#anamatronics are constructs
theinfamousdoctorf · 59 minutes
Extra lore for EMHM
Deliberately constructed/birthed/grown [rather then adopted] anamatronic children resulting from any combo of Sun/Moon/Eclipse have two basic types. The difference between them is dependent on if they show any rays in a default state. [Certain moons show rays as a threat display. Harvest and Bloody have this trait.] Type designations Midnight Suns - [rays] Noon Moons - [no rays or rays only as a reaction to external stimuli.]
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daddyafton · 3 years
A Wicked Nightmare
The sun fell beneath the sky shrouding the cold kingdom of Pizah’Ria in darkness. Distant crows called through the quiet kingdom to their brethren, spilling clandestine tips as to where best to safely pick strewn about sausage and cheese chunks left behind the busy tavern alleys.
Lord Afton looked over the city, his city, with a certain king of hunger. These people who loved him, cheered him from beneath his balcony by day and spoke his family name with reverence, were nothing more than his pawns. Tools in his grand scheme. Tomorrow night would be the start of it, plans tying into what would someday be his great pattern. And when the picture became clear those same people would beat down the castle doors, pitch forks and torches in hand, denouncing his name in the fires of their vengeance.
But by then...it would be too late.
By then...their children will have given him the sacred Remnant coursing through their innocent souls.
Lord Afton would be immortal by the time the city folk realized what he had done. But he was nobility, a refined gentleman. Never would he soil his fine silk coat with their blood.
He turned from the balcony and peered into his workshop, grinning as he took in his metal creations.
Their children would do that for him.
Tonight would be his last night of true mortality. Unsurprisingly he did not relish it one bit. The lord moved through the workshop, past the cold hollow eyes of his constructs staring blankly ahead. In the coming weeks they would come alive with the souls of sacrificed children plucked from the city. Tonight however they were nothing more than metal husks in the distinct shape of different animals.
A chick, a rabbit, a fox and a bear.
Lord Afton turned quick on his heels once he entered into the lit hall and locked the door behind him, clipping the key ring to his belt. None but he were allowed within. His family did not know what he was plotting in the confines of such a sacred place. If they did...Lord Afton knew they would protest.
He took the stairwell down to the dining area and found his right hand and oldest friend Henry at the table. Beside him sat Charlotte picking at her food. The house staff always ate after the noble family they served, and while Lord Afton did not think of Henry Emily as his personal servant, he was glade the man and his daughter did not forget their place.
Henry rose to his feet and bowed, Charlotte immediately did the same, albeit awkwardly.
“My lord is there something you need?”
Afton shook his head. “No. I was walking, clearing my head. Have you seen my son Charlotte?”
Charlotte paused, then shrugged. “Not since this evening before your dinner, my lord. We sparred in the courtyard and then he left rather quickly afterwards.”
Afton nodded, looked upward and yelled at the top of his lungs: “MICHAEL!”
Charlotte jumped at the intensity of his call, leaning into her father for support. Lord Afton took silent note of that. He knew the girl feared him. She was likely the only one who saw through his false facade of the benevolent lord of the land.
A teenager. But still practically a child. Perhaps she might...
No. He wouldn’t do that to Henry. Not unless she made herself a problem.
The lord looked to the entrance of the dining hall and awaited his eldest son.
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mybrightonuk · 7 years
Brighton Halloween display thrills Children, adults
Halloween celebrations, ghosts strikes, costume competitions and more to celebrate Halloween this weekend. (Oct. 26, 2016) Olivia Lopez
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She began collecting Halloween decor about 15 years back. She buys some decorations   and makes others out of curb-finds and other noxious materials.   This year she built spooky trees out of   buckets and spray   foam. “Next year they’ll be bigger,” she explained.  
Her boyfriend Patrick Rumpf  assists with Lots of the construction. He left the Grim Reapers’ wagon, for instance. He also brings house pallets which can be used for things like the prison floor.    
The yard has many  tombstones for figures like Speedy McFast, whose epigraph reads “that he must have hit the brake but rather he hit the gasoline”  
Among thisyear’s new developments is a large circle of little ghosts surrounding three witches that are stirring some potion in a cauldronwhile a skeleton rides to the spoon.  (Photo: Erica Bryant)
One of this   year’s new developments is a big circle of little ghosts surrounding three witches who are stirring some potion in a cauldron  as a skeleton rides on the spoon.    
Neighbors have discovered to get a lot of candy to adapt the hoards of trick or treaters that come from near and far to look at the house.   Lynn Widden, that lives nearby, says that he doesn’t mind somewhat.   “It really brought the whole neighborhood to life” Adina Dan  attracted  four kids to take a look at the  screen on a recent evening. “We do not even celebrate Halloween, but we come here every year,” she explained.  
She places similar effort into her Christmas screen, and only recently bought two six foot nutcrackers. There’s no space for cars inside her garage, which   is half complete with Christmas stuff and half complete with Halloween stuff. “We are big fans of these holidays as it brings the family together,” she explained.   Sometimes they blend the 2 holidays, even though using Santa Claus come out with a series saw has been deemed a little too scary.  
It takes approximately 4 weekends to get everything set up for Halloween. It takes approximately 30 minutes every night to flip on most of luminous pumpkins, fog machines, even spooky audio, creepy lights along with the anamatronic smoke-breathing three-headed wolf. Throughout October and December her  power bill doubles, but Pimm said she doesn’t mind. She likes to observe kids, including her five grandchildren, like a little fun and fantasy and to forget all the terrible things which are going on in the world.  
“I wish to see them smile,” she explained.  
Erica Bryant is a columnist. Contact her in [email protected].  
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Brighton lady’s Halloween decorations become eye-catching screen
The daughter of migrant workers, she never made to decorate for Halloween.
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