already piling up in his mind, “Naga seeta pon nuda— reeta seep.” This time around, you noticed his confidence had heightened, and it only added to your intrigue. “Nudaonnud to soot. Scrit ah seepa fin teese.” That same expectant expression adorned your features, inviting him to clarify for you. He explained, “I want you sticky— slippery with fluids.” You swallowed hard. “You’d look so fuckable with my hot cum glazed on your face. Strung up in your hair and dribbling down your tits.” Biting your lips, your gaze locked with his, as if waiting for the other to make the next move. Anakin stood by his opinion of how ugly this language was, however he saw how your body betrayed you before and after he translated for you. In turn, it aroused him too. The fact you were letting him talk to you like this had his pants tightening.
“Um,” You gained your footing. A shaky breath. “What else?” you said, barely above a whisper.
The turn of events had Anakin adjusting his position, leaning back onto his hands, folding his legs in front of him. You took note of how his stance was more open to you, gaze trailed down his shoulders and scars on his chest, his abdomen and how it curled with his relax, a bulge at his crotch. As if trained, your mouth watered. To be safe, two of Anakin’s fingers raised from the flat of the floor, forcing the door you had come through earlier to be locked from his seat. When he held your gaze through his brows, adopting that intense look you liked so much, he spoke his next words in Huttese, “Pump you so full, you’ll sweat my cum,” You had no idea what he’d said, and you didn’t care at all to ask. It was the mystery of it now, and how he spat the words at you, you knew they had to be nasty.
The two of you exchanged this heated look again, your breath having quickened. Anakin was the first to break it, getting up to stand with a sigh. He offered you his hand in order to aid you in standing too, however you had other plans. “I should get back to work,” he said, a hint of disappointment in his tone. You moistened your lips, a fire igniting in the pit of your stomach, pooling in between your legs when you fixed yourself on your knees. A questioning expression flashed on Anakin’s features, promptly answered when you pushed his hand out of the way, undoing the waistband of his pants to tug just his length free. In an instant, you’d guided him to your mouth, letting it harden fully in the warmth inside. “(y/n)—! (y/n)…” You knew if he wanted this to stop, he’d say it or he’d push you off. Instead, he was rolling his hips into your mouth, throwing his head back. His metal hand you’d discarded moved to cradle the back of your head. He knew it’d pay off to lock the doors.
A sinful sound reverberated from low in his throat, which only served to further arouse you, wet with anticipation. It allowed you to take him farther in, and he flexed his arm, bringing you to meet his thrusts. A steady pace was set, until you started dragging your tongue along the underside of his shaft. His voice was so addicting, his moan made your eyes roll into the back of your head. You braced yourself with your hands on his thighs.
“Filthy little mouth-pussy, made for me.” he purred in Huttese, “Wonder how many other guys would kill for a whore like you slobbering all over their cock like this.” You keened, even though you couldn’t understand it. When his cock twitched, you could tell he liked that you didn’t know what he was saying.
It gave him permission to say anything he wanted to you.
Your jaw went slack, throat relaxed enough to take him, but he desired more from you. By asking to learn about this side of him you had, unknowingly, unlocked something buried in him. His deep rooted hatred for where he came from, was now being worked out with the splendid efforts of your mouth. Rewriting bad memories into an entirely new one. Huttese was vile in his experience, and you welcomed it instead of shying away. However, this side of him was more volatile. The pain that he repressed manifested itself into aggression, and you were more than happy to receive every last drop.
His hand at the back of your head tangled in your hair with a pleasant sting, and when you emitted a noise in surprise, it was strained by his cock shoving deeper inside you. Wide, doe eyes gazed up at him, granting him passage, letting him take the complete lead using you. You hollowed out your cheeks when you could, swirling around him with your tongue when you couldn’t. He whined, and he saw you stifle a smirk. “Choke, whore. Choke,” he cooed at you in the language, increasing his thrusts until you squeezed your eyes shut, gagging on his length, dizzy with excitement. He sensed you liked this, and it thrilled him to no end. His free hand moved from being limp behind him, coming up to pat the back of your head twice forcing himself in minutely. You gagged because of it, and you pushed off of him in order to turn your head to the side, afraid you were about to hurl, drooling on the floor as you hung your head.
You coughed, and he kicked the mechanic creeper out of his way with a clatter. Once able, he dragged you over by his fistful of your hair. The pain, combined with the strength it required for him to move you over made you whimper, faithfully following him keeping your knees underneath you. He pinned your head to the hull of the ship he’d been working on, his flesh hand over your forehead, as his metal cupped the underside of your jaw, diving his cock back in between your lips. You gasped, strangled by his substantial girth bullying its way into you. You couldn’t bob your head anymore, and he fucked your throat exactly how he deemed fit for a slut like you. “You wanted this so bad. Now here it is, and you’re afraid of it. Go on, make me proud.” That wolfish grin on his face was so fucking hot, his scar along his eye, gaze trained on you as you were forced to swallow his every inch. It didn’t matter you couldn’t speak Huttese, you loved hearing him talk to you in it. Helpless to his desires, you held your breath everytime he bottomed out, so big you knew your throat would be sore in the morning. Nearing his finish, he had half a mind to paint your face with his cum like he’d promised earlier. Instead, he got a better idea. When you instinctively tried to back up, halted in your tracks by the hull against your head, he reassured you, his flesh hand stroking over your hair soothingly, “A little longer, I’m almost there,”
You recognized his tone to be surprisingly tender compared to how he’d been acting up to this point. Like he was begging you to keep playing this game with him. You obliged, having found him captivating as this authoritative figure. To be privy to the darker side of Anakin Skywalker was a privilege, and to be on the receiving end was simply an opportunity you’d never pass up.
Hips stuttering, and a long string of Huttese curses, you knew he was close. You felt hot spurts of cum on your tongue as he slowed to a halt, and when he pulled out, strings of it connected you to his cock. “Oh, mwa con schutta,” he cooed with fake sympathy, puckering his lips in a pout. Oh, my poor slut, he’d said. His finish was pooled in your panting open mouth, and your defiant gaze told him you were about to spit it to spite him for his behavior. You broke eye contact, moving to get rid of his milky load. In an instant, he arrested you. His hands came to cup over your mouth and pinch your nose. Unable to breathe and at his mercy, your futile attempts to free yourself went ignored. He laughed as you clawed at his fingers, knowing if you needed an out you’d tap him twice. You were being difficult on purpose, because you liked it.
You knew what he wanted from you, and his visceral wicked expression only confirmed your thoughts. You were strained, you’d never win fighting against his grip but you tried anyway. At your limit, you gulped, swallowing him. Released, you gasped for air. “You mad at me?” he asked grinning wolfishly down at you, but since you didn’t know Huttese, you simply glared at him, a curl at the corner of your lips betraying how turned on you really were from his actions.
He fisted your shirt in his hand, bringing you to stand so he could direct you— more like drag you over to his tool table, and yanked your clothes off. “I want to see those fat tits,” he demanded in Huttese. You moaned from his sneer, aching for him to reintroduce himself to your dripping sex.
The surface of the table was in disarray, littered with stray items like the ship’s original blueprints and apparatus. In one fell swoop, his metal arm swept the contents to the floor, “What are you—?” Without answering you, he circled you over, holding your waist to pick you up onto the table. Once again his show of strength jellied your legs, and you could anticipate what he was about to do to you.
Now tucked against your pussy, he pinned your back to the table with his metal palm gripping your breast tightly, and you keened when he pinched your nipple. You could see the marks of oil where his touch had been, decorating your waist. He admired you like this, streaked in grease like he was. Metal hand moved to hook your leg over his shoulder, the hand he’d wiped with his rag started circling your entrance soothingly, dulling that ache. “Dire schutta,” There was that word again. Picking your head up in order to meet his heated gaze, darkened by lust, you questioned breathlessly.
“What’s that mean?” Your broken voice indicated how desperate you were for him.
“Dirty slut,” he replied in Basic without skipping a beat, pressing an open mouthed kiss against the side of your knee, bowing his head to do the same to your thigh. “Letting me get you all filthy, filthy like I am.” his soft lips spoke against your flesh, pleased to reaffirm in his twisted mind that you and him were the same. You reached out to touch him— the words being so tame compared to all the shit he’s been talking to you in his native tongue, unbeknownst to you— but you were instantly weakened when his fingers entered you. So sensitive, your back arched off the surface, head falling back, and a crooked grin adorned his features, staring at your every shift through his brows as he curled his thick digits inside of you. He knew that you didn’t want to waste time, and he stroked the plush of your thigh with his metal hand to caress you as you cried out for him. The tips of his fingers petting that sweet spot inside of you that had you writhing.
He bit your thigh hard at the sound of his name sinfully spilling from your perfect lips. You yelped and looked at him. Your pleading countenance only served to fan the flame in his chest, cock hardening to stand at attention again, ready and waiting to return to where it belonged. He wished to abuse you, in every way you could desire. When he pulled his fingers from you, he answered your questioning expression, “Oh, I’m not anywhere near done with you, schutta,” The name made you whimper now that you knew what he meant by it. Adjusting you as if you were light as a feather, he shouldered your other leg, and wrapped his arms around in order to rub at your clit with one of his hands. Strangling the soft skin of your thighs between his massive biceps, he dipped his head down to start lapping at your wet sex with his hot tongue, devouring all you’ve produced.
You cursed, the pad of his thumb gently circling your pink bud, swelling it with stimulation as his tongue continued to work on you, alternating between flattening against you and diving into your hole. Finally, putting that disgusting mouth to good use after all he’s spat at you. He seemed to sense that thought, digging himself further into you, making out with your weeping cunt as his nose started to brush your clit. You wished you could think of something to say to him on your own, taunt him with malicious talk as he’s done to you, but if this man had one gift, it was how he got you speechless when he ate you out. To egg him on, your hands played with your chest for him, giving him a show as you squeezed and pinched. As if entertaining a god, he hummed in approval, watching from over your mound. You rolled your nipples in your nimble fingers until they were red with sting. His hand came from curling around your thigh to your chest, and you offered one to him by releasing it from your hold. Experimentally, he slapped the flesh, and it bobbed from the strike.
Nobody’s ever smacked your tit before.
Pleasantly surprised, he told you, “That got you so wet,” knowing you couldn’t understand him as he smiled against you. There was no part of you that could deny you wanted him to talk to you in that vile language forever simply because of this personality shift he took on speaking it. Electricity shot through you. His lips placed open mouthed kisses over your spread folds before sucking your bud into his mouth, swirling his tongue around it. You cried out, legs shaking involuntarily, and when he added his fingers to your hole, filling it to the brim and nearly sending you over the edge. Immediately, he sought out the button inside of you that had you writhing underneath him. You and him both knew what this led to, and on instinct your hand came to his wrist to brace yourself. In response, he released your clit with a pop, straightened, and spat on your pussy to lubricate it as he fucked you with his fingers. Everything inside you was crying out as you screamed, unable to keep your eyes open, features twisted in pleasure from how he never faltered hitting that spongy spot. He didn’t need to be force sensitive to tell where you were headed, he’s done this to you before.
“Ani— I’m gonna— Oh… oh,”
He exhaled, falling victim to you on the brink of making a terrible mess. His thumb returned to circle your clit. “Yes, yes, let me see you squirt, baby,” In this moment more than any other he wished you could understand his Huttese. However, you didn’t need to in order to do as exactly as he demanded. You released in bursts, and he kept up his pace, watching you squirt all over his arm and chest. “Oh, fuck yes, schutta, fuck yes,” You practically cried as took all you could provide, “Give it all to me,” Why did Huttese have to bring out such a cruel side of him? Why was it working so well on you?
He was no longer glistening with sweat, but a mix of your fluids as well. Slowing to a stop as you went slack from your intense finish, he didn’t hesitate to suck off whatever you left on his fingers. You had drenched yourself, the table underneath you, and by the looks of it his cock and pants too. “Fucking love it when you do that. Maker, I can’t get over the smell of it.” You whimpered even though his words were indecipherable. To emphasize just how much of a mess you made, he drew his soaked hand across your thighs and up your abdomen, and you shivered. His parted lips were downright sinful, plump and begging to be nibbled on by your teeth. Your gazes met, hazy with desire as he fisted his cock, nudging it lazily against your overstimulated entrance.
“Please,” you whined for him to keep fucking you, and he scoffed. There was no please in the Huttese language.
“Nothing but a hole,”
Anakin Skywalker was a very large man, in every sense of the word. By the way he acted, you’d think he forgot that he takes up the most space in a room. Taller than many, broad shouldered, angular muscles cut from the diamond of battle. The Great General Skywalker reminded you how big he really was every time he lead his troops, engaged in hand to hand combat with literal droids, and fucked you. Not necessarily in that order.
He brutalized you. Your struggling cunt could barely swallow all of him. It was no secret the General had a bruising cock, but you were not one to back down from the challenge. “Fuck, Ani, fuck,”
Sinking into you over and over again as he lifted your legs for you with his palm fixed on the underside of your thighs. He could feel the tremors passing through them. While you begged, he merely watched your pussy consume his every inch. “Quiet. Let me enjoy this,” Anakin revelled in his ability to say whatever he wanted to you without fear, feeling you suck him in with every foul word like the greedy bitch you were. When he’d had enough, he pushed your thighs up against the sides of your chest, pressing your flesh together in the most beautiful way as he fucked into you, increasing his thrusts. You scrambled for purchase on the table but there was none as his purple tip kissed your cervix repeatedly. The mating press was by far one of his favorite positions to put you in, one of the reasons being because of the implication of its name. It was a common fantasy for Anakin to revisit how much he wanted to fill you up with his seed until an heir to the Skywalker name was sired. However, he’d much rather you be able to hear that kind of talk. That’ll be for next time.
Finally, your fingers found the edge of the table to grip, still slick with your squirt as he loomed over you, bouncing you from every roll of his hips. You delighted in the way his abdomen curled into you. “Harder, fuck me harder,” you told him, having adjusted to his substantial size. “Keep talking to me,”
Anakin exhaled the breath he was holding, “I should ravage your insides for speaking to me like that,” You keened at him for listening to you, and he did as you’d requested, desperate to see you weep for mercy. “Schutta,” Your voice grew in volume, unintelligible noises spilling from your open mouth as he fucked you, the tool table creaking underneath your combined weights. “Schutta,” he whispered again, focusing entirely on how you were reacting to everything he was doing. “Not even good enough to be my fuck toy,” Oh, that one he longed for you to understand, knowing how you’d double over from the shock of pleasure that would course through you from the degradation. “Lucky I’m feeling generous today.” He groaned as he reangled his hips, making you scream. Unfortunately, a little slut like you couldn’t understand his native tongue, and to silence you he shoved the L-shape of his flesh hand into your mouth. You bit down on the webbing, grateful to focus on something else.
Your wet heat was squeezing him so good, the momentary feeling caused a lapse in judgement, speaking without thinking it through, without correlating what it meant to him. “I’m slave to you, I’m slave to this hole squeezing me so perfectly, so cozy, so good, eager to please me, eager to serve.” Even if anything he’d been saying was in Basic, you were too far gone to hear it.
A devious idea formed in his head, and his metal hand came over to your belly, pressing down so not only was that new angle rearranging your insides, but that spot was met by his thrusts quicker. “Wait, if you do that again, I can’t help it—“ you had begun to warn speaking over his hand, your small fingers splaying against his hot chest as he merely grinned down at you with sick delight, curls falling in front of his eyes.
“If you don’t squirt all over my cock, so help me Maker—“ It’s as if your body responded naturally to him, once again spraying it’s surroundings with the full force of your release, running down the front of his pants and leaking to the floor from where your bodies conjoined. He laughed at you. Becoming shy, you turned your reddening face away from him. “What are you getting shy for, whore? All you’re good for’s a decent fuck. Way to make it worthwhile.” Your velvety walls fluttered around him because you could tell whatever he’d said was horrible. His hand moved out of your mouth when it pinched your cheeks, forcing you to look at him. There they were, tears pricking the corners of your eyes. Had to be from your release, otherwise you’d be telling him to stop. He dipped down, poking out his tongue to collect the salty tear on the tip. The act caused you to connect your lips with his, and he mumbled in surprise, swallowing your moans when he parted your lips with his, exploring you with his tongue. His metal hand slipped out from in between the two of you, swiftly smacking the fat of your ass cheek as he kept moving inside of you. You yelped against his mouth. When he broke the kiss, a string of saliva attached the two of you, panting in unison as he felt you quiver underneath him. Perhaps it was time to put your poor legs to work.
Your back having arched, made the perfect space to slot his arm in, wrapping around your waist while his other repositioned your legs off his shoulders, but kept a knee pinned to his hip. He unsheathed, and your poor pussy instantly felt empty as he picked you up off the table and setting you down, spinning you around and planting your hands flat on the table so your heart shaped ass was presented to him. “I’ll never get tired of this,” he confessed in awe, stooping to drag the flat of his hand over your sex, making you jump from the sensitivity. Once he gathered enough slick to lubricate his cock with, he reentered you, and the shock of it caused you to fall forward, eyes rolling into the back of your head. It pleased him greatly. He sucked on his damp fingers as he pistoned in you. The coil in your belly was wound tight, and he was well aware of it.
His hips snapped against the soft flesh off your ass and his metal hand tangled into your hair, using it like a leash to yank you back onto his cock faster. It made you arch, curses falling from your lips in a cant along with his name. Satisfied his fingers were properly lubricated, they traveled from his mouth to your rim, circling it curiously. You shied away from the feeling at first, but relaxed into it once you realized what was going on. That’s my girl, he thought. Carefully, he dipped his fingers inside, plunging into your asshole as he fucked your pussy with his cock. It added a new height of pleasure to you, and you clenched your silky walls around him instinctually. He explored the inside of you with his digits, before moving them in and out. He heard your breath hitch, “You feel about ready to make a mess all over me again. I don’t care what hole it comes out of, you’ll clean me up.”
“Can I… fuck- Can I please cum? Baby, please,” you strained, a lump in your throat.
“What are you asking me for? You afraid of what I’ll do to you if you don’t obey me?” he teased, a sinister undertone to his voice that made you struggle to nod your head. “Go ahead then, if you’re so close.” he spoke to you like it didn’t matter, knowing it only added to your enjoyment. Your orgasm shooting through you without a second to waste. You called out his name, squeezing your eyes shut when your vision turned white. You rode it out with him, thinking he might release with you like you two usually do with his help of the force. Not this time it seemed.
“Aren’t you gonna cum too? C’mon, Anakin,” you whined, wiggling your hips as best you can for him. He leaned over you, bicep flexing with his hand still in your hair.
“Do you really deserve my cum?” You couldn’t find him anything but attractive like this, bullying you while he ravaged your insides. “I should cum in a rag and gag you with it instead of letting you feel me finish inside this tight cunt.” You moaned involuntarily, his movements more erratic as he neared his edge. After this you were going to learn Huttese if it was the last thing you did.
Moans burst out of him as he spilled himself inside of you, bending you over further when his muscle tensed, shoving your cheek against the cold surface of the table still wet from your squirt. He fucked his seed into you as he worked himself through his own orgasm, using your abused pussy to do it.
Only once he’d stilled, did you move. He took the hint, removing himself from you, and you felt your combined essences drip down your legs. Exhausted, he lazily kissed up your back for a start to his apologies. “Let me grab something for you,” You leaned against the table, waiting for him to return with a clean rag. As he wiped you down, you chuckled breathlessly.
“What?” he asked, amused at your reaction.
“You wanna tell me some of the things you said to me?” You stared him down with a raised brow, intent to learn whatever depraved things this deranged man had said to you to get himself off.
He stifled a smile, hanging his head in shame briefly. “Maybe some other time.”
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princessbrunette · 11 months
kinktober : oct 21st
anakin skywalker x blowjob
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there’s so much to love about giving ani head.
first of all would have to be how much he needs it. we all know it doesn’t take much to excite the man — and when everything you do is constantly turning him on, he requires satisfaction or it will sourly effect his mood.
he’s shameless about it too, if you’re laid out on your bed beside him in just one of his old training t-shirts and tiny shorts riding right up your ass, scrolling innocently through your holopad — he won’t be able to help himself. he’s sat up against the headboard, slumped slightly and curls tousled after a long day on the field. his eyes were meant to be trained on the holo-drama he was half watching on the screen at the foot of the bed, but instead his eyes run over you— reaching out to mindlessly grope your thigh meat. he gets hard impossibly fast, due to the way you don’t even look at him, just let him manhandle your thighs open for his viewing pleasure as you continue scrolling. the way your pussy lips swallow the material of your shorts slightly, the outline clearly visible had him urged to rip them off and destroy you — but tonight he craves something messier, something sloppier.
by the time you look at him, he’s got one hand holding your thigh open and one hand gripping the outline of his cock through his thin pants, groping and palming at it as he stares at your form darkly. “do you think i could borrow that pretty mouth for a while, my love?”
he needs it anywhere, truly. if he spots you at your own job, striding through the jedi temple to meet with some important senators — he’ll catch up beside you with long strides huffing and puffing about the terrible mood he’s in, only to pull you aside down a quiet hallway with something along the lines of “well, only windu giving me grief as usual. i’d probably feel a lot better if i could just use your sweet mouth a little. you know i’ll return the favour…” he nuzzles his lips lightly against your jaw, backing you riskily against a wall knowing all your weak spots to make you say yes.
to reiterate how shameless anakin is when it comes to blowjobs, there’s so much about moments like those that remind you how depraved and decorumless he’s willing to get in order to receive the pleasure he thinks he deserves from your mouth.
for example, if you’re kneeling below his stood figure, he’ll grin down at you — so charmingly, in that beautifully anakin way everyone knows and loves, tilting his head a little whilst he grips his shaft in one hand and your jaw in the order.
“tongue out.” he hums, voice low, smooth and well-spoken as always. you do as he says, and he slaps the tip on your tongue a few times with an amused and boyish chuckle before wiping his precum off on your bottom lip. “mmm.” he presses his lips together, like he’s encouraging you to enjoy the taste of him.
another shameless moment of his might be once you’re really going for it, sucking him off — he’ll have the audacity to start making requests. “gag on it for me a little more, pretty.” he’ll almost whine, feeling himself getting close. “suck on the tip like that again, that’s it beautiful.” he’ll always throw a sweet petname in there because he knows it’s your weakness and you’ll do anything he says.
lastly, if it’s not clear enough — anakin skywalker will always, always, kiss you after you suck him off. he’s slightly egotistical when it comes to his cock, knowing how large and well performing it is — so tasting himself was almost as rewarding as finishing in your mouth itself. he goes the extra mile, sucking the residue off your tongue with a loud smack and a quiet groan into your mouth.
“must sample my own goods, is that so wrong?” he smirks, somehow making such a goofy comment unbearably sexy.
requested tags ! : @hanasnx @jellydodger
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virahaus · 6 months
Thinking more obikin thoughts,,,,
(I should make this a series at this point aknsksns)
Anyway in a fix it universe where padme and Anakin are just besties, and Obi-Wan promised Anakin that after the war they could do whatever they want (comic compliant that's right),,, we arrive to completely-oblivious-of-his-feelings!Anakin & trying-to-woo-your-former-padawan!Obiwan combo 👀
Obi-Wan trying to give Anakin presents and bring him out on dates all over the galaxy, keeping his arm always around Anakin's waist and being affectionate,,,, all of this and Anakin, while drinking it up like a sponge, just doesn't get it. He thinks Obi-Wan is being affectionate because the war is over and after their last almost-death situation the council just doesn't care to reprimand about their obvious attachment anymore.
All of this is resolved, impossibly, by anonymous fanmail. The Jedi (even if they survived in this scenario) took a mighty blow on their public imagine with all the subtle propaganda Palpatine sprouted about them so they are trying to reply to the galaxy concerns and misconceptions about them. All jedi who are knights and masters are eligible for this fan mail stunt and the more famous they are the more of it they get.
Anakin gets a lot of fanmail where they gush about his and Obi-Wan romantic relationship and while at the start he's totally dumbfounded about it, the more they cite things he and Obi-Wan have been doing in these last few months (and years, let's be honest) the more he being (unknowingly) in a relationship with Obi-Wan makes sense. He gets his freak out with padme (who thought they were just being discreet and smacks some good sense into Anakin) and so for the next outing Obi-Wan organises for them, Anakin tries to up the game to see how Obi-Wan responds,,,, and Obi-Wan is Enthusiastic™ about it (poor man was going mad thinking he was doing something Wrong and now all of a sudden Anakin begins to initiate,, some more encouraging touches so he's Ecstatic).
Just think: them going on romantic dates for months, but with no kisses, Obi-Wan staying patient because he knows Anakin has never done this before but getting progressively more depressed thinking he may have interpreted this wrong, and then out of the blue Anakin kisses him after their date. Obi-Wan mind is blown. Man is going to worship is boy now that he has the all clear lmao
(even funnier is thinking about Obi-Wan pestering other jedi about it and getting smashed while crying that Anakin maybe changes his mind. Quinlan just drops him into his apartment and vows to never ask about Anakin again while Obi-Wan drinks: it only gets him Obi-Wan dirty old man rants or his infinite sadness rants. No in between).
Even more hilarious is the fanmail being explicit at some point (everyone says to Anakin that he must be enjoying Obi-Wan big dick energy so much) and Anakin first thought is be offended that ppl would think of him as the bottom - and then getting turned on by the thought of being fucked into incoherence by Obi-Wan. Classical Anakin behaviour Mr."I want to be in control" and then having a meltdown the second he gets the supposed control he wanted. Poor boy just needs to be fucked pliant and he'll be good.
Anyway, that's it. My 1 am obikin thoughts strike again.
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toomuchracket · 5 months
birthday sleepover (office nerd!matty x reader smut)
final day of matty35!! happy birthday to my favourite boy. have a fic about watching star wars and shagging afterwards to celebrate!! enjoy <3
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“why did we need to rewatch the ending of return of the jedi on dvd? i thought i was doing a good thing cueing them all up on demand for you coming over.”
“no, you were, darling, i appreciate it so much, but i really need to show you this bonus feature,” matty kisses your head, before abandoning you completely to stand next to the tv and gesture to the force ghosts appearing to luke skywalker onscreen. “look - different anakin.”
you squint. “what? how?”
“they retconned the digital edition for continuity - added the guy from the prequels to the dvd box set release in 2004,” your boyfriend explains, eyes lighting up in that adorable way they do when he’s passionate about something; naturally, it’s how he looks at you, most of the time. “that’s the original guy, there. same guy who played unmasked vader in the him and luke reconciliation scene, you know. isn’t that weird?”
“yeah.” you’re not lying.
matty moves back to sit next to you on the bed, tugging you onto his lap and gently holding your face. he kisses you, soft and slow and long, and you can feel his affection for you in it. “thank you for marathoning the original trilogy with me, darling. best birthday i’ve had in a long time.”
you pout. “not best ever?”
“that would be the tour of st. james park when i was ten,” he grins. “but this is a close second.”
“i’ll take it,” you kiss his nose. “wait… so if i was to take you on a tour of st. james park…”
“stop it right now, i might cum.”
“oh, for god’s sake,” you facepalm, trying your best not to grin while matty cracks up beside you. “let’s 86 that idea, then.”
“yeah. and we can do that number take away 17 together instead.”
“what… oh,” you smirk at your giggling boyfriend. “then you really will cum.”
“so will you,” matty leans in to kiss your neck. “you know how much i love it when you sit on my face.”
“fuck,” you can't help moaning at the thought of his tongue slicing through you, flicking against your clit with reckless abandon as you writhe on that pretty face of his; the way it's currently soothing the bite he just left on your neck isn't helping, either. “is it bedtime yet?”
matty presses kisses up across your neck to your lips - when they meet yours, you slip your tongue into his mouth, and the whine he lets out completely liquifies your insides and sends them straight into your underwear. “yeah… wait, babe,” he pants against your lips. “we haven’t let maggie outside tonight yet.”
“oh, right,” you look around the room, slightly groggy, for the puppy you were convinced was asleep on her bed by the radiator. “she’s not in here?”
“think she left halfway through the empire strikes back. reckon she was bored,” he looks at you pointedly, smile threatening to break out. “takes after her mother in that regard.”
“i wasn’t bored!”
your boyfriend kisses your nose. “sweetheart, i saw your eyes glazing over like five separate times,” he kisses all over your face, dragging a giggle from your lips with each press of his own. “but you stayed awake through all of them, and you didn’t complain, and i think you deserve head as a thank you.”
“you know, baby, you don’t actually need an excuse to eat me out.”
“yeah, i do,” matty blushes, hiding his face in your neck. “because i’d just have my head between your legs all the time if i didn’t.”
you laugh, holding the back of his head and cuddling him. “well, the sooner you take the dog out, the sooner you can come back and do that to me.”
the speed with which matty practically shoves you off his lap and runs out of the bedroom is comical. he laughs when you smack his ass, turning back to blow you a kiss before running towards the living room, shouting for maggie. you roll out of bed, darting over to softly close the door behind him then making a beeline for your wardrobe.
excitement - and slight nerves, you must admit - building in your stomach, you reach behind a stack of band tees on the wardrobe shelf, standing on tiptoe to grab the paper bag you stashed there a week ago. moving quickly, acutely aware that you have limited time before matty returns, you pull the lingerie from the bag, barely even looking at it before you’re yanking your (well, matty’s) t-shirt off and replacing it with the fancy bra. only once you’re fully dressed in the new underwear do you admire it, moving to stand in front of the full-length mirror and examining yourself. adjusting the chains holding your tits up, and smoothing any creases from the long skirt, you turn, looking at your outfit from different angles, giggling deliriously.
you look hot. extremely hot. matty’s going to fucking lose it.
and he’s going to be back any second - you can hear him padding along the hallway, humming the imperial march to himself. chucking your discarded clothes onto the chair at your vanity, you all but launch yourself back onto the bed, and settle into the first sexy-ish pose that comes to mind: lying on your side, facing the door, elbow propping up your head and top leg slightly bent.
a brief wave of panic washes over you when the realisation of what you’re doing sinks in, but you don’t have time to psych yourself out of it before matty’s knocking softly on the door. “darling?” he sounds concerned. “you alright? can i come in?”
you take a deep breath. now or never, you suppose. “yeah. come in, angel.”
“got worried when i saw the door was- oh my god,” matty’s breath catches when he opens the door and sets eyes on you for the first time. he stands there quite gormlessly for about a minute, mouth agape and pretty eyes blinking constantly, as if to make sure you’re actually lying on the bed in princess leia cosplay and he isn’t dreaming. his eyeline shifts quite constantly, too, flitting from your smiling (smirking) face to your legs to your chest and back again. yours shifts down over his bare chest to his boxers, already beginning to tent, much to your delight.
mission accomplished.
twirling your hair around your index finger, you smile at your boyfriend. “happy birthday, baby,” biting your lip, you beckon him over with the same finger; he stumbles forwards, entranced, sinking to his knees at the side of the bed. you run your thumb over his lips, and matty whines quietly, eliciting a satisfied hum of your own. “do you like my new outfit?” 
he nods so frantically you fear for his neck. still, you want to hear him. “words, sweet boy. want you to tell me what you think about it.”
“okay,” matty croaks out, eyes glued to your tits. “you- you look fucking incredible. um, just, like, so sexy. m’so fucking turned on. never been so hard in my fucking life. seriously.”
he isn’t kidding; you glance down at his clothed dick, visibly straining against the fabric, and you can feel your ego inflating to match. “yeah?” you slide your hand into his hair. “what do you want to do about it?”
“wanna fuck you,” he whimpers, looking doe-eyed at you. “but i wanna eat you out first. can i? please, darling?”
he’s so fucking eager. you’re obsessed with him.
nodding, you move so you’re sitting on the edge of the bed in front of matty, flicking the front of the skirt out of the way; his pupils dilate even more when he sees you’re bare underneath, and you giggle. “go on then, gorgeous.”
matty’s barely gasped out a “thank you” before you’re being tugged towards his face and it’s buried between your thighs. really, there’s no other word for it - if you could think anything coherent amidst the pleasure searing through you with every movement of your boyfriend’s tongue, you’d genuinely worry about whether he can breathe or not, so close is he to your core. but how can you be expected to think when you feel so fucking good?
of course, matty being matty, he’s slightly graceless with his tongue in his overexcitement, but that’s easily remedied - you root your fingers between those curls you love so much, using them as leverage to grind yourself against him and, in the process, guide him to do what you need him to. he groans what you assume, knowing him, is a “thank you” into your cunt, and the vibrations of his voice add an extra layer to the stimulation already turning you into a wanton, whining mess of a woman. “fuck, matty, such a good boy for me,” you pant, stomach contracting with every lick. humming happily, he takes your clit into his mouth, sucking on the bud and making you wail.  “yes, yes, just like that… fuck, you’re so good, so fucking good to me. keep going, angel, make me feel good.”
just like you knew it would, the praise spurs your boyfriend on, more than you would’ve thought humanly possible had you not spent copious amounts of time with his mouth on you just like this. after he’s had his fill of making out with your clit - for now, at least - matty turns his attention to your hole itself, licking into it like melting ice cream, driving the muscle into you to the hilt, over and over and over. that in itself is enough to make your legs convulse, but then he adds his thumb to your clit; some form of half-scream half-sob thing drags itself up your throat and past your lips as matty draws every pattern he knows you love onto the bundle of nerves, and your thighs involuntarily clench around his head, keeping him flush against you.
as if he would ever leave you hanging.
some part of your pleasure-numb brain urges you to apologise, tells you that crushing his head like that is surely painful, but it’s quickly disproven by your boyfriend whimpering into your core, pretty little masochist that he is. he looks up at you, beautiful eyes rolling back further into his head with every moan you make, responding with whines and groans of his own. there are a lot of things to like and love about matty, and his focused desire to always make you feel good is one of them - he gets off on this, making you feel nothing less than euphoric, and there’s no way in hell he’s stopping doing what he’s doing until you cum.
and when he rapidly flicks his tongue on your clit, side to side, curls flying everywhere from the force with which he’s shaking his head, you do. the building ball of pleasure in your stomach shatters, careening into your veins and nerves and brain and voicebox, and it’s all you can do to hold him against your cunt until the aftershocks subside.
matty giggles breathily, tenderly rubbing your thighs as you flop back onto the bed and catch your breath. when you’ve stopped shaking quite so much, you sit up on your elbows to look at him. “now where on earth did you learn that last move?”
he shrugs, cheeks rosy from use and damp with you. sweet as caramel and completely earnest, he replies. “just wondered if it would work.”
“jesus christ,” you giggle, shaking your head. “you're perfect, you know that? now,” you beckon him again. “get up here, birthday boy.”
matty doesn't waste any time; he's lying beside you before you've even finished talking, giddy smile intact. you make the same face in return, climbing onto his lap and pressing your lips to his, while his hands find home on your waist. the taste of yourself on him is exhilarating - you moan into matty when it hits you, and he takes the opportunity to slip his tongue into your mouth and fluster you even further.
it's such a good kiss that it physically pains you to pull away. but the sight of matty, all messy hair and big adoring eyes, makes up for it. smiling, you stroke his cheek with your thumb. “so, birthday boy, what do you want to do next?”
“hmm,” matty's brow furrows adorably, hands tracing the bare skin of your torso as he thinks. after a moment, he looks up at you shyly. “i’d like you to ride me, please.”
before you can open your mouth to agree, he bursts into speech again. “but only if you want to! we can do something else if you’re not in the mood for that. god, i’d take anything at all. but, also, nothing. i don’t mind,” he takes a breath, smiling lovingly at you and stroking your hair. “to be honest, i’d settle just for looking at you, darling. my beautiful girl”. 
your cheeks burn, your heart flutters, and all you can do is kiss your boyfriend again. it's sweeter than the last kiss, but it quickly deepens into something desperate - you lift your hips and tug gently at matty's boxers, and he lifts his own hips to let you slide them off. you giggle against his lips as he holds you at a funny angle so he can kick the underwear off, pulling back slightly to talk. “can i fuck you now, sweetheart?”
matty smiles. “you can do anything you want.”
“alright,” you grin at the way he whimpers when you take hold of his dick, eyes fluttering closed when you pump it; you softly touch his face as if to stir him. “eyes open, sweetheart. want you to watch me.”
“okay. sorry,” he obliges, eyes opening and widening as you sink down onto him slowly, hands braced on his hard chest. “jesus christ.”
“yeah,” you breathe, jaw dropping as you take him fully. after a second, you begin to grind your hips, riding him slowly to adjust to how big he is. “always feel so fucking good inside me, baby. how is it for you?”
“perfect,” he's fucked already, eyes heavy and jaw slackening, a sheen of sweat covering his chest tattoo. you speed up your movements, and matty groans, gaze fixated on your tits. “can i touch you, please?”
“of course, angel.”
“thank you.” just as you predicted, your boyfriend's hands immediately go to your chest, palming and squeezing as best he can through the bra. feeling generous - it is his birthday, after all - you reach backwards and undo the garment, chucking it somewhere in your bedroom. matty smiles deliriously, and when he lightly pinches your nipples, you can't help the way your hips speed up or the moan that escapes your lips.
clearly, he isn't the only masochist in the room.
your thighs are beginning to burn from the effort, but you ignore it. matty's enjoying this, the way you're fucking him, as evidenced by the whines of your name and groans and whimpers that fall from his lips, punctuated by the gorgeous sound of your skin slapping against his. and you're enjoying it, too - he hits a delicious spot inside you every time your bodies meet, and given your previous orgasm you don't think it'll take long for you to get off again. 
he also seems to be getting close, hips sporadically jerking up into you. it feels good, actually, so good that you decide it might be time to relinquish control for a bit. you smile sweetly. “do you want to do the work for a bit, angel, wanna fuck me?”
“can i?”
fuck, you have the most adorable boyfriend in history. you nod. “i'd really like that.”
“alright,” matty shuffles beneath you, sitting up more against the pillows and moving your arms to rest on his shoulders. he kisses you, so deeply and passionately that your head spins. “can i make you cum, please, darling?”
he smiles, hands moving to hold your hips. “whatever my girl wants.”
no sooner than the words have left his mouth, matty fucks up into you as fast as he can. you've no idea how he can even move at such a brutal pace, but you're not about to complain; you're not about to do anything, actually, except cling onto him and moan into his neck, your second orgasm of the night creeping closer and closer with every thrust of your boyfriend's hips. urging it on even faster, you slip a hand down to your still-sensitive clit, matching pace with matty and pulling the pleasure out from your very bones. you throw your head back, whimpering praise and pleas for him to get you off; matty watches, mesmerised. “fuck, you're beautiful,” he groans, still fucking you with reckless abandon. “cum for me, please, please. wanna watch you, wanna make you feel good. need it, darling, need you to cum.”
his pleading is what does it for you; with a wail, you bury your head in the crook of matty's neck, whimpering into him as you cum for the second time in under an hour. he brings a hand to the back of your head, tenderly holding you close as his hips stutter to a stop, murmuring more pleas into your ear. “fuck, fuck, please let me cum, can't - shit, darling - can't hold it any longer.”
“do it,” you speak into his skin. “cum, baby, fill me up.”
matty whines, thrusting up into you a final time. he wraps his arms around you as he cums, kissing your shoulder as he recovers. “thank you, sweet girl. so good to me.”
“so good for me,” you lean forward to kiss your boyfriend, both of you unbothered by the cum leaking out of you and onto his stomach when he slips out of you. “always exactly what i need.”
matty smiles. he holds your face so carefully, caressing your cheeks when you pull apart. “i've changed my mind.”
“about what?” you frown, confused.
“about what my best birthday was,” matty giggles, still panting for breath. “it's this one. hands-down. fuck the football.”
you laugh. “can i get that in writing?”
“after today? you can get anything you want,” he laughs, slightly manic, shaking his head in disbelief. “i can't believe you bought and wore that outfit for me, darling. sexiest fucking thing i've ever seen, christ.”
“i'm glad you liked it. i had a lot of fun,” you kiss his nose. “happy birthday, baby. can i clean you up?”
“in a minute, my girl,” matty wraps his arms around your thighs and tugs you until your core hovers over his face, currently set into the biggest smirk you've ever seen. “my turn first.”
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gladiatorcunt · 6 months
Hi! Can I request a scenario or one shot (whichever you prefer) with Anakin loving to touch/grab Y/N’s butt?
Hi, and yes you can <3
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Anakin Skywalker is an ass man through and through. Before you had taken the plunge and taken your friendship to the next level, you could practically feel his eyes burning holes into your ass. No matter how far you were standing away from him, he'd always find himself devoting every ounce of his attention to what he's honestly convinced is a gift from a higher power.
You were only shocked the first time, but it was a bit silly in hindsight when you realized just how "close" Anakin liked to be with you. He drags his eyes and hands all over your body no matter your relationship, he's just a very physical person with the one he loves. (Though you don't let yourself think about in what way until it's too late.)
He immediately grabbed two big handfuls of your ass when you had your first kiss. It's like he was spending just as much time and effort groping the fat globes as he was sucking the soul out of your tongue.
Smacking your ass is how he starts his day and giving each cheek a rough but loving squeeze is how he ends it. His default sleeping/cuddling position is your leg thrown over his torso and him keeping you there with a firm hand on your ass. His grip is so tight that you can't even roll over if it starts to get uncomfortable.
Sometimes he prefers to laze around in bed and marvel at the sight of your plump flesh in the inescapable hold of his prosthetic arm. The glint of the metal bouncing off the shimmer of your skin. He'd rather lose his other arm than hurt you, but he does enjoy pinching and prodding at your ass cheeks until there are hoards of red welts and finger shaped bruises.
He'll nuzzle when he's giving you aftercare and cleaning you up, paying extra special attention to the area. You wonder if he drags it out so long just so he'd have an excuse to paw at it, but he does that regardless of the situation, time, or place.
You're embarrassed to recall the instances where in the beginning, when you were nothing more than "very good" friends, you would spend hours debating with your handmaids over which dress made your butt look better. Which one would drive him to the point of no return, and which one would coax the drool to flow from his maw like a river of milk and honey. You used to wait until you knew he was already looking (he always was) so you could coyly drop something and bend over right in his face to pick it up.
You still do it; Anakin has come to anticipate it in every waking moment. He has to smother his hungry smile under his palms, or you'll lose the nerve.
His obsession's most tender form shows itself when he returns to their chambers after a harrowing mission or a grueling meeting with the council.
The doors slide open to reveal your tired husband, his body and soul no doubt needing to be mended in your arms. So you let him envelop you with his entire being, you allow his weight to make you sink further into the bed until you're pinned. Whether he wants to rut against you or just lie on top of you for the rest of his days and past them to the death of the universe, you are ready to receive him.
He simply shimmies his way down your back today and rests his weary head on the swell of your ass. Your boy king of the stars lets his glittering cloak of unfathomable responsibilities crumble to dust over your soft jiggling skin. Ani skirts the tip of his nose along your ass crack like he's giving it a nose kiss in greeting. He flattens his tongue and drags it up and down through whatever enticing garment you're donning, getting it and you soaked in seconds flat.
"Missed you, angel."
He is not talking to you.
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faetreides 2024
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