hi so thanks to tmrss i'm in my maze runner feels again and have you ever thought about brenda and teresa being at a bar or a party and then wonderwalls comes up and brenda sings it at teresa """""""""""""""""""""""ironically""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" but the feelings HIT her when she sings 'cause maybeeee, you're gonna be the one that saaaves meeee' because what IF teresa is the one that's going to save her what IF and now hear me out, what if brenda realizes in that moment teresa is the one who already saved her by being her friend and by making her feel so entirely and utterly herself that there's nothing to be afraid of anymore, what if teresa is the one who sees beyond brenda's though and bubbly exterior, what if she sees the insecure, the melancholic in brenda, too, and what if she loves every bit of it, the right and the wrong and what if the ugly in her is beautiful to teresa too what then what thenwhatthen
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