#anatri temach
fantroll-purgatory · 2 years
 Hi, back again. This time w/ a troll I’m slightly more proud of. Also its my birthday when submitting this :).
A very belated happy birthday to you. :) I remember your last troll they were the theatrical one we did a swan theme around!
World: Alternia
Name: Anatri Temach
As with Theato, I assume that you do not remember how you got this name. This seems to be a character themed around horror and taking facts for granted, which is super fun as an intersection! To that end, I actually like her name; it sounds like a corruption of “anathema,” which is good both for a horror fan and for a black-and-white thinker.
Age: 6.92 sweeps (15 years old)
Theme/Story: Simply put, she doesn’t come to her conclusions and gets most of her knowledge from other people and treats them as complete facts. When she does come up with her own ideas she’s brilliant but also bad at expressing them in a way others, or herself, find satisfactory. She also loves the macabre and writing and writing about the macabre. She tries to talk about that stuff too but everything sounds better in her head than it does when spoken. She craves attention but is not sure how to get it.
Aww I get it tbh.
Review Goals: Just a general overview.
Strife Specibus: No idea.
I’m a fan of straight up-and-down knifekind? Brings to mind the trope of the Final Girl in a horror movie with a kitchen knife.
Fetch Modus: Word Association Modus. In order to take something out you have to come up with a word associated with that item that’s not in the item’s name.
Blood Color: Indigo
Lunar Sway: Derse
Title: Maid of Light
Symbol and Meaning: Sagipia, sign of the Empirical
Handle: chroniclerBehemoth
I feel like this could be pushed further. What about obdurateBloodbath (OB), which has the added fun of being a potential blood type if she were human.
Quirk: She either rambles on and on and on to point where it gets too long and she keeps jumping around topics. Or she speaks in short, curt sentences that get straight to the point. Depends on her mood.
Special Abilities: Typical Indigo blood strength, nothing special.
Lusus: An Aye-Aye. He gives her the basic necessities of life and that’s pretty much it. He’s also very loud.
God if I could suggest one possible alternative: a tarsier? Imagine the eyes of that size outside her bedroom window when her parent wants to get her attention.
Interests: She has an eclectic taste in music that’s somewhere between pop punk and murder folk (real genres of music btw). She likes shows and books that aren’t really well known as well and will basically beg you to watch//read/listen to them. She loves horror movies and books though she’s really critical of both of them. She really likes language and specifically what you can communicate using language and the meaning and structure of certain words. She doesn’t like Creepypasta b/c the fandom ruined it. Also she prefers psychological horror, which is the genre she usually writes. She also writes fanfiction, usually fix it fics. She has a collection of fake blood she made herself in every color of the hemospectrum. She’s really finnicky about them being ‘realistic’.
:O I had not previously heard of murder folk, so thank you for clueing me into the subgenre! Also lol full mood about getting into obscure media and making that everyone else’s problem.
Appearance: She’s tall, which makes her seem more intimidating than she really is. She has an indigo hoodie with a skeleton design on it. She keeps it unzipped most of the time so you can see her sign. She has long hair.
Personality: She’s really stubborn, once she finds a hill she will die on that hill unless she’s explicitly proven wrong. Either you talk at her or she talks at you, there’s rarely a middle ground. She’s really confidant in her intelligence and not much else. Sometimes she snaps at people or gets really frustrated even if she knows it’s irrational. Not being understood or payed attention to is particularly frustrating for her. The only things that scare her are jumpscares and death. Anything else will be met with aggression, morbid curiosity, or barely a reaction at all. She wants to help people when they’re upset but doesn’t know how. Highly empathetic and good at finding a middle ground or reasonable solution as long as she’s not one of the arguers or has a strong opinion on it.
Gonna be honest this troll is pretty solid I don’t have much to add here!
Land: Land of Archives and Nightmares
Yesssss I was gonna suggest a Magnus Archives reference to hit that sweet spot of skepticism and horror. I hope cassette tapes and spiderwebs figure into some part of her Land!
...lol I feel like I didn’t have much to add to this one. I had maybe 3 sugggestions? But I hope they helped.
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