naito-kitsune · 4 months
rb this post if you’re a nsfw blog who’s trans/nb friendly!!
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naito-kitsune · 4 months
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Kagitsu Hikagiro
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naito-kitsune · 4 months
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Kagitsu Hikagiro the Sothern Fox Deity.
Winter and Summer Colors. Uploading the full uncensored variants later.
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naito-kitsune · 6 months
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🕷️Zeon J.🕷️
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naito-kitsune · 6 months
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naito-kitsune · 6 months
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naito-kitsune · 9 months
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naito-kitsune · 10 months
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witchtham sketch 🌙🌱
my witchtham from my kavetham fantasy au here
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naito-kitsune · 10 months
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Hands are my kink. Edit of a request I made.
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naito-kitsune · 10 months
Other account links
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naito-kitsune · 10 months
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Research articles that give you the common names/code names of various items should be in line for the nobel prize for helping us writters out.
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naito-kitsune · 10 months
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Nicholas von Ritter
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naito-kitsune · 1 year
Rats 2 3 4 & 5
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naito-kitsune · 1 year
WTF do I even title this.
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naito-kitsune · 1 year
Drawing some more today. Hopefully my motivation is back.
Here's a picture of Lina realizing that she'll need to start all over on her drawing.
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naito-kitsune · 1 year
Crin Acistini Lore #1
Crin Acistini, the third child and only son of the Acistini line. Crin was born and raised as Cecil Acistini during the reformation period (953-975 p.c) in the Maiji controlled regions of central Aretez. He is the son of Marintinith (Maria) Acistini, a trueblood vampyren bloodwitch and one of the former axis leaders of the second blood war. Maria had betrayed the axis and chose to live amongst the Maiji, in which she fell in love with a Maiji soldier and had 3 children. However, upon awareness of her survival, the allies took Maria captive and handed her to the country of Arieta for custody. This left the children without a mother and the nation without a leader. Soon extremists would arise within the Maiji territories. They were looking for any Vampyren "true bloods" or ex-supporters of the axis within their boundaries and were executing them. This placed the Acistini children in danger, with a bounty on their head as the highest prize, they became a target for the extremists (going by MUPA, Maiji Unification Purification Alliance). The children’s father would utilize foreign contacts to have the children escorted out of the region with many other refugees. This allowed Cecil and his sisters to escape to the country of Elrion up north.
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naito-kitsune · 1 year
Crin Acistini Lore #2
Within the process of immigration, the siblings desired to stick together rather than be separated, a task hard to do since Elrion's immigration process separated male and female by dorm until it was time to release them into the country. (a period lasting from a week to a few months depending on conditions) To trick the process and remain together Cecil's elder sisters, Rositta and Lumina (Oldest and second oldest) decided to change Cecil‘s identity. Cecil would receive the name Crin (the Romanian word for lily) and would be addressed the part as their third and youngest sister.
Enduring the process, the children would stay in processing for three weeks. During this time Crin would stay with his sisters attempting to stay away from anyone to avoid being recognized. The children all had well made disguises; their red eyes masked blue; their shock pink hair dyed black (leaving highlights of their original hue); and their English (formal British as is common in Elrion) accents sharpened against their Romanian tongue thanks to teaching before their trip. None of the other refugees seemed to recognize them.
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