liquiduraniumbowl · 4 months
(Y/c = Your Character)
I'd rather do Y/c rather than Y/n cause I've noticed that a lot of people use characters they've made rather than themselves, so Y/c is much more flexible if people use themselves as inserts or characters that they've made :D
Behind the scenes!:
Gender: male
Age: around the mid-twenties
Height/hair/skin/eyes: all up to you!
Quirk: shadow/smoke manipulation. Can make shadows bend to their will and do anything he wants it to, big or small.
Timeframe: future MHA timeline, after graduation, and whatnot.
(Genre: action/horror?)
Tw: kidnapping, mention of being sold, murder, yandere reader
—————————————————Izuku grunted in pain as his eyes fluttered open, and he found himself tied to a chair, hands cuffed behind the back of said chair. His first instinct was to pull against the cuffs using One For All, but must to his disgruntlement and immediate alarm, his quirk wouldn't activate. Shit. Quirk canceling handcuffs. He had been fighting a really bad villain. It was his job after all, as the number one hero. He had gotten zoned in and focused on taking this villain down. Enough, however, to where he hadn't been paying attention to his surroundings until it was too late. He barely felt the sharp poke of a dart being shot into his side before he blacked out and woke up... well... wherever 'here' was. It was anyone's guess who had kidnapped him. He was the number one hero, the new symbol of peace. Suddenly a flood of people, all wearing masks of some kind, swarmed into the room, crowding around Deku. It was enough noise to make him nauseous.
Deku: "What is this?! Release me!"
The only response he got from the crowd of people was unanimous snickers at his impertinence, and someone slowly emerged from the crowd. They were cloaked in darkness, a mask hiding their face and a hood pulled over their head.
?: "We've caught you. And you're so very valuable. We could beat you down and then make a pretty penny off of you... Pro Hero Deku..."
The voice was dark and had every bad intent he could think of.
?: "How about we have some fun with you?-"
Suddenly they froze up. It had been hard to see because it was so dimly lit in the hideout where they were, but something as dark and as smokey as shadows had wrapped around the cloaked perpetrator's neck, and was tightening slowly. It was like a chain but it was made out of nothing but shadow, but somehow it took enough form to become a weapon.
...: "Step away from the hero."
Everyone backed up, leaving just one person in the center of the room, standing with their arm stretched out, choking out the leader of this little gang. The leader collapsed, making desperate gasps for air, but this stranger didn't release their grip on the chain. Deku watched in awe, and a little fear, wary of this figure. This person didn't look like they were a professional bad guy or a hero undercover. They looked like they had last minute thrown on a black hoodie and jeans and some gloves and then tied some fabric around their head to hide a majority of their face. They were wearing tinted glasses to hide their eyes. Was this some wannabe hero? No, not with their willingness to kill. The male they were strangling with their quirk suddenly went limp. The deed was done. A sudden large wave of smokey shadow erupted from the person's palms as the other people around the mysterious figure went to avenge their now deceased leader. The smoke made it impossible to see, and hard to breathe, as many people dropped to the ground, coughing their lungs out. Deku's vision was obscured. Before he knew it; he was suddenly being untied and shoved somewhere. He tried to restrain but he was still cuffed, so there wasn't much he could do. He got pushed into an empty alleyway, coughing as the smokey shadow substance affected him too. He looked up blearily at who had dragged them out. Of course, it was the mysterious person who showed up out of nowhere to 'save' him.
Deku: "who?..."
...: "You don't need to know. If you get asked where those villains went, say that they ran and one of them had a transportation quirk that made them disappear. Got it? I'll deal with the bodies."
The person was blunt and to the point, as they went behind Deku and raised their hand, a shadow suddenly shacking through the cuffs that had been restricting Deku and his quirk.
...:  "Now go."
Deku: "But-"
...: "Now."
And with that, the person disappeared in a cloud of shadowy smoke. Deku leaned against the wall of the alleyway he had been put in and slowly slid down the wall, rather shaken up by the whole ordeal.
Izuku Midoriya stumbled into the front door of his home, exhausted and confused, just to be tackled into a hug. It was his dear husband, Y/c.
Y/c: "Izu!! You scared me!! Thank goodness you're home!!"
Izuku wrapped his strong arms over his loving husband, running his hand through Y/c's (H/c=HairColor) h/c hair.
Y/c: "I saw the news while I was at work today, seeing you get taken and nobody do anything was terrifying!"
Izuku gently took hold of Y/c's hand and pressed a soft kiss to the palm.
Izuku: "I know Puppy... I'm so sorry for the scare. But I'm okay, see? I'm alright, I got out surprisingly unscathed"
Y/c still hugged and clung to Izuku until Izuku pulled him off. Izuku stood back up and planted a gentle kiss on his beloved husband's lips to calm him. Y/c smiled softly, a bit calmer now once they pulled away from the embrace.
Y/c: "You must be exhausted. How about you go clean up and I'll make your favorite for dinner. Goodness knows you've earned it after such an ordeal,"
Izuku nodded gratefully and pressed a soft kiss to Y/c's cheek before watching Y/c make his way to the kitchen. Izuku then went to their shared bedroom to get a clean outfit that wasn't his scuffed-up and dirty hero suit. He had grabbed a clean shirt from his closet and had just turned to leave the room when something caught his eye. A lump of clothes shoved under the bed? That raised some suspicion considering Y/c was something of a clean freak and clothing left on the floor was unforgivable.
Izuku: "What in the?..."
He went to the pile of clothes that looked as though they had been quickly taken off and balled up and then haphazardly shoved under the bed, and started unraveling the ball of clothes. His eyes widened as soon as he saw the clothing, dropping his findings with a soft thump. A black hoodie, a pair of blue jeans, a makeshift mask made out of fabric, and sunglasses. No... no no no. This couldn't be true. This couldn't be right. But even now it was all making too much sense. The voice. The quirk. Izuku hadn't made the connection before because he had only ever seen Y/c use it in small increments. He would never have figured that his dear, sweet husband, who was making dinner for him right this very moment, could be so... dangerous... Izuku quietly made his way back to the kitchen. Something in him needed to see Y/c. Make sure it was truly Y/c and not someone who had taken his husband's place. He made it to the kitchen and watched as his husband chopped some vegetables while using a shadow as an extra hand to stir the sauce in a pot. That same shadow that had strangled someone just earlier that day. That had killed multiple people by suffocation earlier that day. The room smelled of the beginning stages of making Katsudon. Izuku's favorite. Izuku just then realized that Y/c was muttering to himself softly under his breath.
Y/c: "Now that those crooks are out of the way, nobody will ever touch my husband again." 
Y/c growled to himself as he chopped the vegetables with a cold and eerie calmness. Izuku walked up behind Y/c and hugged him from behind. Y/c jumped softly and looked over at Izuku, his demeanor changing instantly
Y/c: "Oh!- out of the shower already?-"
When Izuku didn't answer, Y/c got a little worried.
Y/c: "Izu?..."
Izuku was silent for another moment, burying his face into Y/c's shoulder.
Izuku: "...what happened to those people, Y/c?"
Y/c froze up, almost dropping the knife he was holding
Y/c: "What?-"
Izuku: "What happened to them?"
Izuku asked again, sternly. Y/c was quiet for a moment, before calmly putting the knife down.
Y/n: "…To everyone but us, they disappeared, and one of them had a transportation quirk that led to their escape that was impossible to follow."
Y/c spoke silently and with calmness despite his cold voice that made a shiver run down Izuku's spine.
Izuku: "Why?...."
Y/c: "Nobody will ever take you away from me. Never. Not if I can help it."
Izuku held onto Y/c a little tighter.
Izuku: "....you're crazy."
Crazy?.... Y/c was fine with that. He may be crazy, but no one will ever take his husband from him. No one. And he didn't care who he had to kill to make that a reality.
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liquiduraniumbowl · 5 months
Soo!! Ima be using this platform to post little MHA men x male readers! I’m using a spin wheel to decide which characters I use, sooo! Yea! Here’s
Tomura Shigaraki (Tenko Shimura) x male reader!
(Y/c = Your Character)
I’d rather do Y/c rather than Y/n cause I’ve noticed that a lot of people use characters they’ve made rather than themselves, so Y/c is much more flexible if people use themselves as inserts or characters that they’ve made :D
Behind the scenes!:
Gender: male
Age: 21
Height/hair/skin/eyes: all up to you!
Quirk: ???? (Unknown)
Timeframe: right after AFO was defeated and the LOV base was left in shambles.
(Genre: fluff)
Y/c and Tomura Shigaraki had just finished a mission as they had patrolled a new area for a new base for the LOV. But they had been at it for a couple of nights straight, and it looked like this area that they had been scouting wasn’t going to work. Hopefully, some of the others had better luck in the places that they were scouting since they had all split up. Kurogiri, Dabi, and Toga had headed northbound to explore what they could and scout out the area to see if it was of anything useful. Spinner, twice, and Mr. Compress had headed southbound. Y/c and Tomura had gone west. They couldn’t go east because eastbound was just crawling with heroes and was too dangerous. It got too late however to keep exploring their surroundings, and, with both thoroughly exhausted from their travels, Tomura just used an alias and some pocket cash to pay for a cheap hotel room. The problem was, however, that there was only one small bed. Tomura grumbled in annoyance, but couldn’t complain too much, since, it wasn’t exactly like they were rich or anything. This room was what they could afford. He scratched at his neck, thinking about how uncomfortable this night was going to be. But, at the moment, he was too tired to care. At least it was with Y/c and not with anyone else like Bacon Face or Blood Sucker. At least Y/c was tolerable.
Tomura Shigaraki: “god damn… this night is going to be uncomfortable..”
he grumbled under his breath, barely audible but just loud enough for Y/c to hear him loud and clear.
Y/c: “You can have the bed, boss… I’ll probably do a patrol or two around the place anyways, just in case any heroes decide to lurk too close where they shouldn’t be poking their noses in.”
Tomura looked at Y/c. Oh, Y/c. Tomura’s second in command next to Kurogiri. Nobody seemed to know much about him other than the name Y/c had given them. They didn’t know his past, no background, or where he came from. They didn’t even really know how he found the LOV or why he had wanted to join. Hell, they didn’t even really know what his quirk was. All that Tomura and the rest of the LOV knew was that it somehow always seemed to come in handy in all situations they got themselves stuck in. However, despite this, Y/c wasn’t invincible. He was just as exhausted as Tomura was. And that much was obvious. He was too tired to go out on a single patrol. Let alone two rounds of patrolling. Tomura raised an eyebrow at him, before rolling his eyes. If it had been anyone else, he would’ve just let them leave. Let them learn the hard way. But not Y/c. Never Y/c.
Tomura Shigaraki: “the hell? Do you think I’m going to let my second in command go out and pass out in some alleyway? No. You’re going to stay here. Even if that means you stay in this very bed right here and now. You’re not going anywhere. I might need you.”
Tomura growled his words, scratching at his neck again. Y/c took notice of the agitated scratching and lightly grabbed Tomura’s wrist, pulling his hand away from Tomura’s neck. He was the only person who could’ve ever done something like that and gotten out alive. Y/c wasn’t even frightened or nervous, just grasping the thin man’s wrist and pulling it away, to keep Tomura from scratching and hurting himself.
Y/c: “Sir, I insist. At the very least, if you won’t allow me to go on patrol, then I’ll lay on the floor. That bed is yours.”
Y/c said sternly but with a certain softness in his voice that was only ever reserved for his boss.
Y/c: “You’re just as exhausted as I am. And this scout mission took a lot out of you. So, again I repeat, I insist you take the bed and rest. You’re the boss, after all, it’s kind of like your right, no?”
Y/c finished, finally letting go of the bluenette’s wrist. Tomura sighs, grumbling in exhausted exasperation before shrugging and shuffling over to the bed.
Tomura Shigaraki: “Fine, fine. I’ll take the damn bed since you want to be such a ‘guard dog about it, damn.”
Tomura sat on the edge of the bed, feeling the weight of exhaustion and exertion suddenly drape over him like a thick layer of fog that made him just want to pass out right then and there. Y/c nodded softly to himself upon seeing Tomura finally give in and take the bed, before walking around the room to find the softest bit of ground he could find available, not that there was exactly a very ‘comfortable’ selection of ground to choose from. Tomura watched him; feeling a pool of guilt for not trying harder to give Y/c the bed, but he quickly tried to stamp it down. He hadn’t felt like that in quite some time, not since he was a child and had accidentally killed his beloved dog. What made Y/c so special anyway? Why did he have to be so special in Tomura’s eyes? Tomura’s mind swam a million miles a minute as he watched Y/c circle the room before watching further as Y/c’s shoulders slumped a little in a defeated way as he realized there was no way to make the ground very comfortable to sleep on. Y/n slowly went to sit down against the wall, likely hoping to doze off while sitting up to save himself some of the aches that lying down on the hardwood would cause him. All the while something foreign was gnawing at Tomura’s conscious and before he realized what he was doing, he spoke up.
Tomura Shigaraki: “Y/c, wait.”
Y/c looked over at Tomura and cocked his head to the side in mild confusion.
Y/c: “sir?”
Tomura’s mind was racing. What the hell was he doing? Why the hell was he doing it??
Tomura Shigaraki: “Come here.”
Y/c gave Tomura an odd look before slowly standing back up and approaching the bedside where Tomura was still sitting.
Tomura Shigaraki: “Get on the bed.”
Y/c’s eyes widened, as he quickly began to object.
Y/c: “Sir, we just went over this. You’re to take the bed. I can sleep on the floor. It’s not a big deal- WOAH-“
Before Y/c could continue his objections, Tomura grabbed Y/c’s arm and yanked him down onto the bed. All that went through Y/c’s mind, and frankly, even Tomura’s was thank god for the special gloves that Tomura wore that kept him from disintegrating everything. Y/c’s shirt had lifted a little as he had been thrown on the bed, and Tomura traced the curves and details of Y/c’s skin with his blood pools for eyes. Y/c squirmed and went to get up stubbornly until he felt a hand, covered in fabric, tracing along and up his spine.
Y/c: “boss- this is highly inappropriate-“
He murmured and shivered a bit, trying to protest about the touch, until that touch found that sweet spot right between his shoulder blades. Y/c was always super tense, and that was where it all built up. He practically went liquid with how limp he got, honestly taken by surprise.
Y/c: “Boss- mmm….”
Y/c practically purred as he gave up and gave in. If Y/n had any weakness, he was a huge sucker for physical touch. And this was the pinnacle of what made him turn into putty, a puddle in the hands of whoever was touching him. Tomura watched as Y/c melted and smirked, snickering to himself in a gravelly manner.
Tomura Shigaraki: “Well well. Mr. ‘Tough Guy’ has a weak spot. Now you listen here. You’re going to stay in this fucking bed, and if you try to get up, I’ll tie you to this grubby old mattress and leave you here.”
It was an empty threat of course, only there to show how serious Tomura was. The only answer that Tomura got in response was incoherent nonsense from a muffled Y/c. Tomura kept up his assaults on the tension in Y/c’s body, in his back, in between his shoulder blades, his shoulders; his neck, etc etc etc. After a while, Tomura realized that Y/c hadn’t moved in some time. Was Y/c just enjoying himself? When Tomura poked him, he got no response. Eventually, he climbed over to look at Y/c just to see that- Tomura had put him fast to sleep. Y/c must’ve been way more tired than he had been letting on. Tomura chuckled to himself as he grabbed the thin old blanket provided by the hotel and dragged it over the sleeping Y/c.
Tomura Shigaraki: “damn… what the fuck do you do to me Y/c? How do you do it?”
Tomura mumbled to himself before climbing into the bed with him and curling up next to Y/c, making himself the little spoon in Y/c’s arms. It was gonna be odd for Y/c once Y/c woke up, but something told Tomura that Y/c wasn’t going to object to holding his boss once he woke up the next morning. Or maybe he wouldn’t. Tomura in truth didn’t know. But whatever the case, the one thing that Tomura knew for sure was that he and Y/c were going to have a mutual agreement on never letting the others find out about this. Ever.
Tomura Shigaraki (POV): “Yeah right. Like the others will ever know about this.”
Tomura thought to himself as he curled up close and drifted into a deep sleep, just as Kurogiri’s warp gate opened to take them to the new base that had just been found, and the others walked in to see their boss, curled up on the arms of his second in command.
(Word count: 1778)
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