#aftons are nobility
soupmanspeaks · 3 months
the Afton's and the color purple ramble lesgo lesgo Okay, so lets start with the obvious connotations of purple; royalty, luxury, and nobility, I'm pretty sure everyone knows that back in the day, Tyrian purple was really expensive and yap yap yap only the elite could afford it--Well if you think about it, the Afton's basically are a "royalty" of sorts (well, as close as royalty as you can get in hurricane Utah lol) William is the Co-owner and founder of a beloved children's entertainment franchise, he is the king, and Michael is the rowdy kid of the successful business owner, the one whom causes trouble to everyone, the oldest, the heir, the Prince (and he acts especially ""princely"" in the SL post-night cutscenes with everyone waving to him (and seemingly adoring him lol)) Purple can also be a color of mystery, which honestly, I feel matches the Afton's lol, we only know so much about them, only in bits and pieces do we know some base character traits, and that's really it yk Also, I read that it could be a color of vanity and of mourning, things I feel fit William and Michael respectively, with Wil thinking he's untouchable, and a "god" of sorts, and Michael harboring the guilt of what mistakes he has done over the course of the series And speaking of oopsie daisy's, Purple also is notoriously a color of villainy; think of Disney villains like the Evil Queen, Maleficent, Ursula, Claude Frollo, all character's have purple in their color scheme obviously it points out William's misdeeds, but also Michael's own messy past, (also all the villains I listed seem to just have a slight British accent to them lmao? and they are fairly based off of "noble" classes like a queen, or a high judge yk, I guess they're both there to signal to the audience that "yerp, this character is an Afton") also ps I take Michael become really purple at the end of SL as him technically being the last Afton Afton, him basically permanently wearing his family's "royal" colors also pps Purple can also symbolize ambition, which could be expressed in Michael's newfound mission being to stop his father, no matter what happens okay bye
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📝Share a snippet of an unposted WIP, with or without context.
have some RanAzu i haven't finished yet! which I'm certain you've already seen but i've not shared it anywhere outside the gc so. (unrelated to Afto AU despite also being.... a captive-in-Aftokrator AU lol)
House Beltiston is not what he expected. Neither is Ranbanein. Azuma had expected him to be another brute, another violent Afton soldier with all the arrogance that nobility implies, but while the man clearly loves a good fight - and is good at it, too - he seems to have little interest in exerting dominance over his inferiors. Perhaps, Azuma thinks, he has never needed to - Ranbanein seems genuinely well-liked by his subordinates, and doesn’t appear to bear any bitterness about being a second son. Azuma has not met his brother, the head of House Beltiston, but the warmth in Ranbanein’s voice when he speaks about him is obviously genuine. It seems almost peaceful, but Azuma’s guard is up. Just because Ranbanein hasn’t laid hands on him yet doesn’t mean he won’t, or that he won’t eventually tire of Azuma’s service and sell him on to the next buyer.
📄What’s a WIP you never finished that you would like to go back and revisit?
I still really want to finish my Shimateru Dawnverse fic about Shimazaki and what happens after Teru's death in that AU. Hell, I'd like to finish Dawnverse someday and get it to the resolution we'd had in mind, but I don't know if or when that will happen - but I at least want to post the Shimazaki fic, it's so close to done and deserves to be seen.
for watori, something that's kinda on the backburner but I'd like to return to at some point is the Azuma backstory fic... there's just SO many headcanons in there that contextualize how I write him at this point, and there is so much I want to explore about him joining Border and forming these relationships that will be such a core part of him down the road. My Azuma brainrot lately has been more specifically focused on current Azuma Squad and on RanAzu, but I really want to get back to this one at some point!
🗣️Talk about your favourite WIP
Is it cheating to say Afto AU when that's technically, like, a long string of multiple WIPs...?? The next installment has been giving me fits for months, but boy, there's so many aspects of this series that I'm really excited about 😭 Especially the haiizu relationship and the yuuma+viza friendship dynamic, I really can't wait to write more of those interactions.
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zaneuhhhidfk · 1 year
These Samsa Lyrics Except Its Michael Afton: “I have become so terrifying down to my core that i could defeat nobility, how do i look know? Am i unsightly? Of course i am”
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daddyafton · 3 years
A Wicked Nightmare
The sun fell beneath the sky shrouding the cold kingdom of Pizah’Ria in darkness. Distant crows called through the quiet kingdom to their brethren, spilling clandestine tips as to where best to safely pick strewn about sausage and cheese chunks left behind the busy tavern alleys.
Lord Afton looked over the city, his city, with a certain king of hunger. These people who loved him, cheered him from beneath his balcony by day and spoke his family name with reverence, were nothing more than his pawns. Tools in his grand scheme. Tomorrow night would be the start of it, plans tying into what would someday be his great pattern. And when the picture became clear those same people would beat down the castle doors, pitch forks and torches in hand, denouncing his name in the fires of their vengeance.
But by then...it would be too late.
By then...their children will have given him the sacred Remnant coursing through their innocent souls.
Lord Afton would be immortal by the time the city folk realized what he had done. But he was nobility, a refined gentleman. Never would he soil his fine silk coat with their blood.
He turned from the balcony and peered into his workshop, grinning as he took in his metal creations.
Their children would do that for him.
Tonight would be his last night of true mortality. Unsurprisingly he did not relish it one bit. The lord moved through the workshop, past the cold hollow eyes of his constructs staring blankly ahead. In the coming weeks they would come alive with the souls of sacrificed children plucked from the city. Tonight however they were nothing more than metal husks in the distinct shape of different animals.
A chick, a rabbit, a fox and a bear.
Lord Afton turned quick on his heels once he entered into the lit hall and locked the door behind him, clipping the key ring to his belt. None but he were allowed within. His family did not know what he was plotting in the confines of such a sacred place. If they did...Lord Afton knew they would protest.
He took the stairwell down to the dining area and found his right hand and oldest friend Henry at the table. Beside him sat Charlotte picking at her food. The house staff always ate after the noble family they served, and while Lord Afton did not think of Henry Emily as his personal servant, he was glade the man and his daughter did not forget their place.
Henry rose to his feet and bowed, Charlotte immediately did the same, albeit awkwardly.
“My lord is there something you need?”
Afton shook his head. “No. I was walking, clearing my head. Have you seen my son Charlotte?”
Charlotte paused, then shrugged. “Not since this evening before your dinner, my lord. We sparred in the courtyard and then he left rather quickly afterwards.”
Afton nodded, looked upward and yelled at the top of his lungs: “MICHAEL!”
Charlotte jumped at the intensity of his call, leaning into her father for support. Lord Afton took silent note of that. He knew the girl feared him. She was likely the only one who saw through his false facade of the benevolent lord of the land.
A teenager. But still practically a child. Perhaps she might...
No. He wouldn’t do that to Henry. Not unless she made herself a problem.
The lord looked to the entrance of the dining hall and awaited his eldest son.
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dd122004dd · 2 years
The Moon and the Star
Y/N Cavendish is a member of nobility while her soulmate Ryan Clarke is a commoner. Will they ever be able to be together or will their different stations keep them apart?
P.S. I personally think that this has been one of my best works yet.
Warnings: Hints of suicide, angst with a happy ending.
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Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. The ancient grandfather clock in the main hall ticked as the hours dragged on. The clock struck midnight, echoing through the empty halls of the mansion.
The Cavendish household’s windows shimmered in the moon light, making the hallways almost glow in the dark as the light bounced of the marble tiles. 
The Cavendish family was a powerful family in the empire, the Duke of Arbittror was the head of the fine family. The duke, Armedius and his wife Andromeda were not soulmates, they were arranged together by their parents in order to strengthen an alliance between the two houses. Armedius had found his soulmate long before his parents had arranged his marriage to Andromeda, but due to her low social standing, his parents had come up with the arrangement. 
Oh, how it broke his soulmate’s heart to see her beloved wedded to another. She couldn’t bear to see the one fated to be with her in the arms of another. Some people said she took the easy way out but most pitied the unfortunate pair, destined to be together yet pulled apart by human hands.
 Armedius was shattered. The death of his soulmate left him completely numb. The years without his soulmate made him cold and jaded, thinking of nothing but duty and the progression of the family’s fortune.
Andromeda, on the other hand could be considered infinitely lucky. She had never met her soulmate. Some would consider her lucky, others cursed but she was simply content. She saw how soulmates were broken apart so viciously by an aristocracy which craved wealth, power and connections. In the world of the aristocracy she could be considered the luckiest of them all.
Her husband and her had four children through out their marriage. Two sons and twin daughters. Her sons Afton and Arken were formidable young men with good heads on their shoulders. They had both been married for quite some time, now. Both finding happiness in their soulmates. It was a rare occurrence that an aristocrat married their soulmate yet Afton and Arken had found their matches within their own social circle. Afton’s wife was previously a viscountess, while Arken’s wife had been a noble lady from a low-standing family but their pairing was not as scandalous as a noble marrying a commoner.
Her twin daughters and the apples of her eye, Y/N and Hope. Y/N was older than Hope by almost fifteen minutes and never failed to remind the latter of the same. And although they were twins, their appearance and demeanor made people almost think that they were siblings instead of twins.
Y/N being the oldest one was more modest and law-abiding while Hope was seemingly carefree, always described as a breath of fresh air by every one who met the young lady. She was the beloved daughter of the duke of Arbittror, the only one who could make him smile, while her older sister was considered as the reserved one, the one who was so stern that she made three governesses flee.
Y/N was perhaps as proper as they came, yet it seemed that fate intended to spice up her monotonous life.
She was lying in her chambers, the inhabitants of the large mansion were dead to the world and the staff had blown out the last candle long ago.
Tap. Tap. Tap.
The rhythmic tapping sounds on her window awoke her from her slumber. She woke up, annoyance thrumming through her veins. She yanked her balcony doors open, storming towards the edge before glaring at the person who dared to ruin her rest.
Her annoyance quickly evaporated once she saw who the culprit was.
“My love, I have missed you.” She said, breathlessly as the longing in her chest grew. He was so close, yet just beyond her reach.
“I have missed you as well, beloved. I wish to hold you in my arms once more. My arms have been empty without you and my soul has been longing for your presence.” He said, with a tinge of pain in his voice.
“Give me but a moment, my love. I shall come down.” She said as she slowly climbed down from her balcony. Her feet moving to the familiar bricks that jutted out of the mansion’s structure, providing her with a make-shift ladder that aided her in her escape.
She reached the youth with a smile on her face and tears in her eyes. It had been months since she last saw him.
The moment she touched the youth it was as if both their burdens were lifted. Their souls felt lighter and the dull pain in their chests was nothing more than a distant dream. They sighed in contentment, their arms wrapped around each other, their foreheads pressed against one another’s.
“I’m home, my love.” His voice fluttered through her ears.
“I have waited so long for you. I had begun to think the worst.” She replied.
“Don’t you dare leave me again.”
In the Past:
Ryan had always thought that he’d amount to nothing. With no mother and a father who wanted nothing to do with him, he raised himself, clawing his way through life, doing everything he could to survive. That was until he met her.
He could remember the moment their eyes met as if it was simply a few minutes ago. He was working as a merchant’s apprentice, he was in charge of deliveries but recently they had been short-staffed so he himself had to deliver their precious goods to their customers.
He was at the last house of the day, the Cavendish estate, when he saw her.
She was dressed in navy blue, her hair pulled back into a simple braid that fell to her waist. She was engrossed in a book while climbing down the stairs. After a few moments, she paused on the stairs, reading a few lines before sharply closing the book in frustration. 
Perhaps her favorite character died, perhaps the book stated a contradictory opinion, of that he did not know. All he knew was that in that singular moment, the woman on the stairs was a fire-y goddess and the moment their eyes met, it felt like he was being consumed by her dark gaze, his entire body was tingling with excitement and his soul felt at ease. He could almost swear he felt fireworks exploding around him.
It felt like an eternity before both were broken out of their gaze by the butler rushing into the room and taking the package from the young man. He was then promptly sent away after being paid, not even getting a chance to introduce himself to his soul bonded.
His nights were spent tossing and turning, his dreams haunted by the mysterious beauty on the mansion’s steps. Her eyes, her hair, her hands. Hours spent fantasizing on what she’d be like, how she’d sound, how she’d feel against his yearning chest. His heart cried for her and his soul ached in her absence. 
Even during his waking hours she refused to leave him, in every person he came across all he saw was her. In the rare moments that he was not haunted by her, he spent time cursing fate and any deity who would listen for pairing him, a low born commoner with a lady from a noble background, he knew that their love could never be, that they were cursed yet he craved another meeting, another chance to be with her, even if it was to watch her from a distance.
That opportunity came sooner rather than later, in a most unexpected form. His brother, Landon had somehow secured a job as a waiter in the Cavendish estate’s annual ball that kicked off the beginning of the social season. His brother knew of his plights and his longing to see the mate he never got to know, so he agreed to let his brother in through one of the countless back entrances so that he may get a chance to interact with his soul bonded.
This year’s theme was a masquerade ball, themed ‘the moon and stars’. It was a play on the classic ‘sun and moon’ comparison that usually depicted soul-bonds which were opposite to each other. This ball was often hosted in the hopes that the aristocracy could find their soulmates among the plethora of guests. For this reason it was one of the most well attended events of the social season.
The ball room was decorated in blue, silver and white with chandeliers reflecting the warm glow of the white candles adorning the room. The refreshments, too followed a similar color scheme, all plated on silver trays.
Every one was required to wear a mask, including the staff. Now, individuals could either bring their own masks or the masks could be provided for them by the host, but almost everyone opted for a disguise that complimented their outfits.
He was eager for the opportunity to see his soulmate but did not want to dishonor her by wearing clothes that betrayed his status, so he borrowed clothes from his employer, promising to give them back without damage, and found a mask with a dark blue background and faux diamonds on it to imitate stars.
The older twin sighed in frustration. It was their second season out in society and she did not enjoy the prospect of dressing up in tight, itchy dresses with her hair tightly pinned to her head in complex hair styles. She dreaded having to listen to countless noble men drawling on about topics that did not interest her in the slightest. Once, a man spoke right at her for half an hour without asking for her opinion or even picking up on her attempts to escape the man’s company!
She sighed, retreating back into her mind while staring at the mirror. In that moment she was not there, trapped in her gilded cage, bound by responsibilities and duty. In her mind, she was free to be whoever she wanted to be, to love whomever she wanted to love. She often thought about him, her soulmate. 
The man who captured her soul with a single look. His beautiful brown eyes reminded her of rich chocolate, the swirling warmth in her chest it evoked whenever she ate it. His curly hair was hidden by his hat that day, but she could see soft tufts springing forth from around his hat, she often imagined what it’d feel like to caress those soft curls but those dreams of hers were shattered, he was a commoner and she was the daughter of a duke.
Fate was sometimes quite cruel. People craved to meet their soulmates, yet fate dangled her soulmate in front of her like a shining treasure before snatching him away.
She looked back at the mirror with a blank mournful stare before sliding on her silk gloves and putting on a fake smile as she joined her family at the top of the stairs.
The ballroom down below was filled with women wearing beautiful blue, white, silver and even gold gowns, each one glittering like the stars with their lavish jewels, but no one dared to wear a fully white dress as that would be too close to a wedding dress, well almost all except her, Y/N.
She wore a white dress, embellished with lace and diamonds with a tiny tiara on her head, depicting her status. Her sister on the other hand, was dressed in a beautiful navy blue gown with white diamonds on it. It looked as if a goddess had crafted her dress out of the night sky.
The ball had commenced after her father finished his speech. Countless men crowded her sister, begging for a dance, while some asked the older twin for a dance she declined, as she was not feeling up for it.
Just then another man approached her. She looked up, just about to decline his invitation when she gazed into his eyes. It was him! Her soulmate! His chocolate eyes melted her icy gaze. His mask covered the top half of his face, creating a beautiful contrast between his pale skin and navy blue mask. 
His seductive lips curved into a grin, his palm opened towards her, wordlessly asking for a dance.
She knew in that moment if she accepted his dance she would be consumed by his chocolate eyes and seductive smile, but it was as if her body decided for her, her hand clasped his, accepting his invitation.
In that moment, it was as if both their souls came alive. In that moment, they were one. 
They waltzed together, the space between their bodies, electrified with want.
“Are you not going to speak to me, my fated bride?”
“Are you not going to speak to me, my fated groom?”
“What is your name?” she asked, wanting to know the name of her soulmate.
“I am Ryan, milady. Mr. Ryan Clarke, and you?”
“I am Lady Y/N Cavendish, first daughter of of the duke of Arbittror, but you already knew that, didn’t you, Ryan?”
His name felt right in her mouth, like it was made for her to say it. He could listen to her say his name for an eternity for the syllables of such a simple name seemed to become a symphony.
“I did, Y/N...You look stunning.”
“Thank you, you look quite charming as well. It seems like I’m the moon and you’re the star in the night sky, constantly shimmering whether the moon is present or not. People adore the stars, not many pay attention to the moon.”
“How can you say that, beloved? In grief or strife, one often looks at the moon. Lovers gaze at the moon’s pale face longingly, hoping for a chance to reunite with their beloveds. The moon is a comforting presence to everyone, for why would anyone look at a measly star in the presence of the moon?”
“What would humanity look to in the absence of the moon, if not for the star to guide them? Was it not the stars that guided lost, weary travelers and aided them to safety? A star may be one in a million but each star has a purpose and a place in the sky.”
“Just like the moon has a purpose and place in the sky, my Luna. The moon is the enthroned goddess around which the shines simply shimmer, hoping that one day, the moon might simply cast her gaze at them.”
“Is that what you are, a star hoping for a gaze from the goddess?”
“I’m merely a dim star hoping to catch the gaze of the goddess, hoping to enthrall her so much so that she’ll never look at anyone else.”
“You’re a star that shines so brightly on your own, why would you want the moon, the one whose mantle of light was bestowed upon her by the sun?”
“I want the moon because without her, I am simply a star but in her presence, the universe seems brighter.”
Saying that, the dance came to a close and the couple slowly bowed to each other, unwilling to let go yet forced to part.
Her sister inquired about the gentleman who seemingly caught her sister’s eye. 
“So, who was he? The man you danced with?”
“Hm? Oh, I don’t know his name, I forgot to ask.”
“Do you think you’ll meet again?”
“Hm. A pity, then. You’d make a handsome couple.”
“Forget about me, tell me how was your night?”
That night at the ball was unforgettable for both the ton as well as the secret soulmates. That night led to countless meetings under the moonlit boughs of the Cavendish estate. 
The couple spent countless hours in each other’s company, spending as much time together before life tore them apart.
The time to depart came sooner rather than later, Ryan wanted to be worthy of his bride, he wanted to be more than simply a merchant’s apprentice, he wanted to be able to give her the luxuries she was used to, so he set out on a journey to build his fortune.
In the Present:
Y/N had awoken in her bed, after being reunited with her soulmate, with a smile on her face. It had been a joyous occasion and his entrepreneurial endeavor was a success. He had established contacts overseas and within the country, finally able to trade and build a small fortune. Ryan felt that if business went well, then soon enough he would be able to buy them a large house, which his soulmate could call her own, along with that art studio that she’d always wanted and the big library with twirling arches that she often spoke about. He felt that soon, he’d be able to ask for his precious moon’s hand.
Things seemed like they were finally looking up.
It was the morning after their reunion and Y/N seemed lighter, happier. She spoke joyfully with her siblings in the drawing room, even going so far as to play with her little nieces and nephews.
After a while the butler walked in, informing her that her father wished to speak to her in his office.
He father, Armedius Anthony Cavendish the Duke of Arbittror was an intimidating man. He was stubborn and always got his way, no matter what. He was a cold man, though people claimed that he’d once been warm and joyful but he never showed that side of him to anyone other than his youngest daughter, Hope.
His imposing figure sat at his desk in his large leather chair that was eerily similar to a throne. He barely glanced at her when she entered the room and silently motioned for her to sit.
“Yes, father?”
“This is your second season in society and I have noticed that you have had almost no suitors this season. You also do not seem to be interested in a match so I have taken it upon myself to find a man of suitable stature for you.”
“Lord Bentley, the Duke of Nordstrom has taken a particular interest in you, and asked me for you hand in marriage. I have agreed to the arrangement as it will strengthen our family’s ties.”
“Do I not get a say in who I have to marry?”
“Y/N, as far as I’m concerned you have no suitors and no one you are interested in, so this match is a blessing that arrived on a silver platter. It is your duty to marry for the family. So, do you object to the match?”
“Excellent, since you have no objections, I shall send Lord Bentley your acceptance. The wedding shall take place in two months.”
And just like that her entire world shattered.
After the ‘discussion’ with her father Y/N promptly locked herself in her room. Her hopes and dreams had been shattered and now she could no longer be with her soulmate.
She laid in bed, arms wrapped around herself, her heart hurting as tears soaked into her pillow. She shuddered at the prospect of letting go of her beloved, the thought alone felt as though she was stabbing herself in her heart.
The Cavendish family was worried about Y/N. One moment she was on top of the world and the next she was locked in her room. Andromeda tried to get her daughter to open the door but to no avail, so she stormed into her husband’s office.
Andromeda was not a particularly bellicose person but when it came down to it, she would defend her children with her life, and she knew for a fact that somehow, something her husband said had hurt her oldest daughter, deeply.
Her husband was startled at her barging into his office but after some pricking and prodding, he disclosed what he had told Y/N.
Hope was the only one with a key to Y/N’s room, so she entered the room to find her sobbing bitterly on the bed. She rushed to comfort her sister, taking a seat on the bed before her sister launched her arms around her.
She’d never seen her older sister so vulnerable. She was always the strong one, the one who’d defended her against everyone, ranging from creepy suitors to the little gossips of society.
Eventually her sobs slowed down and Hope finally asked the dreaded question.
“What’s wrong, Y/N?”
“I-I couldn’t say no. Pa-He arranged a m-match f-for me. Bu-But I found my m-mate and now I-I’ll have to leave h-him. Hope, I CAN’T. P-Please. N-No.”
Her confession surprised Hope. Of all the things she was expecting, this was not one of them.
“Who is he? Do we know him?”
“N-No. He’s a commoner. Ryan Clarke. He-He has a small fortune a-and was p-planning to propose in a few months. B-But now it will not be possible.”
“Don’t worry, sister. I will talk to papa about this. You will have your soulmate.”
Hope entered her father’s office and told him to retract his acceptance of Y/N’s match but he told her that a gentleman never retracts his word. They argued back and forth on the issue, Hope disclosed Y/N’s secret yet their father still wouldn’t budge.
Their screaming match reached it’s climax when Hope yelled out in fury,
At this, both of them stilled. Armedius was shocked to hear the words pouring out of his beloved daughter’s mouth. 
Silence rang through the room and Hope took the chance to leave her father to his thoughts.
His eyes were suddenly opened to what was happening before him. Was he truly like his parents? He still remembered the feeling of numbness that spread throughout his body when he was permanently separated from his soulmate, it was a feeling that he’d never wish on his worst enemies, and he was subjecting his daughter to the same pain.
After careful consideration he summoned his daughter to his office.
Weakly, Y/N walked towards her father’s office, wondering what he would say to her now.
He was still sitting at his desk and told her to take a seat.
“I want to meet the man who has captured your heart.”
She was taken aback at that. How did he know- Hope. 
She simply nodded her consent and when she turned to leave her father’s voice stopped her.
“I never meant to hurt you, to make you go through what I went through all those years ago.”
In that moment, the father and daughter were closer to each other than they had ever been in years.
Ryan had been nervous to meet Y/N’s father, but the meeting went rather smoothly and soon, with Lord Cavendish’s he proposed to his beloved.
The ring was in the shape of a crescent moon with two sapphires on either side of the in-laid crescent. 
Their marriage was the talk of the ton, for decades to come. Their wedding ceremony was rather simple, yet elegant. But they were happy with each other and that was all that mattered. 
On the inside of her wedding band were the words ‘My moon’ and the words ‘My Star’ were engraved on his.
Her matron of honor was her sister, Hope while his best man was his brother, Landon, who turned out to be soulmates. This was certainly surprising but a welcome surprise, none the less.
After the wedding reception was over, Ryan and Y/N retired to their little estate that Ryan was able to purchase with his own money.
He carried his new bride over the threshold before retiring to their bedchambers.
In the chambers they grinned at each other. Finally able to hold each other without worrying about being caught. 
They now belonged to each other. 
Always and Forever.
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il-mio-tesoro · 2 years
Chelsea Volturi Headcanons
Chelsea’s life :) will definitely write Afton HCs next, I think I spruced her up real nice and I love my faceclaim for her. Also might write headcanons for Morwen, and Peccia because they too, have great faceclaims and I can’t wait to explore them as characters.
requests and masterlist
CW// hints at poisoning, husband dying, food poisoning, alcohol is mentioned, domestic abuse is mentioned however I do not go in depth, and do not mention anything physical, infidelity, murder
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Chelsea is a name of Old English origin, so I headcanon her from England, around 900-1000 CE.
She had a glut of siblings, and she cherished them greatly. They'd go to her when they had issues with their partners, and there wasn't an occasion where she could help them.
Her parents, Dunstan and Claiborne, weren't of nobility, however they were merchants, and at the time they were well regarded and made plenty of money.
In their village, people would come to Chelsea with materials for rag dolls, for their children to play with. She'd use the thread from old clothes for hair, and find nice stones by the river for eyes.
As she grew up, she became a cloth-weaver, and married a man- Wystan.
It was a marriage of convenience, however they somewhat loved eachother.
They never argued, however there was little passion.
A child came of it though, Morwen, a gorgeous little girl with her mother's curly, blonde locks, and her father's black eyes.
However, one night after Wystan had finished working for the day, he visited a friend of his, and drank the beer they had brewed themselves, as opposed to trading with the local brewer, who knew the craft far better.
The barrel they brewed it in was not only toxic, alder wood, it was rotting, contaminating the beer.
Wystan unfortunately passed a few weeks later after rapid deterioration of his health.
While Chelsea didn't love him, he was the father of her child, and she would mourn him.
It was about this time Afton, showed herself to her.
She too was a widow, and her husband died under mysterious circumstances.
Chelsea knew she should have seen Afton around the village, however she had not seen her since her husband's burial, where she kept her head down under a cloak. It was as if she could disappear, Chelsea thought.
Afton smiled, and brought her bread, as well as materials for a doll.
"I promise I tried... I'm just absolutely dreadful at doll-making, so I thought I'd leave it to you for little Morwen."
She had blood red eyes, and her teeth were glistening under her cloak.
"You," Chelsea began, clearing her throat, "you have red eyes?"
Afton shook her head, "don't worry, I'll explain it soon, I thought you might need a hand since, well, I'm sure you know."
And help she did.
Afton inherited her father's riches after he tragically died after eating something she made, which she spent in a heartbeat on Morwen and Chelsea.
The blonde and brunette's lips left one another's, and they rested their foreheads on eachother's.
"Is this wrong?" Chelsea asked timidly, and Afton slid her hand into her own
"Love doesn't lie, sweeting. How can an act as pure and divine as this be sinful?"
Morwen adored Afton, and since she was young when her father died, she began to subconsciously look up to her as a parental figure, alongside her mother.
Afton confessed her vampirism to Chelsea after a couple of years, and she took it well. She admired her vampirism, and admired the fact she only fed off thieves more so.
"When Morwen is sixteen, may I change the two of you? I couldn't bear the day you both died."
Chelsea thought for a moment, "we'll ask Morwen on her birthday." She said hesitantly.
And of course, Morwen reached her 16th birthday.
And she said yes, almost as fast as her mother did.
The three of them would stick together and learn all the world had to offer, and she'd rather experience that than the awful, boring cycle that was Anglo-Saxon Britain, despite it's many beauties.
Morwen's rounded features sharpened after her change and her hair darkened a fraction, not because of the beauty that came hand in hand with vampirism, but due to the resemblance to her other mother, Afton.
Chelsea would cry with Afton, they had a daughter together, and that made them happy beyond belief.
The three travelled like they said they would, and in 1200-ish, they found themselves in Marseille, France, talking to a vampiric couple.
The man, Arleno was rude to her, and cruel. He didn't care for her, and shattered her heart time and time again with harsh words and infidelity.
This angered the three women greatly, and one night, as they set up camp together, Chelsea spoke to Peccia, while her husband was hunting.
"You must leave him, Peccia, can't you see how great you'd be without him, he's destroying you!"
She shook her head, "he does love me, it's, it's just complicated, Chelsea."
Chelsea rested a hand on her shoulder, looking deep into her eyes, "leave him. You don't love him, and you never had, just as he is with you. Come with us. We'll protect you."
And leave him she did.
That was the night Chelsea discovered her powers.
However, Arleno was not a stupid man, he was sly. He knew what Chelsea had done, the only thing he was not aware of- it was how, and he went to the Volturi.
He knew that interfering with a mate-bond was against their laws, and he genuinely believed Peccia was his mate.
Marcus' powers however, do not work from a distance, so he could not prove him wrong.
And Aro wanted to go so he could get Arleno off their backs- it was evident they weren't mates, the way he treated her was enough.
They found them in northern France, as helped by Demetri.
And sure enough, they weren't mates.
They didn't need Marcus for that though, because when they arrived, Morwen and Peccia were in each other's arms.
They didn't intend on killing Arleno. Not until he pounced at the new couple.
Felix put Demetri's new training into use, and he effectively took down the vampire.
The group, of now four, were invited back to Fortezza Volterra, seeing as they were all gifted.
To be honest I don't personally think that Afton was recruited purely because she was Chelsea's mate.
"All of you, your gifts are extraordinary, I have never seen such a talented group, genuinely." Aro said, impressed.
Cauis cut in, "he means to invite you to our coven. We'd provide a home, and we can truly show you the world. It'd be a shame to put your gifts to waste."
Both Afton and Chelsea agreed quickly, however Morwen and Peccia were certainly more hesitant.
Aro took their hands in his, and nodded understandingly.
"I see. You can live in the village, in order to be close to your mother's, on the condition that we may call on you in emergencies? And trust me, we are not quick to call something an emergency."
The women shared a look, and smiled, "thankyou, so much."
To this day, I think that's the only time Aro has allowed such circumstances.
Chelsea's gifts aren't used much within the coven, despite canon, I believe that Aro, as with the rest of the coven, believe that free will is important, especially when joining the coven. The coven isn't just law-enforcement, it's a family.
I think her gifts would  be used in other covens, especially ones harmful to humans, as a tactic. She'd use it to sever all their ties to eachother, remove their safety in numbers, and would likely kill them.
Chelsea would still make dolls, like she did as a human.
This time though, they'd be porcelain, and Heidi would make the clothes.
Then, she, Morwen, Afton and Heidi would take them to children in unfortunate circumstances.
She wouldn't dare tarnish their innocence and sentimental value with a pricetag.
Her and Afton like to sit in herb-scented baths together, while Afton recites her poetry. 
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