#anatomy and muscles like:  THIGHS..CHEST..ARMS..NECK..ALL impossible HAIR..impossible EYELASHES !
vyragosa · 7 years
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it has been brought to my attention that sengo actually has distinctive bottom eyelashes with a pattern on all his sprites
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myblessedeyes · 7 years
Listen, I’m touch-starved and I can’t stop thinking about these Andreil headcanons, so I gotta write them out and hopefully someone else will like them as much as I do:
*This is all imagined to happen after “yes or no”s have come up less frequently when it comes to casual shows of affection because “no”s have been thoroughly proven to be respected*
Andrew getting into the habit of spreading his legs every time Neil makes a motion to sit down in their living room and any of the other foxes’s living rooms so Neil can settle on the floor between them and sometimes lean his head against his thigh and his fingers will tangle in his hair and sometimes Neil will lean his head back and sometimes he gets a kiss and other times he gets a roll of the eyes and a few times he’s gotten a slap on the forehead along with a mumbled, “Fucking junky”
After getting a “from the hips up,” Neil spending an entire morning just tracing the lines of Andrew’s spine, the curve of his waist, the bulge of his bicep, following the movement of his back’s muscles moving as he leans a little more into Neil’s chest with his eyes closed in his peace
Neil just slumping on top of Andrew’s back whenever and wherever their standing and nuzzling Andrew’s neck when he’s particularly tired and trusting that Andrew can carry him without particularly paying any mind to the stares
Does this a lot in the morning while Andrew’s fixing them their coffees
Winter is sometimes a moisture sucking monster and makes it impossible to go a day without lotion, so take the time to imagine Neil hearing the sound of dry hands rubbing together and bringing out the bottle of Bath & Body Works lotion Renee gave him for his last birthday and pouring a whole shitload on his hands, asking for Andrew’s hand and just rubbing the lotion into his hands and higher depending on the outrageous amount he poured out
Andrew Minyard walking around smelling like Japanese Cherry Blossom gives me peace alright
Limbs, everywhere:
Andrew’s leg over Neil’s shoulder as their sitting in the living room scrolling through their phones
Legs weaved together, with Andrew rubbing his foot up and down Neil’s recently shaved legs in bed while they’re doing homework
Allison “accidentally” switched his lotion for a Nair’s bottle
Neil laying on Andrew’s ass while Andrew’s reading out of his Advanced Psychology textbook out loud to help him concentrate with Neil’s hand massaging his hips and thighs after a particularly hard leg day and a “yes”
Andrew laying between Neil’s legs, head smooshed into Neil’s chest  and hands under his sweatshirt and following the outline of his back muscles as Neil watches one of Kevin’s many “assigned” Exy games to study
Neil laying across Andrew torso with one arm wrapped over his shoulder and the other around his waist with his head on his chest while Andrew smokes with the window in their bedroom open above him with a hand on his back tapping along to the rhythm of the music playing from one of their iPods
Neil in Andrew’s lap with his legs wrapped around his waist with Andrew’s hand up Neil’s basketball shorts indulging Neil (and not himself tysm) in a thigh massage
Arm over Neil’s shoulder with his hand inside his shirt
Arm around Andrew’s waist with his fingers curled around his belt loop and finger hooked inside the waist band of his jeans
Andrew just sitting on Neil’s lap, with Neil’s head leaning against the sofa’s backrest, eyes closed as he’s soothed close to sleep, and just spending a good hour just combing back his hair, eyes staring uninhibited at the small pimples on his chin, the car lighter scars, the knife scars; one goes from his eyebrow to the bottom of his jaw, the other one crossing across to the bridge of his nose and the deepest one going from his temple to the top of his cheekbone, his thick eyebrows, his long, thick eyelashes, the soft smattering of freckles from his runs outside in the middle of summer, the line of his nose, the way the sunlight coming in contoured the sharp line of his cheekbones, the way his square jaw looked from every direction he could look at it from, his beautifully stupidly marked cupid’s bow, the small scar at the corner of his mouth from the one time his mom had slapped him hard enough to bleed when he had screamed to loud when she was stitching up a particularly painful cut, the small nicks from where his mom’s nails had cut him on his jaw and cheek from his lessons. Every single detail, Andrew making sure to memorize
Neil returning the favor and helping Andrew in his shower 
Don’t think he’d ever do it while Andrew is injured... Too vulnerable. Triggers have a tendency to rise when feeling like injuries can keep you from properly protecting yourself
Andrew taking an Anatomy class and having Neil as reference because working out had helped in making his stupid muscles become obscenely marked and having Neil naked in his bed and draped in his cotton sheets as he follows the line of the muscles he’s trying to memorize really isn’t helping but god- does it make it hard to forget just where the semitendinosus or the sartorious is and- God, does he wish he was doing this with his mouth.
he passed the course with flying colors
he would have been able to do it with the book alone
would have definitely saved him the embarrassment of having an inappropriate boner in the middle of class that’s for sure
Andrew making a habit of braiding his hair after Neil had come back from a sleep over with the girls with a pair of french braids and had really liked how they looked on him
i just really like braids and i really like the idea of Neil walking around campus with long hair and braids in his hair ok
Neil making a habit of giving him head massages when they’re sitting side by side doing shit together
It’s 4 am and this is all I can think of.
Part II
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