#and [REDACTED] is the dude who attempted to kill Blake and killed their bandmates
aceghosts · 2 years
💋💀💘🛏 + the new baby Blake?
Thank you for sending these in! I like having the chance to develop Blake a little more.
💋 How would they react to getting a kiss? (can be platonic or romantic)
Depends on who is trying to kiss them. If it’s a fan or someone they don’t know well, Blake will push them away and state nicely (and firmly) that they don’t want to be touched like that. Blake only gets mean about it if a fan gets pushy.
If Blake is being kissed platonically by their bandmates or close friends from other bands, they'll play it off a bit. Blake enjoys the affection though. They also don’t mind getting slobbery kisses on their cheek from their Jack Russell Terrier, Jett. If it is a romantic partner, Blake probably would be happy about it in private but slightly uncomfortable about it in public. They’re not huge on PDA, and they like to keep their romantic life private.
If you’re [REDACTED] trying to give Blake a kiss, I hope you have your last will and testament ready.
💀 If they were one of the 7 sins, what sin would they be?
Maybe sloth, like acedia? Blake works really hard, and they put a lot of labor into the band, but sometimes, they're rather indifferent toward themself. Like, they can’t give a fuck about themself the same way they do about the band or their bandmates.
💘 What kind of person is their ideal type?
Someone who understands their passion for music. Blake doesn’t necessarily want to date someone from another band, but they do want someone who understands how important music is to them. Music has gotten Blake through a lot of shit, including the death of their bandmates, and their partner has to understand the importance of that. They could never walk away from making music.
They also like someone who is quiet, laidback, and isn’t about living a party lifestyle. Blake wants somewhere quiet to come back. Their partner also has to be cool with Blake's touring schedule or at least, willing to meet Blake halfway.
🛌 What kind of sleep schedule does your OC have?
A fucked up one. Blake was a night owl before they started touring, and touring has only made it worse. They’ve learned to fall asleep anywhere and regularly stays up. After they get back from touring is always the worst. Blake struggles to get back into a somewhat normal sleep schedule.
[OC Asks]
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