#and :3c ruvic
rcris123 · 5 years
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“Did you see that kid Kieran?” Arthur asks Dutch next day; asked the others too, no one knew a damn thing, but all of ‘em said something of Kieran being scared the O’Driscolls been stalking him.
And there’s an idea already forming...
“No.” Dutch replies, then, letting his book down: “Why do you care?”
Kieran van Der Linde is what that boy said once when the three of ‘em went fishing, but there’s more than just mere sympathy:
“If the O’Driscolls took ‘im then they know we’re here and they’re gonna blast us all to hell.”
“You really believe he ain’t just run off?”
“If he ain’t run off ‘till now, why’d he do it?” A pace away. He’s trying to convince Dutch go let them have a look – or maybe he ain’t needing no permission; him and Sebastian are enough to take down the lot of ‘em. “Besides he was still a prisoner.”
Dutch laughed: “Where you even getting these ideas from, my friend?”
Arthur shakes his head, scoffs: “Well... thanks anyway...”
“I need you to stay strong, Arthur.”
More and more those words feel somehow empty, like he’s bringing them up just so he has the last word. But Dutch’s always been like this, why is he only now taking notice of it? Was it Blackwater? Was it Isaac? Was it Sebastian and Isaac? Who the hell knows... But this doubt’s starting to itch inside him and more and more he’s feeling like he’s tearing this place apart and the reasoning behind it is as vague as a pang inside his chest and a ‘It ain’t right’ dangling inside his skull. It feels like it’s all become a chore, suffocating like this goddamn swamp and how goddamn good it felt to get out and do fishing with the kid, Sebastian. What fun they had catching that monster o’a sturgeon.
A sigh, ‘cause he’s still wanting to find out what the hell happened to that Kieran boy. He loves these people, Dutch, Hosea, John, Charles, Lenny, Sean, the women, everyone. He always did it all for them. Why stop now?... And he’d mount up, but instead just ends up giving scratches to Ghost. The bullet wound doesn’t seem to bother her all that much anymore.
If he were to go, Isaac’ll have to come with him.
“You know I saw a couple of them O’Driscoll Boys runnin’ around.” That’s Sadie’s voice.
“Oh, really?” Arthur turns around
“Yeah.” She even climbs in the saddle. “No one seems to care when I get out of camp so I followed them around a bit. Seems they’re holed up in some abandoned town in Lemoyne.”
His face lights up.
“Can you tells us-”
“I’m riding with you, Arthur. I can’t forgive them, you know that.”
“And Kieran?”
“Boy’s harmless. A bit whiny, but harmless.”
“Okay.” Arthur rubs his chin. “ ‘kay. You wait here, I’m gonna get some people.”
“The two of us is all we need.”
“I know, but my heart ain’t letting me.”
Sadie snorts: “You’re one sappy old man.”
“Very funny.” Arthur beckons as he gets back upstairs; Sadie’s got her charm about her, never once sounding truly mean spirited.
Inside Sebastian was still asleep; man barely got any rest last night, tossing and turning, breaking into cold sweat. He even managed somehow to scratch a scab away. It bled. Isaac found himself something to read, legs to chest, on the floor against the dresser by the bedside.
“Mornin’.” His son greets back with a thin smile.
“Got any breakfast?”
Isaac shakes his head and places the book on the dresser behind him.
“Get downstairs and eat somethin’, Isaac. Pack some for the road too.”
Boy gets up: “Where we headed?”
“Getting that kid Kieran back.”
Isaac’s eyes grew wide: “Ain’t that official business?”
A look at him, a sigh: “No.”
It’s a bit too much o’a request for a boy like Isaac but his childhood’s fast coming to an end and no matter how much he tried keeping him clean from outlawing and gunslinging, the noose’s getting tighter by the day and he’s much rather know his son can fight than lose him ‘cause he ain’t been enough a man to teach him.
Maybe he ain’t ever been much of a man to begin with, all queer like he is – he heard Tilly insulting Bill like that once. She knew, they all knew, and now Arthur ain’t no different.
“Okay.” But his son still trusts him; and that’s enough.
Arthur sits on the edge of the bed, compelled to run a hand through the rough hair on the side of Sebastian’s head, lean in, whisper something for good morning.
“Good mornin’, you stubborn ol’ buck.” He did just that in the end.
“I’m middle-aged.” Sebastian muses, a smile drawing on thin lips.
“And I’m a grandparent.”
A snort. A flutter of brown doe eyes, then an inhale as Sebastian tries to turn on the other side:
“Good morning to you too.” A stretch, then a grunt and the man rolls back to face Arthur: “What you up to?”
“Finding that boy Kieran. I want you to ride with me.”
“Always.” It’s soft the way he says that and once more Arthur finds himself running fingers through the rough hair on the side of the man’s head.
“Managed to catch some sleep?”
As hand threatens to let go Sebastian catches it into his own; holds it.
“Not really...”
“What kept you up?” A sigh; he looks away and Arthur squeezes his hand. “Talk to me, would you...”
A huff, a tug of the arm closer: “I’m afraid... That they gonna take it all- and then I remember I have nothing left anyway...”
“That ain’t it, Sebastian.”
“If this counts-“ another tug of the arm. “If this is me having something how do I know it ain’t gonna end up the same. You. The kid. Why are these fucking things up again-” He growls, suppresses a sob, the closes his eyes and exhales with difficulty.
“Sebastian...” And the man draws him closer in. “You gotta trust ye’rself. And you gotta trust this poor ol’ fool’s luck, ‘cause he ain’t died just yet.” It’s absent minded again how he touches the medallion, ‘cause it dangles heavy from the neck, and Sebastian catches that.
Looping an arm around Arthur’s back the man props himself up with yet another groan.
“I ain’t seen anyone more stubborn than you.” Arthur speaks up again.
“Yeah. Me either...”
He liked that: looking at him. He’s handsome and not deserving the shit this world gave him.
“Now let’s get that kid Kieran.”
“Yeah.” Determination grows on Sebastian’s features.
 Downstairs they couldn’t help running into Sean; boy’s been frantic trying his best to keep up with camp chores and whatnot, but somehow still ended up sleeping somewhere in some uncomfortable pose. He ain’t gonna question that. And maybe that was for the worst ‘cause now Sean tagged along with them and the moment he saw Isaac there lad knit his eyebrows and felt like he swore on Christ and the Virgin Mary not to let any harm come to the boy. And that’s just hoping trouble ain’t finding Sean first.
But Sadie ain’t protested so it’s the 4 of them and the kid that set out and for now he ain’t as scared as he could be.
The road takes them past Caliga Hall, towards the Kamassa River, they follow the water’s bend, until he recognizes the Eris Fields to their left, and further up ahead he remembers that bridge: took towards the Marshes, Bluewater were they called? Sadie rode hard the entire time. Sean tried talking, maybe ‘cause he ain’t doing good in the silence, but silence’s what he got.
“If we’re lookin’ for a spooky place that one’s pretty much fittin’ the description.” Sean spoke again.
It looked like an abandoned town. He’s passed here before, he remembers that collapsed church, the graves. Isaac read them all –all died 1893, just a month after it was all built. And at that moment Isaac looked at him:
“Ain’t this?-”
Sadie jumped down from saddle: “We take it from foot here.” She took her gun.
“We sure there’s O’Driscoll’s there?” Sean wasn’t all convinced. “It’s lookin’ pretty quiet for the lot of ‘em if you ask me.”
“There still looks to be guards out.” Sebastian intervened. “Look. There.”
A man in the characteristic green, slumped over with what looked like a riffle for support. He ain’t looking at all lively. Something felt off.
“Me and Sadie go up ahead.” Arthur said. “Sean, Sebastian, you hang back for support in case there’s more o’em coming from behind-” Sean almost protested. “Don’t want a word of it, Sean. Isaac, you too, go with ‘em.”
His son picked out the riffle that was now stored on Big Sir – it previously belonged on Ghost.
No turning back now; Sadie already went up ahead. It’s with big steps that Arthur follows behind, one pat on the revolver’s bed, synching his movement for a quick draw. Hands quickly return to holding the Repeater.
It’s Sadie that shoots first; there was no opposition from that guard except one panicked jerk up. Body falls. She rushes inside. Arthur takes one more glance back at the other three before heading in himself. There’s already gunshots. A scream from Sadie. Guns blazing, there’s already 2 dead inside. Arthur adds another to the count.
“There’s more in the other room!” Sadie shouts, and indeed O’Driscolls pour out.
One’s shot right in the doorframe; the one behind stumbles over it. He meets the same crude fate with a bullet to the head. Arthur took care of the 2 other left in that main room.
There’s gunshots outside now too. And a muffled scream for below the floorboards. Kieran? Sadie caught that too: her gaze darts downwards.
“Guess he’s in the cellar-” Arthur speaks but he ain’t getting to finish that.
Sadie rushes by him joining the gunfight outside. A peak out: there’s at least 13 of them. But he ain’t sure about the rest of ‘em.
They gotta hold out.
“Com’on.” Arthur psyches himself up while darting past the battlefield.
There’s a few stray bullets that try to get a hold of him. Better luck next time. He searches for the entrance to the cellar- Another O’Driscoll jumps out, knife in hand. Arthur darts back; the tip of the blade cut his vest. Arthur ducks and tackles the other with force to the ground. Man swats the knife, before dropping it on impact. Fists come raining and the O’Driscoll ain’t moving soon, face a pool of blood.
It’s only now he notices the rashes on the man’s skin. The fact that he had a gun he ain’t used... Heart sinks. He turns the downed O’Driscoll’s face with the tip of his boot as he stood up, the sin looked like that of a carcass and that can’t all be his doing...
He gotta find that Kieran soon, that if these bastards ain’t eaten him alive, or worse yet, left the job half finished.
There’s the cellar. He blasts the lock open with the sawed-off shotgun and dashes inside. There ain’t no light down there and Arthur’s feelin’ like it takes too goddamn long until he fumbles the lantern alight. There’s growling around him.
And when he shines light into the room he sees no less than three O’Driscolls drooling and clattering their teeth, hogtied with rope, as if they belonged in an insane asylum. And then there’s Kieran, bound and gagged with an arm bleeding. When seeing Arthur boy struggles against the restraints.
“I gotchu now, stay calm.” Kieran relaxes onto the chair as he goes to cut off the rope and take the gag out.
One glance is spared for that wounded arm: someone gnawed at it. Jesus Christ! Poor bastard... And as soon as he’s free Kieran clutches that arm against his chest with his other one. A hand on the back to guide him out. The gunshots stopped.
“Th-thank you, Arthur.” Kieran mutters on the stairs.
“Don’t you worry ‘bout it.”
“Y-you saved my life...”
“You saved mine once before, it’s the least I could do.”
“I... Thank you.”
Arthur pats the boy on the back: “It’s okay, kid.”
“Arthur!” That’s Sean calling, he came running. “Sebastian’s calling for ya’.”
Arthur strides forward, letting go of Kieran, then before he forgot turns to them: “Sean, help him up on Big Sir, would you.”
When he reaches around the house, Sebastian was buzzing from place to place like an angry hornet while Sadie stared at the barn doors. They were sealed shut and it read: STAY OUT PLAGUE. A hand rushes up to cover his mouth and rub his beard. Christ. So a plague is what caused them undead.
He goes to meet Sebastian, whose head was in the ground, deep in thought; man wanted to shake Arthur off when he put his hands on his shoulders.
“Look at me.” Arthur tells him quietly. “Sebastian-”
“That Cajun was right.” Sebastian growls, muscles releasing the tension they were holding before. “If only I was here back then-” Arthur holds him firmer. “Joseph might still be-”
“Shshsh...” Hand switch from cupping the man’s shoulders to cupping his face, but Sebastian grits his teeth and grips Arthur’s collar between his fists.
“You don’t get it. I let this happen. It’s my fault-”
“You ain’t lettin’ it happen again.” His voice raises only to meet Sebastian’s volume.
“PA!” Isaac shouts from somewhere, and his attention’s fully focused on that now; and so’s Sebastian. “Com’ere a moment!”
They both rush to do so.
There’s more writing on the walls of that home: BEWARE RUVIC, though he ain’t sure if that’s an C or a K ‘cause half of it is missing’, the other smudged off at the corner. He also ain’t sure if RUVIC’s two words or one. Arthur takes out his journal and the engraved pen from his satchel to start drawing it. The blue lines hold out better.
“You think that’s a name?” Isaac asks.
“Could be.” Sebastian muses. “Or some abreviation.”
“From what?”
“Don’t know.”
“We gonna find that out.” Arthur scratches his beard again, “But first we gotta take Kieran back. Those undead took a bite outta him.”
Isaac’s mouth hangs open, while Sebastian’s scrunches shut.
“He’s on your horse, Isaac, you can go on ahead.”
Boy nods, springs up and sprints away.
Sadie hands back and so does Sean:
“So what the hell’s this all about?” Sean speaks up.
“It’s some disease.” Sebastian says, mounting up. “It turns people idiots and deranged.”
Isaac’s off already, Kieran holding onto the boy for dear life ‘cause Big Sir sprung straight to a swift gallop.
“So they lose the ability to speak and go wild like animals?” Sadie asks.
“Pretty much.” Arthur chimes in. “Saw a couple of ‘em chained up in the basement next to Kieran.”
“And they gain a taste for human flesh.” Sebastian elaborate further.
“Jesus!” Sean and Sadie alike.
“Ain’t sounding like it’s anythin’ natural.” Sean throws out his opinion.
“Are people even capable of doing that?” Sadie ain’t fully convinced.
“If RUVIC’s anything to go by,” Sebastian starts. “I’d say it’s a human. Or a bunch o’em.”
Sadie sighed: “Then it’s a good thing we got rid of ‘em, I say.”
“Yeah.” Sean chimed in.
 The road back feels faster, mind’s a’gallop, runnin’ to catch some coherence before it goes entirely insane. It ain’t no wonder such things are making Sebastian toss at night. They tortured him once before and now came for seconds. And for that man’s sanity and the hope that the world ain’t entirely gone to shit they gotta find some reason to this – the man, or men, behind it all.
And for that they gotta set out again.
Only their welcome back ain’t one reserved for victors.
“What you done now, Morgan...” Micah cackles from where he was leaned on a tree, sharpening something with a knife.
He ain’t replied, but Dutch glared at him as if he just murdered a gang member. He can’t stand it, and soon neither can Dutch:
“Did I tell you you can go fetch him, Arthur?” Tone’s low and scolding.
“I told you why.”
“Not that you were actually going through with it?” Dutch stepped forward, eyebrows drawn together. Arthur squared his shoulders. “What the hell happened to you, Arthur?...”
“Could ask the same of you, Dutch...” They’re measuring each other up with glances. “What happened to taking care of folk?”
“And what happened to loyalty, son?...”
“Been loyal, Dutch. Always.”
Dutch slowly backs away as if he’s letting Arthur have this, but no, now he spoke louder: “Then don’t you trust my judgment!?”
“Well, me and Sadie felt different.” Arthur retorts.
“Then what next!? You gonna feel different and put a gun to my head, Arthur?”
“Now that ain’t true.” Sean butts in. “Ain’t you heard him, he cares for folk. It’s why we all went to get that other Irish bastard. Can’t stand the focker but I ain’t standing Micah either ‘n Arthur busted that walkin’ shite outta prison anyway.”
Dutch’s scowl could have murdered on its own. Arthur holds Sean back before either of ‘em draw or throw a punch.
And in all o’ this Hosea was quiet. But Sadie wasn’t:
“Unless you wanted to fight diseased, half dead, feral O’Driscolls I’d say we did you a favor.”
“The what?...” Now Hosea spoke up.
“Yeah.” Sadie continued. “The bastards that came and took Kieran were more dead than alive.”
“Found 3 of ‘em chained up in the basement growling and drooling like animals.” Isaac chimes in.
Dutch’s eyes grow wide.
“Ain’t you seen the bastards bit chunks of that boy’s arm off?” Sadie continues.
“... I guess in that case... thank you.” Hosea at least had the dignity to accept defeat. Dutch didn’t, just stood quiet where he was. “Arthur... Maybe you should keep an eye out for that.”
“Already on it, me an’ Sebastian. Found this person, RUVIC, his name on the walls where Kieran was held.”
“Okay...” Hosea sounded half terrified. “I’ll see if I can poke my nose into it too.”
“Thank you, Hosea.”
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