#ancient light Wyvern
shadowfoxsilver · 1 month
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Elemental Wyvern: Ancient Light
A bit different from the other Ancients, she is the sister of the Shadow Wyvern Leader who survived the attack that he used long ago. Technically born as a Shadow Wyvern with feathered wings, her dark powers are much weaker than her brothers. Instead, she possessed an element of light and was the overseer of Light Wyverns though she did not see herself as their leader and let them do as they wished without worry. When her brother unleashed an attack to erase all but the shadow Wyverns, she likely was immune to the beam and survived. Much like the others, though, she hates him for what he tried. She knows he’s jealous that she has became one of the Ancients while he remains a regular Wyvern.
Long ago she banished him into the void after revealing her full power to him, but knows he would eventually escape.
Ancient Light may have dull colors, but she often surrounds herself in blinding lights that prevent you from looking directly at her. She is rumored to live inside the sun when not on earth, an eternal light against the darkness itself. A powerful force against the shadow, but considered the weakest of the Ancients due to having dual elements. Her regular form only has one head and four wings when hiding her full power. You need special lenses to stare at her when she’s outside due to her brightly shining feathers.
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We don't have a good stompy wings-are-the-hands breed, do we? The wyverns that got huge knuckles and walk with their wings? That's such a classic silhouette.
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moonlightazriel · 3 months
Chapter 1: Falling through the stars /// Azriel X F!Reader
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Summary: When the four forces of nature are used at the same time in different places, their power resonates through the universe, connecting all of them together
Word Count: 3,1K
Warnings: Mentions of war, injuries and blood.
Notes: Welcome to the first official chapter of this weird crossover that came up in my mind, obviously this contains spoilers of both acotar and throne of glass, maybe a little crescent city spoilers but who cares? hehheheh
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Too much blood, so much that the metallic scent was making Nesta’s head spin. She watched the eerily silent baby in Morrigan’s arms, Rhysand’s pale face as he grasped his mate’s body. The silent plea in those violet eyes for someone to do something, anything to bring them back to him. 
All the wasted chances of apologising for years of abandonment, for letting her fourteen year old sister wander scared and alone in those cold woods, for letting her be taken to this world the first time, for allowing her back and for all the resentment Nesta felt towards herself crossed her mind. She never told Feyre how proud she was for everything she had become. A warrior, a High Lady, a mother. 
With a last glance towards the nephew she wanted to hold, the one she wanted to tell stories, the one she wanted to see grow and become a great leader just like his parents. The baby who had so much to live for, the baby who just needed a chance of a better life. 
It was for them and for them only that Nesta invoked that ancient power, prickling against her fingertips as she held the harp, the other two troves cold against her face and heavy against her head. And it was for them that she used them, no fear consuming her body, just the wish of saving her sister. And with that, Nesta stopped the time. 
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The universe felt as that wave of power crashed against the horn, and the other three troves sang in answer to that powerful call. A profane melody resonating throughout the stars, enveloping different worlds with its song. The females didn’t know what they had done, two strangers using the four items in unison, their power echoing, ripping the folds of space and time open.  
The gaps started to form, growing in places long forgotten, lands no one has ever heard about, all of them connected by the troves. Alluring and calling like a siren song, the most curious beings crossed it, falling in between the worlds, just small glimpses of the vastitude of the universe they never dared to study about. 
And it was through one of these gaps, staining the night sky of the Witch Kingdom in a bright light, that Y/N Blackbeak and Meraxes, her black wyvern fell. The winds roared, like an agonising screech trying to stop her, like they knew something she didn’t. Like they knew she would never return home. 
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When she woke up that morning, rubbing her eyes and jumping out of the bed to start her day, she had no idea what was about to happen. After the war and all the centuries of damage in their home, the witches, both Ironteeth and Crochans working together, had a lot to do.
Everyday she would force her body out of the bed, keep going on autopilot ever since everything she loved was ripped away from her. She tried hard to keep going, like Asterin would’ve wanted her to, be there for Manon, like Asterin would. But Asterin wasn’t there anymore, she would never return with that grin of hers, never see the progress they made and the union of her people. Asterin was gone and she was left behind to try to mend her broken heart. 
She blinked the tears away, resting her forehead against the cold tiles of her bathroom, the hot water making the skin of her back turn red. The burning sensation grounding her when the memories flooded her mind like a river. The sadness in her heart was an unwanted guest.
 Asterin flew by her, a smirk on her face as her yellow eyes landed on her younger sister, Y/N atop Meraxes felt, deep within the heart that she didn’t even know she had. She looked in horror as the Thirteen aimed for the witch tower, their wyverns clearing the way for Asterin, she jumped from Narene, landing in the middle of the tower. 
Y/N couldn’t see, but she tried to reach for her sister, reach for the only person that ever loved her, reach for that sisterly bond that lied within her soul ever since Asterin chose to keep Y/N under her wing, to train her and teach her what her duty was. Asterin, who despite everything they have been taught, chose to love Y/N like she was family. 
Meraxes was tired, tired of fighting and flying, but she forced him to go to the Tower, to save Asterin. But she was too slow and too late, the light coming from the tower wasn’t dark, it was the purest shade of white, so bright that her vision got blurry, the impact sending her and the wyvern flying backwards, with such force that they hit the ground with a loud thud. Where the tower and the Thirteen once were, nothing stood. 
Y/N wiped the blue blood that streamed above her eyes, a loud roar forming in the back of her throat, rumbling through her bones, she threw her head up, her lips parting as she roared to the skies, Meraxes roaring with her. Crying it was a weakness,  witches didn’t cry, but Y/N braced herself, ignoring her arm bending in a wrong angle, the pain in her sliced face, thanks to a Yellowlegs that jumped on her and tried to slash her face open. 
And she cried, cried and cried on that battlefield, cried as she got back on her feet, cried as she ripped a part of her riding leathers, wrapping her broken arm tightly against her body, branding her sword and marching towards the battle again. She would be strong, Asterin wouldn’t want her to give up. She would fight to protect what Asterin believed. She would fight for a better world, and die for it if she had to. 
She fought until exhaustion, her body collapsing on the dirty ground. Claws caged her, lifting her from the ground, she gritted her teeth as pure agony flashed from her arm, her face was completely numb at this point and she fought to keep her eyes open. She blacked out when Meraxes reached the walls that kept Orynth intact, his claws letting her go, her body hitting the floor and rolling to the side.
Hafiza found her, ordering that other healers carry her bruised body inside. But her wounds were deeper than the ones marking her skin.
She allowed her tears to fall, mixing with the water, where no one could see her. An hour later she was wearing her riding gear, the red cloak hanging from her neck, part of the official uniform they had to use, to symbolise the union. 
The witches watched her as she walked towards the Queen’s council room, as her wingleader and responsible for the remaining wyverns, she was always present in the morning meetings. As everything the Valg made was destroyed after Erawan died, they wondered how the wyverns belonging to the witches that decided to fight for Aelin Galathynius still remained, concluding that they were tied to this land by the bonds shared between them and their riders, not by the Valgs anymore. 
“Good Morning.” Manon Blackbeak greeted, her commanders just nodded their heads in greetens to their queen. “How are the wyverns in the Ferian Gap?” The heads of the witches present turned to her, she held her head high at the sight of the eyes lingering in her scar. 
“They’re being trained, I shall fly there today to see their progress, but I'm sure that soon they will be big enough to bond witches.” The queen nodded, her red lips smiling warmly at her, Manon was trying hard to be the best version of herself, the one her Thirteen believed she was before they sacrificed themselves for her. 
“I’ll go with you. I want to see them too.” And Y/N wondered if that sudden interest of going too wasn’t because it was weeks since she saw a certain handsome King in Adarlan. 
“Yes, my queen.” She dipped her chin in a silent bow of her head. Turning her mind off as the meeting kept going. Playing with her claws, scraping slowly the surface of the table, watching as faint lines marked into the wood. The morning meetings were boring as fuck. 
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“Good boy.” She scratched the wyvern’s chin, the animal shaking its tail like he was just a very big dog. No wonder Meraxes and Abraxos were really good friends, they were two gigantic puppies, with mortal claws and teeth, just like her. 
“You want to place a bet that these two will wait for us in a flower field?” Manon asked, the two females walked towards the entry of Ferian a few hours later. Y/N laughed, the skin of her scar pulling a bit as she did so.
“It’s not even something debatable anymore, those flowers sniffling addicts.” Manon smiled.
“You remind me of her.” The white haired witch blurted and Y/N came to a stop. 
“We do not even look alike.” She tried to joke, with shoulder length light brown hair, dark blue eyes and the slightly more tanned skin, she couldn’t be any more different from Asterin, but she knew what Manon meant and she didn’t wanted to think about it, even if the witch just felt the need to speak it outloud. 
“You could be twins.” She joked, but her expression turned to a serious one very quickly. “You have the heart just as good as hers was, and that’s where you two are equals to me.” She didn’t answer, the tears too heavy to carry. Manon didn’t demand a response when Y/N stopped, leaving the younger witch alone for a bit. 
The Ferian Gap was as it usually was, damp and smelling like wyvern shit. The animals roared and flew around in the pit. Witches trained them and fed them. Not a single one chained, all of them free to go but they chose to stay. The younglings were still learning how to fly while the elders tried to teach them how, it was honestly really cute. She was leaning against a wall, Manon’s words still replaying themselves in her head, when a different scent filled her nostrils. 
“Aelin’s delivery boy, what a pleasure to see you again.” She spoke, not even turning back to know that Fenrys Moonbeam was walking behind her, he let out a low chuckle. 
“And here I was thinking I was an ambassador.” He stopped by her side. Eying the witch up and down, recognizing the grief lacing her features. 
“Just a fancy name, I like to call it what it really is, delivery boy.” She snickered and Fenrys rolled his eyes. 
“I hate you.” He nudged her with his elbow, his braid moving behind his back as he did it. 
“Yeah yeah, mean witch and shit, I know that.” The male chuckled and she turned face to face with him. “What do you need?” After the war, she and Fenrys had grown really close, working together as Ambassadors for both of their queens. Wingleader her ass, Manon used her to gather resources and talk to important people. 
“Actually, Aelin sent me here cuz she apparently has a very important meeting with the ladies of her court.” She knew what this meant, it was Aelin’s way to gather her friends and make sure they were alive. 
“Am I invited this time?” She joked. 
“Unfortunately no, but can I invite you for some beers?” He was the closest friend she had now.
“I would love to. Are you free to have one in the Witch Kingdom?” The male nodded.
“Just need to do my job real quick.”
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Fenrys held her waist, she could feel his shaking body against her back, caging her between him and the saddle. She smirked as she turned slightly to him.
“Can’t I go by foot?” He asked and she giggled.
“Too far away. You’re stuck with us, Meraxes will behave.” She promised and Fenrys nodded. She could feel his tense body during the three hour flight, the male squeezed his eyes shut, if that’s what Rowan had to deal with in his animal form, he was glad to be stuck as a wolf. Being that far away from the ground was a big no for him.
The wyvern landed, and Fenrys more than happily slid down his leg, grounding himself and thanking the Gods he was still alive. 
“Are you alright?” She sounded genuinely concerned, but when he turned to her, he saw that smirk. “A certain Lord of Perranth would love to know about this.” Fenrys pretended to be hurt.
“You wouldn’t dare.” He started to follow her towards the tavern.
“Someone has to help that poor dude, with you and your queen constantly mocking him.” Fenrys held the door open for her, following her to a more secluded table. 
“He deserves it.” He defended himself. “The usual?” The witch nodded, and he went to the counter ordering their drinks. 
“How are you?” She asked, and Fenrys watched as a trickle of blood ran down her chin. 
“I’m better, really.” He sighed. “How are you?”
“I’ve seen better days.” She joked, downing the goblet of blood in one go. “But I will be fine.” And for her sake, Fenrys hoped that she was right.
“I don’t know how you do that.” He changed the subject and the witch raised an eyebrow, the scar going up too with the move. “The blood, I mean.” He scrunched his nose. 
“Don’t knock it until you try it.” She raised the goblet in his direction but he knew she was asking for another round. 
The two sat there, for hours, talking. The sky was pitch black and the stars shone bright in the sky. He was telling a story about some drunk fae wanting to pet him when a witch burst through the door. Her cheeks were red and her cloak followed her like a river of blood. 
“Bronwen needs you and your alliance to check something up, it’s important.” She stated, when Manon was away, it was her cousin that took care of things for her alongside Petrah Blueblood. Y/N turned to Fenrys, opening her mouth to apologise.
“Go do your duty, delivery girl.” He joked and she flipped him off, following the witch outside and whistling loudly to call Meraxes. 
She was in the air before the witch had the chance to get on top of her broom. Flying towards the castle, where her alliance waited for her. She slid down, her feet hitting the ground with a loud thud. She glanced at Shearah, her second in command.
“What’s wrong?” She demanded, the witch locked eyes with her.
“The witches saw a gap to the west, they don’t know what it is, but we can hear its call.” Y/N focused her hearing, like a faint whisper being carried by the wind, she could hear, calling, lulling, inviting them to see what was waiting for them on the other side. 
“Let’s go.” She adjusted her sword behind her back, hidden by the cloak, and the dagger resting against her thigh. Mounting Meraxes again, she was running towards the gap, following the melody.
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The gap wasn’t that big, just a few inches, a slit like a snake eye looking at her, daylight peeked through it, interrupting the darkness in the sky. She had never seen something like this before. A chill ran down her spine. 
“Stay behind!” She warned, the alliance forming a wall behind her. 
She got closer, the thing looked like it was getting smaller by the second, she clicked her jaw, iron teeth covering her real ones, and her claws emerged from the tips of her fingers. Ready to attack in case something dared to cross. Just a closer look
The wind stopped its song, she couldn’t hear it anymore. The terrified faces of her alliance were the last thing she saw before she was sucked into the gap, watching with horror the night sky fading as it closed. She felt like she was falling, clutching the reins in the saddle with an iron grip. Her voice lost in the folds of space as she screamed. Falling, falling and falling. 
Until everything stopped, and she was dangling upside down, the parts of the saddle that held her in place caging her in, forcing against her skin, bruising the flash. Meraxes had fallen to the side, and she groaned as her head started to pound. She was struggling to get out of the saddle, but as she did, her body hit the floor. Pain started to appear from the point she had fallen on top of a rock and she huffed in annoyance.
She circled Meraxes, slapping its leathery nose, the wyvern was still breathing and she released the air she was holding, he opened its eyes, golden eyes meeting hers and she was never more thankful to see those big eyes curiously scanning her. 
The wyvern slowly got up, pulling her closer with a wing. She looked around, removing the pellicule that covered her eyes as she flew, a city was standing nearby, mountains surrounding it, the sight was quite beautiful but all she could wonder was. Where the FUCK she was? 
Things got even more confused when she heard the sound of steps against the fluff grass. Meraxes growled at the strangers approaching her. Stones shone in the two of them, one red and one blue. 
“What the fuck?” The male with the red stones yelled, his sword looking like a foolish attempt to protect himself from the really long teeth and sharp claws of the beast in front of him. She reached for her sword, armed and ready to attack. She was about to jump on them when they got closer and she could see their faces now.
The air was knocked out of her lungs and she wondered if she had gone insane, the achingly familiar face looked at her, the male was tall, beautiful big wings spread across his back, his hazel eyes studied her, trying to distinguish where to attack the threat. She felt like she knew him, her heart exclaiming that yes, she did know him, but her brain didn’t remember him, it wasn’t ready to remember him just yet. She shook her head and fixed her instance, the two stopped at the sight of her teeth glowing in the sun, ready to rip their skin apart.
“Where am I?” The female snarled and the beast behind her furiously stared at them, ready to rip them to shreds.
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Taglist: @fieldofdaisiies @blackgirlmagicforever @a-frog-with-a-laptop @going-through-shit @asweetblueberry2
@roses-r-red54330 @mis-lil-red @sheblogs @hibye02 @impossibelle
@glitterypirateduck @zeroangelo13 @sekiro1310 @nelapeach14 @annamariereads16
@just-here-reading @celestialend @donttellthecats @scatteredstardustt @snoopyspace
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superemeralds · 1 year
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Giant of Koios <> Wyvern of Hyperion <> Aries of Kreios <> Atlas of Iapetos <> URANOS from Kronos
the second titan i reworked. wyvern was my fav from the beginning so i didnt change much other than moving the arms a little (and turning them into legs) to make the overall design more balanced.
Hyperion is a god of the sun and it’s light which is fitting for the scorching desert island. This island is located to the east. nothing really changes much here either, other than i’d wish for a little more exploration of the past culture of the ancients, especially since knuckles is on the island. less focus on their military efforts, and more on their overall life.
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Dragons dragons dragons.
Bakers owning fire dragons to light their ovens and water dragons to help put out the oven at the end of the day
White drakes with black spots of the water variety being led around by a special group of knights to put out large fires
Giant dragons with steel scales being ridden into battle by heroes of the kingdom
Tiny dragons with butterfly wings that use magic instead of elements, causing minor trouble throughout villages
Old wyverns being protected because they’re seen as pieces of history
Coal dragons being bred to warm citizens during cold winters, being dressed up like mountain rescue dogs to help find lost families during blizzards
Dragons the size of towers, horses, dire wolves, mice, and thumbs
Lindwurms being used to find truffles in the ground for royal chefs
Ancient dragons raising exotic or abandoned dragons to protect them
Shy hydras
Playful wyrms
Moth-winged Fae dragons
Wyverns with several sets of wings
Dragons that change color
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kingscyrus · 15 days
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1. Griffin Stew:
- A hearty stew made from the tender meat of a griffin, slow-cooked with root vegetables, wild herbs, and a touch of enchanted spices. This dish is a testament to Cyrus’s legendary battle with a griffin and serves as a symbol of his resilience and strength.
2. Elven Honey-Glazed Rabbit:
- Rabbit meat, hunted from the forests surrounding the kingdom, glazed with honey gifted by the elves. The sweetness of the honey combined with the savory meat creates a harmonious blend, reflecting the alliance between humans and elves.
3. Dragonfire Pepper Chicken:
- Chicken marinated in a fiery sauce made from Dragonfire peppers, known for their magical heat. This dish is both a test of endurance and a delight for those who can handle its intense flavor, symbolizing Cyrus's bravery and strength.
4. Mystic Herb Salmon:
- Salmon fillets crusted with a mixture of mystical herbs that grow only near ancient areas. The herbs are said to grant enhanced stamina and resilience, making this dish a favorite after long days of training.
5. Faerie Blossom Salad:
- A light and refreshing salad made from leaves and blossoms picked from faerie gardens. The blossoms are known for their delicate flavors and slight shimmer, adding a touch of magic to a simple meal.
6. Wyvern Egg Omelette:
- Omelettes made from the eggs of wyverns, mixed with wild mushrooms and forest herbs. This dish is rich and filling, providing the energy needed for a day of sword fighting or kingdom duties.
7. Dwarven Ale-Braised Boar:
- Wild boar braised in a dark, rich ale brewed by the dwarves. The slow-cooking process ensures the meat is tender and infused with the deep flavors of the ale, a dish enjoyed during feasts and celebrations.
8. Celestial Fruit Tart:
- A dessert made from celestial fruits that are said to bloom only under a full moon. These fruits have a sweet and tangy flavor, and the tart is often served with a dollop of whipped cream infused with stardust.
9. Unicorn Horn Soup:
- A delicate soup made from the shavings of a unicorn horn, known for its healing properties, combined with a broth of enchanted vegetables. This soup is reserved for times of recovery and healing, bringing comfort and vitality.
10. Phoenix Feather Pudding:
- A rich, creamy pudding infused with the essence of phoenix feathers, providing a slight warmth and a hint of cinnamon. This dessert is a symbol of rebirth and renewal, perfect for celebrating victories and new beginnings.
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sameboot · 2 years
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The following is a revised explanation of the animals traditionally grouped together under the term “dragon”. Although all animals with an infernum organ are related, the four groups (drake, amphithere, wyvern, and wyrm, which are divided primarily by the animals’ methods of locomotion) do not suffice to explain the relationships between them. -O.B.
Info sheets for the dragons of Eurydia! Maybe I do miss this world a little… (text under the cut)
Fig. 1. Acrocanthodraco indagator
Drakopoda, whose members are known as drakopods, is a dragon clade characterized by hollow bones, a bipedal stance, and a sophisticated fire organ (infernum). The term “drake” traditionally refers to any flightless drakopod. Without the weight restrictions of flight, drakes were the largest of all dragons. With their massive infernums, they could sustain fire-breath for the longest of all fire-breathing animals.
Fig. 2. (a) Quattuorpteryx montanus
Fig. 2. (b) Aedespedalis gallus. Although members of cockatricia may be referred to as amphithere in some dated literature, it is an entirely different order, as it evolved flight independently.
The term “amphithere” (amphitheria) traditionally refers to the members of drakopoda that evolved powered flight through the use of modified feathers. Most amphithere used all four of their limbs for flight. Historical texts indicate that the infernum of amphithere species did not light their fire, instead opting to eject the chemicals themselves as a highly acidic spit. All modern birds of today are distant relatives of the amphithere, though their infernum organs are repurposed as gizzards.
Fig. 3. (a) Fumofurialis antiquus
Fig. 3. (b) A species of zilant (Ignisrhynchus parvus). Note the differences in facial structure. 
Wyverns were flying reptiles of the order Wyvernia. There were two major types of wyverns. Basal wyverns (also called zilantoids) which were typically smaller animals with short heads and two-fingered wings, and later wyverns (jaculoids) with longer beaked heads and wings supported by a single finger. While zilantoids used their infernum for more typical fire-breathing, jaculoids were specialized for maintaining long, low burning internal flames, producing clouds of smoke from their mouths. Historical texts describe flocks of jaculoids creating massive smoke traps to disorient and asphyxiate prey. The smoke of different jaculoids had various effects when inhaled, such as hallucinations, memory loss, and euphoria.
Fig. 4. Amnicuskolexus habros
Wyrms are ancient amphibians of the order skolepoda. They are the ancestors of all fire-breathing animals. Some of the oldest of this order, the sea serpents, still live today in the deepest depths of the oceans. Their proto-infernums are able to boil but do not ignite, and are used only as a digestive organ. Some are adapted to instead hunt their prey with electric shocks. Extinct genuses of wyrm include the lung, lindwurm, and tatzelwurm, which populated rivers, swamps, lakes, and geysers. These wyrms would spit the boiling chemicals in their proto-infernums at prey to scald them.
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lairofdragonagelore · 9 months
Dragon Age Iconic Patterns: The single spike
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The single spike or horn has been a constant pattern throughout all games of Dragon Age in general and in DAI in particular. There are several things that may be linked to it, from Mythal and Andraste to Dragons. In this post we explore how many of these objects present such pattern and how this may be related in an integral way.
This post contains the following statues:
The red lyrium idol
Tevinter or Venatori outfits
Tevinter Dragon
Tevinter golems
Tevinter Colossus
Andrastian Free Marches warriors
[This post belongs to the series “Analysis and speculation of Statues”]
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The main figure we see with a single-spiked helm in DAI is Andraste, who is depicted in numerous pieces of art along the game and books. Although she doesn’t wear this single-spiked helm in all of them, it’s an iconic representation of her [to the point that some followers are depicted with similar tiaras/helms such as Meredith]
In DAO we only have one unequivocally representation of Andraste, which is the statue we see at the end of the Temple of Andraste where her ashes are supposed to rest. In this case, the helm has the shape of a “moon” or similar. This form will be changed since DA2, and it will turn out to be the iconic single spike. We can attribute this inconsistency to the many difficulties in resources and environmental telling that DAO had.
Most of the time, Andrastian art represents Andraste with this single spiked helm/tiara [more details in Andrastian Statues].
In the illustrations found in the Chant of Light we can suspect that such a single spike is related to the shape of one single sun ray.
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These animal statues appear all over Ferelden and in some parts of Orlais and in the Frost Back Mountains. In the tag Ferelden Wyvern we can track their presence along DAI. That they appear in Ferelden is not surprising, but the fact that they are inside ancient Pre-Blight Tevinter ruins [check Western Approach: The Still Ruins, Main Chamber and Hall of Silence and Western Approach: The Still Ruins, Viridis Walk and Inner Sanctum] is very disconcerting, specially taking into account how central it is in The Still Ruins, which appears even in the loadscreen of the zone. One could suspect this may have been product of the Dragon fascination that Tevinter culture had/has. Still, it seems odd to honour a lesser creature such as a Wyvern when they usually worshipped the true Dragons.
This statue appears in the Fade as well, but it has a clear design choice: the game shows us a wyvern in front of a head of Andraste, pushing us to ask why such an irrelevant statue would be in front of something so important as it is Andraste. The answer is solved later in the book World of Thedas, where we find that there is a Ferelden Tale which related wyverns with Andraste:
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Now, this Tale is quite curious. If we always keep in consideration that this piece of lore is highly unreliable since it’s a tale spread in a population via oral narration, and subjected to changes over ages without records, we can highlight several details:
Andraste goes to the Mountain to “reach the Maker”. In the Chant of Light, we know that she speaks with the Maker, who is described Mountain-like. This reinforces the idea that Maker=related to Mountains. I assume this is a cultural remnant of the alamarri/avvar origin of Andraste, who had a deeper relationship with Korth, the Father-Mountain.
Andraste sang, and with this song, a “wyvern” appeared. This may potentially bring some relationship with the Dragons and the original song I talked about in posts like The Silent Grove, Those Who Speak, and Until We Sleep. We can even suspect that maybe instead of a Wyvern, the original event that inspired this Tale may have related a true Dragon. After all, we know that this single spike in the wyverns may, potentially, have some relationship with the dragon shape of Mythal. We also know that Tyrdda had an elf lover who sent a dragon to help her people, so I wonder to what extent the Alamarri and Avvar had also some level of relationship with mountain dragons.
It’s still a big question to understand how this wyvern statue, so related to Ferelden culture, appeared in pre-blight Tevinter buildings, when Ferelden did not exist as it is now. This is what reinforces my question: are these wyverns potentially creatures related to the Great Dragons? So far, we have no answers.
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Mythal, in all her representations and shapes, also wears an iconic single spiked helm. Even in the Concept Art, where we can see wavy sided horns that did not make it into the game, we cannot mistake the single centred spike. In dragon shape or in her humanoid form, this spike is constantly present.
It is unclear how this design choice may potentially speak to the player to relate Mythal to Andraste. One can speculate that, maybe, a fragment of Mythal appeared to Andraste. Maybe the Maker that Andraste claims to hear was, in fact, Mythal’s fragment. It would have been very convenient for Myhtal to instruct Andraste to make her Exalted March on Tevinter if we keep in mind that Flemeth [another fragment of Mythal] has been altering History to push it into a direction she has been planning for ages. 
Flemeth’s Tiara
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Flemeth’s tiara also has a structure that shows a single central spike in a very prominent way. The relationship is obvious: Flemeth is Mythal. Or at least, a surviving fragment of her.
Her dragon shape is different in DAO than in DA2. In DAO it’s the model of a general high dragon [as usual, DAO didn’t have the most variety of visual resources so we can’t read too much in it], while in DA2, Flemeth has a clear dragon shape with a single spike in its horns that can be related to that tiara.
The red lyrium idol
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The Red Lyrium Idol also shows a prominent central spike in the head. It’s a constant symbol that allows us to do some speculations: in the post Attempt to rebuild Ancient Elvhenan History  I speculated that Mythal's assassination may have inspired this idol, and therefore, this single spike seen in the idol is what relates it to Mythal herself.
It’s curious that even when Meredith turned into a piece of Red Lyrium, she also displayed a single spike in her head. This may have been just a consequence of the helm she was wearing in that last battle, which was clearly a helm trying to emulate Andraste’s.
From a design point of view, I think it’s clear that the game is telling us that this idol is related to Mythal/Flemeth, even though we are still blind about the “how”.
Tevinter or Venatori outfits
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I already spoke about this in the section “outfits” in Patterns and Styles: Tevinter. We know that Tevinter has a long history of dragon cults, and until the moment the nation turned into the Andrastian Faith, the Old Gods Cult was its strongest religion. The fact that a dragon [Mythal] has a single spike horn, and Andraste also has this icon in her art, makes us hard to understand the origin of the symbol in Tevinter Design. It could have been due to the Dragons, but also, as a design choice once they were converted into the Andrastian Faith. Let's remember that Dorian tells us that Tevinter thinks that Andraste was a mage, so more reasons to have her icons among the Tevinter Warriors since they have mage-inspired armours.
I also explained that it's hard to differentiate the Venatori from non-Venatori Tevinter design simply because the Venatori are nationalist, so they will always use the most iconic symbols of their nation.
There is a strange link between this design and the one I called “The Free Marches Andrastian Warriors”, which display a strong Tevinter-like style, but remaining Andrastian. These statues may keep that single-spiked helm as a representation of Andraste, but also as a remmant of Tevinter design [more details in Andrastian Statues].
Tevinter Dragon
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For completion’s sake, I add this detail: these typical Tevinter dragons display a single horn. At some point one wonders if these statues are related somehow to the design of the Wyverns or are a development of worshipping Mythal-dragon.
Tevinter golems
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These Tevinter golems trigger the codex the Gate Guardians . They are metallic statues that, we are told, were powered at some point by bars of lyrium.
They also display a single spiked helm, that, due to the general looking of the golem, looks like a Tevinter representation of Andraste herself.
The golem in general has resemblance to some pieces of the armour of the Humanoid Mythal.
Let’s remember that Golems were developed by Dwarves during the First Blight, and due to their trade relationship with Tevinter, they sold some [Golem and Legend of the Juggernaut] that were displayed on the entrance of Miranthous, inactive. So it seems that, historically speaking, makes sense that these golems may have been developed into resembling Andraste since Tevinter embraced the Andrastian Faith after the beginnig of the First Blight [check all this in the integral post The Chantry and the Mythology of the Chant of Light]
Tevinter Colossus
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Among the Tevinter sculptures, we find one of the most mysterious one: the colossus. They are found closer to the structures that belonged to Tevinter in pre-blight times.
In game there are three different Colossus, found in Western Approach: Coracavus;  Front Corridor and South Entrance, in the open of Hissing Wastes: scattered objects and ruins, which was being co-opted by Orlesians to make it into a sculture of an Orlais Emperor, and inside the Frozen Gates in Frostback Basin [DLC]: Frozen Gate.  
The book World of Thedas gives us more concept art about these structures, which seem to be related to “guiders” and, maybe, to astronomy too.
The fact that we can see one of these in a concept art, showing up a certain star over its hand, makes me suspect these statues belonged to the ancient Dreamer times, that the codex Astrariums claims that Tevinter was under before the Magisterium was the mandatory political system.
The heads of these colossus are not exactly single spiked heads, but one of them [The Coracavus' one] has one single spike that fuses with the bridge of its nose, while the other two, have "horns" backwards. Maybe we can suspect some dragon inspiration in them? I find their profile very similar to the Qunari ones’.
Andrastian Free Marches warriors
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These were seen for the first time in DA2, and they decorated The Chantry of Kirkwall. They look similar to the Tevinter Warriors thanks to this spiked helm and pointy shapes, but this may be attributed to the fact that Free Marches have a strong Tevinter influence.
However, these statues have an unmistakable robe identified with the ones worn by the Chantry priests in DA2.
This single spike in their helms may be related to Andraste herself and her own helm/tiara, but also having some inspiration from Tevinter.
I think it’s fair to say that the “Single Spike” is an unequivocally symbol of Andraste that may have an inspiration or a relationship with dragons in general, or with Mythal in particular. By extension, and due to Mythal’s dragon nature, this Single Spike also appears in Tevinter culture, even in elements that are suspected to be pre-Blight, and therefore, impossible to be inspired in Andraste herself. So, as it happens with DA lore, and assuming what we did in the post Attempt to rebuild Ancient Elvhenan History, everything comes to primordial dragons that may have inspired this icon in Tevinter Culture and later, in the human tribes, from where the Andrastian Myth and her religion raised. 
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rodrigobera04 · 3 months
Third round, this time with dragon type.
Here it is:
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Small dragons lined up, forming a larger dragon,like wishwash does.
Dragon playing hide and seek, blending in with the landscape.
Kaiju turtle with a draconic skull for its shell.
Imp with huge ears like wings, drinks the blood of other dragons.
Draconic two-headed dog, used as security.
Beast with a long neck that goes around its body.
Tarasque with armored hull articulated like an armadillo.
Robust underground dragon with echolocation, with a bat-like face.
Feathered wyvern followed by her eggshell-helmeted chicks.
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Cactus lizard, carrying a cactus full of water on its back like a hump.
Nocturnal creature with an intimidating bat-flower face.
Dragon parasite strangler fig, wrapped around trees for steal their essence.
Small pollinating wyvern like a hummingbird carrying seeds and pollen.
Leafy sea dragon orchid, floating through the treetops.
Nudibranch covered in vegetation capturing energy from the sun.
Literal dragonfly with Venus flytraps for claws to catch prey.
Parasaurolophus with a wooden trumpet to whistle.
Vegetable drake blowing fragrant smoke of flowers and herbs.
Dragon with rocky skin, pretending to be a cave and swallowing prey.
Beast with rock skin and chipped stone claw that sharpens on its body.
Cave lizard men use pieces of fossils as their weapons.
Comet in the shape of a dragon's head and with its trail of light as a body.
Avian gargoyle that rests during the day, like a pooto.
Devilish-looking monster resembling a stone idol.
Mythical beast with gemstone scales that reflect flaming light.
Hybrid of a triceratops and nurikabe with chameleon camouflage.
Winged beast with dragon wings shaped like a drill to open the ground.
Polychaete worm opening the ice with its jaws.
Female dragon born from an egg exposed to low temperatures.
Crocodile sleeping on an iceberg, with only its mouth and paws sticking out.
Hairy beast with large tusks, remotely reminiscent of a mammoth or yak.
Monster with a flat body, hidden in the snow and sliding in avalanches.
Polar sea monster, its sounds can be heard from the bottom, for kilometers.
Oni-like creature, blowing blizzards from its inflatable throat.
Polar reptile capable of changing its colors to those of the northern lights/southern lights.
Beast with icy blood that, when injured, freezes the attacker on contact.
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Pig-nosed drake who shoots like fire like a pistol.
Little dragon running and exploding with its lit fuse tail.
Bird of paradise dragon doing mating dances setting fire to its scales.
Wolf beast blowing fire into houses and stealing cattle, like in fairy tales.
Hybrid between a stingray and a bat that lives in lava, it burns its prey by covering it.
Turtle with soup-smelling breath, which attracts prey.
Pangolin with healing scales, its meat can cure diseases according to some.
Rocket dragon, has holes in its back used as turbines.
Male dragon hatched from an egg exposed to high temperatures.
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Terrestrial catfish that causes earthquakes.
Draconian vicuña with membranes that blow clouds of sand.
Flat crocodile that hides in the dunes.
Huge sandworm with a converging body of a whale.
Hydra eel, emerging from a mud puddle behind its prey.
Serpent like elephant trunk that blows sand, based on grootslang.
Camouflaged predator imitating a tree, as if it were a stick insect.
Snake with reliefs of footprints on the body, rotating and leaving deceptive tracks.
Lizard sticking out its tongue that is actually its real head.
Dragon that has been decapitated but can separate its head from its body.
Parchment with a drawing of a dragon on it, which gives it life.
Diaphonized seahorse, with transparent skin and colorful skeleton.
Crocodilian boogeyman, based on the cuca monster,sings a dreamy song.
Dragon skin bag, gaining characteristics of his living "self", like a mouth.
Ancient monster described in a book, with the haunted ink giving it life.
Giant Dracula vampire bat, haunting abandoned castles.
Dragon hunter wearing the skin of a slain dragon as armor.
Undead kaiju that breathes will-o'-the-wisp.
Griffin laying eggs in other dragons' nests, like a cuckoo.
Chinese parade dancing lion, doing acrobatics,fight evil spirits.
Ruby sea dragon, blows pearls from its mouth like a cannon.
Lamia disguised as a maiden or nymph, swallowing approaching prey.
Carp purifying the polluted rivers and lakes by their magical scales.
Small dragon but can transform into a huge beast in defense, like a spriggan.
Unicorn dragon with magical and healing horn, but very fierce.
Lunar fairy based on vespertilio homo, with bat characteristics.
Shinchu immune to poison, predator of poisonous Pokémon.
Prehistoric cockroach with features of a dinosaur.
Titan beetle cutting down trees with one bite.
Giant mutant ant, like those from a B movie.
Giant tarantula hidden by its foliage camouflage, considered a cryptid.
Thorny katydid with wings looking like a dragon's eyes.
Huge mosquito stealing cattle to drink blood.
Horde of worms imitating a huge dragon.
Wingless parasitic fly that lives in the caves of noibat and noivern
Mandarin wasp causing destruction in bug-type creations.
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Alien eldritch dragon with tentacles on its face and wings.
Yakuza lizards with scales resembling tattoos.
Dinosaur cryptid with dark skin to camouflage itself at night.
Serpent swallowing solrock and lunatone, alluding to bakunawa, apofis, etc.
Gecko with a false head on its tail to prevent decapitation.
Monster like a peanutbug with a hideous fake face on its wings.
Oviraptor preying on other dragons' nests, stealing eggs.
Two-headed beast, one head sings a hypnotic song and the other attacks.
Dragon in "sheep's clothing", uses its jaws to imitate horns.
Heraldic animalistic monster with metallic fur.
Folklore monster who faced heroes, swords are stuck in his body.
Dragon covered in molten metal, using its heat.
Dragon with a chain with a metal ball, pinning him to the ground.
Diabolical creature deceiving the greedy with illusions of coins in its mouth.
Metallic wyrm with a metallic head and body, cuts everything like a knife.
Carnifex screaming and creating sound waves heard from far.
Precious mineral-eating cave creature.
Winged dragon closing its wings like a shield.
Albatross/iguana chimera, creates electrical storms.
Alligator with electric bite.
Fast raptor, kills prey with a surprise electric shock.
Sachihoko covering herself with her tail, like a mohawk that attracts lightning.
Duck-billed dinosaur, its beak has bio-electric organs.
Dragons like bats, flying in clouds to catch electricity, personify thunder.
Bichir can electrocute like an eel, with fins in the form of lightning.
Dragon with bioluminescent tail like firefly abdomen.
Ouroboros creating infinite energy by biting its tail.
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Iridescent python twitched and whipped its body.
Monster with mutated arms that form a second jaw.
Dragon knight with scales forming swords.
Massive bullfrog sumo wrestler, crushing the opponent.
Hydra that instead of heads, has extra arms.
Bird of terror with strong legs for crushing and kicking.
Anfisbena fighting among themselves to see who takes over the direction.
Wuxia themed tiger and dragon hybrid predator.
Demon with sharp claws and slashing wings based on devilman.
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Monster with three pairs of jaws, looking like a strange dog.
Immense dragon looking like a huge mattress, almost always sleeping.
Little dinosaur with a bait-shaped tail for catching fish.
Small lizard but with a huge roar.
Reptile shedding its skin, which takes the form of colorful and stylish clothing.
Angelic-looking beast with sonic abilities.
Rubber dinosaur capable of inflating itself.
Dragon with a beard of colorful scales, used for display.
Long tatzelwurm coiled over its victim.
Flock of birds that form an immense winged creature.
Roc launching its tough eggs onto its prey.
Colorful kite pterodactyl creating tornado winds.
Dragon without wings,but it swallows air to blow and also levitate.
Dinosaur turning into a bird when it evolves.
Amphitera with colorful wings and a body that makes a rattling noise.
Flying turtle, its head is hidden in the shell and comes out like a cuckoo clock.
Symbiotic dragon with butterflies, letting them drink his tears.
Wyvern goose used as a guard dog, very fierce and with a serrated beak.
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Kaiju lobster making water turn to steam.
Kraken sea serpent, covered in tentacles and a beak that cuts metal.
Oriental dragon made of water, always dripping raindrops.
Soft-shelled turtle, its shell is shaped like wings for gliding.
Tiny, seemingly dull fish with the mouth of a sarcastic fringhead.
Monitor lizard abandoning the land and becoming a mosasaur-like monster.
Sea monster in the form of a waterspout.
Gar turning amphibian and looking like a spinosaurus.
Supernatural aquatic horse that runs on water, covered in wet, sticky mucus.
Pixie dragon dragon/fairy, created from children's imagination of fairy tales.
Wait for more.
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shadowfoxsilver · 1 month
The shadow wyvern leader falls
(Apparently in 2015 he was supposedly defeated by the ancient light wyvern…But I never wrote anything. So! Before I reveal the finished drawing, here’s a short story of the fated battle. Don’t worry, he comes back better than before!)
(I’ll put the story under a readmore)
Light and darkness. Something that should always stay balanced and equal among. But what has happened long ago had proven the balance couldn’t stay. The leader of the shadow wyverns had made his choice. Flying into the air, opening his six wings, and unleashing a blast of hellish flames that was meant to finish off any other elemental wyverns still standing after his initial attack. He should have succeeded..But didn’t. Somehow, some still survived. And they flourished once the danger had left.
But fate would bring him out of hiding yet again. He had arose as a new threat to the tree sometime long ago. A massive wyvern flying overhead, and charging his final attack yet again. But this time someone stopped him. A flash of light out of the corners of his eyes, and then a brightly colored wyvern slamming its head into his stomach, feathered wings gleaming with a purifying sheen. He screeched, losing his focus, as the blast fizzled out and he had to quickly flap his wings to stop himself from falling.
He growled angrily as he faced the wyvern of light, a dragon much smaller than he was. Ancient Light. The elemental wyvern of light who had been one to survive his original attack in the distant past. A wyvern whose coloring resembled pure light, their outline barely viewable from the radiance that came off their wings. What had summoned them forth now? He was sure they’d never dare to face him again.
Yet here they were. Challenging him yet again, despite being the only ancient light wyvern. He scoffed, his three heads aiming directly at the wyvern as he opened his mouths and shot a powerful arc of shadowy blades at them. But they dived down and avoided the attack, beside suddenly flying up and flapping their wings harshly to send a blade of light at lightning speed.
Pain. Two heads turned to dust within seconds, leaving only the main head without a single scar to be seen from the blow. But the shadow wyvern leader still screeched loudly as he then roared angrily at the ancient and flew up before flying down to strike them with his sharp talons. But the ancient wasn’t giving up.
Once he was close enough, they flew narrowly out of the blow and then flew high into the skies as their wings glowed brightly and shinier before they had six wings as well across their form. They then stopped once high enough, and turned down to face the dark fork that was rapidly flying up to bite them.
“You may have defeated many in the past, brother. But now you must pay for it.” Ancient Light sneered. “And if you are to escape punishment……” Two more heads appear near their own. “I hope you stay far away from this tree. Or else.” Three voices. Six feathery wings.
The wings open fully, light essence swirling around them at a rapid pace before Ancient Light flapped their wings harshly one last time. A beam of light was sent down, striking the Shadow Wyvern Leader directly and his form soon seemed to evaporate into ashes as the beam intensified before fading away. No trace of him remained as Ancient Light changed back to normal and landed on the ground silently.
They then looked up at the tree quietly, troubled. Would their brother return one day? It was possible. The void could only contain him for so long with its strings of light.
They then took flight and seemed to fly directly at the sun before disappearing as well into sparkles of light.
Many years have passed since then.
And as his followers take Nega crystals and bring them together, the seal that has contained him shatters.
He is free.
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kaleidoscope1967eyes · 7 months
(Worldbuilding Wednesday is a weekly ask box event. I'll send you a question because you reblogged the post but you can also send asks to other blogs that are participating to learn about their WIPs)
Does your WIP have any dragons or anything dragon adjacent? What can you tell me about them?
My main WIP--my very indulgent retelling of and expansion upon Star Wars lore--includes two types of dragons (so far): Arkanian dragons, and Duinuogwuin (star dragons). However, I currently have more information about Arkanian dragons, so I'll focus on them.
Thought to be extinct for well over a millennia, they live deep within the diamond mines of the frozen planet of Arkania. Their reflective, gemlike scales, combined with their ability to essentially cloak themselves with the Force, allows them to camouflage perfectly in their environment. As a semi-sentient species, they choose to only be seen by select individuals, primarily their relatives and potential mates.
The species is highly Force-sensitive, and the only sentient beings they allow to see them are other Force-sensitives. Not only must this being be worthy--entirely devoted to the Light--but it must be the being whose mind is in tune with the frequency of theirs (via a Force bond). Accordingly, if said being happens to be a Jedi, their lightsaber crystal will resonate with the kyber "dragon pearl" embedded within the dragon's throat.
This crystal is the source of their sensitivity to the Force, as well as the reason why they had to feign their own extinction. Few beings are capable of killing a dragon--their scales are resistant to both blunt force and energy weapons, and their crystal allows them to channel energy into a "breath of fire"--but a being aided by the Dark is. Part of the ancient myths surrounding Arkanian dragons involved Jedi and Sith fighting over them, with the Jedi wanting them as companions, and the Sith wanting to harvest their kyber.
Going back to the physical description, these dragons have the typical wyvern body plan: two legs, and two arms that evolved into batlike wings. After hatching from a geode-like egg, the creatures themselves begin life around the size of a tooka cat, but reach the size of a starfighter by the time they reach adulthood. They have very slender bodies, with long necks and prehensile tails. A set of almost crystaline horns, ranging from two to six, adorns the top of their heads. They really are quite beautiful--if one is able to see them, that is.
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thessalian · 1 year
Please say more things about the dragon design if you have thoughts because I have been WAITING for someone else to geek out over them with
Please remember that you asked for this. And there will probably be more later - for space reasons, if nothing else. Please keep in mind that I was the one who spent most of the Game of Thrones series ranting that Daenerys was the mother of wyverns rather than the mother of dragons because two legs plus wings is WYVERN, godsdamnit. Let’s just say I have a Biology A-level and a healthy interest in cryptozoology.
Okay. So. Body habitus, colouration, horn shape / placement, wing shape etc on the Chroma Conclave, and why it all works, in my opinion,
Vorgual - did you notice that the tips of his wings were more sharply pointed than the others' wings? I looked up arctic birds, just out of curiosity, and a lot of arctic birds have similarly sharp angles to their wings. It honestly makes sense when you're living in someplace with occasionally very sharp and harsh winds; you want enough wingspan not only to catch the wind when you want it, but to not have to tilt the wing too far in order to avoid windshear dragging at your speed or worse, damaging your feathers (or wing membranes, in this case). Not to mention that more points of attachment to the body means there's less effort expended to keep the wings close to the body in windy conditions. I bet Vorugal could do one hell of a death-from-above swallow-dive, and the expanded length of wings means that he could make like someone wearing a wingsuit - shut the wings entirely and do a controlled plummet, then open everything up and slow or stop the fall exactly where he wants. The other reason it’s good to have a wingsuit-like wing build in the kinds of arctic climes a white dragon would generally pick is because their lairs are generally going to be in caves carved in icy cliffside. You’re going to want something that lets you glide as much as possible in an ice canyon, to take advantage of the updrafts that ensue in that kind of terrain and to fold in close to the body while going through a particularly narrow area, counting on momentum to get you through it with as little potential tearing of the wing membrane as possible. In fact, Vorugal’s wings were the most intact of the bunch - no edge-tears, no little holes, nothing. There were marks on the wings that looked like holes, but no; in fact, they were less light-permeable than the wing membranes themselves. Given the care they took with the designs, I don’t think they’d make a mistake like that, so those dark patches would be part of camouflage markings. Because according to the Monster Manual, ancient whites latch onto walls and ceilings (also like a bat, which makes the wing shape make even more sense), so blunt horns that look like craggy bits of ice and wings that give the appearance of rocks scattered on a whitish surface (suggesting ice or snow) makes even more sense. Imagine Vorugal wrapped up in his wings like a bat, clinging to the ceiling of his lair. He’d look like a very large icicle in anything but very direct light - which you’re not going to get when lair actions include dense fog. So Vorugal’s design is basically perfect.
Raishan - snake parallels aside, consider the membranous crests that aren’t just at the head and down the neck, but also along the tail near where it meets the body. Greens traditionally hide their lairs in vegetation, or in or around water - behind waterfalls, caverns you can only get to by diving in a stream, something like that. That makes the additional cresting on Raishan’s body serve as either additional camouflage (with the right vegetation, green semi-opaque membranous tissue looks like just more leaf) or an aid to swimming (like fins). She clearly has control over their movement, so either works. It’s a far cry from the Monster Manual talking about that single crest on the neck up to the head, but it works a lot better because it’s got some evolutionary benefits. Honestly, so does the narrower body; after all, if you live in an area with a lot of trees, having a narrower body makes it easier to move around in. I mean, consider Umbrasyl (who I’ll talk about in a minute); similar narrow build, and greens and blacks often compete for territory in marshy woodland areas. As for the head shape ... everything from eye position to the rounded snout says ‘pit viper’, which immediately makes a person think ‘poison’. Which is what you want to be thinking when looking at a green dragon. (Well, that and ‘RUN’.)
Umbrasyl - like I said, talking about him in a minute, and he’s also perfectly designed for the swamplands he would generally call home. The crest of spikes on his head that looks like it’s got thick cobweb or vegetative growth stretched between each spike, the various hooked spines along his body from nose to tail that could look like half-rotted limbs and branches, the extra bits of spine at the junction between tail and body up at the top that looks like it could theoretically open into some kind of fin ... Umbrasyl’s entire body was clearly designed to blend into a swamp setting. Also, unless I’m mistaken, the spots where wings meet body are narrower than the others; it looks like there’s more room for movement in the front legs without wings being in the way, which would make sense given that blacks get more use out of a dragon’s amphibious nature than any other colour. The wings would be too big to really help in a swimming situation that involved the equivalent of a bayou or billabong, but imagine Umbrasyl swimming like a crocodile - wings close to his body so that only the hooked bits at various wing joints and tips show, that spiked tail and body making him look like a few water-swollen fallen trees ... the fact that their regional effects include making the plantlife in the area particularly thick and twisty, which would block more light and make him fit in better with the local vegetation really works. Also, just from the standpoint of aesthetics, his acid gland is very prominently on his short-by-comparison-to-others neck in a way that suggests a bullfrog puffing its chest out, thus drawing us back to the swamp comparison.
Thordak - Thordak’s our grey area, but honestly, when you’ve got a heart crystal jammed into you, all bets are off, probably. His wings and body habitus are closer to the ‘average’ dragon than the others, but then again, when you’re bright red and live in volcanos for preference, you’re probably not going to bother with camouflage that much. Still, it’s obvious that Thordak isn’t what the design team would have designed for the ‘average’ dragon. Some parts are - the bits that didn’t need to change, like wide broad wings designed to catch thermal updrafts, a certain amount of ‘heat vent’ (which we know is the average because Vorugal has a similar ‘power vent’ for his ice breath and he doesn’t have a heart crystal stuck in him), and a tail that’s weighted like a mace. However, I think the most telling thing about Thordak, apart from the horns that do look like a crown or a ceremonial headdress of some kind, is the range of movement in his limbs. Specifically - to date, he’s the only one of the Chroma Conclave that’s gone bipedal without shapeshifting into something naturally bipedal. He’s got one forelimb braced on a section of slightly crumbly wall, but if he put his full weight on that, it’d just collapse. That and the position of the other limbs leads me to believe that it’s something he could do. Not for long, and not without the help of the horns and tail and wings all acting as counterbalance for each other, but he doesn’t just rear up on hind legs - his shoulders (for lack of a better term) go back, and while the hip alignment wouldn’t do well with walking any distance that way, it allows him to stand almost unaided. That’s a power play, and the exact kind of power play a red would make. So I’m not sure whether that’s something red dragons as designed by this animation team can all do or if it’s something the heart crystal gave Thordak (because that requires some serious skeletal realignment, honestly, or being double-jointed to ludicrous degrees), but either way, it shows the kind of individual Thordak is - he is going to lord it over everyone, even (hell, especially) his ‘fellows’ in the Conclave.
Summary: the design team thought hard about this. And they did magnificent work.
Yeah, there will probably be more, but you wanted thoughts on the dragon design and so now you have them. Thank you for encouraging me; I have the imposter syndrome where I worry everyone wants me to shut up, and I just love poking the Jenga Tower of Logic about stuff like this.
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auraee · 1 year
- ℍ𝕠𝕞𝕖. -
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𓇬𝕎𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕖𝕣'𝕤 𝕟𝕠𝕥𝕖 ~ Well, this was a little something that I had also cooking up while I'm working on my slighlty larger story! Monster hunter has been a game that I grew to absolutely love (and I mean really love) throughout these past few months and I haven't been able to put it down since. As you can probably already guess, the dabble is going to be pretty self-indulgent, so if that's not up your alley I reccomend skipping this one out. Also in this dabble it does imply that the reader is a woman and if that makes you uncomfy, please bonk me so I can post a replica that's neutral. With that being said-
𓇬 𝖧𝖺𝗉𝗉𝗒 𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝗂𝗇𝗀!
𓇬Tagging ~ @potofstewie @kyojurosfirelilyy @mitsuris-big-boobies @comatosebunny09 @lilyisfrozen @cherrykamado
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𝔻𝕖𝕗𝕚𝕟𝕚𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟𝕤 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕚𝕣 𝕞𝕖𝕒𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤 ~
𝔸𝕫𝕦𝕣𝕖 ℝ𝕒𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕝𝕠𝕤 - Azure Rathalos is a Subspecies of Rathalos, and thus, it shares almost all of the same characteristics. However, its shell that is usually fiery red is now an azure colour, hence the Azure title. Its wing webbing is lime green, and its tail has one single red spike on the end. It has higher stamina, higher health and higher attack power, and is considerably more aggressive. 
𝕎𝕪𝕧𝕖𝕣𝕟 - The wyvern is a type of biped dragon or dragon-like creature that possessed two legs and often a pointed tail which was said to be poisonous. At present, dragons that have two legs and two wings are often called "wyvern."
𝕎𝕠𝕠𝕕𝕖𝕟 𝕋𝕒𝕟𝕜𝕒𝕣𝕕𝕤 - A large wooden beer and or ale mug.
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ ~ 𓇬 ~
I did it. 
Finally, I could return home. 
Singed to my skin— my armour clung to my weary body. 
Since when had it become so heavy? 
Muscles coiled and burned with aching cramps and deep-set hidden bruises. Frustrating. I barely had the strength to sustain myself, much less the golden battle bow on my back. It wasn’t far now, my home. Still a little further north of the ancient forest to one the sectors of the hunter’s guild. The higher ups one day called me in and requested I track an Azure Rathalos, hunting it among three other members of similar rank. Being eager to rise to Master rank, I took on the quest, doing my best to lead the party of hunters despite my reluctance to talk, and was ever thankful for their patience. 
With the location being the Elder’s recess, tracking it down was an especially arduous job as it being my first time there. Traversing the jagged landscapes of pointed solid rock and glimmering earth crystals we eventually found it.
…Despite the awful timing. 
Being of the sub-pieces category, this type of Rath is far more imposing than it’s scaly, red counter-parts. It bulks up on its aggressivity, becoming more mobile, intelligent and deadly both to protect itself against competitors and as a means to prove his strength to a potential mate. And given that it is mating season… It was especially agitated. We were informed that, for some time now, it had been causing trouble to the other, less ferocious species within its territory and was hence needed to be taken down. 
Remnants of the wyvern’s poison still coursed through my veins. Arid, vindictive. It still sought to kill even after the dragon who made it had long perished. If it wasn’t for the antidote, I would've been in far worse condition. I consider myself lucky to only feel agonsing discomfort. After all, we were not the first hunting party asked to track that dragon specifically.
Something flickered into view. A small, floating light just beyond the ageing glade sky-piercing trees. 
Then there was another, and another. 
My measly pace quickened, having new found vigour that suppressed the poison that sought to immobilise me. My eyes stung, pooling molten streams down my cheeks at the sight of my home. My heart rattled my ribcage. I was almost there, it wasn’t long now. Before long I stood in silence in front of the guild’s imposing doors. The internal pitter-patter in my left breast created a solid rhythmic melody for my ears alone. My gloved hand gripped the silver handle and gave it a tug. For a moment there was silence. Rows and rows of hunters shifting their attentions to the one lone huntress and her hunting party standing under the wooden archway.
 I gulped.
“H-hello, um–”
A dissonance of sounds assaulted my ears. Yelling, shouting, the reverberating sound of collective wooden tankards being smashed together in a clamorous toast, cheering— I mostly heard the cheering.
We were surrounded in moments. Pelted with questions about our hunt and the spoils from it. The lance user with my group took the spotlight, telling the tale of our hunt to the ever buzzing hunters. In the chaos of it all I sought it fit to make my escape, I had little energy to sit there recounting the events despite my worries about my comrades exaggerating the story. My mind was elsewhere. I wanted to see a good friend of mine. I’d missed him so much.
I slipped through the crowds, weaving through shouts of praise and slipped out of the guild hall. I walked a little further along the port admiring the wood-work, taking in the forest air that I had grown to love after we settled here not even a few months back. Footsteps disrupted my nostalgia. I allowed my gaze to wonder, only to have it fall on the man I’d been looking for.
Bright eyed, Kyojuro’s fervent hair rested just beyond his shoulders. His marigold eyes sparkled, embracing the colours of the resting sun as their own, an ever prominent feature of his face. Though not in combat, his sword was hilted on his back. Rare it was to see him without it. 
His grin made me giggle, he never failed to look silly when he looked at me that way.
“_____! It’s wonderful to see you!” Kyojuro beamed, embracing me. “I’ve missed you so much!”
In turn, I wrapped my arms around him. Bunching up his linen shirt into small mounds in my fists. 
“I’ve missed you too, Kyo.”
This warmth. Something that had become so familiar to me after so many years became the thing I craved most while I lay to rest after a tenacious day out on a hunt. 
I had done enough. I could rest, even if it was just for a moment. 
I breathed in his scent. Tender and sweet, with a hint of sweat. 
“Were you training again?” I asked, pulling away. 
Kyojuro nodded. “And taught the fledgling hunters.” He added. “I can never be too careful. Especially considering the discoveries of new species are now happening more frequently.” 
“I see.” I contended. “I suppose you’re right”
“And yourself?” Kyojuro asked. “How did your hunt go?”
A smile tugged at my lips, letting my gaze drift back at the archway I had just come through. The celebration had risen tenfold since I was last there. “I think you can tell how it went based on the cheering.”
Kyojuro hummed, reaching to poke my cheek. “I can surmise… but I’d like to hear it from you.”
“Ew, sweaty fingers!” 
“Hey, come on now...” Kyojuro said, looking at his finger and back at me. “They're not that bad, are they?”
I giggled, cupping my cheek. “Yes they are.”
Kyojuro’s brows furrowed, a rather formidable pout adorning his lips. “I cannot tell if you’re being serious or not.”
“I’m kidding, and the hunt went well.” I chuckled, lending my weight to a nearby wooden mast. “We suffered injuries, casualties, but thankfully no one died.”
“I’m glad it went well.” Kyojuro’s gaze softened, reaching back to fiddle with his pocket. “In fact, in doing so, I have got you a gift!”
I blinked at the boisterous man. “A gift? B-but why?”
“For returning safely!”
Without a moment’s haste, I was presented with a small box. Simple-looking and awkwardly wrapped with an adorable emerald bow as its centrepiece. Something moved inside. I stared at the box in my hands, a supple warmth stirring my emotions.
“...It’s cute.”
“Open it, silly.”
I tucked another laugh under my tongue. “I meant the wrapping, Kyo.”
Scratching the back of his head, Kyojuro’s cheeks blossomed into a cherry tint. “Oh, right! Thank you! Then I believe you’ll like what’s on the inside even more!” 
Taking his word on that claim I undid the bow and lifted the lid of the small hazelnut box and found myself awestruck by what I found inside. A pendant. Hung from a black cord was a little, amber ladybug. 
“Oh, it’s gorgeous!” I said, ogling the pendant. “Where was the smithy’s able to find the ore?”
Kyojuro crossed his arms, his eyes brimming with pride. “While you were tasked with hunting the wyvern, I decided to go on an expedition to the Elder’s Recess.”
“Mhm! I’m more than qualified to venture there alone.”
My eyes darted between the pendant and my dear friend. “But… for this? Kyojuro, you didn’t have to—”
“I did it because I wanted to. I wanted to find the perfect jewel,” Kyojuro smiled, “one that matched my view of you perfectly.”
 A simmered pitter-patter arose at Kyojuro’s words.
A jewel that matched me perfectly…
“I love it… thank you. It’s a beautiful gift.” I giggled, taking the amber ladybug jewel between my fingers. “I’ll think of you whenever I look at it and it’ll bring me comfort.”
Kyojuro chuckled. “You’re more than welcome! Would you like help with putting it on?”
Nodding, I lifted the curled ends of my hair, ignoring the already rampant heat I felt flourish when Kyojuro’s fingers brushed the sides of my neck. The ladybug glistened in the warm pallet of the sunset, further stirring my heart knowing that it was given to me by someone I cared for so much. 
“Just as I thought…” Kyojuro mumbled. “The gem, it matches you perfectly.”
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heretic-altias · 9 months
FFXIVWrite Day 21 - Grave
A story of endings and new beginnings.
Don’t know my characters? Here’s a basic breakdown to help you out!
Kito walked slowly down a long ruined street. His memory was really the main thing guiding his steps. Nature had started to reclaim the fallen city of Bozja over the years, and plants were slowly overwhelming the stones that had made up the pathways. Kito found he liked it better like this though. It was quiet at least. The last time he’d been here, the city had been a warzone. The air had smelled of smoke, and under a darkened sky the entire place seemed like death. Now at least, the sun was bright in the sky and life had returned.
He wasn’t really sure what had driven him to come here. He had only once before, when the resistance had first reclaimed the city. Then he had stacked some of the bricks and stones in the ruins of his childhood home. It wasn’t much to look at, but it was a small sign someone remembered. That his father hadn’t simply been wiped from existence.
Kito was not the man he was when this city still stood. That man could not even have imagined the burdens he carried now. He didn’t dislike who he was now, but his existence was darker and heavier than it had been. Something had been lost along the way, but he wasn’t sure exactly what.
Hatchlings do not know of the darkness in this world. They see only light. Your path was harder than most, but all see into the shadows eventually. Twintania’s gentle reassurance interrupted his thoughts.
The ancient wyvern landed nearby, studying her surroundings.
“It was a bit of a better sight before it was destroyed” Kito told her, speaking out loud this time.
In their shared mental space, he offered her memories. Memories of his childhood spent running down these streets, the buildings tall and proud and the people bright and lively.
Twintania nodded, offering only her silence as respect for what had been lost. She chose to wait where she was and offer Kito space, both physically and mentally as he continued down the path.
He eventually reached the place he’d wanted to go, the sad stack of bricks marking it out for anyone who passed by.
They had never found his father’s body, Kito was fairly sure a lot of them had never been found with how thoroughly the city had been destroyed. But the last place Kito had seen him was here, and so he viewed his old home as a grave. His father’s grave. Maybe one for part of himself too.
He had only survived on sheer luck of not being in the city at the time. He had been off on a trip with a botany class to go and see plants that couldn't be found in the city. He’d begged to go on that trip, unaware it would end up saving his life. Of course, the moment what happened reached the group, everyone had rushed back to the city to look for their families. To Kito’s knowledge, nobody had found any survivors. Only people like them, who happened to be elsewhere, had been spared.
He could still vividly remember stumbling down ruined streets looking for anything. But the only thing to survive in his home had been the old sword hung over the fireplace. Kito would later learn his brother had survived too, having also been out of the city, but things between them were… complicated these days. He’d thought that sword had been the only thing left of his entire life as he half dragged it out of the ruins with him, refusing to let go of the only thing he could find. The same sword he now wore comfortably strapped to his back. The same sword that he had wielded to fell countless foes and save countless lives.
The soul crystal embedded in its pommel had taught him much about his father he’d never known. He’d known his father had been an adventurer for a long time, returning to his homeland in Bozja eventually when he’d found Kito abandoned as an infant. Really the moment he’d decided to retire was all Kito knew of his father’s adventuring days. When asked, the old Hrothgar would simply laugh and say Kito was too young for those stories. Even when he was as old as fifteen summers. But the soul crystal revealed so much more. His father had tried and failed to train as a dark knight, and while the greatsword had been his weapon of choice his emotions had overwhelmed him. Worried he would hurt people if he wasn’t careful, the Hrothgar had decided it was better to stop adventuring and leave it all behind.
Kito had managed to conquer the demons his father never could. He had become a dark knight on a level that had allowed him to stand against primals, dragons, and all sorts of other foes. He’d carried this sword to the edge of existence to battle despair itself.
Something about the gravity of what he had done in stopping the final days had drawn him back here again. He kneeled in front of the pile of stones and bricks, and while he said no words his thoughts conveyed it all. Here he was again, stronger than ever. He had lived and honored the legacy left to him with accomplishments most people could never dream of.
And in that moment he knew what it was he wanted. What exactly had brought him here. He had done enough to honor the past. This would be his final farewell to all he had lost.
From this point forward he would forge his own path. Find his own way.
And so when he returned home he would hang this sword above his fire just as his father had done. And he would go on to forge a new path all his own. 
He was not done fighting for this world. But there were other ways to fight his battles, other weapons to wield. A chance to create something rather than build off what was left to him.
It wasn’t really the end. Just a new beginning.
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myimaginedcorner · 6 months
PREVIOUS RESULT: Go into the dungeon.
“I studied Nainrhani’s architecture. Unless this dungeon is part of some classified facility, which I doubt, I should be able to guide us through it without major complications.”
“What are our risk levels?” Amani frowned.
“Well,” your gaze creeped towards the stairs as you paused for re-evaluation. “I would be aware of potential collapses and unregistered corridors that could result detrimental to our sense of direction. More so, there is a high chance of polluted air inside, which could be damaging to our overall state of health. Any corpses left within should have rotten away and any source of minerals should have dried out by now, so I would not bet on any living being underneath these rocks…”
“These is one,” cut in Hibiscus, convinced.
“…yes, I was getting there,” you mumbled, clicking your tongue, briefly annoyed by her interruption. “Nonetheless, given the assessment provided by our biology expert and our scout, there is a posing danger of a monster nesting in the ruins.”
“What kind of monster?” wondered M.
“Wyvern, giant snake, blind tiger… if we’re unlucky and there’s water, we might encounter a yuda,” answered Laefen, arms crossed. “Best worst-case scenario, lots of rats.”
“With claws like those?” scoffed Hibiscus. “Even the Rat King is not so big of a beast.”
“Well, do we know what they’ve been eating, down there? Maybe chewing on dragon bones got them big and strong!”
“Careful, Laefen. Dragon remnants aren’t mere rests, they’re legacy,” Amani’s voice came like a blizzard, sharp like a blade against the scout’s throat. Silent, you saw his hand instinctively reach out for his own dagger; yet back in control, he lifted them both instead, giving the Team Leader an innocent smile.
“Sorry, boss,” he said, stepping aside.
“Be sorry,” groaned the woman back. Her eyes ran over us again, their glance, calculative. “Any objections?”
A pause took place, with some shaking their head. Catching her gaze, you, too, made her aware that you agreed on it: you were, after all, one of the culprits of this sudden detour. Was it your passion pushing you towards the maze, or a pair of beautiful eyes outshining reason, you couldn’t tell; you only knew your path was set, and your mind, settled on the decision.
“Good. You first, scholar.”
Greenlit by Amani, you took the lead towards the stairs. As you passed by, you heard Laefen’s quiet mutter ‘This is bad’ but didn’t stop to enquire. He was being cautious, so was his nature; yours was to be brave where light was but a rare occurrence. So, armed by fine ears aware of every shift in cracking stone, equipped with eyes that easily adjusted to pitch darkness, you lowered your foot onto the first step, beginning the descend.
It was no different from all other mazes. The deeper down you went, the quieter it was, almost as if sound was being swallowed by the dusk. Old pillars laid upon the floor, where rocks more ancient presented patterns Nature got in dowry from Soil. The detailed mosaics were of simpler contents than before: there were some elves, some scrolls, some soldiers swearing their oaths to protect All Knowledge. Those were the most typical motifs from before the Age of the Unwise, from Nainrhani’s times of great progress and prosperity. Here in these walls was where the Light Quarters were first built; the first Tower of Light shined upon Nainrhani from these heights. Here was where all the creatures gathered to cross towards a region free of shackles, where everyone, elf and dwarf, adult and child, scholar and guard, all of them wore polished masks alike, designed to prevent misjudgement. Dressed like mannequins of faces pale like snow, so clean everyone could see their own faceless reflection, Nainrhani’s inhabitants prided themselves in a lack of superfluous conclusions.
“They look so creepy…” you heard Laefen mumble, following you closely.
“These were the brightest minds in all Therania before Dragonfall,” stated Amani, her sigh, full of nostalgia. “Few of them remain, by now… many perished with their Masters, many, protecting knowledge from getting destroyed by fanatics.”
“And some condemned by ugly crimes…” mumbled Ashna under the nose. Amani winced but added nothing; so, silence reigned once more.
You continued, stepping even deeper down. The occasional rustle of leather and metal made you shiver; the sighs of your companions felt unwelcomed, like they were intruders in your realm. The lower you went, the more you felt that familiar feeling, a tickling sensation you came to identify as a ‘hunch’. Of course, it was more complex than a superstitious belief; rather, you preferred to consider it a careful, subconscious analysis of all the changes in the landscape, coming to identify some patterns leading to a likely resolution. It didn’t always work, but it was sufficiently effective for you to try and follow the feeling for your first visit to a new maze.
You stopped abruptly, so that you heard Laefen’s quiet protest, and Amani’s torch almost burned your head. However, you paid little mind to what was happening behind you: your eyes were stuck on the view in front, where your way split. Three corridors greeted your gaze. Like locks untamed by a braid, they went three different ways, no signs left hanging, no clear direction followed in their odd construction. While one went up, the darkness within made chills crawl down your spine; it could be the exit, or it could be a trap. Another, going straight, had two white masks hanged where its lamps should be, the passage, way too pompous to be elven-built. The last one promised even lower depths… it was humble, if not slightly worn down, with marks over its walls left by something slim and sharp.
“Where to?” Amani broke the silence after a small pause. Startled, you flinched, coming to your senses.
“…Let me think.”
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pomrania · 2 years
Kitty Smaugust day 1: scales
I want to draw your cats as dragons, using the Smaugust prompts by @pencilcat as inspiration, and I’m making a different post for each day and its prompt. If it’s 1 August 2022 anywhere in the world, you can make a request on this post. (If it’s no longer that date, but it’s still August 2022, check my blog for the current active post.) Reblog this post, and add in a photo of your cat and the cat’s name, and I will draw that cat as a dragon, using the current day’s prompt (shown in the title) as inspiration.
Similar rules apply as my previous art events:
Once you’ve made a request here, wait until I’ve drawn and posted it before making another request; this ensures that everyone has a chance, while not putting arbitrary limits on stuff if it’s a slow day. However, you can make a request on a new day’s post even if I haven’t yet drawn your request from the previous day’s post.
It is allowed, and encouraged, to make requests on multiple days, and to make multiple different requests of the same cat, so we can see different ways that the cat can be a dragon. I would prefer that different photos be used, but I understand if you don’t have many good photos.
Only one photo and only one cat per request. I won’t choose between multiple photos you provide, and I won’t draw multiple critters in one request. If the photo has multiple cats in it, be specific about which cat you want me to draw; if you want all of them drawn, then you’ll have to make separate requests for each one, as described in the first point.
No black cats sleeping curled up in a ball, because that just looks like a black circle and that gives me nothing to draw from. Black cats are welcome so long as they can be clearly seen as a cat or a cat-shaped void.
It doesn’t necessarily have to be your current cat; it can be a past or present pet, or the cat of a friend or relative, but it needs to be a cat you have some kind of connection to, not just a random picture you found online.
I’m willing to dragonify non-cat animals, so long as you can claim with a straight face that they’re really just weird-looking cats.
Prompts for all days are listed below the cut.
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